RT @ncpolicelogs: BOLO for AWOL @ChapelHillPD K9 in Durham! http://t.co/AODYM5JVrr
@emilepetrone Not an aberrant filter?
@mark_a_phelps @LinkedIn Ballsy recruiters keep calling my office phone which is unlisted. They must call the office & use the ext search.
Recruiter hit me up for a M$FT-based startup that’s a mashup of Facebook, eBay, Blogger, PayPal, & Etsy. I think I hurt a rib while ROFLMAO.
@_Jordan Context, bitch!
Is it acceptable to use @LinkedIn as an online dating site?
Farewell, Breaking Badass.
.@PopSci is shutting off comments after using science to determine that the idiocy contained in Internet comments is bad for science.
mattkoff Pumped for the series finale of the U.S. government!
@MichaelCasp Awww, you shoulda dropped by!
EFF Sen. Feinstein confirms NSA obtains emails directly from Internet backbone, describes process. eff.org/r.2cdG
@dapak Let me put it this way… Headless Horseman wielding an AR-15 == AWESOME.
Sleepy Hollow is the new Lost.
Scumbag government keeps threatening to shut down, but never does…
@lbrentpoole @Mindbloom Sure, thanks.
neiltyson If the world is something you accept rather than interpret, then you’re susceptible to the influence of charismatic idiots.
@Mindbloom I received an email from your app and the unsubscribe link throws a 401 error. Not CAN-SPAM compliant!
@SkinnyCanDraw @julien Mining is old news unless you have an “in” with cutting edge ASICs. But there are so many other facets to explore!
@jbeardsley @snoopdave IDK, they could have been clearer - seems like there should be another update within 10 min.
snoopdave You might want to avoid using GTalk today, seriously zd.net/16Lnz0v
SecondMarket Boom! We are LIVE with the Bitcoin Investment Trust. Learn more about investing in the BIT: bitcointrust.co @BitcoinTrust
@julien Because it’s an effective tool for killing people who are a threat to himself or the general public.
@ameir Playing life on hard mode. Respect.
@ameir Congratulations on your incubating kid!
@DaveHaydysch Prepare thy groin kick!
Kenyan govt is claiming victory against the terrorists that took over a mall in Nairobi. But… every single hostage was killed… FAIL.
Just had to watch a streaming video advertisement that was a captcha. This is getting out of hand.
@danlowe You need a beer, brah. Mosey over to my desk.
@mark_a_phelps P-I-Z-Z-A
@mark_a_phelps You should skip dinner and then go grocery shopping.

Oatmeal Today is my birthday. It’s also Jim Henson’s birthday and he would have been 77 pic.twitter.com/rayJQPyBZC
rands Your job as a leader is to exceed expectations.
RT @arekdreyer: @lopp Thet don’t need you to use their free Wi-Fi. They’re interested in where you stand & for how long. They just need you…
@emilepetrone I hope it’s Daft Punkesque
@pig_poetry You’ve really gotta learn to stay out of the “Beyond” section!
Don’t use the free Wi-Fi offered by retail stores - it’s free because they track your surfing for marketing purposes.
@flyosity it’s no breaking bad, that’s for sure.
@knucklesandwich Damn son, another repeat of the scooter incident?
Thank Science for peroxide-induced canine vomiting!
@Wayne Sounds like a job for @ballerwayne!
The FBI used a mosque outreach program to collect info about innocent Muslims’ speech, beliefs, and other activities https://t.co/LdXSQxwWKY
You should watch “Future By Design” - a documentary about the works of Jacque Fresco. It’s on Netflix & Youtube: http://t.co/kAB2nG5grx
@drewpotential Sounds to me like you’re describing the philosophy of American Exceptionalism
@drewpotential Is it “the American mindset” or is it “the mindset of the puppet masters?”
@drewpotential Thanks for sharing.
@drewpotential Meh, it’s not like you ever know that they actually delete your data even when you tell them to.
Y HELO THAR @tim_cook
Marketing is promising people happiness. Engineering is delivering it.
@goddamndave Hells yeah; where else can you lease a Reliant Robin for the low low price of 157 pounds per month? http://t.co/S76bTk7auw
@drewpotential Sounds legit.
Quantitative Easing is just a fancy new name for Trickle Down Economics.
I feel like something has gone terribly wrong in the past week and caused the quality of DuckDuckGo search results to nosedive.
levie Larry Page: “Why are 1% of our customers churning every year?”
Business Analyst: “Death.”
Larry: “I see. You know what to do.”
Forgot my password to a service. Requested a password reset. Reset link in email doesn’t work. #FirstWorldProblems
@jefft I went to bed around 10 or 11 last night; regardless of what time I go to sleep I’m incapable of sleeping past 6 AM.
I’m so productive in the morning that it’s not even funny. My work hours should be 4 AM to noon.
@emilepetrone If only all interviews could be that easy…
@pig_poetry @mark_a_phelps Cock sauce is a big hit in the kitchen, though.
@mark_a_phelps Did you know that you can get all your neighbors to hate you for $15?
@flyosity He’s right about the data sizes at which you should consider Hadoop. But no mention of high-level MapReduce languages? C’mon…
java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(id) silently discards invalid IDs and returns GMT instead. ಠ_à²
RT @ncpolicelogs: A Raleigh tattoo parlor is accused of accepting food stamps in exchange for tattoos. http://t.co/QrvSSXzUlz
@pig_poetry …but if the requests are not carried out, the deceased person’s rights have not been violated because they have no rights.
@pig_poetry Everyone is more than welcome to write down their last wishes and ask friends / relatives they trust to carry them out.
Deep thought of the day: do humans still have rights once they are deceased? I’m going with no.
This is by far the best Michael Jackson documentary I’ve ever seen. goo.gl/bi6VMl
RT @mikko: Bitcoin difficulty estimated to break 100 million this weekend. http://t.co/4PmTXweGo9
mvogiatzis #Storm design patterns: db.tt/KlJiKcvv via Chris Gerken
Twitter gives first hint of plans for possible IPO; no word yet if investors will be limited to 140 shares.
@pmccall777 Show me the money!
ErikVoorhees But what can you buy with Bitcoin? Well, basically everything. The Amazon of Bitcoin: bitcoinshop.us #deal #shopping #ecommerce
RT @flyosity: Putin wrote an editorial in the New York Times. Excellent read, many salient points. http://t.co/Ru2WoPoRTs
@dapak Paint thinner. My body is seriously rejecting the introduction of this concoction.
WARNING: aloe vera juice is NOTHING like the delicious aloe drinks you can find at asian markets.
@MichaelCasp Yeah, fuck that shit.
@lopp I recall @flyosity wishing that you could retweet your own old tweets; looks like you can bring them to the top of the timeline now!
@Jeremy_DeGroot @drewpotential I’d say that since they’re iterating rather than innovating, they should at least innovate the pricing model.
That awkward moment when you nearly run over a jaywalking cop.
It appears that the market agrees that $AAPL’s new phones are underwhelming.
RT @ncpolicelogs: Raleigh PD to citizen: Shooting bullets into the air was the wrong way to empty your handgun before selling it. http://t.…
@gsingers You’d think Internet would be more plentiful and thus cheaper near Silicon Valley :-P
@adamrawlings Do you need assistance waterboarding the cats?
@ameir *It’s pronounced iPhone Fives?
If Apple wants to remain a tech leader, they need to be innovative rather than iterative. #NotImpressedByShinyThings
@ameir Twitter, since I assume whatever you’re talking about will be posted here by you.
Here we see @WIRED proving yet again that it does not understand #Bitcoin. Bitcoin is in no danger from any govt. http://t.co/QgQTz0Ma8w
RT @steveburnett: Triangle Hadoop Meetup @trihug tonight @Bronto Durham 6:30pm http://t.co/AKgca3VJ2w

This is the most threatening response I have ever received while unchecking an “opt-in” box. pic.twitter.com/psRwsyhNM2
@KenJennings “a gun was found in the Lake Mary home, but he added that it was not a part of the altercation.” http://t.co/NlOUlu13sD
mortardata Domesticating Pig with (Netflix’s) Lipstick ow.ly/oHR1l
@johnjoseph Though to clarify, I still believe blind people have the right to own firearms. Just not carry them in public.
@johnjoseph This is probably the first case where I agree that the law is making firearms too readily available.
@pmccall777 Was it in your driveway?
Do you need a GoPro-compatible drone? Here’s one for the low low price of $480! http://t.co/sH8HK6Sfjx

Oatmeal HECK YES WHO’S READY FOR SOME #FOOTBALL? pic.twitter.com/yLeoZ73cXD
@drewpotential Not necessarily… I don’t get it either /cc @jefft
@jefft You’re saying that you’re preparing to willingly subject yourself to several months of disappointment?
@bluthquotes @colopy After the 3 month ordeal I had to go through to get a ‘BITCOIN’ NC license plate I can hardly believe they issued that.
“Find God’s Match for You®” - I wonder what process@christianminglee’s engineers used to determine God’s matching algorithm.
Some talking head on CBS just called Andy Warhol “the predecessor to Instagram.” despair.jpg.to
@pmccall777 @ddahlke It’s not a movie, but definitely check out Drunk History
@flyosity Man, he’s never going to get re-elected at this rate.
@pmccall777 I thought the allegations of nepotism and racism have been disproven. Problem?
Fueled You’ve been using Instagram the wrong way…this man will show you the light: ow.ly/oAW7x
RT @LinkedInEng: DataFu 1.0 is out! Here’s how this open source library makes it easier to crunch lots of data in your Pig Scripts: http://…
@neiltyson You forgot the part where the US committed war crimes with chemical weapons such as Agent Orange, White Phosphorus, & Napalm.
RT @jonmatonis: Bitcoin Foundation releases 2012 IRS Tax Return in move towards greater transparency https://t.co/fxIceGKPct @LetsTalkBitco…
Random fact: I know a guy named Billy Bacon.
I pity the Luddite who smokes analog cigarettes.
@danlowe PROD-896 // slits wrists
Someone needs to mash up Just Delete Me with a dead man’s switch so that you can expunge your digital footprint postmortem.
@gigq Freedom of choice also means freedom to choose poorly.
@gigq Quick, buy a phone that doesn’t restrict how you use it!
Benny_Hsu “I’ll tell you how risky life is. You’re not going to get out alive.” - Jim Rohn
RT @ncpolicelogs: VIDEO: woman steals a Fayetteville cop’s patrol car right in front of him. How embarrassing… https://t.co/Vmjv3Ypeki