Welcome to episode 21 guys Happy Bitcoin halving day this happens. Just by chance. We didn't plan to do this, but we're gonna do it anyways Jameson, how are you doing today? Doing well. It's a good day for countdowns It is good. John. You put two countdowns on one intro. I didn't know about that That was a no hate participate sure sure sure Okay, let's get right into this now. James has got a busy day. He's all over the place a man-to-demand So Jameson, how did you get into Bitcoin? Well, I'm a nerd. I'm a computer scientist by trade and so I would spend a lot of times on nerd sites like slash dot and you know That's probably not where I first heard about it But it's definitely where I heard about it for the third or fourth time and eventually ended up reading the white paper and really Got interested started going down the rabbit hole. It was two years of doing just enthusiast side projects after Initially reading the white paper that I then figured I could go full-time So now I've been full-time doing Bitcoin security for over five years Wow So you've been full-time so man that puts you back like probably you know starting getting your feelers in it was like 2013 So I actually just tweeted out earlier, but I was there for the first having and it was a complete You know non-event not not many people were talking about it And in fact my tweet that I made at the time got like no retweet And so it's funny to look back on now and and people are asking like why was nobody, you know Talking to you at the time. I was like, well, nobody was listening to me I was talking all the time, but nobody was listening. Yeah You know what? I'm gonna come honest with you guys. This is my first having I got into it in August of 2017. So you're right right as the run-up was getting going. So this is my first happening And it seems as though there's a shitload of attention around it for sure every time You know, it's another order of magnitude of interest and therefore Larger diversity of people that are doing their own thing and so we get interesting websites and other projects and people building their countdown timers Yeah, that's so what was the what? Look, what was the cheapest Bitcoin you ever bought? I mean, what was the price when you first bought it? It was around the $10 mark. Oh beautiful That's so was on help not messed up. Oh You're a mouth gocks. I was Thankfully, I did not keep my coins on the exchange Yeah, I know a lot of people who are not quite so fortunate. Well, that would be something that would inspire your future Your future endeavors because that I mean that is a mess of security right there Absolutely. Yeah, so hey, I I'm guessing your answer is gonna be freedom But you can tell me if I'm wrong and we asked this question to every one of our our guests now Well, what do you think the biggest value proposition of Bitcoin is? It is actually in taking power away from Smaller groups of people so it is freedom in a sense The way that I like to actually portray it It's not so much that we have taken away or changed the power of existing Governments or central banks and what they do with their own money rather we have empowered Everyone else to create their own money. We have really opened up the market You know freed the market as as it were for money to compete with each other Yeah, that's that's uh, I guess it's freedom and what it's worth, right? John. What do you think? That's right, that's right freedom this is all about freedom It's about a censorship resistant money and James Lobb man. He's got what 220,000 followers He blew up on Twitter I already with it like 10,000 and then we had that bull run and then You know, my man just blew up on people and now he's all about that privacy and security So so glad we have him on the show man. Yeah. Well, it's a James It was one of the things I wanted to push back on I listen to a couple of your podcasts with Peter McCormick and You know, I'm very curious. Here's your take is but you know You said something like people aren't used to having their personal responsibility with money They're used to relying on you know, third party people who take care of all their screw-ups or Something to that effect. Yeah, and so I guess here's here's my question I Mean there's there's a lot of things today with the modern economy that I can get done that I don't have to know how to do Right. I don't know. I don't have to know how to fix my car for example, right? I can go to mechanic. I would much rather spend my money to exchange The mechanics time for fixing my car then actually to understand how to do it myself Although obviously there's some type of doomsday scenario and I had to fix my own car I'd probably be screwed. Um, and so, you know, I told John I've been in since I told you guys august of 2017 So I'm beyond three years in and on top of that. I have very very low anxiety I mean I fight people in the cage for a living or it did right and so I'm not that I don't have a lot Of fear or anxiety but other people every time I log on to my trades, I'm still like shit. I hope this money's Hope this Bitcoin still here I hope this Bitcoin still here. Um, and so I just feel I feel like there is going to need to be Something that makes all those lazy people Uh have a really easy capability of getting access to bitcoin or or other crypto Yeah, you you make an excellent point which is Is it's understandable how society has evolved to where we are right now, you know, we have Over millennia created these hierarchical command and control structures and the reason is all efficiency Right. It is specialization If if it wasn't for specialization then you would have to worry about growing your own food and and basically worry about basic survival skill Which is uh far more intensive than you being able to specialize on punching somebody in the face and let other people Worry about fixing your car or podcast, right? so Well, ultimately, you know, the problem is like how does this conflict with some of the mantras we have in bitcoin? You know trust this don't trust verify, you know be sovereign be your own bank all yada yada yada yada those things come with additional responsibility if you want the power to really Take control of your bitcoin and have the censorship resistance and all of these other Valuable attributes. So what do you do if you want to? To be your own bank, but you don't want to you know, learn all the technical underpinnings of the protocol This is where I mean, it's this is really what i've been doing which is How do we create software where we can leverage, you know, my technical expertise the specialization of myself and and my co-workers that we've built up over many years learning about bitcoin security and Allow people to use our software Which has a lot of the best practices and all this technical mumbo jumbo built into it So you just follow the directions on the screen and don't have to know all the the dirty it management stuff But do this in a way where we don't have to have your private keys So we can't control your money, but we can help you help yourself. It is really Specialization for self-empowerment is it's kind of what i'm going for nice. Okay, and that's I mean that's Yeah, so you should uh, you should promote yourself a little bit. It is it is casa hadal and I know I know that's one One thing john always says to me is you know, you can exchange Speed for safety or safety for speed but you can only you know, really have one or expediency, right? And you can really only have one identity. You can only have one or you got to pick what mix of them you're going to have There are many different trade-offs Uh, the the most common one that we see in, you know crypto and security is convenience Versus security. Yeah, it's so it's so much easier just to you know, log into your coinbase account and and you know access your bitcoin Iou's, you know ask coinbase to do things on your behalf but then as a result, it's also Creating a very different threat model where there now there are many other potential points of failure both like internal to coinbase and external with other people who might get into your account and then Coinbase to send out the coins to somewhere. You don't want them to go Didn't they just have something last week? I I think they went down last week and and didn't they have some type of virus or something? Uh, I mean it was a busy week. They got overwhelmed a bit but um in general, you know, we see People get their accounts compromised on exchanges all the time, you know, sometimes it's more sophisticated than other times But it it really comes down to the fact that you know Your keys are still online or at least the keys that are being held by this third party are online And that's one of the many many things that we uh guard against with what we set up at casa Yeah um, okay, so So, okay, so I agree with everything you said there. Um, so with the casa system and maybe you can explain this to everyone And this is gonna be kind. I feel like this is gonna be tough to explain to new people But hell let's go for it. Anyways, um, and if I get this wrong, correct me. You have three, uh Cold wallets, right? Tracer ledger, whatever and you need a combination of them to access the funds in your account And this is something then, you know, if you lose one Then casa can help you replace one of the three which means you still have you, you know, you still have three wallets And so there's no way anyone can you know hold you at gunpoint or steal your uh tracer and some of your password And you know just at one swipe because they would have to get all three of them, correct Yeah, so, uh the fundamental piece of technology that we're leveraging That's part of the bitcoin protocol is something called multi sig Basically, it means instead of having a single key sign off on creating a bitcoin transaction. You need several And we have a couple of different setups One of them is two out of three where you need two signatures out of three possible Another at the higher level is three out of five You know as these numbers go up, you're essentially creating more resiliency more redundancy and we're Building this on top of like you said the existing hardware out there like the treasurers and ledgers now the Really important part is that then the user physically distributes these devices? Home office friend's house safety deposit box Uh, we we hold one offline at casa for emergency situations and it's this distribution That gives you a level of resilience against both attack and just Simple loss due to any number of things like a house fire natural disaster. What have you the the most? Important thing that we can do is eliminate single points of failure And that's what scares everybody right is even if you are if you take that first step and you get your coins off the exchange You put them on a treasurer. Well, now you've got all your keys sitting right here and there's so many things And it's so easy to do so many things and so the point is We we understand your bitcoin has always had the promise of be your own bank But I think that's not good enough because a bank is still like one single place that could have something go wrong with it Instead we can actually now with the technology we can do better than a bank We can create this distributed resilient setup that can withstand any number of attacks and uh disasters that a single bank Wouldn't be able to and the great thing is we can actually make it easy Uh with casa, it's just a mobile app like all this technical stuff that we're talking about is all under the hood It's abstracted away You're just tapping on the app and following the instructions and plugging in your device when you're prompted to do so nice Wow, you know, you know, uh, we have a community, uh called litecoin fam and We go out and push for adoption And my friend johnny litecoin. He's he's in the merchant service business and he always says this nobody cares Until it happens to them Right. Nobody cares to protect themselves and their information until they get a charge back that they in their they lose money so so like so many people these days like i've heard your podcast and When i'm hearing i'm pumped like oh i'm gonna go home and take my phone number off of everything and just whatever but But because i'm not a victim yet. No because i'm not a victim yet. It doesn't push me to do it. But Jameson you've been a victim of some crazy things. I've read about that Yeah, so can you give us a little bit a story of what happened with you at your at your house yes, so you know, I have a different perspective than a lot of people and And part of that is what has happened to me personally part of it is because of what i've seen While working in the bitcoin security industry I've i've seen many hard lessons learned by other people Who made mistakes and ended up losing millions and millions of dollars in an instant? Now, uh as for myself like shit got real when I had a swat team shut down my whole neighborhood Yeah Geez, you know that was that was related to all this bitcoin stuff, you know, basically part of my rise to prominence on on twitter during the 2017 hype Resulted in me going from a few thousand to like a hundred thousand followers And you know, this is just a law of large numbers, you know, any celebrity has to deal with this of once you have enough attention Uh, once you have, you know millions of people who are watching you So the statistical likelihood that one or more of them is going to be unhinged and will do something to try to harm you starts to go up and so I Reached some threshold where a guy who had the technical ability to know how to place an anonymous phone call and say the right, uh The right phrases to my local police department that would get them to send out the swat team Uh, he managed to do it and he you know, he was trying to extort me for bitcoin because you figured Hey, this guy's been in bitcoin for a few years. Maybe if I scare him bad enough, he'll just pay me off Funnily enough the guy was trying to extort me for about fifty thousand dollars in bitcoin And of course, I didn't pay him anything But I ended up spending about that much to burn down my entire life and started all over again with a renewed Oh, man, so the money has been spent but not for you know, it's intended purpose It's actually instead of a one-time payoff. This has hardened my entire operational security posture So are you totally off the grid now? Yeah, I mean it depends on how you define off the grid, you know, obviously I still have internet connection And i'm still able to communicate. I mean i've worked remotely For five years the entire time i've been working in bitcoin however I'm off the grid from the sense that there is nothing out there that connects my identity to my physical address. I'm using Proxies of all kinds as a shielding mechanism to protect me I'm using digital proxies, you know vpns and torr to protect my online, uh traffic i'm using uh legal proxies in the form of anonymous corporations and trusts where Um, i'm not listed on those but those are the things that actually own my different properties they're not connected to me legally creating a paper trail and um, i'm using proxies in the sense of uh other people where um If I want to you know receive physical things I I have other like private mailboxes that are really people and so I I can you know, that's crazy We have like a torr network of mailing addresses that like hop physical mail around the country Stuff like that is wait, that's the thing. All right, so yeah Really hold on. Oh, so I I so I see I see two things number one ben You have way more followers than james. So you need to really start thinking Do you go on public Uh, okay. So this is where I really wait. Okay. I'm sorry and question number two Uh, are you really scared for your own safety or is this something that like you're doing it to try to get really good at this It's more the latter, but i'll tell you my um perspective Okay, and this this is what really came true. Um But like the way that I tell people to approach security whether it's physical or digital or whatever Is that you should think through what your current threat assessment is? Is and then 10x that and build your security to be you know Robust against 10x more of whatever it is that you're currently worried about Yeah, because that's what happened to me, right? I went from having a few thousand to a hundred thousand followers my my threat profile ballooned because I had so much more attention So much more scrutiny people trying to poke and prod and find the holes in my system I mean, yeah, that was the only time I got physically attacked But I mean I was getting digitally attacked like all my different online properties really being attacked You know on a regular basis once I went into the bitcoin security space And that's just you know, spearfishing becomes a thing whenever you're protecting a lot of people's money But um, I do go out physically But this is one thing where i've really taken it to the extreme is that I moved to a new location And I created an alias. So no one around here knows my real name and identity They know my alias then they know that I work as a software engineer so I can maintain the like technical facade as it were but Part of it is just that that's another shield where no one here even knows that I am me Therefore, it's not even possible for them to leak that information What? Come on You probably you probably won't tell us your fake name. Will you no probably not but it's like, you know, it's common probable name, right? It's something that right rodney smith Not too common Okay, and you move and you move to a place where nobody knew you because obviously like if you move one town over And someone saw you then they'd be like no, no, no, that's that's not That's not bob. That's that's Jameson. Yeah, but you know, um I had only ever been recognized in real life one time and that's when I was in silicon valley So it wasn't that surprising. Okay, so I can still get away with it Do you go to any like say, you know, like last year I went to the light clean invention Do you go to any any type of things like that? Oh, yeah. I mean I still go to to various Physical bitcoin and crypto events. I just take care in how I travel to them. Got it. Got it Okay. Wow, that that's fascinating and love I know you're and I know you're a big Uh gun lover, right your your freedom of the second amendment. You love all that and and right before the show I mean you even you know showed me that you're not playing around. So you carry with guns Yeah, I mean i'm always within you know close reach of It's uh, I mean this is just another part of security posture, you know if if I have a physical attacker Um, I would prefer not to have to engage them hand-to-hand. Uh, you know if I have the ability to amplify my power And I have you know training and a number of different weapons that I can do that with then i'm going to use whatever I can to my advantage Wow Jamie said we're gonna ask you if we ever meet you we're gonna say put the gun down Let's fight man-to-man because that's the only chance we got against you So I have to admit That I I did a couple years of krav maga training. So I don't fight cleanly. I don't play by any rules I might actually gouge your eyes out Um, I've been my guy Oh my The lineman the line of good fight. He gouged my eyes like a son of a gun That was that was not really fun at all. I don't know how the ref did not catch it. Um Yeah, so Okay, Jameson, um You know one of the other things that I picked up uh from your peter mccormick podcast was Uh, you I don't want to say you didn't have a strong opinion, but you were more kind of Low-key, I don't want to say neutral, but you know, like not really really strongly opinionated on the bitcoin versus bcash Uh topic and I found it interesting because usually people have a really really really strong opinion They're either this side or this side and that's it but you were kind of like, ah, I kind of see his perspective I kind of see their perspective and I see what they're getting at and I really like that. I appreciate that So could you uh, just you know elaborate that for our listeners, right? So I would say I have a strong opinion that I believe that you know, the conservative bitcoin, um Protocol development that has been going on for several years is the the right path But this is not a thing about right or wrong It is about perspectives and trade-offs of what people are willing to make I understand it because I was a big blocker in the early days myself. It wasn't until I started Having to run bitcoin nodes and build bitcoin infrastructure that I started to realize what some of these trade-offs really were and so fundamentally the uh scaling debate within bitcoin that culminated in 2017 was a clash between wanting to prioritize the cost of on-chain transactions versus the perspective of wanting to prioritize the um cost of auditing the history of the entire blockchain and these two are are uh essentially in conflict with each other because in order to keep Transactions cheap in order to keep those uh, the block space cheap you have to have Potentially infinitely large blocks. You have to just keep increasing the block size to to whatever is required to prevent there being any pressure um To get into the next block and as you do that It creates more and more data and the blockchain never removes data. It just keeps adding data and you are geometrically increasing the amount of data that then has to be verified by someone who wants to come and join the network and that was what I had an ultimate problem with is that I was seeing the ability to run a node become more and more expensive Yeah, what do you think about that john? All right. I can't I don't even know john. Are you passionate one way or the other? You know, uh, it just can't you just can't keep increasing the blocks I think I think second layer solution is is was was the most important to keep Like put a fortress around bitcoin and don't mess with it because the security and everything is just censorship resistance. It's Nothing can compete with bitcoin, right? So I think we just leave it as is until it's it's impossible to continue and then we figure it out then But I think I think you're right. I think bitcoin right now we need so it's about incentives, right? The whole system is about incentives and as I was seeing um Creating a system where there's no fee pressure and transactions are always practically free That does not incentivize people to use the block space uh wisely or judiciously I mean just put whatever you want on there if you want to see you know, look at eos or look at uh bitcoin sv or whatever and and how Unmaintainably large these systems are becoming like I I can't even run an eos node um uh bsv knows probably pretty hard too, so uh if if we really want these systems to be Maintainable and and run not just for a few years But for generations like if we're really trying to replace money and build a global system It needs to be something that is accessible for people as many people as possible in as many ways as possible Yeah, that's I was actually brought there. Go ahead john So even ethereum blockchain it takes how long to download the whole blockchain? Yeah. Well, you know that that's an issue of Complexity of you know, they have so many more, uh, you know features built into their protocol It's much more computationally intensive to the point that now like you can't even Really sink the ethereum blockchain if you have a spinning disk hard drive You need to have at least a solid state hard drive there's just so many operations that have to happen to get through there and It's fascinating to see how the communities change in response to these things is that usually they end up making trade-offs Oh just you know use the light client, you know, just skip forward to you know, a thousand blocks ago and and Assume that everything that happened before that is honestly being told to you by whatever nodes you're connected to So it's once again, it's all about trade-offs That's not flying with the bitcoin maxima So james man like uh, you know, we have very like new people coming into this space We get emails all the time say okay. Mma fans ufc fans. Just just regular average joe, right? Okay, we I just we just invested in bitcoin. We just had eddie alvarez the underground team the ex UFC champion Uh give ben asking a shout out on twitter says finally I bought it. Okay, then I bought it now I didn't ask but I would have said just just wait. There's probably a pullback coming up here You know wait like two days or something. Maybe time to market Yeah No, it's part. It's all part of the process. You gotta go through it. There's no shortcut Average regular people So what are some of the things that we can do as best practice? to protect our information and have a little bit of privacy or You know because the things that you're doing is I gotta say it's kind of extreme, right? Yep. So, uh For regular people what are some of the best practices that you you would suggest to them? So If you just spend a weekend looking at some of the technical things you can do Uh, you know setting up a vpn to help obscure your traffic installing ad blockers in your browsers I mean simple things like that will get you like 95 percent of the way better than than other people who are using the internet on a regular basis, so my Original job like the first 10 years of my career was actually spent doing Uh large-scale data analysis for online marketing companies and it was really the antithesis of what I do today and perhaps Contributes a bit to my perspective of understanding how much data is really being scooped up and analyzed It's you know pretty much every web page that you're going to out there is shock full of various trackers that are sending your Data back to some large farm that's then trying to like cross Analyze it and correlate it with other tracking things. You've done on other websites that share similar uh, you know tracker scripts on them and Uh, most of it is innocuous enough. They're just trying to sell you more shit, but uh, ultimately the the data is uh potentially sensitive and you don't know What's going to happen if it leaks and it gets into the wrong hands? And that's what we continue to see happen over and over and over again Is that every time people are trusting their data with third parties? It's it's just it's a ticking time bomb until some hacker gets in and that data gets abused Yes, it's that's uh, that's no joke. Um Okay, so and I want to one more I guess i don't know I feel like that was a deep topic for our audience john, but i'm gonna go one more semi-deep question Jameson I actually I meant to tell you I meant to tag you this morning because I do I do something called mental monday I talk about thought processes for sports and stuff And there was there you were one of three people who all said roughly the same thing Um, which is it's it's uh, anti-fragile fighting to seem to leave right that whole that whole thought process Justin gachey after uh his fight on saturday night when he won He said I needed to lose to change I needed to get beat to get better I realized I wasn't doing this this this and this and um, you know I think that's such an important thought process for people to have and a lot of people They don't want to feel the pain right because losing or failure it comes the drags belong pain with it But then you need the pain to force you to change was what just engage you said and great people understand this You were talking about? um You know how bitcoin is open for attack essentially all the time 24 7 But this is not this is not a flaw. This is a feature. It only makes it stronger So, uh, I don't know if there's a simple way to elaborate on that a little bit But hopefully you can go a little bit into it. Yeah, I mean Metaphors tend to work really well in this space just to get rid of a lot of the complexity And I think the the simplest metaphor that we can use is just your your own immune system You know if we think of bitcoin as an organism and a number of people Include including like prominent cryptographers have called bitcoin a new form of life. It is this kind of decentralized centralized Organization that's comprised of all of us Regardless of whether you're a speculator or a coder or a shit poster I mean, we're all contributing in our own way to uh, the this ethos this thing that is bitcoin and that's part of the reason why no one can understand what it is is because it is so diverse and distributed but If we think in terms of how your own body fights off bad things, it's You have this army of You know like white blood cells that are going around looking for bad things and when they see a bad thing they react and they may create antibodies that help fight them off and It's really the same type of thing within bitcoin But at a more macro level where the white blood cells are the people like myself or really anyone who is paying attention and looking for behavior that they consider to be antithetical to the ethos of the system It may be technical things. It may be social things you know There are plenty of people who would say that Some of the 2017 and scaling drama was a social attack on bitcoin There's this whole thing with segwit 2x being like a cabal of small organizations basically enterprises within the bitcoin ecosystem trying to force through a change against consensus It's all a fascinating thing to think about like from a governance perspective But I think that if you just think of it as an organism That is made up of many people it starts to make a lot more sense Like that's why it's so chaotic is you know, there is no no one authority that's controlling all this We're all doing our own thing and whatever bitcoin is just sort of organically evolves is spontaneously as a result of all these chaotic interactions That makes yeah, that's good to explain it actually that they may think something funny right ready for this john You inspired me you and here's yeah, you inspired me So I have a bunch of high school kids that come over and they work at my house in the summer on the disc golf course and you know john's all about using the Uh, whatever crypto when he's out and about, you know being an evangelist And so I told all these kids I said listen track your hours this summer I will pay you in bitcoin And if on august 31st it is below the price at which i'd paid you I won't make up the difference, right? So if you work 10 hours, you're supposed to be 100 bucks and it's over 90 that point time I'll make up to 10 bucks. I said if you gain you get to keep the gain So I paid I paid one kid. I think it was for eight hours or something. You know, he's ever working And and the next day he's like, oh I just made three more dollars, you know, because bitcoin went up You know yesterday he texted me like oh what the hell I just lost seven dollars i'm like Oh my goodness He's he's getting fired up over three bucks and seven bucks. It was it was I was dying laughing Oh man, yeah, we got to get people used to the volatility, you know, um, it takes a while uh to strap in to the bitcoin roller coaster and really I consider it, uh, to be like You're an og if you've survived an entire hype cycle, you know once you've Been through the mania phase where it looks like everything's going to the moon. Nothing could go wrong And then if you survive the the 80 90 crash Where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth and you manage to get through that without panic Smiling and and essentially rage quitting then you're probably on the path to becoming a true hodler Yes, I I agree. Hey lob. Have you seen have Lob, have you seen uh ben askren fight? Uh, robbie lawler. Did you see that fight? No, I haven't. Oh Okay, so you didn't watch that fight and and uh ben askren will teach you how to survive Adversity and come out on top you will see in that fight I I know I you know, I was watching the fight and I literally was so worried Because he was getting hit with some shots that would have knocked 99.99 percent of the people in this world out and then he just rose from the ashes like bitcoin Came back and and bulldog took them, you know, so, um, I I mean Go ahead. That's not what I was thinking john. I'm not thinking about myself getting punched I'm thinking I got in I got in right as you know as we were doing the run-up And so I've seen mostly this, you know, and uh, i've held the whole time So listen, I am deserved a really really really nice bull run right now After after a two-year bear market, I think we all do but you know, this is the way things go Hopefully history somewhat repeats. Oh, I forgot to ask you Jameson the other day ben askren did a one-minute bitcoin halving, uh explanation And I think it's over like 80 000 views on instagram and twitter. Nice. Did you see it? And what what is your thoughts on his one-minute brief explanation? Of bitcoin halving. No, I wish I had uh, i'll have to check it out though. Is it uh How technical then check check it out after the podcast. Well, and I I want you to grade him One to ten and how he did because he likes compliments, you know, you know the one thing that was really hard john I'll tell you I usually try to do things in one take but I want to do it in one minute because that's instagram time What's got to go to the you know, the the longer frame and getting it in a minute was really really tough I had to do it I should send you an outtake because one time I almost nailed it and then I misspoke and then I started again Which misspeaking is fine, but then I realized damn it I'm going to miss it by like three seconds and I started to cuss up a storm. I was so annoyed You know what though so many people watched it because with one minute it was brief And and you had it on the whiteboard and you were talking like you were a coach. You know what I mean? So I like it but Jameson. I got one. I got one other issue that oh that really bothers me, right? Whenever I go to like a grocery store or or to buy something They always ask me for my phone number and my email and you know I don't i'm like I don't give out my email. I I don't like to give out my phone number And the funny thing is they look at me like i'm so weird, right? And people behind me who are lining up they're like, you know, what are you doing? Just giving me an email. I'm like No, I don't want to give my email and it's not because of big security reasons I just don't like to be spammed all the time. Yeah, you know So it's just it's the same thing when you go to a restaurant, right? They say oh, do you want cheese with that? Do you want fries with that? Do and then they don't even tell you that it's going to cost extra until you go to the lot at when Go to pay and and your bill has has gone up So it's these practices that the corporations are doing to to to to steal your information So they can send you something behind the scenes. So uh, what do you think about that? That's I don't like to feel like A dummy for not wanting to give out my phone number and email. That's it Yeah It for me, it depends on my mood. How much of an asshole do I want to be? You know if if I want to push back and be like not going to happen, you know Then I might just be adversarial But most of the time if I if I don't want to create a scene and whatever then I just give them fake info I mean, they don't know there's no way for them to validate so, uh, you can make up, uh An email or phone number that's that's easy to remember and just go with that All right. Hey, let's do uh John we'll run out of time. Let's do our rapid fire questions And then i'm gonna thank our sponsor and then we're out of here. Is that sound good jameson? Sounds good. All right rapid fire favorite follow on crypto twitter Favorite follower of mine. No, no, no who you follow who's the favorite if you could follow me Follow one person on crypto twitter. Who would it be? Uh, well, it's got to be andreas antinopoulos He was basically, uh the guy that inspired me the most to to you know Be a public voice and try to help people understand bitcoin. Awesome. Okay, then Hopefully is that he might he might get to in a row. What is your favorite? Uh crypto book Oh, um, I have to say bitcoin billionaires, uh, because there were some interesting tidbits in there about like the the winklevoss and charlie shram, etc It's uh, less of a technical book and more of a just like interesting personal history. Yeah, that was a fun fun fun and easy read Um, okay question number three. Who is satoshi? Uh, I think satoshi is the time-traveling artificial intelligence from the future Is that a joke? Okay Uh best price guess for december 31 2020 Oh god, yeah, uh, I preface everything by by saying I have no idea about prices. Yeah, um But I guess it depends on if you believe in the stock-to-flow model that everyone else does So I like to be conservative though, so Instead of saying two hundred fifty thousand dollars. I'll say how about we we shoot for fifty thousand and be happy that it's an all-time high I would be happy with that Um, okay, james says that that's a good one That's the guy who got into bitcoin at ten dollars. Yeah, right. That's only five five. What 500x? We're missing a zero. Um Okay, jameson. We appreciate it. Let me give one quick shout out to our sponsor blockfi You get $100 free today sign up for an account put $200 in uh, you guys see that scrolling at the bottom of our screen Just go to the link try.blockfi.com Plus bitcoin having promo slash funky jameson. That was a blast. We appreciate you taking the time I know you're very very busy today and guys we have I believe four blocks left Enjoy the rest of your days. Happy having peace guys. All right. Stay funky everyone