@nic__carter Long corn amirite
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
“In the short run the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine.”
- Benjamin Graham
You don’t know how much fiat truly exists.
You don’t know how much gold truly exists.
You don’t even know how many… https://t.co/ZFnthXuJuU
You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entir… https://t.co/nOggDfadqO
It’s not possible to withdraw bitcoin from Robinhood; this is the next best option to free your funds. https://t.co/YbO7jk7Gga
RT @ProtonMail: Want to know exactly what information and how much of it Google, Facebook, Tinder (and others) have on you? JustGetMyData m…
“Hello <user>,
We are migrating to a new system and will have to generate a new account for you. We will send your… https://t.co/xXMJv9IcJs
Overheard in a recent client services meeting:
“How do I address an anonymous client professionally when they set… https://t.co/s2p7WVTmKs
@Chris_AF_ Casa only ever has 1 key to the multisig - never enough to block a user from spending their funds. We pr… https://t.co/2CyD0vYpW9
@jillruthcarlson He was dedicated to HFSP before it was cool.
Free markets don’t need overseers for protection.
Free markets just need transparency and to let fools get rekt.
Mr. Boy just learned his first lesson in the perils of using trusted third parties. https://t.co/TMkQcGM84h
@souljaboy All you have to do is relocate to Russia, Mr. Boy
@primex001 It’s not /great/, though to be fair they would not be able to censor traffic between nodes on the tor ne… https://t.co/HpiD3vNFOi
@PeterMcCormack @elonmusk Elon entered the ranks of the gigachads.
We’re gonna need wider on-ramps.
@iaintbishop @CasaHODL Unfortunately, selling is the only way out.
The lockdowns have given people more time to research how the world works.
The lockdowns are fueling their frustration.
@WhalePanda @druidian Never gets old.
Those libertarian lunatics you can’t stand are going to keep building Fuck You technology and you’re going to like it.
Information wants to be free
Markets want to be free
People want to be free
Freedom will win
Fuckin’ posers. Real crypto exchanges don’t halt, they only crash due to overwhelming demand. https://t.co/0NUFlUrcpL
Bitcoin /is/ the money. The only way you “take it off the table” is by taking it away from risky third parties and… https://t.co/nhwzT2oDVR
@crypto Central bankers need to be prepared to get rekt, warns cypherpunk.
@nic__carter A new gigachad appeared

@hectorr159 We’re all getting Teslas! pic.twitter.com/qhMBN8riaH
If you “owned” bitcoin on Robinhood last week, you were naive.
If you “own” bitcoin on Robinhood today, you’re a moron.
Elon won’t take us to the moon.
We’re headed to Mars now.
That aged well. Sorry Scott, no dip for you. https://t.co/DbsOlDUrGt
Folks spent a decade saying Bitcoin was a scam.
Now they’re realizing they had their money parked in scams the whole time.
Not your stock certificate?
Not your stock.
@lawmaster read the room!
@_JustinMoon_ This is where @scamclerk picks up the slack

Welcome to the desert of the real, retail investors. pic.twitter.com/ynAX0mOP4w
buy bitcoin
short banks
self custody
resist censorship
There’s a word for games that are pointless to play because the rules are perpetually at risk of being rewritten.
It’s called politics.
starkness 2008: Too big to fail
2021: Too small to win
@_JustinMoon_ pink sheets
meme stonks
history doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme…
All this talk of chicken tendies is making me peckish.
The central points of failure are pissing off the masses. https://t.co/yMr21XL6Yi
RT @GrapheneOS: An experimental version of our web-based installer for GrapheneOS is now available:
This can be u…
Long freedom
Long transparency
Short conspiracy
Short authority
WSBChairman They can only control us because we use their currency.
Don’t forget to withdraw your stocks from exchanges to the security of self custody.
Oh wait
Imagine the value of systems architected to provide confidence that their rules can’t be changed arbitrarily.
One thing that DeFi does right in comparison to traditional markets is allowing folks to get rekt when they do stup… https://t.co/ujUawOOCzh
Watch who changes the rules when they start losing. https://t.co/13n8csgBgl
Are suits a protected class now https://t.co/rn8HXMTA21
Your comms channels have been deemed too dangerous to the elites. https://t.co/NuSNP5JYtw
Mission accomplished. https://t.co/zPDlJzCKOs
Exit all Fed manipulated markets. https://t.co/CTOLRnZqjC

Free the markets from the manipulators who turn them off on a whim! pic.twitter.com/AeH2x235uu
The democratization of finance will turn every market into a shitcoin casino. Fuck fundamentals; respekt da pump!
If @wallstreetbets folks find fun in wrecking hedge funds, wait til they figure out how to wreck central banks.
@cameron If all you care about is fiat.
Govt agencies can only afford to go whale hunting. They lack the tools to capture a school of piranhas. https://t.co/NApFQrM31g
How can you take any market seriously if it can’t even maintain several 9s of uptime this day in age.
NASDAQ just exposed a vulnerability; spool up the botnets boiz! https://t.co/KwfSF3ujuu
Government agencies perpetually struggle to keep up with the results of technological advancement. The real questio… https://t.co/pLi3fS4H3n
This may be the year in which the crowd realizes it can beat Wall Street at its own game.
Epic FUDbusting courtesy of @safehodl
“Twitter is a war zone.” - @elonmusk
@RodPSterling @CaitlinLong_ Here you go, buddy: https://t.co/1zwX6bjmQK
Bitcoin isn’t volatile.
Everything else is.
@lightbo_lt @CasaHODL Just filled our open DevOps position.

There are two types of Bitcoin analysts. pic.twitter.com/TLuLyellKF
RT @CasaHODL: 🔈🤯 Casa is growing!
We’re looking for a QA Specialist to help drive improvement and add polish to Casa’s entire product suit…
What’s the updated figure for how many billions of dollars in opportunity cost Bitmain paid by choosing to support… https://t.co/anjH2bB76M
@tyler All of life’s a game. https://t.co/TRQZ295v7p
@DanDarkPill EMPEROR on the front
BITCOIN on the rear
@nvk Debt is just money we owe ourselves.
All you need to do to escape is GFY.
@DanDarkPill How dare you speak ill of the Emperor of Bitcoin!
@phil_geiger @pierre_rochard BuT whadDaBoUt wHen You’RE dEaD?
Guess who’s back?
Back again…
Dark Pill’s back…
Tell a friend!
Fiat Market Cap: 3,466,814,368 BTC
BTC Dominance: 0.54 %
@WhalePanda We have naturally occurring organic halts called infrastructure crashes.
Q: What happens to Bitcoin if the internet stops working?
A: Don’t worry about it, you’ll probably be dead or struggling to survive.
Q: Why do you consider _____ a shitcoin?
A: Usually because they failed to prioritize the most important principle… https://t.co/94C90ZtSwU
New Bitcoin Resources page is now live; who did we miss? https://t.co/3QrHMQwA3j
@NeerajKA @Grayscale Looks like @NeerajKAfood is going to be able to afford better ingredients.
RT @Sonnenshein: 🔣 #JoinTheMatch: @Grayscale is picking up the baton from @krakenfx. We’re donating $1 million to @coincenter and pledging…
Some people are storing millions of dollars on a single sheet of paper. 😬 https://t.co/E9rxMpS7Ug
Capitulation by /r/investing. This has been a long time coming. https://t.co/8JXWSYkkMg
@backpacker_btc No clue, though I bet @jimmysong has a few thoughts.
@GeorgeBLE17 @Sonnenshein @Grayscale Nah, I’m generally in favor of decentralized open source projects that don’t s… https://t.co/GFL0ZmtRFc
@FulgorSedano6 Precedent has already been set that there are catastrophic cases where that is acceptable. Take, for… https://t.co/IR1aDhuEje
@FulgorSedano6 Immutability is an attribute, a subset of consensus. I’d say it’s a major Schelling point for Bitcoi… https://t.co/94sQ9zX4bD
I don’t have faith in Bitcoin. My world view is based upon the assumption that individuals generally act in rationa… https://t.co/54R75TKa16
@Sonnenshein @Grayscale Is it a shitcoin announcement?
@NoahPierau @Frances_Coppola Faith implies that it’s devoid of logic. My perspective is based upon game theory and… https://t.co/LFLZJfO00m
@MorgenRochard @pierre_rochard Except for debt forgiveness.
RT @lopp: @Frances_Coppola The first time folks tried to change the issuance schedule was in 2012. There will surely be plenty of attempts…
@jillruthcarlson The newer the “crypto” you’re using, the lower the expectations I’d have for UX given that it’s li… https://t.co/gnAs7y9m3k
@BobLoukas @josephskewes @Frances_Coppola Folks can talk about it ad nauseum but the fact of the matter is that no… https://t.co/N1Ztn1HiUh
@goorha @Frances_Coppola ROFL they are free to fork off and bitcoiners will happily dump the shitcoin fork in excha… https://t.co/wcCakNoZp8
@josephskewes @Frances_Coppola Any change is theoretically possible if you can gain consensus for it. I suspect few… https://t.co/4riJroTlqn
@Frances_Coppola The first time folks tried to change the issuance schedule was in 2012. There will surely be plent… https://t.co/RRdHCklKuq
No speculation required. My nodes enforce the rules to which I agree. You can’t force me to change the rules I enfo… https://t.co/qNerNZk0d4
This may be controversial, but I have decided it’s time to add an “Art” section to my Bitcoin Resources. Please add… https://t.co/jv8qlezY3t
@lightcoin Haven’t looked into it, will check it out.
Q: How do I use cloud storage safely?
A: You have to ensure that your files are encrypted before they leave your ma… https://t.co/6LFOWARmDz
My second biggest complaint about taxes is that the taxpayer does not get to directly choose how funds are allocate… https://t.co/zigmaUfXeL
@kevinschawinski @TheStalwart Satoshi became irrelevant when they stopped contributing a decade ago. Those who wors… https://t.co/ZbxptYN0Ct
It’s odd that banks treat employment as if it’s guaranteed, but entrepreneurship based income is too risky. It’s th… https://t.co/dUbHeZ0EsO
No one gives alpha away.
Remember that the next time you see people posting price prediction charts.
Is it ironic that the woman who made Bernie’s mittens says her mitten business was crushed by taxes?… https://t.co/0kpRx8bkMo
@intangiblecoins Enough fun and games; it time to crush this dumbass.
@stephendpalley @prestonjbyrne @r0ckstardev @ChattorajTK @GoldChainLane @vandrewattycpa @gordonlawltd @btcsteve @Excellion via GPG
@prestonjbyrne This is going to be an epic smackdown.
RT @mikebelshe: A year ago @CalvinAyre threatened @BitGo after we dropped BSV. We dropped it because the genius BSV devs broke their own bl…
Q: Why did Satoshi choose an upper limit of 21,000,000 BTC?
A: The limiting factor is the max value of a 64 bit int… https://t.co/D3yOgUxdrJ
“I never learned anything while I was talking.”
- Larry King, RIP
@g1021_m @BestOrNothing4 @mynodebtc Correct.
@PeterMcCormack @hodlonaut Looking forward to him trying to sue every node. https://t.co/3sMDnaMK5p
bitcoin-cli getblock 00000000000000ecbbff6bafb7efa2f7df05b227d5c73dca8f2635af32a2e949 0 | tail -c+92167 | for ((o=0… https://t.co/AAHTSY640I
@robot__dreams Fun fact I learned recently. BIP39 actually recommends AGAINST rejecting seed phrases with an invali… https://t.co/KVZTVNz75Z
@DannyDeafDavis 90min blocks happen every few weeks IIRC. longer than that is quite rare.
There will be a point at which we refer to this current period as The Good Old Days.
If you are truly a soldier boy, shouldn’t you join the LINK Marines or the XRP Army?
@rcrsv @TheStalwart Depends upon your perspective. https://t.co/SuTr6yusaB
No need for fancy words and lengthy explanations, @TheStalwart. It’s Fuck You Money. https://t.co/eGQG0vdee3
@Excellion She’s just bad at Twitter. Her thinking was explained much better in the @WhatBitcoinDid episode. IIRC w… https://t.co/NVerssvhvk
@mcnally_steve It can be, but social security is a ponzi scheme that is enforced via threats of violence rather tha… https://t.co/Zg3MGyyCCS
Worth noting that malicious actors can build Ponzi schemes ON TOP of the Bitcoin protocol. This is yet another reas… https://t.co/cmvp7hCbpK
@flyosity For real. I used to work with him and had extensive conversations with him about his views.
Not only is Bitcoin NOT a Ponzi scheme, it is one of the few available investments that is provably NOT a Ponzi sc… https://t.co/mT5kl0esc9
@paoloardoino I’ve seen how many commits you make 💀
@BitsComplicated @CalvinAyre I would STRONGLY urge you to develop critical thinking skills.
@CalvinAyre Have fun getting rekt.
Can’t believe that a bunch of you still follow our brainwashed and delusional former colleague. https://t.co/PjiugQdXOo
Newbies who get excited or panicked over double digit percentage swings in bitcoin’s exchange rate are adorable. We… https://t.co/0vr89o5B9O
From weak hands to strong. https://t.co/keBZz7qUgc
@wintercooled @BitMEXResearch It’s a matter of time and perspective. There are, for example, plenty of weak chains… https://t.co/Kls86lnGOA
Unlearn govt sanctioned economics at https://t.co/M3PBG6nnig
Deflation & Liberty
Economics in One Lesson
Human Acti… https://t.co/a1gyKJdmeR
For obvious reasons. Best money, different platforms.
@mmviii_2008 @slush @slush_pool Scammer’s gonna scam. Could be using this to run some affinity scam on the side.
Laughably bad bullshit claim. Pooled mining didn’t even exist before November 2010 when @slush launched what is now… https://t.co/S8Eswc8Bnd
@kyletorpey LOL I forgot about that guy. Looks like he blocked me.

@MalwareTechBlog You new here? pic.twitter.com/O8HaHPSW95
elonmusk Am donating $100M towards a prize for best carbon capture technology
I bet there’s a huge unexplored market for NFTs of chainsaw ice sculptures.
Strike down one Bitcoin instance and ten thousand will take its place. This is antifragility.
RT @DigitalAssets: The Bitcoin White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto laid the foundation for a groundbreaking peer-to-peer electronic cash system…
Bitcoin doesn’t need heroes
Bitcoin doesn’t need leaders
Bitcoin gets fucking legends
RT @orionwl: fwiw
RT @lopp: Whale patiently waiting for you to panic sell your bitcoin. https://t.co/Sch6ctpOeq
Contribute to an idea
Contribute to a cause
Contribute to a timeless project
Contribute and you can never die
RT @hasufl: New Article: Was there a Bitcoin double spend on Jan 20, 2021?
@CRYPT0_is_KING @CalvinAyre No one of any importance.
The ecosystem will not be bullied by you and your pet plagiarist, @CalvinAyre. We are legion.

Inflation benefits the wealthy. pic.twitter.com/Mu2XTcG2Es
@danheld Bitcoin literally grows on merkle trees.
@vagarywheels @CasaHODL Not all all, though we don’t have support for languages other than English at this time.
RT @CasaHODL: 🎉New Year, new Casa App feature updates!
Learn more about our January product updates, including some of our 🔠customer feat…
The big boys aren’t dumb. They will FUD the hell out of bitcoin if it benefits them to get cheap coins. Don’t fall for it.
@intangiblecoins Sir wen fidelity.com/bitcoin.pdf
Somebody wants a bigger dip to buy… https://t.co/9zb09kwNAV
@rjurney Pretty much. He’s been caught in so many lies you’d be a fool to believe anything he claims.
@rjurney What $180M? Are you referring to the Tulip Trust? That whole thing is just another made up story.
@rjurney It’s a long con that has been going for over 5 years. It’s just annoying at this point. If you really want… https://t.co/XiTGP41U5T
@CElston My entire site is open source and could be spooled up on a new host in a matter of minutes. github.com/jlopp/lopp.net
@keremtibuk Honeybadger is still an apt metaphor, though I like cyber swarm more. I believe it encapsulates the HOW… https://t.co/5EhG1J2pxH
A lone hornet doesn’t stand a chance against a predator.
A swarm of cyber hornets can defend against anything.
As Bitcoin continues to grow, become more valuable, and threaten more incumbents, expect the volume and severity of… https://t.co/tJ0v8ilpXD
RT @morcosa: @midmagic @lopp This shouldn’t be one developers fight.
@CalvinAyre As usual his shenanigans will backfire. Gonna be hilarious to see an explosion of web sites hosting the… https://t.co/7lQcdhPSCL
@fluffypony @WhalePanda @Satoshis_D Don’t forget serial plagiarist.
@rjurney Just some legal threats from a con man. https://t.co/dzc3MZe3O5
I’ve hosted the Bitcoin whitepaper for years. I eagerly await my lawsuit. The fraud who does not deserve to be name… https://t.co/rWpxB0ZbME
@Douglas_Horn Gotta use the pure stuff of course.
The cool thing about creatine is you can sneak it into anything from bone broth to wine.
@DCAndrew26 @POTUS @Free_Ross The fake ones that were orchestrated by corrupt federal agents? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
@DCAndrew26 @POTUS @Free_Ross I mean yeah, everyone convicted of nonviolent drug crimes should be released. I suspe… https://t.co/GKvd2tXgrv
The appropriate response to “most bitcoin transactions are for illicit purposes” is not “no no no you see it’s real… https://t.co/NcI13QxObL
@AlyssaHertig A programmer is a masochist who perpetually hates her ignorant former self.
If you sell your bitcoin because Janet Yellen made negative remarks about it then you really, really don’t get it.
nine pages
3,641 words
21,443 characters
to reimagine finance
@yolothehan It’s an evergreen tweet that applies to all new politicians 😉
@yolothehan So you’d agree he made folks poorer and less free…
The new politicians are going to make you poorer and less free. The only question is by how much.
The folks who believe the new politician is going to solve their problems are as foolish as the folks who thought t… https://t.co/KyoRl69vGc
Corporate bitcoin treasuries are a nice start, but if corporations don’t self custody then they are putting their f… https://t.co/irDcUJjNMg
How ‘bout them pardons? https://t.co/tngBRLga18
@OrangeSwell BSV’s value is for entertainment purposes only.
@SGBarbour However you’re staying.
The most important thing is that we’re all having fun.
RT @achow101: I’m launching a Bitcoin Core usage survey: https://t.co/O3mbn4vnCP
The survey will help us learn about who, how, and why peo…