@andreneves @GrapheneOS Pretty good; found one incompatible android app but need to try a lot more to get a better idea.

@NeerajKA Airdrops aren’t earnings, they’re gifts.
Amirite or amirite?
…or amirite? pic.twitter.com/mJ5j5OR59J
RT @CasaHODL: It’s Halloween but no need to fear,
Casa Node 2 is here!
Buy Casa Node 2 + Gold pack now (last day to lock-in $300…
RT @lopp: Bitcoin whitepaper purists should take note that the following things are NOT described in the whitepaper:
mining pools…

Happy Whitepaper Day!
H/T @phneep pic.twitter.com/wKTzfMSgrL
@BTCSchellingPt @GrapheneOS Yeah, install went quite smoothly.
Running @GrapheneOS
@timoncc @rusty_twit @niftynei There’s no time like Troll Time
@StopAndDecrypt Did the time traveler have amnesia? https://t.co/iZSyod2hWG
To be fair, it’s probably more economically efficient to pay for sentiment swaying sockpuppet farms than for straig… https://t.co/LKFNfbngxd
@PeterMcCormack Confirmed. https://t.co/J8u6jhyPDj
RT @MrMichaelNye: The first episode of @WhatisCrypto is live!!
What is Bitcoin w/ Jameson
@lopp & @MrMichaelNye
Shoutout to our sponsor…
@isTruStory @iam_preethi In many jurisdictions it’s illegal to kill yourself.
Being a criminal is not okay.
DAE have so many hardware wallets that you have to put sticky notes on them to keep them straight? #BeingYourOwnBankProblems
@PeterMcCormack I forsee advertisements for many “political” issues such as environmentalism and planned parenthood being banhammered.
@PeterMcCormack Define “political…”
HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
âš¡ï¸ fixes this
“Timechain” - another great piece by @cryptograffiti - the backing of this art is a giant custom @blockplate with a… https://t.co/3Gjm6rORMT
RT @CasaHODL: Announcing 2of3 Basic Multisig with two hardware keys!
Gold members can swap their Mobile Key for a 2nd Hardware Device…
Priceless American-centric thinking. https://t.co/w5kepgVE8n https://t.co/CYQdIcr92b
Full validation sync of Gocoin 1.9.7 with secp256k1 library enabled took my machine 19 hours, 56 minutes to get to… https://t.co/bktNsn9IPS
@theinstagibbs @bitcoincoreorg It took 399 minutes to sync Bitcoin Core 0.19 from genesis to block 601,300 with ass… https://t.co/AHqTnhPUza
@wromany BSV folks want to scale up; Bitcoin folks are scaling out. https://t.co/o2K2cC3Sqt
Fellow cypherpunks, I hope you’ll join me in donating to @torproject - all donations through the end of the year wi… https://t.co/JWwXAnuXEg
@JustinFilson It may have for a few hours or a day or so, but since hashrate is an estimate it’s pretty hard to be… https://t.co/hYfyf4VLyr
2017: “Bitcoin is defined by the most proof of work chain”
2018: “Uh, the real Bitcoin is the one that abides by th… https://t.co/nO7Agpg4D5
“Adoption is always good” leads to
“adoption at all costs” leads to
“let’s compromise fundamentals to support ado… https://t.co/JC7Vs8ksau
Cryptography is a tool; it can be used to hide secrets via encryption but it can also be used to track data via pub… https://t.co/BGxdvtAuUc
Running a full validation of every transaction signature in the history of the Bitcoin blockchain requires performi… https://t.co/0FNqcdiNf7
@bitconner @murchandamus Still holds true a decade later… https://t.co/KU2op6sbKD
Bitcoin Cash’s improved Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm was supposed to reduce block time variance. However, it’s l… https://t.co/KppmyoiuLk
@jameswelsh200 @CharlieShrem Yep, it’s a trade-off - you’re more likely to realize the benefits of reduced turbulen… https://t.co/xiDeM6rUh5
@CharlieShrem Aisle = easier restroom access. But more importantly, a row near the wings for reduced turbulence and… https://t.co/ldGY7udwY6
If you can’t afford to buy bitcoin because it’s too expensive then you should educate yourself for free via https://t.co/BRH28rAc4q
@flyosity I’m 99.99999% sure that tweet will be deleted.
Bitcoin historically generates the bulk of its annual performance in 10 days. Miss those 10 days and the average re… https://t.co/4zwpfQ6uEH

The Vegeta memes shall continue until everyone is bored of price discussion. pic.twitter.com/pZc422ejHV
@PeterMcCormack Treat yoself
Great analysis of physical attacks against bitcoin holders by @Coinsurenz (at the 24:00 mark)… https://t.co/DEOODhR8J0
Dare you to repeat the experiment but with the rats in a “rush hour traffic” situation. https://t.co/tgcrlgSAZt
RT @matt_odell: A chain analysis CEO presented at bitdevs last night.
I asked him if they had any tools available to track lightning trans…
We can all agree that mobile phone carriers have shitty security, especially from internal attackers. But the buck… https://t.co/73fkMCefUD
@RonaldoVamo @DanDarkPill Of course
@NeerajKA Make a pull request for any that are missing from https://t.co/xGLkBrKfjo
@AmySwearer Interesting that they appear to have conveniently left out any self defense statistics.
Ghost Gunner 3.0 preorders are now live at https://t.co/mmJVUbg79C https://t.co/txzd1VW7ZG
RT @TheCryptoBubble: Say it ain’t so, I will not hold
Another $h!tcoin, til all time low 🔉 https://t.co/cggcaJ3ats
Kudos to @RepJuanVargas for being transparent about the US weaponizing the dollar against nations it considers to b… https://t.co/bR4YoVZHyJ
@Aghora589 @RepAlGreen Social justice enthusiasts.
“Is it true that the companies in the Libra association are all run by white men? How many are minorities or LGBTQ?… https://t.co/A6jnqEHVH7
“If this all goes wrong, you won’t be able to hide behind the idea that you didn’t create Libra.” - @BradSherman… https://t.co/Sv3ceVRv8j

“The US Dollar is really bad for tax evaders, drug dealers, and terrorists.” - @BradSherman pic.twitter.com/XYZ7oZaY3N
.@RepMaloney says that anonymous LLCs are a national security issue.
That may be, but not having anonymous LLCs is… https://t.co/ga6SIpFPO5
@xavierfiechter @JimJones1913 @Multicripto @AlenaSatoshi @KISBitcoin @cryptosteel Depends upon the building materia… https://t.co/GAKSMXBjZQ
@JimJones1913 @Multicripto @AlenaSatoshi @xavierfiechter @KISBitcoin @cryptosteel Pressure tests are to simulate a… https://t.co/pihbO33mwx
@garypalmerjr @MyCrypto @twobitidiot @ATT If you’re American and you care more about security than privacy, Google… https://t.co/CMdzu6phDQ
@HotepJesus @ChrisBlec @jbrandon0 Understanding the dynamics of this system requires a fair amount of research; it… https://t.co/Gs17mGcUy0
@MyCrypto @twobitidiot @ATT You can certainly avoid being sim swapped, though not if you have Stockholm Syndrome ty… https://t.co/4ZySTPR7TS
@cryptosteel Just lucky, I guess…
@PeterMcCormack Muting / blocking fixes this.
Everything is good for Bitcoin because it is either evidence that honey badger don’t give a shit or it’s market val… https://t.co/hMPQ0aVsOZ
@mangicrypto @LNconf Liquid is another option, sure.
“Enterprise Lightning FTW”
My @LNconf presentation explaining why enterprise adoption of Lightning Network is cruci… https://t.co/0w8OyTIEQC
@AriannaSimpson I’m so senior I have 17 unpublished blog posts. 😔
@GaryLeland @ZeusLN Hi Gary, I just duplicated this on my end - looks like a validation error. We’ll get this fixed shortly.
We’re hiring engineers at @CasaHODL!
* Senior Android
* Senior iOS
* Full Stack
Check out the details at https://t.co/Yq0tXslRMW
@JimJones1913 @cryptosteel @mobitcon This will be fun to test - the quadrat register comes with 2 15mm hex wrenches… https://t.co/rBMI5flISg
@ollieleeech @cryptosteel @mobitcon Yeah, I reviewed it in my last round and it did very well. https://t.co/L3CWM1OPyY
Looking forward to my next steel backup stress test since there are many new devices on the market! Especially inte… https://t.co/PktSX3WIKD
@herminghaus Well I only had the carry on so I didn’t think of checking it… thankfully it was pretty painless to check it.
In hindsight it was a bad idea to pack this private key backup device that is essentially a sealed steel pipe in my… https://t.co/8p3dQ7HhHm
“DeFi for Defiance” - my keynote at DeFi Dapps Day in Tel-Aviv. https://t.co/CMSmoQNqpE
Common Lightning App vulnerabilities:
* Multiple withdrawals when payments are stuck in flight
* 0 fee withdrawals… https://t.co/BuFhNjRau7
RGB is a meta scam that enables scammers to create crypto assets that are fast, fungible, and don’t pollute our bel… https://t.co/4Q65tqvB3S
“The Lightning Network treats censorship as a routing failure and simply routes around it.” - @J9Roem #TLC2019
RT @LNconf: Day 2 of #TLC2019 is live! Catch the livestream here:
“An HTLC is escrow without a trusted third party, where the escrow is redeemed by revealing a preimage.” @tgriff3 #TLC2019
“Circular rebalancing of liquidity is a zero sum game. You probably won’t be able to solve all of your lightning li… https://t.co/LccMkvixnk
@lalleclausen Look at the graphs - it means 90% of possible payments complete in less than that. In fact, the major… https://t.co/8DXPO5fANG
@lalleclausen No, that’s not what “within” means.
“If you are a Bitcoin wallet and you don’t implement Lightning, you’re going to die.” - Thomas Voegtlin #TLC2019
“It took 18 months to add Lightning support to Electrum and it now comprises 25% of the core codebase.” - Thomas Voegtlin #TLC2019
“The Lightning Network needs better price discovery for liquidity. To make this possible we need to finish dual fun… https://t.co/VvoXW3RZhr

Purchasing a “Hal Ginny” with Lightning from a robot bartender. No AML/KYC required ðŸ#TLC20190pic.twitter.com/Nb871fR7GC7GC
Over the past 8 months the Lightning Network grew by a variety of metrics, but it also became objectively more dece… https://t.co/9AphAMIC3D
Lightning Network probing performed by @snyke suggests that 90% of payments can be completed within 4 attempts / 30… https://t.co/KP4CAV8Xgf
We choose to engineer non-custodial solutions not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because that challeng… https://t.co/tEQtUXFL9o
“Rendevous routing preserves payer privacy for refunds.” - @rusty_twit #TLC2019
RT @LNconf: The Lightning Conference is here! If you can’t make it, you can find the live stream and recordings on our YouTube page here: h…
Soon a bunch of people will prematurely celebrate the minting of the 18,000,000th bitcoin b/c they’re viewing calcu… https://t.co/2Hfe3pAE3n

Speaking at the Cypherpunk Meetup in Berlin! pic.twitter.com/pLiSuY0Vo6
A simple trial comparing a lump sum investment in BTC to dollar cost averaging over a year found that lump sum stil… https://t.co/EHUEzTAsPZ
If it pleases The Crown, might I roast & consume the seeds from my jack-o’-lantern to avoid paying tribute? https://t.co/TO9JiiWvRD
@nic__carter I was stuck in Newark for 9 hours yesterday due to a combination of maintenance, weather, and frustrat… https://t.co/p701t3txBo
We’re looking to hire another Client Advisor at @CasaHODL - DM @rhizo_michael if you’re interested! https://t.co/EFeyxKCOAR
@sundaywar To be fair, in that article I said “This is the method I used before we created Casa, which is a robust… https://t.co/xrLtedBcK5
RT @CasaHODL: Not all key distribution systems are created equal.
In this post @lopp details the problems of Shamir’s Secret Sharing, how…
@hudsonjameson @DZack23 You are free to override the recommended safety limits if you wish. It’s a not a hard rule, just a default policy.
@matthewjablack @CasaHODL It gets more expensive to spend UTXOs and creates a more identifiable fingerprint for the redeem scripts.
@matthewjablack @CasaHODL I’d expect most folks would want an inheritance redemption to also be multisig, but sure.
@matthewjablack @CasaHODL Lots of interesting possibilities if you write more and more complex locking scripts, but… https://t.co/UL155iiwPT
@matthewjablack @CasaHODL Yes, which means you can’t spend the UTXO if locked with CTLV. There’s probably a novel w… https://t.co/hFbSLaF6lQ
@matthewjablack @CasaHODL I’ve thought extensively about locktime applications and there are 2 huge problems.
1. It… https://t.co/dHvJZA0UDd
@JEhrenhofer @TheStalwart This is more a story of people trusting a single maintainer rather than a whole project.… https://t.co/LYNW3Frbua
@JEhrenhofer @TheStalwart And how well did that work, hmmmm?
@DJThistle01 If it’s about scaling, you’ll eventually find yourself at an impasse. That’s because the fundamental i… https://t.co/KHpNhpuM9S
@PeterMcCormack @Bitcoin_Beyond @HotepJesus @DJThistle01 @kurtwuckertjr @ToneVays @WhalePanda @NeerajKA… https://t.co/sajK1taq7J
@TheStalwart Let me know when miners form an unbreakable cartel that identifies users and blacklists their transact… https://t.co/FLcMJ5np0h
RT @CasaHODL: Announcing Casa Covenant!
A Bitcoin Inheritance Service that solves the question:
“What happens to my bitcoin when I die?â€â€¦
I’ll be doing an AMA with @BrianLockhart in 2 hours on /r/cryptocurrency! https://t.co/VrJgtaqKYH
I had an excellent discussion with @ThomasEWoods about how cryptography enables personal sovereignty - check it out! https://t.co/lpA5Niq6DW
@erik_jacobi @CasaHODL We want to do as much as possible to reduce the trust required to use Casa products, but bui… https://t.co/Uf9JWWNU5j
@cryptospudd @CasaHODL This is something we’ve found ourselves having to do in many cases - eventually explain ever… https://t.co/nZcvJskd1u
@simoncmccabe @CasaHODL It’s a complicated situation with several trade-offs. Some folks will disagree with those t… https://t.co/E4D7ZXIAQk
So you want an anonymous internet connection? Your mileage may vary depending upon the ISP. You can often bypass th… https://t.co/lI8mjX7jEd

If you don’t define success for yourself you run the risk of allowing others to define it for you. pic.twitter.com/ezNVTlhvo1
“The State will of course try to slow or halt the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, use… https://t.co/6RLATChieC
@bradmillscan @CasaHODL IDK why the faraday bag would cause anything weird with the x-ray machine, but I haven’t tested it myself.
@CryptoDeleted It would be fun if you start compiling stats.
* Who deletes the most tweets?
* How quickly are their… https://t.co/Vn0jVemHpg

TGIF; let the minimum 1 satoshi / vbyte fee UTXO consolidations and coinjoins commence! pic.twitter.com/XbTSrBWaaT
This is good for Bitcoin; now the concept of virtual currency gets foisted upon every American taxpayer! https://t.co/18JBFLnyzs
.@IntelTechniques has written the definitive guide that I wish had existed back when I decided to improve my privac… https://t.co/0tWBdQwM1S
RT @tomerfederman: It was a pleasure hosting @lopp from @CasaHODL on the #blockchain #VC podcast. This one is a must-listen if you want to…
This is a neat new visualization of recent bitcoin transactions that makes it abundantly clear that some services a… https://t.co/XzuLevu4xd
RT @ChaincodeLabs: Rolling out our Bitcoin Protocol Development Curriculum: https://t.co/KnthrOGaw2.
Seminar videos, study groups, and a s…
@MatthewZipkin That’s one interpretation but based upon the IRS’ description of an airdrop (which is vague enough t… https://t.co/HpLEoPbrfY
Citizens: “Please provide crypto guidance!”
Govt: “Grab the airdrop and smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. Then… https://t.co/hCZrReol3F
4. What if spending your fork coins poses privacy and security risks you want to avoid?
5. What if the fork coin ha… https://t.co/fifr5obs3W
Today’s IRS guidance is a hot mess.
1. What if you have keys but no software from which to spend the asset?
2. Wha… https://t.co/z921EOoTSQ
@lightcoin But some multicoin wallets and exchanges will automatically add support.
BRB gonna go create taxable income for all of you against your wishes. https://t.co/o48rWVniXy
@jimmysong Several folks got really frustrated that Bitcoin wasn’t evolving the way they envisioned and they gracio… https://t.co/fjcar6m6sg
@errrrrrrrrrre @CasaHODL As you noted, the hardware can support it. I would like for it to eventually be an option.
Reminder: @CasaHODL Gold customers don’t just receive a node, they’re buying a personal sovereignty package!… https://t.co/E9s70bRSxA
@rjurney Governments can certainly try to interfere; we’ve got plenty of historical examples of what happened to th… https://t.co/rICSsXW060
@rjurney More than just clever, as many smart folks aren’t financially successful. Also requires drive to take risk… https://t.co/EgnOIs0i7j
@rjurney Indeed, and work is not value. https://t.co/29BQQxstUC
@pierre_rochard Ah yeah, looks like it was committed into a separate feature branch but never released.
@pierre_rochard The catastrophic consensus bug at fork time never got fixed, did it?
For $10 on Amazon you can make several capitalist pigs even wealthier! Makes a great gift! https://t.co/LLLjPprCgw https://t.co/mqq1UwPxBd
@ImranLorgat @CasaHODL @SatsApp Both, though you shouldn’t expect to earn much via routing fees at this time. You c… https://t.co/Cui4hVC44I
RT @PeterMcCormack: Looky looky @CasaHODL just announced the Casa Node 2…I better give one away.
For a chance to win ReTweet this, shar…
RT @CasaHODL: 🥞 Earn Bitcoin with Casa Node 2 for supporting the Bitcoin network with @SatsApp and Node Heartbeats!! https://t.co/vAS4Du4nks
RT @CasaHODL: 🖥 Totally new design of NodeOS with dark mode and more! https://t.co/BguDxeUjIx
RT @CasaHODL: Announcing Casa Node 2!
âš¡ï¸ Faster and more powerfulÂ
😎 Gorgeous new NodeOS update
🔲 BTCPay Server Support
Oh yeah, and dark…
@StevieJarosz You’re not wrong, though I don’t think your point refutes mine. I’d argue that crony capitalism invol… https://t.co/XO9gSMcNQo
Statements like this make perfect sense if you don’t understand risk, leverage, or the subjective theory of value. https://t.co/BBgvc36f8F
In the year 2320 the 40,000 surviving heirs of the Underwood clan shall gather in New Tokyo. At last, they will be… https://t.co/WIA1hdrzFi

@stacyherbert The more coins you’ve lost, the greater your contribution! pic.twitter.com/iR9Fk83Wy5
It is a faux pas to ask how much bitcoin someone owns. However, it’s acceptable and often entertaining to ask early… https://t.co/Gk7NSN5ITr
RT @Bitcoin: Recently:
1. Turkey froze 3m+ bank accounts.
2. Hong Kong ATM withdrawals restricted.
3. Reserve Bank of India ordered PMC Ba…
Cryptography is amazing b/c it enables (cheap) asymmetric defense & raises the cost of attack extraordinarily high.… https://t.co/thF7WLHcgQ
@TruthRaiderHQ @chipbutty @tchabes @brian_e_conley @PeterMcCormack Firing a taser requires you to be within 20 feet… https://t.co/EQMqfHuGAj
@pdubl22 @coolman_kurt @PeterMcCormack Absolutely!
@chipbutty @tchabes @brian_e_conley @TruthRaiderHQ @PeterMcCormack Tasers are only effective about half the time th… https://t.co/HBl2wAUkFC
@ddos1271 @DavidBurkett38 @jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack I’m not suggesting otherwise; people just… https://t.co/xI8xCa1N1D
@DavidBurkett38 @jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack The tricky thing about less lethal weapons is they… https://t.co/C0IKwtbt50
@DavidBurkett38 @jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack No, he was far too close and had no backup. 21 foot… https://t.co/3xQuPkLzMq
@jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack There are no such guarantees when it comes to the effectiveness of… https://t.co/sBVGelQJW3
@olthoff @PeterMcCormack “Easily?” No. Tasers have a high failure rate; they are best used when the officer deployi… https://t.co/4seXnsGNPI
@jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack You underestimate the damage that can be caused by a blow to the he… https://t.co/d58MNIvvL5
@austinmcraig @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack There is plenty of room for improvement to steer away from “warrior me… https://t.co/BLlwKBxRKX
@jimmy007forsure @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack Cops are trained not to deploy less lethal force against subjects h… https://t.co/XS607Rizpz
@ProofofCorn @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack Based upon the limited context of the video clip, I’d agree - he had pl… https://t.co/Lj7xjGIZ6x
RT @AlyseKilleen: /u/nullc (Greg Maxwell), “A far bigger risk to Bitcoin [than a 51% attack] is that the public using it won’t understand,…
@taurinoman @devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack What goes up must come down…
@doormaus @PeterMcCormack They’d have to resort to overwhelming force via sheer numbers, which may or may not be an… https://t.co/IuJ34EoSES
@coolman_kurt @PeterMcCormack Police are trained not to use less lethal force unless there is backup available with… https://t.co/R4JwyMwCN4
@devilninja777 @PeterMcCormack That’s not how firearm training works. If you choose to deploy lethal force, you kee… https://t.co/oly1iyCCue
@Bitlumio Is zigzag.bitlum.io no longer operational?
@Lightblock_me Looks like your site is down; are you working on fixing it?
@minecoins247365 Mischaracterization; my statement was more analogous to “you should understand the rules of footba… https://t.co/YFKQ5d8dv6
@minecoins247365 Then you’ll be in a better position to do so and won’t make ignorant armchair comments on what should have been done.
Anyone who wants to critique law enforcement videos should educate themselves on the difficulty in safely subduing… https://t.co/wNUDvTJSjv
@brian_e_conley @TruthRaiderHQ @PeterMcCormack De-escalating is the right answer IMO. Using less lethal force such… https://t.co/c09uZMfI8M
@APompliano While this situation looks like the officer could have easily de-escalated and had a different outcome,… https://t.co/sAcsOBD05l
@PeterMcCormack Because you could easily miss, the round ricochets off the ground, and hits an innocent bystander.
@Investnoir See you soon!
Users of @Trezor’s web wallet should NOT visit it by typing “https://t.co/ZTH56WFMys” into your b… https://t.co/6yxZf6Hxw0
@nic__carter What about @krakenfx? https://t.co/Icqr44R1cO
@ArnaudMilo @Wasted_Sleep @j_sweigart @Snowden @facebook You say “contact list”
I say “social graph that can easily… https://t.co/ooMNoe7189
RT @lrvick: @Ben_Sharp_ @lopp “Privacy” tools that demand phone numbers disregard the 150+ countries whose citizens are legally required to…
@RonNoble The sticking point w/this issue is that tragedies of the commons are notoriously difficult problems to ov… https://t.co/2MgZ2i3Aoo
@ErikVoorhees If the thought is actually accurate then Bernie may be one of humanity’s greatest threats! 😬
@udiWertheimer Or steal all of their resources and put them under control of a bureaucracy! Surely that would be ab… https://t.co/z4TBRnwLMy
After watching “Inside Bill’s Brain” I can’t help but wonder: what if the only viable solution for humanity to be s… https://t.co/zZlmFRRmEo
@CharlieShrem @JeredKenna I think it’s inevitable that some things change as our understanding of Bitcoin continues… https://t.co/uctw4sDjFT
@JeredKenna Sounds like you need to cultivate your chamber a bit more. Ignore the shallow folks who focus on price;… https://t.co/K9RnuzTkxd
RT @meeDamian: Next gen Bitcoin software must/will have to:
• Implement all best practices under-the-hood
• Offer delightful UI & UX
• Com…