heads up twitterbaters: the history channel’s “WWII in HD” is one of the best WWII documentaries ever
I just generated a #TweetCloud out of a year of my tweets. Top three words: time, motorcycle, people - http://w33.us/3wsb
RT @SustainableTips: Have all the members of your gang use the same caliber guns; makes sharing ammo easier and reduces waste in a shoot-out
@McGinity i found the graphs are more helpful as you have more data. plus you have to make sure your transactions are categorized correctly.
http://twitpic.com/rd70v - skeet skeet!
this guy http://idek.net/hua is almost as badass as the driver of the Ferrari 275 GTB in the 1978 Paris run: http://idek.net/huZ
SustainableTips You can reduce your carbon footprint by illegally downloading movies instead of driving to a theater and watching them on a bright screen
if you use verizon, check to see if you can get an employer discount here (mine is 6%): http://idek.net/hta
@jbeardsley that’s exactly what came to mind
by the time you know it’s a game-changing innovation, it’s too late to be part of it http://raleigh.craigslis…
Power steering is for wimps (my camaro doesn’t have it… working) http://raleigh.craigslis…
@gigq WTF MATE?
borderlands for $20 - how can i resist?: http://idek.net/hjN
today an uncle released ‘doves’ in remembrance of family members. next door neighbors started shooting them out of the sky. welcome to SC.
i’m looking forward to the shooting of clays with my new 12 gauge today after lunch
shout out to the drunk woman i almost ran over in downtown durham at 7 am. you seemed to be enjoying your impromptu role of traffic cop.
i was a beta tester for http://deals.woot.com/ - it’s awesome. i got several great deals and several freebies. it opens to public today!
for those of you waiting for L4D2’s price to drop - here it is for $30! : http://idek.net/hDF

i <3 logic, not insane math http://i.imgur.com/9T61v…
RT @loadedsanta: Hey, what gets scotch out of a beard? And weed out of a reindeer’s ass? It’s not for me.
@palmerscott4 regardless, don’t be surprised if they lose the next toss - it’s still 1:1 odds!
pure insanity : http://idek.net/gWg
i hacked airtunes support into my ubuntu install… now all i have to do is “lame —decode /path/to/mp3 - | JustePort.exe - -15”
a six pack a day keeps the doctor away http://idek.net/gJf
Stacks on deck, Patrón on ice… http://idek.net/gJX
does the heisenberg uncertainty principle apply to stracing processes? signs point to yes.
for those who call me a grammar nazi for committing fixes to comments in our codebase: http://idek.net/fu3
i ordered 3 pairs of jeans today via 70% off amazon sale… you know what this means: i now own 4 pairs of jeans!
eBay deleted my blu-ray player auction b/c I told someone I would accept a money order. F U and your nickel-and-diming, eBay!
gnome-alsamixer is a must have for ubuntu users with more complex audio setups. i couldn’t do what i needed with the built-in OS prefs
the only downside to the new home theater system is that i have to go track down all the rattles throughout the house
Bears. On. Freaking. ATVs. http://shirt.woot.com/
building steam with a grain of salt
i am definitely buying resident evil: the darkside chronicles http://bit.ly/3EC0jF
my sentiments exactly: http://idek.net/euq
RT @whatdaveeats: *yawn* morning peeps. breakfast is a bagel smothered with jelly. that counts as a fruit, right?
online retailers aren’t waiting for black friday - 50” plasma prices dropping below $1000 - in FTW
not sure which i hate more: when radar says it’s raining but it’s NOT or when radar says it’s not raining but it IS…
My tools are my tools. Choosing a tool makes it yours. The choice is the result of logic, superstition, stubbornness, and experience.
If you don’t know what you’re doing in production, you don’t belong there,
@mike9r what about the ‘christian’ bear?
“I mean, if they can’t handle the beard, they can’t handle ME.†http://bit.ly/3xgklf
http://twitpic.com/osbz9 - fence complete! remi loves it!
it’s a beautiful day for: staining. i’m putting this fence project out of its misery today.
it’s a beautiful day for <sigh> pressure washing
Do you have Halloween pumpkins you’re going to just throw away? Donate them to the Jameson Target Practice Initiative!
without unbridled ambitions you will never overcome great challenges
if a thrown error is logged and nobody is watching, did it REALLY get thrown?
the only acceptable terminal color palette is green (fixed-width) text on black background
ubuntu wtf: if i copy text from firefox to my clipboard, why does it disappear from the clipboard if i close firefox?
I think he needs to come down on his asking price: http://raleigh.craigslis…
is it odd that i can take a ‘7 hour energy shot’ and fall asleep an hour later?
for @darrenpierce and any other grammatically lax folks out there: http://apostrophe.me/ - I shall correct you for the good of our language!
i need 2 people who want to buy borderlands on steam and save $12 by doing the 4-pack deal. any takers?
this is why primer is in my top 10 favorite movies - http://xkcd.com/657/larg…
http://woot.com/ this is the exact model washer I bought yesterday at wal-mart for $160. it was missing parts.not worth $80! returning ASAP!
@lesliejenna xmas season should not start until dec 1. not after thanksgiving. not after halloween. too much build-up. boo consumerism.