I’m a satisfied @projectfi user; I recommend that you check it out! https://t.co/5BhpuaUTym

@coindesk How much did @coinbase pay you for that high of a z axis value? ;-) pic.twitter.com/gDZ9Mm4VFS
.@Chase just released a mobile app to redeem credit card rewards as electronic gift cards. http://t.co/yRWv3ORguu http://t.co/Y9FOwPYMi1
Kudos to @adzerk and @averyj https://t.co/NWACyIb8xa
@eordano @maraoz This will please @kristovatlas
Snowden Can you hear me now?
“@21dotco: The planet-sized computer” https://t.co/lgwHrotFh8 by @eluxBTC
@markcross Mixing would use more txns and thus more fees, eroding more channels, but the fee erosion applies regardless of the use case.
@kristovatlas Completely agree, I’m just saying that the obscurity provided could be much greater ;-)
@kristovatlas It’s not related; my thought is that once you move funds into LN then it would be much simpler to obfuscate them.
@kristovatlas I don’t think it’s necessary depending upon how routing works. Sounds like @Blockstream LN will support onion routing.
It seems to me that Lightning Network has the potential to facilitate superior Bitcoin mixing services.
Transaction fees erode Lightning Network payment channels; lower fees will result in longer lived channels. https://t.co/V448D9Ooud
Bitcoin: To Node or Not to Node? https://t.co/0ITcuDSFRT
Government simultaneously operates both as a protection service and as a protection racket.
@bvsiness @elenaneira Yes; realize that you’re viewing this from a micro perspective while my tweet was a macro perspective.
@bvsiness @elenaneira There aren’t enough judges to process criminals when nearly every citizen is a criminal ;-)
@bvsiness @elenaneira Unenforceable laws have no consequences. Laws that more than a small minority of citizens break are unenforceable.

A rare honest bank sign spotted in the wild. pic.twitter.com/yQF4HJJMZ6
Software is eating the world and banks are the next course. #hivedata
“Blockchain technology allows us to finally have trust on the Internet without relying upon the legal system for enforcement.” #hivedata
“Banks can’t touch cannabis revenues; they need to access the federal banking network. Bitcoin allows us to circumvent them.” @treesdelivery
@CharlesWiltgen @MrHodl Miner efficiency is stated on 21.co/faq/; read their medium posts too. medium.com/@21dotco
RT @mikehogan_: 21 things to build with the 21 Inc Bitcoin computer http://t.co/wAyE3Whmrn @21dotco @balajis
@CharlesWiltgen @MrHodl @pmarca @MattBochneak @juscamarena A high end GPU ~= 2 MegaHash/Joule while @21dotco mines 6250 MegaHash/Joule.
RT @brockpierce: BitGo Inc. Posts $1 Billion Bitcoin Transactions in Single Quarter | Business Wire http://t.co/okYkVVk88Z
RT @cdixon: Stanford CS 251 - “Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.” Course syllabus and readings: https://t.co/jMwV3CJCar

masonic_tweets Today @BitGo brute forced its way out of Houdini’s Great Escape Room just in time for lunch pic.twitter.com/DV1UMQvjQo
@MrHodl @pmarca @MattBochneak @juscamarena Sure, with a few orders of magnitude more electricity and thousands of lines of code…
@MattBochneak @juscamarena @pmarca Full node = trustless, embedded chip = decentralizes Bitcoin mining + permissionless innovation.
@jimmyhomma @lisacheng @JeramieT Yeah, I think machine to machine payments have a lot of potential, adding value to the Internet of Things.
@MattBochneak @juscamarena @pmarca @amazon it’s not meant to generate coins humans use to purchase retail items. It’s a platform for devs.
@lisacheng @JeramieT @jimmyhomma @amazon If you think that this is a for profit mining machine, you’ve missed the point.
@ziggamon It’s a great idea as a platform. It won’t succeed unless the platform is powerful and easy to use.
@robustus @kristovatlas My hope is that socialization of mining via embedded chips results in the death of centralized for-profit mining.
@kristovatlas @balajis has stated that they determined the cost of obtaining / preloading is higher than mining; could use more details!
@kristovatlas @robustus Imagine how nice it would be if the value provided by devices such as this is sufficient to decentralize mining…
@ziggamon I think that the micropayments server / any other software they provide will be crucial to give the device value.
@kristovatlas It’s hard for me to put a value on it considering that it’s not a for-profit miner. Value will depend upon dev creativity.

Only time will tell if it’s genius or ridiculous, but in light of continued community skepticism to @21dotco: pic.twitter.com/D4yR7FnWum
LaurentMT @lopp @kristovatlas For me, the most intriguing/interesting part is this idea that full nodes may be financially incentivized… #WaitAndSee
@kristovatlas I’d say it will hinge upon how easy it is to use the micropayments server.
RT @21dotco: The 21 Bitcoin Computer
Buy it here: http://t.co/x0icrqrgqo
RT @21dotco: The First Bitcoin Computer.
Now available on Amazon. Ships 11/16.
FYI Bitcoin wallet engineers: Bitcoin Core will start rejecting txs with many unconfirmed ancestors / descendants. https://t.co/sZAzxyw3ru
@jfreebo @Kevin_Ashton @asymco I believe that their interpretation affected the applicability of https://t.co/DehxvDdjk6
@ivovic @speedweasel @asymco Progress is being made; it’s not going to happen overnight. https://t.co/Tgc1V43dXr
@speedweasel @ivovic @asymco It’s been OK, but we need to make it more decentralized. I’m hopeful that mesh networking will succeed.
@Kevin_Ashton @asymco I spent some time Googling around but without much success; authors are reputable but I’d like to know specifics.
@ivovic @asymco The Internet is decentralized, just not as much as it could be. A mesh network would be preferable…
@ivovic @asymco Sure, it’s easy for govt to take action against central physical infrastructure. Decentralized infrastructure not so much.
@kristovatlas Sounds like a job for permissionless innovation!
Agree w/@gavinandresen re: Bitcoin gossip protocol efficiency. My node w/100+ peers relays a new tx to only ~5 peers https://t.co/T2WzunIeIx
It doesn’t matter how governments define emerging technologies. https://t.co/p9NleL5fOA http://t.co/J6M4daW1WC
“The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.” - Alan Greenspan
RT @realytcracker: this is a new hacker song not about crack cocaine it is a metaphor ya dingus https://t.co/ElEya6TJM9
RT @hivewallet: Hive’s Status: Officially Unsupported. We recommend migrating your tokens to another wallet. https://t.co/X5vALP942M
“Big-O Scaling” by @gavinandresen http://t.co/nGbab9fFt3
Anarchy is just government à la carte.
New Statoshi dashboard: Transaction Fee & Priority Estimates
/cc @morcosa
Will Bitcoin Core’s 4 year old request for bandwidth throttling https://t.co/bY9wCU6CGI be implemented in XT? https://t.co/v3QwomgjV8
@mikestable @ddahlke A cunning stunt if I’ve ever seen one!
“Bitcoin mining is an unneccessary source of pollution, so we’re setting caps on allowed carbon emissions.” - Envionmental Protection Agency
“Bitcoin mining is highly inefficient, so we’re setting caps on the allowable wattage per user.” - US Department of Energy
bencxr Just crawled the #bitcoin #blockchain. Number of #multisig P2SH transactions/day in Sep increased almost twofold (84%) compared to Jun.
Transaction spam seems to have abated as of last night; mempool back to normal levels of < 5,000 transactions. https://t.co/y4QDDzKpMa
@yrashk Whatever amount of computational resources is available, developers will always find a way to use it all and still need more :-)
“I have a general rule now of not starting new businesses in the US. The regulatory system is messy.” @ErikVoorhees https://t.co/YxvoxikInF
@jgarzik @barrysilbert @CNBC @mattclinch81 I suspect each government agency will define Bitcoin in whatever way gives them most jurisdiction
@LaurentMT Can you point me to any good papers / discussions on this concept?
@jonmatonis Seriously, though, @EFF - I emailed [email protected] on August 18th and am awaiting a response.
@jonmatonis @jerrybrito @EFF We could use some help in NC opposing SB 680, which will classify many entities as MSBs.
Overly burdensome financial regulations and credit card chargebacks can be startup killers. https://t.co/VxGcdnejUT
.@ScalingBitcoin Videos: https://t.co/Up6Ga1X6ts
Slides: https://t.co/zylgKtL9cV
Transcripts: http://t.co/8vQKVIqP8a
I had 99 problems, so I hashed them into 1.
Hash the planet.
@kristovatlas If a miner solves a block before they can process the last block and remove those txs from their mempool, for one.
@kristovatlas Are you saying the F2Pool -> AntPool is recurring? Empty blocks still happen fairly regularly.
@dlogemann @kristovatlas @TradeBlock certainly possible, or their node might have crashed at some point and lost the mempool.
@JonathanVaage I have heard a few whispers about “mempool sharing” as a scalability concept but can’t find any info on it.
@JonathanVaage No need for consensus, though it’s helpful to know the outstanding txs to gauge block contention.
@dlogemann @kristovatlas It seems @TradeBlock lost / pruned a few
Current mempool size (unconfirmed transactions) according to:
Blocktrail: 135,000
Statoshi: 133,000
TradeBlock: 46,000
RT @kristovatlas: I wrote a new blog post containing a few thoughts about conflicts of interest and Bitcoin development. http://t.co/Tc6yux…
@pierebel There is definitely a “Goldilocks zone”
Too few UTXOs and a Bitcoin wallet can’t make multiple txs that get reliably confirmed.
Too many UTXOs and it may struggle selecting them.
@msquinn @cdixon Heh, you should check out reddit.com/r/buttcoin
@cypherdoc2 @21dotco AFAIK embedded mining is still the plan
@cypherdoc2 If @21dotco succeeds, we may socialize mining to the point that for-profit miners become extinct ;-)
@lightcoin @BitseedOrg I rarely hear about it; is it hard to set up? I assume not much revenue? https://t.co/dIFIIbWgTo
@emcluj True, though joinmarket decreases network tx throughput while LN will increase it. Seems like LN could be a superior mixer as well.
@elizabeth_joh @ryanxcharles @csoghoian I’ll put a bitcoin bounty out for a copblock patch.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc It’s hard to make complex software easy to administer; I doubt it will be easy unless rolled into BTC node.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc 1. Read about Bitcoin to understand value proposition of running a node. 2. Become a sysadmin.
@riprowan @bergalex @docbtc It’s trivial to run a full node… if you’re a nerd who has already scaled the Bitcoin learning curve.

motherboard “Ledger” is the first Bitcoin-only academic journal, and you can get it for free:
bit.ly/1iMcLfk pic.twitter.com/UqhROChNTS
@NTmoney It’s really hard to sell security as a feature until after it’s too late.
RT @OB1Company: Our own @drwasho has written about scaling #Bitcoin and why transaction capacity matters: https://t.co/8KyDY1nw6H
@riprowan @docbtc Sounds like you have reservations about the fungibility of LN UTXOs; I guess you could call them pseudo-UTXOs.
@riprowan It’s not just a promise, it’s a contract with well defined terms, and you can close the contract to settle on-blockchain…
LaurentMT @lopp …and it may also allow monetization of full nodes (micropayment of services provided by the full node)
@LaurentMT Indeed, this is the first concept that I think has a decent chance of us further decentralizing the node network.
@riprowan My limited understanding is that a LN transaction can be posted to the Bitcoin blockchain at any time, closing the channel.
@mikeinspace I believe the idea is that if LN is popular, you won’t need to settle. Just keep your funds on LN and use them to pay others.
If Lightning Networks become popular, running a LN node will be the first truly safe way to “invest” bitcoins and achieve positive ROI.
@TradeBlock Did you purge your mempool? Wondering why you’re only showing ~5K txs rather than 150K+ in the mempool.
Because I couldn’t find any guides, I’ve written “How to Solo Mine on Bitcoin’s Testnet” https://t.co/cyRAu0ENch
LamassuSupport Blockchain API issues continue, leading to sporadic ‘Out of bitcoins’ notices and possible dropped txs. BitGo wallet option remains stable.
.@TheStandDesk made my search for an affordable electronically adjustable standing desk a lot easier by being the only one to accept Bitcoin
@pkothbauer StatsD and Graphite. Grafana as the UI for statoshi.info. jlopp.github.io/statoshi/

It’s great to see statoshi.info being used at @ScalingBitcoin! pic.twitter.com/O7la3poKOu
@BitcoinBelle @jgarzik I’m referring to the BIP100 mechanism in which miners determine the max block size
@BitcoinBelle @jgarzik To be clear, if miners become decision makers, rest of market will have to figure out how to influence miners…
DiginomicsNews “Blocksize stuck at 1MB strangles bitcoin growth and adoption, blockchain is built to be upgraded.” - @jgarzik #ScalingBitcoin
“Unfortunately, on the other side, they often talk about decentralization like it’s good in and of itself, and it’s not.” - @NickSzabo4
@drwasho No idea; I hadn’t dealt with him before he became a mod.
I had a feeling this would happen eventually. /r/bitcoin mod banning people for comments made outside of /r/bitcoin: https://t.co/D2DMlztZfL

Close, but no cigar Google Chrome. pic.twitter.com/oWeQYxlMPC
@DigiEconomist Not to my knowledge, though it seems like they are getting there. Personalizing searches is a start.
@jefft I want 10 million interesting friends
Can’t wait until I can point my smartphone camera at a restaurant menu and have it overlay food & drink ratings from previous patrons.
@pierre_rochard Yeah it’s decent but I’m thinking of a recommendation engine based upon what people “like me” enjoyed.
I want a recommendation engine for life. Places to visit, foods to eat, things to experience. There’s simply not enough time to do it all…
RT @masonic_tweets: DD4BC broadens it’s target beyond Bitcoin companies, sticks with Bitcoin ransoms http://t.co/hvmVXJNuQF
kristovatlas One-off hashes inflexible for proof-of-existence on blockchain. Can use HD signatures to do hierarchical/versioned proof. #blockstack
CGEmanuelGroup The C.G. Emanuel Group now accepting Bitcoin. I believe this a first for a NC lobbying group.
RT @kristovatlas: Tomorrow you should be able to watch @ScalingBitcoin live here if so inclined: https://t.co/l7dn7eIq5f
@Rachaelbn I like it more than the powder! https://t.co/28SeToWzEu

2.0: the @soylent saga continues. pic.twitter.com/yyJJ0uvrCE
@alansilbert Mainly sounds like a harrassment guideline. As far as I can tell, heated arguments are still allowed.
Ouch; it took @BITMAINtech 2 weeks to respond to my support request. If I was a for-profit miner & my rig was down that long, I’d be upset.
@BBoingo @jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi @qntra @techreview This is exactly the level of discussion I expected.
@bergalex @alansilbert @kristovatlas heh, that post is exactly why I posted these tweets https://t.co/CzcgcsJDLc
@alansilbert @bergalex @kristovatlas Security inherent to a trustless ledger is valuable, but it’s incredibly difficult to “sell” security.
@alansilbert @kristovatlas Bitseed does have some nice automatic recovery logic, but requires using twice as much disk space.
@pkothbauer Don’t forget to forward the port! https://t.co/2E3pHOk14I
I’m pleased to report that @BitGo users have been completely unaffected by the stress test. 100K+ txs in mempool. https://t.co/jK0WiG9SvP
@jm111t Note that I am referring to laymen, not people who are deep into cryptocurrency.
@kristovatlas Slightly. I think bigger burden is convincing people of value proposition and of installing a node on an always-on machine.
@kristovatlas I myself use the node monitoring service offered by @port8333
@kristovatlas Any Linux guru can set up an Upstart or Monit daemon ;-)
Helping people see value proposition of trustlessness is a matter of education. Making it easier to sysadmin nodes is a technical challenge.
Even if it was “free” to run a Bitcoin node, most wouldn’t b/c
A) They don’t see the value proposition
B) They don’t want to be a sysadmin
@Kosmatos I suspect you’re overlooking the many hours you spent climbing the Bitcoin learning curve.
The greatest cost of running a Bitcoin node is not bandwidth, disk space, or CPU cycles. It’s the time required to learn, run, & maintain.
@masonic_tweets Them bitcoins ain’t actually free!
@bitstein @pierre_rochard @qntra @jonmatonis @adam3us Opinionated journalism is fine. Ad hominem attacks and false information is not.
@anarcholiberty @jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi @techreview @qntra is hateful inaccurate propaganda; their useful points are overshadowed by it.
@jonmatonis @adam3us @Joi Are you seriously suggesting that @qntra even deserves to have its existence acknowledged by @techreview?
@twobitidiot For all we know, they’re scooping up the coins themselves and releasing the private keys for plausible deniability.
@cypherdoc2 Nodes won’t relay double spend transactions
@cypherdoc2 Users are scooping up the private keys released by CoinWallet to their addresses full of dust & consolidating the outputs.
On the downside, blocks are going to be full for the forseeable future. On the upside, watch the UTXO set shrink: https://t.co/7Nn2EZ34MG
@LaurentMT And plausible deniability to boot!
Instead of sending txs, CoinWallet will release privkeys to addresses w/dust; incentivized users will fill blocks. https://t.co/s28J4jLD2c
RT @gavinandresen: Measure twice, cut once…. http://t.co/JWHQnRnBDi
@BTCFoundation You have a link to download Bitcoin Core, but not any other Bitcoin implementations.

@BTCFoundation Your logo gets truncated when scrolling down in Chrome on OS X pic.twitter.com/126BskSoDo
Rumor has it that CoinWallet.eu’s next stress test, originally scheduled for tomorrow, has been cancelled. Now we wait…
One feature forward, two bugs back.
Announcing mempool size limiting in Bitcoin XT 0.11B: https://t.co/qFYDnMbxJ6
@jgarzik If Starship Troopers taught us anything, it’s that women can fight and die just as well as men.
Mo’ UTXOs, mo’ problems.
@cipheranthem @adam3us @kristovatlas Point being, I think we’d all benefit from a well defined min spec, but gaining consensus will be hard.
@cipheranthem @adam3us @kristovatlas I’m not making an argument, I’m stating my observations of forum discussions.
@kristovatlas @adam3us Even drawing a line proves to be contentious. Some people believe full nodes should be able to run on phones.
@adam3us I’m not so sure that a min spec should be weighted by current network participants, but rather by all potential participants…
@adam3us @gavinandresen Are you saying that the min spec to run a node should target the 20th percentile of global residential bandwidth?
.@gavinandresen unsubscribes from /r/bitcoin due to censorship. Subscribe to /r/bitcoinxt for uncensored discussion. https://t.co/6arUx8wZ07
Imagine how the incentives to use violence will change if killing your enemies no longer guarantees that they will cease to operate.
The advent of autonomous agents will enable individuals to reliably execute tasks even after biological death.
A Modest Proposal to End Dating Anarchy and Regulate the Dating Market http://t.co/srmDQB7l2A

You’ve got a bug, @mint - this should be categorized under extortion, not as a purchase. pic.twitter.com/Z4oG0BCGNL
@robustus Indeed, if you consider money to be speech then any financial regulation is regulation of speech.
Bitcoin is information.
The transmission of information is speech.
Regulation of Bitcoin is regulation of speech.

UPSLongitudes A virtual currency like Bitcoin could open up an array of new markets: buff.ly/1Q3XG3U pic.twitter.com/AvgR0tI1ut
@blocktrail I think you’re having some issues with testnet stats. Note differences: https://t.co/CGTGoOePzr http://t.co/78fzAyj3Db
A rather interesting read: https://t.co/QMuJorDkfI
TechCrunch This Week On The TechCrunch Bitcoin Podcast: You Spilled Maple Syrup On My Cryptocurrency tcrn.ch/1JEGQEf by @alex
@kristovatlas OTOH, I think they’re also showing that even a powerful network level DoS can’t take down much of the distributed network.
@kristovatlas There’s protocol-level DoS and then there’s network-level DoS. Can only fix the former within an implementation.
@01101O10 I guess you didn’t read my post on the forum that they are failing to sustain the attack.

@petertoddbtc @jgarzik @maradydd “Trolling” pic.twitter.com/CLIzbJVmWa
@1cyrilblanc1 Sure, if Satoshi is still contributing but under a different name, then that’s good for us all.
@1cyrilblanc1 Yes, but even Satoshi himself has no say in Bitcoin any more because he stopped participating in the technical discussions.
Bitcoin evolves in response to users; I suggest participating in discussions rather than criticizing participants. https://t.co/ZDdBfsf9lf
@CathyReisenwitz It’s laughable that the judge has the power to imprison her but not the power to tell her to go home & not come to work.
@flyosity Here’s to a Big Bertha round!
flyosity Funding rounds shouldn’t be lettered A, B, C, they should be given names like hurricanes. “Yeah we’re trying to land a big Series Elmo now.”
@motherfunkier Right, the current state of the BIP would require 80% consensus to move in either direction.
I’m pleased to report that the BIP100 “21% miner attack” to force block limit decreases is no longer an issue. https://t.co/zCg8fnO4AQ