Upgraded http://t.co/HPKs2f141W to @grafana 1.8.1 & enabled Elasticsearch; you can now save custom dashboards such as http://t.co/LBKMAZxcHN
Also, my node receives a miniscule # of bloom filter requests & generally < 10% of the connections are SPV clients. pic.twitter.com/SElbF1UwbZ
I think the authors made some poor assumptions. My understanding is most SPV clients only connect to trusted nodes owned by wallet creator.
On the Privacy of Bloom Filters in Lightweight Bitcoin Clients: eprint.iacr.org/2014/763.pdf Solution: connect your SPV client to a node you own.
@pmccall777 @flyosity At least? If he was high, he probably wouldn’t have been speeding, if he drove at all :-P
potch alias yolo=’git commit -am “DEAL WITH IT” && git push -f origin master’
@Jeremy_DeGroot @flyosity When they stop buying your units, it’s the manufacturer’s problem. Have to dump more money into R&D.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @flyosity Not exactly; it’s a bit self defeating b/c the more you sell, the ROI of each unit decreases.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @flyosity If you CAN manufacture them, it makes sense to sell if you went into debt to do so or if you think price will drop
@Jeremy_DeGroot @flyosity That’s why ASICs are scarce - there are few fabrication plants churning out silicon for SHA256 hashing.
@flyosity …unless, of course, they use the machines until they’re nearly unprofitable and THEN ship them out.
@flyosity It honestly makes little sense for someone who manufactures money minting machines to sell them to other people.
@flyosity Many have speculated that this is a common practice for ASIC manufacturers who “pre-sell” their hardware.
RT @circlebits: No more waiting. We’re happy to announce that we’ve opened our doors to a global audience! https://t.co/ftIf4ZUgYm #bitcoin
@oocBlog Is your time to crunch the numbers increasing linearly along with the size of the blockchain? Might be time to parallelize the job.
Finally got to see Kid Cudi live & he killed it. Downtown ATL is currently an open air smokefest. Outkast #ATLast #PursuitOfHappiness
@port8333 This appears to be same phenomenon that resulted in me receiving the “node is synced” notice last time. Didn’t happen yesterday…
This merits investigation; happening more often? Hour+ periods where new blocks received but height doesn’t update. pic.twitter.com/3Ws8b0ISjd
@JtotheOE Sure, but unlike Ethereum, Dark Wallet devs aren’t trying to pre-sell vaporware…
@JtotheOE Why is it DOA? Have they ceased development?
RT @openbazaar: Our development process just got real. https://t.co/8R98Uer3In
RT @boburnham: #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff #repeatstuff https:/…
@ollekullberg @adam3us Either system seems feasible, but the problem with protocols like this is adoption! Chicken & egg problem FTL…
If @adam3us’s hashcash had been adopted by ISPs, @Bronto would be running a hashcash header mining farm to keep the firehose spewing.
@ollekullberg If only there was some way to de-incentivize spammers from emailing you by making them expend resources… #hashcash @adam3us
@louisck It’s time for you to start accepting bitcoin on your site. http://t.co/75cxI8YzyB
Of all the commands I use as an engineer at @Bronto, my favorite is probably “dudeman deploy spew”
@MarcHochstein Yep, banks don’t want to have to compete with non-banks because new competition is scary.
Wal-Mart will begin offering checking accounts, banksters complain that it’s unfair competition. ROFL http://t.co/wh1g5VPx9n
New Statoshi features: peer node disconnect RPC call, stats partitioning by hostname. I should have a pool of nodes up soon…
@orweinberger @soylent Nope, maintaining my weight, though I’m still drinking a fair amount of beer :-) Feeling just fine!
@orweinberger @soylent I spent a week ramping up my intake and have been 100% for 8 days. No problems other than flatulence during ramp-up.
Pros of being on an all @soylent / liquid diet: no more grocery shopping, cooking, leftovers, dirty dishes, or flossing.
@mark_a_phelps Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
sempf QA Engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.
@emilepetrone @sklacy PayPal’s involvement brings more legitimacy and hopefully ease-of-use to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
PayPal We’re teaming up with #Bitcoin payment processors to provide more flexibility in how you buy and sell: bit.ly/1riGagG. #paypalit
RT @matthew_d_green: I wrote this piece for Slate as a response to @OrinKerr’s concerns about Apple encryption. http://t.co/hLlVYpojVG
The next free offering of DFIN-511, “Intro to Digital Currencies” taught by @polemitis and @aantonop begins Oct 15. http://t.co/s12LLSBMAG
@oleganza Welcome to the early stages of crypto anarchy, @OrinKerr. You want our data? μολὼν λαβÎ
@polemitis Running about a dozen myself; just merged in @gavinandresen’s RPC disconnect feature to finish up my node connection mgmt daemon.
@binarybits It appears that yesterday was a good day to buy after all…
@danielpbarron Meh, I’ve been fairly turned off by the elitism of the vocal #bitcoin-assets players. Case in point.
@CharlieShrem Tell those buyers to get their butts over to the public exchanges!
Google confirms that the next version of Android will default to full file system encryption. http://t.co/WECuuRYkuC
@imillhiser @binarybits Don’t forget it’s a Ponzi scheme and everyone holding bitcoin is a bagholder speculating upon the Great Fool theory.
Avast ye, that bilge-sucking hornswaggler pirateat40 had his doubloons plundered by FedGov. http://t.co/0uf5XxNUfa
@imillhiser @binarybits I don’t see a need to defend Bitcoin. Either you use it or you don’t. If you have no need for it, don’t use it…
@imillhiser @binarybits Ah yes, the “beanie baby argument.” That’s one of my favorites :-)
@imillhiser @binarybits Oh, OK. That’s not hyperinflation. Utility is in the eye of the beholder; what’s not useful to you may be to others.
@imillhiser @binarybits What? That doesn’t make any sense unless you’re suggesting that alt-coins make Bitcoin hyperinflationary.
If data storage & camera pervasiveness trends continue, it’s feasible future generations will be able to watch the lives of their ancestors.
@flyosity @mikestable I think he already gets enough raises.
@bitonbit Yeah, but that’s not as fun as i.imgur.com/S5FsLbs.gif
@orweinberger I wish humans had APIs. They keep returning response codes I can’t parse.
@gigq Google plus says I should connect with your mom. Not even joking.
Soylent lunch with a beer chaser. #OktoberfestOfTheFuture
@binarybits … because we locked up all of the criminals, amirite?
coincenter The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
@flyosity Heh but are there entire forums / subreddits devoted to people doing nothing but hating on Apple?
It’s an @openbazaar - it’s a marketplace for *.* https://t.co/KwE8n211Z6
@roasbeef @balajis Yep, though to be fair, the results don’t indicate truncation or pagination. Hopefully they’ll add that soon.
@balajis It appears that Toshi needs some work done on its UTXO lookup logic. https://t.co/192faCaiUp
Benchmarking Bitcoin blockchain APIs for fetching UTXO set for 1UaizTd5Wy3p7pLiEfo9yfVS7LnN8D58W https://t.co/192faCaiUp
Jury duty today, AKA being tortured by being confined to a room with CNN talking non-stop about how much danger we’re in from terrorism.
.@rogerkver has launched bitcoinbountyhunter.com, a site for crowdfunding bounties for tracking down criminals.
Bitstein Toshi: “An open source #Bitcoin node built to power large scale web applications” by @coinbase toshi.io
@CathyReisenwitz I got an OKC message last night saying “Your profile is hilarious, I’m disappointed we aren’t compatible” from a 90% match.
RT @polemitis: 16/ We are running the course again on Oct 15. Some testimonials and signup form are here: http://t.co/52jDk7Bmuk http://t.…
polemitis 13/ More detail about the process can be read here. Comments and questions are welcome. digitalcurrency.unic.ac.cy/certificates
@Infinite_Radio @anonymouscoin It’s funny logic because it’s randomizing a check that should be very explicit & not random at all.
RT @polemitis: 1/ Today, we announce the first university certificates that can be verified via the blockchain. https://t.co/24H9PB8mTh
@pmccall777 @Magnus919 It wouldn’t be all that interesting unless you enjoy reading detailed stories about flatulence.
.@trailerparkboys reminded me of “Hashcoin” - looks like @hashcoinHASH didn’t last long. https://t.co/FAGV1OfLRg https://t.co/X0xcLqxKO7
RT @jgarzik: “Running the #Bitcoin core daemon as a #Docker container” https://t.co/4deVtocqbf
@RyanScudellari It’s better than I expected. Very simple & easy to make, thus far I have not felt the need to alter the flavor. Gulp ‘n go!
@emilythorson @binarybits Safety is relative to one’s perspective. None of us are completely safe; we’re all going to die!
I spent the past week ramping up my @soylent intake and as of today will be on a 100% Soylent diet for the next week or so. Stay tuned…
I wrote a new feature for Bitcoin Core’s RPC API over the weekend, but @gavinandresen beat me to it. Oops… https://t.co/hP4oPbUS3P
@anonymouscoin “Eat my dust!”
If you absolutely must run a Bitcoin node on a VPS, don’t attempt to run it on a cheap / minimal spec VPS. It’s not worth the trouble.
@el33th4xor They’re just extreme HODLers :-p
@jdanforth Unfortunately, I don’t - it took 4 months for me to get the invite after I signed up.
@JamesGMorgan @circlebits @coinbase does have a faster setup if you trust them with your account password, though ID verification is a pain.
It took me 3 minutes to set up my account and purchase bitcoins with a Visa. Well done, @circlebits
.@Overstock is hiring engineers for a stealth project; perhaps to bring cryptocurrency processing in-house? http://t.co/xFR6G3YwEA
@BitcoinAverage looks like your twitter bot is stuck on stale data.
NickSzabo4 @matthew_d_green @tqbf IDs are insecure, local, and labor-intensive vs. we need secure, global, and automated. s/Nakamoto consensus/IDs/.
This might be my favorite config value ever:
@mikestable @ddahlke @tubafrenzy
☒ Java
☒ Spring
☒ Cassandra
☒ Bitcoin
Has anyone done a performance comparison of bitcoind / btcd / bitcoinj / libbitcoin full nodes?
RT @vgr: Martial arts and the cycle of bullshit. This is the best thing I’ve read in a few weeks. http://t.co/OKGkHkMRpW ht @BillSeitz
TPM Colbert loves the Apple Watch: “It’s finally cool to wear a calculator watch!” bit.ly/1rH7imZ pic.twitter.com/6zzfqyejUO
@JamesGMorgan @anjiecast What is the “Bitcoin Security online forum?” http://t.co/HPbsEmnAE3
Hemisphere differs from - and far exceeds in scope - the National Security Agency’s phone record collection program. http://t.co/U15fVbRmT6
@niccary @blockchain @coindesk Do you differentiate between “used” and “unused” wallets? That is, wallets that have > 0 transactions?
FredericJacobs LOL @google on @Apple Pay: “Phishing attack ahead: Attackers might try to trick you to steal your credit card info.” pic.twitter.com/p5Ti4PpGaf
@pmccall777 hurry up and gimme dat subdermal implant!
@oleganza Can’t heartbeats be used as ID?
realytcracker put the website for the new album up introducingneals.com
@Jeremy_DeGroot wat
@oleganza @jonmatonis @mbauwens I keep seeing complaints about “inequality” of BTC owners but no suggestions for how to “fairly” distribute.
@jefft “One more thing… the new iPhone will allow you to upgrade the internal components!” i.imgur.com/3X6BN4F.jpg
@balajis To be fair, there is no proof of a leak. Technically, there’s no proof that his account was compromised. It COULD be Satoshi :-)
@TriangleBitcoin Though miners have an economic incentive to ‘censor’ transactions at the moment due to block races & data propagation.
@TriangleBitcoin Censorship is hard to define in such a system; you could claim that miners choosing not to verify transactions is such.
@TriangleBitcoin Seems a trustless system operates by trusting no one trusts anyone, thus we trust everyone will check each other’s claims.
@TriangleBitcoin But do you trust those aggregate of participants?
Theorem: any computation that can be performed while relying upon a trusted authority can be performed without a trusted authority.
@Bitstein Awwwwwww fuck, Buttcoiners. http://t.co/oRcFIpFuNJ
@Bitstein Indeed, he might have hit up Silk Road and developed a sense of humor.
@Bitstein Any proof that they have anything other than access to Satoshi’s email account?
RT @Bitstein: Dear Satoshi. Your dox, passwords and IP addresses are being sold on the darknet. http://t.co/nkEH5bUZFe
Another chapter in …
If you want to delve deeper into crypto, Cryptography I begins this week on @coursera coursera.org/course/crypto
ryanxcharles Most people still don’t understand bitcoin. news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8286504 …but more do today than a year ago.
@emilepetrone phew, nowhar to go but up!
@emilepetrone ermagurd that’s a scary peak righ thar
@Magnus919 I think if you fly a private charter you don’t have to go through TSA BS. Request a private plane.
@Magnus919 IDK, what’s your reason for not flying?
MadBitcoins Apple to announce deal with Credit Cards tomorrow. World yawns, because @PayPal announced a deal with #bitcoin today. #TheFuture #missJobs
“@braintree is partnering with @coinbase to allow @PayPal merchants to accept bitcoin” @williamready #TCDisrupt
@flyosity Yep, I have my mute button ready to engage.
@FinancialBear @TPRSource @CharlieShrem pled guilty to 1 count of aiding & abetting operation of an unlicensed money transmitting business.
Capitulation post at the top of /r/bitcoin? Buy signal. https://t.co/oDOjQYD9F3
@Rodomonte It’s simply an organization for intellectual types who want to interact with other intellectuals. The membership is diverse.
@Rodomonte The Nazi racial purity organization? No, Mensa doesn’t try to dictate how its members interact with non-members…
@BitcoinBreak @barrysilbert @cdixon Yes. Don’t tell me what I can do with my money, including what risks I’m “allowed” to take.
@Magnus919 Bitcoin SLA is life, yo.
@mark_a_phelps It’s not smart, either. I’ve paused it for a while, then restarted and had it ask me 30 seconds later if I’m still watching.
@cdixon @polemitis @barrysilbert Then surely that space will become too crowded, startups will fail, and people will be forced to innovate?
@barrysilbert @cdixon By “non professionals” do you mean “non accredited investors” AKA “non rich people?”
Five nines is hard. Assuming no more downtime, the Bitcoin network will reach 99.999% uptime on April 3, 2081. bitcoinuptime.com
RT @realytcracker: principal recording on the new album is complete - tracklisting/hints at https://t.co/M1zqvL6oGj
@simondlr Yes, the exam fee gets you a one time use password. Incentive not to take the exam until you’re ready.
@simondlr Yes, the CBP is a 75 question multiple choice exam with a 20 minute time limit. Took me 12 minutes. Looking forward to CBX exam.
I completed the Certified Bitcoin Professional certification at cryptoconsortium.org - should be interesting to see if this catches on.
@EdFelten For what should they be apologizing? They did nothing wrong - they can’t be expected to censor all the users of their platform.
@jefft Some haters were hating, but in general I think it went over well.
@DanielKrawisz @matthew_d_green @oleganza @fonebtc @Bitstein @Pierre_Rochard I’m surprised you haven’t commented on http://t.co/sNg7z56Uv9
@DanielKrawisz @matthew_d_green @oleganza @Bitstein Since Bitcoin is for both proof of & transfer of ownership, I think both are important.
@matthew_d_green @oleganza @fonebtc Heh, that’s a highly debated topic. /cc @DanielKrawisz @Bitstein @Pierre_Rochard @NakamotoInst
@flyosity Apple was founded on April Fool’s Day? It’s all beginning to make sense!
@CElston I’m sure that @aantonop wouldn’t mind me directing you to “Mastering Bitcoin” https://t.co/iWEM0DMoTG http://t.co/VeSoddhMsx
@ezraklein @binarybits You made the wrong call when you chose ignorance over experience.
@danlowe in a pinch, saliva can be used as lube
.@voxdotcom flip flops, chooses ignorance over firsthand experience with cryptocurrency. http://t.co/3nJAAmL1DK
@curtwoodward Everyone is biased; I don’t see the point trying to pretend that a journalist isn’t biased.
@curtwoodward I guess; it seems silly to me. Whatever you write about any public good or service may have an effect upon it.
@ezrabutler @cdixon If positive articles you write about Paypal creates more users, that increases the value of Paypal’s network to you…
@curtwoodward Gotcha. So how should we view journalists who are bullish on the dollar and write articles flaming cryptocurrency? :-P
@ezrabutler @cdixon That sounds terrible. Can journalists not have Paypal / Google wallet / Square / etc accounts if they write about them?
@ezrabutler Sure, but first hand experience is orders of magnitude more valuable than secondhand. Pretty sure that’s @cdixon’s point.
@curtwoodward Pump? Last I checked, buying cryptocurrency doesn’t affect the spot price unless you’re buying many thousands of dollars worth
@ezrabutler @cdixon That is indeed absurd, given that one is legal and the other is not. One is violent and the other is voluntary.
@curtwoodward @cdixon Hard to say. I’ve had a number of reporters interview me, and most of them manage to screw up the details.
@hblodget @cdixon Last I checked, @coinbase made it pretty darn easy. Assuming that you trust their Vault service.
@binarybits Good to hear you’re back in the game. Let me know when you’re ready to level up. ;-) https://t.co/uemffoje8X
@mikestable Well played. i.imgur.com/0960LWs.jpg
@nycbtcpros @oleganza @napoleon Whether Big Players fund Bitcoin Core or alternative implementations, more resources are needed.
@nycbtcpros @oleganza @napoleon Quite simply, we need more full time and specialized engineers working on the project.
@nycbtcpros @oleganza @napoleon I have a number of issues with how Bitcoin Core dev is structured, but can’t complain about volunteers.
@nycbtcpros @oleganza @napoleon @winklevoss @chamath Seems to me that if Bitcoin Barons care, they should hire full time devs themselves.
@nycbtcpros @oleganza @napoleon IDK, would PoS voting mean that @winklevoss, @chamath, & other Bitcoin Barons control future development?
Budgeting $300 for a BTC integration is a recipe for Karpeles. RT @Coinality Need #PHP Payment Bitcoin Integration ow.ly/B6p7P
@oleganza This post should be accompanied by http://t.co/hJj3cYOp8h
@pmccall777 The current state of crowdfunding is pretty sad with regard to accountability of campaigners.
@tylerwinklevoss Would you prefer I send you coins in denominations of 10 or 100?
@SHodyEsq @HipChat looks the same across versions when you’re simply using it as an XMPP service. :-)
@CathyReisenwitz does this count as “slut shaming?” http://t.co/YmmW0VfmzH
Congratulations to @camharvey at @DukeU for being one of the first professors to teach a course on cryptocurrency. http://t.co/K40cDmp0wQ
@BTCFoundation @gavinandresen @techreview Too late. Already invested my time, skills, and money. Would like to invest more of all three.
@CathyReisenwitz Some chump out there doesn’t even know that he needs whatever you’re selling! Work it!
I doubt that human-to-human or human-to-machine use cases can justify micropayment channels, but machine-to-machine appears a perfect fit.
Are there any examples of micropayment channels that have been implemented on mainnet? https://t.co/HQOp4cEeqW
@TriangleBitcoin @coindesk Sure, but I’d rather they be shaken out via voluntary reputation services rather than involuntary surveillance.
@bitonbit Interest goes up, exchange rate goes down… youcantexplainthat.jpg.to
@coindesk @TriangleBitcoin Their position enables them to capture info & identify wrongdoers? That’s what crypto-anarchy seeks to avoid.
“Bitcoin was worthless until the Genesis Pizza event in 2010, which set the first value.” - Ted Nelson https://t.co/juW8S4PNsk
BTCFoundation Bitnodes Project 2014 Q3 Report: The State of #Bitcoin P2P Network by Addy Yeow ow.ly/B2Ic3 pic.twitter.com/F4JxZHMfHp
@TuurDemeester It’s difficult for me to take that web site seriously. Horrible design, feels spammy, and the title of the site is “My Blog.”