- Let's do it. - There we go. We're live. Jameson, how are you? - Not bad, keeping busy. Even in the bear markets, there's always something going on. - Yeah, well, I mean, bear markets are usually the time where all the building gets done, right? Because people aren't celebrating and on a high about the price and just watching it tick up and imagining how wealthy they're becoming every day. So, you know, these are the times when I guess the base, the foundation gets set for the next run up and all the things everyone will be talking about next time we garner that kind of attention. - Absolutely. - So just to set things up here, maybe we can do two things. One, for people that may not be aware of who you are, you know, a little bit about yourself and your background. And then you used, recently I've been posting a Calendly link and basically just saying, if you wanna come on the show for a chat, if you wanna discuss something, book yourself in, let me know what you wanna talk about. And, you know, if everything is kosher, then we'll go for it. And that's what you did. And I suspect we'll talk about, you know, maybe a little bit of a broader range of things today than what you mentioned, but what you wanna talk about and why it is you want it to, you know, to do so. - Yeah, and you know, I reached out because A, I realized that we've never actually had a discussion other than maybe a few seconds when we crossed paths at a conference. And, you know, my impression is that you have more of a philosophical leaning on a lot of stuff, which I would say most of the people who interview me only stick to the really technical stuff. So it's always good to have something different. You know, I don't like repeating myself every time I go on a podcast. - I feel that 100%. And you're right, definitely. So some of the things we discussed today will be way out of my wheelhouse, but, you know, maybe you're the perfect one to dumb it down for me and we can have a, you know, a reasonably interesting discussion about it all. So do you wanna go with a bit of background on yourself? - Yeah, sure. I mean, I've got about 10 years of experience in Bitcoin. Spent the first couple of years just sort of meandering around, you know, trolling the Bitcoin talk forums, Reddit, trying to understand what this thing was. And after a couple of years, I got interested enough that I wanted to dig deeper. And so I actually forked Bitcoin Core in 2015, created a project I called Statoshi. And to be clear, this is not an altcoin. You know, it retains all but about 500 lines of the same code as Bitcoin Core. It really, it only adds a few hundred lines of code, which are for metrics and instrumentation purposes, because what I wanted to do was I wanted to take the open ethos of Bitcoin and bring more transparency to what was happening inside of the actual Bitcoin node itself. So this was kind of leveraging a lot of the tools and frameworks that I had been using as a sort of DevOps software engineer in my pre-Bitcoin work life. And just helped to facilitate more discussion and help both developers and really anyone who was interested better understand these internal operations. And, you know, I would say that was a success. Statoshi got referenced by a number of different developers over the years when they were talking about potential improvements to Bitcoin and things like performance. And after really only about a year of doing that as my first project, I went full-time and I spent the next three years working at BitGo where I was basically working on infrastructure. So BitGo was providing this multi-signature Bitcoin wallet that was really, it was more enterprise focused, you know, try to make it harder for the hot wallets on exchanges to get hacked and drained. And learned a lot more about nodes and infrastructure during that time. Then the scaling wars happened. We had a lot of internal strife even within people at the company. It was a lot of fun drama that happened there. And then in early 2018, I made a slight pivot and basically decided that I wanted to take a lot of what I had learned and apply it to personal use. Rather than enterprise use of self-custody. And so that's when I joined Casa. That's what we've been doing now for five years. Basically trying to make it easier for non-technical people to securely self-custody their coins. And it's a really complicated space. I mean, security in general, especially cybersecurity is constantly dynamic changing environment. There's just a million ways that you can screw up. And we wanted to make it so that non-technical people can fairly easily get themselves into a position, not only where they have a secure setup, but where they can actually feel comfortable and confident that they are able to create and maintain the setup itself. I think that that has been one of the primary pieces of friction that has held back self-custody in this space. - Yeah, I agree with that. I think all too often people select whatever setup they end up selecting and then they kind of like close their eyes and hope for the best and hope that it's there for them when they need it. Rather than becoming extremely comfortable with it and familiar with it and testing and backing up and restoring and all the different things you have to do to basically have that level of peace of mind over your setup and your degree of security, let's say. Correct me if I'm wrong, the BitGo was kind of on the other side of the SegWit issue, right? - Yeah, yeah. The CEO was a signatory on the New York Agreement, which I believe that was the SegWit 2X quote unquote compromise. And it was funny too, 'cause this all happened while I was in the same building at the Consensus Conference. And I didn't even know about it until after they published the Coindesk article or whatever. - Well, that's kind of what I wanted to ask. To the extent that you can share, of course, but what were some of the internal discussions within BitGo at that time that, again, seems like you were out of the maybe final decision, but that you think may have led to support of that versus UASF or? - Yeah, so the New York Agreement was born out of frustration from the large enterprise providers, mainly the exchanges and then some of the companies like us that supported the exchanges and their operations. And there had been a lot of operational issues because of congestion on the network, backlogs of unconfirmed transactions. I mean, I spent countless hours myself both personally dealing with and doing outreach to different companies and even mining pools when I would find what I considered to be very naive practices and sort of transaction construction and UTXO management that would create these really gnarly long chains of unconfirmed transactions. So I had a really interesting front seat to seeing why these companies were so frustrated. And at the risk of sort of being generalization, a decent portion of that was their own fault because they were doing things naively. Like they weren't putting in the work to improve their own usage of the Bitcoin network. And this was because they were viewing the Bitcoin network as a resource that should just work. They should just be able to like make an API call and make it work. Because this is how like business to business, enterprise level internet companies operate is you build functionality, you're using development kits and APIs of other enterprise grade parties and you usually have service level agreements. And generally like if you're paying good money for what you're doing, then you wanna be able to just hit it as hard as you can and assume that you're gonna have like five nines, 99.999% reliability that whatever you're trying to do is gonna go through. Bitcoin doesn't give a shit. You know, it's like you have to work within the constraints of Bitcoin. If you start to have problems, the onus is on you to modify your behavior. And so this was just, I think it was confounding to a lot of these enterprise minded people. And I understood this myself and this could be a bit contentious, but like I was before SegWit2x, I was actually a proponent of Bitcoin XT. And this was in late 2014, early 2015, I think like right around when I started to go full-time Bitcoin. And Bitcoin XT was a proposal, I believe, to increase the block size limit to eight megabytes. The short version for why I was a fan of that was because up until that point, I had been working as a distributed like cloud data analysis engineer, by which I mean, I was responsible for writing and maintaining jobs that would run across 100 petabytes scale clusters of data. And this was for an online marketing company that was sending out a hundred million emails a day and generating a ton of raw analytics that my job was to create scalable applications that could ingest all of that data and make it easy for marketers to like better target and segment pieces of their audience to just improve the return on their investment in our service. And so from my perspective, and from most of these corporate engineers and business people's perspective, and especially from Mike Hearn's perspective, who was one of the main proponents of Bitcoin XT, because he was a Google engineer, he was doing similar type of stuff as me. The perspective was one of capacity planning, that you had to not only have sufficient capacity to be able to meet the sort of ongoing regular demand of your customers, but you had to have massive excess capacity in order to plan for the spikes. So a real world example of what we had to do at my company, it was called Bronto Software, is that because we were primarily targeting online retailing marketers, we had several known times of the year, like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, various shopping holidays, where we had to plan to have 300, 400, 500% excess capacity for those days in comparison to a sort of normal day. And so that was because we would get burned if we didn't, and we would have these massive backlogs and timeouts and database lockups, and it would turn into this nightmare fuel for the people like myself, who were responsible for the ongoing operation of the system. So long story short, that all comes around when you start applying that type of perspective and logic to a system like Bitcoin, which once again, it doesn't give a shit what you're trying to do with it. You cannot manipulate it, you cannot ask for more capacity in a straightforward fashion. And so eventually that all bubbles up and it turns into the multi-year scaling debate, and then we get into these really interesting issues of governance and how the actual protocol works and can change. People trying to apply flawed models like democracy onto the system. And so it was a fun time, it was a fascinating time. And it meant that we had what really was a civil war. We had brothers fighting each other. I mean, we had like Charlie Lee and his brother on complete opposite sides of this. We had the CTO of my company and the CEO of my company on complete opposite sides. And this was not just closed room discussions. This is like arguing publicly on Twitter in front of the entire world. And to the average outsider looking at like, why are these two guys who are co-founders of the same company having a public argument at this level of strife? So fascinating stuff that you don't really see happen that often. - Totally. And so were you still at BitGo once the New York agreement was effectively rebuked? And if so, what was the response or the outcome to that? - Yeah, well, it was the most, I guess dying with a whimper type of end to the whole thing 'cause we spent a decent amount of engineering effort actually writing tools to prepare for SegWit2x to happen. 'Cause there were all of these issues around replay attacks and having to like be able to build, paint into your UTXOs to make sure that they wouldn't be valid on both forks. And then it was like one and a half or two weeks before the supposed fork activation date. And our CEO comes in and he's like, well, FYI, we're calling it off. (laughs) It was like, just seemed like out of nowhere because it was this level of brinksmanship where they seemed like they were not gonna take any sort of constructive feedback or be willing to be more patient. And I think it really, it just came to a head of like, it was generally a bluff. And like most of the people around it didn't fully comprehend all of the ramifications and they believed that they could just sort of vote their way into a new Bitcoin. And I think eventually enough of them realized the error of their ways. And I think part of it may have also had to do with like, there were some futures markets trading at the time. And I think like the economic majority made it quite clear that we did not want SegWit2x. - Yeah, I remember that. Were you vocal on either side, either in the company or externally at the time? - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I was very anti SegWit2x. And it was weird because I believe that as part of the New York agreement, we had committed to like helping aid with like the testing and the deployment of the actual SegWit2x software, which was just a fork of Bitcoin Core with a very minimal change set of code applied to it. And nobody could actually force us to put a lot of effort into it. And that's another reason it was kind of dead on arrival is that despite all of this supposed public support from all of these companies, I didn't actually see a whole lot of engineering support being applied to the SegWit2x project. And you may recall it ended up failing to activate. Like even if they hadn't called it off, it would have blown up and failed to activate because it was so buggy. - Right. I'm asking all these questions, one, 'cause I'm interested, but two, I think it'll be relevant to some of the topics we discuss later on. But why was it that you supported what you ended up supporting? And what do you think would have been, I mean, total speculation, of course, but what do you think would have been the consequences had the New York agreement succeeded and we'd gone with SegWit2x? That might be a tough one to answer, if you have any thoughts on it. - Yeah, I mean, I wrote some lengthy blog posts on why I felt like SegWit was a good path forward and that soft forks in general were a better path forward. And this, once again, it has to do with just the way that the network operates, that it's not a single entity where you can request upgrades to happen and some sort of service level agreement to be followed. I had been watching node metrics for many years at that point. And one of the things I could see is, how long does it normally take someone to even update their node software? And some people go years without updating. It can be years. I think last I checked, usually within one or two years, I think most people update their software at least once. But some people really do run it as a sort of set it and forget it service. And there is no, and this is by design, there is no automatic software update mechanism. There's not even really a notification mechanism. There's no central authority who can send out a message that says, "Hey, you should update." There was at one time an alert mechanism in the Bitcoin Core software, but that got removed because it posed its own security vulnerabilities and risks. - I mean, node software can effectively do that, but you're talking about from the, from Bitcoin Core, I'm assuming. - Right, in order for the security model to be strongest, you can't have really any sort of automatic update mechanism because that means that there's something that's running that could be compromised to pull down a malicious update. - And so what about, I mean, 'cause you mentioned how people within these bigger companies, they were kind of used to things operating in a different way, interacting with technology that, what's the right way to put it, was more responsive to their whims or their demands. And now they're coming up against a form of technology that's almost the reverse. It's like, no, you conform to this because this is a type of perhaps the most absolute sort of technology that people have encountered where it's not subject or susceptible to change like other things you might've worked with are. Do you think that's part of people's initial, perhaps misunderstanding about what they're even dealing with here in Bitcoin? It's like, and this is perhaps even the process of discovering what Bitcoin is. I mean, I would consider all of these discussions that are being had and these proposals for upgrades as literally the process of defining what Bitcoin is. And things get rejected and accepted based on like how that negotiation happens. And I say negotiation almost metaphorically 'cause it's not happening explicitly a lot of the times. But I mean, what are your thoughts on that sort of framing about how people have to think differently about what this is and how to engage it and how best to use it and or contribute to it? - Yeah, so everybody comes in and approaches this thing that we call Bitcoin with their own perspective and they will try to build or apply their own logical models to it. And I think nobody gets it right the first time. You apply a model to it and then eventually your model gets shattered. And this has happened definitely from like the governance standpoint. I see it happen, or at least when I was working at BitGo and I was watching these new companies come on board, I would see once again, these sort of naive mistakes where very often a company would onboard with us, they'd get their API keys set up and they would immediately just start slamming us with transactions at a rate higher than the entire network could even account for. And it was because they didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Like they didn't know about all of these constraints. They figured it was like any other API and you just start going for it. So that model, it gets broken very quickly whenever you try to do anything that's like outside of the constraints of the system. And then it just, the deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole you go, the more and more aspects of your mental model get broken. And this is something I've spent a decade doing, trying to understand, how should we think about Bitcoin? And I almost think of it as less of a sort of defining Bitcoin, and it's more of an exploratory process of discovering how this thing actually works. Because I mean, the code, the distribution of power in many different ways, it's already there. It's just very hard to quantify. - Yeah, that's an interesting perspective. You know, one of the things that I think about Bitcoin is the idea of limitation, which is obvious, right? Because there's, you know, 21 million hard cap is a very overt explicit limitation. And a lot of people would probably agree that Bitcoin derives a lot of its utility. It's very unique for that reason. But, you know, in the realm of software, you know, a lot of these limitations may not be absolute. They might be absolute in a consensus manner, but not in a, well, not in an absolute manner. Like these things can be changed. It's just a matter of, I think, how much do we recognize the value of certain self-imposed limitations? Maybe we can put it like that. You know, and that's its own rabbit hole in itself. I mean, you can go down that rabbit hole in philosophy and theology and all sorts of different areas. Like what is the role of limitation in permitting creation, you know, in permitting things to flourish? Like if there was no limitation anywhere, then everything would just be goo, right? So there's a definite value in limitation. And I think part of the, well, perhaps an aspect of wisdom is determining, and this is on a personal level, a technological, a social, what are the most generative limitations? What are the most beneficial limitations that when imposed actually allow for the greatest degree of freedom and cooperation and harmony and wealth creation and those sorts of things? And I think, you know, that's, well, again, we'll probably address it in some of the proposals that we're gonna discuss here. - Just before we do that, before we move into it, and you can obviously respond to the comment I just made if you like, but I'm curious, what was your first, like, what drew you into Bitcoin initially? What's your rabbit hole story? And you mentioned kind of how you started, but not what really triggered your interest initially. - Yeah, nothing particularly interesting, I guess. You know, I'm a computer scientist as my background and I spent a lot of time on nerdy sites. I'm pretty sure Slashdot was where I ended up hearing about it, not for the first time, but it was probably the third or the fourth time. And I realized it kept coming up because I, like most people, dismissed it several times as a fad that was gonna end in tears and everybody was gonna lose their money and be crying. And so, you know, after it kept coming up, I realized, hey, why hasn't this thing been demolished? Like, how is it still operating? So I read the white paper and, you know, it was straightforward enough that, you know, with my computer science background, I realized that this was solving a problem. First of all, it was a problem I had never thought of, but then once I looked at, you know, the Byzantine generals problem, and then I saw the solution to it, it blew my mind because it was solving it in what I would consider to be a completely ass backwards way. And by that, I mean, we as computer scientists are trained in understanding data structures and algorithms and how to architect them in such a way to maximize the performance and the efficiency, because this kind of goes back to what you're talking about, you know, there's limitations and constraints. We are working within limitations and constraints generally of the hardware that is running whatever software we are writing. And, you know, even me being a guy who is running on these huge, you know, 100 petabyte data clusters, you know, that was some pretty awesome hardware, especially for over 10 years ago, there were still constraints. And, you know, one of the things that I struggled with, for example, was to get some of these jobs to run in less than 24 hours, because I needed to make sure I was updating all these metrics, at least on a daily basis. And it's very easy to write naive algorithms that perform very poorly. It's very hard to continually optimize things, especially when you're constantly fighting against scaling problems and like nearly unbounded data growth. And your expectation is to continue to provide, you know, the same response and performance, despite having, you know, higher workload, and in many cases, a not similar, like, increase in the level of resources that you have at your disposal. So, you know, getting back to the white paper, this was asked backwards because it was, it was purposefully inefficient. Like it's the least efficient database that I've come across in my entire life. And that holds true. And I've said this countless times, and especially, this is why I just laugh whenever I see, you know, the enterprise blockchain folks talking about how they've invented this great new database. And I'm like, how much do you know about databases? Like I've got, you know, work experience with probably a dozen different types of databases over the period of my career, both relational and non-relationable. And blockchain is the shittiest database ever, if you're, you know, trying to use it in some sort of enterprise scale thing. You know, this is, it is, but it is purposefully inefficient. And that's because unlike everything that I had ever looked at or built in my entire life, you know, Satoshi designed Bitcoin, not for efficiency, but for robustness. And so you have to flip everything on its head. And so, you know, it still gives me tingles just thinking about it, is that, you know, this just was mind blowing that, you know, you could even do this, that you could think in such a way. And it opened up my mind to the possibilities of what this really means, because I had never even thought in terms of centralization and decentralization. I had always thought pure performance, you know, minimize cost, maximize efficiency. And now when I started to realize that wasn't the only way of looking at designing systems, you know, I started to understand that this could empower individuals. And so actually, you know, just a couple of years later, when I decided to go full-time into Bitcoin, I actually told myself at the time that I needed a mission statement. You know, I had spent my entire career up to that point working on, I mean, you could call them interesting technical scaling challenges, but like I never had an interest in what my company was actually doing and selling. It was a paycheck, it paid well, it gave me interesting challenges, but it wasn't something that I found personally fulfilling. And so I decided that from then on out, my career was going to be based on using my skills as a technologist, as a computer scientist to build systems that helped empower individuals. Because I felt like it was kind of fighting the tide. This is true for a lot of things in terms of like security and privacy and whatnot. It was that the average person tends to choose convenience at the expense of everything else. And so unless we focus on making the tools that give you more power, more convenient, then it's pretty much inevitable that convenience is going to happen in a centralized fashion where you're giving up a lot of security and privacy. - Yeah, a hundred percent. I mean, that certainly seems to be the way the internet has gone up to this point. It's starting to seem like Bitcoin in conjunction with other technologies are starting to provide opportunities that might help turn the tide. Were you ideologically aligned, so to speak? I mean, you just mentioned freedom, so that was obviously, or it sounds like that was an issue that perhaps you were above average aware of because you dropped the term freedom to a lot of people and they're like, "What are you talking about? "I'm free. "Google doesn't own me. "My money is safe in the bank." That whole shtick. So when you, it sounds like you were more, well, it sounds like you appreciated the technology, but I think necessary to fully appreciate it, you would have to have kind of an ideological alignment with the notion of freedom itself and perhaps how much it had been, well, how scarce it might be in certain domains in society today. And so was that also an element where you, I don't know, libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, these sorts of things. - I've been everything, right? So I was raised a good old Southern boy. My family lineage goes back centuries in North and South Carolina. And Bible belts. I was taken to church every year or every week for 18 years until I left the home. I got my full stereotypical indoctrination into all things Southern and definitely like, I guess, wasp, wasp style lifestyle. - What's wasp? - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, I believe. - Oh, okay. - And by the time I got into middle school, I was starting to question a lot of that. I started going a lot harder on the science and trying to understand, like a lot of this stuff seems like it's conflicting with things that I've been told over the years. And so, up until I was probably 19 or 20, I was very conservative/right wing because that's what my whole family had been. That was the only thing that I had really known. I ended up going to an incredibly liberal university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. And that swung me to be very liberal minded. I got, let's see, I voted for George W. Bush when I was like 18 or 19. That was my first ever election. And then, 2001, 9/11 attacks, the wars, all of that shit happened. And I was like, why the fuck are we bombing all of these people who I don't feel like they've harmed me? Why don't you just target the really small group of people who actually committed the attacks? Why are we causing such devastation and why do I have to pay for it with my tax dollars? So, I got very disillusioned with the war machine. And I know I ended up voting for Obama the first time around. I felt like, oh, this guy, he's like the antithesis. These liberal folks, they might be onto something. And then, of course, I watched him perpetuate the same shit and I'm like, you lied. - Damn it. - So, yeah, so it was like, okay, fool me once, fool me twice, what the fuck do I do now? And so, I very naturally progressed into libertarianism. And so, I certainly already considered myself a libertarian at that point, so I guess I was registered unaffiliated, but I was definitely voting libertarian whenever possible. But then, Bitcoin comes around, I start spending a few years going down the rabbit hole there. And especially as I start to learn more about the history of the cypherpunks, I go just full-on anarcho-capitalist and I stop voting completely. I'm like, why am I even wasting my time listening to these liars who I can't trust and the only thing I can be sure of is that they're gonna follow their own incentives, not whatever my incentives are that I hope that they're gonna represent me about. So, I figure politics is a waste of my time, it's far more effective for me to use my very specialized skills to create alternative systems that are not as constrained by all of the political and government infrastructure that's out there. - Right, now again, I mean, this is a rabbit hole of its own, but just, do you, I mean, this is a common discussion topic in this space for sure, and I think a lot of people either were or became disillusioned as you just described. And I think a lot of people also, once you start learning about Bitcoin, you kind of realize, well, if this becomes global money or even if it doesn't, to the extent, it provides a type of solution whereby it's far more difficult for the state to siphon off your wealth effectively, either surreptitiously via inflation or directly via taxation. I mean, you can, both of those things can be far more easily avoided with a money like Bitcoin. And so then the question becomes, well, how does such an institution continue to fund themselves if more and more people operate in that way? And the punchline is basically, well, they won't be able to fund themselves to the same extent, and therefore they will atrophy to some degree over the course of time, and we'll end up having smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller governance government until the degree to which they are paid for their services is commensurate with whatever services- - The value they provide. - Right, exactly. And that we deem that the market can't, in some sort of emergent manner, construct in its, by itself. And of course, I don't know, who knows what that level is, but is that kind of how you think about the evolution of governance in an increasingly Bitcoin-denominated world? Should we be moving in that direction? - Yeah, I mean, with something like the sovereign individual thesis, I would say that we are trending in the right direction. It would seem to me that there are already sovereign individuals. They are very few in number. Most of them are actually known as multinational corporations, but there are certainly some billionaire-level wealth individuals who are also essentially at that level where you have negotiating power essentially at the level of other sovereign countries that are out there. That's where most of the, I would say, value and taxation negotiation happens right now is various municipalities or states essentially negotiating tax breaks or other sort of incentives programs because they know that the company will bring real economic value if it's physically located within their so-called jurisdiction. I think that's what we want to get, continue to lower the bar of like, what is the level of wealth and power that is actually necessary to be able to negotiate and kind of arbitrage the incentives of different governments, whether they be city, state, local, national, to your own benefit so that you can find the optimal living situation for yourself. - Yeah, yeah, that's basically my perspective. And I think more and more people will be able to play that game when they have the money, when they can move from jurisdiction to jurisdiction with their wealth intact, without any encumbrances or anything like that. And hopefully, I think that process will play out over many years, but hopefully in the short enough term for us to experience it will mean, as you say, more and more jurisdictions saying, "Hey, we want that capital. We want your intellectual and financial capital here in improving our area and expanding our tax base to the extent that you're willing to concede whatever amount. And so let's try to make our rules, for lack of a better term, more attractive to you." And I think there's initial inklings of that already in certain jurisdictions, albeit small and not as easy perhaps to opt in, but I think that will change. All right, well, maybe, I think we'll probably revisit some of the things we've already discussed, but it'd be great, the original reason you reached out was you wanted to discuss a few soft fork proposals that have been bandied around over the last little while, and kind of pro and con them and just shed some light on them perhaps generally. So I don't know where you wanna start with that, but over to you. - Yeah, so I mean, one thing that I've been thinking about more recently, because over the past couple of years, there's been more discussion about it, but there is this concept in Bitcoin of something called covenants. And you have to get at least a little bit technical to understand what is a covenant. Hopefully people at least understand that there's no such thing as a Bitcoin, within the context of the protocol and the database, the only data structure that really exists are transactions and blocks, the transactions get bundled up into blocks. And then these transactions have inputs and outputs, and the inputs and outputs are all just go to other transactions. So when you want to spend Bitcoin value, you have to find transaction outputs that have not been spent before, and use them as inputs to a new transaction. Now, when you wanna do that, you have to follow whatever the rules and the constraints are that have been placed on those unspent transaction outputs. So the vast majority of the time, what people are doing is they're using what we call just a single signature construction. It's basically, you're creating the script that says, in order to be able to spend the funds that are secured by me, I need proof via one cryptographic signature, and that signature has to match the public key that we are putting in this script. Very straightforward, dead simple, very easy to use. What I've been doing for the past eight years is slightly more complicated. I've been helping build multi-signature Bitcoin wallets. And so these use a slightly different script, but it's the same type of construction. Basically, you're saying, all right, in order to spend the funds from this particular address, you need to provide, say, two signatures, and they must correspond to any two of these three public keys. So, you know, still easy to think about. But all you're really doing is you're able to define, you know, what is the locking and unlocking mechanism on any Bitcoin that are being deposited to an address that you generate. So this is essentially an operation that is only good one time, and it's only good for, you know, when you want to spend from a Bitcoin address. What we're missing though, is an ability to place restrictions on where the Bitcoin goes after it's spent. That's something that we just, we simply don't have the ability to do right now. And that is what a Bitcoin covenant really means at a very high level. It means it's just a mechanism to enforce conditions on future Bitcoin transactions. So this is a very high level generic thing. There have been almost a decade's worth of different covenant proposals out there. And they actually started off almost jokingly, and then they've become more serious. And over the past few years, the sort of volume of new proposals that has been coming out has been increasing. And we even had a new one come out just a few weeks ago called OpVault. But it's a really complicated space to think about because these proposals are all over the place. They have all types of different attributes and complexities and trade-offs. Some of them are really generalized and can almost get to the point of being, you know, quote unquote, Turing complete. Others are really restrictive and they only offer a very small set of functionality. You know, some of them are like a one-time future restriction, but others can actually be recursive, which basically means that you can continue to apply that restriction really for an arbitrary period of time going forward in the future. And then just the implementations, some of them are these soft forks that are based on like new codes and the scripting language that would have to be added. Others are using slightly more hacky signature-based mechanisms. There are even, there are ways to do covenants right now without any changes at all to Bitcoin. However, they involve whole sets of complexities and trade-offs in and of themselves where basically you end up having to pre-sign this huge set of transactions that's basically defining all of the different logical paths that the Bitcoin could be spent to. You know, you can kind of think of it as like you're drawing a map and saying, you know, you could go to this address, but if this happens, you could go to that address. And while, you know, it technically enables some interesting security models and functionality, it's just, it's kind of a non-starter because you end up having to create and sign all of these transactions. You have to do, you have to redo the whole process every time you get a new Bitcoin deposit. And also it's very brittle because you have to decide ahead of time a lot of different attributes, like the fees that the transactions are paying and the addresses that they're going to. And so, you know, if you think about setting up this really complicated logical flow of value for your Bitcoin and you want it to be a long-term thing, like maybe you want the Bitcoin to sit there for five years and not have to go through that flow for a really long time. Well, five years from now, let's say you pull all of that logic and all of these transactions that hopefully you haven't lost in the meantime, and you pull them out and you start going through it, you have to hope that you still have access to all of the private keys for those other addresses. You have to hope that the transaction fee rates on the network aren't so high that you can't even get them confirmed. You know, it's just a really gnarly mess of complexities. And that's why we've had a decade of different proposals come out and people basically saying, "Well, you know, this is problematic because of X, Y, and Z." And so, you know, it all kind of comes to a head, I think, especially with the most recent proposal, which I kind of see as a, it's taking a different perspective on this whole thing. And basically this is the OpVault proposal. But I think OpVault is very interesting because of how simple it is. It's very easy to reason about. It's also just a lot more flexible. It doesn't require you to create pre-signed transactions. And like I said, it's very specific in that it's not a generalized covenant proposal. It's just giving vaulting functionality. And to get technical, like what is a Bitcoin vault? The general definition of a Bitcoin vault is that you're using, it's a specific type of covenant transaction that enforces a time lock on the transfer of the control of funds. But it also enables this immediate transfer of funds into recovery wallets if something goes wrong. So diagrams tend to be really helpful with all of this, but basically the idea is you put your money in the vault and then you can at any time try to initiate a withdrawal. But that initiation, it's a Bitcoin transaction. It goes out to the whole network. So anyone who's listening to the network knows about it, but the funds then have to sit there for some period of time that you've determined before they can then be withdrawn to an arbitrary address. So it's basically giving you time to be able to react to a potential compromise to your wallet. And this is really the, I think the missing side of Bitcoin security is that right now, we don't have a way to react to a compromise. Like if your wallet's compromised, I'm sorry, but your money is gone. And your only real option is to hope to like talk to chain analysis companies and hope that the attacker sends it to a KYC exchange where they can get caught by law enforcement. But the result of that is that people like myself and all of these other security companies in the space, we've spent the past decade building higher and higher walls so to speak, more and more proactive security to prevent the attacker from getting over the wall in the first place. Because we know that once they get over the wall, it's game over. And I think that this almost comes full circle to talking about what we said very early on, people come into this space and they have certain expectations based upon other systems that they're familiar with. And one of the really common objections that I think you see newcomers in the space make is, well, if someone takes my money, if there's an unauthorized use of my Bitcoin, I can't go to anybody to get a charge back, right? And it's not like credit cards are so much better 'cause if something goes wrong, you have protection. And enabling a simple chargeback mechanism in the Bitcoin protocol that involved some sort of third party authority, that's obviously never gonna happen. That just like violates one of the most fundamental aspects of Bitcoin. Like we cannot have a way for people to be making arbitrary decisions about who is and is not a scammer or a thief or whatever. That just devolves into political bullshit. So I see a vaulting proposal as a way to enable chargebacks, but it's defined by the user. It doesn't require on any trusted third parties. It doesn't compromise any of the principles of the protocol because this is something that's fully self-contained within the own user's sovereignty. - A lot there to comment on, but just a question on the vaults themselves. So it sounds like this is primarily the implications are around security, this particular proposal. To what extent do you think even were this proposal implemented, if it was an option, the nefarious characters would find ways to climb that wall as well? Like knowing how it works and knowing, yeah, I mean, would it not be the case that perhaps it would just be a temporary solution and the means would be discovered or the techniques be deployed to account for that additional step? I mean, would that be a possibility or am I seeing it from the top? - So, it's not a silver bullet. There is no such thing as a silver bullet in security and that's because there's this fundamental property that anything that can be owned, anything that can be secured can be compromised, can be stolen. So, like I said, I think what this is giving us, it's if implemented correctly, because that's always a big caveat, it's always possible to do things in a very stupid, naive way, but if implemented correctly, this is additive to your security model, by which I mean, when we're constructing super high security Bitcoin wallet architectures, to give an example of like what we do with CASA, with MultiSig, it's not just merely the fact that there are multiple keys. There are a million ways to create a really stupid MultiSig setup. We've seen people who are technically using MultiSig, but like all of their keys are in their house. You've created a single point of failure there. So, if you want additive security, what you need is you need to have different types of security, as many different types of security as you're comfortable with, and you need to kind of think of these as layers. This is a sort of defense in depth strategy. This applies to really any type of security mechanism for anything physical or security or digital. If you think about like how high security physical places are set up, whether it's a bank vault or a prison, or even your own personal home security, you don't just have one line of defense. You don't like only have a door with a lock on it. You preferably want to have multiple different layers, different perimeters. You want a fence out there. So, first someone has to get past the fence, and then maybe they have to get past a dog, and they have to get past other like electronic surveillance and alerting systems. And that's because you understand that any one of these things can be compromised, but the likelihood that many of them are compromised in a short timeframe, especially without you noticing, it just becomes less and less likely. And also there's the concept of positioning yourself as a hardened target. If your security is obviously an order of magnitude greater than your neighbors, then a criminal who is looking for an opportunity is just gonna walk by and go to the weaker target where the return on their investment calculation is gonna say, "I'm much more likely to get away with this and be pleased with the result." So, yes, even with a reactivity added to your security model, it's still technically possible for things to go wrong. It's actually, I think, appropriate. You can actually look at the way Lightning Network works, because this is a very similar type of game theory that you're setting up. It's not exactly the same, but the idea with Lightning Network, it needed to have reactive security to work at all. And the reason for that is because Lightning is a protocol where you are online all the time and you're constantly in this dynamic environment where things are updating and you're exchanging transaction data with other peers that you don't trust. And so it's always possible that one of your counterparties could try to screw you by publishing a stale transaction state that would essentially give their money back to them, take it away from you. And so in order to have a higher level of confidence that that won't happen, because you can't prevent it from happening because it's a fundamentally required aspect of the network to be trading these messages back and forth, you have to create a set of game theory that penalizes the person to prevent them from even trying in the first place. And so that's why you end up running watchtowers, you end up listening on the network for these transactions, and you've created, as a part of that message passing back and forth, updating your HTLC as your hash time lock contracts, you have, you're holding in reserve these penalty transactions. So your counterparty knows if they try to screw you, you're actually gonna screw them even harder, and it's a completely automated game that nobody wants to play that game. Now, theoretically, there's still some things that can go wrong there. If your lightning node goes offline, and it stays offline for a week or several weeks, then you're no longer actively scanning for that, you could theoretically be subject to loss there. Now, off the top of my head, even when that happens, we don't see a lot of theft happening. And that's because your counterparty, even if they know that you're not online, they don't know whether or not there are any third party watchtowers that are just passively listening out there that are still holding that penalty transaction in reserve, just waiting for you to try. So with a on-chain vault functionality, it's the same type of thing, except instead of the attacker losing money that they've committed, they just immediately lose access to whatever they have stolen from you or started to try to steal from you. So if you're not running your watchtowers, if you're not paying attention, whatever that timeframe is, then yes, it's still possible the attacker could get through the first step, the funds sit there, and then that time lock expires and they continue on. So you do still have to have diligence, but this is not, and it should not be the only line of defense in your setup. You should still have really good proactive security, but this reactivity is just additive. It gives you a whole new layer of security that an attacker has to deal with. - Right. I think, we mentioned the comment earlier about this ongoing process of defining Bitcoin, right? And I think it's fair enough to say that a developer that would put forward a proposal like this is saying, "I think Bitcoin should be what it is now plus this." And that's my definition of Bitcoin, or at least that's what I'm proposing. What do you think about it? And I think that's probably, has for a long time been the tension and probably for a long time will be. It's like, well, what do people think Bitcoin is? And what do people want Bitcoin to be? Do you want it to be as simple as possible and to have everything else be not on the protocol level? Like what you guys are doing at Casa in terms of security and whatever else. And how much do you want to integrate into the protocol level? And how do you even make those decisions? How do you decide if a given proposal is quote unquote worthwhile to implement? And what are the trade-offs in doing so? And saying like, "Well, cool, it's a neat idea. Probably has some applications." What are the trade-offs? And not just the trade-off in making that, in implementing that proposal, let's say. Let's say it's a popular one and it goes through. But what are the trade-offs in normalizing change itself? In having change be something that is increasing frequency, let's say. And so maybe, and obviously this is kind of part of the ossification sort of argument, but what are your, yeah, what are your impressions? What is Bitcoin to you? What do you think its potential is to be? And how much of, what is your philosophy in terms of how simple or complex things should be on the protocol level versus services and things on top of the protocol or outside of the protocol? - Yeah, I mean, it's really complicated because I think that there are quite a few different principles that if you want a proposal to be generally accepted, or if you want it to be non-controversial, then you can't be breaking any of the inviolable principles of Bitcoin. And so, like one of those is censorship resistance. Everybody, I think, knows about the sort of money supply limit. I think in general, breaking changes and hard forks are too controversial to get through, unless of course there's some sort of other imminent looming threat, which may happen someday. But I think with covenants, one of the reasons that they have been more controversial and there hasn't been a proposal that has been widely accepted is because a lot of them are generic enough that they're just more difficult to reason about. And when the developers find them difficult to reason about, they worry that there are hidden edge cases in there, hidden vulnerabilities that if it got deployed on the main network, could cause catastrophe. Now, I think one of the more tangible pushbacks to covenants, especially recursive covenants that can sort of self-propagate themselves, is that if you're not careful, it certainly is possible to create a situation that could affect the fungibility of Bitcoin. So that's another inviolable property, I would say, is that we don't want there to be sort of different classes of Bitcoin. Though this can get into a kind of gnarly gray area as well, is like, what does fungibility actually mean? But I think that a sort of a worst case scenario would be, of course, some sort of covenant that was added by some sort of third party authorities, whether it's like regulated exchanges or something, or basically something where there's authoritarian entity that is adding in these like malicious recursive covenants that would basically allow them to arbitrarily affect the fungibility of Bitcoin. So there's definitely some potential problems. - You might say like, chain analysis companies these days are perhaps trying to do that. Now, the extent to which they can be successful in that, especially over the course of several transactions, maybe their influence on fungibility over the course of time is not absolute, it's not forever, for example. But is that what you mean? Because of course, there's examples of exchanges rejecting certain UTXOs because they may be flagged by a chain analysis company of having been involved in a coin mix or some nefarious activity. And you're suggesting that were this done on a protocol level with something like a covenant, that would be, that taint would be held in perpetuity more absolutely? - This is where it gets really difficult to talk about covenants because there's so many different ways of doing it. But suffice to say, like, there would be ways to implement covenants that would enable third parties to add in restrictions that you don't even know about until they decide to reveal them. And so that's certainly a dangerous area that we want to avoid. I think that would be too controversial to get into the protocol. But talking about fungibility, there are covenant constructions that would vastly improve fungibility. Some of them would enable batched lightning channels, that's both scalability and I think fungibility improvement. Some of them would enable functionality called coin pools, which would be kind of like a supercharged coin mixer. And then like there's other sort of L2-esque things like space chains and state chains, they're lightning-esque that could also be enabled and would improve the privacy of people that are using them. But yeah, it's a complex sphere. It's like, I think it's unlikely that we're going to see a generalized covenant proposal that is sort of a kitchen sink proposal get through just because of all of the complexities. - Maybe it'd be useful to illustrate two extremes of the spectrum and get your take on where you might fall. And so on the one extreme, let's say, and perhaps these developers that are putting out these proposals, and as I said, kind of in doing so, proposing how Bitcoin might be defined, how you, what Bitcoin should be, they're saying, Bitcoin should be this plus, this plus, but there's obviously a lot of people out there that say Bitcoin is fine the way it is. And in your haste to implement new protocol features that ostensibly would accelerate adoption and make the user experience better, one, you're taking on too much risk and two, perhaps you're just being impatient. Perhaps what it is today is absolutely sufficient for it to become dominant global money, but it's only been 13 years or whatever. And so these things take time and be more patient. So that's the ossification end of the spectrum. And then over here, it's just, this is programmable money and we should be programming it because of that. And everything backwards compatible, but if we think there's a legitimate implementation to be made, why not? Why not do it? Not to, we can make this thing so much better. Those are two ends of the spectrum. Where would you say you fall on that spectrum and what is your thinking or justification behind being in whatever place you are? - Yeah, I mean, I think that most of the developers in the space would generally agree that ossification is inevitable. I mean, we have decades of experience with internet protocols that shows this to be true. It's almost like a physics problem, right? It's like once a protocol gets sufficient adoption and momentum, the ability to change it at least in a non-backwards compatible way diminishes. And so that's why things like SMTP, the email protocol haven't changed in many decades because believe me, working at an email provider for a decade, there are plenty of things that could be improved with the email protocol, but it's just not feasible to try to make those changes at the protocol level. Now, I gave a keynote presentation last year and wrote a lengthy article actually of my own perspective on the history of email as a protocol. And I would argue that in terms of the total design space of a protocol and what it can do, if you're trying to maintain a protocol to be as decentralized as possible, I think one question you have to ask is if we don't change the protocol, are people going to choose convenience and centralization in order to get these things because they're not happening at the decentralized level? I think that's one risk that a lot of people can easily overlook. As a technologist, I'm certainly against the idea of purposefully ossifying the Bitcoin protocol at this point because there are still quite a few improvement proposals out there that I think would be value adds and can be done and implemented in such a way that they don't cause harm to other users who don't care about those features. I think that you do need to take the sort of do no harm approach. And I think that's generally the case if you consider that the way that the quote unquote governance and consensus of the Bitcoin network, it's rough consensus and running code. And rough consensus, I mean, it's not democracy. It just means that for any given change that is, consensus change that affects really anyone who wants to validate all of the rules of the network, there should not really be any unresolved or reasonable objections to making that change. And so I think reasonable objections usually mean that someone has found some sort of harm that that change could cause. - I think about sometime in the future when instead of, I mean, I don't know how many so-called real Bitcoiners there are in the world today. And I've seen statistics like 150 million people hold some Bitcoin, but I imagine that includes like your $10 on Coinbase and that sort of demographic. The people for whom this is, they see the revolutionary potential of this and they're basically all in, if not all in financially, but kind of all in ideologically perhaps, is probably a way smaller number. Now, in the case of making upgrades, that's probably beneficial. You have like more eyes on what's going on and people are very vested into this. But if we imagine a future where Bitcoin is again, kind of becoming global money. And so there's a billion people just take for granted that Bitcoin is what it is in terms of money that they need and it works. - How do you see the upgrade process unfolding when there's so many more people using and relying on Bitcoin, but that rough consensus process, I mean, what does that even look like when Bitcoin has a billion daily users or even more? Like how do you see the evolution of the upgrade process going as we grow, I guess is the question. - Well, yeah, I mean, in the sense that, it is an open source collaborative project. Like this was one of the things that initially drew me to Bitcoin as well that I didn't mention is that, I had never thought about the operation of money before. I never really thought much about econ. I took econ 101, but that was about it. And once I started thinking about money as this abstract concepts, I truly believe that, money is just this agreement between people that something has value and you use it, exchange and store value, you have to agree upon it. There's a million different reasons why you may agree upon one thing or another, but assuming it's not a monetary system that's imposed upon you, sort of free market money is something that has attributes that are useful and therefore valuable as money. So it makes sense if you want, I hate to use the word fair, but if you want a monetary system that is not corrupt and easily manipulated, then it needs to be an open source project because what that fundamentally means is that anyone who cares enough can contribute. And so, I think that there will be a natural evolution as Bitcoin goes mainstream, you already basically alluded to, the vast majority of people aren't going to care enough to actually contribute to the evolution of Bitcoin. But the great thing about open systems is like, no one has to ask permission to contribute. This is not a system that is manipulated behind closed doors by a small cabal of people who issue their proclamations about what lovers they're gonna pull this week. If you care enough, and probably the people who care enough will mostly be the early adopters who are more incentivized to care enough, then you will contribute. But what does contribute even mean? There is the sort of organic mesh network of all of these different communications platforms where the Bitcoiners are coming together to talk about and discuss, create memes. I mean, it's all related. Is that anyone who cares enough, they will contribute in their own way and it doesn't have to be technical by any means. - Yeah, I guess one of the things I meant by that question is already there's a lot of deference to the so-called experts, right? Because not everyone is capable of understanding every little nuance about how Bitcoin currently functions on a protocol level, nor the technical details and consequences or implications of proposals. And so there's a lot of deferring to the experts and that becomes an increasingly small group. And then like this so-called rough consensus ends up just being a lot of people deferring to people that they think know better than them. And things kind of happen in that way. And I guess the crux of the former question, the prior question was, I don't know, does that become a risk at scale where so many people are just deferring to others for knowing what to do and that kind of developing a potentially deleterious or causing a deleterious situation where not enough people are sufficiently aware of the implications and potential risks of certain changes. And therefore, things degrade or more risks emerge. And perhaps, this is almost certainly part of the reason why and I'm not saying exclusively, but a lot of those people might as a result of that defer to simplicity, just because they say, look, I don't see the full picture. I don't know all the details, but this thing is so damn important that I'm just like, keep it simple, stupid, right? Like just let's not shake the boat and let's keep it minimal. I'm happy with how Bitcoin is currently defined or how I'm currently defining Bitcoin. And so why invite the risk? Yeah, so what do you make of that kind of that circumstance where there's so much deference to people that are by people that don't know all the details to people that presumably do? - It's to say nothing of the value judgment question. It's more a matter of the specifics, the specific details. - That's not a unique phenomenon by any means. I believe that you could point to any mainstream open source project and show that the same thing has happened. Now, there are dangers in that. And I think even at a broader level, this kind of gets back to the relationship between enterprises and the open source projects. Like there's an untold level of wealth and large swaths of our capitalistic society that is built on the foundation of free and open source software. And there is definitely a problem with the wealth not quote unquote trickling down. Or in this case, it would be the resources not being contributed back to the foundation. And this has resulted in some scary incidents. There's kind of an inside joke amongst a lots of the cybersecurity community that some of the most valuable and like important security projects out there are maintained by one dude in his garage. And so examples of this are like, I think there have been several like SSL vulnerabilities over the past few years that have been found and only after they've been in the wild for quite a while. And you can make a strong argument that the reason that these vulnerabilities weren't found and patched a lot faster is just due to the absurdly low level of resources that are being contributed to these projects. They're not receiving resources commensurate with the level of importance that they are giving to the entire world. That's a related but whole other problem. I would say right now that is not a problem in Bitcoin. There are a decent number of organizations out there that have provided funding and stuff. I would say that the bigger problem, and this might be changing because of the bear market, but the bigger problem is generally getting engineers into contributing to Bitcoin and keeping them there because burnout is certainly a problem. I mean, this is ostensibly one of the most adversarial open source projects to contribute to. And especially if you are a known identity, you're not contributing under a pseudonym, you expose yourself to a decent amount of attack, whether it's digital or even physical due to people making assumptions about your own personal wealth. So there's a lot of both common and uncommon aspects to the issue of protocol development in this space. We definitely, I would certainly like to see more outreach programs. We do have things like Summer of Code, I think a few other programs out there that are kind of like reaching out to university students. Like we need more fresh blood. I also wanna see more diversity. That's gonna trigger a lot of people, but Bitcoin is supposed to be the money of the world. We don't want it to be like solely developed by the high tech United States and European wealthy countries. I think it is cool. And I think we've seen more African developers jumping in recently, that's great to see. Basically what I mean is like, I wanna see people from all cultures, languages, backgrounds because they will bring their own perspectives with them and they will be able to contribute and diversity, I see diversity from a security standpoint as a great strengthening factor. Because like one of the reasons that open source works is because you have many different sets of eyes with different perspectives that are like looking at the code and trying to find weaknesses. So more diversity in terms of the eyeballs that are contributing to Bitcoin is only gonna make it stronger. And once again, with the trigger word, I think fairer, because we're going to just have more people's perspective and a better understanding of what is this quote unquote ideal money from a global perspective. - Right, what's wrong with fairness? Fairness is a good word, isn't it? The protocol is fair, it treats everybody the same. I think maybe the, I mean, in today's cultural landscape, I probably agree that it's been bastardized and has been misused and misplaced. But as an ethic almost, I'm fully on board. Let people sink or swim on their merit. - I feel better saying neutral, credibly neutral rather than fair, because fair, like you said, it has been bastardized to mean things about like equity and outcomes. - Yeah, I see your point about diversity of perspective basically, because you want as many perspectives to brought to bear on something so important as possible so that people can see the pitfalls, different people's ideas. Again, I think that that term has been bastardized in today's culture and the way in which it's been applied or the way the manner in which it's been attempted to be imposed, let's say, has just been completely insane. I think the way that you cultivate the benefits of diversity is you just, you allow anyone, like you said, I mean, an open source project, you allow anyone who wants to contribute to be able to contribute on equal terms with anybody else, not, and based on their merit, right? Not that you treat everybody the same, but you say like, the door is open. And now once you walk through the door, then you prove yourself in whatever way you can. And I agree like Abu Bakr from Kala and Bernard from Bitnob are saying, Bernard from Bitnob are our friends. And like, I just, I love what they're doing over there. And Abu Bakr has, and Kala is basically funding and training developers. And he himself just kind of came into the space, was like, wow, this is cool, and taught himself how to be a protocol developer. And I think I love to see that. When you were speaking, one of the things that came to mind is, I wonder had, because the, I'll kind of preface this by saying, is it a risk that corporate interests are sponsoring protocol developers? Now on the face of it, you say, no, this is great. You know, these protocol developers are being compensated for the work and that's been a long time coming, but had that been the case, let's say in the New York agreement, would that have changed things? Would so much corporate influence and those corporates saying, look, we really want this vault thing. This is a change we want. And now developers have more of a financial tether and a financial consideration, a conflict of interest, you might say, with the people that support them. Now I know on the surface, all of that is attempted to be hand waved away. No, you don't have to do anything, you know, regarding us, but in the real world, if someone is paying you and you do something that they don't like, there's at least a chance that they stop paying you, if not now, sometime in the future. So do you think the corporate versus, let's say the crowdsource funding of developers, which I would say is in a different category, you know, people just tipping or sending sats or whatever, is any degree of threat now or in the future? - I don't really see corporate funding as a threat. I mean, I do think it is important that if you're a corporate funded open source developer, that you need to have a contract clause that basically says that, you know, there's no strings around how the corporation directs your work. You know, even if there's not, there's backstops. I mean, this is part of the security model of really both the Bitcoin core code base, you know, any other Bitcoin code bases is, you know, as we said very early on, there's no automatic update mechanism. There's a multi-layer, you know, ring defense system in place. You know, the first is, you know, sure, you can pay a developer to write up a bad or malicious code and they can even propose it. Then the first ring of defense is that, you know, the maintainers of the repository look at it and then they just reject it and say, no, this is ridiculous. Now, you know, you could then say, okay, well, what if all or many of the maintainers of the repository are compromised and the code gets in? Well, that's where the, you know, there's no automatic update mechanism comes into play. And the fact that many other people like myself will be watching. And even though we don't have, you know, any say over the actual code in the repository, we can, you know, sound the alarm and say, hey, everybody, we need to migrate, you know, to a new code repository because this organization has been compromised. We can't really trust what they're doing anymore. You know, that I think that would be a huge blow to the project in general, you know, almost analogous to having to like nuke the mining algorithm if there was some like state sponsored 51% denial of service attack against the network. But, you know, basically the point is, you know, this is why Bitcoin is anti-fragile is because the points of control as they were are so spread out. The end points are the individual users. Well, the ones who care enough to run their own node and, you know, to validate the rules of the network. - What do you think are the risks of upgrades? And let's say they get rough consensus and they're implemented, like I alluded, I mentioned before that in my view, and I don't know how to quantify this risk, but if we're dealing with something who, much of whose value is derived from its absoluteness in Bitcoin, let's say, you know, one of those things being 21 million hard cap, then even the frequency and the normalization of change itself could potentially be a risk to that. Because on the one hand, you're saying it gets a lot of its value from being an absolute and perhaps the most consequential absolute that, you know, we have available to us. But on the flip side, if changes become not something that are done, you know, with extreme caution and less and less into the future, but more and more into the future, how much does that increase the risk that at some point in the future, one of those changes might be affecting that thing that we previously held to be absolute. And so both from that perspective, but also from the perspective of the technical changes and the risks associated with them themselves for any given upgrade, in your mind, what are they? And how should we be thinking about them? - Yeah, I mean, I don't think you're gonna find many people say that like we should accelerate changes or like we should no longer have, you know, extremely conservative peer review process. I think that's all important. We need to approach this really from a, you know, a mission critical engineering perspective. You know, it needs to be aerospace engineering, not, you know, web app engineering level of thoroughness. And, you know, it's fine if things take a year or multiple years to be sufficiently vetted, but, you know, this kind of also goes back to the whole point that we've said about, like we're still, you know, understanding what Bitcoin is and ossification in general is that you can never be a hundred percent sure that Bitcoin is what we think it is. And I think a good example of that would be BIP 42. And BIP 42 was when Peter Wille discovered, or it may have been discovered by someone else, but he fixed an issue in the Bitcoin supply because it turned out that Bitcoin was not capped at 21 million coins. It turned out, you know, if you went enough centuries into the future, there was an overflow bug and the supply subsidy would actually restart at 50 Bitcoins per block. And it would do that in perpetuity, you know, every few centuries. So, you know, there may very well be other, you know, aspects of the Bitcoin protocol, other, you know, edge cases that have not yet been fully sussed out. I think there are one or two known edge cases that are currently enough decades away, like with some, I think, timestamp overflow issues that will have to be addressed and may require a hard fork, but also, you know, it does seem like, like with enough time and creativity, almost anything can be soft forked, but that's, you know, part of the discovery process. - Yeah, but I think those would fall, those two examples fall more into the category of like fixing things that, well, fixing problems. Whereas, you know, I guess the crux of my question is when we're considering, again, answering this question, what should Bitcoin be? And some people have proposals in terms of what it should be, like this vault proposal, let's say, just to use a, like a specific example. What do you think the risks, what are the risks of implementing something like this? What, when we consider this, when we can, 'cause you might consider, as we were just saying, like, okay, the vault thing sounds interesting, but look, it's not enough of a value add, it's not enough of a benefit to go through the process of implementing it. But necessary to answer that question, for anyone to have a, you know, an informed view on that, I think you have to know like, well, what are the, even if the downside is, whatever the upside is, I wanna know what the downside is, so I can make a, you know, determine a risk benefit analysis on any given action. So what, in your mind, are the risks associated with soft forks? And let's, for this case, say not, you know, ones that are fixing things that we already presume to be implemented, but things that, you know, additional features, let's say, what are the risks? - Well, I mean, any consensus change comes with the risk of introducing some sort of consensus failure. And so, you know, I think, you know, the last real consensus failure that we had was back in 2013. And, you know, and that actually occurred as a result of a change that wasn't even understood to be a consensus change, right? It was due to a change in like the database that was being used by Bitcoin Core and the sort of the locking, operational like locking count in the database, having a mismatch between different versions of the software. But, you know, a consensus failure can happen at basically anywhere in the stack. Like this is certainly one of the things that the protocol level developers are extremely worried about because there's this really weird, you know, it's not a paradox, but it certainly seems paradoxical that Bitcoin is simultaneously, arguably the most like anti-fragile thing, at least on the internet. But the flip side of this, if you talk to the protocol developers, the Bitcoin protocol is incredibly brittle. And by that, I mean that, you know, making changes to the protocol are highly risky because, you know, even the consensus itself, I don't think anyone would say that they're like 100% knowledgeable that they fully understand every byte of Bitcoin's consensus. Because like we said, consensus rules are not necessarily just the rules that are defined in the code as saying like, this is validation rule one, validation rule two. And so I think you see-- - Can you expand on that point a little bit? Sorry to interrupt. - Yeah. - Okay, so like when you're looking at the Bitcoin code and any of the implementations, you know, you'll find various classes and functions that are like, you know, validate transaction. And then it's like, you know, validate outputs, validate inputs. And these are the like well-known, well-defined logical rules and sanity checks that do things that basically make sure that nobody's double spending money and they make sure that nobody is, you know, creating money out of thin air or, you know, exceeding the supply schedule. But, you know, those are not the only rules that matter. You know, basically any part of the code that could cause a block or a transaction to be accepted on one machine but rejected on a different machine, that's problematic. And so like for the example of the fork that happened 10 years ago, it was, you know, it was a database configuration and consistency that caused some machines to accept some blocks but reject others. I think more recently, like if you go look at the Stevie Ellis of vulnerability, that have been introduced and then patched into Bitcoin, they tend to get introduced as a result of fairly innocuous changes. In many cases, it's like somebody who's cleaning up or like refactoring some code. And, you know, it looks like the logic is the same between version one and version two. They've just, you know, made an improvement perhaps with like some efficiency. And, you know, this gets all the way through the review process and testing and so on and so forth. But it turned out that the new logic introduced a vulnerability that could get exploited. And it's just that like, it's such an edge case that there weren't enough eyes looking at the code to think adversarially and just think about that edge case. So, you know, that's why protocol development is inherently dangerous is because where we're taking a piece of software that is, you know, it's hundreds of billions of dollars, basically network that is resting on top of this software and changing, you know, potentially a single line of code, a single byte of what is valid or invalid can have catastrophic consequences. - Right, and so with that in consideration, is there any way to conceptualize? I assume there's no way to quantify. So how might we conceptualize the risks associated with a given protocol upgrade? Because again, I mean, absent that, how are we to make that analysis? I mean, 'cause Bitcoin obviously to many of us is, well, like the Holy grail of money, right? It's a very important thing. We consider it to be an incredibly important tool for humanity, as you said at the beginning, for human freedom. And we wanna see that not only survive, but propagate and exert its maximal beneficial effect, let's say. And I think that's why there's so much apprehension because if upgrades are kind of a black box conceptually in terms of their risk, then it's like, well, why would you, you know, it's hard to make the decision to implement them when the risks are unknown. And the thing that you're attempting to protect is so incredibly valued. So can you shed any more light or can you give me any perspective on how one might be beneficially conceptualizing the risks of protocol upgrades, soft forks, like the ones we've been discussing? - Well, yeah, I mean, I think that there's both a pessimistic and an optimistic way to look at it. You know, the pessimist says, we cannot risk anything. You know, we cannot risk even the smallest change that may introduce a problem. And that is, I believe, you know, a argument for ossification. You know, argument would be, we've got hundreds of billions of dollars that's being secured on this protocol. The protocol in and of itself is its own bug bounty. And so you could basically say that there's a quantification of the security or like the well-known security of the protocol based on the fact that, you know, this is the bug bounty if someone can exploit it and, you know, find a problem. And that, you know, every time you make a change to that, you're essentially, whatever change you're making should have, you know, $300 billion worth of confidence behind it, right? And I don't think there's really anyone out there, any developer who's ever gonna have $300 billion worth of confidence about making any software changes. 'Cause, you know, software development in general is usually a move fast, break things type of thing, because, you know, something breaks, okay. I mean, there may be some small consequences. In many cases, you can revert them, you can roll things back, you can write more software that cleans up whatever the mess was that you created and you move forward. It can be harder to do that, especially on a distributed network where, you know, doing rollbacks or take backs, whatever you wanna call them are much more difficult. Nothing's impossible. But I would also take the optimistic argument, once again, if we're just thinking about Bitcoin as an anti-fragile thing, the, I guess the last consensus failure that happened, that was resolved within a matter of hours. This is one of the final fallbacks in Bitcoin security model. And that is the fact that Bitcoin is backed by people. And it's backed by those of us who care enough to pay attention and maintain it. And so even if there is some sort of catastrophic consensus failure, what does that really mean? You know, consensus within Bitcoin, we're talking about machine consensus. There is this, it's this fine mixture. It's both of an art and a science of trying to divine what the machine consensus should be. I almost see it as there's a sort of meta human consensus of what is ideal money. And it's just sort of floating out there. You can't really quantify it. You can maybe poke at little different aspects of it. This is what the fuck we're trying to figure out Bitcoin is. Is this unidentifiable abstract idea. And we're trying, at least as developers, the developers are trying to grab pieces of that and codify it into machine consensus and machine code. And the value of that is that we're automating the enforcement of whatever those ideal consensus rules are. But what happens if the machine consensus breaks? I mean, you always can fall back to human consensus and there's no guarantees around what that means, but we do know there's this multi-hundred billion dollar incentive for people to figure it out very quickly if something goes wrong. So that's, I kind of take the, we can be more optimistic and we can take some small risks. I mean, there's also risks of not ever doing anything because software is living. Unmaintained software inevitably corrodes and degrades and becomes harder to operate. So you certainly can't stop maintaining the software. You could stop changing the consensus aspects to it. But I do believe that there has to be some acceptable threshold of risk if you believe that the infinitesimal risk that we're taking to make a change is outweighed by potentially huge gain in value and functionality. - Yeah, well, that's exactly the point of my question, right? Is I agree with that if that were the case. It's again, the assessment of the risk is determining what that infinitesimal or not, infinitesimal amount actually is, and as a result of having a better idea there, being able to make those decisions. Last two on this and then we can move on, but what is your approach to making such decisions? Or if you have a heuristic of some kind, when you say you see proposals, you're like, okay, this is interesting proposal. Is it worth taking the risk to put my support behind or whatever for making a change? And again, this is entirely speculative, but what do you think would happen if, as you just said, from here on out, everything was maintained, so that living code was given sufficient life, but no functional changes were implemented from here on. And from now until the end of time, we just had digital sound money and it didn't do anything else. Everything else was done outside the protocol level. - I know those are two separate questions, but so maybe go with how you make assessments of different changes first and then this potential future. - Yeah, I mean, for me, it's about complexity and usability. So for example, with a number of the other Covenants proposals that have come up in the past few years, I could see the value that they offered, but the reason that I generally didn't find them interesting was because I either felt that it was so complicated that almost nobody would use it. And therefore, even if it's a high theoretical value, the actual practical value just wasn't there. And also, the complexity in many of them was generally such that I felt like it was difficult for me to quantify the risk just from what could go wrong at the protocol level, trying to validate much more complicated operations. So when I saw the OpVault proposal and I read the white paper, I was like, you know what? I can grok this on the first time through. It's extremely simple and straightforward. I can see the risks of implementing it poorly, and I feel confident that there aren't other looming edge cases out there. And then looking at the discussion on the mailing list as well, I noticed the general response tended to be much more constructive and just being like, oh, we could make a small tweak here and there, not of the form of like, this is a completely terrible idea because of this trade-off or that trade-off. - And well, before I get you to go back to the second question, do you think a proposal like that is of sufficient benefit that even if people assess it like you're like, oh yeah, it's simple, doesn't seem to be a lot of risks, but knowing what we know about how these upgrades get implemented, do you think it offers an enticing enough carrot to actually go through the whole process and all the work of getting that rough consensus and becoming implemented? - Yeah, I mean, I think this is interesting to me both as a security engineer and as just a regular Bitcoin holder. This is the type of proposal that I think is broadly applicable, not only to like institutions and enterprises that have huge amounts of value that they wanna store, but I could see this being applicable to really anyone who's using even a single signature wallet. It would actually be, I think, really helpful for decreasing the amount of resources that someone has to spend to have a high security Bitcoin wallet. 'Cause basically an example for like a very mainstream user-friendly application of this, I think that like any single signature hot wallet, just like a mobile phone app would be able to implement a simple vaulting proposal like this. And it would basically be such that, sure, you have your funds in a internet connected a hot wallet, which doesn't have great proactive security, but then you can basically have your seed phrase backed up, a seed phrase to your recovery wallet backed up, whether it's on metal or paper or whatever. And then if that low security hot wallet gets compromised, no big deal, it just gets swept to your super cold storage recovery wallet. - Right, but do you think that's a sufficient benefit that it has any chance or likelihood of actually being implemented? Or do you think it's, again, not sufficient carrot to motivate people to go through the somewhat messy process of garnering consensus and actually implementing it? - Well, I think this goes back to one of the earlier things that we were talking about where one of the most common complaints, pushback from like the average person who comes into Bitcoin, it's a shock because the traditional financial system is one that it has all of these safety measures now, all of these safety measures come at costs, but people are used to being able to operate in an environment where if something goes wrong, you reach out to your support representative and they help you resolve it, hopefully. There are entire divisions of these companies that you interact with that are devoted to doing nothing other than helping their customers resolve problems. Bitcoin has no support system, right? Your Bitcoin gets moved and you don't know why or where or what happened, there's no one to go to. And that's very scary for a lot of people. It is a very different security model. It requires you to be a lot more proactive and paranoid. And I think that, and this is, I guess, a pessimistic aspect of me. I no longer believe, I'm not sure if I ever did, well, maybe idealistically, but I no longer believe that a non-negligible number of people are going to be proactive about helping themselves. I think that from like a market perspective, people adopting Bitcoin, the ones who ought to be adopting it are those who have the most to gain. Those who are in countries or financial and monetary systems that are objectively horrible, even in comparison to the first world countries. But if we want the people who do have already decent financial access and financial inclusion to, I think, be more comfortable with using Bitcoin and seeing the value in that, then they are gonna wanna have some more of the assurances that they're not gonna suffer a single catastrophic loss. - Yeah, sure. I mean, there's two comments to that. The first one is just, yeah, sure, I agree. But again, is that sufficient motivation for something like this proposal to actually be implemented? 'Cause in my mind, I'm just kind of knowing how things generally go here. I'm thinking like I can easily see the benefit. It just doesn't seem to me that it's sufficient that it's gonna motivate enough to actually be implemented, let's say. And then what we were saying earlier, the argument like, well, to what degree are we just being impatient and to what degree supra, external to the protocol level with solutions like Casa or Fetty or different schemes around custodying 12 words or seed phrases and stuff like that. How much will they make up that debt? And then my perhaps more radical side of me says, I think we live in a society today where so much responsibility has been delegated to outside entities and organizations, be they government or corporate, such that people don't own their data, they're not in control of their health, they're not in control of their freedom. There's so much reliance and or adherence to rules outside of oneself that personally, I like the idea of people incrementally being more forced to take on more responsibility. And I say incrementally because as I was speaking with my friend Francis recently, and he said, on a sinking, you don't need to motivate people to jump on the lifeboat of a sinking ship, that kind of a dynamic. So to what degree will people become motivated to overcome the existing security hurdles as circumstances deteriorate even further? And then to what degree will that inculcate a renewed or perhaps altogether novel sense of personal sovereignty and responsibility, and how much will that propagate into the culture and kind of contribute to this whole Bitcoin renaissance that some of us, or that I often talk about, I should say. So yeah, I mean, I get the benefit. I guess the blunt question is, do you think it has a chance? - Well, I do, mainly because of the response I've seen so far and the people that I've been talking to, at least within the security side of community, thinking this is an interesting new tool to add to our tool belt. I mean, you take a fatalistic hyper-Bitcoinization view that I think there's general agreement that Bitcoin is going to do well over the long-term, not because Bitcoin is going to improve, but because we know that all of the other systems are going to continue to strangle themselves, shoot themselves in the foot and do just economically unbelievable things, that will be the incentive for people to switch to a more sound system. Then the question is, are there changes that can lower the entry point to make people more comfortable jumping off of the boat? If we agree they're going to jump off into the life raft at some point, what would make them jump off sooner rather than later and hopefully save more of their wealth? That's one perspective to look at it. From an implementation perspective, who are the interested parties, I guess is an interesting question. So obviously there's going to be a debate and development at the protocol developer layer of the ecosystem, but that's not sufficient in and of itself. Even once something gets into the protocol and it gets activated, the onus is then on the rest of us who are using Bitcoin as a platform to build our services, our applications on top of. And like I said, when I surveyed the most recent proposal, I'm like, I could see every Bitcoin wallet out there, regardless of its hardware, software, single SIG, multi SIG, I could see them all looking at this and seeing this as a valuable new set of functionality that would be additive to what they're already offering. So yeah, I mean, that's why I do think that vaulting proposal that is straightforward and if it can be de-risked, like we said, and non-controversial, then that the likelihood is high. Now, the history of Bitcoin governance and changes, especially post scaling debate has certainly been interesting. People got burned out by the scaling debate. There's certainly been much slower consensus changes and looking at tap roots activation, I felt like people, or at least the interested parties and developers who were focused on getting that through, they were making mountains out of molehills. Basically, there were arguments about the most trivial of activation parameters, not even arguments about the actual functionality of the protocol, but rather about exactly what should the game theory of activating be like. And this is where it's hard to say, is this a good thing or a bad thing that we don't have what I would call a well-defined repeatable activation process. It seems like every feature that gets activated is done in a different way than it's ever been done before. On one hand, that keeps people on their toes. And on the other hand, maybe that makes it more robust by making it so that there's no specific actor or vulnerability that can be used to stall. That seems to be the main, I would say the main issue that people are worried about now is that from the scaling wars, we didn't understand until much later that the miners were stalling because they had a secret. They had an incentive not to have Segwit on the network because it improved their profitability with how they were manipulating nonces and stuff. And so ever since then, it seems like there's been just a level of apprehension around, like how do you make a, once again, a fair activation process that isn't going to get stonewalled because of your perverse incentives? - Yeah, it's a super interesting question because as you say, on the one hand, I mean, that kind of opaqueness makes it more difficult to potentially co-opt, right? Because there's no straight line of attack, but it also makes it more difficult for the people that are participating as honest actors to know how to participate perhaps. And so I guess it remains to be seen if it's a feature or a bug. I lean towards the perhaps the former, but we shall see. And I guess my final comment on making protocol changes to accommodate certain use cases, let's say, as we've been discussing with Vaults. And this is definitely the more perhaps radical side of me, but I, and it's not decided, but I think it's interesting open questions to be had around these things. And this is far more from the kind of cultural, dare I say, social engineering aspect of this new emergent form of money that we have and how instrumental money is, but is do we not wanna be careful that we don't, on the protocol level, attempt to accommodate all of our supposed or some of our supposed deficiencies, i.e. perhaps our lack of degree, there are any ability to take full responsibility for things as they currently are versus having the protocol almost be a catalyst for people in conforming to it, actually making changes in themselves that are ultimately beneficial. That was a bit wordy, but I think you get what I'm saying. Like, do we not want to, or it's not even really a question I'm posing to you. I'm just sharing my thought that I think it's important that we think, or at least interesting that we think in those terms of like, how much do we wanna change the protocol to accommodate for things that we could, and perhaps would be more beneficial for us to have change internally rather than externally. And I think that's an open dialogue and will probably continue to be as we move forward. - Yeah, I mean, so there's also the vision of Bitcoin as a highly scalable multi-layered system. And I think Lightning has done a good job pushing that forward, but let's not forget that the promise of sidechains has fallen flat. And I'm sure there's a multitude of reasons for that, but there's a big missing piece of functionality for like drivechains and sidechains. Basically the two-way peg, this was in the original sidechains white paper and I think 2014 or 2015, the original white paper was theorizing that the sidechain based future of Bitcoin would have all of these trustless two-way pegs. And you could peg yourself from Bitcoin to sidechain A and even to sidechain B and like basically whole, your trees of sidechains and each one of these could be very different and have its own consensus rules and offer all kinds of amazing functionality that people could implement without having to bother anyone about changing Bitcoin's consensus. So this is almost a sort of meta discussion of everything we've said of like, what if we made one final change to Bitcoin that enabled trustless two-way pegs and then you let all the experimentation you want happen. You call them shitcoin sidechains, nobody fucking cares because it doesn't bother them anymore. No one can force them to have to pay attention to them. What would the world be like if we could do that? But we can't do that, at least no one has figured out a way to do that without making at least one small change to Bitcoin's consensus. - What's your opinion on such an approach? - Yeah, I mean, I think that we should enable more experimentation if we can do so in a way that is not imposing burdens and risks on the people who only want to deal with Bitcoin. - Right, all right, I know you got a hard stop in about 20 minutes, so this will be the last topic, but I'd be remiss if I didn't cover what was for some controversy with the CASA supporting custody solutions for ETH. I'm sure that prior to making that decision or decision and announcement, you guys knew that there'd be a certain amount of blowback, let's say. And I also assume that it was a straight up economic decision. You guys looked at the market and you said, a lot of people need help with custodying their ETH and other shitcoins, and we see that in the market. So I guess my question is, do you think, did you assess the long-term reputational damage? And if so, how? And obviously you determined that the income or revenue you could generate from the change was worth it, but how did you guys look at that? Because much as we might all like to say, well, it's just a technology, it's not ideology, I don't think that's an accurate representation because many of us will readily admit we came to Bitcoin because as we discussed at the beginning of this conversation, because it aligned with certain ideologies that you held, whether that be libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism, more freedom for every individual. So nothing in our conceptual realm is just an objective tool. It's all about how we use it. And once it enters that realm, it's in the realm of belief and ideology and opinion and all sorts of stuff. So, and obviously I don't have to tell you that Bitcoin has become so deeply meaningful to so many people for what they presume at least it's going to provide them in terms of freedom, in terms of options, and also of course, provide the world. Many of us would readily admit, like we're kind of die on this hill sort of people because we think that this being brought to the world is such a powerful tool for human freedom and human flourishing, that it's perhaps one of the most important causes. Well, I mean, I would assert it's the most important cause of our generation and it might be the most important cause of any generation. And so I don't think it's fair or even accurate to hand wave away people that express that passion as simply being kind of like zealots or Twitter trolls or whatever, because I feel like that's not fully appreciating how much this is both, it's not just a technological tool, but is ideological and political in some of the most profound ways. So all that, just to preface the question of how did you guys assess making this decision and what long-term implications there may be in the context of, well, let's just put it in the context of Bitcoin is probably going to survive longer than ETH in my opinion. And so, yeah. Well, how did you guys think about making a decision in terms of that, in terms of, in some sense, legitimizing this other asset by lending support to it and that kind of stuff? Just bring me into the boardroom as it were. - Yeah, we talked to people. We talked to our own customers. We talked to our prospective customers. We logged all of the deals that we lost because we didn't have Ethereum support. We kept track of what was happening to the people who they talked to us and then they decided for another solution. And if they were willing to tell us, what solution were they deciding for and what was their reasoning behind that? And so, what we increasingly saw is that there's a lot of multi-asset people out there. I wouldn't want to speculate offhand, but they're probably less of the adherence Bitcoin types and more of the investor types. But these people, especially the ones that have come in more recently in the last cycle, and they're just looking at this and diversifying or they're interested in the various apps and utility offered by Ethereum. And most of these people, they also have Bitcoin because they see that as another diversification. They understand that Bitcoin and Ethereum are very different things. So, for us, it was like, well, how much money are we leaving on the table? Is it worth us to expend the research and development resources to see if we can offer the same type of security model, this distributed hardware-based multi-SIG for Ethereum? Because I mean, I was at BitGo when we added Ethereum and I've written and talked extensively about all of the problems with Ethereum. So, I'm familiar with a lot of them. I don't consider myself an Ethereum expert. I've scratched the surface in comparison to the time and resources that I've put into Bitcoin. And yeah, I mean, it is a different platform. Of course, some people are gonna say that Ethereum is hard money and all this other stuff. And I mean, I don't see it as money. I think even like the original yellow paper or the narrative around it was that Ethereum is gas and the gas is used to power the utility functions of this other network. So, different people are gonna look at it in different ways, but at a fundamental standpoint, we are a key management company. We're helping people take self-custody. Bitcoin is the most valuable and an obvious starting point with that, but it's not gonna end with digital assets by any means. We fully expect that over the longterm, we're gonna be much more than just a self-custody company. I mean, you just like look at Nostr. I would love to see a way for us to start to implement sovereign social networks. I would say that key management on Nostr is currently a very big problem and there's going to be solutions to that. Over the longterm, I think digital identity and managing identity aspects with private keys is gonna be an important aspect of just people's daily lives. So, you should expect that Casa is going to continue to seek out the tools that are out there and try to figure out which tools have value and demand. And I would say one of our big value adds is figuring out ways to improve the usability, decreasing the learning curve requirements for people to manage their private keys and to be able to use those private keys to enable the functionality. I mean, this all goes back to what I set my career mission to be eight years ago, is to help people improve their own security and empower themselves. And you know what? Permissionless networks, people are going to empower themselves and do things that other people find objectionable and offensive and stupid. And there's gonna continue to be really interesting interactions and clashes between different communities and tribes on social media and the narratives and the mimetics that result from all of that. And I'm here for it. It's a fascinating space to be in. And I also understand, one thing that I've learned over the years as my following increased by orders of magnitude is that people who pay attention to you over a period of time, they develop a mental model of you. And this is actually, this is not dissimilar to what we talked about earlier of people developing and applying their own mental models to Bitcoin. Well, eventually over a long enough period of time, if you are someone who is receiving a lot of attention and you have hundreds of thousands of people who have built mental models of you, you're gonna do or say something that shatters that mental model and that results in some sort of backlash. And I mean, this is not new for me, as it's certainly not new for anyone who has had a following, is that you have to know who you are and you have to understand that there's a lot of people who don't know who you are at least fully. And that if you're going to continue to be a public figure and do and say things, then there will be people who get upset. And that's just, that's one of the realities of being a public person. - Yeah, totally agree. I mean, and I think that does happen to a certain degree. And if you're the type of person that evolves and develops and changes over time, then you're kind of inevitably gonna come up against that, at least some kind of friction if people have a more rigid conception of you. All right, this is the last question and probably not a great one for 10 minutes left 'cause it's probably fairly involved, but I'll throw it at you anyways and see what you think. And it's a continuation of this topic, but it's a lot of people in the space, whether they're particularly entrepreneurs that start Bitcoin-only businesses, I've heard them say before, and I think a lot of maximalists and people that are Bitcoin-only would probably echo this in saying that they feel that Bitcoin-only, offering Bitcoin-only products and services, let's say, and supporting Bitcoin is a kind of moral imperative. Now, that's a big statement, right? Because there's a lot wrapped up in that. And so I'm curious to get your thoughts on what you think of that statement generally. Nine minutes. - I mean, I think that I'm not gonna be imposing my morality on other people. We all have our beliefs about what is ethical and unethical. I mean, I do consider myself to be a strong proponent of the non-aggression principle. And I'm a builder. I'm going to continue to build things. And some of these things will be objectionable, but for me, it's a question of, am I building something that is helping or harming people? And of course, this is a huge rabbit hole. You can go down, I'm sure people will say, well, the fact that you're even facilitating Ethereum stuff, people are gonna hurt themselves. There's a lot of scams and the whole thing is based upon a premise that's not fair and so on and so forth. But people are, whenever you give people a tool, it will be used in harmful ways. So me building neutral tools, this is another thing that I have to live with is understand that there are people who will use them to harm others. And there are people who will be harmed as a result of using them. If you look at the level of scams and thefts and hacks and stuff in Ethereum compared to Bitcoin, I think it's orders of magnitude greater. It's certainly a great platform for scamming people on top of. And so you're not gonna see me going around telling people that they should be investing in or using Ethereum. This is something that the market has spoken to us about this. We're not going out and trying to project onto other people what they should be doing with their wealth. And even if we're setting Ethereum aside, even just offering a Bitcoin wallet, that is gonna get abused. This happened a lot when I was at BitGo. I'm sure it's happening to some extent at Casa that scammers are using these wallets and they're like social engineering and performing other tricks onto people. And they're taking that stolen money and they're managing it with something that I've built. And that's something that I have to live with, unfortunately. It's a lot harder for me to draw a sort of ideological line between one and the other, even though I would say objectively, Ethereum from a very high level view has a lot more activity. It's the nature of having a much more feature-rich, developer-friendly expressive network. It has more good things built on top of it. It has more bad things built on top of it. And I try not to dwell on that too much. These networks, they have been seeded and are now essentially operating at a point that they are their own thing. We've spent a long time talking about how it's hard to understand Bitcoin. I don't even really try to understand Ethereum and where it might be going. I know that I'm generally not a fan of the different trade-offs and decisions that are made for it. But there is no, covering your eyes and saying that there isn't value there. I mean, the market has quantified that there is value. You can certainly object to how that value has been accrued, but from a business perspective, that is a significant chunk of the market now. - I knew that was a horrible last question 'cause there's so many other paths I wanna go down, but unfortunately we're limited by time today. So Jameson, I'll let you go, man. I appreciate you coming on for a chat and signing up to do so because it was, allowed me to ask a bunch of questions that I don't usually get to ask with someone who knows more about it than me. So I appreciate it for you taking the time and any last words or anywhere you wanna direct people, floor is yours. - Well, if anyone out there has not seen my Bitcoin resources, definitely check out bitcoin.page. This is one of my oldest open source projects. I think there's about 1500 educational links there. - Is that where the seed plate reviews are? - Absolutely, that's one of my dozen other projects. So I maintain that, that's an ongoing act of love as dealing with Linkrot and the new projects coming on board and making sure that I have extensively kept track of as much as possible within the ecosystem. - It seems like a fun thing to do. Like it would be fun going through all those tests and shit. - Yeah, but sort of in closing, I'm a techno optimist. I do believe that one of the great powers of this network, even though it can be quite confounding and make it difficult for people to understand and operate within is the fact that it is, it's distributed and made up of so many different individuals. And I certainly take a lot of abuse because I've gotten to the point where I have a lot of attention and the diversity of opinions of people who are paying attention to me ultimately means that I will offend people on a regular basis because I speak, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And I'm not gonna be going away. So, feel free to continue to hurl all of your opinions, both good and bad, and I'll be paying attention. - Awesome. Well, look man, thanks again and look forward to catching up sometime in the future. - Thanks. - Take care, brother.