@Chester07752238 AI decides - that’s the point.
@DavidJamesOne @hoffmang I generally consider it aggressive behavior that is more emotional than rational discourse… https://t.co/O9vPpGc51w
@CommodoreBTC I made no argument - I stated a fact. You’re the one trying to put words in my mouth.
Toxic maximali… https://t.co/AvuSIFxDsM
Toxic maximalists may be interested in the fact that Twitter has machine learning models to detect and then filter..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Fz
@davisleung @JamesRoloff No one is saying that welcoming Ethereum is helpful to bitcoin adoption. You’re thinking in binary terms.
I bet we’re gonna find some interesting stuff now that THE ALGORITHM is open sourced. github.com/twitter/the-al…
RT @WorldCryptoNet: #LIVE NOW:
The #Bitcoin
Bittrex is shutting down US operations due to the unfavorable regulatory environment. bittrex.com/discover/impor…
@flexiblemandate On-chain activity a few months ago seemed to indicate Coinbase.
While the US Govt has sold 195,091.75 BTC it seized over the years, they still retain possession of at least 207,189 BTC valued at $5.8B.
@ruidasilva Most people still use fiat as their unit of account, so it’s sensible to use as a way of portraying val..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tp

UPDATED: my seized #bitcoin sales tracker.
The US Govt is sitting on $5B in missed gains.
jlopp.github.io/us-marshals-bi… pic.twitter.com/GgqAi4tLCe
@tier10k Time to update my tracker! jlopp.github.io/us-marshals-bi…
The recipe for a prosperous society is no secret:
* Free markets
* International trade
* Enforcement of property r..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gY
Authoritarians will find AI bans to be incredibly difficult to enforce.
@TheBitcoinBugle I suggest you read my nuanced essay where I discuss that issue and more. blog.lopp.net/history-of-bit…
@darosior If you want in depth full historical syncing performance metrics, check out blog.lopp.net/bitcoin-core-p…
@JamesRoloff I respect that perspective!
@cryptodario Indeed! It’s natural for folks to form a mental model of someone, then if their mental model gets smas..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Vf
@lostledger @nic__carter Y HELO THAR!
Please can you answer by interpreting this phonetically: due ewe no wart the date ears?
@MysthLS Might not be the best word, but Twitter length limits can do that.
@cguida6 Do you have a long-form explanation to support this assertion?
@BradMichelson Bottom right quadrant!
robustus 3/ Remember, for every “new” idea in crypto, there’s a bitcointalk thread from 2010-2013 discussing it.
@Bitcoin_Multi If I had a satoshi for every time I heard that I was ruining my reputation…
@liborbtc It should be pretty clear by now that I will mock anything I find to be absurd. The nuance you’re missing..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…KI
@MrHodl I shut down my grin node a few months ago because development appears to have been abandoned.
But fear not… https://t.co/4Tj69SBtvJ
@SatoshiJimenez Shows what you know.
Casa had nothing to do with that article, it was written by Avi.
As an anarcho-capitalist I’m used to abuse from both liberals & conservatives.
As a Bitcoin Maximalist I’m used to..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…hi
@hasufl Ser, please use more descriptive terminology so as to not disparage my fellow maximalists. I have been sugg… https://t.co/6hQp952k11
@CommodoreBTC Speculative and unprovable.
@BankersGhost Sure, but that’s an entirely different issue.
@SatoshiJimenez Sounds like you haven’t figured out yet that we’re all shitcoiners. I will pray that you see the li..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…s6
@nic__carter Maybe they forgot about Number Go Up narrative?
@CommodoreBTC Scattered throughout history; here’s one from 2020.
@seedor_io Of course, I’m always happy when folks find my work valuable enough to translate.
@protopleb @parman_the You’re baffled because you’re stuck in an echo chamber and can’t fathom that I know my own c..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…8I
Since the demand for bitcoin transactions fluctuates it can be hard to know the appropriate fee. A variety of fee e..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…5E
@GaryEvansTheMan Wrong on both counts, dumbass. twitter.com/lopp/status/14…
The sick joke is none of them will be prosecuted for the war crimes they have committed.
@ajtowns Doesn’t really matter - as long as they have something to fear, they’ll think twice before acting.
It’s actually great to set precedent that even the most powerful office in government is not above the law.
@juliusgu23 Thanks, but I agree that it’s not a matter of measuring historical contributions.
From my perspective… https://t.co/vnPAz9RHcI
lopp welcome to web3 where every click is a taxable event
DuVasconcellos_ @VerumSemper @seiitiarata @LojaHODLBTC Quer saber mais sobre mim e muitos outros, estamos dentro desse excelente ar..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ma
@AutismCapital @CaitlinLong_ SEND IN THE $LINK MARINES!
spectatorindex Annual inflation.
Argentina: 102%
Turkey: 55%
Russia: 11%
UK: 10.4%
Italy: 9.1%
Germany: 8.7%
Mexico: 7.6%
South A..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…et
@Emma53Joe Just need more
Bitcoin is on its way to becoming a shitcoin!
@CasaHODL Approximately every 10 minutes!
@nic__carter Except I’m not allowed to purchase a new check because I give a fuck about my privacy.
@csuwildcat Time restricted eating is a pretty easy way to accomplish that.
@des_imoto Fair, though one can go even further and claim that a home owned in the clear without debt is still owne..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…pr
There is only one way to ensure that your money is safe in the bank: be the bank.
@DorkingWDRS You’re promoting a scam. wantfi.com/richard-hearts…
@PeterMcCormack “Dorking”
@Aureliushodl21m @crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL Feel free to direct your anger at Ledger and Trezor, who have or… https://t.co/l0lhzqApDS

I have a bad feeling about this… pic.twitter.com/fsiGs5C9Dr
@crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL Bitcoiners can own anything they damn well please. That’s the essence of free markets.
@AlenaSatoshi @GrapheneOS Doubtful, probably requires some Google play service.
@dgleason650 This is an excellent opportunity to educate yourself on the backstory! blog.lopp.net/history-of-bit…
@crypto8888 @parman_the @xpugHODL I was 100% BTC in 2012 / 2013.
But I’m a technologist and I play with anything t… https://t.co/hV5SQVZiIa
@kyleidoskope @FinneJay Cargo cultists.
RT @paoloardoino: You can’t stop tech advancement. Never worked. Never will. It’s not about right or wrong. It’s a about competition for po…
“The Death of Decentralization in SMTP” is a historical overview of the multi-decade downfall of email as a soverei..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…WT
@bitcoin1zation Just checking. FYI your attention and engagement with me only improves my rankings in Twitter’s algorithms

@bitcoin1zation Oh really? Then why are you following me? pic.twitter.com/SA4jCMzvlg
@AlfieGWhattam @Dr_CSWright @gavinandresen You should consider doing a quick Google search on your potential future..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…cV
@FloHodl @parman_the Here’s your nuance; enjoy! blog.lopp.net/history-of-bit…
@JaylenHodl Pointing out absurdity does not equate to playing a victim. I’m calling out assholes to engage with me..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bz
Humans may be unique creatures in the sense that we are never satisfied. Unlike every other animal, we can not be c..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…1j
@SatoshiJimenez Nope, I’ve been called a shitcoiner for many years. This is about me not wishing for Bitcoin Maxima..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…sW
RT @lopp: Bruh it’s like 5 lines of code. https://t.co/DWxPHFsgJs https://t.co/ssripW7tVy
@AvinashBurra Not only have I read your article, I referenced it in my recent essay! blog.lopp.net/history-of-bit…
All paths taken by purity testers lead to clown town.
@w_s_bitcoin @sunny051488 Oh yeah, in terms of defensibility all physical properties are shitcoins!
RT @lightning: Announcing lnd 0.16 beta: Smarter, Leaner, Faster
New in this release:
@dissindollars Nice try, but I’ve made my motivations clear. https://t.co/3csS2HDJlr
@1440000bytes Should be minimal, apparently the ranges belong to tiny VPNs that are not weirdly adopted.
@KastelBert They might not have blocked yours yet. I’ve noticed them blocking more and more providers over the past few weeks.
VPNs are currently trending on Twitter, but I can’t tell if it’s because Twitter search is blocking VPNs because I’..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…qd
@CardanoNoodz @elonmusk @Twitter Though to be clear, I have set up my own self hosted paywall solution. https://t.co/UaZM2tdhoB
@4moonsettler @jaybny Even apart from that, purity tests are not socially scalable. They naturally result in fractu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…eE
Imagine how much revenue you could generate if you offered on-demand transactional account-to-account functionality..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…sx
@CryptoFUDz That’s what I find particularly troubling. The behavior of some vitriolic folks should not make you dis… https://t.co/If2VfNNYmI
@alexbosworth Do not allow the moral or political posturings of folks in the space to stifle your speech. That is f..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…i3
@MichaelRoerade @parman_the Your depiction of my history is extremely spotty.
I worked on ETH in 2016 at BitGo. I’..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…lJ
@LesFender4 Enjoy your echo chamber!
@bitcoin_hermit Oh I fully understand the perspective. I expounded upon it recently with a 35 page essay. If you wa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ff
RT @lucasdcf: If you’re a CS undergrad (or other related degree and you’re interested in software engineering) AND you’re a bitcoiner / are…
@danheld @gladstein Thankfully these puritanical beliefs fall under “disagreement on everything else.”
@DrumKitt87 Exactly, which is why I’ve decided to push back against the absurdity. If no one pushes back on irratio..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9k
@piramida My recent essay focused on the need to make a distinction because “Bitcoin maximalism” is actually a larg..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…1z
@huankink @parman_the @Cipherhoodlum Huge gray area here, unfortunately.
What is “sufficiently decentralized?” I’d..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…4j
@ziggamon Guess I’ll have to bring my body armor to Bitcoin 2023.
@TheDesertLynx Indeed, it’s a high bar to actually follow a “Bitcoin only” lifestyle - most folks will have to come..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Hp
@investorsluck @bariscanvurall It’s an important mission, no doubt.
But having less than 100% dedication to the mi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…oI
@callebtc Yeah my public nodes with 100+ peers all had multiple connections.
@TheDesertLynx I’m not sure what you mean; can you expound upon that?
If anyone wishes to call me a shitcoiner to my face, you can find me at Bitcoin 2023 in Miami.
Just remember that..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…6f
@huankink @parman_the @Cipherhoodlum I agree with all of those points. Nonetheless, some folks desire functionality..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Zw
@BobbyBitcoinIM Due to other desirable properties, such as stronger privacy. Look through my history and you’ll see..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…js
@Bitcoinfinity Read the rest of the threads and you’ll find the fiat portions of the conversation.
@MontHODL4lyf Read the rest of the threads and you’ll find the fiat portions of the conversation.
@GhostofWhitman Then don’t use it.
@FloHodl Then don’t use it. See, that wasn’t hard, now was it?
@TBoehmCrypto Why are you following me if you consider me to be an enemy of humanity?
@Pete_VanDyck Follow the incentives, not the narratives!
@bettyvschmartz The “pressure” is quite literally from our clients who are asking for said services.
@bettyvschmartz The focus concern is a valid point, which is why we’ve hired more folks to compensate for the additional complexity.
@currentseas I did try to engage with him rationally but his responses were either deflections or claims that I was..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…U3
@bariscanvurall I’m sure there are different reasons for different folks, but I bet one common thing is that some f..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…at
Unfortunately, Parman decided to block me when I pushed him to define the boundaries of how much fiat one is allowe..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ys
You’ve got to appreciate the symbolism exhibited by this Bitcoin Puritan. Using an avatar of Moses, he dictates mor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…sa
@crypto_div @parman_the Not according to the puritanical Bitcoiners!
@KramericaBTC_ @parman_the @Cipherhoodlum Indeed, though we can get to that later.
@parman_the @Cipherhoodlum Cool deflection, buddy!
@parman_the @Cipherhoodlum How much fiat are we allowed to have before we cross your purity threshold and become a shitcoiner?
@parman_the Glad to hear that we are allowed to have fiat shitcoins and still meet your approval!
@ckHODL @w_s_bitcoin @parman_the It’s best understood in the context of purity tests. casa-nostra.ghost.io/everyone-is-a-…
موارد البيتكوين بالعربية bitcoinarabic.org
@nft_cuckold Correct. There are a multitude of ways to screw up or to get screwed when you use Bitcoin.
@nft_cuckold False. Freedom is not safe.
@SatoshiNkmt @parman_the You live in an incredibly small echo chamber if you think everyone is making fun of me
@parman_the Truly pure bitcoiners can’t have bank accounts amirite?
@raknak Prepare to welcome your robot overlords.
@AlyseKilleen That sucks!

Biden says he has exhausted the limits of his executive power with regard to gun control. pic.twitter.com/9IWU9rUF4B
lopp No good can come from revealing your bitcoin balance to friends or family.
@ThisIsNuse @elonmusk Yep. They blocked my personal VPN a few weeks ago though mullvad was working until this week.
FederMarek Really and I mean REALLY interesting read by @lopp:
“Bitcoin maximalism is neither dead nor is it dying. It is ali..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…mP
Evidence that Bitcoin’s energy use isn’t high enough yet - we have yet to impact the military industrial complex. H..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…oe
@Clayton_B_Biggs The real question is if phone number KYC is really necessary given that they’re already imposing a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…AL
Twitter recently started blocking my self hosted VPN (data center) IP address… but only for search functionality…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Oh
Going live on @TheBitcoinShow_ to talk about maximalism, security, and other hot topics! twitter.com/i/spaces/1nAJE…
@chriskapilla @freemanbrett1 @PrestonPysh @davidasinclair I’m early in my research and personal experimentation, bu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nZ
@FritzFr18511091 I did when I retweeted this: twitter.com/0xB10C/status/…
@InPHARMaticist Yeah kinda, because I publish on many different platforms.
Bitcoin node operators may run these to block a suspected surveillance service:
bitcoin-cli setban…s1
Sam Bankman Fucked
0xB10C An entity I call LinkingLion, active since 2018 and on a Monero banlist, is opening connections to many clearnet Bi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…S8
“Dear client, we are deplatforming you due to your unacceptable entropy.”
@mir_btc Nostr is for my spicy takes that need censorship resistance.
There are a plethora of metrics available about different aspects of the Bitcoin network. They can help us track it..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…iy
RT @TheBitcoinLayer:
@chenbfang @cz_binance In jail for 6 to 12 months.
@dabidros @cz_binance *bang*bang*
.@cz_binance has ruined CZ for me. IYKYK https://t.co/H1G73onHmw
@matthew_d_green @_prestwich sorry not sorry
piovincenzo_ Super excited to have @lopp on @TheBitcoinShow_ tomorrow at 12PM EST.
Tune in as we discuss Bitcoin security, the..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…h2
@matthew_d_green @_prestwich Here’s my explanation of what happened to “bitcoin maxis.” blog.lopp.net/history-of-bit…
“Bitcoin is both a tool and a movement… some of the users of the tool are part of the movement, but the vast majo..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…GQ
lopp Why do so many otherwise intelligent folks hold and propagate misconceptions about Bitcoin? Because they haven’t pu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…4y
RT @BraiinsMining: Stop
@WhatBitcoinDid @ziggamon Nice; you touched on a lot of aspects of Bitcoin culture that I covered in my latest essa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Bw
@nic__carter the revolution will not be calm
Does anyone still use RSS readers?
Should I publish an RSS feed of my writings?
@_milehighlivin It’s a neutral pronoun; we don’t know for certain if Satoshi was male or female, a single person or a group.
An Indian couple faked a robbery at their house in an attempt to get their friend to hand over his bitcoin, but the..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Lz
@0xB10C 5 out of 122 peers
.@saylor is employing the Pokemon strategy: gotta catch ‘em all! https://t.co/M4sDIfak4l
GPT generated summary of my most recent essay in case you’re not sure if you want to spend an hour reading it. Wort..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…f8
A decent number of US Congress members speak favorably about Bitcoin. But how many of them actually believe in it e..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…K7
Did you know that that Satoshi Nakamoto limited their mining hashrate and thus ended up with far less BTC than they..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…yT
lopp Bitcoin’s primary function is not “store of value” - that’s a result of its primary function.
Bitcoin is “fuck you..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Lw
Fake bitcoin has a dangerous effect on the real #bitcoin market. Here’s an explanation of how the supply of bitcoin..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…tm
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
- Henry Ford
Incredibly impressed by @OpenAI’s Whisper transcription software.
I tested its performance on 4 machines and its a..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…z5
RT @CoinsureNZ: Awesome to have my talk at Bitcoin Honeybadger referenced in this great article by @lopp covering amongst other things how…
@giacomozucco I’m sure one could write a full length book on the subject if you were willing to put in the time to go deep enough!
lopp If Bitcoin is a new form of life:
* Electricity is its food
* The Internet is its circulatory system
* Miners are i..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Bn
@adam3us @ajtowns @shesek The excerpt is in a section entitled “Reclaiming the Pejorative” - I’m explaining, not blaming.
Sounds like this crypto scammer took money from the wrong people. toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-crypto…
In this lengthy essay I make my best effort to explain the history and evolution of Bitcoin Maximalism.
@1440000bytes @thealpharaccoon @udiWertheimer @CryptoHayes @saylor @jackmallers @rodarmor @gladstein @ODELL… https://t.co/12DHjHjx8D

lopp bitcoin vs “the next bitcoin” pic.twitter.com/uGQ5n0n7cb

Hey @greenpeaceusa,
My offer to help you navigate the BIP process still stands.
twitter.com/lopp/status/15… pic.twitter.com/b58Hu67lEg
Everybody close your eyes.
No need to realize!
“Practical men, who believe themselves to be exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…mP
@saylor @mattkratter There is debasement risk if folks use paper bitcoin, which is why self custody is crucial. blog.keys.casa/securing-bitco…
FYI if you have build systems that rely upon interacting with github, they may have broken due to this SSH key chan..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…wG
Thanks for funding the creation of some sweet Bitcoin art @chrislarsensf!
@Arthur_van_Pelt Oh neat, they’re giving a talk about how they intend to scam BSV bagholders!
Treat your bank account like a hot wallet - don’t keep more money in it than you’re willing to lose! twitter.com/davidmarcus/st…
@1440000bytes RIP
@LucasMacchia2 Check out @hivedotone to find the most reputable folks in hundreds of different fields. twitter.com/lopp/status/16…
Bitcoin is an open collaborative project. As such, public discussion of current events and improvement proposals is..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…HW
lylepratt One under appreciated feature of bitcoin is that you can have a hyper-secure geo-diverse cold-storage vault and sti..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Cx