@BTCarchitect @BitcoinBelle Quite a few; we could use more user friendly tools for creating non-custodial multi-user backups.
@BTCarchitect @BitcoinBelle Use a multi-sig scheme with distributed keys and explain how it works in your will. https://t.co/HMmCVu8SJ5
@khannib Also possible, and they may or may not broadcast. Extremely low fee txns could be broadcast but not propagate.
“Encryption will be the key to the survival of individualism in the coming Authoritarian future.” - @abarisser https://t.co/4evcP1714M
@cane_jean Certainty of inclusion / protection against volatile fee rate market.
@cane_jean Some mining pools offer private APIs that you can access to send transactions directly to them, bypassing the need to broadcast.
One reason I suspect more transactions are being mined privately is that Statoshi is showing more surges of new txn… https://t.co/YdzwD4WPbc
We could use more insight into the effects that private miner APIs / out-of-band transaction fee markets are having upon network.
A chart I’d like to see: # of transactions & amount of block size space taken up by transactions that weren’t seen as unconfirmed.
Beware of Indian BTC arbitrage scams. Red flags: payouts via PayPal, no names of operators, no snapshots of site on archive.org
@davef__ Drat; it would still make a great meme.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin There’s some nuance in there that I think Mike did a good job explaining on the WhaleClub chat.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin We don’t publicize all improvements :-)
Policy changes are quite rare thus this adds little human intervention.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin It can’t scale, which is why policies should be set appropriately to avoid need for human intervention.
@MrChrisEllis @BitGo @OKCoin We posted about some of the changes we’ve made here: https://t.co/lsxQ2ETo6D
RT @BitGo: Welcome @OKCoin! https://t.co/GUFTdrgkh9
“How Bitcoin’s Blockchain Changes Everything” - lightning talk by @martindale at @AllThingsOpen 2016 https://t.co/Jli4jNOkK9
“It’s not a Bug, It’s a Backdoor!” - great presentation by @kristovatlas at @AllThingsOpen last month. https://t.co/Oe3ZF7f155
Miners are raising their minimum fee rates. Comparison of 7 months ago (left) to today (right.) Hard floor still at… https://t.co/70jGous3Zj
With ETH falling 40% in past 2 months, BTC’s market cap dominance has risen to 86%. https://t.co/OP1JLoO7KD
Seeing @facebook ads for an ICO. Sounds legit… pic.twitter.com/MrlFWMJdGb
@ameir You can’t shoot AT the flag but you are allowed to shoot the flag out of an air cannon at crowds as a prize. #Murica
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Lowering learning curve decreases CONOP as well :-)
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Raises question of if it’s Bitcoin devs’ responsibility to make that a possibility.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin I’ve seen recent posts about not being able to run a node in India.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees @Truthcoin Indeed, I think geographical differences in cost should also be discussed.
@fluffyponyza @SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees Why not? The operations and storage required to sync a full node isn’t a mystery.
@kingjames104 @JoelNihlean I regret to inform you that you risked your life without even understanding what you were fighting for.
@SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees Lots of arguments about making the cost of running a node higher or lower, none about what the cost should be
@SatoshiRoundtbl @ErikVoorhees To answer your question, I’d say it’s because no one has even attempted to quantify CONOP.
@SatoshiRoundtbl I’m not attacking @ErikVoorhees, but rather making a joke about the unreasonably redundant arguing in this space.
I respect your First Amendment right to say we should restrict rights. Let’s not escalate it to the next Amendment. https://t.co/nPChFslUwp
@JaEsf @olivierjanss Probably not impossible; some thoughts here from @SDLerner https://t.co/lql7LDpUJ9
@JaEsf @olivierjanss Slight problem in that there’s no way (yet) for someone to prove that they are running a full node.
Rumor has it that the team who rehashes the most arguments wins the fork of their choice via Proof of Jerk. https://t.co/YsHKLl5DdI
@bhec39 Purchase is linked to my identity; item could be intercepted and tampered with.
@olivierjanss More thoughts on the costs and benefits of running a full node: https://t.co/4XYdmZr0mW
@olivierjanss Why should users run full nodes? Doing so provides them w/a security model that has fewer assumptions: https://t.co/2DKbJOkOTx
RT @bradheath: Federal judge says “the public interest is … well served” by keeping the FBI’s Tor exploit secret, for reasons that are al…
Wanted to buy a new computer for #CyberMonday but then the paranoia kicked in and I remembered it would be poor OPSEC to do so online…
@prestonjbyrne If you have sufficient hashrate and create enough txns to raise the fee rate floor for confirmations, I’d bet it could be.
@jbeardsley Bitcoin Black Friday was a big deal the past 2 years, though notsomuch this year.
Today’s uptick in mempool size appears to be due to several megabytes worth of transactions paying half the going f… https://t.co/SxnRUtLic6
@alansilbert Mostly normal though there were some spikes on the 24th https://t.co/4KdVguaWfk
A breakdown of the transaction fee rates that were paid during the mempool backlog last week.… https://t.co/Imcqd0rMmv
RT @jerrybrito: The Secret, Dangerous World of Venezuelan Bitcoin Mining https://t.co/9MlNDCOujR
@erikledgers All you have to do is browse the various Bitcoin forums to see the problems users face. High learning curve hinders adoption.
@rhapsodhy @abbydactyl Correct. It’s actually quite simple - just use Signal for SMS instead of the Messenger app.
@rhapsodhy @abbydactyl If you send a message to a non-Signal user, it sends them an SMS. I just did this yesterday, so it definitely works.
@erikledgers I’m not at all worried about the monetary policy. More worried about usability, scalability, and security.
The world is changing faster than is humanly possible to ingest. You can either surf the waves of entropy or drown as they crash over you.
@covati I’d guess a relative rating would be Signal > WhatsApp > iMessage > Viber, though I don’t know a ton about the last 2.
@zooko I think it will need to be 0 clicks to overcome this level of apathy 😞
@abbydactyl I see Whatsapp as having to join a new network whereas with Signal you keep your existing network but are encrypting a portion.
@abbydactyl Are there? I thought both use your contact list of phone numbers, but Signal seems better because it also supports regular SMS.
@kristovatlas Yeah, but I don’t have time to wait for them all to get burned, nor do I want to get burned conversing in cleartext. :-/
@SooMartindale @TradeBlock There’s nothing to prevent users from simply re-broadcasting transactions that have been evicted from mempools.
Continually amazed by apathy of my (even tech-savvy) friends regarding privacy. Many refuse to click 3 buttons to install Signal. Wat do?
@bitstein @Truthcoin @patio11 It’s nice to have this on public record for us to bookmark alongside bitcoinobituaries.com
Blocks stay full due to lingering low fee transactions. Here’s one from over a year ago, just confirmed. https://t.co/kYwSNG1jHN
@LaurentMT Spot checking the blocks those txs were confirmed in and I only see BTCC & F2Pool. Perhaps paying out-of-band fees?
@LaurentMT Interesting, though looks more like a service than an attacker to me. Incoming payments at all hours, outgoing in smaller range.
@ivglavas Sure, if they approve physical asset ETFs such as gold and oil, makes sense to me to approve digital asset ETFs.
@PonomarevSol @victoriavaneyk @abcnews You might be interested in my recent article: https://t.co/AKcpth9K79
@PonomarevSol @victoriavaneyk @abcnews We’ve seen that argument made many times. Bitcoin mining is not a waste of e… https://t.co/dQlvtVZqWW
@KnitYak Any ETA on shipping for backers?
BTC ETF approval process:
* Some argue govt should give permission to trade
* Others argue it should restrict trade
…govt wins either way.
Is it ironic that @twitter’s 15 character username length limit resulted in @BitcoinUnlimite truncating their handle?
Happy Thanksgiving, Southern Style pic.twitter.com/bjx5YvGq5r
The nice thing about Ethereum is that you can run 3+ different node implementations so that when 1 breaks you just use the other 2+. 🙃
@brandonbl79 At the moment, yes. Hopefully improvements in the tech will enable companies to perform higher tx volume in the future.
@brandonbl79 @kristovatlas Not fundamentally; even doubling the block size only equates to 6 tx/s which is tiny from a global standpoint.
You know you’ve reached a new level when you can no longer find any humor in Morris’ Three Golden Rules of Computer… https://t.co/sVrl9KcQYm
@MAbtc @bitedgeco I think we agree on that point; I basically said as much with https://t.co/gcsD7M42YZ
@MAbtc @bitedgeco Refer to my tweetstorm from earlier today for more of my thinking about transaction backlogs. https://t.co/PNDMiZGSdn
@MAbtc @bitedgeco As I noted (I am “statoshi”) on that thread, such an increase can easily be due to organic growth. It’s not proof of spam.
@fredzannarbor You mean in relation to the value sent by the transaction? Doesn’t make much sense either since that’s not how market works.
@SDLerner True, true, though when discussing the fee market and comparing tx fees to their confirmation times, fee rates are a good standard
@ErikVoorhees I have yet to figure out how to open a bank account in India.
The only sane way to describe bitcoin transaction fees is in cost per byte of data. If you just state the total cost, it’s nonsensical.
@paul_btc @JVWVU1 Some companies would prefer on-chain transactions because then the users can verify balances on their own.
6) Reminder: https://t.co/3HzJ2Obl2V
5) As such, I’d bet that some backlogs are not attacks, but rather people firing up new services & learning the hard way.
4) I tell these companies to use on-chain transactions for entering and exiting their service; the rest should be internal DB updates.
3) I’ve had to tell a number of companies over the years to re-architect or scrap their plans so that they don’t make too many transactions.
2) Some companies getting into Bitcoin don’t comprehend the scarcity of block space and want the blockchain to do all their accounting.
1) It would only take one moderately sized company to start regularly sending BTC to users in order to create a large transaction backlog.
@tunafizzle @MAbtc It can help see some abberrant behavior, though plenty of other tools are good for spotting patterns / cluster analysis.
@MAbtc Tx volume is gameable if you pay min relay fee but far below market rate. Not sure how to use long term volume when we’re @ capacity.
It would be incredibly unfortunate if organic growth in Bitcoin gets dismissed as spam attacks because of suspicion about people’s agendas.
I’ve yet to see any indications that current txn backlog is a spam attack. Fees look fairly evenly distributed.… https://t.co/WaRkEDPdOV
@SooMartindale @ethereumproject @reddit Inded, my last @coindesk article mentioned why Bitcoin nodes don’t auto-update.
Looks like Bitcoin is getting popular again. Nearly 12 BTC in transaction fees waiting to be collected.… https://t.co/r7IpFZZWZp
@bitcoin3000 @Satoshi_N_ It looks like we’re still at 15999923.60261964 due to uncollected coinbases ;-)
Interesting; @ethereumproject has implemented auto-updates for Mist. https://t.co/BmhC6G9GT6
When asked to comment, Bitcoin’s imaginary European legal team mumbled something about “honey badger don’t care.” https://t.co/tX3QTW0y3b
I’ll be pleasantly surprised if SegWit activates (with a 95% threshold) in the next 3 months. pic.twitter.com/XnJ1ktpYJ0
Opinions are split! pic.twitter.com/hiZrQczQWU
When people are making mortgage-sized payments before they even get a mortgage, they opt not to double down on debt… https://t.co/AA4cTug6se
Segregated Witness will activate in:
The rise of blockchain training programs and blockchain talent agencies is a sign of a:
@kristovatlas Could very well be a contributing factor.
Self-identified “bears” on /r/BitcoinMarkets are nearly extinct. coinsight.org pic.twitter.com/J1moQo6wzk
SegWit signaling surging; should be interesting to see where it settles. pic.twitter.com/CwLCbinpeO
RT @bobbyclee: Massive counterfeit USD currency bust… Another reminder of #Bitcoin advantage: No Counterfeits! https://t.co/EKWa0ihWjN #I…
RT @coinbase: Protecting Customer Privacy https://t.co/lIlrHn7Bgp
If you have any money in your @ChangeTip account, now would be a good time to withdraw it. https://t.co/1DRhgtKlll
RT @ndrchvzz: @lopp @pwuille And if you run a full node you can also check my cool script to view version stats https://t.co/7C6hM0JiDr
@pwuille Sure, it’s probably what people are more concerned about since any significant reorg would be incredibly disruptive.
@theonevortex @aantonop @pwuille lowest point in the past year was 180 - 200 days depending upon how you estimate. bitcoin.sipa.be/powdays-50k.png
@theonevortex @aantonop @pwuille I think it’s neat because it shows how thermodynamic security changes along w/hashing tech improvements.
@theonevortex @aantonop @pwuille We added a description along w/charts to bitcoin.sipa.be/index.html - please let us know if it’s still unclear
A gem I found in @pwuille’s code: amount of time it would take for an attacker w/100% of current hashrate to rewrit… https://t.co/fmvXTEYe3p
SegWit signaling starts soon, so I helped @pwuille expose more of his charts. Check them out at bitcoin.sipa.be/versions.html
Higher fees price inefficient / low value transactions off the blockchain. Interesting quote from @wences at @xapo.… https://t.co/WwNOfQy53Q
@timpastoor @alansilbert The “unfairness” is generally the fee discrepancy between sending and receiving funds; segwit rebalances it some.
@alansilbert They may receive large numbers of low value transactions, then have to pay high fees to spend all the UTXOs.
@alansilbert Like payment processors and remittance providers… not sure how to quantify it but I see this problem regularly.
@alansilbert It becomes a bigger issue if your business model results in you collecting massive numbers of low value UTXOs.
@pwuille can you add more navigation links on bitcoin.sipa.be to your other chart types such as /ver-ever.png & /ver9-10k.png?
Stage 5: acceptance. https://t.co/eFBDSliRmd
valkenburgh Cryptocurrency described with only the 1,000 most used words. #upgoerfive pic.twitter.com/2F4YD7jVnV
Just deployed to https://t.co/CEIeZfrhNP: new block size & weight metrics to give more insight into SegWit effects. https://t.co/J9PJvVKSf5
@alistairmilne @alansilbert It gets complicated and turns into game theory if you’re talking about chains attacking each other :-P
@alansilbert @alistairmilne Sure, if two chains have same difficulty then I’d expect their cumulative work will (relatively) converge.
@alistairmilne @alansilbert You can seem some calculations I performed on Bitcoin’s chain here: https://t.co/2DKbJO3duX
@alistairmilne @alansilbert When analyzing the thermodynamic security of a blockchain, look at cumulative work rather than length.
@alistairmilne @alansilbert Point being that a block on one chain can have orders of magnitude greater work than one on another chain.
@alistairmilne @alansilbert Chain length is likely irrelevant; AFAIK all PoW systems are based upon cumulative chain work, not chain length.
Should Bitcoin supporters take a page out of BitTorrent’s playbook? https://t.co/kOVi2o0zuF /cc @bramcohen
lopp When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, holding a cross, sitting in a lawn chair, and eating a KFC Double Down.
@el33th4xor Is that a “ties suck” binary tie?
.@krakenfx gives a tip of the hat to @projectfi as the telco that’s most secure against phone porting attacks. https://t.co/kWNVCbiZcZ
@Jim_Harper But then readers might be less inclined to run full nodes :-)
@jgarzik Seems to me that soft forks push a full node’s security model closer to that of an SPV client.
@Dave_Parrish It’s usable, though in my experience it has lower performance and lags Core in features.
My attempt at describing the security model offered to Bitcoin full node operators: https://t.co/2DKbJO3duX
@latetothe @SpirosMargaris I have no problems with you using it, though @coindesk might want some sort of attribution.
SpirosMargaris Must read
#Bitcoin’s Security Model : A Deep Dive
bit.ly/2eUCFhS #fintech @lopp pic.twitter.com/5FRovCg0Em
RT @coindesk: Bitcoin’s Security Model: A Deep Dive https://t.co/yTGsiInKAh https://t.co/AObA6U1ksa
@CoinMKTCap FYI your “total number of BTC in circulation” is lagging; it’s currently 9000 higher than your site is showing.
@dagelf @timothyej It appears Coinmarketcap is wrong; my own stats (straight from Bitcoin Core) match Timothy’s: https://t.co/7Nn2EZ34MG
SunnyStartups “Buy Bitcoin” on google trends in India. pic.twitter.com/1mPmJee6JX
@flyosity IT BEGINS pic.twitter.com/Ln2MXOSE2u
@barrysilbert … to fund the next war?
@flyosity Every candidate makes promises they won’t keep. Trump is just an extreme case.
Neat visualization of bitcoin UTXOs by @timothyej: utxo-stats.com pic.twitter.com/3UxZEVtieX
Private prison stocks are surging. https://t.co/LTP6lNuMxV
@balajis @nntaleb You know who got it right? Not who, but what: https://t.co/rPToCfoQNZ
@LianaBrooks @flyosity That’s what happens when you fill a popularity contest with candidates who break disapproval rating records.
@flyosity Good luck restricting free speech on the internet.
“The great thing that came out of Bitcoin was the realization that we the people could do our own money.” - @iang_fc https://t.co/BOKXTch3vb
markets Dollar plunges bloom.bg/2ejYRDm pic.twitter.com/iUxrcQP7Sa
RT @erikbryn: Mexican Peso crashing. Biggest drop in 20 years. https://t.co/YsUgEh4wek
polemitis 8/ My observation so far (in Dubai) is that there is no way to exchange for rupees in any currently legal notes
India is hard forking the Rupee, but with $200B on the line perhaps there are sufficient supporters to keep Rupee Classic alive.
American voters on this #ElectionDay pic.twitter.com/yAFjSIrzFW
Bitcoin is a decentralized startup; you can start earning your equity today! https://t.co/C7jEYEK5Mu
RT @maraoz: Vote gives the illusion of changing the world, but is actually an act of aggression. That is especially true today :(
@Beetcoin It’s completely antithetical to the reason Bitcoin was created - eliminating trust in third parties.
@Beetcoin You didn’t read the article and the long term plan. pic.twitter.com/xKR9i2qnkf
India takes next step in eliminating financial privacy, calling cash “black money.” https://t.co/6qJJiZJ6xt https://t.co/ZT8UDbqD78
“We need a mutable blockchain because the EU is declaring that people have a right to be forgotten.”… https://t.co/oUsQfEQtdh
RT @victoriavaneyk: “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices.” —George…
New cold storage @KialaraCoin Signature Series for sale: “Soul of Satoshi” https://t.co/ItvtHqIZd7 https://t.co/deeg1NTJTr
Are there any good analyses of @Hyperledger’s Proof of Elapsed Time? https://t.co/U8S1H2ja74
If you create a new @ATT account, they ask you to protect your account with a PIN.
Then they email the PIN to you in cleartext.
Last year I upgraded my Internet speed by 1,000% for +$10/month.
Today I upgraded by another 300% for -$20/month.
TIL the default PIN for @TMobile users to prevent people from porting their phone number away is the last 4 digits of their SSN. 😱
@DoctorLex US
Local miner tells me that govt contractors have been asking questions about mining infrastructure… speculate away as to why that might be.
@el33th4xor IDK, mining multiple cryptos, not sure with what pools.
Vernon Gantt is 75 years old and is likely the oldest professional Bitcoin miner. https://t.co/cd5x3pEz7t
@GabrielDVine Just got him to commit to give a presentation next month at the meetup I run. Should be fun!
Met a fascinating fellow who just sold his HVAC business to focus on full-time mining here in NC. He’s figured out how to get cheap energy.
@_drgo Tracking # of txns & size, though not fees https://t.co/qZaVgUaAXD
@twobitidiot Military-Industrial complex can’t take the risk of requiring an Act of Congress in order to make war; it would cripple revenue.
@mikestable Yaaaay you learned how to upload photos!
RT @_jonasschnelli_: A patch for an experimental full block hybrid SPV mode for #bitcoin-core. Use SPV while syncing your full node. https:…
khannib Recommending a $2 fee might be overkill. @BitPay @copay pic.twitter.com/TKfvN5IdFx
“Not Donald Trump” has more newspaper endorsements than @realDonaldTrump - this has to be a record.… https://t.co/y7Ld7O5RQU
RT @roasbeef: An Evaluation of Coin Selection Strategies: https://t.co/dxV5v8pl6F
@Itnom There are countries w/o income tax, but are there any w/NO taxes? Nation state currencies can exist for centuries while losing value.
Few things are certain other than death, taxes, and the devaluation of nation-state currencies.
RT @NinjaEconomics: Egypt devalues currency by almost 50 percent ahead of IMF loan https://t.co/IoKn4DwUTm
Whoever placed the exchange rate data on the sidebar didn’t help your arguments, @Asia_G3. https://t.co/Wd60G8CwNT https://t.co/kbLYGsptaa
RT @jerrybrito: Venezuelans are turning to bitcoin as the bolÃvar crumbles https://t.co/RVGwbOJUo2 Glad to see someone finally wrote this s…
RT @HecklerForever: Venezuela’s currency, the bolivar, is so devalued, bills are no longer counted but weighed. 😱
RT @TheStalwart: This chart of the black market bolivar is incredible https://t.co/smP8MugGPt https://t.co/Xdc8Qk3qu1
As of this week we’ve started recording & posting @TriangleBitcoin presentations to this @YouTube channel: https://t.co/oD2Ln0ReQ3
Word on the street is that OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK & OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACKVERIFY can enable a lot of new functionality. https://t.co/enUizwr3On
RT @Blockstream: Advancing scripts in #Bitcoin. New post on using Covenants and Moeser-Eyal-Sirer vault: https://t.co/pIUf62k0lU @el33th4xor
DoJ assistant attorney: the reason the US government didn’t shut down Bitcoin is because they recognized they can’t. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
DoJ assistant attorney: quite a few federal agents own bitcoins simply because they find the technology fascinating. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
DoJ assistant attorney: mixers could often be unscrambled by law enforcement in ~2013, have improved since then. https://t.co/o7wJOoPGCz
statoshi.info upgraded to 0.13.1; next I’ll look into adding SegWit specific stats.
@coincidental_eu And if you announce a useragent that a site considers obsolete, they shut you out.