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TNWinsider Square now lets sellers accept Bitcoin on their own storefronts by @EPro
.@chamath claims Bitcoin + smart contracts + triple entry accounting can bring tax deferral capability to avg person
Lopp Holdings, LLC portfolio report: currently down 33% since inception (average cost basis of $685 / BTC)
@emilepetrone It’s not…
@Rothbardian1627 Sure, I’m an editor and contributor at @coinchomp. You can find my posts here:
Duke Bitcoin Conference is this Saturday, featuring Core Dev @TheBlueMatt. Not sure yet if it’s open to public.
@flyosity Norovirus? That was me a week ago.
@CathyReisenwitz It was a pleasure to meet you; I feel like I came home from @LibertyFestNC with plenty of fresh perspectives to ponder!
Verifying myself: I am lopp on ay5MtgeCoPlmhfLr9t5QHBSJPQ-8RQXsXSyc /
While @BTCFoundation does beneficial things for the community, it is not representative of it. Fewer than 1% of BTC users are members.
@jfelchner I’m interested!
There comes a point at which one should shut up and out-innovate one’s opponents into obsolescence.
“America’s health problems are not just from overeating, but from malnutrition that results in overeating.” @therontron #L2
“Circular logic results in government banning large sodas rather than attacking root problem by eliminating corn subsidies.” @therontron #L2
“Government incentives in the agricultural industry have caused cheap food to push good food out of the market.” @therontron #L2
“Libertarians tend to avoid discussing the rights of children because it’s a very difficult topic.” - Ana Martin #L2
“The beauty of decentralized technologies is that the more people who use them, the more powerful they become.” @ABillyRock #L2
“Smart contracts have the potential to form a polycentric legal system that competes w/state’s monopoly on contract law.” @ABillyRock #L2
“Decentralization allows people to compete with monopolies.” @ABillyRock #L2
“The state’s most powerful monopoly is its monopoly on money.” @ABillyRock #L2 #Bitcoin
“If we had a violent revolution, those who ended up in power would be those who are best at violence; not what we want.” @MattBGilliland #L2
When it comes to economics: “Incentives matter, intentions don’t, free trade makes everyone better off.” @MattBGilliland #L2
“Ideas are not scare resources thus concept of private property is not necessary… piracy is publicity.” @JSDiedrich #L2
“Concept of private property is necessary b/c we live in a world of scarcity & need to allocate resources.” @JSDiedrich #L2
“There is no empirical evidence that intellectual property laws have spurred innovation.” @JSDiedrich #L2
@pmccall777 @JSDiedrich Publishers were the only ones with the tools to pirate composed music at the time.
“Copyright and intellectual property have their roots in government granted privilege.” @JSDiedrich #L2
“The threat of piracy (by publishers) made 17th century music composers more productive.” @JSDiedrich #L2
Just sampled an India Pale Pilsner, a style of beer that’s so new, it isn’t an officially recognized style. #L2
“The Reinheitsgebot (German Beer Purity Law) was the world’s first consumer protection law. Libertarians LOVE consumer protection laws.” #L2
OH: “Red clay bricks are the exact opposite of Bitcoin, as they have been the most stable store of value throughout human history.”

.@CathyReisenwitz keynote about how Libertarians can improve our methods of discussing ideas with “opponents.” #L2
“The AR-15 platform is the adult equivalent of LEGO®.”#L22
“Don’t look to govt for solutions. Even govt knows this… & contracts w/private sector to provide solutions.” @AlbertKLu #L2
Individuals will pursue their rational self interests, regardless of whether they live under a govt or in a free society.” @shanklinmike #L2
“CPS Investigators are incentivized to find reasons to remove children from their families.” @CarlosMoralesTC #L2
“Child Protective Services is engaged in a War on Drugs, not a War on Child Abuse.” @CarlosMoralesTC #L2
stripe Interested in accepting Bitcoin? You can sign up for the beta waiting list at
@mikestable Holy shit, multiple image dumps in a single tweet! Are you going green?
What if governance is not a political problem, but an engineering problem? What if the will of the people could be fairly executed via tech?
RT @pmarca: 8/That critique can be either right or wrong, and vigorous debate follows. And that’s how a lot of technological progress is ma…
RT @pmarca: 7/When techies critique tech, it’s more: “This new tech is interesting, but it’s missing properties X, Y, and Z to be used in t…
.@pmarca’s 90 second cryptocurrency pitch.
@jessevanek I would be content paying my current amount of taxes if I had freedom to choose how it was distributed throughout public sector.
@pmarca Do you have any plans to support development of Bitcoin Core?
@LittleShibe This will surely occur to an extent, but crypto is a global phenomenon. Govt can only affect exchanges under their jurisdiction
@LittleShibe That’s the best part - crypto continues to function the same, regardless of external ‘rules’ applied by govt.
The more legitimacy cryptocurrency gains, the more appealing it looks to corporations and the financial industry.
The more regulations that governments impose upon cryptocurrency, the more legitimacy they give it.
The music used in the “You wouldn’t download a car” anti-piracy advertisement you’ve seen on many DVDs… is pirated.
RT @matthew_d_green: My Zerocash co-author Eli Ben-Sasson gave this talk on our work in progress: …
Regarding MTGOX: “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” - Napoleon Bonaparte
@flyosity It would be a damn shame if you were forced to view Facebook ads in virtual reality.

There appears to be a correlation between Bitcoin market value and Metcalfe’s Law. [correlation != causation]
RT @a_greenberg: Satoshi Nakamoto’s Neighbor: The Bitcoin Ghostwriter Who Wasn’t
@cryptotraveler @jessevanek @wayann Hard to say. If people get back bitcoins that they wrote off, they might dump them for “safety” of fiat.
@wayann @jessevanek Wouldn’t surprise me - I’ve been saying all along that loss due to incompetence makes more sense than theft.
RT @OverkillCoin: Like all crapcoins we’ve had a turbulent launch. But finally we’re here! IPO folks, cash out quick! Buy in, chumps! http:…
It looks like DOGE4NASCAR is actually going to happen, thanks in no small part to @moolah_io!
@mikestable NSA will no longer collect data; we’ll just have the phone companies collect it on our behalf. LOL!
@eric7urner @CoinChomp Don’t get me wrong, it’s high risk and potentially high reward if you hit the jackpot!
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Good, b/c it’s pointless to fight against a system of voluntary interaction. No one is forcing you to participate.
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Well then, I guess we can all go about our lives now that the authority has spoken. :-)
@Irving_Aquino @anjiecast Those of us who understand that if you don’t hold it (private keys to BTC addresses) didn’t store BTC on Gox.
@anjiecast @zfurnas I’m not sure that it’s possible to ever achieve consensus with regard to philosophy…
@anjiecast @zfurnas Glad you agree. Admittedly, discussion of “value” tends to be more philosophical than technical… it’s also subjective!
zfurnas @anjiecast @lopp’s right. But you could generalize to: “next time anyone starts asserting “intrinsic value” of anything, stop listening.”
Preliminary summary of @petertoddbtc’s Tree Chains project has been published
@CoinChomp @eric7urner Pre-ordering mining equipment is just making a gamble on top of a gamble. I don’t recommend it to anyone.
businessinsider Kim Dotcom mocks authorities as his new cloud company is valued at $180 million
RT @Dinosn: Prezi Got Pwned: A Tale of Responsible Disclosure
RT @larrybyndon: @lopp “… the blockchain could also prove an elegant solution to applying copyright law’s first sale doctrine to digital go…
@larrybyndon Check out and
@larrybyndon Bitcoin the protocol is far more interesting than Bitcoin the currency. Bitcoin is a protocol; currency is the first “app.”
@larrybyndon Because Bitcoin is a set of consensus mechanisms that act as a foundation for us to build other trustless systems on top of it.
@larrybyndon The interesting difference with regard to Bitcoin is that we can agree that it is more than simply money.
@larrybyndon Isn’t all money like Monopoly money in that sense? Would you sell me your car for kyats?
@larrybyndon Correct, Bitcoin miners all use ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), however many alt-coins can be mined w/GPUs.
@jessevanek Because mining a block is done by hashing ALL of the transactions together simultaneously. There are no discrete operations.
@jessevanek Also, I should note that it’s technically incorrect to say that a transaction is using an explicit share of the mining power.
@jessevanek Not really, because ASICs are orders of magnitude more efficient than cloud computing services. There’s no good comparison.
@jessevanek I wanted to attempt that comparison, but I have no idea how to determine the share of value of miner’s computational power…
@BrontoCaroline I blame it on the lack of patronage by Beignets for a Better Life.
This would only work if miners were entire market. Crypto prices are based upon far more variables. This just equalizes mining profitability
Strip mining makes sense for short-term profitability, but doing so in order to boost a specific coin and hurt competitors is short-sighted.
This has the effect of driving the exchange rate of crypto you dislike down, while boosting exchange rate of crypto you like.
Strip mining is a fascinating concept: instead of mining the crypto you want, you mine competing crypto and sell it for crypto you want.
I present a counter-argument to those who say that Bitcoin “has no intrinsic value.”
@anaraug That’s a common argument made under assumption that ASICs result in centralization of hash power. Pools centralize power far more.
You might be an egomaniac if: you launch an alternative currency and name it after yourself.
Alt-coins whose only differentiator is an “ASIC proof” mining algorithm will not succeed long term. Only miners care about the algorithm.
Looks like MTGOX hasn’t been the only exchange operating a fractional reserve. Proof of reserves is a must.

My @Bronto colleagues will appreciate this gem from the Bitcoin Core code.

@mikestable P-I-Z-Z-A
@goddamndave I hope it’s like @elonmusk’s Minority Report style system
@CathyReisenwitz I’m looking forward to meeting you at Liberty Fest next week!
@JamesGMorgan An Internet protocol with a payment error needs an Internet native payment method, one would think!
@EJBowden You can go back in history and find plenty of examples of people discussing ideas for currency that sounds just like Bitcoin :-)
@tipdoge tip @savethemhood 110 - Keep up the great work!
I predict that after decades of languishing in obscurity, the HTTP 402 error will eventually see the light of day.
@TrueBitcoinGirl @CathyReisenwitz It’s always amusing to read articles of people telling the community what it must and must not do.
“app coins are interesting because they’re a totally new way to do funding, monetization, and exit.” - @balajis
@TriangleBitcoin This may not be feasible, however, because IIRC a ‘getAddr’ request to a node retuns all ‘known’ nodes, not connected nodes
@TriangleBitcoin I would also like to modify the Bitnodes software to perform other tasks (such as a mesh visualization) but that’s separate
@TriangleBitcoin Current plan is to deploy modified nodes throughout network mesh that report stats. You want a mesh visualization?
@TriangleBitcoin I began digging into the Bitcoin Core code last night; hoping to fork off to my DevOps project this weekend.
RT @TriangleBitcoin: Lets talk #bitcoin #nodes - How many is enough? by #TriBitcoin’s own @lopp
@Altimor @polemitis But it’s an obvious choice for consumers: 99 cents of time for an app / song / ebook or spend months / years creating it
@Altimor @polemitis Digital distribution allows producers to lower prices due to increased market size & lower distribution costs.
@Altimor @polemitis Unit cost is only one factor. Initial production cost remains quite high due to the skills required.
Throwback Thursday: Bitcoin Core versions < 0.6 used IRC channels to learn the IP addresses of other nodes.
@rjurney Oops, you’ve changed your mind rather quickly, eh?
@tuurdemeester Pretty sure we’ve established that difficulty follows price, not vice versa.
@jgarzik @kncminer “Shipment begins in Q2/Q3 of 2014” ಠ_ಠI expect more precision for a $10,000 investment.
I find it difficult to believe that there is much overlap between Dogecoin enthusiasts and NASCAR fans, but hey, what do I know?
@flyosity Zero tolerance for anyone who interferes with Darwinism!
@pmccall777 @dailytarheel I value @flyosity’s candidness in that he will not hesitate to disagree with me :-)
@flyosity I need your professional design opinion. Is it just me or is @dailytarheel’s redesign terrible?
Facebook’s Security Director leaves for @coinbase, stating “I’ve decided that crypto currency is worth protecting.”
@jgarzik What stopped you?
@barrysilbert @WSJ @mikejcasey @paulvigna Good luck, Barry! @winklevoss and @tylerwinklevoss have a habit of winning races…
barrysilbert News is out: SecondMarket seeks to open bitcoin fund as early as fourth quarter. via @WSJ @mikejcasey @paulvigna
emilepetrone Today we launched the new Tindie! MOAR awesomeness is on the way!
I donned my robe and DevOps hat for my latest @CoinChomp post: “Bitcoin Nodes: How Many is Enough?”
@Magnus919 @TriangleDevOps DevOps for distributed open source software projects
Shout out to @tomhanks
“Intrinsic value” is a fallacy. All value is subjective and relative to one’s situation / perspective.
@_JasonCooper @flyosity @AInsights Nope, I’ve only ever heard of Bleacher Report automating content for sports articles.
@flyosity Think the journalists are quaking in their boots?
@oleganza Welcome to the free market - it can be a confusing place :-)
The U.K. has unveiled a new 12-sided pound coin that is being hailed as the most secure coin in the world. *snicker*
@mikestable Is the NSA tapping our water supply? lulz
“To reduce confusion between Bitcoin-the-network and Bitcoin-the-software we renamed the reference client to Bitcoin Core.” @gavinandresen
RT @gavinandresen: Bitcoin Core version 0.9.0 is finished! Download binaries from — report bugs to…
The most successful Bitcoin companies will be those that shift our need to trust the company (and its security practices) onto the protocol.
@CoinChomp It’s quite silly. Assuming the ‘jackpot’ blocks are random, miners are still sharing same pie fairly based upon hash power.
@CoinChomp Apparently mining in and of itself isn’t a gamble enough - we need to support gambling within our gambling! :-P
@tuurdemeester There’s the pump; brace for the dump!
@mikestable The 2x4 is the key to swoleness.

HashTrust Announcing SafeTX, an easy-to-use trustless bitcoin escrow service.
@BitcoinAverage It was just an error in @blockchain’s MySQL database - not a problem with their Bitcoin implementation.
nntaleb The ultimate test of freedom is whether you *have to* explain why you did something.
@polemitis The potential for death is half the fun of driving!
OH: “Calling it a [Bitcoin] wallet is stupid. You put coins in a purse, not a wallet.”
@bishi3000 @jgarzik This is NOT the core dev Mike Hearn. Article is by whereas core dev is
@Newsweek @truth_eater LOL, keep sticking your head in the sand. I’m sure it will work out splendidly for you.
@CoinChomp A goxcoin is a bitcoin that Gox claims exists but can’t prove. People were trading goxcoins via
Bitcoin allows small merchants to operate internationally and in high-risk markets with no overhead.
@CoinChomp “Lets Users Check Goxcoin Balances”
oleganza Idea of a useful altcoin
Two blocks diverged in a digital chain,
and sorry I could not follow both,
I chose the longer chain.
And that has made all the difference.
How do we apply #DevOps principles to decentralized open source software? Anyone have any resources about this subject?
I’ve been busy researching for my next blog post, pushing the boundaries of insight that anyone has into the Bitcoin network mesh. #DevOps
@jgarzik Artifically low supply due to monopoly status?
HA! “I have learned this about the fanatical Bitcoiners: they will see this all in a different light once they reach puberty.â@truth_eaterater
@Mircea_Popescu *mind blown* care to expound upon that statement?
@matthew_d_green @Newsweek and @truth_eater are free to claim whatever they want. It doesn’t make it true.
If I were a Bitcoin Baron, I’d be building dedicated DevOps and QA teams to support the core developers. /cc @Mircea_Popescu
tuurdemeester Dogecoin stats: $48M market cap (0.6% of BTC), 18,380 daily transactions (26% of BTC), 71k reddit subscribers, 167k twitter followers.
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a URL that looked like it was having an identity crisis… until now:
@tuurdemeester Never trust a premine…

Dorian Nakamoto dropped his ISP in 2013 due to financial distress. Sounds like he can use the 45 BTC we’ve raised.
@BitBets @Mircea_Popescu So you’re saying that I can make some easy money by betting that Bitcoin will be volatile…
RT @jonmatonis: Zerocoin: Zero Knowledge for Infinite Anonymity via @CoinChomp and @lopp
RT @Mircea_Popescu: And Yes bets continue to flow in o.O @BitBetsBets 1,000.0BTC on ‘Yes’-#Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment ht…
savethemhood @tipdoge tip @Doge4water 14000000 may we all drink water. let the wealthy fill your cup. #savethemhood
@sweetlydrifting My pleasure! Hope we can hang out again soon
@tuurdemeester Shhhhhhhhh we don’t want statists to know that.

Good luck to professional image dumper @mikestable w/ today’s nuptials!
It’s never a good sign when you come home to find multicolored dotted lines spray painted all over your yard.
@pig_poetry @danlowe @Jeremy_DeGroot Actually, @bitpay has a payroll API.
@danlowe @Jeremy_DeGroot @pig_poetry The Bank of Bitcoin is open 24/7/365 and there are no lines.
@pig_poetry @danlowe Also, avoid them on the bi-weekly payday.
RT @BillNBing: “You can’t kill an idea” - read to better understand #Bitcoin and why there is so much divide on the subject:…
The opinion of anyone who doesn’t fully understand [Subject X] is irrelevant, regardless of their fame or accolades.
“A number with more than two decimals is not perceived as a price but as a geeky number that you convert to local currency.” - @TamasBlummer

The debate about which units the Bitcoin community should default to has been reignited on the core dev mailing list.
@pig_poetry I just realized that the facial hair you’re sporting on Twitter is the inverse of your real life facial hair.
@pig_poetry You have fallen directly into my trap!
@NTmoney He doesn’t have to believe in Bitcoin; Bitcoin believes in him.
@pig_poetry That’s like, your opinion, man.
As you add more engineers to a code review, the time & # of changes needed to achieve consensus asymptotically approaches infinity.
Yet another mass murder in China - proof that China doesn’t have strict enough knife control, amirite?
@mark_a_phelps Did you create a mater branch?
“Economics can be a science. As it is practiced today, it is most definitely not.” @cal_abel
RT @BillNBing: “You can’t kill an idea” — why #Bitcoin has such strong support cc @lopp @bradwheeler