@knucklesandwich @jefft That reminds me; I need one! waspknife.com
I don’t know what to call this other than “Bitcoin Apocalypse Fiction” but it’s an entertaining read. http://t.co/y1x14KIIf7
If corporations are people then the saying “it’s not personal, it’s just business” is complete BS.
Why do my swimming trunks have belt loops? Do people go swimming while wearing a belt?
@flyosity Righhhhhhhhhhhhhht…
No, random web site, I’m not going to download your bullshit app to “improve my experience.”
DID YOU KNOW? Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet but he DID invent the ballcock. https://t.co/hmx9rihRjG #AppropriateName
KenJennings Some of these jokes on Twitter dot com are getting so good that I might just unsubscribe from rec.humor.funny forever!
More info about the changes to Twitter conversations: https://t.co/KC6tBdQgCG
@nathanmarz While standing upon the shoulders of giants, building a foundation for the future.
…and it looks like active conversation threads get re-prioritized to the top! #Useful
Looks like @twitter finally changed their web UI to display replies below tweets by default within the main timeline.
@emilepetrone Word; Bronto’s CEO just bought a Model S.
bendavenport Owning #bitcoin is owning undilutable equity in a $1.4B massively distributed open source startup.
DanaJGould The fact that Fred Flintsone ate brontosaurus burgers seems less charming when you realize Dino was also a brontosaurus.
ddahlke Guy in a motor wheelchair, boom box duct taped to the side, blasting gangster rap, rolling down the side walk. I love Durham
WarTard The Syrian Regional War: NATO on deck! nblo.gs/OwOPA
@jefft @mark_a_phelps You can’t prove that; he’s just tweeting about feels, man!
RT @coinbase: Your first $1,000,000 USD in merchant processing is now free! - We’ve long believed that merchant adoption… http://t.co/UMQ…
@danlowe Dingleberries are the worst.
@emilepetrone Yay, but if you’re seriously investigating it then look at BitPay as well. I like their payment system better as a user.
@emilepetrone I used it today, brah. Also, I wrote a @coinbase payment integration for our app as a hack day project.
@ameir UN seems more useless every year. Especially b/c Russia is pro-regime & we may basically be entering into a proxy war w/them.
@ameir That is, this seems like a job for U.N. forces. A job that should have been undertaken long ago.
@ameir Why do we get to play Team America World Police simply because they used chemical weapons? What about all the non-chemical murders?
@ameir Are you getting phished on LinkedIn now?
Purchased a 2 week supply of @soylent on @Crowdtilt with #Bitcoin via @coinbase - I love living in the future.
My two favorite PHP variables to see in a code review are probably $thing and $what. #WishIWasJoking
@Jeremy_DeGroot Bull McCabe’s
ErikVoorhees #ThatEscalatedQuickly: Bitcoin Foundation meets today with DHS, Treasury, FBI, FinCEN, IRS, FDIC, Federal Reserve, DEA, and Secret Service.
Ordered a steak salad for lunch because I’m trying a low-carb diet. The salad came out with french fries on it. #TrueStory
“When you tear out a man’s tongue you’re not proving him a liar, you’re telling the world that you fear what he may say.” - Tyrion Lannister
Doomsday Castle: a dysfunctional family with little engineering knowledge tries to build a secluded fortress in the Appalachian Mountains.
@dcm Only in terms of ABV
@dcm Steel Reserve was my staple in college because I knew my roommates wouldn’t drink it.
@TheBikingBrewer Have you seen this Ted talk? https://t.co/lHV5pFAZbr
RT @julien: Bitcoin café http://t.co/r6hZMNoyMS
@flyosity Sheeeeeeit I wish I could outsource my regex problems. xkcd.com/1171/
Fuck copyright! infinitecopies.com/fuck_copyright
trutherbot The Federal Reserve is a private corporation, owned and controlled mostly by foreign bankers.
.@SethWeitberg drinking Basil Hayden’s straight from the bottle… #DrunkHistory is my new favorite show.
RT @covati: When pursuing the proper channels doesn’t work http://t.co/U7Nudf04wf Whistleblowers need protection; they won’t find it with O…
@newbelgium You should really redesign your Shift logo to have a set of gears that are in an operable configuration.
@LindsLevv You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@pocahotmess You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@ClaireMcInerny You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@GreenhoundLOL You can learn about Bitcoin at https://t.co/gPcl0KYoJl
@madmax808 You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@JillianMargaret You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@Castleinferno You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@CJBattle18 You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@FaridaKYusuf You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@SamuelBachman You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@stetson_miller You can learn about Bitcoin at weusecoins.com/en/
@SieksTweets Pay @ButtCoin no heed; he is butthurt. I recommend that you peruse. weusecoins.com/en/
@mark_a_phelps I tell homeless people that I only carry Bitcoins

lizzwinstead WOW. RT @HayesBrown: RT @JuddLegum: Pretty shocking revelation buried in today’s WSJ article on NSA spying pic.twitter.com/KYzaQvSvT3
RT @ncpolicelogs: A Boone man was arrested for breaking into 3 different homes and giving women back rubs against their will. http://t.co/j…
RT @PrivacyWonk: Schrödinger’s Surveillance State: Until your file has been observed, you are both an innocent and a terrorist.
@mark_a_phelps @jefft We went all #NSA up in the @MeetupAPI and you popped out.
@jefft @mark_a_phelps TL;DR: Big Data says Mark is a total bro, yo.
OH: “Does anyone have a USB flash drive I can borrow? I need to upgrade the coffee machine.” #WelcomeToTheFuture
One one hand, I really like Google+ because it allows animated GIFs. On the other hand, I know that Facebook + animated GIFs = horror.
FYI if your Google chats randomly show up in your @gmail inbox, a filter may be the culprit. Sounds like a bug to me. http://t.co/AjJVAIBDKu
@carpedurham It’s that kind of day.
TL;DR: decentralized technologies are less user friendly but more robust. http://t.co/xFPQWHvBmb
ncpolicelogs Someone drew pictures of genitalia on a sidewalk with ketchup at 102 Newell Street in Chapel Hill. Damage to the sidewalk was valued at $2.
@pmccall777 Would you say today made it rain?
Coca-Cola started as an alcoholic caffeinated beverage. It was reformulated under pressure from temperance advocates #DrunkHistory #fourloko
“Drunk History” is great because it’s oral history in the form of television.
@ameir Or even worse, a virus that replaces your host entries to redirect the legit sites to the phishing sites.
textfiles Also, the New York Times is now switched off its journalist emails to Gmail. Because apparently they don’t read the New York Times.
No laws in the world can shut down a service wanted by hundreds of millions of people. Sound familiar? http://t.co/h7esMlPcrd
Ran over some kid’s basketball with my truck. Lesson learned: don’t dribble between your legs while on a sidewalk unless you can pull it off
“When your answer to every problem is more force, it shows that you haven’t been trained to consider other options.” http://t.co/VXYJQv93EO
@pig_poetry Nice; like the ‘b’ in ‘subtle’
@pig_poetry Nope; still don’t get it.
@pig_poetry Muzzle velocity? What?
RT @ncpolicelogs: A Gastonia man complained about poor customer service from prostitutes to the police and ended up in jail. http://t.co/Ed…
“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning.” -Frederick Douglass
@MichaelCasp Yeah, they’re called retweets.
@flyosity Bitcoin user not affected.
@pmccall777 @adamrawlings Pretty much; I recommend that you take steps to waste less of your life in traffic. Don’t follow the herd.
@mark_a_phelps I put it on the pizza.
@VeryShortStory Oh look, we just travelled back to 3 days ago!
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” - Albert Einstein
ashleymayer Breaking Sad: a high school chemistry teacher remains a high school chemistry teacher and therefore grossly underpaid.
nathanmarz I love deleting code.
The Pirate Bay’s anti-censorship browser hit 100,000 downloads in its first three days. http://t.co/tJzXGX3wHq
RT @ErikVoorhees: Donate #Bitcoin to #Snowden legal defense fund here. This guy risked his life, at least throw him a coin. #freedom https…
MVPoliceBlotter Man wearing Google Glass breaks window after walking into it while watching YouTube on El Camino Real near Calderon Ave.
Gave @nicholascordell’s Chromecast a test drive this weekend. Was pleasantly surprised that it worked with no config needed on my phone.
@emilepetrone LOL I didn’t know he was an action hero!
Confirmed: Bloomberg staff are testing a Bitcoin price ticker. http://t.co/gQ6ShJ3cdN
brianbehlendorf Lavabit and Silent Circle email shutdowns only show that “server-based” security is a sham; crypto must always be end-to-end.
RT @JimRFisher: The HBase/Cassandra debate continued with a more pragmatic viewpoint by HBase committers https://t.co/7WFfvuw7Qq #NoSQL
danlyke Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, offer him a fishing certification and he’ll open up a consultancy without ever having seen a fish.
People who post political comments on apolitical stories deserve to get Internet bitch slapped.
@yesquite @KenJennings Idolatry of political figures happens within many political parties; a few zealots can ruin the reputation of a party
@Patrick_R_Owens @KenJennings Oh man, you went there. I was trying to be civil!
@yesquite @KenJennings I’ve never heard that sentiment. Any human being is susceptible to corruption. Ron Paul is not a saint; he’s human.
@KenJennings You’re in the majority, but my original statement stands. My mental illness is noticeably spreading amongst my acquaintances…
@KenJennings It’s a shame that trying to protect civil liberties is looked upon with disdain these days. Glad to see people coming around!
Output some code, input some caffeine. Rinse cup, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. fresh_pots.jpg.to
@nicholascordell But if we prevent all those people from dying from malaria, then we’ll have to figure out how to feed them!
@johnjoseph The T stands for Totalitarian.
When you say “I’m not computer savvy” I hear “I’m unwilling to invest the time to learn how this tool works.”
@manusporny @johnjoseph For the purposes of the Pirateat40 case, it shouldn’t matter if Bitcoin is money. It has value & he’s a thief…
BitPay partners with 3dcart, giving 16,000 online merchants the ability to accept Bitcoin. http://t.co/sbrtlBaDMH
RT @ncpolicelogs: 3 men journeyed into woods to hunt ghosts, got lost, & called 911 for help. Just kidding; they were cooking meth. http://…
Finally watched Oblivion and really liked it - felt like a combination of Moon, Independence Day, and Mission Impossible.
Once battery technology advances sufficiently, electric motorcycles are going to be amazing. http://t.co/gBR3FQypAu
@flyosity Simulate the G forces and I’ll be impressed.
RT @WarTard: Check out this massive explosion in Homs, Syria.
Holy shit!
If I go to the gun show early Sunday morning, will I beat the church crowd?
@atlassian Your community isn’t doing that well at the moment. answers.atlassian.com
We are brought into this world without being consulted and we shall leave it without our consent.