@jefft can you smell what The Rock is cookin?
this is why we can’t have nice things… 30+ pound water jug knocked out of cradle and eaten: http://imgur.com/QZQuV.j…
the ideal range size between “incompetent” and “incompetent enough to get fired” is zero. unfortunately, reality is not ideal…
@covati HA! more like ‘dear world…’
No love lost, no love found. http://is.gd/d6atx
All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, what he was doing.
i was impressed by this ad from allstate: http://www.youtube.com/w…
whose bright idea was is to use QWERTY keyboards on mobile devices? I’m sure the layout could be optimized for thumbs (similar to DVORAK)
you have to be able to laugh at yourself when you fuck up. that’s why i integrated our dev environment with FailBlog via the CheezBurger API
@gigq it’s not too late - you can still escape!
Time is an illusion… lunchtime doubly so.
That’s funny, @bikebandit - I don’t recall opting in to receive promotional emails from you when I bought those gloves on eBay…
new futurama season is as awesome as it should be. i mean nope, don’t know anything about that yet… ALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD!
cover letters are bullshit and @rands agrees
don’t you miss the good old days when you could push someone into a pool without fear of destroying a thousand dollars worth of electronics?
wayneisthesex @wayneisthesex is now a promoter. if you need any promotions, followers , or more friends on @twitter , @myspace , @facebook hit him up! RT
OK @facebook is pissing me off today. they blocked idek from ALL shares, help forum is BROKEN, then I get this: http://imgur.com/mybWK.p…
Show me a young conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.
there are 2 types of riders: those who HAVE crashed and those who haven’t crashed YET. SC riders don’t wear helmets http://idek.net/1t1I
“Sometimes me think what is love? Then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you.”
@McGinity it’s definitely faster but BY HOW MUCH is not a standard and will vary widely between carriers http://idek.net/1rAu
@McGinity 4G isn’t even a set standard yet - it’s just a marketing ploy
The programmer’s path to hell is paved with the word ‘yes.’ http://idek.net/1r4C
does anybody have some cheat codes for life? i tried → → ↔ ↔ ↠→ ↠→ to no avail…
uggg the weatherman on ‘the early show’ has made his main screen look like an iphone with ‘apps’ he clicks on to bring up diff pages.
oh it’s summer, you say? must be time to deal with another slew of electrical issues on the bike!
RT @MichaelCasp: iPhone 4 order FAIL. Suck it Apple/AT&T. Tell the factory to crack the whip on those Chinese slaves, daddy needs his iPhone
i may not be a fan of apple products but i know innovation and market captivation when i see it - i’m now an AAPL shareholder
“a taxidermist is stuffing my mother” #hottubtimemachine
you’d be surprised how many problems can be solved by lemon juice
everybody likes the four chord song: http://idek.net/1pnL (this is definitely getting played over airtunes at the office)
minister decries atheism surge as ‘fundamentalism.’ when was the last time you had an atheist ring your doorbell? http://idek.net/1pmo
i liked narwhals before it was cool; i recall announcing them as my favorite animal in 1997 to a crowd that thought i was making it up
trying to unsubscribe from @bestbuy marketing emails for the 23rd time FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU http://imgur.com/DQabt.p…
Reqs to become a Hell’s Angel: male, valid driver’s license, working motorcycle, cannot be a child molester, police officer, or prison guard
there is a hell’s angels roadhouse 2 miles from my house. why doesn’t it show up / can’t i add it on google maps? http://idek.net/1pMn
*phew* that was close! http://imgur.com/LfmH9.p…
there’s no place like /home/jameson/
i’ve made more progress obedience training in one week with a shock collar than in a year with hundreds of treats (and only buzzed 6 times)
the only explanation i can come up with for the pile of mulch i just found upstairs is that it was vomited from a large brown furry beast…
a layman looks at my car and thinks it has an absurdly large ‘spoiler.’ here’s why: http://idek.net/1p80
@jefft continuous FAIL!
somewhat disappointed that I was the only one left at @durhambulls by the 6th inning…
life begins at arousal
Still trying to determine which character is the badass (or Omar, if you will) in Treme. I’m guessing John Goodman’s: Creighton Bernette.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
@ameir i think you’re supposed to use 4square for that
in this case, it’s not the thought that counts. http://i.imgur.com/QuHx2…
one man. one rake. two hundred seventy cubic feet of mulch. the mulch is winning.
tired of getting screwed by faulty forecasts of 50% chance for rain
@Oatmeal the problem with twitter is that even if you notice your fucked up tweet immediately, you can’t take it back
a few unanswered LOST questions: http://www.collegehumor….