The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 2022

Loss leadership, brought to you by Costco

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@pitchb3nd @BashCo_ @viaj3ro @orionwl Straw man. No one is claiming that harming people is an acceptable practice.

via Twitter for Android in reply to pitchb3nd

@NeerajKA I do that but for buttcoiners. One of my favs gave up trolling bitcoiners and now trolls MLB fans.

via Twitter for Android in reply to NeerajKA

RT @bitrefill: New Cards Monday 🌐 Thread below 💇
@CasaHODL Gold 1 Year Subscription

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@BigDidley You’re merely making a strawman argument. People who find legitimate weaknesses in crypto systems don’t…

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@BigDidley Price has nothing to do with it. The point is that talk is cheap and the incentives already exist so tha…

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“Bitcoin has a huge flaw and could be easily attacked by ________!”

Cool story. You should open a short and execut…

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When we are dreaming alone it’s only a dream. When we are dreaming with others it’s the beginning of a new reality.

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Trudeau continues to show tyrants will use the flimsiest of fear-riddled excuses to further disempower citizens.


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@pitchb3nd @BashCo_ @viaj3ro @orionwl We’re used to making technical arguments; folks who use incorrect terms displ…

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@PeterMcCormack You know how Bitcoin regulates itself? It’s like that.

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@PeterMcCormack with the pistol holstered in the small of her back, of course

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@bccponzi @PeterMcCormack Don’t be ridiculous; in order to transfer the maximum kinetic energy into the target you…

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12 suspects were arrested in Malaysia for a robbery resulting in the theft of 180 Bitcoin ASICs. They tied up secur…

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One of the strongest human urges is the desire to tell people how they should live their lives.

In times of prospe…

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@bargles The airline sent me emails asking me to, but I never did and there was no enforcement.

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@pitchb3nd @orionwl @BashCo_ ROFL school shootings and firearms are far from the top of the list of critical issues…

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I got scammed for $250 to take a rapid test for an international flight because the government web sites said a neg…

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@orionwl @BashCo_ Some of us stock armories in order to arm those without foresight, should SHTF

via Twitter for Android in reply to orionwl

Why we can’t have secure software, exhibit #63847:

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@wtogami @MsHodl @BashCo_ Suppressed .45 pistol with a stock and extended mag. I’m a fan of the Kriss Vector

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What most people miss about the “assault weapons” debate is that the 99.99% of “assault weapon” owners (in quotes b…

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@elonmusk Are you working on plans to swap out blood boys with brain boys in order to gain more time?

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@seanrainey it’s not an analogy
it’s a statistic

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@KanyeMetaverse murder is wrong
as is anthropomorphizing firearms

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@CaribbeanBTCho2 unclear, I’m told that AR-15s can’t possibly protect citizens from the government

via Twitter for Android in reply to CaribbeanBTCho2

@DEGENJackCrypt1 can i interest you in blueprints for a killdozer?

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@bccponzi To be clear, gun rights are defended with guns. The tweets are just for fun.

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@johnnymidlife It’s absolutely not similar, thus my tweet!

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@Marklar18073947 Um no, bullets don’t spontaneously take flight without a human pulling a trigger to strike a prime…

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@C1aranMurray Who said anything about banning them? You can’t can information.

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@MADHODL Well, yes, but that’s too complex of a topic for a tweet.

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@gevus1 modularity; it is a tool that can be customized for many purposes

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@Marklar18073947 Guns don’t kill anyone. Guns are USED to kill people. Don’t anthropomorphize firearms, it makes you look foolish.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Marklar18073947

@0x66613 government should make it illegal to murder

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Trigger warning: the AR-15 is the most widely owned rifle (by millions of citizens) in America and yet it is used t…

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@OneMorePeter Just you. Twitter is pretty dead, except for the wails of the scammed.

via Twitter for Android in reply to OneMorePeter

@tennisdata @masonic_tweets That was Soylent 1.0

2.0 is better, especially the coffee flavor.

via Twitter for Android in reply to tennisdata

@masonic_tweets I’ve never been as gassy as the 2 week stint when I only drank soylent.

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Thanks for the exit liquidity, Hexicans!

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@robustus Not unless I die or hit a million followers.

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What happens when the memelords are replaced by AI that can pump out content faster than an army of humans?

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@sethforprivacy I think *for outbound* is the important caveat, as you’re gonna have a hard time receiving payments…

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@danheld Police are mainly crime historians.

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Thou shalt not get triggered on Twitter lest thy tongue be sharp, wit be quick, and dunks be fire.

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@ville_chill From what I can tell ERCOT also has dynamic market pricing, which means that if there’s a pricing surg…

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@ville_chill Miners are incentivized to find the cheapest possible energy, which, by definition, is the energy with…

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Have you ever wondered why bitcoin miners sometimes create empty blocks despite there being unconfirmed transaction…

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we’re starting to see the consequences of high gas prices

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be your own first responder

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“Why should I care about Lightning Network when my credit card works just fine?”

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@FractalEncrypt ya I have an advance copy

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A new Faketoshi book is coming out soon. No, not that one. No, not that one either. The Pakistani one who “proves”…

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When this account reaches 1 million followers it will be time to retire it and only post from my alts.

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Twitter appears to have fixed the impersonation bot problem.

Or the bot operators suspended operations because we’…

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It turns out that announcing controversial content with “trigger warning” doesn’t actually prevent people from getting triggered.

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“They made ads for the new coin and I invested with them. The coin price went high on the launch, but only for 15 m…

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When you remove the geographic inflation imposed by the Mercator map projection:

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@rajgokal Oh OK, that explains why everyone found this tidbit to be so uninteresting.

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Bald eagles are the embodiment of ‘Murica

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@14erVibes @AltcoinPsycho Nah, I’m just capable of understanding the perspective of those who do.

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@AltcoinPsycho I guess you missed the tweet I posted before this one, eh?

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@rogerkver Hey Roger have you heard about Litecoin implementing mimblewimble extension blocks? This just might be a p2p cash worth shilling!

via Twitter for Android in reply to rogerkver

@BitcoinOllie I was saying your reply was astute 😉

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@pcts4you If you don’t understand how some people can believe that statement to be true then you’ll never understan…

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@giyom home school should drastically reduce the already very low risk

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@Tesho13 I think it would first be interesting to overlay this with a graph of the age distribution of people who vote.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Tesho13

@rcrsv obvs I throw them all on a trolley and push it to safety

via Twitter for Android in reply to rcrsv

@HanumanHumane Nope, only going with the CDC numbers for medical procedures.

via Twitter for Android in reply to HanumanHumane

The State values the lives of its enforcers more than that of other citizens. Just look at the legal protections af…

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@safetybobsf That’s good; the two scenarios are not equivalent.

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@theartlav Undocumented Americans are people too!

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@jespow @terra_money Maybe $LUNATIC would be a better warning

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@rcrsv Seems like there’s no consensus on what constitutes personhood!

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@TO I think I read somewhere that each ejaculation is the equivalent of 5.5 Hitlers

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Trigger warning: over 50 times as many Americans are killed every year by abortion procedures than are killed in a homicide with a firearm.

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@TO just keep trying, there’s no penalty for failure

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The talented twitter troll selects their words to trigger the maximum number of possible perspectives.

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Save yourself countless hours by getting the TL;DR on Terms of Service at

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Texas DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez told CNN that officers opted to wait outside for backup as the shooter rampaged inside…

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easy cumrocket
easy hexagon

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@0xMert_ Some would say counting consensus messages as transactions on your public dashboards is incredibly misleading 🤷‍♂️

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@papasaggs @Marbew_Lowd Republicans are statists; they only use anti-authoritarian narratives when it suits them.

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80%-90% of all Solana transactions are internal consensus messages made by validators rather than actual user trans…

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@CoinPurloin I’d suggest researching the reasons why the AR-15 platform has made it the 4th most mass produced rifl…

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@Marbew_Lowd Yes, it’s an anti-authoritarian cultural trait.

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@CoinPurloin There’s a saying that the only reason you should be using your sidearm is to fight your way to your rifle.

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Reasons to own firearms:

* hunting
* shooting sports
* defense of crops / livestock from wild animals
* defense of…

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Masculinity need not take root in toxicity.

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Cops have no problem waiting for backup. But you, dear citizen, do so at your own peril.

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Sounds like a lot of parents in Uvalde have learned a terrible truth about the nature of the folks they expected to…

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RT @isabelleboemeke: germany won’t bring back nuclear, but doesn’t think twice about bringing back coal

make it make sense

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has anyone investigated why there aren’t more shootings in federal buildings

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Mt personal success rate when ordering steaks cooked rare is under 5%. Not sure why this is so hard.

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@acr352 The only folks who can answer that question are Coinbase / Binance. It’s a black box to the rest of us.

via Twitter for Android in reply to acr352

@PeterMcCormack Watch out, now you’re going to get a “friendly invite” to “debate” the merits of the scam.

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If a dating app asks you to input your interests, don’t say “bitcoin” or “crypto” - that’s not going to attract the…

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A South Korean woman met a man on a chat app, drugged him, and stole $87,000 in crypto from his phone.

His phone w…

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On the bright side, none of them need to worry about getting monkeypox.

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@elonmusk Just need to increase our imports!

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Can’t help but think of the scene from Idiocracy when reading media articles these days.

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An ethics panel is investigating Congressman Cawthorn for promoting a shitcoin called “Let’s Go Brandon Coin” 😂

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“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” - Mario Andretti

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1. Call out scammer
2. Mute thread to silence scammer’s sycophants
3. Set calendar reminder for 5 years in the future
4. Enjoy schadenfreude

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RT @ElZonteCapital: El Salvador will be the center of the new financial and monetary universe and that is where EZCAP want to be

We’ll be…

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If your ___-to-earn scheme isn’t “work” or “take risk” then it’s unsustainable. Value can’t be created without one of those inputs.

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@SpartanBitcoin @Dr_CSWright @PeterMcCormack Yes there’s a reason why Wright is only using the court system in the…

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Sounds like Faketoshi scammer @Dr_CSWright is getting his ass handed to him in court. Welcome to law!

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5 years ago today the New York Agreement was proposed by 50+ companies at Consensus 2017. It intended to end Bitcoi…

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… but the $300K house you were saving for is now $500K

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A lot of scams in the crypto ecosystem simply prey on people who are bad at math.

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Indeed. Richard James Schueler made millions promoting fraudulent life-extension products and was named “Spam King”…

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RT @lopp: Military-industrial complex wants you to be cannon fodder.
Prison-industrial complex wants you to rot in a cell.

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@PeterMcCormack There is no best mattress because different bodies have different needs. It’s too personal of a pro…

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beware of moneypox

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Curating a list of consistent quality meme creators. Please reply with accounts you’d like to nominate.

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@soulexporter Do you still need testnet coins?

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When a poorly designed crypto token encounters a savvy attacker.

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12 years ago today, Laszlo Hanyecz had tens of thousands of bitcoin he had mined just burning a hole in his pocket.…

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Hospital bill for delivering a baby + 1 week recuperation in 1956.

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@stonecoldpat0 @acityinohio I thought it was a partially implemented poker game that didn’t even have a GUI.

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Weekend long read: can you take your bitcoin with you? It’s theoretically possible, but challenging to architect a…

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RT @ChartsBtc: 73 coins have appeared and fallen out of the Top 10. They averaged Top 10 status for 50 weeks but that’s pumped up by Litec…

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Billions in profits for 6 months of house arrest is still a pretty good trade.

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@danheld If they were looking for cryptographic weapons of math destruction, they dun goofed.

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@laurashin @CFTC @CarolineDPham Ask if she wants to change Bitcoin to Proof of Stake.

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Wanted: a chart that shows how long every crypto token that has made it into the “top 10” by market cap has remaine…

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@ODELL They did not, just got a swab test this time.

via Twitter Web App in reply to ODELL

@ChrisBlec Nah this was just a swab test; I guess they can ask to unlock by they can’t force compliance for PIN-based unlocks.

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Always power down your devices when passing through security checkpoints. I finally won the lottery and had my phon…

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@DavidSacks Can’t stock market devs do something?!?!

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TGIF; don’t try to deploy to production today!

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@paoloardoino @Melt_Dem @Timccopeland If USD goes into a death spiral then folks will be looking to dump it for BTC…

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@BillGates For a deep dive into how Bitcoin produces trust, see my article from 2016:

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Even @BillGates ignorantly classifies Bitcoin as an “unproductive asset.”

Bitcoin produces trust. It does so by re…

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@Melt_Dem had a truck for a decade and seemed like I only used it for trucking activities like once a year

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@volker_btc I like the performance but hate the surveillance

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I was looking at buying a new Corvette recently because of all the rave reviews, but they’re selling at Lambo prices now! No thank you.

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@TaylorGerring NPCs may identify as either

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@Semisol_Public At least you’re self-aware.

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Please spend 2 seconds answering this poll and retweet so that we have the largest possible sample size.

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@PeterMcCormack @ONTIERLLP LOL replies disabled ‘cuz they know they’d get ratio’d

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The road to lambo is paved with ramen.

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@mikegermano Neither. The “change the code” folks are already confused, which is why I’m more than happy to help them with the code.

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@SolGh0st @Melt_Dem @CryptoEthan enjoy your 15 minutes of fame for being a moron

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@SolGh0st @Melt_Dem @CryptoEthan delete your account and start over

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@hmichellerose Rip the band-aid off quickly rather than slowly.

Also I’d like to increase my citadel upgrade budget.

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@Southrye Same was true of the 2017 segwit fork due to it breaking covert ASICBoost.

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@adam3us @rogerkver I’m sure we can find some suitable stand-ins!

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@adam3us That doesn’t count because they lost the network effect by starting over from genesis. We need an airdrop to a UTXO snapshot, ser.

via Twitter Web App in reply to adam3us

@btcuserguide Yes but clearly they didn’t have the right people behind it at the time. We can do better!

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