Verity: my sincerity in promoting popularity of vulgarity modularity for hilarity.
“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be grown up.” ~C.S. Lewis
That feeling when your dev VM gets rebooted over a weekend & floods your work inbox with 100K error emails, delaying delivery of legit email
Patriotism: “My country is great.”
Nationalism: “My country is better than yours.”
Imperialism: “Hey, nice country you’ve got there…”
@pmccall777 I’m guessing that they haven’t heard of Instagram
Loving the watermark in the new Arrested Development episodes.
BigDataBorat If data have structure store Postgres. If data no have structure store Hadoop. If data no have value store Mongo.
whiskeydurham Changes are in the wind. Whiskey is going non smoking downstairs. We will be converting the clubroom upstairs…
If you don’t upgrade to @bronto’s V4 API, you’ll certainly be The Fool on April 1, 2014.
@pig_poetry There’s no way I’m clicking on that.
RT @ncpolicelogs: A Charlotte woman had her juvenile son arrested for stealing her Pop-Tarts®
While it’s theoretically possible to “live” for millions of years, no one can live forever due to entropy.
@av3rnus The coming decades will likely give us incredible advances in medical anti-ageing technology.
@Jeremy_DeGroot Replacement body parts is a step that may allow you to live long enough to see digitization of conciousness…
@Jeremy_DeGroot I think first-world citizens might afford replacement grown organs, gene therapy, etc to further extend lifespan.
@ddahlke Or is it ∞ more bacon? You should make bacon lemniscates.
I believe life expectancy will dramatically increase by 2050, but no one in the personal finance blogosphere seems to be talking about it…
This is how you know that the job market for good software engineers is quite competitive.
TheRealBuzz null
@McGinity I heard some outfit called @bronto has that pop-up stuff.
@carolinewv @ncpolicelogs Tiara looks a bit shifty-eyed.
Enjoyed @boburnham at @CarolinaDurham tonight. Especially “Jacking Off in B Minor.”
@ErikVoorhees So… the TSA should arrest themselves?
“Hell, there are no rules here - we’re trying to accomplish something.” - Thomas Edison
Confirmed sighting of someone actually buying precooked eggs at the grocery store. :-|
rjurney I just RM’d the result of a 12 hour Hadoop job. OAEHGIOEHGiagheiahgeaihangneaignaeigaeigheaigeg
dave_revell Fire alarm going off? Apply Bayes’ Theorem, put on headphones.
RT @VeryShortStory: My bank slowly increased their fees day by day, siphoning off all my money. I didn’t notice until bank employees starte…
@Jeremy_DeGroot The Invisible Hand refers to a self-regulating market. Hidden Hands refers to malfeasance and manipulation of the market.
Don’t hate the Player, hate the Hidden Hands who run The Game.
ncpolicelogs A 57-year-old Kings Mountain woman has been arrested and charged with beating another woman with a Bible.
@rjurney Death is the body’s natural solution to loneliness!
@mark_a_phelps Live in the future, then look around and build what’s missing.
@adamrawlings Annyong!
humble The Humble Double Fine Bundle now accepts BITCOIN! Name your price now:
bendavenport No place to spend #bitcoin? How about 50,000 retail locations? @bitpay and @gyft team up -
@emilepetrone Hater’s gonna hate.
@danlowe You bought new clothes?
@pmccall777 @ddahlke Yep, but ain’t nobody got time for that! Time = money.
@ddahlke Hurk. I just bought a bunch of those 12”x12” concrete pads for a buck each and sunk them into the ground.
That feeling when you’re investigating a bug in your software and find that it’s a bug in the programming language.
@lizzwinstead @flyosity …and even more American babies were murdered (sans guns) by their own parents this year. Statistics is fun!
Thank you, Internet, for this glorious documentary about 70-year-old twins who are prostitutes in Amsterdam.
@mark_a_phelps Approximately 24 cat skins are required to make an entire coat for a human.
@mark_a_phelps Cats naturally conform to fit the shape of their container. It’s one of their intrinsic properties.
@drewpotential Missed out on racquetball today, though I did get simulatedly shot a dozen times… in a theater! Then we watched Iron Man 3.
@DCWithrow I’m assuming the police confiscated your shotgun; any idea if you’re going to get it back?
WarrenBuffett Warren is in the house.
@danlowe I guess we have different definitions of a “good day.” :-P
This sentence is fourteen words, seventy-five letters, four commas, one hyphen, and a period.
@danlowe Today was a good day; I only got punched in the face 3 times.
@gigq @pig_poetry …and TOR and throw your computer into the ocean.
@gigq @pig_poetry And DNTMe and HTTPSEverywhere
Early adoption: a good sign.