@angela_walch Extremely hard, quickly asymptotically approaching economically infeasible. :-)
@angela_walch IDK, it’s much more convenient to fit “immutable” into a tweet than it is “provably thermodynamically expensive to revert.”
@gubatron @docbtc But yeah, from some perspectives mutability is a feature. From others immutability is a feature.
@gubatron @docbtc Goes back to @aantonop’s first point: nothing is perfectly immutable. The question is what system costs most to mutate.
@gubatron @docbtc If consensus is federated then it should also be trivial cost to change the implementation.
@wsculley @philfrancis77 You want to understand @lightning Network?
@wsculley @philfrancis77 @aantonop It seems reasonably possible, though we’ll just have to wait and see…
@wsculley @philfrancis77 @aantonop Decentralization is a continuum, not a boolean. I wrote about mining here: https://t.co/k0k3QIP9Ot
@wsculley @philfrancis77 @aantonop To my knowledge, all long-range attacks are theoretical. I’m not aware of any ever being carried out.
@twobitidiot It really depends upon how much you value immutability and censorship resistance. Avg person may not care, but @wikileaks does.
@wsculley @philfrancis77 @aantonop The result is that long-range mining attacks that rewrite history are much cheaper in PoS.
@mzdr0 @paul_btc @ofnumbers @ArthurB @aantonop’s definition is great; now we just need consensus upon it. Perhaps a Twitter poll?
@paul_btc @ofnumbers @ArthurB @aantonop “Immutability” is a trigger word since people define it differently - nothing is 100% immutable :-)
@ofnumbers @ArthurB @aantonop You mean because given sufficient hashing power and time, a chain can be rewritten?
@ofnumbers @ArthurB It sounds like you’re talking about tamper evidence. Recommend watching @aantonop describe difference in his talk.
@ArthurB @aantonop Not if they are censoring transactions that they are legally allowed (or even obligated) to censor.
Bitcoin Unlimited is accepting proposals to fund projects that research and improve Bitcoin scaling. https://t.co/mO7VZrhwfi
@ArthurB That’s tamper evidence. @aantonop is referring to cost for miners to collude against users.
@stanmarion @aantonop Recommend watching https://t.co/z7N64ZV0sa - it becomes prohibitively expensive to maintain a long-term rewrite.
“Distributed ledgers run by banking consortiums via federated consensus have a cost of 0 to rewrite history. Not immutable.” -@aantonop
Our ancestors said “it’s as good as written in stone.”
Our grandchildren will say “it’s as good as written in the blockchain.”
- @aantonop
@stanmarion @aantonop We’re talking long-term past, not short term. It quickly become uneconomical to change past the further back you go.
“Proof of work is also Proof of Stake. But Proof of Stake is not Proof of Work. With PoW, miners are staking energy (money.)” -@aantonop
“Understand difference between changing the past vs the future. If you have majority hashrate, you can decide future - not past.” -@aantonop
“Blockchains are only inherently tamper-evident. In order to be tamper-proof they need proof of work.” -@aantonop https://t.co/z7N64ZV0sa
@ummjackson @el33th4xor Can be useful either way, but there’s less friction in daily use when staying in crypto. Plenty of trade-offs.
@ummjackson @el33th4xor It’s simpler if you’re /only/ using Bitcoin. If you’re using traditional financial system + Bitcoin, it’s harder.
Ever watch a cryptocurrency die? It tends to be with a whimper, not a bang. Bitcointalk is an altcoin graveyard. Ex: https://t.co/BtIJsvME7B
RT @kallerosenbaum: Barbie does atomic swaps between #bitcoin #sidechains. I have written about it here: https://t.co/L7fgtiiW94
If you develop a JS-heavy app you should ensure it still works if the browser blocks analytics packages such as… https://t.co/rk5yKUNEC9
Great blockchain track lining up at @AllThingsOpen next month: @TaylorGerring, @muneeb, @martindale, @kristovatlas, @shannonNullCode & more!
@jonmatonis I do see a lone bcoin node at @PurseIO - https://t.co/SlERNLePfX
One problem with using phone number based auth as “something you have” - an attacker can pwn your phone number. https://t.co/nrfjmfoiyi
US won’t allow @SpaceX to hire non-citizens because rocket science is considered restricted weapons technology. Unwise policy. - @elonmusk
“We anticipate fleets of up to 1,000 ships departing for Mars at a time. It’s like Battlestar Galactica. That’s a good show.” - @elonmusk
By using a methane-based propellant, more propellant can be refined on Mars and ships can return to Earth. -… https://t.co/gDF72LLsUJ
“Using traditional methods, it will cost $10 billion per person to go to Mars. Our goal is to lower this cost to $200,000.” - @elonmusk
@MadBitcoins Because the cyberthreat is real. Cybernormals are cyberpeeing their cyberpants at the thought of cybernukes.
@ShakerSamman @el33th4xor Who said all of the admirals and generals are American?
In conclusion, Lester Holt emerges as the clear loser of the first Presidential debate. Runner-up losers include everyone who watched.
HRC: We have cybernukes and we don’t want to use them, but we will.
Trump: The DNC might have been hacked by a 400 pound bedridden American.
@TuurDemeester Depends on your config; more is better. Raspberry Pi with 1GB can run it, just not very performant.
Not exactly, @alidabbs. Blockchain is a data structure; it’s unrelated to consensus mechanism used to add more data… https://t.co/5XSsFtopxj
RT @bradheath: 2d Cir. rules in favor of American Express in antitrust suit brought by DOJ.
https://t.co/fChjQqFLPl https://t.co/PPer7AG31B
assertNotEquals(“100% test suite code coverage”, “100% coverage of all possible system states & code paths.”);
@rbtkhn Segwit is enabled in 0.13.1; probably be released in October, though it will then require 95% of hashrate signaling activation.
1 month after release of Bitcoin Core 0.13.0, 23% of nodes have upgraded.
Release of 0.14 planned for March 1, 2017. https://t.co/HhOtp6J3xW
Zcash’s initialization requires 1 honest participant to ensure system integrity; reputation & size of group is key. https://t.co/EkOFna4tXq
@bhec39 I don’t think it’s about a specific metric so much as getting to the point where anyone can easily choose financial freedom.
Many Bitcoin Barons are aloof & anonymous, living as if they own nary a coin. They are the silent HODLers patiently awaiting the revolution.
@NinjaEconomics Here’s their explanation: https://t.co/2RfIlPDTze
@2drewlee @zooko Inability to prove total monetary supply is a price paid for the ability to hide output values.
@bamos01 Probably even closer comparison would be to the sigops limit. Difference is that sigops limit doesn’t fluctuate.
@naval Ultimately may be sooner than many anticipate if @YoursNetwork has anything to say about it.
@GreggDourgarian @bamos01 Yep, it’s not necessarily a terrible thing. Probably preferable to operate in a degraded state than to not operate
@bamos01 Kind of - Bitcoin allows prioritized confirmation time by paying a higher fee whereas Ethereum rejects some txs regardless of fee.
Ethereum has a fascinating defense against certain attacks that disrupt the network: intentionally crippling itself. https://t.co/nmw5A2ptGO
If you look around the blockchain space and can’t tell who’s getting scammed, it’s probably you.
Relevant to anyone who uses Bitcoin Core or its derivatives.
“The MIT License, Line by Line” https://t.co/T897p7DGik
If you have an old Yahoo account that you never use, you can fix it here: https://t.co/VJdUfSL3eT
ryanxcharles Time to get bank account for new corporation in California: 2 months. Time to get BitGo bitcoin wallet: 2 minutes.
@TuurDemeester Big incentive to mine empty blocks if block propagation is winner-take-all, but not as much when uncles also get rewarded.
@TuurDemeester Miners still get rewarded for uncle blocks in Ethereum, unlike orphans in Bitcoin. https://t.co/IVQHEgXrNL
@TuurDemeester If by Ethereum orphans you mean uncles, be careful comparing those with orphaned Bitcoin blocks.
@el33th4xor Are you going to write an Amazon review? They’re not looking so hot. https://t.co/K15SJ2fuuN
@msheth Hire & train blockchain engineers :-)
@prestonjbyrne We’ll see if boredom results in the pendulum swinging back 🙃
@GreggDourgarian Up from the protocol layer to the app layer, attacking entities that are using the protocol rather than protocol itself.
@GreggDourgarian If protocol is sufficiently hardened, attacks will move up a layer. Bitcoin is a great example of this.
Attacks shall continue until there are no flaws left to exploit. The million ETH question is: how long will that be? https://t.co/25yL0Xjvl6
@zerohedge @alansilbert This explains why I’ve been getting so many “unauthorized access prevented” emails lately…
RT @bradheath: Still another. Fed. court ruled the FBI’s Tor hack was an “unreasonable, warrantless search” that violated the 4th Am. But n…
@el33th4xor Sounds like a @ButtCoin enthusiast to me.
@deadalnix @twobitidiot Yeah, the problem is that this technical argument quickly turns into a philosophical argument and then gets nasty.
@deadalnix @twobitidiot Working with overwhelming data is a challenge, as is working with extreme data limitations.
@deadalnix @twobitidiot *shrugs* I worked on Hadoop clusters crunching petabytes of data w/MapReduce in last job; now I work on tiny data.
@deadalnix @twobitidiot Indeed, focusing on throughput will make them cringe. Though the 99.990638042% uptime ought to catch attention. :-)
@TrendyComputing Larger UTXO set => more inputs your transactions will have, creating larger data sizes that will require higher fees.
Simulation of UTXO selection algorithms concludes Bitcoin Core pays higher fees, maintains smallest UTXO set. https://t.co/qBS2oKez26
“Banks are training thousands of devs on blockchain tech; some will get bored & found Bitcoin startups.” - @aantonop https://t.co/7EoodU7MkJ
@CathyReisenwitz @TheTinaVasquez Passive verbiage that makes it seem like the officers just happened to be there at the time of a shooting.
@ChristofferDG @kyletorpey @Beautyon_ Bitcoin est.
@TuurDemeester That’s what happens when you don’t run your own full node!
Where’s your bitcoin donation address, @letsencrypt? https://t.co/65enEoyWlm
@jgarzik @DanielMross It is possible to use Authy for SMS-based 2FA, which we don’t recommend - lots of issues with SMS.
@charles_merriam @HowHackersThink Higher salaries will ultimately lead to more developers, but there will be significant lag time.
@prestonjbyrne That seems fairly optimistic. From my view the vast majority of criminals don’t get caught. (We’re all criminals.)
@alansilbert $MGT not looking so hot either
@flyosity Perhaps the system is incredibly flawed if it allows such a shithead to be a stone’s throw from the presidency?
@sjsqd Is Authenticator Plus trustworthy? Any independent security reviews of it? /cc @el33th4xor @matthew_d_green @kristovatlas
Using 2 factor authentication for all the things is great. Managing dozens of 2FA tokens with @google Authenticator’s UI is not so great.
BitcoinBelle Florida judge says #bitcoin is not money; NY judge says it is
I don’t care what the clowns call btc so long as I can still buy food with it
@pierre_rochard @kyletorpey @Beautyon_ Yes; my views around scaling remain the same. https://t.co/iOPMVgkLJX
“You can’t expect Bitcoin to be what you want it to be.” - @kyletorpey
Even more succinctly: “Bitcoin is.” - @Beautyon_
@localjo_ I have a list of educational resources here: https://t.co/V34A6R170f
Price gouging laws disrupt the economics of supply & demand, accelerating tragedy of the commons. #GasCrisis2016… https://t.co/3CMrylRPoi
@tomaxwell @naval 1) Understand entire app stack very well
2) Think like a hacker in order to write contracts defensively & free of exploits
@spinte7 @CryptoCompare I can assure you that I don’t work for free, though I don’t contribute to OSS projects full-time, just occasionally.
Blockchain: a tamper-evident record of state transitions. Create a hashchain of your SQL log lines & call it a day. https://t.co/arvIaFSygO
@lsukernik Sure, with several years of studying and experience :-)
A must-read in-depth history of the Cypherpunks and their innovations. passcode.csmonitor.com/cypherpunk
The talent shortage of devs who understand blockchains, cryptocurrency, & distributed systems may very well limit growth rate of ecosystem.
Ethereum’s attack surface is still being explored and remains of unknown size. https://t.co/Pffq8rM436
It was worth the wait to get the latest batch of @KialaraCoin - great work, Max! pic.twitter.com/tcNZHep8Jh
Before “1984,” before “Brave New World,” there was “We.” It was the first book banned by Soviet Russia. Great read! https://t.co/s6YPeaUgn9
Department of Injustice forces @UCBerkeley to take down free online courses due to not being accessible by disabled. https://t.co/3956c2arGY
RT @coindesk: A look at multisig wallet technology for the ethereum platform https://t.co/VoMI1cHON3
Bitcoin is a financial weapon of math destruction. Vires in numeris.
@dgolumbia @timpastoor I’m certainly intrigued as to how you associate cryptoanarchism with far right authoritarianism 😲
I prefer to call it “extremely free thinking” - “right-wing extremism” makes it sound like we bomb abortion clinics. https://t.co/BEjKm3pMOl
@alansilbert The news is now permanently broken.
@Truthcoin I think you may have upset some people https://t.co/UPN0j1eTQy
Show me a self driving car and I’ll show you millions of lines of code just waiting to be exploited. https://t.co/cDNGEEcoFI
@kristovatlas @305_Jesus & a driver noted that some users game the system by ordering many X’s & cancelling until one w/6 seats arrives.
Self driving taxis won’t work well until coupled with AI that can navigate subtleties of pick-up locations & detect bad passenger behavior.
Ready to roll thanks to the @EFF pic.twitter.com/IvLONjQxDL
RT @kallerosenbaum: Just blogged about compact SPV proofs for #bitcoin #sidechains. My head just exploded. https://t.co/tEMGr5N119
@djwaldow That’s what happens when you trust other people with your money. https://t.co/WFZyOnUUSA
“We can make it expensive to write stupid comments on Reddit.” -@aantonop https://t.co/lpMRqPpEqS /cc @YoursNetwork https://t.co/iV5tZZ2ERs
“Any time you consume content that isn’t worth paying for directly, you’re paying for it by violating your privacy.” https://t.co/qhW3tns8qt
Time hacks:
Work from home
Eat @soylent
Shop on @amazon
Set up bill autodrafting
Don’t have kids
RT @pmarca: We decided to respond to the problem of “Too Big To Fail” banks by outlawing the creation of new competitive banks. https://t.c…
Tell @BarackObama to take 30 seconds out of his remaining 128 days as @POTUS to pardon Edward @Snowden: pardonsnowden.org
@mikeinspace @IOHK_Charles That the average person doesn’t care what’s under the hood.
Bitcoin devs will likely take issue w/the security assumptions, but what really matters is if it works in practice. https://t.co/Oshf8GTHWV
@Truthcoin Is there a TL;DW on how to operate a trustless 2-way peg with a soft fork?
When you log into your work email & wonder if it’s technical difficulties or if you got passive aggressively fired. pic.twitter.com/B6xeWn8JJu
Lightweight blockchain clients were crucial for IBM Blue Horizon engineers - enabled them to install IoT apps in vehicles.
IBM ran into scalability & cost problems with public blockchains, thus pushing them to Hyperledger. Sounds like @jgarzik’s Fidelity Problem.
bluehorizon.network only uses Ethereum as a proof of concept b/c it can only support ~20K devices. Will eventually use Hyperledger.
Create a weather station on bluehorizon.network & it registers a Weather Underground account & sends them data. pic.twitter.com/LQ1xvSEUYk
@masonic_tweets Yep, should be interesting to compare the two.
Blue Horizon incorporates Ethereum , Telehash, and BitTorrent protocols. Designed to run on a Raspberry Pi. bluehorizon.network
IBM’s Blue Horizon IoT technology will be open sourced in the next few months! bluehorizon.network
If your job is easily automated by a bit of hardware and/or software, you’re essentially a biological robot. https://t.co/G1gbOWC3ES
RT @frankyiannas: Humans once opposed refrigeration & pasteurization. Imagine a world without them. And pick up @calestous new book. https:…
Hmmmmmmm 🤔
2 years ago: https://t.co/UTlf4aTqIX
3 months ago: https://t.co/jVLAWfIJ31
Today: https://t.co/xsUnrwCbCc https://t.co/1h4w0NSJGv
“We’re going to build a wall around our garden and we’re going to make the altcoins pay for it!” https://t.co/aHfe1C1zJH
Proposed policy will raise multisignature cap from P2SH’s n-of-15 max to n-of-100 max via P2WSH (Segregated Witness) https://t.co/k0fqTTI1e7
The Internet of Things will take surveillance capitalism to the next level. https://t.co/ObkSiXm5ht https://t.co/zDo6encd2A
TuurDemeester Crazy anecdote of what can happen when a drug addict steals your medical identity. ow.ly/AC773045NTz pic.twitter.com/ByWKeTiYQN
@Truthcoin @kyletorpey @el33th4xor Come on guys, can’t we refrain from the personal attacks? 😞
@Snowden I hope you’re getting a decent cut of @SnowdenTheMovie’s profits!
@JamesGDAngelo Thanks; I was saddened to see such a treasure trove of educational content disappear.
@JamesGDAngelo I hope it’s unintentional that the Bitcoin 101 Blackboard videos are private. Please bring them back! https://t.co/yi5LWAtbFZ
What could possibly go wrong? https://t.co/VRrp5Yj85e https://t.co/wNXhyvPzkg
Wanted: trustless version of Scout to replace hard coded Bitcoin node seeds. https://t.co/l6BG2z4Is6
@gavinandresen Yes! And ignore the trolls…
@Satoshi_N_ You should probably bring a text version along if you want @aantonop to GPG sign the entire book in a reasonable timeframe.
The 2001 bubble was fueled by dot-com companies. The 2008 bubble was fueled by real estate. This time, it’s cash. https://t.co/1nzTvXGLaB
“For your convenience we can charge you a 3% premium to display your order in non-scary currency units.” *facepalm* pic.twitter.com/SRT7bXATn8
@NoahBoz Yep
Cloaked in darkness, The Bitmobile emerges from its cave seeking sustenance. pic.twitter.com/fjIZriCPxc
Position of trust & power + misaligned incentives = scammer’s paradise. https://t.co/k9Vc16pcV9
We often claim “rational actors” when discussing game theory, yet rarely consider that actors likely have asymmetrical info / understanding.
“At a basic level, money isn’t value. It represents an abstraction of value. It’s a form of communication.” @aantonop, The Internet of Money
“What do we want?”
“When do we want it?”
Dev kit makes it easy to add autonomous flying & obstacle avoidance to your drone or robot. https://t.co/Y39mi5VOIU https://t.co/wU5nATYD6H
@pierre_rochard My guess would be that a project manager handed a list of skills needed to HR and they just shoved them all into 1 req.
Nice to see more jobs; too bad 0 people have all the skills for AT&T’s “Senior Blockchain Big Data Full Stack Dev” https://t.co/tjuQbf0Kal
Q: I found a FOSS project & I want to contribute. Where do I start?
A: Find the “getting started guide.” If there isn’t one, write it!
Q: How do I get Bitcoin experience as a dev?
A: Start contributing to projects! Here are a few: whatcanidoforbitcoin.xyz/projects
Permissioned blockchains will transform industries.
Permissionless blockchains will transform economies.
@kyletorpey @bitcoin_experts You’re gonna need a “Greg Maxwell posted on /r/btc” filter.
@TuurDemeester The money printing cycle.
@TuurDemeester Solution: get banks to buy bitcoins.
@kallerosenbaum D’oh, should be fixed now
We embrace remote work at @BitGo; message me if you’re a programmer who’s passionate about Bitcoin & cryptocurrency! https://t.co/099CGT7mcF
A generous 0.027% tip / slap in the face! https://t.co/pzlKjxBdmE
@TuurDemeester Can confirm; my stats seem to increase & decrease linearly along with my tweet volume. pic.twitter.com/UinXCiFAOl
@pmarca @ProSyn This is a pessimistic forecast that assumes we don’t reap the benefits of The Singularity.
Hearing concerns about ensuring that AI treats humans ethically. Where are the concerns about humans treating AI ethically? 🤔
RT @coincenter: What is Multi-Sig, and What Can It Do? https://t.co/2Lb5k7IsKz https://t.co/LtHkZpQiw9
@el33th4xor @LiveBitcoinNews There’s only one Bitcoin Baron and it’s @realytcracker
bradheath Police looked up a Minnesota TV host’s driver license photo 3,844 times, including 780 while she was on-air. pic.twitter.com/jjOxi1SbZJ
@oxt_btc When can we expect closer-to-realtime data? I almost always want to investigate txns that are only a handful of blocks old!
bradheath Yet another fed. court says the FBI’s warrant for its Tor crack was invalid, but won’t suppress the evidence. pic.twitter.com/yHTt0JD0eK
@FakeUnicode @twitter Do undefined codepoints map to actual characters?
Don’t feel constrained by @twitter’s 140 char limit. 128,000 unicode chars => 10^715 possible tweets. Fewer than 10^12 have ever been made.
Bullish builders bootstrap Bitcoin, benefitting by beckoning bountiful buyers. Business booms.
@el33th4xor @TechCrunch OH NOES, everyone is going to make fun of my shitty musical tastes!
@MooreGramsBeats Unfortunately it’s not much of a joke. The additional length causes issues with code, database, and human operations.
@prestonjbyrne I recommend going the zombie route. If only the realistic zombie targets weren’t so darn expensive… https://t.co/G9ycj03qwP
@flyosity I hear “Trump is a politician”
If you enjoy working w/ 16 digit satoshi values in Bitcoin, you’ll love working w/ 26+ digit wei values in Ethereum! Floats are for fools…
@jessedain Indeed, along with pretty much the entire financial and economic system :-)
@mikeinspace Could work if the latencies aren’t terrible
@mikeinspace Yeah but there’s still the problem of maintaining consensus - Internet is required. I mean global outage, not just local.
“Bitcoin would be useless if the Internet stops working!”
“Light bulbs would be useless if the electrical grid stops working!”
Hey @WIRED, you need to get on the @brave bandwagon. I have bits with your name on them, but you’re blocking @brave. https://t.co/P6gBl2gWWR
Cryptography mailing lists send me password reminders in cleartext and I can’t even turn them off. Insecure software defaults will doom us.