@ercwl Don’t think so - we’ve yet to enable it on Casa nodes.
@ercwl txindex isn’t required for LN but it does help speed up queries
RT @satnode: paid via satsapp. pretty darn cool. https://t.co/O4z2cVpyNS
@camerongrey Sure, but that would be a wasted effort - end users need not know such details. Nobody went around pro… https://t.co/IzcjDTsVqE
Those who state that “Bitcoin doesn’t innovate” are merely proclaiming their ignorance. Those of us who are deep in… https://t.co/1dhGdPsH4k
Today is the last day to book your discounted stay at The Hyatt Aurora Conference Center for #BTC2019! Book with… https://t.co/Pbf6xohpar
@hudsonjameson Indeed. I’ve unfortunately done a lot more research regarding defamation than I ever desired while w… https://t.co/pvQwRjsC1a
@hudsonjameson This appears to be a shitshow more than a good cause. I expect it’s only going to get messier.
Skeptics said it was impossible and would break the laws of physics, but the speed of @lightning is increasing!… https://t.co/3A9bqlvgrg
Interesting to see a lot of conversation shifting to “who wields the banhammer” lately.
Who can stop you from engag… https://t.co/gEpleCgUjT
@flyosity Politics is one of the least socially scalable games you can choose to play - even if you “win” you’re co… https://t.co/7aO5QvSfnC
@AlanFreestone Think of it as a public database that is highly replicated and unlikely to be corrupted or deleted.… https://t.co/ch5j8dmjmc
RIP the “medium of exchange” fork narrative. https://t.co/DibX75Sht8 https://t.co/yx9Q4RHErJ
Relative to BTC, BSV and BCH are increasingly being used as a way to store data, as opposed to as a medium of excha… https://t.co/CcxFuDVGXl
@nic__carter Do they really think a Faketoshi is going to stop Bitcoin at this point even after inciting multiple c… https://t.co/GOTA67iOUt
Because history has taught us that conscription and forced labor is a healthy way to increase patriotism. https://t.co/G9s1tfwaA4
@OneMorePeter Finally launching Petercoin? Peters of the world, rejoice!
@scotch2gmail @travismo123 @GilroyPD Wrong. You clearly don’t understand the dynamics of gunfights.
When you don’t have conviction in your beliefs everything is open to debate and cost/benefit analysis. Many decisio… https://t.co/JLeozmOLeF
@bennd77 In this case a center of mass shot would be ineffective due to the zombified nature of the attacker.
Sunday gunday - keep your slides slick and your skills sharp! pic.twitter.com/cf6JIekM43
RT @larrysalibra: 1 toasted pink grapefruit martini purchased with lightningâš¡ï¸ via @CasaHODL node with @SatsApp: â˜’ï¸ #bitcoin #SpotConf http…
Apparently, if you want a firearm license in Canada, the government interviews your “former conjugal partners.” pic.twitter.com/jClueQNIuI
@Excellion @stacyherbert I was promised a seat on the MCF council, damnit!
@_drgo If you apply you automatically get rejected for wanting it too badly - a sign of a potential spy.
Posting for the conspiratorial lulz. There are people who actually believe this. https://t.co/8waqU5UpQ5 https://t.co/H7eIukPFfu
If you would lose data in the event that GitHub ceases to exist or decides to block your IP address, you need to le… https://t.co/AHB3sl2Vas
@cryptogrind Hi it looks like you made some changes to your site and while https://t.co/W2LgBqrE9y works fine, you… https://t.co/0a5p9sUULP
RT @orionwl: with github geofencing entire countries, this might be the right time to remind that i’m mirroring several bitcoin-related git…
“I never had a glass of alcohol. I never had alcohol, for whatever reason” - @realDonaldTrump 🤔 https://t.co/0Im4fjeA9V
@NicolasDorier @peterktodd @orionwl This isn’t Craig, it’s that other faketoshi
A 30 year old Austrian man was robbed at gunpoint in his office, forced to transfer cryptocurrency, and tied up. https://t.co/yKaGWbmfHq
@StartNodeOrg It looks like they have another repository that stores and indexes blocks and transactions but I don’… https://t.co/TO4xEi9Gke
@StartNodeOrg Stratis looks like a full node but haskoin looks like it isn’t a full node - it only appears to downl… https://t.co/S5wKFbmNBl
RT @jpurd17: How fast they think you are (block time)
How fast you really are (settlement time)
Bitcoin is #1 and it’s…
@hmichellerose I’m recommending that people (especially young folks with little to lose) to go all in on SOMETHING.… https://t.co/kzbVOMmMRw
@ratdisc I’m pretty sure that most successful entrepreneurs fail multiple times before finally succeeding.
@nws0und No rekt no reward
@TonioMeier Payment channels (for uncooperative channel closing transactions)
@ecurrencyhodler Yep, worth noting that some of the wealthiest people have gone bankrupt or near bankrupt and later rebounded.
Nobody became wealthy quickly due to diversifying their investments. You know why the wealthiest people tend to be… https://t.co/HrtnRoqLMx
It would be cool to generate a chart showing how many BTC are locked up for the next X years via OP_CHECKTIMELOCKVE… https://t.co/aXsUVCjSbl
@flyosity Ready to stop wasting your time worrying about political bullshit that’s outside of your control?
@fiatjaf It seems inevitable in the long term. Most people using custodians isn’t great, but at least we’d all be p… https://t.co/FasrLxv7tU
@shamoons Short term crash and eventual rebound of the exchange rate. Probably not much else other than a renewed hunt for Satoshi.
@mikejarema So far so good! Next time I’m going to be even more of a hardass with not giving sensitive information to bankers.
@onesourgrape Metal is more likely to be lost to an attacker. Steganography is more likely to be lost by yourself d… https://t.co/zV70AwNowc
@hrishikeshio IDK, I don’t store it in my brain.
@BlackHoleBH_ Sure, it seems to make sense for supply chain tracking and provenance. Anything that requires a robus… https://t.co/8ieCDPH0wV
@CandleHater They are an inadequate source of light and heat.
@Excellion @Twitter @tippin_me Also something’s screwy with the gif search. It’s a lot clunkier and it locked up my browser one time.
@_joerodgers I have a 3D printer but barely use it an unfortunately it’s not good enough to print a lower.
@Paulkilanko Thus far I’ve only invested my time.
@CitizenBitcoin MAST, taproot, and aggregated signatures.
@Ruminorang It’s at least 360 minutes old and I’ll probably take a nap.
@gocez1 It’s complicated! It was one of the more challenging platforms for me to build a secure wallet on top of.
@corinthiansxs Sounds cool as long as you don’t do it on someone else’s property!
@Jbone22856075 I’m an avid motorcycle rider with several certified Iron Butt rides under my belt.
I also enjoy squa… https://t.co/rChsqyDwhL
@StNakamoto Mostly on common hardware devices that are pieces to a multiple signature wallet. For single sig wallet… https://t.co/iisQYWSrBa
@bitcoindeezy No clue; I suspect it will be quite complicated and mostly dependent upon the value of the transaction being sent.
@andrewiyer Meh; a software engineer solves problems. Said problems can be in any field. I spent my first decade so… https://t.co/8OHsf6qOk9
@bitcoindeezy Extremely high
@ViktorBunin Biggest annoyance on a daily basis is using proxy phone numbers so as to not reveal my actual burner phone number.
@dAnconiaMining Approximately 11 meters per second.
@JGMontoyaS Javascript or python because they’re so prevalent in web application development. There are bitcoin lib… https://t.co/EeRCZgven3
@ChardyXBT Namecoin
@lionelhutz2015 I’m gonna go with no
@fogg49 The hard drive plugs into the main board, as is the case with any computer. Unfortunately due to resource c… https://t.co/1TkrBkuZt6
@BuzzCryptYear Not familiar with the concept; I’ll have to read up on it.
@BlackHoleBH_ It’s random AFAIK - it’s part of a much larger image with other random numbers.
@jacobkostecki Bitcoin doesn’t need the masses, the masses need Bitcoin. But of course the more people who are invo… https://t.co/xoHc3Bn8qx
@SasquatchMuscle @wasabiwallet @SamouraiWallet They should hug it out. pic.twitter.com/NnyYS3qjX7
@VatanenVille I wish I could see the future!
@effingoscar @Square @jack Using any custodian, regardless of their reputation, for holding your private keys is co… https://t.co/UcM6MKBY9v
@effingoscar There are some sentiment analysis sites out there such as https://t.co/BAc31xGPtW though I couldn’t say how accurate they are.
@DZack23 There are a ton of ways to do it, though the most elegant and efficient seems to be by making all transact… https://t.co/QmPevv2AER
@hrdng I spent the next several years building blockchain ingestion services and saw firsthand why on-chain scale w… https://t.co/dbyVYSzYzn
@ZLOK @MediumSqueeze Sure but BIP39’s range ends at 24. You can add a passphrase but I don’t like those because it’… https://t.co/YvSZtPt3Lv
@azeroz @bitcoinbella_ We can barely keep up with the pace of innovation. A lot of companies in the Bitcoin space a… https://t.co/AQf9BKna2N
@puneetv_ No. Neither do I disbelieve in God.
@majdrog @lohstroh Any skills that can be used for software development can come in handy since most “crypto projec… https://t.co/GlpUyxrt2x
@karbonbased A hot dog is a taco.
@ocmmm Nah, too crazy of an idea.
@bitcoinbella_ It becoming boring before it goes mainstream.
@Karan_patell1 @beamprivacy It’s the zcash of mimblewimble!
@Wecx_ Sweets only belong on dessert pizzas.
@renepickhardt @r0ckstardev @hasufl Why no I have not. Interesting…
@hrdwrknvrstps Pre-forks it was more of an “us vs them” mindset rather than a “us vs us vs us vs us vs them” mentality.
@AdamPaulMoore For plinking I rather enjoy the M&P 15-22
For skeet / trap I prefer the Browning Maxus
For home defe… https://t.co/P9B5VYq7Um
@TomAlexanderFox I suspect that a lot of it is due to frustration that Bitcoin hasn’t gone mainstream fast enough a… https://t.co/q6l6Utj1Ag
@xmranon @Excellion @fluffypony @SatoshiLite @Excellion, @SatoshiLite, @fluffypony for sure.
@BitcoinOldGuy It’s hibernating
@TheWhyOfBitcoin Install ad blockers
@jbw3e Can’t say I have one
@Vict_r Participate in your local meetup groups and help educate people who are interested. If there isn’t one, start one!
@StartNodeOrg Figure out who wants to run a git server and link to that instance from bitcoin.page of course!
@anonecon It already has! At least from an awareness point of view. Will it get rolled out and used? Probably.
@BottomshelfBTC .45, .45, .22
@jt_btc ARM64
@MichaelHindenJD Not that I’m aware of but who knows…
@MediumSqueeze 24 because why stop short of max entropy?
@udiWertheimer Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades
@wbobeirne Ender’s Game series, anything by Daniel Suarez or Isaac Asimov.
@lohstroh Far too long!
@pahueg Hmmmm… litecoin?
@sDefrees Analyzing massive amounts of data for some huge corporation.
@6102bitcoin @matt_odell I run a full electrum server
@mattpass Depends on the value of the transaction. I’d require 1 conf for < $100, 2 confs for $100-$1000, 3 confs f… https://t.co/RgE3SzFoqU
@_JustinMoon_ Any password manager that can be protected by a hardware 2FA device.
@TheVladCostea Yes please
@BitcoinBreaker Avoid having to in the first place by using @CasaHODL. Otherwise, I prefer storing secrets in encry… https://t.co/RijiSBlqFv
@thebitcoinrabbi Into the base protocol? Doubtful.
@nickycutesc @CasaHODL @trylolli 🤔
@_ConnerBrown_ There was a little discussion on the mailing list earlier this year but it was mostly over my head a… https://t.co/u0H3lKzaND
@thebitcoinrabbi Install ad blockers on everything!
@taoteh1221 Big fan of MAST and how it can be used in conjunction with multisig vaults and inheritance planning.
@cryptoquotation What did you work on next?
@Lindsay4Liberty Cherry 2000
@hasufl HODLing
@pig_poetry Privately on my own time - I practice with Bob.
@kaltoro_ I own almost every variant of the Springfield XD in .45
@Yazanator I’ve never been the most creative type; in general anything that reduces friction for people to interact… https://t.co/vn8Rke7zMd
@gravitywave2 Doesn’t seem worth the data bloat to only hide the amount being transacted.
@festina_lente_2 Still a fan of Java though these days I mostly find myself writing JavaScript…
@gustavoszago I think p2p is the safest, though of course it poses many challenges if you’re trying to operate at h… https://t.co/nqdVa2w9QK
@anildelphi In the post-apocalyptic world without Internet the surviving copies of the blockchain will be meticulou… https://t.co/A6N11LuBXg
@mdotbit The concept and function of money belongs to humanity as a whole; it should operate as a transparent open project.
@BlackHoleBH_ Nice try but my recovery questions are secret! 😉
@hasufl Nice try but my recovery questions are secret! 😉
@wromany We’ve made a lot of progress in 10 years though I still feel like we’re far from that point. Even another… https://t.co/v49FTvbGeY
@YapCX If enough people believe it to be true, it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I wouldn’t mind it myself!
@hasufl Apathy
Something that’s 10X better being invented
Global thermonuclear war
@StartNodeOrg All but the first two; I’ll have to add those to my list to test for my next syncing performance article.
@6102bitcoin So far so good!
I sometimes miss driving an exotic sports car.
@matt_odell I use my Ledger Blue the most often - darn shame they gave up on improving it.
@RyanTheGentry A tor LN-only darknet market with a decentralized onion routed drone delivery network.
@cryptoandgrill Sure, will DM
@hasufl Whoever needs it most! Seems like good devs aren’t having any trouble finding funding. I think the bigger i… https://t.co/3lYJ2AkCbP
@dashcrypto Probably something simple and cyberpunk like “credits”
@SamouraiWallet @CSnuffy Integrating more apps is certainly on our to-do list for Node 2.0 - that could be a fun one.
@BenDiFrancesco Bitcoin SV - it’s like watching a dumpster fire. Captivating!
@JackBauerBONS Some coffee shops that have already integrated lightning would say it already is!
@_cryptonomicon I actually don’t advise this because it can make wallet recovery much more complicated. I actually… https://t.co/4iNjsIYX4N
@lohstroh Check out job openings here https://t.co/dtmWgp4Ma1 - there ought to be plenty of opportunities for busin… https://t.co/rROBS2KKCP
@joramblings Perhaps, though I did a big knowledge dump in my post here: https://t.co/7o1C0vmpZA
@Suheb__ Big fan of RTL and Lightning Labs’ app.
@stacyherbert Signs point to yes.
@_drgo Unfortunately there’s not enough PSBT software in existence yet; working with HWI on the CLI has been painfu… https://t.co/nZYWeylSs7
@stephen_lagana No idea since 10 years is an eternity in crypto, though I think Monero has shown itself to be a sta… https://t.co/2VlGVTaUyK
@nickycutesc One of my favorite moments was the community fundraiser for @aantonop
@stacyherbert I usually go with a simple NY strip, aged if I’m feeling fancy. Gotta have asparagus on the side though.
@ReuScherf Nah, just a coincidence
@SophieH99687900 @binance Fuck off kindly, scammer!
@hasufl More than I can list in a tweet. I’ve made plenty of mistakes that cost me time and money but thankfully no… https://t.co/YZQIMYNzHP
@pmullr Highly unlikely; Faketoshis are all a waste of our time. A real Satoshi would be able to prove themselves succinctly.
@scottmelker @Joeytweeets I used to blast Ballin’ Oates from the Bitmobile before I had to get rid of it 😉
@flyosity Not that I recall! I’ve definitely lost plenty of crypto over the years in a variety of ways, but not fro… https://t.co/iq3CCUNxuW
@LHardrada “Do not own a computer;
Do not power it on;
and do not use one.â€
@awecoin UX
@MtDoji Nearly weekly software improvements on the current nodes; work on Casa Node 2.0 is in full swing!
@arbedout A fairly complex regimen of weekly shampooing, daily conditioning, blow drying, combing, and waxing.
@Joeytweeets @scottmelker because dude knows a variety of genres.
@pray4crypto Been loading up in my 401K the past few weeks but it’s a long story for why I had excess fiat in the first place.
Impromptu AMA by replying to this tweet until it is 1 hour old!
T-minus 1 month to @TrainBlockchain! Join me at #BTC2019 in Denver Aug. 28-30 for the world’s leading educational… https://t.co/jIWwzOiZgC
RT @nic__carter: My latest: an effort to chronicle some of my thoughts relating to proof of work settlement guarantees in blockchains
RT @ScalingBitcoin: Scaling Bitcoin 2019 “Yesod” program has been published! Join us for a 4-day marathon at @TelAvivUni 9th to 12th of Se…
Apparently https://t.co/4JCwyCNJCQ is airing public service announcements suggesting folks should photograph their… https://t.co/Sgdted3acl
Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction support has been merged into BitcoinJS! The more libraries and wallets that im… https://t.co/NTGZe35nqg
Lopp says Bitcoin will ensure the financial swamp finally gets drained. https://t.co/HzK3n3DwrY
@udiWertheimer @pierre_rochard @hivedotone @muneeb @blockstack Quest?! DIE, SHITREALITYer!
@_prestwich Colloquially… shitterm.
@udiWertheimer @pierre_rochard @hivedotone @muneeb @blockstack VR is the tits. You should try out the VR block expl… https://t.co/Fe0GQ3iJyV
There are bold lies, bold faces, bald faces, and bald faced lies, but there are no bold faced lies. #GrammarNazi
@dksf @RyanTheGentry @njess @semil @thedanigrant @eriktorenberg @github Yes, in fact there is an “awesome” meta res… https://t.co/V1ZT4iWaYO
If you put the US Dollar through FaceApp’s age filter this is what it returns.
H/T @cryptograffiti pic.twitter.com/74Wynf24vk
El Chapo - a billionaire drug kingpin who has claimed to have killed thousands of people: life + 30 years.… https://t.co/8KFbiMISDz
As Bitcoin awareness heats back up, so are the physical attacks. Don’t be a soft target! https://t.co/Vk1ygtDhx8
@DimitarDinev7 @coindesk What is the problem?
One of these coins is not like the others… https://t.co/m4z1SHujlb
@WayneVaughan @masonic_tweets Can confirm, @jefft used Danger Zone during deploys for years while I was at @Bronto.
“There’s Bitcoin and then there’s shitcoin.” pic.twitter.com/epUjVeDy1T
JimBTC Congressman: Are you Familiar with the phrase “shitcoin”?
Meltem: pic.twitter.com/oAJIvffj8M
“It is inevitable that the Bitcoin ecosystem will continue to grow and contribute to the economy. The question is:… https://t.co/FYlf4npugQ
RT @DonjonLedger: Funds are SSSafu: Stealing the funds of all HTC Exodus users.
“Any trusted contact, or an attacker who compromised the…
@CharlieShrem Yep, Libra is a huge threat. That Bitcoin thing is just a fad for geeks. Better not let Facebook challenge the US Treasury.
RT @fintechfrank: NC Congressman Patrick McHenry:
“The world that Satoshi Nakamoto, author of the bitcoin white paper, envisioned is an un…
@TraceMayer @bitcoinkn @saifedean @TuurDemeester @bitstein @APompliano @CaitlinLong_ @adam3us @nvk @NickSzabo4… https://t.co/aWcyr4yKVR
What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two will… https://t.co/XQV00kEzZH
@alexbosworth Don’t forget “portray yourself as the victim of censorship!”
RT @BoingBoing: Eric Garner’s killer will not be charged.
The U.S. citizen who filmed the killing, Ramsey Orta, faces up to 50 years in j…
@srussolillo Second bubble? pic.twitter.com/uRhTyzQicP
BSV transaction volume is now higher than BCH transaction volume butttttt 94% of BSV transactions are from a weathe… https://t.co/6heQWKJss5