@nic__carter Remember when hard drive space was so precious that you had to split your pirated movies up across multiple CDs
@Bitcoinfurlife @waxwing__ @udiWertheimer If you don’t have any of the common VR setups you can also join via runni… https://t.co/CcNhNTWwnT
@realPaulCaine @waxwing__ @udiWertheimer This was given in an AltSpaceVR world
This may be the first ever Bitcoin presentation given in virtual reality. We had a few technical difficulties but i… https://t.co/O4XyQGswaC
T-minus 2 hours ‘til @waxwing__ teaches us (in virtual reality) about how Payjoin can improve on-chain Bitcoin Priv… https://t.co/MAnDaPXDt6
@jamesob are you still maintaining bitcoinperf.com?
@ubeenfranked “Bitcoin Maximalism” was created as a derogatory term. Bitcoin Maximalists adopted it to the point of… https://t.co/d4JsnwYPYt
Correct ways to respond to speech you consider offensive or hateful:
* Don’t.
* Fucking own it. Adopt it to the point of absurdity.
@Mandrik Ma’am? This maze is hard to navigate; perhaps I should preemptively deplatform myself.
@Mandrik Please don’t assume my caliber, sir.
@snaxion A bullet is useless; you need a full round to get the job done.
@marco_peereboom This is 100% acceptable; kudos!
Reminder: I identify as an ammosexual; anyone who refers to me in any other fashion now risks being deplatformed fo… https://t.co/GRWCqZj2bB
RT @GunsnBitcoin: Podcast #26, Come And Take Militias And Encryption - @lopp
- What do Bitcoin and guns have in common that makes them a t…
@angela_walch Apathy.
Maximalists understand network effects; nobody wants the mental overhead of having to keep track of a different cur… https://t.co/07NJ9b0utv
Telegram impersonators are getting annoying. Unfortunately Telegram doesn’t appear to have a way to post a public m… https://t.co/VfVN7XbKVK
RT @udiWertheimer: FOMO inducing footage from the Bitcoin meetup in VR!
Featuring @Mandrik, @lopp, and a musical number from @nvk
RT @CasaHODL: 💀 Want to verify your #Bitcoin balances + receive addresses 100% independently of Casa’s systems? @HectorRosekrans has prepar…
A man was beaten and shot to death at his home in Abraka, Nigeria when he resisted armed robbers who were attemptin… https://t.co/KwGUGrNDzV
RT @blockplate: .@PeterSchiff’s book really did have the answer to “how to save yourself and your countryâ€
and yes, we use a @COLDCARDwall…
@BrianLockhart @HectorRosekrans @balajis I try to explain prepping as a different form of insurance against black s… https://t.co/MZyBCIcsGE
@PeterMcCormack Bruh are you so woke you interviewed yoself
Plebs can’t panic sell if they can’t send tokens to an exchange because you turned off the network.… https://t.co/Fg8dD8iPwe
@PaavoCoin @JonathanLessen Yeah I’m far beyond what the beginner’s list covers. Though I don’t store a ton of water… https://t.co/IwA9Tcie5G
@JonathanLessen @PaavoCoin Well, I’ve gone to extreme lengths to conceal my physical location which enables me to d… https://t.co/Cjy0CWliW6
Q: What are you doing to prepare for Coronavirus?
A: Nothing. Been prepared for many years.
The trick is to integr… https://t.co/Wqru4b0ouy
@TheChartWitcher Clearly there are positives! https://t.co/sfwsYRItVn
@belair6909 @jimmysong @CasaHODL If the user loses keys then the user must generate new ones. Casa just makes it in… https://t.co/SoHDb9E0jx
OK but is coronavirus priced in? https://t.co/KRbaVwUo4v
@belair6909 @jimmysong @CasaHODL Casa only holds 1 of the keys and is unable to unilaterally freeze or spend from a… https://t.co/qJASKexiR4
@rhizo_michael @qertoip @CasaHODL Or what happens if you die and the switch doesn’t fire? Or what happens if you’re… https://t.co/e9lGGl5Nuz
@jimmysong @CasaHODL It depends; we have some clients who are more worried about state-level attacks than others. T… https://t.co/bNcTpLRCpX
RT @CasaHODL: 🎊 After 18 months of research, development, and testing… Casa’s Bitcoin Inheritance Protocol is now officially live! We’re…
An unknown miner has swept up nearly 9,000 BCH that were mistakenly sent to SegWit addresses (which are only redeem… https://t.co/YxJBSoPHbZ
@NickSzabo4 @TuurDemeester @chrisrussi @balajis Prepare for a zombie apocalypse and you’ll be ready for pretty much anything.
Can’t catch coronavirus from contaminated cryptocurrency!
Life of an early adopter:
Half the time you can achieve amazing things of which others can only dream.
The other ha… https://t.co/MaMbVJRbqx
Monday morning laughs:
“Justin Sun is actively involved in Bitcoin”
“Cryptocurrency has no value”
“Justin gave you… https://t.co/183BC9mf3Z
@hodlonaut WHAT DOES IT MEAN https://t.co/uOTmn7E49r
@BLKchain @jimmysong Casa Keymaster offers high security self custody without sacrificing user friendliness. https://t.co/uucArgj9ud
While substantial privacy improvements will surely increase Bitcoin’s utility and value over the long term, they co… https://t.co/AopTCNGzaH
@cidadededeus36 Next weekend; join the telegram group to get updates. https://t.co/SjQUsXvb3e
@CaptainCryptoHD Not on my video; I set up my capture software at the last second and didn’t have time to test the audio capture.
@MishAdelanwa VRChat
@CamiloJdL Next weekend
@lawson3355 That’s the plan for next week
@liviusa A VR mirror!
@kurtybot VRChat

<VR selfie> pic.twitter.com/Aaub22zk9z

Nearly 30 virtual attendees in today’s Bitcoin VR meetup! pic.twitter.com/CR36jHeWqh
Host @udiWertheimer kicking off another Bitcoin meetup in virtual reality. https://t.co/Qsky1eNmRn
Can’t get coronavirus at a virtual reality conference… #justsayin https://t.co/J7AdQIBKFl
@CoinCornerDanny Should be resolved now; they had to reissue the SSL cert several times.
@CoinCornerDanny Yeah I was trying to change my cloudflare plan which is a feature integrated into my hosting provi… https://t.co/Oyibkxmk4L
@jimmysong Yes
RT @udiWertheimer: Next VR Bitcoin meetup in 24 hours!
Likely guests include @Lopp @hodlonaut @ercwl @nvk @bradmillscan
VR headset recomm…
@peterktodd Maybe they seized a bonded courier who had a list of public keys!
@notmandatory Oh I assure you that VRChat is capable of producing random interactions with other attendees!
Looking forward to the day when many Bitcoin conferences are held in virtual reality so that it’s no longer necessa… https://t.co/SJPTQfX7wZ

Blue Team’s billionaire blows Red Team’s billionaire out of the water. pic.twitter.com/qhai7CaER5
@Melt_Dem If someone thinks there are 3 types of Bitcoin, inform them that there are over 50 Bitcoin forks.
@coindalorian @CasaHODL Gubment trying to get into employee email accounts.

CasaHODL Silly state-sponsored hackers - there are no private keys to be found here! pic.twitter.com/XxjwKZnzX2
#ThrowbackThursday to 2013 as CNBC pundits try to understand why bitcoin is valuable. https://t.co/6kx4Vo4FJb

Bitcoin Twitter
Crypto Twitter
Trader Twitter pic.twitter.com/iOcCj07Ch8
@DamienSomerset @PeterMcCormack I’ve come across these before but didn’t try them; have you? My main concern would… https://t.co/68txBHLYkZ
@jillruthcarlson Fun fact: once you switch to a commercial remailer address, you can’t fill out a change of address… https://t.co/taTfnJgEal
@nikhileshde @coindesk @MikeBloomberg This looks like a promise of a proposal rather than an actual proposal.
@Mil_burn @Coinometrics Because @fluffypony keeps refusing to use his admin keys to reveal all the monero balances!
RT @PeterMcCormack: *Bitcoin Beginners Guide Part 12*
WBD195 - Bitcoin Privacy & OpSec with Jameson @lopp. We discuss:
- Why you should pr…
How concentrated is crypto wealth? As of February 2020, large addresses storing over 1/1000th of the total money su… https://t.co/B2cgwFkogK
@AlexWilsonTGB @SatoshiRoundtbl Sure, I made a note to add it.

@Mandrik Wait, there was a VR Bitcoin meetup and I wasn’t invited? pic.twitter.com/EtgRBZc8Jo
@coindesk @Dan_Z_Palmer Please explain why you consider this to be newsworthy.
The sixth annual @SatoshiRoundtbl concluded a week ago; here’s what I learned! https://t.co/PCpVOUGw0C
“We have been testing heartbeat, vein technology, and the way people walk to authenticate people.” - Mastercard
You shouldn’t legitimize the system by voting, but if you must, vote for @VerminSupreme! https://t.co/LaZnCMtSK9
@_JustinMoon_ @thebitcoinrabbi @MrHodl @CasaHODL To be clear, “you” as a user can be a pseudonym.
@mhluongo @opyn_ Sure; a sufficiently complex series of interactions will inevitably provide opportunities worth ex… https://t.co/Vs5Nn1B0aU
I’m skeptical that anyone can reduce DeFi’s risks given that the complexities and attack surface of this system kee… https://t.co/U7VngpQM8v

Bend the knee. pic.twitter.com/bvVXXstq5m

ACTIVATE GOD MODE @iamdevloper pic.twitter.com/udKg35LkPq

bitcoinal.com is my new favorite bitcoin ticker feed - it’s the subtle dynamic details that matter. pic.twitter.com/4mDiatyHGS
@_ConnerBrown_ @pierre_rochard “We have changed the language. Pray that we do not change it any further.”
Roses are red,
Bitcoin is gold,
all you need do
is keep calm and hold.
@emilepetrone Set your phone to lock after a minute or two of inactivity and require a PIN / on-screen gesture to u… https://t.co/kYrgE2Y1Zy
ok can you guys stop coordinating https://t.co/bYrF8Cjch0

@Mandrik @MadBitcoins @ZhouTonged Awwwwwwwwwyeah @ZhouTonged pic.twitter.com/HIJIZGqEu8

#ThrowbackThursday Bitcoin in the Beltway (2014) with
@MadBitcoins pic.twitter.com/dO55IAdNND
Why is it that major American airports tend to have a guy in a restroom stall on a business call like it’s normal?… https://t.co/Qdj2XchZtW
@zorinaq Lethal weapons should be the last line of defense; my coverage of other defensive layers can be found here: https://t.co/a3B98IR1C1
@crypto_hal @EFF Yes, and it ultimately comes down to the question of whether or not the employee was disparaging o… https://t.co/y43NQBcm9b
@EFF Sounds more like a potential breach of contract issue than a first amendment issue to me.
@rcrsv As stated at the conclusion, firearms are a last line of defense in a multi-layered system. My comprehensive… https://t.co/J97ObeKrpH
@AmadoCruz “Brandishing” in legal terms is when you are threatening an innocent person via intimidation; if you are… https://t.co/iCHA2pgW90
@HODLingOnward Do you have any tests to point to? My concern was that the Box O’ Truth still found frangible 5.56 t… https://t.co/8h6RSYk6F0
@octal It’s hard to make generalizations because even the type of ammo can make a bigger difference than the veloci… https://t.co/iU7LurJQy7
By popular demand: the things I think anyone who intends to have firearms as part of their home defense strategy sh… https://t.co/UVjkeaiv9N
RT @CasaHODL: At Casa we’re helping people improve their bitcoin & personal security.
Your home is your castle—learn how to best defend i…
“Why should I include nation states in my threat model for securing my private keys? I’ve done nothing wrong; the g… https://t.co/JGtMg6h4lj
Only a matter of time before we see this type of tech used to build surveillance drones the size of mosquitoes. https://t.co/o04VkWAS8B
The fact that the amount of unclaimed BCH and BSV fork coins are so low and similar gives more weight to the estima… https://t.co/cng3VjblTI
RT @WilliamShatner: I’m thinking maybe I should start a podcast into my adventures in learning about crypto. Look at me talking about podca…
RT @CasaHODL: Casa Keymaster is built for HODLers, by HODLers. Check out our Wealth Security Protocol that forms its foundation: https://t.…
RT @MITBitcoinClub: @goldbe @arwensecure @BUCompSci @tdryja @mitDCI @RoblehAli @NebulousLabs @SiaTechHQ @ObeliskTechHQ @DavidVorick @sqcryp…
I am not @jameson_lopp on Telegram; do not trust any comms channel unless it is verified on my keybase profile at keybase.io/lopp
@jimmysong Hm I was aware of https://t.co/iXbrQt9a5o but looks like it’s down. Is that your site, @khannib?
RT @gregpmiller: EXCLUSIVE: The CIA secretly owned the world’s leading supplier of encryption systems to other countries.
Crypto AG sold r…
Few people realize that Coindesk actually soft forked to Coindesk BSV (Barry Silbert’s Vision.)
RT @lylepratt: @lopp I’ve got some LOC in a side project that does this 🙃
Additionally: Easily attach a phone number to your onion addres…
@grempe I’d also like the ability to set a 402 Payment Required for incoming calls from non-whitelisted entities.
@BitcoinMemeHub I expect you’d need a new protocol to start a new phone network. Not saying it would be easy.
Replace the antiquated phone number system with onion addresses.
* Anyone can create a new one practically for free… https://t.co/py5EhckV7i
@simoanorak I made no claims about “better” or “worse.”
@realDanWilliam I’ve been speaking to anyone who will listen for many years; not sure what else I’m supposed to do. https://t.co/YAXvJrzq4a
@ThanosB0t My tweet is not a dream but rather an observation of what I’m already seeing.
@_jonasschnelli_ I didn’t claim all of the impacts made by these individuals will be positive 🙃
Bitcoin is creating a new class of high net worth individuals who will reshape the world via entrepreneurship, investment, and philanthropy.
@michael_benj @MoonIcarus They’re referring to my griefing of this Twitter bot: https://t.co/9v4X616ltd
If you get triggered by twitter trolls you lose the Game of Tweets.

Please stop giving me shitcoins, my wallet is full kgr8thxbai. pic.twitter.com/Ao3cXVJkHR
@CryptoKnight2 For now…
Introducing the US Marshals Bitcoin Auction realtime schadenfreude tracker. As of today, the Marshals have missed o… https://t.co/AmYC58mnWB
I’m looking forward to this afternoon’s session for setting the 2020 price path. Expecting contentious debate betwe… https://t.co/ABo31wRG3D

The #bitcoin bull is back. pic.twitter.com/Y9YvIWXKMF
@realjuanruocco I migrated from Medium to self-hosted Ghost last year and it was fairly easy, though not completely… https://t.co/RFXMo9OTpL
RT @amizi: “If we were to draw a picture of the various learning paths to contribute to Bitcoin Core, it surely wouldn’t be nicely ordered…
@bitcoinnobody If the BSV blockchain surpasses the size of Bitcoin’s, I’d consider it.
@MF_HODL The machine specs are right there in the first section, in the embedded tweet.
The results of my recent sync tests of Geth, Parity, Monero, and Zcash nodes are now available here: https://t.co/EDEpEgp4ho
Think twice before allowing apps on your phone access to location data - it could end up in the hands of the feds. https://t.co/vqopzKIgjM
Facial recognition is so common in China that it’s even used in restrooms to prevent an occupant from taking too mu… https://t.co/jsZ5ow6bTj
@el33th4xor binance coin?
@roasbeef Coming soon: Lightning Loppsided™, a service that intentionally routes funds in order to make channels im… https://t.co/lxAlJIMACU
RT @BitcoinMagazine: There is unequivocal evidence that the majority of people in the United States who have phone number accounts with wir…
Unfortunately I have to notify you with the fact that you were maintaining your hot/cold storage the exact opposite… https://t.co/GrRlUxSYRf
RT @muneeb: We’re believers in Bitcoin.
Today, we’re proposing Proof of Transfer (PoX) that anchors the security of Stacks 2.0 to Bitcoin.…
@billy_btc GPG and PGP are just different solutions for what is functionally the same standard. This looks like a d… https://t.co/A8ciE9TT1e
There are fewer than 6 million PGP keys that have been published to the pool of SKS key servers. That’s less than 0… https://t.co/WLFwJWAif3
@iwearahoodie @MangoFarmAssets That does make sense given that it’s their hardware. Somehow I missed the mobile app announcement.
@markfakelast Yes, iOS won’t allow us to talk to devices via USB for some ridiculous reason.
Is this the first iOS wallet with native support for secure hardware? Major milestone! https://t.co/D8OoXAbeiH
Number (of Bitcoin teller machines) go up. In fact, it has only ever gone down during one month - November 2015.… https://t.co/mFWyRtwcby
@Ruminorang Sir, that’s because you are an orangutan.
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us to temporarily beat him at his own g… https://t.co/8j2YaSYPJy
@BuyHoldBitcoin @lightning Same. Might need to release a Lightning Lopp service just for the lulz.
RT @lightning: Lightning Labs is scaling!
Announcing our $10M Series A to fuel LN development, and the Lightning Loop beta release, a prod…

Guns save lives. pic.twitter.com/vAQxXWG31w
CasaHODL Is your HODL stash so old you’re afraid to touch it? Buy some peace of mind with Casa Keymaster!
Dentacoin fixes this. https://t.co/hdFZj2jfLO
Today, as of block 00000000000000000001145bf2e7cb7f04df55feaf3b55d9f6511522bbbf333f at height 616064, Bitcoin surpa… https://t.co/QhAZNXjULL
Did you know the United States sued bitcoin? Well, 7.26611032 bitcoin to be specific… https://t.co/eQREB5dRRg https://t.co/nu4OLzAh1j
@Mandrik @AlenaSatoshi @brucefenton @brianchoffman @CharlieShrem @twobitidiot Gox was always shit; there was no denying that.
@AlenaSatoshi @brianchoffman @CharlieShrem Yes, read the very first sentence of the blog post: “I have received an ***unverified*** report”
@brianchoffman @AlenaSatoshi @CharlieShrem The fact that his unsubstantiated report ended up being proven true does… https://t.co/DXlUHnuWmC
CasaHODL Eliminate single points of failure with extreme prejudice - upgrade to Casa Keymaster today! keys.casa/#plans
@ljxie “Please send 1 BTC and I’ll send one job back to you!”
Kept trying to log into a bank account & it says “authentication successful” & then redirects back to login page. C… https://t.co/P5xLFHNPIC
If the US Marshals had held onto the bitcoin they’ve seized over the years rather than dumping it as quickly as pos… https://t.co/h7ULux2c1Y
Full validation sync of monero to block 2025045 on my benchmark machine took 1 day 2 hours 40 min. Caching… https://t.co/X2znupCgzh

Give a government an inch and within a few generations they’ll take a mile. pic.twitter.com/dZLSQRwWyl
@Rjected Decent CPU, tons of RAM and a fast nvme hard drive. There are plenty of variables that can’t be controlled… https://t.co/ge27MELeqz
@benthecarman It’s interesting to see how the performance changes given that they forked off of something like Bitc… https://t.co/bO6zfT1ELS
It took my benchmark machine 3 hours & 30 min to do a full validation sync of zcash 2.1.1 to block 713,000. Caching… https://t.co/b669f2PWmQ
What the fuck is inherently wrong with swearing? Studies have shown that swearing may in fact display a more intell… https://t.co/RTPJoWZ4Oe
@MyLegacyKit I’m not a lawyer but common sense says that contracts require signatures.
@ercwl It’s harder to say how much geth improved relative to itself since we can’t take an old client and sync it d… https://t.co/TpHujJy8Co
@MickyMax777 Specs are here https://t.co/68sMUpA26Z
@MickyMax777 It cost me $2500 2 years ago.
@LeeVanCleef1 I don’t even know which teams are playing for the handegg championship.
It took my benchmark machine 9 days 2 hours to full sync Parity 2.6.8 to Ethereum block 9,390,000. It performed ove… https://t.co/nY4SmKx0kd