@flyosity yea they HAVE it at Brier Creek but I had to explicitly ask for them to go unlock a drawer and pull out the demo.
I try to refrain from email marketing commentary, but if your subject line is “EBlast from ______” then you make me die a little inside
Brier Creek @bestbuy doesn’t even have the Nexus S on display because they’re “not a T-Mobile store” herpa derp derp
unintentionally purchased over two separate trips to different grocery stores http://twitpic.com/3lnf0l
Restrepo - one of the best documentaries of 2010 that you’ve never heard of http://www.imdb.com/titl…
@flyosity noticed at xmas that none of the dozen people on my father’s side of the family have iphones. android all the way. must be genetic
@Oatmeal I’d love to see you hook up with the guys over at Cyanide & Happiness
Babylon 5 or Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? Discuss.
who needs kids when you have doggies that want to romp in the snow all day?
closing out this Xmas with Scrooged and Four Loko
never steal a hacker’s computer http://www.youtube.com/w…
when you outlaw four loko, only outlaws will have four loko http://i.imgur.com/CpahP…
it has begun. just waited 30 sec for a news site to load. i glanced to the bottom left of the browser and saw “waiting on api.facebook.com”
great news for NC SECU account holders - @mint just added much better support for syncing accounts - loans and credit cards now show up!
@hoorayimhelping reddit’s loading now?
55 minutes of WIN. Winter Massacre by Grime Syndicate http://t.co/G9hgAyI
Citizens should not fear their government. Governments should fear their citizens.
fuck everything about this http://t.co/476lC9P
huxley was right http://i.imgur.com/6VBhD…
spends too much time consuming news and not enough time creating it
If you don’t sin, Jesus died for nothing.
those who forget history are doomed to repeat it http://wikileaks.ch/Vide…
wikileaks We ask that all people who love freedom close out their accounts at Bank of America.
Bank of America is next.
hat tip to @mikestable - http://goo.gl/gbu7I (a la @boingboing calling a Glock 27 ‘enormous’ http://bit.ly/fYLWE1)
Richard Stallman breaks it down - the ‘attacks’ on Paypal, Mastercard, Amazon, etc are the online equivalent of protests http://goo.gl/jKmzM
in other news, it turns out that Cisco routers have a helpful recovery mode if you pull the plug during the middle of a firmware upgrade!
another case for leaking classified data. plenty of data is classified merely b/c the govt is too embarrassed http://goo.gl/hz1sQ
oh look, it’s the same logic used in the no-knock warrant murder case: http://goo.gl/w6zGk
when I’m president the ATF will be overhauled into the nation’s premiere vice delivery service
the problem with snow is that it cultivates dumbassery http://i.imgur.com/tbxov…
@ddahlke you tard. you should have kept it LOCAL with red oak!
Homeowner kills someone breaking into his home. Is convicted of murder b/c the person is a cop with a no-knock warrant. http://goo.gl/M6rD0
Happy birthday to the Bill of Rights. Let’s celebrate by standing up for our rights instead of selling them out under the guise of ‘safety.’
Shooting a gun is like being intimate with a woman. First you inspect it to ensure it’s clean. Then, grab it by the butt and jam the mag in.
bengfarrell http://bit.ly/hie833 http://bit.ly/hT0vJJ A co-worker took his fam to Mellow Mushroom Sunday. O-heard that the driver wasn’t wearing pants
god DAMN these electric sex pants!
wikileaks Indoleaks - a WikiLeaks-style site that launched in Indonesia on Friday - has already published many sensitive docs | http://goo.gl/p4THl
how do you convince someone that you’re completely sane? http://en.wikipedia.org/…
Jesus_M_Christ There is a special place in Hell for @meganphelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.
Me: need to parse jiggabytes of raw logs quickly. Pig: no problem! Me: need if/else conditions to merge sparse data. Pig: herp derp! Me: ಠ_à²
@bullcity Teasers really ties Main Street together…
ProSexTips Telling a girl you like her for what’s on the inside isn’t a lie. Her vagina is inside her.
@mattmeis ditto; I might trim back some of the errant strands for xmas…
a final Four Loko blowout (they’re doin’ it right) http://i.imgur.com/gxnfX…
I fully support DDOSing as an act of political protest. Crowd-sourced DDOS attacks are the new mass riot. Good luck arresting us all.
what goes around comes around - www.mastercard.com is getting a dose of internet justice
♫ they see me trollin’… they hatin’… http://i.imgur.com/TK03L…
is dreaming of a dubstep christmas http://soundcloud.com/se…
@colopy “Only rarely does 1 + 1 = 3 and this is one of those times.” Hyped much?
Remember, the Wikileaks data is technically classified, thus if you view [redacted] or [redacted] then the US may [redacted] your [redacted]
dissent: you know you’re doing it right when the people in power want you dead.
great trip to Virginia today: drove a 550 HP stock car AND bought a case of Whipped Lightning!
attempting political correctness is like trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. everyone knows what you’re trying to say. just say it.
RepRonPaul Re: Wikileaks- In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.
silly government: you can’t suppress information on the internet. wikileaks.org is dead. LONG LIVE http://wikileaks.ch
last day to buy Four Loko at @samsquikshop - I’m stocked up AND got a free sign! http://t.co/bwz3t6v
rands Entering a new era of compromise: http://j.mp/dTMVP3