just had an excellent dinner of @klausiespizza & @kokyubbq @ food truck rodeo by @fullsteam with @farmhandfoods @slippinsliders @onlyburger
@gigq TL;DR.
ncpolicelogs A Fayetteville family has been reunited with their dogs after they were swept away by a tornado last week. http://goo.gl/bXN0L
never understood placing photos of friends and family on your desk / around your house. i’m not going to forget what they look like.
@pmccall777 @jefft I think he doesn’t understand the dangers of not reading the documents

Egregious use of Facebook Connect, or EXTREMELY egregious use of Facebook Connect? http://i.imgur.com/elK0Z…
million dollar idea: sriracha infused jerky
@emilepetrone let me know how it goes! I normally would but now rely on too many pieces of software to be functional for my dev environment.
It’s Natty Narwhal release day! Upgrade now if you’re a masochist! http://releases.ubuntu.c…
last night’s South Park episode, “HumancentiPad” was hilarious http://cart.mn/gNwNoI
PrinceAtari the only thing spent faster then money is ammo
@flyosity man, we should totally implement that shit in the app
It’s time you started not giving a fuck. http://t.co/zOIWqdw
@MichaelCasp stock up on firearms before melee weapons
codinghorror It’s never too early to start beefing up your obituary.
Atheists are taking their message across the Triangle: It’s OK not to believe! http://goo.gl/RP0A2
RT @nicholascordell I will name my first son Cordell Walker Cordell.
@faithcordell have you tried nepotism?
Tremé season 2 has begun, and shit just got real. For the unfamiliar, Tremé has the same writers and many of the same cast from The Wire.
DEVOPS_BORAT AWS post-mortem is say EBS outage due to human error. Step #1 for remedy is they not use human in future.
#1 reason to go to the Durham Farmer’s Market: Bison Sirloin
ncpolicelogs Perry Lee Propst, 34, of 1221 Hat Creek Road in Salisbury, will NOT be having a #happy420 http://goo.gl/EPDUL
@jefft just wait ‘til you get in to the office
@MichaelCasp dude, celebrating early?
Happy Arbor Day a la Kid Cudi http://www.youtube.com/w…
@gigq how do you know they aren’t just telling you what you want to hear?
don’t you hate when you’re driving through a rain storm and you realize that it’s not water, but insects?
ncpolicelogs Chuck R. Daniels, 23, of Wilson, charged with soiling patrol car. http://goo.gl/wLMil
RT @ImTracyMorgan: Facebook asks what I’m thinking. Twitter asks what I’m doing. Foursquare asks where I am. The internet has turned int …
I don’t always X, but when I do, I XX.
Oatmeal How to fix any computer http://bit.ly/gaaZuh
@seanmcnichol this is my current route http://goo.gl/VAl7p - want me to skip new orleans and come to you? I’d arrive around June 23
I’ve been called crazy for planning a 10k mile ride. It’s crazy not to - sometimes you have to travel extreme distances to find yourself.
If someone with a decent amount of networking knowledge can’t configure your consumer level router, it might be a POS. Looking at you, Ubee.
@gigq this man is insane, but he actually makes a good point http://www.youtube.com/w…
@gigq All I’m saying is that most people DON’T think it’s a bubble :-P
Take a look at the state of silver commodities. “A true bubble is when something is overvalued AND intensely believed.” —Peter Thiel
Huxley was right. http://goo.gl/hmPuO
@ameir I mean, Four Loko
@ameir Death
The War on Drugs. The War on Terror. When will government figure out that you can’t win a war against an abstract enemy?
Java makes it really easy to write hundreds of lines of filler / framework code that doesn’t actually do anything.
The World’s Toughest Riders http://t.co/pyaVTgp via @mcyclistonline

Perspective. http://i.imgur.com/tMRT7…
@MichaelCasp if you like the Shotgun vs Rifle story, subscribe to /r/guns and @ncpolicelogs
BullCityBurger Breaking news! We will be pouring our own BCBB beer starting tonight. Mayor Bill Bell of Durham will pull the… http://fb.me/Jm48PfPq
never bring a .22 to a shotgun fight http://goo.gl/q2y09
Over spilt beer EDWARD FOURLOKOHANDS!!!!1one people who brush their landlord want a gun cabinet. — http://thatcan.be/my/nex…
Mr T amassed his gold chains and some horsey ear plugs ASK A DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR OCD. — http://thatcan.be/my/nex…
Omg blue waffle is an aging hipster. National concealed carry is a good sign when in a supermarket! — http://thatcan.be/my/nex…
@pmccall777 annnnnnnnnd he died when a car hit him.
Why no, I’m not excited about my trip. It’s not a vacation, it’s a challenge. I might not complete it, but I yearn to be an Iron Butt rider.
PewPew 2 is free today on the Amazon Appstore! http://www.amazon.com/mo…
@hoorayimhelping charlotte is like, the financial hub of the southeast.
ncpolicelogs Runaway toddler, previously saved by dog, runs off again. Mother jailed for child neglect. http://goo.gl/PW8KP
for the past month I’ve felt less like an engineer and more like a miracle worker http://goo.gl/WpJvJ
in hindsight, it was silly to ask a bunch of internet addicts for trip advice. one poor soul told me he takes virtual trips via google earth
@nicholascordell screw camping - I want hot showers and some semblance of security so that I can sleep peacefully.
TIL that the /r/frugal subreddit should be renamed /r/stingy - http://goo.gl/heC9D - haters gonna hate.
@Lisa0xf everybody loves newtonian physics; goes all the way back to asteroids
“An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico.” http://bit.ly/gbC7LH
How TV Ruined Your Life - watch it - http://goo.gl/ODkla
@emilepetrone it gets pretty dry about halfway in
over 90% of the world’s population was born on January 1st, according to data gathered from web sites with age verification forms.
klausiespizza The cops just shut down klausie’s pizza at big boss tap room!
@mikestable ooo our dogs must be syncing up!
Reaganomics: trickle-down wealth orrrrrrrrr trickle-up poverty?
@abbydactyl I bought several dozen CDs in middle / high school but my mother ‘lost’ them all my freshman year of college
UNC, BoA, BB&T, Piggly Wiggly, Hi-Point firearms, Triangle Cycles, RIAA, Exxon, Ex Wives (things that will never see another cent from me)
Scientific truth is a function of time and its lifespan is decreasing as the rate of scientific advancement quickens. http://goo.gl/QqWKZ
Mr T amassed his gold chains and other jewelry from customers he kicked out of the night club he worked at as a bouncer http://goo.gl/sUU3o
ncpolicelogs Salisbury man, high on synthetic marijuana, drove over 120 mph and eluded police b/c “America was under alien invasion” http://goo.gl/stQXE
@mikestable live tweet the event!
@ericboggs nope, though I do have several thousand cards laying around here somewhere… I wonder if they’re considered ‘classic’ editions.
@ericboggs Are you a planeswalker as well?
ncpolicelogs home invasion suspect leaves t-shirt with his picture on it at the scene of the crime http://goo.gl/P4dXq
tonight’s @trihug speaker is touting Starfish’s “what if? engine” - I sure could use one of these for real life…
@flyosity I wonder if iOS users take their vehicle to the dealership to get overpriced repairs because they think it’s “first-rate service”
VeryShortStory My boss asked where I was. “I’m boycotting Mondays.” The idea spread. People stayed home. Now we hated Tuesday.
one reason why I don’t shave more often is that it’s really hard to decide where to stop
bolt tightness tends to range from “hand tight” to 100 nm torque. never before today have I encountered one requiring “less than hand tight”
TIL that an extremely old skeleton of a man was found in a trash bag in the basement of Triangle Brewing Company
affordable electric motorcycles are coming http://t.co/4eeiMlw
if you want to buy a bag of crap today, you’ll have to earn it at http://www.woot.com/