@nbalajiv @AriannaSimpson @VinnyLingham How much does an entry level smartphone cost in India?
@jimlyndon @AriannaSimpson @VinnyLingham Pretty sure those aren’t capable of running bitcoin wallet software though.
@AriannaSimpson @VinnyLingham Sure, but $2 / day poor? If so, how? State subsidized phones?
@darraez @VinnyLingham How is someone making $4 a month able to use Bitcoin? How can they afford to buy computing hardware?
@wintermute616 @VinnyLingham That’s still the case, but it’s going to take a lot of work to get there. Patience.
@Jim_Harper @VinnyLingham Patience is key; hardware costs will continue to drop. I don’t see folks with incomes of… https://t.co/4VP02iXdbI
@VinnyLingham You should probably focus on getting internet connections and computing hardware into the hands of th… https://t.co/H3YYmtcEnp
@flyosity @asmallteapot It sounds like you’re asking about the IRS probe; it’s irrelevant to custodianship - they’r… https://t.co/JJRzGSc8JG
@collegefundlock @VinnyLingham @timoncc @JavierGonzalez @ProfFaustus @michaelaudoux @alansilbert @PeterRizun @spair… https://t.co/pcI9iivk5e
@VinnyLingham @timoncc @JavierGonzalez @ProfFaustus @michaelaudoux @alansilbert @PeterRizun @spair @OneMorePeter Mo… https://t.co/AEsIrUoORi
@perplextus @iCreateOFX @jratcliff @VinnyLingham @BronxR @solitude_dude2 @JackMallers @pdubl22 @lightning That’s wh… https://t.co/MO51NFLwKD
@iCreateOFX @jratcliff @VinnyLingham @BronxR @solitude_dude2 @JackMallers @perplextus @pdubl22 @lightning L2 soluti… https://t.co/L9gjmwqIX3
@VinnyLingham @JackMallers @jratcliff @perplextus @pdubl22 ROFL, perhaps they meant @lightning Labs?
@ericschmidt I think the “c” is always lowercase. 😬
We could certainly use more women to balance out the crypto asset space. You never hear of ladies promising to cut… https://t.co/DDklUkZcY6
The trick is enjoying the drops as much as the ascents! pic.twitter.com/NcGXJs7e9u
@nathanielpopper @ZackKorman Bitcoin has a plethora of features and more are being discovered / created all the tim… https://t.co/1XIgcZVT8S
@Truthcoin @ChristopherA Bruh I need about tree Finney.
@drewpotential Do you remember how many you had? We should add it to the list of permanently lost coins! https://t.co/mK28P82r1f
@Falkvinge You’re challenging folks to spam your blockchain with NO-OPs? Challenge accepted!
@Truthcoin You think they’d commit nuclear suicide?
RT @btcWhaleclub: Nasdaq news confirmed! https://t.co/tR8pjFhvue
@gbellos I have no opinion; I don’t use it nor have I investigated it. Seems unlikely that it’s the sole reason for this bubble though.
@blockjain If you don’t want to be outbid on the fee market then you can either overbid with your fees or us RBF to… https://t.co/DLfik0A4bI
@brianchoffman @marceljamin @alansilbert @adam3us @theonevortex @theinstagibbs Yep, RBF adds complexity to UX which… https://t.co/z8HQS3tL6e
@brianchoffman @marceljamin @alansilbert @adam3us @theonevortex The best practice is to not try to predict the futu… https://t.co/V6iKzvBqBj
@agiletortoise @flyosity Miners shall continue to innovate and seek out cheap sources of energy. https://t.co/RyvTWkfNEn
RT @Excellion: #Bitcoin passes $10,000! 🎉🎉🎉 It’s a huge milestone and definitely cause for celebrations! At the same time we should remembe…
@TexasCoinman @APompliano @BrendanBlumer The market disagrees with your claim and continues to pay for massive comp… https://t.co/jUHaPWoXrP
RT @APompliano: We built the world’s first waste-to-energy cryptocurrency mine. This is the first of many announcements to come. More here:…
Logical opinions to have if you believe nation states should dictate how money works. Thankfully we’re moving past… https://t.co/LTRIpnPlua
@flyosity It’s nice that he’s signaling his true beliefs so that we don’t have to speculate.
The one constant has been broken. No longer does 1 BTC always = 1 BTC. Now 1 old BTC >= 1 new BTC. https://t.co/Q7kQ1hVdOa
1 millibit pic.twitter.com/jiMkOWZAgp
@lorcacons @kyletorpey @bitfinex @BitGo The claim is not that everyone gets confused, but /some/ do and others make… https://t.co/00llWOTKuA
@fluffypony @Excellion Can’t believe I missed that one!
Just for fun, “Satoshi Nakamoto” is an anagram of:
“OK, as a hoot, I’m Stan”
“I am NSA, took oaths”
“NSA is OOOK at… https://t.co/JTtaxFLVw3
@brianchoffman @VinnyLingham @CryptoCurrent @alansilbert @PeterRizun @spair @OneMorePeter Correct; there is no SegW… https://t.co/sYoWN2GuON
@TuurDemeester Seems like you’d need to do the math on how much value can be captured from payment rails and compar… https://t.co/iyWn7NtfGY
@VinnyLingham @CryptoCurrent @alansilbert @PeterRizun @spair @OneMorePeter The BCH network does not have the concept of a SegWit address.
@alansilbert I’m not sure it’s even worth talking about it any more; they can do what they want with their own network.
@BASED_GOSH I’m not betting on it doing well long term. https://t.co/gM08n16WD1
As we near $10,000 Bitcoin is almost certainly going to crash. The question is if it’s going to crash downwards or… https://t.co/fqL8e3ERjI
@BTCVIX @Bitfinexed Oof, clearly a bubble in the making!
@Y3llowb1ackbird Haha, in my experience crypto assets and personal finance forums are like oil and water.
@brianchoffman I’ve thought about paying of my mortgage but the math just doesn’t work out. Better to keep the capital in crypto.
@BashCo_ @ziggamon Thanks; added the conference videos to lopp.net/bitcoin.html
Don’t underestimate the power of exponential trends. Bitcoin could crash 50% right now and it would be a 2 month se… https://t.co/bOsVxKc1ck
The moment you proclaim “Bitcoin is defined by metric X” you have become an authoritarian and are automatically wro… https://t.co/x1Yb42ipNp
@flyosity Try to keep up! ðŸ˜
@ergophobe @ytDiego @PeterRizun @marckenigsberg @rogerkver @barrysilbert @dan_pantera @tedmrogers @brian_armstrong… https://t.co/ZhRwJVFEr8
@IAmReidiculous By route around I simply mean stop using them, not some sort of automated switching algorithm.
@IAmReidiculous @Blockstream Satellite & the radio research by @eiaine & @NickSzabo4 presented at @ScalingBitcoin recently.
@IAmReidiculous If ISPs try to screw with Bitcoin network data propagation then we’ll route around them. It’s prefe… https://t.co/sR724fBUqj
You can try to trap Bitcoin inside of a governance model you devise, but it will slip through your fingers and the… https://t.co/FPouHxSUAF
@PeterRizun @rogerkver @barrysilbert @dan_pantera @tedmrogers @brian_armstrong @TimDraper @AdamDraper @shak It’s an… https://t.co/JshDex93I0
@brianchoffman He also punked Hugh Hefner 🤣
@PeterRizun @rogerkver @barrysilbert @dan_pantera @tedmrogers @brian_armstrong @TimDraper @AdamDraper @shak Bitcoin… https://t.co/RbvwRU70mv
@OptionCrew I’ve generally had the best experience with @GeminiDotCom
RT @TraceMayer: Ok @jimmysong. New article: The Great Bitcoin Bull Market Of 2017. Please eviscerate the arguments & assertions! 🚀 @aantono…
@brentmarshall @RetireOnBitcoin Yep, buy the dip / sell the top.
@ErikVoorhees @elonmusk I seem to recall that Elon has chased after and received quite a bit of money that was extorted from citizens.
@LitecoinPR It takes a lot of engineering work to add support for new crypto assets; it’s not clear when or if we will support BTG.
@six42am BTFD = Buy The Fucking Dip
STFT = Sell The Fucking Top
HODL = hold (do nothing)
It’s easy to BTFD because there’s a very clear floor of 0. It’s pretty hard to STFT because there’s no clear ceilin… https://t.co/mWJLf8MFMJ
@Ask_Lou Can anything be stopped by governments? How’s that War on Drugs/Terror/Poverty/etc going?
It’s easy to HODL when your assets are increasing in value. During the inevitable correction only the BODL will see… https://t.co/L7nvA1r8iA
There will be bumps along the way, but the disbelief shall remain palpable. https://t.co/Om8kC50BaB
@TheLandonBarks Maybe, as it is a major psychological milestone. Seems like we’re overdue for a correction, but bitcoin often surprises us.
@perrymetzger @prestonjbyrne Sounds like it’s time to adjust your perspective to match reality rather than expectin… https://t.co/CsuObgdkKg
Why has the #bitcoin exchange rate been zooming in 2017? Demand is increasing faster than ever. H/T @alistairmilne… https://t.co/vurjBClY96
JimBTC are you happy now? pic.twitter.com/rdjlNJHKtM
$500 Billion to go in order to break into the top 10. lopp.net/m1/rank.html pic.twitter.com/Ea7XUizZKc
@_sleepless_1 @LukeDashjr @mbrochh @Daniel_Plante @adam3us @Hermetec @petertoddbtc @eric_lombrozo @NickSzabo4 Why a… https://t.co/bYOzme5hOv
@wbauthor @whatcanudoman @Macrike Ledger Nano S is very secure and supports a variety of crypto assets.
@wbauthor @whatcanudoman @Macrike If you don’t control the keys to the crypto asset, it’s not really yours. You sho… https://t.co/sdeyGRRih0
@twobitidiot I don’t recommend bringing a wrench to a gunfight, but to each their own…
@kryptocoin99 Possibly, though there will be additional security considerations because you’ll be operating a hot wallet.
@kryptocoin99 Yes, LN node operators will be directly incentivized to support the network because they can collect fees to route payments.
@George_harrap BitGo only offers non-custodial multisignature wallets.
@CryptoPoller Because “broadcast your data to everyone” doesn’t scale. Need more efficient routed networks. Watch… https://t.co/stoeeuYTQi
The Lightning Network is a Bitcoin Cache. Not to be confused with Bitcache or Bcash. 😬 https://t.co/pSGQC83s2U
@brianchoffman There will always be problems. As a NAP proponent I see it as an ethical issue, not the gateway to utopia.
@VinnyLingham Someone needs to create an altcoin airdrop generator a la @TheBlueMatt’s CoinGen site so that we can… https://t.co/ystgAAT6ml
@_drgo Laws? You mean those things that politicians come up with and use to terrorize citizens into compliance via… https://t.co/yhjJpWxEC1
@RiotPhillybrew Any service where you send your crypto assets to them and you no longer control the private keys to… https://t.co/9PFzMu0fPi
Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems that addressing problems resulting from monopolies by appealing to more p… https://t.co/Ut4U8B3Kup
@ashishansal If you don’t have the cryptographic keys to spend the crypto assets whenever you want, you’re using a… https://t.co/NxrWtEVOFt
Reason #472 to avoid custodial crypto services: you leave some assets with a custodian, they insanely increase in v… https://t.co/ASdR55qVH7
Looking forward to having @jimmysong speak about Bitcoin’s antifragility to @TriangleBitcoin on December 5 - we’ll… https://t.co/RmFvXH5sR5
@BitWealthy @lucaitrento @el33th4xor I got into Bitcoin for ideological reasons; never in my wildest dreams did I e… https://t.co/xooG2katXX
@el33th4xor Trying to predict the future of Bitcoin is like trying to predict the future evolution of a recently di… https://t.co/to9dpL1TDZ
@el33th4xor I think you’re a bit caught up in the whole “Dragon’s Den / Core Troll Army” rhetoric to see my broader… https://t.co/IfJ0Xu5OBF
@el33th4xor Dragons are unknown unknowns - they will be there regardless of how they are portrayed.
No one who makes it to the bottom of the Bitcoin rabbit hole returns to tell the tale because there be dragons in t… https://t.co/Bc6NvLv0Nh
@ak_kim0 @VinnyLingham Service providers have to invest development resources and infrastructure to add support for… https://t.co/qFLqcKB0Gy
@VinnyLingham Unfortunately the free money myth is becoming a problem for service providers because it is free from… https://t.co/06beWxmsuP
@IronLotusPT I intend to liquidate any airdrops that achieve sufficient value to make the effort worth my time.
@IronLotusPT The safe/conservative choice is to do nothing. However, if you feel strongly about one fork over anoth… https://t.co/RubTHXvGkV
@VinnyLingham I can assure you that costs are being paid by someone.
Every day is Black Friday for long-term bitcoin HODLers. Keep your time preference low and your wallet frosty.
Signs you’re in The South (of ‘Murica) pic.twitter.com/9Cm5U3kk48
lopp If you’re currently waiting on a new account at a Bitcoin exchange/broker to get verified and enabled, how long have you been waiting?
@twobitidiot They celebrate Thanksgiving in Korea?
@twobitidiot Exchange sound money for unsound money? Madness!
Beleaguered Bitcoiners beset by butthurt: be bitter or become better builders.
@jeffreyatucker Let’s check back in on this in a year or two. https://t.co/gM08n16WD1
My face when surrounded by extended family at Thanksgiving. pic.twitter.com/EiCW2NcMG2
You mean there’s more to a crypto asset’s value than just transaction volume? 🤔 https://t.co/BLyWG9BpQs
An overview of Prova and @RoyalMintGold I gave at @TriangleBitcoin https://t.co/1iL6zaAWxy
If you’re currently waiting on a new account at a Bitcoin exchange/broker to get verified and enabled, how long have you been waiting?
RT @AGSchneiderman: Over the last 6 mos, my office has investigated a massive scheme to corrupt the @FCC’s comment process on #NetNeutralit…
RT @LukeDashjr: @jimyoung2817 @eric_lombrozo @adam3us @Daniel_Plante @_MicheleSeven @Hermetec @petertoddbtc @lopp @NickSzabo4 @TREZOR @bisq…
@rogerkver @barrysilbert @dan_pantera @tedmrogers @brian_armstrong @TimDraper @AdamDraper @shak This comparison doe… https://t.co/PMjGpkfeKl
@eyeone I doubt most of our transactions are B2B; they’re generally B2C. Exchange => user, user => exchange and suc… https://t.co/9EvrlSFUar
Bitcoin is a lesson in personal responsibility; ignorance is negligence. Learn from cryptohistory and other people’… https://t.co/rNYbEUiko9
@Midas__Mulligan It’s fine to use such services for buying and selling; minimize your risk by keeping crypto assets… https://t.co/jPmD8QS5QF
@FFBitcoins No one has the power to exclude people or stop them from making poor decisions in this system.
@voince A hardware wallet such as a Trezor or Ledger.
@FFBitcoins If they only way they can partake is by introducing systemic risk then no, better for everyone if they stay away.
@FFBitcoins Coinbase has pretty strong security, but if you keep your money stored with them you have completely mi… https://t.co/ConEPHyJDr
There’s no stop loss order that can stop your loss if a crypto asset exchange is compromised. ‘Tis safer to HODL than to FODL.
RT @NickSzabo4: At first, they say it’s “theoretically impossible.â€
Then, “Maybe possible, but certainly not practical.”
Then, “But only…
@mizteranders0n Be fearful when people are greedy and greedy when people are fearful.
Don’t buy bitcoin - it’s gonna crash! pic.twitter.com/anaDBea03p
Registered: 373,755
Renewed: 494,143
Expires: 599,333
Trustworthy timestamped history began at 0 on January 3 2009… https://t.co/adnSR5DEoJ
@masterofdisrupt Nope
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 162rUyjL1NiwHhWuta4KPExTamFZaSmMsD
Blockchain explorers are better with a third dimension! H/T @kevnsmall https://t.co/TLrME1ErpA https://t.co/eRt9LSIEd8
@masonic_tweets This is a actually a bitcoinjs error message. https://t.co/dfMpWEzCVH
@khannib If this is true, the person who recovered the BCH from SegWit addresses wants a 30% cut for their services. https://t.co/WNfJFBGKLo
Many OPSEC conscious long-term HODLers only whisper about Bitcoin in the shadows. You will never hear their names.… https://t.co/1QS12x5Fhh
RT @khannib: Someone claimed all the BCH sent to SegWit addresses (493 BCH, $610k). Hopefully with the intention to return it to their righ…
Nifty interactive visualization of a lightning network on testnet: stevenroose.github.io/lightninggraph/ pic.twitter.com/MDKnQl5qzk
@johnkingmars @JonathanSandals AKA a “dead man’s switch” - it’s possible but you’d want it to be extremely redundan… https://t.co/yBqWmX3iKu
@JonathanSandals Shouldn’t give it to anyone other than your heirs or executors of your last will & testament.
@JonathanSandals Very good. Make sure you have your recovery seed phrase backed up in multiple places!
@shaunmorse @datarade @Crypto_Sh Yep, hard to beat that combination of security + ease of use.
@KeithBean21 You shouldn’t keep any funds stored on custodial services unless you’re intentionally risking them in… https://t.co/lvuvYyUBbG
@datarade @Crypto_Sh Sounds decent though since it keeps all your private keys on your computer, I wouldn’t use it… https://t.co/bgRLfJJJSp
@Nitego29 Hardware wallets that support 12 or 24 word backups are probably the best option since you can easily imp… https://t.co/Ym4fseywPx
@Crypto_Sh Don’t use custodial wallets. Make sure that you have ways to recover your wallets with alternative softw… https://t.co/F3h2EkBv5s
@KevinKelbie Just a reminder.
The crypto asset space moves fast; don’t take anything for granted. What would happen if the company / developers b… https://t.co/ruS0dxShUL
@drwasho @openbazaar Done; added under vendor section.
No more BTC All Time High posts until Vegeta is ready. pic.twitter.com/zXwEomXpFT
RT @kyletorpey: “Segwit2x Bugs Explainedâ€â€Šâ€” @jimmysong https://t.co/6s5QQDe10W https://t.co/EfQkEbFOtA
RT @JackMallers: I was able to sync a @lightning node with @roasbeef and @stile65 new light client on my iPhone! I put a little UI on it an…
@BlockchainBrown All of the fees must be collected by addresses in outputs of the coinbase transaction. Miners at p… https://t.co/Jijng5Fajo
@PetitMonthie Check out https://t.co/5bBqEOuYOY
Have you considered doing an Initial Fork Offering? This idea might just have legs. https://t.co/5SL3PPiJTy
@EdwardKerstein Without any authorities to officially declare it dead, we can never be certain. But the effort appe… https://t.co/bySdpupplk
@paullinator I think we agree upon that. The question then comes down to “how much demand is enough?” That’s a hard… https://t.co/RZ2hJpSxWp
@paullinator We basically do when we tell our users that we have no plans to support it. It’s not worth our time. I… https://t.co/NSHCKSNkCF
@paullinator Exactly. I don’t get out of bed for dividends < 10%. 🙃
@paullinator Seems unlikely that such a chain would have much value, much like a chain fork that assigned a bunch o… https://t.co/EPICPLInLO
@paullinator A: Nothing. Same as with the vast majority of BItcoin forks.
Welcome to Bitcoin, newcomers! Here’s your FAQ:
Q: Who should I trust?
A: Nobody.
Q: When should I sell?
A: Never… https://t.co/Ilpd0cNlVX
Another BTC all time high, you say? Better get used to it. pic.twitter.com/iD2Jr7qU4a
@almogical That’s why I said “if” and chose conservative parameters. Not claiming this is the exact future.
Some may believe that the 0.2% daily price rise is a crazy assumption, but it’s quite conservative compared to Bitc… https://t.co/7TVrbvR3in
New adopters may never own a whole BTC (100,000,000 satoshis.) If you start buying $20 / day and price increases 0.… https://t.co/1fgPDBVo9r
jtepper2 Here are your banking mergers. pic.twitter.com/xRTW6PJeOG
Survey says: pic.twitter.com/wpW1XQ5pat
@ryanxdrake Hmmm not sure if they’re still for sale https://t.co/7SRsGMlBEl
Bitcoin Core == anyone who contributes. Those fixated on complaining about Core tend to be non-contributors or cont… https://t.co/xHS130sYaQ
@NakamotoInst Some new entries for The Skeptics: https://t.co/urtOb5XaBd
@C1aranMurray @alansilbert @twobitidiot @Joi @Rococo44 @bergealex4 @CharlieShrem @VinnyLingham @ConsenSys @tdryja… https://t.co/hV0KoT44L8
@jgarzik I think there may be a few other problems as well…
@jgarzik Don’t the nodes need to accept block 494783 first before anyone can create a big block at height 494784?
@brianchoffman Yep, I’m setting one aside myself! 🙃
Everyone who was running BTC1 (SegWit2X) nodes just got rekt. They all froze at height 494782 - 2 blocks before the… https://t.co/cjgbssrifN
@NickWalshBlog Hmmm I’d ask @ZeppelinOrg & @maraoz
@KevinKelbie Seems like with enough creativity, pretty much anything can be soft forked. Wouldn’t hold your breath… https://t.co/tSmUq3P0IW
The MimbleWimble testnet launched today! Instructions for building and running a node are available here: https://t.co/ojNwJqeicg
@twobitidiot Interesting theory. My asks are waiting.
RT @lightning: Today we’re excited to announce the first ever Lightning cross-chain swap from Bitcoin to Litecoin!âš¡ï¸â›”ï¸ðŸ’±
Check out the cod…
@Michael_Toth It’s possible but kludgy; you may not know when you’ll want to spend in the future. You’d have to be… https://t.co/zl4OIbNKQK
Don’t talk about your crypto assets unless you’re prepared to defend yourself. Owners are juicy targets due to the… https://t.co/oTlqGkg4bJ
@SimplyBarter @twobitidiot @jratcliff @Joi @Rococo44 @bergealex4 @CharlieShrem @VinnyLingham @ConsenSys @tdryja… https://t.co/GwEEl7R8pz
@datarade @el33th4xor @adam3us @ummjackson @martindale BTC: Targets low cost of full validation at expense of high… https://t.co/qA3E7dSoZv
@datarade @el33th4xor @adam3us @ummjackson @martindale I’ve got your conclusion right here: https://t.co/G7icKPcZQm
@emilepetrone @blockstack One of the few non-scammy ICOs in the world 😀
@moonsh0t_crypt0 (Assuming you mean you’re running the bitcoin node in tor only mode.)
@moonsh0t_crypt0 Definitely more effective.
@trippysalmon Planning on adding @BitcoinClashic support soon?
@moonsh0t_crypt0 Bitcoin traffic is unencrypted so sure, someone could “sniff it” but that’s not a security concern… https://t.co/Jjhz19dMGu
@moonsh0t_crypt0 “bitcoind -listen=0” you mean? By default every node creates 8 outgoing connections. That option j… https://t.co/z66UJGRLDk
@hcarpach @bitcoincoreorg @_jonasschnelli_ @adam3us @TheBlueMatt @LukeDashjr @petertoddbtc @morcosa I’ve never hear… https://t.co/slKZwsc02u
@twobitidiot @jratcliff @Joi @Rococo44 @bergealex4 @CharlieShrem @VinnyLingham @ConsenSys @tdryja @neha @roasbeef… https://t.co/i7ZbvXF96W
Keep tweeting; it’s working! 😉 https://t.co/Rtc41DLEpi https://t.co/yQILBKOw4d
@CryptoBearBear I found this to be pretty interesting: https://t.co/pnGKyD2GXJ
@VinnyLingham I recommend going with your heart and HODLing what you believe in.