RT @CasaHODL: Announcement 1 comin’ in hot:
You’ve asked, and now we’re delivering. Casa Node code is now open sourced!
For more details…
RT @epicenterbtc: New episode is up!
We’re joined by Jameson Lopp, a self-proclaimed “Professional Cypherpunk. Jameson has written extens…

coindesk #BitcoinAt10: @kanzure compares bitcoin to an onion. See more here: ow.ly/F4ec30nqeer pic.twitter.com/o9lVdoQZCv
@metamarcdw The easiest way to create more Bitcoin engineers is to convert those with the closest skill set.
Now is the time for all good Bitcoin companies to BTFD (in employed blockchain engineers)
@twobitidiot If the XRP Army had told you to learn to code, the tables would have been turned!
As advances in ASIC technology have slowed, bitcoin mining has become more competitive and hashrate is more distrib… https://t.co/bCzmwDGG2F
@seb2point0 good catch!
Scientists are still trying to figure out gold’s emission algorithm. H/T @mikehagan https://t.co/6ux2JiavNc
A Japanese woman was murdered on June 18th, 2017 by someone she met at a Bitcoin meetup who wanted her bitcoins due… https://t.co/og007Jp3Zj
@Seccour_FR If there is an article please add a PR or issue to my repository at https://t.co/BUdsFsvKsh
Here we observe a prime specimen of the majestic Bitcoin HODLer of last resort perched in its natural habitat while… https://t.co/j7CeGfWI7h
@Seccour_FR Sorry to hear about that; do you know if the media is covering this story?
“It’s not possible to become a powerful politician without deceiving and exploiting lots of people, therefore it’s… https://t.co/Tylcxa9s1v
Instead of extorting a successful entrepreneur, perhaps you should focus on reforming the Department of Education s… https://t.co/CVdYXIcBa8
Crypto liberals believe Bitcoin will be superceded because it doesn’t evolve fast enough, giving an advantage to mo… https://t.co/ity6lCiZAM
@mark_o_carroll @Coin_Doctors @francispouliot_ It mainly depends upon your technical skill set. We are targeting fo… https://t.co/Uv2MXcZbHQ
@LegalDaVinci @jonfavs @flyosity I think Trump is a good thing in one specific way - that hopefully he will open so… https://t.co/zTtRVbrMA0
Anarchist disaster porn. https://t.co/0xzJwUR4Bd
RT @RainDogDance: Co-authored with @staring_at, the edited and corrected Russian translation of the article “Who Controls Bitcoin Core?†(b…
@jgarzik On a scale of 0 to 10 how helpful did you find law enforcement to be?
@bitstein Mr. Henry must be pretty trigger happy on the block button because I’m blocked by him despite having neve… https://t.co/b5wTedSnyG
@Bitmocro @twobitidiot @Ripple @bgarlinghouse @MonicaLongSF @CoryTV @JoelKatz @warpaul Yes, in my experience law en… https://t.co/o7o6haK8kj
RT @AaronvanW: Taproot, an idea first proposed by Greg Maxwell that’s now being realized by several of the most prolific Bitcoin Core devs,…
@CryptoChef_ @sportscliche Then you don’t even give them the satisfaction of a response.
@sportscliche You’re correct, and that’s perfectly valid - especially if you’re Satoshi. But these days there are p… https://t.co/UmIpEIcZ2M
This is one of my least favorite quotes since people tend to use it to arrogantly dismiss inquisitive minds. If you… https://t.co/U1RPPdwRGb
The only job security you’ll find in the 21st century is within yourself - your own ability to adapt to dynamic market conditions.
@d81819188 Historically it seems that was true, at least in the US… but times they are a changin’
It’s a bad idea to work for an organization with leaders that fight rather than collaborate. Perhaps the financial… https://t.co/wWy8kioEdX
Bitcoin Supremacist Justice Warriors are turning a blind eye to this massive issue with the Lightning Network speci… https://t.co/syoCF9JXPQ
RT @jeremyrwelch: It’s now clear to me that we need to be more open about our views and longterm plans to reduce misunderstandings.
@giacomozucco @MyLegacyKit @LukeDashjr @AlenaSatoshi @adam3us @starkness @pavolrusnak @slushcz @francispouliot_… https://t.co/nCjX4gZ71A
“Fake Stake” is the new “Nothing at Stake” -when you use resources internal to the system to secure itself, you cre… https://t.co/bjcGfPLTaf
Detractors will claim watchtowers introduce trusted third parties into the Lightning Network. While you /could/ bli… https://t.co/EbVqH01zDV
@alipasha Yes you can, as long as your node stays online.
@alipasha You only need to subscribe to 1 working watchtower in order to be protected from counterparty channel fra… https://t.co/6cD0SkrIew
@tomerfederman Channel counterparty fraud risk, where the entity on the other side of your channel tries to close i… https://t.co/LmmwM2DnLW
RT @JamesClear: Real wealth is not about money.
Real wealth is:
-not having to go to meetings
-not having to spend time with jerks
-not be…
Lightning watchtowers will decrease fraud risk for users - looks like they’re right around the corner now. https://t.co/0SVuJUWZeb

@nic__carter Ready and waiting. pic.twitter.com/ZE6p6cidjc
“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists… The trailblazers in human, academic… https://t.co/xF9eO5NEkm
@williamhanson @netflix @MarieKondo She may have adopted The American Dream method. https://t.co/3iuKH4Zmxe
@coindesk @beamprivacy I bet that stock photo comes in handy pretty often!
@_jillruth When you turn your hobby into your profession the distinction between work and life disappears…
There’s more than one way to ride the Lightning! https://t.co/oqbtaxdAoQ
Sure, we enjoy some freedom, but we’re free as in “free range human on a tax farm.”
Something like this, perhaps. The surviving early adopters will be those who adopt strong OPSEC or construct crypto… https://t.co/kHSEiiZPbs
RT @ArminVanBitcoin: Lightning tech is exploding!
- @CasaHODL - fn + âš¡
- @nodl_it - fn + âš¡
- @lightninginabox full node + âš¡
- @bluewalleti…
@DMN737 @Nneuman @AlenaSatoshi @CasaHODL This is one of the reasons why it’s still #reckless to run a lightning nod… https://t.co/u41Y19Hg7n
@bitcoin_collect People probably view it in hindsight rather than as Hal intended. There were no guarantees that Bi… https://t.co/DWf3d1jXy6
@ott0disk It’s hard; you can’t keep up with everything. In general I’m mostly interested in projects that are pushi… https://t.co/ft1PyMmDcz
@giacomozucco Perhaps that was the problem and people got frustrated, though I personally didn’t see anyone in my c… https://t.co/2Bfu6asiUq
@btcsimon @MrHodl @alpacasw @giacomozucco I need to get some to test out the wallet functionality, though I doubt a… https://t.co/ggpPJFQ1iV
@MrHodl @alpacasw @giacomozucco 0. I checked my archives and I’ve been tweeting about MimbleWimble since October 20… https://t.co/eSHBbMHnIa
@brian_trollz @giacomozucco > But that’s not the same security model
> Isn’t it preferable for the hack itself to b… https://t.co/MZpaU1lHVh
@brian_trollz @giacomozucco What’s the ethical way to create an environment that incentivizes adversaries to stress… https://t.co/3pXpki8VFw
@alpacasw @giacomozucco Yup, plenty in the replies here: https://t.co/9YG5ET24Te
RT @twobitidiot: The Bitcoin ETF finally getting approved on a technicality due to government incompetence would be a beautiful and poetic…
RT @coincenter: We demonstrated the Bitcoin Lightning Network in Congress. https://t.co/YLgSmJbZVc https://t.co/TecrGzrW63
@giacomozucco I think you’ve touched on the crux of the issue: so long as the discussion is in the abstract about a… https://t.co/odRkWdjSHN
@MikeLacy0 If all you care about is investing / store of value, then you’re correct.
If your Bitcoin Supremacism is so weak that it can’t handle discussion of other tech, take two steaks and @ me in t… https://t.co/KN3sDp9JPr

decryptmedia A user friendly way to run Bitcoin and Lightning: our extensive review of the @CasaHODL Node dcy.pt/2W0cPMZ pic.twitter.com/JkmKuNT5qg
@destractions @CryptoChef_ @Catheryne_N @TennesseeJed3 You’re making assumptions because you’re thinking like an in… https://t.co/NffWyhS3rK
@theinstagibbs Because Bitcoin Core was the testnet for Bitcoin Cash, duh!
@Ether0x Good point - I was looking at the reported hashrate!
@murchandamus Aha, that was a bit misleading.
@_DatMine_ @crypto_bobby @CasaHODL There are more types of costs than dollars and cents. Time is money.
@alexbosworth should probably program “don’t kill humans / do no harm” as #1
Police have managed to crack the complex Bitcoin cases that took place in Witbank and Middelburg South Africa last… https://t.co/TVN86Y0oOc
@Ethan_Heilman @theinstagibbs That reminds me, I ought to have quite a few TBCH… somewhere. Will have to dig around.
@sat_disc It’s still running, now at a load average of 0.44
@weissjeffm @MrHodl I don’t think they have any economic goals; their goals are privacy and scalability. https://t.co/bbiw8WsgRg
@bergealex4 @giacomozucco I feel you. If there was consensus on an acceptable way to do permissionless 2 way pegs f… https://t.co/kkPdb5yyQZ
@MrHodl Of course, but who knows what the markets will do. Risk! Finance!
@twobitidiot Only bearly. At the hype peak I was gaining 1,000 per day… gotta keep hustling.
@MrHodl Yep, there’s probably a price floor /somewhere/ - seems that even the shittiest of shitcoins manage to find a floor above 0.
@MrHodl For sure! I suspect it may have some utility, but the economics don’t make sense as a SoV.
@MrHodl @bergealex4 @giacomozucco Indeed; if folks had invested millions of dollars it would make no sense. I’m not… https://t.co/suruaI732P
I suspect a lot of the speculators will get rekt, which is perfectly fair. The actions of investors don’t affect th… https://t.co/V3ZXmZOEfT
@bergealex4 @giacomozucco Are you saying that the team building grin solicited said investments? If not, how are de… https://t.co/w0LYYqSESs
@barefoot_88 It’s probably technically possible, but the payout would be incredibly tiny. Not worth the effort IMO.
@BlockCypher @f3rgl You’ve probably got a couple days left. Even on a blazing fast machine I’m unable to do a full… https://t.co/r6NLXkbQxc
Productivity pro-tip: don’t dwell on the vastness of the universe and your inconsequential fleeting existence.
@NicolasDorier sent

New “Data Anchoring” section added to lopp.net/bitcoin.html - please suggest additions of any services I missed! pic.twitter.com/Q423VZrQXb
@bitcoin_collect You misspelled “shill.” Also, you misused the term. I’m actually interested in the tech, which is… https://t.co/I43CuXOSMp
@ybthebest @francispouliot_ @GuillPaquet @bergealex4 @GustavoJ_Flores I think mimblewimble is interesting tech and… https://t.co/hside2W9Es
@CryptoChef_ @Catheryne_N @TennesseeJed3 Anyone may speculate by converting one asset into another asset. Convertin… https://t.co/ryc1MHX3rz
On the bright side, all the Ethereum node operators who didn’t update their node for the Constantinople hard fork n… https://t.co/5yP3sOwEAS
@bitstein @pierre_rochard Twitter is all fun and games until you get sacked in meatspace.
@weissjeffm Nah, supposedly a ton of industrial miners are having a go at it. Probably not worth the effort.
RT @BitfuryGroup: Exciting news: Our @Lightning_Peach team has made it possible to exchange cryptocurrency via the #LightningNetwork on @BT…
@weissjeffm I think it will take a while due to the manually set super high difficulty. Something like 10,000X testnet difficulty.
@TennesseeJed3 Because there are no sketchy incentives skewed towards the creators, it’s actually innovating, and i… https://t.co/ktcFZKzhUs
@WeeklyCrypto @fundstrat @AmberBaldet @GrowClovyr @RichardHeartWin @el33th4xor @bloXrouteLabs @CasaHODL Um, you hav… https://t.co/BOLKsuj8Hu
@udiWertheimer Yeah, first build didn’t have any peers and I was twiddling my thumbs until I saw the new commit.
@oscpacey It’s a delayed start to make the launch more fair - giving people time to build and deploy their nodes.
Running grin
I made the mistake of creating an IPv6 only server just for fun and am stuck in the 6th circle of networking hell w… https://t.co/bteAGm0ZhL
A year has passed @AdamSinger - have we given up on magical internet money? If all you look at is the exchange rate… https://t.co/dTtTInaZmb
@williamlegate @flyosity TSA has historically had a high failure rate - this is nothing new.… https://t.co/elsWxoTpyM
@Mandrik I think you’re allowed to eat any part of the cow, including the juice.
@prestonjbyrne Most. Entertaining. President. Ever.
@cozy_crypto I wish. Will shill for 🌕ð@MoonCheeseSnackeeseSnack

Crypto carnivore approved! mooncheese.com pic.twitter.com/eA8e0Qbvxb
RT @CasaHODL: We’ve put a ton of automated testing into our #iOS Keymaster app. This significantly reduces the chance of bugs or security h…
@oocBlog Welcome back!
CryptoMarigny @lopp Bitcoin is a fine vessel to navigate the winds of change but there are many perils in the Sea of Shitcoins
RT @bitstein: Miners are free to mine any block they’d like.
Devs are free to write any code they’d like.
Node operators are free to run…
@MediumSqueeze No worries, that was pre-Bitcoin!
@MediumSqueeze Personally, I hoped that it would enable me to surround myself with a new social group of smart folk… https://t.co/8hWKVfaP3G
@coryklippsten @nntaleb Interestingly enough, I’m a Mensa member - I founded Mensa’s Bitcoin Special Interest Group… https://t.co/1SSv4ouhE0
You fools, the government is shut down! Who’s going to stop you from transporting the pelican without a permit? 🤦â€â™‚ï¸https://t.co/GBUkGjXEnr
@r0ckstardev @Piotr14Tra @francispouliot_ I think @giacomozucco was the first to jokingly say Bitcoin Supremacists… https://t.co/A79V9lukAn
Government downtime: the best kind of downtime. Think Trump can get it down to one nine of uptime for 2019? https://t.co/dzGtDfSVUs
@ryscar13 Indeed. In my experience super high IQ folks tend to have trade-offs with their social skills.
@mcnicollme Are there any standard / reputable EQ tests?
@Avgustino Intelligence quotient https://t.co/KTe39fqj0k
IQ is a grade of your logic in a low stress environment. It doesn’t show that someone is a good communicator or tea… https://t.co/pqVH60Ahbu
@frostysmoothone Yep, I’ve been unable to open the box without destroying either the box or the single sticker.
Arguing about what HODL means == arguing about a meme.
Arguing about what Bitcoin is == arguing about a plurality of memes.
If you attempt affixing a rudder onto the Bitcoin boat you’ll find yourself thrown overboard into the Shitcoin Sea.
@DavidShares @coindesk Successful memes surpass the wildest dreams of their originators when they take on a life of… https://t.co/QRskL9lEsZ
@SQLInterstellar Any type of money; there are more memes than the internet comedic variety.
Money is made of memes.
@ElkimXOC @LukeDashjr @peeticek @CasaHODL Correct. Proving that there are 0 backdoors in the hardware or firmware i… https://t.co/ZwAf9aMhIp
@brndnmtthws @pierre_rochard I used to work in ad tech. Now I don’t work for bitcoin, but I do work for Bitcoin.
@josephrodgers There would be two forks until someone bridged the two networks, at which point the fork with more c… https://t.co/BPWg4bdD9b
RT @cryptograffiti: My latest work commemorates the 10th anniversary of @halfin’s involvement in Bitcoin. Repurposed credit cards sit atop…
Does the #XRPArmy even have any weapons? Do bots even have trigger fingers? These are important unaddressed questio… https://t.co/MNG1VLziQI
@nvk That probably wouldn’t help fight the narrative that Bitcoin Core controls Bitcoin. Imagine trying to argue th… https://t.co/aK1zqpse1e

Bitcoin Whitepaper made from USD by @cryptograffiti pic.twitter.com/aIgX5nU0oq
I’m going live on @coindesk’s Periscope broadcast in 5 minutes at 6PM EST with @pete_rizzo_ and @jeremyrubin! https://t.co/UeqwxDogMO
@henry_popescu Sure. Unfortunately there are plenty of situations where corporate bureaucracy requires certain info… https://t.co/PAkcz6IVfF
If you truly want to protect your privacy, you’d better be prepared to lie.
The ability to pay for bitcoin Lightning channels to be opened to you via other cryptocurrencies and even custodial… https://t.co/4NCRcIIdfX
Running lightning
@VictorErem @WhalePanda @fluffypony you should let them know that they are referring to the wrong Moreno.
@WhalePanda So you’re saying that it’s gonna pump? That’s some perverse incentives if I do say so myself.
@ljxie @APompliano Don’t stomp the Pomp!
@_Kevin_Pham Is that you, @ryanxcharles? I’d been wondering where you went after abandoning your last account…
@CryptoChambers Set up alerts for your node at Bitnodes.earn.com (though not with an email tied to your name)
@jimmysong Full billionaire mode.
@trinoxol None required, it’s a nice to have. It can be learned on the job and I’m always available to provide guidance.
@jeffrade The vast majority of Casa employees work remotely; it’s certainly an option.
Are you an experienced software engineer who’s really into secure scalable back ends and Bitcoin? Come work with me! https://t.co/TqfWEJeVuv
Great history lesson by @AlenaSatoshi https://t.co/9BbukzmixP
@NicolasDorier @stateofsatoshi @RubinReport @btc @aantonop @MustStopMurad @TheBlueMatt @BtcpayServer IIRC, Roger is… https://t.co/FKgrAJoWiY
@joonian @mdudas @TheBlock__ I like their art 😜 https://t.co/3jrXSa01F5
@_PeterRyan @coindesk @coinmetrics You can’t keep a good doge down.
@JoshuaJBouw We are - other folks can add whatever labels they want at the end but it doesn’t really matter. 😀
@miketwenty1 @notsofast @SatoshiLite It may have been too subtle for a lot of folks. I attempted to clarify here https://t.co/d2PsZgnPoj
Originally we were just Bitcoiners. Then folks started creating competing networks & defensive Bitcoiners were dubb… https://t.co/aBYzCnz7GI
@Ragnarly @eiaine @SatoshiLite I identify as a Segregated Witness.
@eiaine @SatoshiLite Because we don’t care what toxic name you call us - we’ll embrace it.
@rrhoover @balajis Fly to the north or south pole where all the time zones meet. When you need an extra hour, just take a few steps west.
@ryanxcharles Did you survive your 2 week fast?
@RichardHeartWin @cryptomanran Bitcoin is the currency of enemies. As such, it can have no greater representative t… https://t.co/Cjdj6IRdEo
@cryptomanran Craig Wright
@CryptoHTX @SatoshiLite Thanks! Humor was, in fact, my intention.
@odedleiba @pierre_rochard You can safely connect an SPV wallet on a mobile device - no encryption required. Prefer… https://t.co/7rqVoNwnxN
@SatoshiLite Bitcoin Supremacists, please. Extremists has a negative connotation.
@pierre_rochard @odedleiba Because it’s for use inside your home network. We’ll be adding support in the future for… https://t.co/JB6me7cVlS

This is an excellent portrayal of how cryptotwitter works. Thanks, @Cointelegraph! pic.twitter.com/9M6MVevlzd
@_PeterRyan Math & science seem pretty safe. Politics, history, and economics should probably be bolstered with sup… https://t.co/G0zjCZ3EUE
@NakoMbelle I completely agree - crony capitalism is a great example of tyranny of the (economic) majority. It’s si… https://t.co/Gw95LIWrNB
It’s difficult to discuss the tyranny of the majority when many people are brainwashed by state education centers t… https://t.co/bKiDYLibrd
@NakoMbelle To be clear, the logic to which I referred in my original post had nothing to do with taxation or with… https://t.co/VWiYG9vKSd
@NakoMbelle I’m not sure what philanthropy has to do with the above. Did you know that the amount of money someone… https://t.co/825iMYcANV
@markamaro333 Because I’m not comparing the outcome of the decision - I don’t believe that the ends justify the mea… https://t.co/5ejF3x2c1Y
@kimmojaskari You’re arguing that the ends justify the means. I’m arguing that the logic is absurd regardless of the ends.
@2020november You’re focused on the outcome, I’m focused on the logic behind the decision. I never said that the ou… https://t.co/sutE0czUNZ
@anonyx10 Yes it’s inflammatory. It’s also equivalent logic to a bunch of bullies on a schoolyard playground voting… https://t.co/kGmCFrMav6
@jimyoung2817 @Bulldozer0 @markb Indeed, I have no interest in arguing about tax laws. The whole thing is laughable… https://t.co/1fRsnzgeW4
@AFDudley0 @STEVEN_HALL_bTC The state cares not how your income is denominated. If you earn income in bitcoin it’s taxed just the same.
@plebcapital The use of such logic is grotesque in any situation where it forces the will of a majority upon a mino… https://t.co/nujX7R48iy
@markb My argument is that the logic is based upon immoral tyranny of the majority. The “straw man” as you put it i… https://t.co/zAy5LPpJrN
Sickening statist tyranny of the majority logic. Let’s use a counterexample to expose the flaw:
“Look. This isn’t… https://t.co/WtPEcTu4h3
@timoncc @Excellion @peterktodd Surely your time can be better spent on other things…
@JosephFiscella @SoundCrypto @VeriBlock I think you missed the “k” - you’re off by 3 orders of magnitude.
@AbsenceAbdullah @BryceWeiner @mbs_ctt Basically.
@CryptoChamuco Never better!
VeriBlock miners posted 783,000 transactions to Bitcoin’s blockchain in December and are on track for 1,500,000 in… https://t.co/E14Sdf2dlt
@AbsenceAbdullah @BryceWeiner @mbs_ctt I’d recommend reading the discussion on /r/bitcoin https://t.co/Wp3exVe3e1
@BtcDanny @WayneVaughan @VeriBlock @notsofast @Marsmensch I believe so, yes.
@WayneVaughan @VeriBlock To be fair, VeriBlock identified themselves with their block explorer and @notsofast and @Marsmensch tipped me off.