RT @johnjoseph: Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
— Eleanor Roosevelt (and others)
Socialism for the rich; capitalism for the poor.
@hoorayimhelping Bunch of pussies; I was in the heat for 12 hours yesterday sitting on a 300 degree block of steel.
@pig_poetry Hopefully they WILL, because animal control sure wasn’t. That’s why the Sheriff is taking over.
RT @DurhamCounty: Durham County Sheriff’s Office will officially take responsibility for animal services on July 1. New regular response …
Nearly wrecked when a tractor trailer hauling sawdust blinded both my eyes while doing 80 on the interstate. :-|
@ddahlke absolutely, plus (my) satisfaction is guaranteed!
@flyosity @pmccall777 @gigq ‘CUZ ‘MURRICA!
@emilepetrone @whitehouse I gave up on them months ago
I’ve been clocked at 130 groin kicks per minute.
@dcm This is some good stuff; Firefox Sync seals the deal.
jcrclarksonesq To take away the taste of Coke with FUCKING lemon, I have now drunk two bottles of wine.
@ameir IDK dude, I compared the weather forecasts; the temps & humidities are quite similar. http://t.co/Bmj5Jkss vs http://t.co/5W9bTskD
@ameir But we’ve got some sweet Syrian weather coming up next!
@flyosity Nope, thankfully my current bike has a center stand so it’s quite stable… other bikes with side stands notsomuch.
As summer heats up, it’s important to remember that asphalt is a liquid.
@dcm I’ll definitely try it out; I wanted to like FF when I tried it last year but it was far slower than the standard Android browser.
Super cool! http://t.co/RsJeVzSk
ncpolicelogs Fayetteville spent $1M to equip squad cars with cameras to address racial profiling issues, won’t release footage. http://t.co/1Qv2stVx
French airport security gave me a full patdown & searched my bag after I had already been scanned bc I told them I rented a room via Airbnb.
taylormingos Check out the Research Triangle’s latest batch of new and upcoming breweries: http://t.co/3zbbCOfN #durham #raleigh
@emilepetrone because meth heads
akpurtell Datacube, Urban Airship’s library for multidimensional data storage with rollups for numerical data for #hbase: https://t.co/Tf1OqlvM
@hoorayimhelping Haven’t used smarty since 2007 & haven’t missed it once.
@mattmeis can do, but not until I get back to ‘Murrica & can upload from my DSLR
@covati Loïc didn’t know what I was talking about at first. I had to describe them & then he said “oh, you can only get those at bakeries.”
Saw 4 tourists walking around holding up iPads as cameras today. So I took pictures of them.
@covati coffee & crepes & paninis thus far… I’ll ask my host about beignets. Headed across the street right now to a wine bar.
@carolinewv Hmmmm we haven’t learned how to defend flying baby doll attacks in Krav Maga yet… I should bring this up with my instructor.
Had trouble finding the Sewer Museum today. Totally worth it. FYI standing above rushing raw sewage smells marginally worse than the subway.
A dirty gypsy tried to pull the “excuse me, did you just drop this REAL gold ring” scam on me. I gave him The Stare.
Finally trying out airbnb & I’ve found numerous bugs in their app. Staying with a French guy named Loïc for $50 / night in central Paris!
Oatmeal Charles Carreon is officially suing me and the charities I’m raising money for http://t.co/TIDk87xK
That was 17 hours of train rides between Copenhagen & Paris. Should have been 16 but one train broke down.
Somehow managed to successfully switch trains at 6 AM despite the fact that they don’t announce the stops. Only a few more hours to Paris.
Denmark’s surveillance state rivals that of Great Britain.
@ddahlke They had two coffee machines that blow ours out of the water…
@ConnieLopp Weather is mostly dreary, but it’s light 19 hours a day. The only museum I visited was the Danish WWII Resistance Museum
@carolinewv Just trying to be positive. I could complain about the prices, weather, how it’s light 18 hrs / day, etc…
Doin’ it right in Denmark: the waiter doesn’t take your credit card, he brings a wireless card swiper to the table.
Doin’ it right in Denmark: traffic lights transition green -> yellow -> red -> yellow -> green.
Today I donned scrubs to tour a state-of-the-art biochemical manufacturing facility. I could tell you more, but I’d have to kill you.
@grillmaestro it is, indeed
The correct way to count the floors of a building. I bet they don’t skip 13, either. http://t.co/Acoeq1sp
Found something in Copenhagen that @grillmaestro would appreciate… http://t.co/EdFqdP1Y
Fat people in Denmark are either American or pregnant.
ConanOBrien Saw this in a Walgreens near the Chicago Theatre. It’s a perfect depiction of me after 6 bottles of Jameson. http://t.co/sp6FuCCy #CHICOCO
If you think texting while driving is bad, you should see these Danes texting while bicycling.
@adamrawlings yep, go for it
It turns out that Monday is Denmark’s Sunday.
Sat next to a senior captain on my flight to NJ. He confirmed that starting pay for full-time pilots is under $20,000 per year. :-/
@knucklesandwich true, but being clinched up with a guy for several minutes is a terrible idea in the real world
UFC is terrible. Ground fighting is boring to watch plus in real life it’s a great way to get kicked in the head by your opponent’s friend.
@MichaelCasp Sometimes it’s a fine line between sarcasm and ignorance…
@MichaelCasp You realize that the very definition of IQ mandates that half the population has an IQ of below 100, right?
@flyosity wow, right up there with the Biebs
@covati If only there were some service that could take care of posting for you…
I was going to boldly state that “wireless networking will never beat wired networking” but then I remembered quantum mechanics.
@ameir looks right up my alley
atimiscott #PetPeeve is emails with attachments that are just for the signature area, making it impossible to find the attachment I’m looking for.
RT @ncpolicelogs: A 35-year-old Shelby woman is accused of squeezing a man’s testicle out of his scrotum, then urinating in a police car …
@nsulejman Denmark, Germany, France
Anyone have suggestions for fun / unique / non-touristy activities I might enjoy in Europe?
@triangletweetup Primer
@alexbonin It’s the ATLlien intruder!
@mattmeis 1PM cleaning myself. No cavities yet; my dad just got his first cavity after 64 years.
Who are the UX engineers at Facebook and Google+ who decided that autocropping user-uploaded images was acceptable?
Log truck lost its cargo at the Northgate offramp on 85N. Biggest mess I’ve seen in a while.
DurhamCounty Commissioners talking about amended animal control ordinance as Sheriff assumes control of animal control department effective July 1.
@mattmeis Time to buy a motorcycle!
DEVOPS_BORAT 1 million monkey hit random key for 1 million year can able generate Hamlet but not internal Wiki documentation.