Home security system hardware & software is the perfect example of job security (for installers & providers) via obscurity.
@knucklesandwich I don’t get carded any more. Receding hairline FTW!
@jonmatonis It’s the largest because it’s the ONLY exchange in Brazil… more sensationalism :-|
@mark_a_phelps I’m of the opinion that if you have trouble maintaining an empty inbox you simply don’t have enough filter rules.
@jonmatonis This headline is completely misleading and the content is pure speculation.
19 track nostalgia mashup performed on re-wired video game controllers. Awesome! https://t.co/CQFPBRy0Hs
Today’s Krav Maga lesson was “punch deflection when your dominant arm is disabled” AKA “everybody gets punched in the face day.”
@knucklesandwich /cc @dawleywood
“Oh sweet, this week’s episode is a clip show!” Said no one, ever.
BitcoinByte Single-owner #Bitcoin holders should “have a shared secret and backup plan,” as part of their succession wishes. https://t.co/bsuFE49iJR
pornelski They say git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.
payments_source Bitcoin payment processor BitPay is cutting its fees as its global processing volume reached $2 million in March http://t.co/aQhBSe0y6p
When @monoprice doesn’t carry the cable you need, you know you’re gonna have a bad time.
A case of software being too smart: create any GCal event with that day in the name and it gets stripped out. “Good Friday” becomes “Good.”
I pity the fool who pays full price for items purchased online since price comparison is nearly effortless. Saved 87% on an alarm keypad.
MarkPlayingFoos battling the might eagle http://t.co/B4pnVgPUBx
Why is it illegal to tattoo your baby but legal to give it piercings or cut off part of its genitals? #deepthoughts
Jeremy_DeGroot http://t.co/fnzCGDgkD2 This Dilbert strip ran 8 years ago and predicts this week’s Donglegate. @Scott_Adams must have a time machine
@evanbooth The CIA data warehouse probably has a lag time of a few weeks before your youtube video is properly analyzed and filed.
@CarolinaCon @evanbooth The Mythbusters style experimentation is amazeballs and it’s a plus that Evan has a “Demetri Martin” style of humor.
@pig_poetry @drewpotential I enjoy a concert more when there are no people making noise. That is, a private concert. That is, an album.
@averyj Congrats; guess you’ll be spooling up a few more AWS nodes!
SendGrid Effective immediately, @AdriaRichards has been terminated from @SendGrid. For more details, please see http://t.co/5sZOVkDlq7
Awwwwwwwwwwww snap http://t.co/weOaHeJ1uD via @pmccall777
@pmccall777 I don’t get the concept of watching other people having fun playing a sport.
@TheBikingBrewer @fiftytwobrews Yeah, I wasn’t kidding about the permit!
@flyosity It’s a good thing she works at [different ESP] and not here; some of our latest projects are codenamed NEWD and ARSE.
@flyosity Meh, it just shows that a lot of people can’t properly distinguish between being offended and being harassed.
@adriarichards Sounds like you were offended, not harassed. Please stay away from developer conferences until you’ve learned the difference.
@pmccall777 Exciting! http://t.co/w1dboRGEuf
michaelrundle Nato manual on cyber war says ‘hacktivists’ are legitimate targets for conventional weapons attacks. http://t.co/T8qtvSAKU7
@pmccall777 I won’t be excited until they’re subdermal implants that integrate with my nervous system.
“First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you. And then they build monuments to you.” - Nicholas Klein
@pig_poetry @pmccall777 If I leave the gravity well of this terrestrial body, you may have my Litecoins.
@pmccall777 Submitted my application a month ago, though it looks doubtful they’ll even get off the ground.
@danlowe Would have bought them if they were real brass & glass; turned off by the reviews.
@danlowe Sounds like a terrible idea, but I think I could justify wasting some money on http://t.co/u1io09pR6t
“The future is already here - it’s just not very evenly distributed.” - William Gibson
For my co-workers: http://t.co/lbrG7aAptt
TheLewisBlack At what point do we declare that Congress is a terrorist organization.
@elcaltrider I consider Bitcoins a good hedge against inflation. Speculating on their exchange rate gets complicated; it’s a gamble.
RT @jonmatonis: Blueprint for a currency devaluation: Cypriot savers hit as eurozone agrees €10 billion bail-out http://t.co/AlNrMkUaV1 …
@jefft Nope; GE
Dishwasher broke; while troubleshooting the first Google result shows that it has a recall due to fire hazard. :-|
@elcaltrider Way ahead of you. I’m 100% plastic and Bitcoin.
@DanielEran @drewpotential The difference being that Google doesn’t block 3rd party app stores; you can get your porn & ad blockers there.
@SenRandPaul No way I’ll support such an act unless you prove to me that an embryo is a sentient being.
@tony_winn @pmccall777 Oh snap, did @_FloridaMan visit your neighborhood?
Government efficiency at its finest. An entire page of an ATF form devoted to the “Paperwork Reduction Act Notice” http://t.co/04OuYQi46S
The Internet wakes up to the news of Google Reader shutting down; now the alternative RSS aggregators are buckling under the load. :-|
TIL about @turbobytes, a CDN of CDNs. #triangleaws
@jbeardsley My TWC downtime has been negligible; much like my switch to Republic Wireless, the savings are worth the reduction in service.
ncpolicelogs Cell phone footage from the Charlotte fashion show riot. Some unique fighting styles on display. http://t.co/WDGp3rHSX0
Cancelled my Vonage & Vector Security contracts and switched to Internet-based http://t.co/W0GMMWiHs6 to save $40 a month. Internet FTW!
Something’s going around; I’ve received a dozen emails today from friends with compromised accounts. Remember to practice safe Internetting!
@gigq Because mechanical turk is making too much money.
It’s time for the semi-annual chat with TWC tech support. ಠ_ಠ// spools up Windows VM so that their web chat client works
@knucklesandwich Did you just reach through the bumper and rip it out Indiana Jones style?
If the header of your web app says “PLEASE do not use the Forward or Back buttons on your browser” then you’re doing it /quite/ wrong.
Spending time on /r/productivity seems extremely counterintuitive…
One of my neighbors (who is a nurse) just endorsed me on LinkedIn for my HBase skills. I’m THAT good.
I hope I live to see a day where software dev is done via natural language input. “Computer, initiate program with features X, Y, & Z!”
Humans yelling like goats yelling like humans. http://t.co/zkf0LJC4gy
@hoorayimhelping No, it’s rather sad having to answer the same question from my grandmother every two minutes.
@hoorayimhelping I choose tin foil. http://t.co/ASkqybxTXM
Bitcoin is to money what the Internet is to data.
@pmccall777 Do they want to put up a fence to keep the criminals from Chapel Hill out?
@elcaltrider Just wait a little longer :-P http://t.co/kOm0bygEjg
Earbud drivers: I can’t believe you can afford an iPod / smart phone yet can’t afford a $100 vehicle head unit that can play music from it.
@gigq Not enough hands?
@flyosity Don’t crush their American Dream, bro!
If you thought you hated dealing with a few tenths of a second lag in video games, try several minutes of lag on a trading platform.
@mattmeis Twicca
DEVOPS_BORAT So many of enterprise Hadoop vendor, so little of time.
juliussharpe How many more people have to die before we finally do something about it?
neiltyson Security signs that begin with “For your protection…” essentially end with “…we will restrict freedoms & invade privacy”
@mark_a_phelps And Monday - Thursday as bug creation days.