The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 2017

@Wecx_ @alexbosworth Both forks have the 21M cap - by extra I mean “ahead of the normal schedule.”

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@jimlyndon Hopefully they don’t go buy eggs and toilet paper! 🤣

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@whatcanudoman @ecurrencyhodler Private contractors already provide these services, at least in the US. You’re just…

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It’s important to teach your children about government. You can start by taxing the candy they work so hard to collect tonight.

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RT @larrysalibra: Announcing the Public Alpha of the Blockstack Browser

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FOMO leads to doubt.
Doubt leads to panic selling.
Panic selling leads to suffering.
Stoicism is the solution: HODL, don’t FODL.

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@XydigitalX (500124 blocks - 492538 blocks) * 12.5 coins / block = 94825 extra coins disbursed.

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BGold has a 100,000 coin premine for devs, but if you do the math BCash has already paid out 95,000 extra coins to miners. H/T @alexbosworth

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RT @laurashin: Show notes to today’s podcast, which is all about the #Bitcoin hard fork! #SegWit2x

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@mikerelentless @jasonmsteele Er, the wallet will manage the private keys and use them to sign transactions to upda…

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@mikerelentless @jasonmsteele Perhaps you’re imagining it as some convoluted manual process. It will happen under t…

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@flyosity I’m really liking my Pixel 2. Insanely fast, too - boots in like 5 seconds.

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@mikerelentless @jasonmsteele Bitcoin derives its value from a multitude of reasons that a diverse set of users val…

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@SatoshiLite So you’re saying that you don’t want to be chickunholed?

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@edmundedgar Not necessarily. In some countries with guaranteed hyperinflation, even maintaining value or decreasin…

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Bitcoin HODLers are ambivalent if a block arrives every 10 minutes or 10 hours. Time is on our side while the clock ticks against miners.

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The Bcash community is undergoing a learning process regarding the difficulties of meatspace consensus.

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Hard fork stance from @Unocoin sounds like the onset of fork fatigue.

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@CaptBitcoin Safes can flood. Mattresses can burn. Many geographically distributed encrypted backups are preferable.

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@MrHodl @BashCo_ @BitPay @spair If you send your 2X coins without replay protection, you’ve just lost your BTC.

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@BashCo_ @BitPay @spair It’s fine for HODLers to “stop using Bitcoin” for transacting because it’s perfectly safe t…

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@kyletorpey @morcosa @kristovatlas @rogerkver SegWit miners don’t count because they violated Satoshis Vision. Only…

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BCH community generally agrees that miners decide the rules. Why would miners decide to enforce new EDA rules that decrease their profits? 🤔

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@morcosa Somebody has to make sure BitGo users don’t get forked off a given crypto asset network… 😬

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Parity releasing critical fixes 2 days before fork. Bcash forking again w/2 weeks notice. Airdrops abound. Can’t afford to blink these days.

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@ryanxcharles Bitcoin Cash Classic is the real Bitcoin‽

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@brianchoffman In my experience, giving crypto assets to people who know nothing about them tends to end poorly. Wh…

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@brianchoffman Not at all; if you want to burn your BTC it’s fine with me. 🙃

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@beijingbitcoins /r/btc is best suited for advanced users who are sufficiently zen to safely navigate the vitriolic…

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Each time Bitcoin bubbles a wave of HODLers check their wallets only to discover their HODL is permanent due to bad data backup practices.

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‘Tis the season for a Bitcoin horror story.

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@newsereum I’m specifically referring to payment tokens. The argument being that it’s better to have fewer types of…

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@KingSolomonMine You’re claiming that I can’t fork the codebase and blockchain and convince others to follow me?

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ZCash is pretty neat, though I’d like to see higher utilization of shielding. Currently 2.6% of value & 20% of txns.

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If you hear “on-chain governance” it likely means on-chain voting & coordination. I’m skeptical b/c no one can control open source software.

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Beware of crypto tokens that are only used to pay for a specific service, for they are simply altcoins with highly restricted utility.

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@__pcd__ Of course Bitcoin can scale on-chain. If you’re willing to accept trade-offs. Here are some I’m unwilling…

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@__pcd__ That’s a big question; here’s one good research paper:

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@__pcd__ 2012. The additional transaction volume has made it more clear to people that blockchains are best suited as settlement systems.

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@MarkosZCH Predicting the future is pretty hard. You can try to predict the future price of an asset or you can do…

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@BrianLockhart That doesn’t look like a consensus system to me.

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@bora_uygun You’ll have to adjust the same as the rest of us; our understanding of the system is a constantly moving target.

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@MarkosZCH Mining has a number of risks on top of the risk you’re taking regarding the value of the underlying asse…

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Newcomers must adjust to Bitcoin; Bitcoin won’t adjust to meet the expectations of newcomers.

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RT @crypto_hackers: Interview with @lopp — a very active evangelist with strong expertise in the #blockchain technology 😎

Read here: https…

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@Peter_Villa_III Hardware wallets are safest against thieves. Fully validating nodes are safest against protocol level problems.

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@Peter_Villa_III Then all you need to do is enable the prune setting

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@Peter_Villa_III Depends on what you’re trying to do. In order to use it to protect a wallet, you’d have to use the…

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@Peter_Villa_III You’ll need a couple hundred gigs of space for an archival node or 5 gigs for a pruned node.

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pierre_rochard Pieter Wuille’s explanation of full node trustlessness. Follow him @pwuille

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:36 PM, Oct 27th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@BitcoinBabaji @BitMEXResearch The difficulty adjusted upwards by over 20% yesterday, thus blocks are slower and th…

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RT @BuckPerley: “Crypto-Governance and the Dangers of Faction: Lessons from the 18th Century for designing a decentralized future” https://…

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RT @nathanielpopper: Centra’s two co-founders were indicted on perjury charges just a few days after they finished raising their $30 millio…

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@agkrellenstein @twobitidiot I don’t think the privacy matters; you could still hard fork a privacy centric blockch…

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“The pools arguing most vigorously for larger blocks, tend on average, to produce smaller blocks.” - @BitMEXResearch

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Are there any sociologists studying the Bitcoin ecosystem? Because it’s a petri dish…

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@crietmann @xCarsonogen I hope you have a license to wield that in public, sir.

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@XydigitalX Advice still applies; get yourself some hardware wallets and full node hardware to protect your wallet.

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I wouldn’t look at it as dividends, but rather showing Bitcoin can remain cohesive even during splitting scenarios.

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@ziggamon @pavolrusnak @krakenfx @BitGo @mikebelshe Not sure; their new infrastructure may be segwit-enabled…

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@PeterRizun @jgarzik Hm, that’s weird - I could have SWORN that it already “upgraded” at block 478,558… 🤔

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@pavolrusnak @krakenfx @BitGo @mikebelshe I wouldn’t read too much into this - it’s completely unrelated to forking…

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@_drgo Nice. Main thing to be aware of with magazine-fed shotguns is if you leave them laying around too long, spri…

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@CU_Griffith Phishing site; they keep popping up and we keep playing whack-a-mole

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@roviator Full nodes, hardware wallets, claymores…

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@BTCBaron Twitter keeps screwing it up. Tried 3 times with no success…

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@_tm3k Pretty awkward to perform with the sling!

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@morcosa IDK what’s wrong; it plays the audio fine in preview mode. Tried multiple browsers but it keeps killing th…

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@morcosa Bah, Twitter lost the audio somehow…

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@Otacon___ Just part of my duties at BitGo. There are a few crypto-specific sites like and

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Bitcoin security pro tip: protect your software with hardware.

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@Otacon___ Have you checked out the openings at the various crypto companies? BitGo has several at

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@TuurDemeester I suspect reputation damage will be minimal. Remember that this is the 4th or 5th iteration, depending upon how you count it.

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@TuurDemeester Main problem being that when SegWit2X fails to become Bitcoin, it won’t hurt its proponents nearly e…

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@markmathis Good article from @jfnewbery here; it should apply to most projects.

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@morcosa @adam3us @bitPico I don’t expect anyone to take it; I’m calling the bluff that either 2X will be the only…

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@adam3us @bitPico If you’re “upgrading” the system in non-backwards compatible way, you’d best be doing something t…

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@adam3us @bitPico Oh yeah? Can I get in on that action, @bitPico? My original terms were just seeking straight 1:1 swaps.

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Still seeking s̶u̶c̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ SegWit2X supporters for coin swaps.

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Consensus searching supersedes consensus building.

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@nikzh Is there a full size version with more granularity?

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Does anyone still maintain realtime Bitcoin Days Destroyed charts?

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@CryptoMania_ @VinnyLingham @civickey There is a real cost and those of us who are forced to bear it will eventually stop playing along.

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@coinwho Nice; the tricky part is going to be figuring out the best category to put it in…

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Salaried shills shan’t succeed at spawning Schelling points.

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@stp_ip Interesting; I wasn’t aware that some jurisdictions require copyrights. I only really care about the jurisd…

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It’s a valid strategy for a game player to change rules to their advantage. But to do so they must know the unwritten rules of rule changes.

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@twobitidiot @VinnyLingham @alansilbert @BashCo_ Well, you had a good run for a few months. The game never ends…

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@stp_ip I suppose, but that’s a lot of words… mine seems simpler 🙃

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Everyone is welcome to take content from and translate it, modify it, republish, whatever.…

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The ICO space is already rife with scammers; conferences should at LEAST keep the violent criminals off the stage.

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@InvesterGadget Yeah, maybe. I get a lot of very large packages though… it would have to be a huge drop box.

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@InvesterGadget Yeah, Amazon Locker is already a thing.

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@prestonjbyrne Well you could hire a PI but you’ve already had to pay for the cops sooooo might as well use their services, eh?

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@JPScoopZ Oh, it’s not like you’re gonna get the package back. But IMO it’s better to take a small loss than open y…

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Or just buy a $100 camera to record outside your front door and hand footage to police if someone steals a package.

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@WhalePanda I can’t help but notice you don’t embed tweets, but rather screenshots of them. Get burned by too many deleted tweets?

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@MichaelStreiter That’s why it’s important to not have an oval office!

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If your ideas get mostly negative responses, ecosystem may have ID’d you as an attacker. Time for self reflection.

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@JihanWu The cherry on top of this rant is that OP believes Bitcoin is “literally controlled by 1 person.”

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Bitcoin has been and will remain perpetually under attack. This is good for Bitcoin, as stressors make it stronger. No pain, no gain!

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“A system based on verbal warnings will be dominated by non-risk-taking babblers who won’t respect you unless you take their money” @nntaleb

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Self sovereign servers shall sell shell scripts by the C shore.

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@matt_odell @GeminiDotCom Hard to do when exchange isn’t facilitating price discovery 😬 - issue is that hashpower i…

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“That which is good for business is not necessarily good for society.” @martindale #AllThingsOpen

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It’s easy, in hindsight, over a long period of time, to say which fork is the “real Bitcoin.” Notsomuch when using realtime metrics.

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@matt_odell @GeminiDotCom Sure, but use whatever time frame you like - the edge case is still possible, especially…

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@GeminiDotCom This is an edge case that hopefully won’t happen but it’s not outside realm of possibility. You don’t…

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@GeminiDotCom If miners decide to mine 2X at a loss for 48 hours and then later switch to a more profitable chain,…

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@GeminiDotCom You don’t specify any time periods for “following the chain w/greatest difficulty.” Does this mean yo…

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@jeffhattem The editor on the right screen is Sublime Text

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“If you don’t need to store this data in a database, you definitely don’t need to store it in a blockchain.” - @geekbleek

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@AnthonyViscuse Not much point waiting due to the fork because you’ll end up owning coins on both chains; from that…

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@CemFDagdelen Not this specifically, though every demographic report I’ve seen looks similar to this:

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Welcome to crypto, here’s your crown. Remember that with great sovereignty comes great responsibility.

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@AaronFosterReal @MichealIRYT You have the freedom to decide for yourself. Yes, it’s subjective - voluntary associations tend to be.

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@mbrochh Hm, it was working a few hours ago. What’s up with that, @lightcoin?

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@Lyth0s @LedgerHQ @TREZOR You’d have to find a software wallet that both supports connecting to a specific full nod…

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@MichealIRYT The valid fork with the most cumulative proof of work is considered Bitcoin. But the key is in “valid…

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@kordaasPT @WhalePanda If you think Satoshi fully understood what he built, I recommend you read this:

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Why fully validating nodes matter and how to use them to secure your financial sovereignty.

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Phone upgrade day for security nerds is henceforth known as “regenerate all your TOTP secrets day.”

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It has never been a problem of scale. It’s about preserving principles of privacy, security, autonomy, and liberty.

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@alansilbert @rogerkver Maybe they’re trying to help keep node operational costs low and are attempting to soft fork a block size decrease.

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@TuurDemeester @VinnyLingham @RoySE96 @VinnyLingham2x Sure is easy to confuse the real deal with a cheap knockoff w…

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New fork monitoring resources section added to - please contribute if you know of other good sites!

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aantonop NEW talk:

Delivering Liberty, At Scale

via Buffer (retweeted on 9:51 AM, Oct 21st, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@GeorgePeaboy Suspicious activity that suggests a bunch of these nodes are controlled by the same entity.

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During October 15-17 BTC1 added 290 nodes & the BU node count briefly dropped by 260. Coincidence? 🤔…

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@CobraBitcoin @jfnewbery As our knowledge of Bitcoin continues to grow, it may make sense to expand upon the whitep…

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah “Subject to market price” meaning that hashpower doesn’t actually decide anything. The market decides.

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah No, Sybil attacks don’t work. You can’t change Bitcoin for everyone, you can only change…

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah You’re trying to apply democratic principles to a system of anarchy. Running a node is s…

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah I see. Feel free to mine an invalid block and try to force my node to accept it.

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah That statement doesn’t make any sense. If you aren’t running your own node, you’re trust…

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@JavierGonzalez @CryptoJah “Non-mining nodes give no power to anyone” - false. Only way to achieve Bitcoin’s best s…

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Bitcoin breaches 100 billion dollar network value.

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Hello $6,000. Nothing like an all time high to polish off the week.

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Chatting about BitGo, Royal Mint Gold, and Prova on @FuturetechP

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@teunisbrosens 1) Mining != verification; it’s making it expensive to rewrite history. Nodes verify cheaply.
2) Has…

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The electricity required to update a Bitcoin payment channel could power a @Raspberry_Pi for several milliseconds. 😉

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@willmartin19 Bitcoin mining makes it expensive to rewrite the history of the blockchain. Verification by network nodes is incredibly cheap.

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@willmartin19 FYI, Bitcoin mining does not “make txn verification expensive” nor is it even related to txn volume.

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@TuurDemeester Because Ethereum keeps increasing the amount of data it allows to be processed, thus it grows faster.

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@TuurDemeester I don’t see sync times on here, just data usage. Should be able to do a full sync in a week or so on a high end machine.

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@JavierGonzalez They are theoretically possible; I’ve yet to see any. It will be challenging to implement without c…

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@JavierGonzalez I’m not ignoring it; sharding is horizontal scaling / scaling out.

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Everyone wants to scale Bitcoin, but not all scaling methods have the same consequences. Always ask the question: “…

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I’m pessimistic we’ll ever settle on an objective definition for Bitcoin; even the dictionary can’t get it right!…

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“Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions.” - George W Bush

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@theonevortex @kralux @jgarzik Replays can be rebroadcast in a matter of milliseconds; you want to have better prot…

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The fight for the future of Bitcoin isn’t small blockers vs big blockers. It’s a struggle against apathy sliding us into authoritarianism.

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@TuurDemeester It’s a shame there’s no bulletproof governance system to easily resolve these disputes…

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If you’re seeing SegWit used as a derogatory term, it’s probably based upon the FUD debunked in this article.

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khannib Introducing monitoring the activity off all current and future forks of Bitcoin.

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@Ragnarly Nope, can’t recall any failures to eject. Probably because I slapped the foregrip on it as soon as I boug…

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@StrikerBee Coinbase outputs and possibly a single manual locktime tx that we then fan out into a ton of UTXOs to seed wallets with.

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My theory: someone at Benton County Sheriff’s Office came up with a fake excuse to mine BTC on the taxpayer’s dime.…

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@cm0nt0y4 It’s motivation to work harder 🙃

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@eric_lombrozo @mikebelshe Meh, there’s no evidence that this has anything to do with SegWit2X - that’s pure specul…

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@Bilthon Native replay protection, no. Each wallet will be responsible for writing their own hacky replay protection logic.

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@Bilthon For the upcoming SegWit2X fork of Bitcoin.

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@CryptoEthan Local PD isn’t going to send out the SWAT team again without calling me first.

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When assholes are making threats against your life but this replay protection code ain’t gonna write itself.

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@jlbtc That is, in fact, the plan as I understand it.

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@jlbtc It will be its own chain.

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An Introduction to Grin. Deep technical dive linked at the end.

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Bitcoin Cash supporters are having to confront the reality that hashpower does not define Bitcoin.

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@gmelika They are now aware of my situation, which I expect will be helpful if there are future calls of this nature.

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