@alistairmilne Hopefully once it’s all over I’ll be allowed to explain why it took so long… it’s a funny story.
Risk. Finance. REKT https://t.co/9UZ5MWjUwd
Only 0.03% of non-empty blocks from the past year had no SegWit transactions and the known miners from that group h… https://t.co/fY2hq9Wsrf
RT @EFF: .@b_haddy was detained at gunpoint for allegedly driving a stolen car.
“The error rate of this technology is incredibly alarming…
Kudos to @ColdbitWallet and @CRYPTO_TAG for including stamping plates and ear plugs 😬 https://t.co/SgGZ7HTiXO
@PeterMcCormack @Dieter75 It’s complicated; from regular usage patterns it’s expected that with full segwit adoptio… https://t.co/kE9jSyDxpz
@PeterMcCormack Folks make fun of the “it will be ready in 18 months” meme but Craig seems to have perfected it.
Which Bitcoin flavor has the fastest transactions in terms of thermodynamic security? howmanyconfs.com pic.twitter.com/hZeY7J1cjP
@c4chaos @APompliano No, I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.
@APompliano Oh boy I hope they don’t integrate it into any critical systems…
@AmishBTC I haven’t tested brass, but titanium is more resistant to heat and to pressure.
@Pau1Mullen Yes, this is my second round of tests - you can see last year’s here: https://t.co/UyqZfEa8B7
@xtdisnkfe I’m only aware of laser etching for QR codes and have no idea how expensive such an etching machine may be.
It’s about to get realllllly stressful up in here. pic.twitter.com/IfbmFsIdHg
RT @wizsecurity: Digging into CoinLab’s outlandish $16B USD claim against the MtGox estate: https://t.co/STrEQDSveR
@Crypto_Guy_UK @TuurDemeester Not yet, still in legal limbo…
Five jobs I’ve had (according to the haters):
1. Blockstream shill
2. Dragon’s Den conspirator
3. Grin pumper
4. C… https://t.co/0AaqM3yW6p
@yogi_golden Swatting is just one example. There are many variations.
Discussing possible nation state attacks often get dismissed as paranoia under the assumption that you aren’t impor… https://t.co/Zhe54JY0DZ
@PeterMcCormack @kyletorpey Twitter has mechanisms to fix that. Most of my tweets garner vitriolic responses, but I rarely see them.
@nic__carter Medium hack: if you make your article length less than one screen then it will have a 100% read ratio! pic.twitter.com/aMPINnntJX
Is Bitcoin dead yet? https://t.co/yrSfEmC3NQ
@cdixon @Iiterature The @a16z Crypto Canon said it was going to be maintained at https://t.co/dguQjCnrb5 but looks… https://t.co/ZGRufvYxbz
@jimwyman5 You should be able to find all the updated numbers and sources here: https://t.co/Hhzye5BObL
@jonlorusso @Falkvinge Unlikely, but they could probably get pretty close to the same level of profitability.
@Falkvinge It’s possible for them to simultaneously be profitable and yet not be optimally profitable. The real que… https://t.co/opLs7AfsTP
@kabzj @muneeb @spencernoon Making fun of Calvin Ayre and Craig Wright is not beneath me.
@masonic_tweets @Bitfinexed Sounds like he was wrong for far longer than he has been right.
@muneeb @spencernoon Sir, I have it on good authority that a 56k modem can handle gigameg blocks with ease.
@ziggamon Not that I’m aware of
@ziggamon The ability to unilaterally create or unilaterally block the creation of a transaction. I think CoinCenter came up with that.
@eric_lombrozo I’m open to new theories and evidence; I have a few theories but little evidence.
Economically rational SHA256 miners should mine the most profitable network since switching costs are fairly low. B… https://t.co/p2CK3EeteS
@C_ruhf @CarstenBKK Noted on the Y axes - I’ll link directly to the sources in my upcoming article. All public info from web sites and git.
@Bgibson0605 If you assume standard sleeping patterns then it appears Satoshi resided in eastern North America or w… https://t.co/ZZg4MpcHko
Timestamps tell a story. pic.twitter.com/O2ILmVTVs9
@AML_Ninja @badger_coin @saifedean @aantonop FYI, whoever owns the .cc domain stopped pointing it at my site. I now… https://t.co/zi3CYf9H0s
@murchandamus @SolveMaxwell It’s ready, it’s more a question of when the lawyers are ready.
@murchandamus This can be traced back to 2017 with the “SegWit Coins are not Bitcoins” presentation in Arnhem.
@incarbonite1 You’re not supposed to shoot the internet. https://t.co/iYHgEze71u
Q: Should I buy bitcoin now?
A: If you have to ask, the answer is no.
RT @CasaHODL: 1/ We’re excited to share that Casa is focusing on Bitcoin and Lightning only for 2019 and beyond!!
The genesis episode of TO THE MOON with @maxkeiser and @stacyherbert is live! https://t.co/SC0ISJpC8i
The problem of robocalls & spoofing could be solved if phone networks implemented PKI for call creators.
@_wooko_ Your profile states “do your own research” and that’s what I’ve done. I don’t care about what BSV does.
The game of coins has dangers such as wizards, trolls, and dragons - only play with the pieces you can afford to lo… https://t.co/46sfUazbSV
@Bitcoin_Beyond The source of the image will be linked in my article.
@BitcoinSofia @Bitcoin_Beyond The photo is merely something I found during my research, it is not evidence of anything in and of itself.
@Bitcoin_Beyond The original is a nearly 30 year old polaroid and as such, it was faded. The only alteration I perf… https://t.co/4KegE2uKMi
@Bitcoin_Beyond Reputation vs reputation works for me. Let’s revisit this next week when I reveal the source of the photo.
@Bitcoin_Beyond How much are you willing to bet?
@JudgeBitcoin Are you claiming that the person in the photo is not Craig Steven Wright?
@zackvoell Wright is better positioned than most people to pose as a Satoshi candidate, but I’ve yet to find any co… https://t.co/W4WsQg1Lh7
@TuurDemeester The unfortunate part is that 30% - 40% of my findings didn’t make it into the final draft due to legal issues.
@MrHodl Yes, I believe he was 19 or 20 at the time of this photo.
@nlebowitz1 It’s a catch-22 on the attention side. I don’t like giving him more attention but I also want to presen… https://t.co/EA9AWScB3T
A year ago I began a new research project; the subject of this research was Craig Steven Wright. I finished my rese… https://t.co/W0JoCxe8IQ
In the dystopian not-so-distant future, society will devolve to the point that the POTUS will simply be the person… https://t.co/gfVkXX9UFo
@BobMcElrath @CasaHODL @TheRandomOne18 Just running hidden services, not doing any intensive tor stuff.
Follow-up: LOL. https://t.co/yBDSMCA3UU
RT @TheCryptoconomy: Today we go through a recent blog post by @Lopp & the @CasaHODL team explaining the clever design used to ensure both…
@cedracine @CasaHODL * Clearnet channels will remain open and operational
* I think autopilot will look for both to… https://t.co/gjrWtnSXd3
@BTCDCA @CasaHODL No, this is just running hidden services for bitcoin, lnd, and the web dashboard. Running a relay… https://t.co/Q5AZFtzoBc
RT @CasaHODL: One of our most requested features,
Tor support on âš¡ï¸Casa Node âš¡ï¸
is finally here!
Improved Security 🔒
Enhanced Privacy 🛡ï¸â€¦
@kyletorpey @ErikVoorhees @Karalhoin @Dieter75 @QAcrypto @pavolrusnak @mj4m1n @rogerkver @binance @ShapeShift_io… https://t.co/COHVoviVhS
nChain’s “Open Source Projects†page lists:
Nakasendo: Was never open sourced and now even the closed source binari… https://t.co/TlX9GedZIT
What happened to the Terab project? It supposedly raised 3.6M euros in January 2018. https://t.co/G8gCKn0b4x
On Jan… https://t.co/uFERnELQIO
Remember when Craig promised that he was going to bring improved privacy to Bitcoin Cash? The Internet remembers. S… https://t.co/XLre26DiY2
Craig usually makes predictions / promises that won’t be falsifiable for over a year, presumably so that most folks… https://t.co/kscsiuAeTr
If you’re counting on Craig’s predictions or promises to come true, you’re gonna have a bad time. Source:… https://t.co/3xSc5gySpW
@DHannum8 @EricyuanY Data sovereignty is certainly on the long term roadmap, but it’s certainly long term - it will… https://t.co/yf3DD0lr1E
RT @roasbeef: Announcing lnd v0.6-beta! This new release address of number of p2p stability issues, adds Static Channel Backups (SCBs), add…
It would be poetic justice if Craig Wright ends up falling to perjury charges as a result of faking more cryptograp… https://t.co/HQqRWr0flB
@coindesk @AlyssaHertig Remember when Craig Wright claimed to have a PhD in Computer Science on his LinkedIn profil… https://t.co/v3BVtpu9Cc
Interesting new site by @SDLerner from the continuation of his research into the miners of early bitcoin blocks. satoshiblocks.info
RT @CasaHODL: Casa is pioneering a new kind of privacy policy! #MyDataMyLife means practicing what we preach. Our latest blog post breaks d…
@grlz2grlz @nixops Perhaps, though I’d rather have a surgeon with 1,000 successful surgeries under their belt than… https://t.co/59tFhoNyXM
@iamjosephyoung Do you expect someone to be able to answer such questions with any certainty?
Some of the best engineers I know don’t have a degree in a computing field. You can excel in a field w/o an academi… https://t.co/pLrNJ53UJ1
@junseth Thanks for the reminder; I found one! https://t.co/yV7tZiEN3k
RT @TheBlock__: Casa (@CasaHODL) kicks off data privacy campaign with a privacy policy update
RT @Melt_Dem: here’s why i care about privacy:
In a voluntary society no one can force you to not be an asshole, but the community can punish you via ostracism. T… https://t.co/dSIuGXt8Fs
@MarcosDarkos @Ragnarly @notgrubles @Blockstream There are some well known folks involved in this like @wheatpond a… https://t.co/RDLscScNIy
RT @jmcorgan: @lopp @adam3us Privacy is the dividing line between oneself and the rest of the world. Protecting it allows one to choose wha…
Privacy should be the default because it’s nearly impossible to make public data private & you don’t know what data… https://t.co/Exnly4lyEs
RT @notgrubles: Received a new message over @Blockstream Satellite. It appears to be a treasure hunt for $1,000,000 in #bitcoin, with inclu…
coindesk JUST IN: A million-dollar $BTC treasure hunt just launched with hidden clues scattered around the world. ow.ly/7sYs50qjUQC @La__Cuen
RT @TheLTBNetwork: Check out the first ever @BitcoinMagazine Podcast - your source of news, commentary and thought leadership driving the r…
Merry Tax Day, ‘Murica! pic.twitter.com/nzR2eLqL9G
@danheld Robbery is just theft + violence or threats thereof. All government initiated theft is robbery AFAICT.
@vakeraj I agree. I’m suggesting that the “bad” legal drug dealers, as you’ve described them, are causing more harm… https://t.co/Jq8bhoQMwT
Unpopular opinion: white market pill pushing doctors cause more harm than black market drug dealers.
RT @alexbosworth: If an exchange says they will delist a token due to the actions of a few people, it’s a pretty good sign that exchanges a…
@connolly_dan @CalvinAyre So you found a single outlier? It’s capitalized correctly later in the same file and in a… https://t.co/ko1JZRLqBa
@HaoMunNao @cenaclecapital @hmichellerose A little cypherpunk history: https://t.co/ncbe7hqp5Z
Layer: Meatspace
Title: Issue all conference badges with “@hodlonaut” as name
Author: @lopp
Status: Propos… https://t.co/DE7rT1Vwfb
@CalvinAyre It’s fascinating that Craig is still using incorrect capitalization when typing the word “Bitcoin.” Or… https://t.co/hIFwnX5ji9
@PeterMcCormack Have you been imprisoned yet for your crimes against Craig?
RT @CasaHODL: CasaHODLonaut
reporting for SPACE FLEET!!
#NewProfilePic https://t.co/Qk4WnP4Bww
@BigRedMurphy @CalvinAyre Yes, and? I still stand by that tweet, and the one I made above in the thread. They are not contradictory.
RT @MIT_CSAIL: 3 years ago MIT grad student Katie Bouman led the creation of a new algorithm to produce the first-ever image of a black hol…
Don’t only pay attention to those committing fraud, but also to those who stand by silently as they watch it happen… https://t.co/OZsDpIi2LT
There is no need to regularly check the bitcoin exchange rate - folks on social media will be sure to let you know… https://t.co/CIxtSkRlMX
Craig Wright tweeted an average 62 times per day in 2018; now he’s off Twitter and posting prolifically on Medium.… https://t.co/fgdoPGnmoo
@CalvinAyre Craig has been pleading his case that he is Satoshi for 4 years but has lost every appeal. There is no… https://t.co/lfNO7AIBDz
RT @SomsenRuben: 1/9 Blocks WILL be full sooner or later. We’re not making smart use of block space, so we’re likely to experience a bumpy…
The crypto space got to where it is today not just due to the cyphers, but also due to the punks.
@MattNelson1987 @CasaHODL @LineageAndroid Anything is technically possible, but the main consideration we’re strivi… https://t.co/N4jnxqjPsI
RT @CasaHODL: Today on the Casa Blog, @lopp reviews Mobile Key security architecture in the Keymaster app and our design of a better backup…
As @murchandamus eloquently put it: “users are often paying a premium for a time preference they don’t even have.”… https://t.co/Ri5dblnMSs
RT @coindesk: Money transfer giant @WesternUnion has teamed up with blockchain startup @coinsph to enable residents of the Philippines to d…
Bitcoin has:
Hundreds of thousands of daily average transactors
Millions of daily average HODLers (securing private… https://t.co/27vEdZ9aIf
@herp_derpshades @jespow Yes but this would formalize and simplify the process.
@jespow An annual get out of jail free card, of course.
@Melt_Dem @srolondon The tax nightmare that resulted from dumping shitcoin forks in 2017 made me realize another ma… https://t.co/jl6gfAZIVx
Craig Wright was deposed on April 4th as part of the Kleiman lawsuit. Unsurprisingly, he declined to answer a lot o… https://t.co/vavTFnPjyW
RIP @BitcoinWisdom; long live @BitcoinWisdomIo!
tabconf Watch @lopp speak on “Riding the Lightning - Casa Node Challenges” @CasaHODL
RT @magicalcrypto: On Sunday the 12th of May @lopp from @CasaHODL will give a talk at #MCC2019 on “Sowing the Seeds of Destruction”.
@ryaneshea @BobMcElrath What volume of data are we talking about? What is the threat model - the universe?
“Trust” is a four-letter word.
@BobMcElrath @ryaneshea Blockchain in the sky with diamonds.
@tangleblog You can point to anyone’s opinion you wish, but no one has authority over Bitcoin’s attributes or evolu… https://t.co/3tmVh0S5QI
@tangleblog There is no such fact - what you are stating is an opinion.
@tangleblog Don’t worry, Bitcoin is scaling. We’re just scaling horizontally rather than vertically.
@monecocoin @jeffreyatucker If I had a satoshi for every time I heard that claim, I wouldn’t have bothered to write… https://t.co/nJoOxT4nhX
@jeffreyatucker Bitcoin doesn’t compete with credit cards. The folks who want to compete with credit cards, PayPal,… https://t.co/mRR8WH7s7C
@iam_preethi Oh noes, the XRPArmy has invaded Google!
@EFF @GeoffreyStarks I appreciate the sentiment, but this is advocating for a band-aid. The only way to prevent dat… https://t.co/XhD2mTMp3R
RT @CasaHODL: Another batch of Casa Nodes,
fresh out of the oven!!
ðŸ”¥ðŸ”¥âš¡ï¸ âš¡ï¸ðŸš€ðŸš€ https://t.co/HDTcVFExs4
Q: “Why did the bitcoin exchange rate surge?”
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *rolls dice*
A: “Because @LukeDashjr’s BIP being activated… https://t.co/ozZWoHne18
@gaberivera I’m of the opinion that Dunbar’s Number is in effect when it comes to following counts.
RT @alexbosworth: SCB has been merged into the lnd master branch: https://t.co/ssAVdxfE0n It allows for a small backup file to be made to r…
@flyosity My condolences; it’s always tough to lose a family member. I’m sure you gave her a great life!
I’m pleased to announce that the gag order has been lifted and I can finally release the evidence of Satoshi Nakamo… https://t.co/QqopKjn5oR