@Cryptobuckflan1 Summon my inner Roof Korean.
lopp Cops who retired last week be like pic.twitter.com/Ry2cvWVpBZ
@AriDavidPaul Everyone pointing to standoffs like Waco / MOVE / Ruby Ridge is missing the big picture. You’re makin… https://t.co/rBmdH5PlpC
@AriDavidPaul Yeah, it works both ways. Nothing stopping citizens from strapping pipe bombs on drones.
@mikebelshe We need more billionaires with ballistic missiles for sure! /cc @elonmusk
The terrorists won. We gave up privacy for the promise of safety. They triggered us to plow trillions of dollars in… https://t.co/6njoW4FL3a
@Bitcoin_Vegan Isolated incident; my point was regarding widespread resistance. A state that bombs itself is effect… https://t.co/xP4jaKJ2jD
@PekxSim This is an area that hasn’t seen much R&D, so I’d tend to agree!
@PekxSim I would recommend training and arming the teachers; the trigger pull on most firearms is too heavy for you… https://t.co/kM8XYNxueu
@avichal If it’s a single holdout resistance movement then of course it can be targeted; there are plenty of such e… https://t.co/6WMlsA6ZZ7
“You’re delusional to believe that citizens with small arms can resist well-equipped agents of the State.”
In Amer… https://t.co/jnszAwJi4O
@blake3hamilton @CasaHODL There was an earlier disruption that has been resolved for several hours; please try agai… https://t.co/1sRjPYHuqG
@KingDinma More like: don’t attend an event that’s likely to become a riot unless you’re equipped with riot gear.
@_drgo Looks like they’re typically filled with #9 lead shot. https://t.co/wyJtwYm5yj
It’s not safe to attend “peaceful protests.” Agent provocateurs can easily incite responses from law enforcement. E… https://t.co/beiquxeabZ
@nomadtrader1 @AriDavidPaul Look beyond this specific situation and realize the line that is being crossed with imp… https://t.co/3VDJJCmBT9
@AriDavidPaul It’s primarily a coordination problem; you don’t need many armed citizens to turn an unopposed saunte… https://t.co/b1Q8MmvQ3d
I’m suggesting that there is a clear line when it comes to being assaulted while peacefully staying on your own pro… https://t.co/9mNlKbwuZC
Hold your own keys, be your own bank.
Hold your own guns, be your own cop. pic.twitter.com/LNFagGdACy
@CitadelHyperion This is a worn out argument that conveniently overlooks every war the US has lost to guerilla fighters since Vietnam.
@chrismorgan789 When someone assaults you while you’re chilling out on your own property then yes, that is a clear… https://t.co/6SwtCUjoVp
Anybody still want to claim that it’s a good idea for guns to only be owned by agents of the State? https://t.co/ERwXs2yHge
@MyLegacyKit @Bleakheathen In the future I recommend linking to the archive.is snapshot
I dream of a world in which it’s considered insane to allow an institution to control your assets.
Bitcoin isn’t a security.
Bitcoin is security.
Cops who retired last week be like pic.twitter.com/Ry2cvWVpBZ
The State protects its enforcers because it doesn’t want enforcers hesitating to use force. Come and see the violen… https://t.co/KSF4uMHkiW
@esturilio No, you’re fine.
@LeoWandersleb @orionwl @JuanSGalt Correct; same team that works on the Electrum Wallet
@randybrito @_k3m__ Right, but there’s always the potential for a similar such issue of malicious servers exploitin… https://t.co/NTUyRQi8tG
For any given “they” there exists a security model that protects against “them.” You are mainly limited by your ima… https://t.co/V6u9PfosbP
Bitcoin is a new asset class. The world has never before seen the likes of digital Fuck You Money. https://t.co/gzG3ZXY0XN
@vryfokkenou It had the potential to make them stop working if electrum server operators blindly updated, but looks… https://t.co/UpJ2nAH8vz
@LongLastToken @udiWertheimer @CasaHODL @ElectrumWallet Go ahead, try to buy one. I’ll wait.
@TerryWitterBTC We’ve known for a long time he was a BSV fan, so it’s not a complete surprise.
@LongLastToken @udiWertheimer @CasaHODL @ElectrumWallet Orrrrrrrr we were intentionally limiting the size of our ta… https://t.co/uQ0CYrUB2r
@LongLastToken @udiWertheimer @CasaHODL @ElectrumWallet Hahahahaha we don’t even sell nodes any more; at least try… https://t.co/1Nlo5REvfc
@StormJib @UlyssesKlaue61 This is more of an issue that Electrum server operators need to be aware of; if they upgr… https://t.co/zpN8VFAB9p
@bitcoin_sith It sounds like the Electrum wallet folks will maintain a fork of ElectrumX that has Bitcoin support.… https://t.co/C4krcCFgmn
@AnCapZAP No worries; electrum personal server is a completely separate project and is thus unaffected.
@_k3m__ It’s a privacy risk for sure. There have been security risks as well because some clients were able to be t… https://t.co/RFyVLomU08
@LeoWandersleb I was feeling cute and didn’t want to stir up any Cult of Craig crap.
@RCasatta @cyberamine12 Actually yes, I’ll be publishing results hopefully in the next couple of weeks. To be clear… https://t.co/u9h3itBVEc
@cyberamine12 Yeah, though ElectrumX is far more performant than electrs; the latter isn’t really usable as a publicly available server.
Fun development this week for anyone who uses Electrum-compatible wallets: the lead maintainer of the ElectrumX ser… https://t.co/1u37Gpgj5y
@PeterMcCormack Such a potty mouth! pic.twitter.com/NyFu2G8MqI
@HewittJustDoIt @realmaxkeiser @tylerwinklevoss @winklevoss @aantonop @TimDraper @barrysilbert @chamath People don’… https://t.co/AjZjjdKV4h
@caiovmf @system76 It’s basically Ubuntu with some improved UX; I’m not aware of any security differences.
Running @system76 pic.twitter.com/XMTiOC8baW
@Bitcoin_Gyp @EditionSatoshi @rhizo_michael @CasaHODL Sounds like you’re conflating the lightning node with our mul… https://t.co/xRVUNiP6zi
@nic__carter ‘Member when CCP asked @bobbyclee to lower the bitcoin price? I’m seeing a pattern…
Not your keys, not your citadel.
RT @CasaHODL: ðŸ™
(Sign up here —> https://t.co/5YOUwZk8M3) https://t.co/wcA0OW8ceh
@Ragnarly @prestonjbyrne You should only buy drugs and class 3 firearms with monero.
@LeonardoDi8 @Melt_Dem @JWilliamsFstmed @CasaHODL Insurance LOL https://t.co/Hvnl3Sjys1
@orweinberger @CasaHODL Fun fact: before I went full-time in Bitcoin, I spent 10 years working on infrastructure fo… https://t.co/EuCGPJyM9K
Central planning of complex ecosystems is laughable; the space of unintended consequences is vast. pic.twitter.com/ahFxEGzBf0
@Treybama @CasaHODL They would need to compromise both your google account and your Casa account, then they’d need… https://t.co/8x7o8FcDn1
@cryptodotbi Nothing; I would love that opportunity to dump on them and increase my HODLings. Haven’t had a decent… https://t.co/9Hrwjo7adh
Bitcoin continues to be one of the best opportunities for laymen to take a position in before Wall Street and their… https://t.co/LdNiVwOCp6
@JWilliamsFstmed Ultimately these need to be built into each wallet. The reason being that the fee is dependent upo… https://t.co/9BrdhR7UIP
@JWilliamsFstmed To be clear, regular users shouldn’t use this tool. Rather, it should be used by the developers wh… https://t.co/kNC9GrWT8G
I’m pleased to release this tool that ought to come in handy for Bitcoin developers: a simple transaction size and… https://t.co/nxqpWL3xYV
RT @degoonyy: @BurgerCryptoAM I’d recommend @CasaHODL. They have the most thorough, and well-thought out inheritance planning scheme I’ve s…
@MaineBitcoinLLC Certainly agree that phone companies suck, though it seems to me that they were not built with a t… https://t.co/f61H7d96jQ
@chrispalasz AFAIK it was first published to /biz/ on 4chan
Clearing up a misconception I’m hearing: the funds in these 145 addresses from blocks mined in 2009-2010 have NOT B… https://t.co/W80Ye8B0jK
@discretelog TOTP as a 2FA method is generally secure, though I recommend you keep your TOTP private keys on dedica… https://t.co/EqKTSFgg4A
@aiacobelli_sec It’s a fundamental principle; you could say we do a lot of things “the hard way” but we’re not goin… https://t.co/ej4xh30fWG
@aiacobelli_sec At Casa we build our system to enforce best practices by the users. We can’t expect them to know an… https://t.co/PkXqOsEk5G
Is it the users’ fault for not being a security expert? Or is it a company’s fault for building a system that allow… https://t.co/8LuqwktDeF
@torkelrogstad Sent!
“Coinbase is safe, they’ve never been hacked.”
While Coinbase itself hasn’t been drained of funds, it’s a regular… https://t.co/QcxwG1Pkis
@nic__carter Looks like blocks 30255 and 33270, which don’t appear to be flagged as Patoshi blocks on satoshiblocks.info though.
@HelloDavidBond This is Bitcoin’s way of telling you that the entire world doesn’t need to know that you gave your mom a dollar.
@BitNomadic @brucefenton Then you’re not creating holders, you’re just using bitcoin as a payment rail. Which is pr… https://t.co/h6Y77XwrEE
@Anagram555 Probably several million
@Anagram555 Maybe an hour or two.
@dhimmel @Tr__Wi No, the second column is a signature that covers the message at the top, signed with the private k… https://t.co/NjCCmllOI2
@brucefenton Caveat: not if you’re spending it with a merchant who autodumps it for fiat.
@BreakingFrancis The signed messages aren’t in the blockchain; you’d need to use a tool like Electrum / Bitcoin Cor… https://t.co/jFI2MHBfTE
“Satoshi must be dead because they would have spent the coins.”
Yet today we are given evidence of a similar streng… https://t.co/yv51qehnnk
@Tr__Wi That Craig Wright is a fraud. Nothing new, just adding more evidence to the pile.
More 2009-era bitcoin miner “activity” as someone provides even more cryptographic proof that Craig Wright is a fra… https://t.co/sgn3d1vVL8
“Debt is money we owe to ourselves.” pic.twitter.com/XFSeiB8LQP
@nvk Thanks for the update; I don’t even bother checking the exchange rate any more.
@hajek_miloslav Woe is me! https://t.co/nlb7nHwoiz
If you already own bitcoin, you’re an early adopter. There are still many risks and rough edges for hodlers. By the… https://t.co/z9gU6fZ0dl
@StevenDickens3 Absolutely, in the long term. But you don’t build for laggards when you’re still seeking early adopters.
@Talthegood Your perspective sounds pretty skewed - I don’t think you have a great grasp of technology adoption cyc… https://t.co/O1oOieaBr5
People switching from credit cards to Lightning Network is a laggard tech adoption use case that I could not care l… https://t.co/vMkLv4Tfx1
“If my grandmother can’t use _____ then it’s useless!” proclaimed every technology skeptic, ever.
Broke: Bitcoin transaction fees are too high!
Woke: Your time preference is too high.
Bespoke: Open lightning cha… https://t.co/519d4hB1dY
@lnd_bot @Cipherhoodlum @CasaHODL Yes, the use of dedicated hardware is an important aspect of Casa’s security model.
@esiattorney @CasaHODL The security model is the insurance. https://t.co/obSaKEQ5Dm
@JustinFilson @MsHodl @CasaHODL @satsie_ @Nneuman The .local top level domain is a usability hack we implemented; i… https://t.co/i5OEn4TBGb
@verimad Depends on what you’re optimizing for and your priority, but the “best” procedure in my opinion would be t… https://t.co/fkg1I8XY2i
@aiouy Yeah, I don’t use signal. Will re-evaluate once the phone number requirement is removed.
Bitcoin transaction fee spikes have you confused about what a reasonable fee to pay is? Don’t overpay those preciou… https://t.co/0v6IHIMi8l
You jest, but I’ve literally had people email me their private keys, unsolicited. FOR THE LOVE OF SATOSHI DO NOT SE… https://t.co/PXQFNWBbMs
@NeoReflections @CasaHODL We’re focusing on the key management service which is our core business for the foreseeab… https://t.co/BjrxdlQpUe
@TruthRaiderHQ @CasaHODL Can you beam it to me via ham radio?
@Megamo_10 @CasaHODL We have multiple tiers; I’d say the gold tier makes sense for folks with more than 0.2 BTC.
@Cameron_Harris1 @CasaHODL Single points of failure. I’d recommend reading https://t.co/JRFD1s9nON
Long after the crisis is over, we’re still going to be learning what the second and third order effects of lockdown… https://t.co/Iy1NZAUVlJ
@AhnerMatt @CasaHODL IIRC, Green is 2 of 2 multisig. Casa has setups with higher levels of redundancy.
Never use SMS https://t.co/wGjGcgD6lb
@Cipherhoodlum @CasaHODL Absolutely, we have clients all over the world. Our primary restriction is language.
@taha_zafar12 @CasaHODL We leverage the security benefits of hardware devices. @CasaHODL adds robustness against at… https://t.co/ZioV9IzRNe
I’m seeing a trend from folks who entered Bitcoin in previous bull markets & haven’t touched their cold storage sin… https://t.co/Pq4FhmWPi2
@ArabBitcoiner @aantonop Unfortunately, no. Exchanges are black boxes. While blockchain analysis can give us an ide… https://t.co/QNA3hQ9OIz
Praise Satoshi and pass the pizza! https://t.co/iK5uqQqITO https://t.co/UPwRDEc8yG
Astounding level of authoritarian arrogance. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from t… https://t.co/JJ9K0r3JWG
Having a physical office creates a single point of failure. It’s neat to see other tech companies catching on to wh… https://t.co/yLmS0Aa1iK
@prestonjbyrne @MichaelHiles What if all of the C-level officers also work from home 100% of the time? https://t.co/pFKGo5cIQZ
bitcoinal.com just keeps improving! Nice work @djbooth007 pic.twitter.com/gSSNET1nRd
Two Papa John’s pizzas: $100,000,000
Jump starting a new economy: PRICELE$$
10 years ago Laszlo Hanyecz had tens of thousands of bitcoin he had mined just burning a hole in his pocket. He als… https://t.co/4SKRKvCSBS
New Bitcoin documentary now available on Amazon: https://t.co/jdRBs2a4Gz
@AriannaSimpson I highly recommend a dedicated VR room to minimize destruction of property.
The Vegeta memes shall continue until enough bitcoin ends up in strong hands.
RT @CasaHODL: 🎊 TODAY - Casa is thrilled to officially announce investment from @mantisVC + @TheChainsmokers! 🎊
Mantis joins our incredib…
@PumpMyBags @Puri_sm PureOS is a flavor of Linux; every major hardware wallet I’m aware of is compatible with Linux.
@BitcoinBenny_ About ghost? It’s an open source blogging platform you can host yourself. https://t.co/LPjPHLPmLx
@ManuelPolavieja Yes, it’s fairly straightforward to set up with Electrum: https://t.co/0RU5N5Icpm
If you’re looking for a privacy preserving laptop, @Puri_sm is at the forefront. Here’s a summary of my experience… https://t.co/WiwchuODLc
@ManuelPolavieja It’s not open source; we have discussions about doing so every once in a while but have not for a… https://t.co/D9DJIANB02
@JWilliamsFstmed This has already happened, though. https://t.co/jpme77oNsv
@SirLamboMoon @fluffypony @cz_binance @mikehogan_ I’d rather it be later when there is sufficient privacy preservin… https://t.co/aNBh0CKoM0
@SirLamboMoon @fluffypony @cz_binance @mikehogan_ Technically any block not mined by someone who identified themsel… https://t.co/DmReZ2Kehg
@BashCo_ Nobody remembers to add 11-year-old naive family member to their threat model.
@nextfloridaman It’s for your own good, really. 😇
Welcome to Bitcoin Twitter! You’ll be right at home here - it’s at least as weird as Florida. https://t.co/F5d4yDT4Fc
@marttimalmi @Cointelegraph I guess they’ll update the story now that new information has come in! 😆
@jronkain That’s why it’s the “Patoshi Pattern” and not the “Satoshi Pattern” 🙂
@JohnnyOCoin It was naive humans reacting to the naive bots.
@jronkain IIRC the pattern drops off after block 50,000 or so. That’s all it is, though - a pattern. The list is ex… https://t.co/GuZ5T80amn
Today we saw that naive bots are watching for spends from early mined blocks and assuming they may be “the return o… https://t.co/4ibpWzxLLV
@SirLamboMoon @cz_binance @mikehogan_ “That miner” == the Patoshi Pattern miner, which is the miner everyone assume… https://t.co/mwRaTNPS1z
@Bitcoin You trying to buy cheap coins or something?
@mikehogan_ It’s complicated, but in general there is a pattern of extraNonces belonging to an early miner. That mi… https://t.co/t3huKiMua4
@AnitaPosch @nic__carter Because there’s no hard evidence that proves the pattern belongs to Satoshi.
No. Y’all need to up your analysis game. https://t.co/j7YuZ7qsQ5
Bitcoin is the future of money.
The future is already here.
Bitcoin is the present.
Bitcoin is money.
Bitcoin is.
@cryptonase It can be both!
You see, the revolutionaries are peaceful. Bitcoin itself is not born of violence. How… https://t.co/LDseBsCgRw
@Cipherhoodlum Bitcoin has the potential to create a massive transfer of wealth and power; if this occurs, it would… https://t.co/MDkMxC46Sl
Bitcoin is a peaceful revolution.
Yet Bitcoiners should still gird up their loins - if the revolution proceeds far… https://t.co/V3mHDimQoK
@NeerajKA Bruh, ETH-Tron fights are where it’s at.
Or maybe STEEM-Hive fights.
Or maybe BCH-BSV fights.
@Mike__36 @adam3us No worries, you’re well-dressed for a newbie kitty. Difficulty retargeting is an approximation.… https://t.co/j4tBL7FTN4
@adam3us You’re not supposed to question “this is the last time” statements, amirite @hodlonaut & @nvk?
This is the last time you’ll be able to mine #bitcoin with under 100 exahash per second of competition. https://t.co/zePSnRGJTW
Witness the rise of crypto anarchy! The most impressive part of this story is not the Proof of Stake power play by… https://t.co/zYqs95zsUx
@gaborgurbacs @pierre_rochard Because the tax industry employs over a hundred thousand people!
RT @stacyherbert: I’ve spent this rainy Tuesday morning studying @lopp’s latest blog post on @CasaHODL’s seedless security model https://t.…
Maybe “use hardware / TOTP 2FA” is too complicated for laymen. How about this instead: “don’t save your real phone… https://t.co/2XJKpxFqGY
@coinableS Transactions don’t get stuck, they just take an extended dip in the mempool to chill out 😎
@asegpi Bless your heart pic.twitter.com/pNUrdsbYgS
The folks who gleefully exclaim that Bitcoin’s hashrate dropped by 40% after the halving will conveniently overlook… https://t.co/IunyFVGpJ2
@jeetsidhu_ It’s also important to understand that you can be interested in projects without needing to invest your money in them. ;-)
Mentally preparing yourself. pic.twitter.com/g5Dw5yra7n
@adam3us @notgrubles @Adan3us @TwitterSupport Get yourself one of them blue checks and they’ll take down imposters in less than an hour
Bitcoin Bitcoin has no “official account”. Bitcoin has no “official leader”. Bitcoin has no “official” anything. That’s the entire point.
@jack @CashApp How does one achieve baller status and autobuy 1 bitcoin per week? I’m only seeing dollar denominations…
@jimmysong Are you anti boneless wings?!?!?
@lightcoin I dread the day brain interfaces are a reality as I fear we won’t have developed adequate firewall technology.
RT @satsie_: @CasaHODL @lopp Seeds causing problems for users in more ways than one: “A British company has just started selling avocados w…
@masonic_tweets I have a ton of TBTC; you need some?
RT @CasaHODL: âš ï¸ Why is your seed phrase a single point of failure?
@lopp explains why properly securing a seed phrase backup is so diffic…
@MrHodl @CoinDesk @zackvoell Pretty much; it was funny to see people assume I had invested in it given that it clea… https://t.co/5c6DBnDZkK
@MrHodl @CoinDesk @zackvoell I am indeed! Had to update the node for the hard fork earlier this year.
@chrisjsnook @COLDCARDwallet Absolutely
@thakopia You could buy from someone face to face and verify the transaction at time of purchase.
“We are each allotted a sliver of space-time wedged between ‘not yet’ and ‘no more’…” - @brainpicker
@stanjoll @CasaHODL Casa doesn’t charge for cosigning with our recovery key, nor do we have any AML/KYC requirement… https://t.co/BbgrL02qzB
@1GabrielMax1 @CasaHODL Then you are our target client! Our goal is to give users peace of mind while managing their keys.
@ChazOfftopic @CasaHODL I was there when the #1 global exchange dissolved. Yeah, the price went down temporarily. I… https://t.co/TvfwZ7DkGp
I could write a 2,000 word guide on how to safely generate and spend from a paper wallet (that no one will read) or… https://t.co/Njq22JLkJi
@VulgarContend3r @f6zivk @COLDCARDwallet @CasaHODL You can install Casa via Aurora market; that’s what I do.
Downs… https://t.co/HXnblG80M7
@Saach09 @DrDooba Trezor has a known vulnerability and Ledger is closed source. The best option is to use all 3 sim… https://t.co/TQuALmltli
@ChazOfftopic Loss is a bigger risk than theft, but if tons of people pool their funds into a few custodians then t… https://t.co/feMWw0UEnd
@shawnbryanwork I have no reason to believe it’s insecure.
“Is ______ secure?” is the wrong question - security is not a binary attribute.
“What does _____ protect me agains… https://t.co/Kpqsvb9Yph
@foryouralts @pesetacoin1 First step is to realize the company may not have any money left for a court to recover.… https://t.co/OD2DDGuBeY
@DrDooba The Ledger Nano is more secure because your private keys are no longer on an internet-connected device.
@CharlesNakamoto A 10% difference is nothing to scoff at, but still pales in comparison to a 100% difference.
@jamaldorce Different wallets make sense for different purposes. I wouldn’t store a large amount of money in a hot wallet like Samourai.