RT @alexbosworth: LN is a combination of old ideas that people knew held promise but required work to realize. There are just as many unrea…
@diegogurpegui If folks are willing to pay to anchor into Bitcoin, that’s fine with me. https://t.co/4ZXnMNLgBw
Some folks’ outrageous antics have led them to become Bitcoin (in)famous this year. Others speak softly and carry a… https://t.co/7XeqwzPogB
@GeniaMiinko @crypto_doctor_ @eyeone Yep, just tallying up the annual commit metrics from each repo.
@KirinDave I was opposed to it from day 1.
Rest in Peace:
Emergent Consensus, 2016-2017
SegWit2X, 2017-2017
https://t.co/ExILsjIIaG https://t.co/N96i7XwuT9
Due to the record-breaking acceleration of Bitcoin’s hashrate in 2017, the days of work a miner with 100% of curren… https://t.co/4o5K4gjbuD
@murchandamus IMO services that accept BTC deposits should not credit them to the user if the amount is below an ec… https://t.co/ZlCtzomVOW
Bitcoin’s thermodynamic security increased from 3 exahashes per second to 14 exahashes per second in 2017.… https://t.co/nLo8PN3Re0
@MichaWahl By crawling the network and asking all the nodes to which you can connect for info about nodes that have… https://t.co/LKP0mFmj5L
@peeticek Trustlessness / financial sovereignty. https://t.co/jFfeqFf7fv
@MoneyEvil I could see it going several ways. My thoughts: https://t.co/iyBeseF8Ze
The number of listening (publicly connectable) Bitcoin nodes doubled in 2017 to 11,000! Note: it’s estimated that t… https://t.co/XXR4moROUw
@dstadulis @Coindicator Bitnodes is looking at all 10,000+ reachable nodes when listening to block propagation. Min… https://t.co/YGHXf6AT7g
Bitcoin address reuse (which is bad for user privacy) continued its downward trend in 2017. Still a long ways to go… https://t.co/HD2TLy1nN5
@mecampbellsoup @EconEngineer These stats were just looking at the “github commits” activity which also includes upstream merges.
Bitcoin transaction fees relative to the block subsidy increased from 5.7% to 31.7% this year. If fee rates remain… https://t.co/inCcJZkXx2
@Coindicator Network improvements / compact blocks / fast relay networks.
@Mighty_Humanzee The network comes to consensus faster about the current state of the blockchain. A direct impact i… https://t.co/atqtCkA9jo
Bitcoin block propagation time halved again this year after halving last year as well. Average time to reach 50% of… https://t.co/5W8MI8nAgL
RT @lopp: Nailed it. I’m willing to double down and predict that no @bitcoincoreorg backed hard fork activates in 2017. https://t.co/lS1Eo2 
RT @bitfinex: We will be suspending trading in all Chain Split Token (CSTs) at 23:30:00 UTC as we prepare to settle outstanding BT1 and BCC…
@CryptoCalories Right; the OP_RETURN outputs have no value; the transaction that creates them has to spend inputs w… https://t.co/GNp7tmyq0h
@CryptoCalories OP_RETURN outputs don’t burn coins; they have no value associated with them.
@tgnedal It’s a way of embedding arbitrary data in the blockchain and is used by a number of services. https://t.co/xtBaxGfYwm
Countries with the most relative interest in searching for Bitcoin in 2017. https://t.co/Wgrqev6fP7 https://t.co/YXZpK6Oqu2
@chuhnk Not if you view Bitcoin as a trust anchor. https://t.co/4ZXnMNLgBw
@CryptoCalories Yes, more outputs are being created to specifically embed data.
Bitcoin OP_RETURN outputs created in:
2014: 13,000
2015: 655,000
2016: 1,040,000
2017: 2,253,000… https://t.co/2UPLqrhrIT
@flyosity 1) Use every skill and resource I have to make Republicans and Democrats less relevant every passing day.… https://t.co/xgq0LGtTii
@amadeobrands As noted in the tweet, only looking at commits to the low level reference implementation - not every… https://t.co/wZ2f04ENZo
@abzTRDR Indeed, though if you don’t hold the private keys, you don’t actually own the crypto asset. You just have… https://t.co/AFgBrkXBsD
@BKoral713 @eyeone You could look at metrics such as code coverage of automated unit / regression tests. I’m sure t… https://t.co/j1BlG7XSfq
@MarcJasonGrens Bitcoin ABC is bcash.
2) More evidence of bcash wealth consolidation:
15,592 addresses own 70% of all BCH.
17,413 addresses own 61% of al… https://t.co/e9WaiHPeva
1) Bcash’s UTXO set dropped from 50.6M to 41.5M unspent transaction outputs since the August 1 fork, a net loss of… https://t.co/MUUXiz5ecu
@mattpass @polemitis Miners collect transaction fees; the block subsidy is just meant to bootstrap the network whil… https://t.co/IExnz68RPU
@crypto_doctor_ @eyeone One of many factors to look at; I’m not claiming this is the end-all, be-all metric for val… https://t.co/CTf5CRsNpk
Bitcoin’s UTXO set grew from 44M to to 62M unspent transaction outputs in 2017, adding a net new UTXO every 2 secon… https://t.co/lMmqbSco43
@emanuele_r Pretty high: https://t.co/HLmPADsXLY
@Vylkrom @bitxbitxbitcoin Since it forked. https://t.co/rrPFGNiauQ
@m_r_j_smith That’s Bitcoin ABC.
@woonomic No, just a sorting fail on my part.
2017 reference impl commits & merges:
Bitcoin Core: 1,925
Litecoin: 1,298
IOTA: 1,166
Monero: 1,199
Bitcoin ABC: 1,… https://t.co/Z1X4bHpxJc
Protect your @github repositories from being hijacked by securing SSH access and GPG commit signing with a YubiKey.… https://t.co/zYEw024fU9
@EtnHype This is general advice; I see far too many people wasting their time by feeding trolls.
Trolls are time thieves; the best defense against time thieves is to cut off their hands by filtering their words s… https://t.co/elzwEKGPq5
@billbarhydt @WhalePanda @blockchain Panda dropped the /s from his tweet.
RT @JonhaRichman: New to #Bitcoin? Check out these TOP 5 tips! ðŸ–ï¸
Make sure to send your thanks to @lopp https://t.co/fMErJFhaES
@nagaraj_hubli @WhalePanda Correct
As someone who has been SWATted, the root problem IMO is that law enforcement agencies are allowing themselves to b… https://t.co/fKkUc6AxZk
RT @polemitis: I’m old enough to remember when Bitcoin’s biggest problem was (supposedly) that transaction fees wouldn’t be enough to suppo…
@PatrickDurling @WhalePanda Slightly less due to another few quirks but yeah.
@flyosity @Javi In hindsight, perhaps, but the 2 year bear market was rough. Really glad I ended up going full-time Bitcoin a year later.
@MoodySwitch @WhalePanda Easy; you don’t assign any value to the transaction output. It’s completely valid.
An unknown miner just learned an expensive lesson by destroying the entire 12.5 BTC coinbase reward for block 501,7… https://t.co/vRYaH6Bq3v
@coindesk Heheh “stellar” gains.
@Ragnarly One of these days you and I need to rock out with our glocks out.
I’m HODLing BTC in order to some day pay for the digitization & decentralization of my consciousness so that I can… https://t.co/9pTkuuf2dN
@jratcliff Yeah, but Satoshi didn’t say SegWit (or P2SH) are acceptable for his vision.
@oseselio Nice, you should do a PR to add a link to your list in the trading info on https://t.co/d2FH36KLv2
@emilepetrone IIRC they are cryptographically locked and can only unlock a million per month or something.
Lightning Network is a bitcoin cache that allows you to delay settlement in order to save on fees and make instant… https://t.co/JorBQYfT88
@emilepetrone First you have to ask how the market cap is actually calculated, then I’d compare their daily trading… https://t.co/DrXHgLxfB5
@firepol I think the author said that it’s available on Amazon.
There can be no curiosity without hope, no hope without discontent. We must constantly yearn for utopia while failing to achieve it.
@Graham_Zinc @MiLiKitech @bisq_network @manfred_karrer Bisq is cool; I don’t think it has reached its final form.
A 122 page guide to investing in crypto assets. Looks thorough! docdro.id/6acfHMo
@2B7C89526 It shouldn’t, because you haven’t actually changed assets - you still own BTC. However, if you then exch… https://t.co/YjCZl97ooS
@MiLiKitech Check out @bisq_network to see the current state of decentralized exchange.
@kadhirvelavan You could implement several ways, such as with escrow via multisig, but atomic swaps are superior. T… https://t.co/HX8SCXVehw
@iang_fc That’s because it’s a terrible propaganda piece; what did you expect?
@Ferdinando1970 Ask @manfred_karrer ðŸ˜
@MiLiKitech How do you get anyone to trust a specific software wallet? Decentralized exchanges will just be softwar… https://t.co/WpcTOijpj4
Centralized exchanges create systemic risk & prevent price discovery by falling over during turbulent times. Can’t… https://t.co/LOq8RohIVA
@jgarzik It’s heartwarming to see folks recycling old drama rather than wasting resources creating new drama that’s… https://t.co/p6D3SSMRjR
@flyosity Heh, I’ve heard similar stories but with them finding lots of BTC. I wonder how much of coinbase’s BTC ha… https://t.co/qTYb2fCvjW
RT @murchandamus: Have you seen the LN graph on testnet lately?
I’ve taken a peak: https://t.co/nowzvE0Gjc https://t.co/FstttItm8W
@cryptobelfrey They’ll continue to say those things until everyone stops listening.
Google Buds review:
User experience: B
Battery Life: B
Conversation translation: D
Comfort: F
Note that the auto de… https://t.co/wQEGQtmEZz
Ask yourself how well Buttcoiners and their rhetoric have managed to stem the rising tide of Bitcoin adoption, then… https://t.co/AeoD7m23fO
Crypto capital gains reporting would be much simpler if the IRS accepted crypto assets directly. This is especially… https://t.co/9REKAXqIBR
RT @pierre_rochard: New followers: please do not give your hard-earned money to James Altucher or Tai Lopez. I’m sure they are great guys w…
@DeadmonTellem LN centralizes Bitcoin in the same way that TCP/IP centralizes the Internet - by routing data betwee… https://t.co/PAludYTDEu
@CobraBitcoin If users need to actually manage channels, that would be a UX failure. It needs to happen under the h… https://t.co/YRcSSILVJ7
Those who fear the coming Bitcoin paradigm shift believe that users won’t want to lock up their funds in payment ch… https://t.co/LhnDrT1EMJ
🤣Selective hearing at its finest.🤣 https://t.co/wT505SHcVl
@sourcex44 @officialmcafee Ah, weird that I didn’t see anyone talking about it.

Is it a coincidence or did @officialmcafee’s hacked account just flippen bcash with ripple in a single pump tweet? pic.twitter.com/UddXSyYXiq
RT @BitMEXResearch: A Complete History of Bitcoin’s Consensus Forks
We list 19 Bitcoin consensus rule changes, which represents what we be…
@getbrendanjames Pretty clearly a scam. https://t.co/EB8AIeYgV6
RT @alexbosworth: Mainnet Lightning Network paying my actual phone bill with actual Mainnet funds on @bitrefill. Speed: Instant. Fee: Zero.…
@venture_crypto @Scotus Watch @deepwebmovie by @alxwinter
@leewallisuk Not that I’m aware of, though the problem wouldn’t be with the trezor hardware itself but rather with… https://t.co/zmFUCFhSaP
@leewallisuk A variety of extreme edge case bugs. It’s extremely rare, but it’s always a possibility. Poor fee calc… https://t.co/UGixjq7qYz
Looks like somebody hacked @officialmcafee and is having a bit of fun playing “market manipulator.” Otherwise, you’… https://t.co/lxkYVqKYXn
@LongIslandDan @Scotus You’re saying that Ross was charged with human trafficking and weapons trafficking? I only r… https://t.co/RHjXMOnQKg
@CryptoParadyme @Scotus The Marshals should have to buy them back at current market rate. 😉
The backlash I receive when supporting @free_ross is evidence that many of you aren’t ready for crypto anarchy. Bet… https://t.co/0tR0tWIqyz
@thechaz @LongIslandDan @Scotus A sister site, called “The Armory”, sold weapons (primarily guns) during 2012, but… https://t.co/iRewhUC3EK
@thechanster @Scotus Legality is not morality.
@notorious_acv @Scotus If you read the /entire/ saga you’ll discover that he was extorted by corrupt FBI agents who… https://t.co/LQvLyrtlVA
@thecryptomann @Scotus If you believe the government has the authority to dictate what people do with their own bod… https://t.co/5X4DGlomYF
@LongIslandDan @Scotus False. When the Silk Road first began, the creator and administrators instituted terms of se… https://t.co/ScJQWNJla9
Free Ross Ulbricht, @Scotus. And while you’re at it, return the bitcoins that were stolen from him and many Silk Ro… https://t.co/z0NRq1sxpl
@Anachr0n1zm @cburniske We haven’t gone anywhere, though I know plenty who have stepped into the shadows as their wealth has grown.
@cryptodemedici @masonic_tweets Speak less, listen more.
@masonic_tweets This is becoming a common theme; early adopters and contributors losing touch with the community. I… https://t.co/djptu3PtiG
@emivelazquez6 Nope, that’s pretty cool!
Hashes why I’m ðŸ‚BTC
53abc34cc8455d729aa94a8625a1fc… https://t.co/bBaMIPrknN
@shubh716 @aantonop @SatoshiLite @adam3us @Excellion Well, Amir says that Bitcoin devs “have no vision guiding them… https://t.co/eK7zBcvWnh
@shubh716 @zooko It really depends on how much value we’re talking about. This is a pretty extreme edge case, but i… https://t.co/CKdRXs4PO6
@IsYourNewsReal Hardware wallets, definitely not on exchanges.
@zooko Yeah, this is one of many reasons why you shouldn’t put all your coins in one basket.
@timpastoor @shubh716 Verify all backups!
Spending crypto assets is inherently risky - every time you do so, there is a possibility that a software bug will… https://t.co/1Y9UzYWYpH
RT @YourBTCC: Job postings on LinkedIn with #bitcoin in the headline grew to 4,917 listings in the first 11 months of 2017—an increase of 5…
Hello, India! Please don’t invest in bitcoin simply because you read a tweet in The Economic Times. Invest in educa… https://t.co/xFnoPE2hxf
@shubh716 I recommend putting all of your recovery data into an encrypted volume you create using Veracrypt.
It’s good practice to keep multiple off-site backups of your data, especially crypto assets. Be sure to encrypt you… https://t.co/KXU1hHv8AS
@ijoytwit Nice! I need to get a copy of this 😊
@merc1er I explained my position in detail here: https://t.co/Edf2sVqrXj
Article asks what Germany can do to fix this excess energy problem. I suspect the market will provide an answer in… https://t.co/MYYx3DQtGh

It’s fun to see how far crypto assets can fly fueled by marketing rather than engineering! pic.twitter.com/0Kna3bG4h8
@RussMinVegas @MrGoodwibes Sounds about right to me. Bitcoin doesn’t care about the USD value of the outputs. Fees… https://t.co/sdwUcA3N9l
@RussMinVegas @MrGoodwibes Sounds like your wallets are full of low value dust outputs. Time to consolidate!
@BTCBehaviour Follow the link at the top of the page to either submit a pull request or create an issue for me to add it. Thanks!
@TuurDemeester Solid medium of exchange argument! They should test that thesis against reality.
Great guide to social network manipulation. Assume you’re always under surveillance - if you aren’t, you’re not a g… https://t.co/Nu5psnGg8o
@thatcryptodude @Polymatheus @giladby @FIDOAlliance @LedgerHQ @TREZOR @Yubico Be careful with solid state storage,… https://t.co/SnEb83hSo9
We’re at the phase of adoption where most people have heard of Bitcoin, few understand why it’s valuable, and even fewer actually own any.
@Cyranogrosnez Sure, though it would be far more efficient for a nation state to seize currently running hardware.… https://t.co/pQh7erfBAc
@joshmh @ctolarsson @AriDavidPaul Did it? I recall Armory had a bug with theirs but haven’t heard of issues with the Linux report.
@traderintrainin Right, you can split into shards that have the level of redundancy you deem sufficient.
@TuurDemeester @ctolarsson @AriDavidPaul Stupid autocorrect!
@ctolarsson @AriDavidPaul My recommendation is to write down all recovery instructions, store in an encrypted data… https://t.co/1Y9nc6HsyS
If I were the Winklevii, I’d be anonymously buying bunkers in countries that have poor diplomatic relations with ea… https://t.co/ixLZG01w6j
@CoranDarling @jordannelson39 2FA should preferably be hardware based to protect against phone porting attacks.
@JanMichaelDavid You can technically make Lightning payments today on mainnet. There’s no clear demarcation of what… https://t.co/iyXJeWspSu
In my opinion you should have a level of security on your crypto assets that is sufficient for protecting 10X their… https://t.co/c6zuCNMJ9d
RT @giladby: What @lopp said and:
1. Use a @FIDOAlliance U2F security key as a 2nd factor auth if available, an app based one if not.
2. B…
@dineshnyr Yes, require hardware 2FA to access your password manager.
If you store your passwords in your brain, the likelihood of getting rekt is high. Use password managers to generat… https://t.co/mxgjsrMMAl
@Ferdinando1970 If you believe other assets are frauds then I still don’t see the point of being jealous - you can’… https://t.co/iskefkR0UB
Are you upset that Bitcoin’s share of the whole crypto asset market is down to 50% even though the whole market has… https://t.co/b7lQntQTNA
@masonic_tweets These are all real forks AFAICT https://t.co/u3YjT3UXTk
@kallerosenbaum Probably an integer overflow, just had it brought to my attention a few days ago.
https://t.co/ZVHE0EHZWH by @WeathermanIam is one of the most in-depth Bitcoin threat models I’ve seen. Adding this… https://t.co/vUEMpzqOUf
@askmecryptos Was it sent by a BitGo client? If not, there’s not much I can do. We work with our customers to help… https://t.co/fmZ3Zb4kpB
RT @naval: Society has had multiple stores of value, as none is perfectly secure. Gold, oil, dollars, real estate, (some) bonds & equities.…
@timoncc @sajmathieu @BitcoinErrorLog @Carsten71071425 @bradmillscan @CobraBitcoin @_jonasschnelli_ @BitbyBitTV Sur… https://t.co/9W1LbXSNOj
There are no holidays on the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin never sleeps! https://t.co/TqqHo9BbiF
@sajmathieu @timoncc @BitcoinErrorLog @Carsten71071425 @bradmillscan @CobraBitcoin @_jonasschnelli_ @BitbyBitTV Som… https://t.co/YFkgXEVtA7
@bg_mrk Maybe I should share a hash of my reasons. 🤔
@bg_mrk If I was able to, I would have already… Nice hat, BTW 😎
@bg_mrk I’m sure there are plenty of other systems with amazing developments underway! I’m not saying Bitcoin is go… https://t.co/5PwWf7yRJQ
RT @ivarivano: If you followed @JulianAssange , @twitter automatically un-followed you and you need to follow him again.
@lightcoin Makes sense to me to use singular when referring to uncountable quantities, but not so much when referri… https://t.co/7ke7mbuxst
@lightcoin How would you refer to it as a substance? “I got some bitcoin?”
I’m more bullish on Bitcoin today than I have been in the past 5 years. The developments underway that have been ma… https://t.co/ko8ZcDSx4D
@CaptainCryptoHD That’s the name of one github repository, sure. There are at least half a dozen different software… https://t.co/9xynX1vy7c
@phildaian @sickpig Hard to address many of the points without specific examples, but it’s certainly true that ther… https://t.co/SbPsHKMnZz

Just because someone calls it Bitcoin doesn’t make it real. Beware of imposters! pic.twitter.com/RKIS62jBVb
Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram of:
“Santa saith ‘moo,’ OK?”
“So, I took a Samson hat.”
“Ooh, a statism koan!”
@_stevelestrange Right, there’s a specific term for the different phrasing. In general I’d expect you’d refer to it… https://t.co/0KxojvWRsg
@trippysalmon Trippy!

Peace on Twitter, good will toward trolls! pic.twitter.com/injHaRp36h
@FelixWeis 1 BTC == 1.24 BTC? This is going to make the math much more difficult…
Slightly unpopular view, but I consider bitcoins to be units of measurement, thus I pluralize amounts greater than… https://t.co/EY85JuB1Ca
Governments don’t guarantee the value of the money they issue. At best, they guarantee that you will receive the sa… https://t.co/3WnNdoOceF

Bitcoin’s mempool is clearing! ðŸpic.twitter.com/zVf51wt8iH8iH
@AlexPickard @perplextus I think that pretty much any metrics can be gamed short term - a fork would need to show d… https://t.co/w4fJALlnu9
@perplextus I don’t believe Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Red, or any other minority forks a… https://t.co/7OwwT5WROH
@perplextus I can’t stop you from believing that it is 😯
By referring to the Bitcoin network as “Bitcoin Core,” folks are trying to support a narrative that “Core controls… https://t.co/jnkKoOIRqY
@adam3us Or fee estimates that use a long trailing window of blocks with a very high confidence threshold.
@notgrubles @Excellion That’s because it’s a medium of exchange, not a giant of exchange. ðŸ˜
@VinnyLingham You mean Bitcoin Core & Bitcoin ABC? Or Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash? Doesn’t make sense to mix & match net… https://t.co/D2jsezK2il
@TheLiteschool Greater freedom for all, in every possible way. https://t.co/EqsBmqzVHC

Happy holidays! Here’s to living in interesting times; may we all find our personal moon in the new year. ðŸpic.twitter.com/adjMTrIdVCdVC
@alanwarms The issue is with having gatekeepers. Any system with gatekeepers who have custodianship of your money c… https://t.co/XsZEASJmS7
@kiranvaidya @CoinbaseSupport @VinnyLingham Correct - put more succinctly: “not your private keys, not your bitcoin.”
@phildaian Interesting perspective; have you participated in any of the discussions? I don’t see your name on any dev list emails.
@kiranvaidya @CoinbaseSupport @VinnyLingham Your problem is that you don’t have any BTC - you only have BTC IOUs with a trusted third party.
@CryptoLova That’s why you shouldn’t keep your cold storage in unencrypted single sig wallets.
@CobraBitcoin @_jonasschnelli_ The folks who felt fees were unbearable already forked off. I doubt that a new wave… https://t.co/PCeJcX5xFm
@mbrochh @cryptohkiin Or do they? 🤔 One possible future: https://t.co/V8tFbRjq37
@alanwarms I have top tier verification at every exchange I use and yet I have USD stuck in every exchange right no… https://t.co/dISiXybkvo
@alanwarms Sounds like you’ve been fortunate and haven’t experienced banking issues.
A blast of perspective from the past. https://t.co/nWLJ1hytCo
@zotium @cryptohkiin I don’t think there’s a tipping point across all users - it just depends upon what use cases e… https://t.co/eZLbt4NQgL
@elgabonomas The Fed was created by Congress and while it’s somewhat independent, its continued existence only occu… https://t.co/ItA8vSSvMW
@CryptoLova Exactly; crypto anarchy is growing stronger every day. ðŸ˜
@elgabonomas Certainly not! I think there’s some misunderstanding if you read it that way.