@nic__carter HODL on let me ring the CFO
@BrianLockhart Props to @GregSchoen for not deleting the tweet to spare himself the annoyance of notifications; it’… https://t.co/GqIotTxRw2
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that history repeats itself. I can hardly believe it myself. https://t.co/KhCbJBXVHL
Welcome to Bitcoin Twitter, @JanetYellen!
@pierre_rochard Send your indulgences to the genesis block address.
@satsie_ Better than TA

$MSTR looks like a $BTC ETF to me ðŸpic.twitter.com/paPIlwjtmktmk
@nic__carter Why would you need to dry clean sweatpants and wife beaters?
@WhalePanda Shouldn’t have been so focused on shitcoin support. https://t.co/Tri3lthDdc
@BrianLockhart Premium still a paltry 20% tho; ping me when it hits 50.

Congrats to those who have survived a full market cycle. Better buckle up! pic.twitter.com/GqKXM3mqU5
@BrianLockhart Don’t you see that the solution is to lock down harder? If you put people in a padded cell without s… https://t.co/mRHNVK8tby
@PeterMcCormack Shouldn’t you be denominating in the Queen’s currency, sir?
@Joe51241327 I’d start by describing who is behind the development of the protocol and what the stated goals of the protocol are.
You don’t actually need to understand ANY of the technical aspects of the Bitcoin protocol in order to believe it i… https://t.co/3DM978lfqR
Several Bitcoin forks of forks are suffering from stupendously silly shenanigans these days but honestly it’s not w… https://t.co/BtfgAn3pKn
3 years later and the UTXO count on BCH just keeps dropping, suggesting that user adoption also continues to drop a… https://t.co/k37IECQxTY

Bitcoin Black Friday sale is over. Don’t hold your breath for a Cyber Monday deal. pic.twitter.com/SawUIaDwAD
@zackvoell Looks like an artifact of which chain you use as the base. Oddly, my base chain was BTC so I’d have expe… https://t.co/Nakr5DhiM3
Bitcoin’s blockchain size is now over double the size of its “big block” fork. https://t.co/aLUGngDCeT https://t.co/20goZumolF
@NeerajKA We can finally put a miner in every home!
@hasufl Pretty much. https://t.co/B2eFitndde
RT @forwardsecrecy: 💻 Can you script with the best of the best?
🎊 Do you believe in freedom and independence?
🤜 Want to join a kick-ass tea…

Institutions are playing our game now. pic.twitter.com/vxeL3ZRANM
“Institutions are going to capture Bitcoin and turn it into another Wall Street toy.”
They’d better be prepared to… https://t.co/E4rV4anDJm
Detractors hate the fact that Bitcoin’s incentives are aligned in such a way that it continues to attract new adopt… https://t.co/uczyc5vUd0
@BitcoinJuicy @KatieAnanina @nvk Oh yeah that’s why she blocked me; I was espousing something about libertarianism… https://t.co/dtIT25gEh7
@KatieAnanina @nvk Screenshot plz, she blocked me like 5 years ago. 😂
If the game is rigged, find another game to play.

@theinstagibbs I think you mean pic.twitter.com/kCCJTvYqpT
@LukeDashjr Exactly
RT @SayBitcoiners: It is not.
Bitcoin is a cult of individuality.
@lucash_dev @pierre_rochard @kenisajerk It’s kind of like saying libertarians want to take over the world so that t… https://t.co/NoqloW3Bdg
Anyone who poses a direct threat to the interests of a corrupt and murderous empire is alright in my book. https://t.co/xOVpaMqY1V
Visionaries don’t care about complying with standards. They develop the new standards.
Bitcoin is a bet that money as an open source globally collaborative project will outperform whatever bureaucrats c… https://t.co/NTk610xeJI
Meet the new bank, same as the old bank. https://t.co/NRajBoZI22
@DefiMoon @twobitidiot @AaveAave Yes! It’s an interesting question and various research has been trying to track it… https://t.co/XDsUHqHxTh
@mskvsk @twobitidiot @AaveAave LOL at anyone who interpreted my question as some sort of opinion that the tool shou… https://t.co/Wo9RyY2RB3
@kermankohli @twobitidiot @AaveAave I just find attacks more interesting than arbitrage. Wasn’t sure if attackers h… https://t.co/zZ3x6kIKOC
@twobitidiot @AaveAave Cool, how many millions in flash loan attacks have they aided?
Shut up and short it; I double dog dare ya. https://t.co/7UIoIDPUna
@EpsilonTheory @russmonk @RaoulGMI Looks like somebody slept through the scaling wars.
Those who have been propagating poor Bitcoin takes for years do not deserve the effort of well-reasoned rebuttals any longer.
@EpsilonTheory @RaoulGMI How’s that Bitcoin skepticism working out for you? https://t.co/qYrv5Lv0Ed
Social justice warriors should withdraw their bitcoin from Coinbase!
… (along with everyone else)
@nvk Is the NYT article even published?

Coming soon… @laBITconf pic.twitter.com/yITgypaNK5
@travishalakan For a multitude of business and technical architecture reasons too lengthy to list in a tweet. Each… https://t.co/0vsJ217S6d
@travishalakan It would be a temporary inconvenience at worst. The app has an “offline login” feature that makes it… https://t.co/TpW7ngZptZ
Imagine not being able to unlock the door to your house or start your car because <insert internet service> is down… https://t.co/sAr3c6VLYF
1 block every 10 minutes, give or take.https://t.co/5b1HgCBfEP
Praise Satoshi and pass the dip!

2020 Thanksgiving be like pic.twitter.com/1a8RupRzNV
@tyler To be fair, bitcoin can be quite dangerous to users who don’t RTFM.
@NeerajKA @Ben_Munster Make enough what to stop tweeting?

Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it. pic.twitter.com/V0Ehda5BzF
Every moon launch requires a few orbits before departing the current gravity well.
@jimmysong Here you go, don’t waste it.
@crodas Monero
You, as a human who is trapped in a single point in meatspace, may fear governments that wield a monopoly on violen… https://t.co/f6JmV4rvCz
Privacy is not a crime; KYC is not “fine.” https://t.co/b58VTwcf3j
The crypto wars will never end, they will only fluctuate between hot and cold. We must remain ever vigilant.
Trump is an authoritarian who is only going to pardon swamp dwelling dicks, not freedom fighters. https://t.co/f1sEzBZTnZ
@btcede Lawyers are experts at stalling and blocking bureaucracy. You just have to feed them fiat.
@bradmillscan Too much skin in the game to simply roll over at this point.
Sorry, but it’s too late for surprise unilateral absurd federal cryptofinance regulations. Expect any such shenanig… https://t.co/84JweGvhei
@twobitidiot Yes but you have to filter the hell out of replies.
@DURATIONISMONEY @davram88 Shitcoiner spotted!
@BrianLockhart My first shitcoins!
Fiat -> bitcoin
That’s it.
That’s the trade.
@btcbraj @brendanlane00 @matt_odell @CasaHODL To be clear, the Mobile Key in a Casa multisig gets automatically bac… https://t.co/sWMlnVlatA
Bitcoin is
a financial escape pod
camouflaged as a bubble
protecting its occupants from
the relentless sucking vacuum of fiat.
@coinableS *cringe* all I see are single points of failure. He’s just lucky the physical coin hasn’t been lost or destroyed.
@MaciekLaskus @EconTalker Absolutely; we’re happy to hop on a call to discuss your needs!
Formula for successful skeptic wrecking:
1. See Bitcoin skeptic predict its demise
2. Search for all tweets mention… https://t.co/YV6VT46KAU
@ShillShakespear Keen eye, Shilliam 😉
@GuFinProf How’s that skepticism working out for you? https://t.co/n8pD1Ftw5V
@awayslice Meh, if you aren’t having issues then it’s probably not necessary.
Bitcoin is the Internet of money. Those who don’t understand network effects shall miss out. https://t.co/DdgxUJXoMt
@8ubSaietta Interesting that several folks have had that comment; I haven’t had that issue myself.
@patrickvelleman It’s certainly not /necessary/ - I see it as a game to see how much you can accelerate physical change in your body.
@brenorb Fair enough, I drink a fair amount of broth too. The glucosamine may be overkill.
@pig_poetry Glucosamine is a pretty standard joint supplement, I even give glucosamine to my dog. I haven’t had joi… https://t.co/hBAl7EPCsE
An 18 year long Oxford study of 55,000 people, 2,000 of which were vegans, concluded that people who didn’t eat mea… https://t.co/BBa8lovFXl
@Datavetaren I’d defer to @brucefenton
Vitalik on brink of second ICO for ethereans https://t.co/Jrmg1CTfvB
@yogitakes Adverse mouth side effects from 2 weeks of soylent? I don’t recall having any.
Day officially ruined, thanks. 🥲https://t.co/lcBTCXWzw0
@PeterMcCormack lel “suddenly collapsed” - it also had “suddenly exploded”
7 years ago I performed basically the opposite of my current experiment and lived on a 100% soylent diet for 2 week… https://t.co/tMTvKpnapT
@mezzzio Too soon to say, but I noted that upon starting the keto supplement I stopped having occasional throat or… https://t.co/1OrZPwJNUe
@KarmosKoen We shall see, I’m one month in and tracking several metrics.
@_bullbearcrypto Berberine

Breakfast of biohacking champions pic.twitter.com/MPo4sB1qgH
@CryptoLiberatum @twobitidiot Funniest thing I’ve read all day; thanks for the laugh!
@VitalikButerin @twobitidiot You seem to be implying some sort of “bubble up” decentralnomics whereas the very natu… https://t.co/BKRbNFOHWn
@twobitidiot You’re conflating base protocol planning with permissionless use of a base protocol brah
@twobitidiot Crohn’s Disease Activity Index?
RT @LTF_01: I am not going to believe that science is democratized, opened up, decentralized, disincentivized, decolonized, uncorrupted, or…
@joonian @pete_rizzo_ @DelRayMan @danheld @wademortenson @ForbesCrypto Eh, any information can affect markets. Seem… https://t.co/lyaTt7y8G7
@NeerajKA They let you into Congress?
RussellOkung Reject anyone that would try to control you, your mind, and your family without your consent.
@joonian @danheld @pete_rizzo_ @DelRayMan @wademortenson @ForbesCrypto Oh then dollars are fine because they only lose value.
@pete_rizzo_ @joonian @DelRayMan @danheld @wademortenson @ForbesCrypto Journalists who own dollars shouldn’t write about dollars. 🤣
@VikingoBitcoin Good state level policies, but too many people in a small area.
@jimmysong I’ll allow it.
@cycryptr Pretty much.
I’ve traveled thousands of miles in recent months, crossing borders and evading lockdowns like a fugitive. Truly I… https://t.co/Afg12FtoY2
@SoundBenefit @TuurDemeester Want to invest in my quantum computing startup?
@nic__carter It was because you said something nerdy wasn’t it
@_prestwich Isn’t the opposite of burn to douse?
@mikejcasey @CoinDesk Is it a launch if the vehicle doesn’t escape the gravity well of unusability?
@blockfolio @NeerajKA If you’re a glass half empty kinda bitcoiner
@NeerajKA 1BTC=1BTC therefore we are perpetually at ATH
@NeerajKA Whatever you find it to be when you search your heart.
“When the exchange rate hits an all-time high, bitcoin’s gonna crash.”
It’s quite possible; here’s the last cycle’… https://t.co/nwSyw4hTR6

Don’t stop; we’re only halfway there.
H/T @coinmetrics pic.twitter.com/7cMW9yL4Ug
@jillruthcarlson Step 1 of a multiyear marketing plan to keep the hype going. Crazy to see the excitement about dev… https://t.co/81nc2ecZVc
@nic__carter This is still generally folks who have weathered the bear market though, not fresh meat FOMOing.
RT @bitcoinbrink: Hello world!
Today we launch Brink, a totally independent nonprofit organization to fund and support open source Bitcoi…

Crypto traders preparing to load up on shitcoins that they can dump on the incoming wave of get rich quick schemers. pic.twitter.com/ZZkqQhcCrY
Gotta get bitcoin to an ATH before Thanksgiving so that you can smirk at your skeptical family members who suggeste… https://t.co/tyzKzpcP8i
On the internet nobody knows you’re working from the hot tub.
@belair6909 I suggest reading our privacy policy. We have never claimed that we don’t track marketing emails. keys.casa/privacy
PayPal CEO seems to view bitcoin as a funding source for fiat transactions. Baby steps, I guess… https://t.co/KBiPnbK8W1
@jeffjohnroberts @prestonjbyrne @ahcastor Fiat is fake money, therefore the theory holds. 😂
@AriDavidPaul For sure; custody no longer needs to be all-or-nothing. We need not remain stuck to security models of the past.
Bitcoin IOUs are not Fuck You Money. https://t.co/4RWkv8Lcv1
@matt_odell You have achieved perfect security!
There is no doubt that many will flock to Bitcoin for Number Go Up.
The onus is on us to ensure newcomers ingest t… https://t.co/7g9i5j2wyd
@paulmp @quagmire0810 RAID 0 is kind of an oxymoron given that there’s no redundancy, eh?
@nickkosovan I will not relax as there are larger implications for the ecosystem as a whole. https://t.co/BCAOBu4D9Q
@CommodoreBTC I dunno. Keeping your keys with a third party has non-negligible risk of catastrophic loss. The same… https://t.co/tey5Kg0Q2l
I never imagined that one day folks who actually control their own bitcoin would be called “elitist.”
We have a lo… https://t.co/j2g9emm7ud
@Florince_ I’d read through the security guides at https://t.co/mFif5JI0RG
“It’s OK for newbies to leave their bitcoin on the exchange where they bought it; that’s how people are used to inv… https://t.co/pzA66LiACK
Mass adoption of people using third party custodians is not mass adoption of Bitcoin, it’s mass adoption of Bitcoin… https://t.co/pqnCZ2EQCW
@Bobbb408 Shitcoiner spotted!
Archival footage of a shitcoin scam smokescreen being deployed to conceal the weakness of the tiny team claiming to… https://t.co/EPfSAHp6Ek
@matt_odell @nvk Usability is a key component of security. https://t.co/uosZhJ45OS
Social media platforms that only cater to disenfranchised groups are hobbled in comparison to those with a diversit… https://t.co/1JiKt4Pjgx
@scottwalker99 Yeah these days when someone asks to use your phone you become highly suspicious that they’re going to run away with it.
@matt_odell @PaulusSmithy Yeah, I don’t think we can safely say what the shelf life of an opendime is. I’d be supri… https://t.co/e47xloXg0u
@brucefenton And then get lost when you miss a turn!
Remember when it used to be possible to get lost and you’d have to ask a stranger for directions? But their directi… https://t.co/jLcdZA8sLr
RT @dan_pantera: PayPal+CashApp already buying more than 100% of all newly-issued bitcoins. PayPal alone likely buying all within weeks.
@BobAlice @Legend05946710 You’re missing the fact that Casa only holds 1 of N keys. Never enough to be a single poi… https://t.co/NiYF2DJ0zY
@citizenBTC @COLDCARDwallet To get set up on the free trial you’ll need at least 1 of either Trezor / Ledger / Coldcard
@_cccatch Coldcard? Yes.
You’re not simply securing your bitcoin for today; you should be securing it for your children. As such, your secur… https://t.co/xmWIQtVsCd
RT @lopp: The reason that so many smart people are so wrong about Bitcoin is that it requires a multidisciplinary approach to fully appreci…
@bloodybitcoiner @jamo2221 Maybe put a watermark with your twitter handle in the corner of future clips to help with attribution?
@bloodybitcoiner @jamo2221 I didn’t see the original tweet; I saw it on reddit. Welcome to virality!
That’s what happens when you still use fiat as your unit of account, regardless of your portfolio size. https://t.co/Cjawuqw8WD
“Bitcoin is so difficult to use that it’s useless!”
Exclaims man who earned billions by building on Internet techn… https://t.co/Gzst2BFCww
The reason that so many smart people are so wrong about Bitcoin is that it requires a multidisciplinary approach to… https://t.co/5w6YHfW5WC
@HannibalXBT @jaybny From a purely technical perspective, if you are still able to sell then it’s because someone i… https://t.co/A2TCUAc4Q8

Better hurry if you want to dump your Faketoshi forkcoins before they hit 0. pic.twitter.com/wfDfjWC8GG
Eventually so many well respected people will own and advocate for Bitcoin that it will become clear that it is the… https://t.co/Qd8aaaEKFX
3 years later and Mr. Woods still thinks bitcoins are digital beanie babies that can’t be secured from hackers and… https://t.co/F8DEgLbSV2
@JMayenTGU I’m not at liberty to disclose that information.
@FishyFootball So deep that none of you can enter.
Every once in a while I check in on a 6+ year-long running Bitcoin thread on a deep web forum to get a sentiment in… https://t.co/1WTz3v4IOw
@marctytus @Chipbutty11 Yes, for the prefabricated ones. The “silver wallet” on top is one for which I generated my own private key.
RT @ecurrencyhodler: 1/I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined @CasaHODL as a Client Advisor! I’m stoked to join such a principled, focuse…
@BrianLockhart Tabs can GTFO
“I can’t stand crypto tribalism!”
What you see is the battle for network effects; it’s a story as old as tech stan… https://t.co/4o87siXoLA
The fact that Bitcoin won’t change to satisfy the whims of its detractors makes it all the more valuable.
Get suckered into pyramid schemes and lose your wealth.
Get suckered into food pyramid schemes and lose your health.
@Chipbutty11 This are “physical bitcoins” that have private keys hidden inside them. Accessing the keys requires de… https://t.co/1pm4aHAlao
@theinstagibbs … so far.
@MarcosDarkos I consider it an art collection. Hopefully some day I can put them on display in a high security setup.
Annual high security vault check.
On one hand I’m irked that these coins have physical single points of failure.… https://t.co/y2o2c7RFxK
@nic__carter My 401K thanks @BarrySilbert for his service.
@James56487175 @hkuppy It changes a lot; I’ve received anywhere from 2% to 7% APR to lend out GBTC.
@matthew_d_green The best SMS database is an empty SMS database.

OK so Twitter is Instagram now? pic.twitter.com/RPn8TrsKJs
Few understand that any quantity of bitcoin that you control yourself is Fuck You Money. https://t.co/YKEEH7lOiR
@nic__carter Feel free to take a nap; I’ll spot ya.
@Astroglide13 @SAPoliceNews @intouchfornow Aussies already allowed themselves to be disarmed.
You don’t need a million dollars to have Fuck You Money. A million satoshis should suffice.
@BusterMcdouglas Exit? You’re doing it wrong.
Most folks don’t see Bitcoin as a savings vehicle because they’ve been brainwashed by banks to believe that savings… https://t.co/lKgubUMfQV
I can confidently say “fuck your blockchain, Jamie” without needing to know any more details. https://t.co/X3pke6myas
Proof that mining pool centralization concerns are FUD. If a pool starts screwing up, hashpower won’t hesitate to l… https://t.co/oFKqF3uOqc
@Arceris_eve Correct; he has Buffet blinders on.
@nvk Time to switch to 10k increments after this.