@flyosity Is that why you changed your Twitter handle to no longer contain a number?
When we lose our privacy, we lose our liberty. I saw CITIZENFOUR and so should you. rottentomatoes.com/m/citizenfour/
@TuurDemeester Mostly stolen. #EveryonesAScammer http://t.co/DPhBDp1rTy
If you run a financial application and deploy a new security feature, it should probably be opt-out, not opt-in.
RT @fnxTX: -_-;
And the major non-client-side threat to @Blockchain arch—MITM. A known vuln; why allow Tor connxn to touch privkeys? @julia…
RT @fnxTX: @lopp @blockchain And even worse, the DEFAULT settings would screw you, unless you had perfect email security. Suboptimal on the…
RT @fnxTX: @lopp @blockchain Yep. So Blockchain itself isn’t insecure, but had serious Linux syndrome. Too many settings, too easy to screw…
RT @fnxTX: @lopp As for @blockchain, biggest (ongoing) mistake was post-Heartbleed. By default, new accts got emailed a single-factor recov…
@fnxTX @blockchain Goes to show that you can’t expect users to educate themselves about security.
.@blockchain’s reputation continues to slide. Have yet to hear a response for how they intend to improve. https://t.co/bsHgZVq1Rk
Bitcoin doesn’t need to be defended against the willfully ignorant. Don’t let them waste your time rehashing the same old arguments.
If @ChangeTip releases a public API my first order of business will be to write a @HipChat add-on to enable tipping in chat rooms.
Need to generate QR codes for offline keys on Ubuntu / Debian?
$ sudo apt-get install qrencode
$ qrencode -o QRImage.png “priv_key…”
CoinkiteAPI Open Source: “Python Code for Offline Transaction Signing (P2SH, M-of-15 multisig)” buff.ly/11StfdE #bitcoin #dev #oss
@Jeremy_DeGroot @flyosity Shhhhhh stop giving away the secrets of the trade!
@flyosity As savvy shoppers add SCA discounts to their purchase strategy, retailers will have to respond by becoming more sophisticated.
@CryptoScalper @jgarzik LinkedIn: recruiter spam honeypot
FB: Humble bragging
G+: Futurology / tech
Twitter: Bitcoin
Instagram: travel / food / art
Ello: oodbye
If you configure bitcoind w/ “blocknotify=bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo” you’re gonna have a bad time. I recommend prefixing w/ “sleep 10 &&”
“Working in the Bitcoin world is like working for a drug addict with bipolar disorder.” - @DanielKrawisz
Bringing a Bitcoin node online? Consider building from master (or 0.10 once it’s branched) b/c you can skip bootstrapping the blockchain.
@Kosmatos Yeah I checked @port8333 to see if there have been any massive node dropoffs but don’t see any. Doubt many folks have alerting.
My definition of an exciting morning: resizing a root file system on-the-fly without disrupting service (or destroying the entire VPS.)
Somebody was playing ping pong with the statoshi.info node this afternoon… pic.twitter.com/wUiRXtFKot
Crypto #FF:
@niccary @blockchain You working on resolving reliability issues? I seem to see more and more of these posts: https://t.co/hLHyNVbwH2
@gavinandresen Do you have a copy of Bitcoin v0.1.0 source? Can you verify that these copies are unmodified? https://t.co/0bk7bnbXsZ
@JamesGMorgan Just broke 900 followers; 900 bits of thanks to you via @ChangeTip
@Brad_Matthews You mean you want to extend the range w/o buying a new router? I’ve had success with this: http://t.co/egDwrjJju8
I suggest @NakamotoInst host Bitcoin v0.1’s code since it’s not in the @github repo. Retrieved by Hal Finney in 2012 https://t.co/0bk7bnbXsZ
It appears that sometimes a node gets stuck in a loop broadcasting transaction INVs… http://t.co/ZfHs8NdTR1
@OverstockCEO @Wedbush All “rules” are not created equally…
RT @gavinandresen: I played with gource and ffmpeg today: http://t.co/zuzde0wKIX (see core dev becoming increasingly decentralized over tim…
Distant future: bitcoin mining farms will relocate to Low Earth Orbit for cooling purposes & use nuclear power for max savings / autonomy.
Near future: bitcoin mining farms will relocate to Arctic Circle for cooling purposes & use geothermal power for max savings / autonomy.
RT @mozilla: You asked & we answered! We’re now accepting @Bitcoin! Read more here: https://t.co/b3HE5o34Ad
If the statutes underpinning our legal system were code in a software project, the build wouldn’t even compile.
@mikestable It sounds like she was trying to do… <puts on sunglasses> A REDUCTION. http://t.co/4ZqEidJDki
BlockZombie The Bitcoin Doco is OUT! vimeo.com/112223859
RT @FEhrsam: Excited to have alma mater @DukeChronicle using the new @coinbase tip button! ex: http://t.co/dP4ZvWPFEM
@alex_sterk oclvanitygen on Ubuntu with an ATI Radeon 6850. I wrote a guide for that particular process: https://t.co/XcEfqnObYO
Coinkite Multisig Done Right: Launching Co-Sign Pages and Multisig API (M-of-15) buff.ly/1zzIwep #bitcoin
EFF EFF, Mozilla, Cisco, and Akamai are launching Let’s Encrypt, a certificate authority to encrypt the entire Web eff.org/r.qo95
@pig_poetry Time to find a case sensitive 8 character prefix would be several years on my GPU, generating 20,000,000 keys per second.
After 17,905,152,950,272 guesses, $5 worth of electrons, & a bit of luck, I own 1STAToshiScchY69P37xouKEJgi5G1rsf pic.twitter.com/CjY5LprMEB
@flyosity harder for you to garrotte him if you’re in the front seat.
“Hemp Oil Hustlers” is a fascinating exposé on scammers in the medical marijuana industry. http://t.co/L4Qcz1oB3g /cc @PonziTracker
@ziggamon Maybe it’s a for-profit company that reinvests its profits into buying BTC & driving up exchange rate ;-) https://t.co/qPT8fKjtUR
@ziggamon I asked this question during @Blockstream’s AMA: https://t.co/M1myml4VNe
@ziggamon Mozilla Corporation is for-profit, as is @Blockstream. Mozilla Foundation is the non-profit.
@ziggamon @Blockstream Hopefully to hire more people / have a decade+ of runway?
@Pierre_Rochard @girevikcap @Bitstein @BBoingo @DCCCertified @barrysilbert pic.twitter.com/LpnZUR2HsR
@Pierre_Rochard @girevikcap @Bitstein @BBoingo @DCCCertified @barrysilbert Actually here you go: https://t.co/1Ur0Pl9UCt
@girevikcap @Bitstein @BBoingo @Pierre_Rochard It looks like @DCCCertified is supported by “Bitcoin Opportunity Corp” AKA @barrysilbert
Do you want to create 2-of-3 multisignature transactions the hard way? @gavinandresen has a step-by-step guide: https://t.co/e3KMQfqcHp
@flyosity If you look into his history it appears he may be suffering from a mental illness. Best not to feed the troll.
@anonymouscoin @MadBitcoins I pose to you that Dark Bitcoin Foundation already exists but it cannot be observed and measured simultaneously.
Updated my list of uses for Bitcoin; let me know if I’ve missed anything. https://t.co/XSsm9r8Yiq
@polemitis Our robot overlords will issue satoshis for our sustenance provided that they have been cryptographically encoded not to kill us.
Another day in Bitcoinland, another highly dramatic scam accusation… https://t.co/SgAGvr6gJF https://t.co/zPuGGzexTz
@Magnus919 Make sure it’s running on a reputable logless VPN ;-)
@dan_pantera What is the definition of “too toxic?” Can you get a contact high off of dollars?
Lesson of the day: do not assume that a HTTP User-Agent header won’t contain a carriage return.
@italovoso @austinhill Heh, MintChip 2.0?
@PonziTracker Accused ZeekRewards Ponzi mastermind pleads not guilty: http://t.co/1Vwm0BIjZd
I hereby claim that I am “statoshi” on @reddit https://t.co/BzQftn5wxE
@niccary If you’re a fan of mashups, I highly recommend Scott Melker’s albums. themelkerproject.com
@niccary If you’re a nerdcore fan, you should listen to @realytcracker’s new album. ytcracker.bandcamp.com
@orweinberger “The reason was a disagreement with the board about a new office” http://t.co/MzScrG5ROR
@orweinberger Supposedly he didn’t get the new office space he wanted…
matthew_d_green @lopp @ZerocoinProject @secparam @petertoddbtc No. And it’s killing me that I can’t talk about it now. But very soon.
@DanGodwinYo I think so; government’s gonna put up a fight just like they have with drugs / terrorism / etc.
So… um… is @ZerocoinProject / Zerocash development dead? /cc @matthew_d_green @secparam @petertoddbtc
@PieBirdRaleigh FYI, the “C” in “Bitcoin” shouldn’t be capitalized.
Community’s confidence in @blockchain’s quality of service is waning as glitches continue to not get fixed. What gives, @matt_tuzzolo?
I’m concerned about @blockchain. They raised $30M in VC funding & have 8 devs, yet the bugs reported by users seem to increase every day.
@winklevoss @tylerwinklevoss I read your “Money is Broken” slides & think you’d benefit from @davidgraeber’s book. http://t.co/2ypqGz6uPU
Kudos to @danielsocials for being the first person to run a @grafana Statoshi dashboard other than myself: http://t.co/VxhdPPFJl5
Everyone please HODL until THIS IS GENTLEMAN ATH. /cc @aantonop @ActuallyAndreas pic.twitter.com/yeBhe0zpPg
@petertoddbtc Any speculation upon how will this affect the value of the presale tokens I didn’t buy?
@oleganza There you go with your predictions again… don’t jinx it!
@mikestable Check your thin privilege at the door. https://t.co/exwmPgi3BH
@orderofstuff Everybody’s stocking up for Bitcoin Black Friday amirite?
@orweinberger Wake me up when we reach a new ATH
@oleganza Bearwhale has been beached.
@DanGodwinYo Last I checked, 1 DOGE = 1 DOGE. ;-)
@DanGodwinYo Note my following comments on tipping etiquette. DOGE community isn’t about money, though - it’s about having fun.
RT @ncpolicelogs: $12,000 bitcoin theft reported by @ChapelHillPD. http://t.co/pWfEanMD7i
If you’re going on a tipping spree, beware of any account that asks for tips - there are folks running bots to prey upon generous tippers.
If tipping someone unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, anything less than several dollars is effectively spam b/c there is time investment req’d
Is it time to formalize the “rules” of tipping into netiquette? If you’re tipping a known bitcoin user, I think any amount > $0.01 is fine.
OTOH, tipping is a good example of allowing experimentation to occur in alt-coins and then merging successful experiments back to bitcoin.
Folks often note how quickly the Bitcoin ecosystem evolves, but I view recent surge in tipping interest & see BTC lagging DOGE by 11 months.
Seizure of SR marked beginning of last bitcoin bubble. Many wonder if seizure of SR2 heralds the next. All I know: each bubble is different.
RT @pmarca: Title II FCC regulations were created in 1934, based directly on railroad regulations from 1887, 125+ years ago. http://t.co/au…
@blockchain Your “nodes globe” is incorrectly displaying nodes at 0°,0° (default unknown geoip locationblockchain.info/nodes-globeQW
@mikestable @carpedurham isn’t in the business of saying that restaurants are good or bad ;-)
@polemitis If @genecoin ceases to exist for any reason and the algorithm is proprietary, you just have gibberish on the blockchain.
@polemitis Initial thoughts: if @genecoin doesn’t open source their compression algorithm, it’s useless long term storage.
@CathyReisenwitz Talking politics DURING sex? AKA “angry sex?”
@oleganza @stanmarion Sounds like a great contrarian indicator. BRB, selling my stash.
RT @el33th4xor: Someone won 10000 BTC from Pirateat40 by betting that Pirateat40 was running a Ponzi. Fraudster paid up: http://t.co/RADVqA…
@Rothbardian1627 Not officially, though I see Darren every few weeks. I don’t think it will be until April or May at the earliest.
The @USPS is reporting that it has been hacked and employee information may have been compromised. http://t.co/PPs4aKMbuI
@mikestable molly + coke is a helluva drug cocktail http://t.co/EXw0gDlhQy
RT @ValaAfshar: The reason bigger companies fail to innovate — #techonomy14 http://t.co/fYOgYfhVvl
@mark_a_phelps Tough break. Have a latte via @ChangeTip and keep grinding.
RT @torproject: Our initial reaction to the 27 hidden services recently taken down. https://t.co/lgZMG20osF #tor #hiddenservices
I just published “How to Generate a Custom Bitcoin Address with an AMD GPU on Ubuntu†https://t.co/adScSS1idY
When a service updates the terms of service it should offer a diff from the previous version. Stop drowning us in legalese!
@jgarzik IIRC, The Jane accepts BTC thejane.dk
Current status: brute forcing a pub/priv key pair for an 8 character prefix Bitcoin address. See you next month…
FWIW, SR3 is not a “new service that appeared online hours after SR2 takedown” as some journalists claim. Diabolus just rebranded their UI.
@mikestable Sounds like a job for surveillancecameraman.jpg.to
@danlowe Yep, @DaveChappelle killed it.
TuurDemeester Greenspan Shocker: “Gold Is the Premier Currency; No Fiat Currency, Including the Dollar, Can Match It” bit.ly/1yeW7Gz
@ErikVoorhees @businessinsider Sorry, but that screenshot is inadequate proof.
@Bitcoin @JamesLiamCook Proof? What’s the .onion URL?
Ouch. UNC’s CS dept cuts class sizes by half, pulls TA positions from undergrads due to inadequate funding. :-( http://t.co/GRK4Sf6r65
@Itsjoeco @jgarzik Done. /cc @winklevoss @tylerwinklevoss
@mikestable bookmark this shit nofuckstogive.today
Fascinating. It sounds like http://t.co/U64aBja6Sr is planning on using the blockchain for diamond trade. http://t.co/dmlsHE8KBR
@mikestable @google removed SCM videos b/c they eat a bag of dicks. Thankfully @liveleak gives no fucks. NEW VIDEO! http://t.co/e1VjHhodTH
@mikestable @flyosity Wrong. Obvs Node is the correct answer.
@SHodyEsq This is a legitimate use case for pseudonymous cryptocurrency. :-P
@PonziTracker Here’s one for you: http://t.co/46J0lmNifk
Fascinating that the (alleged) Dread Pirate Roberts keeps operating within the borders of the United States. Seems like a terrible idea.
The Dread Pirate Roberts can be captured; the Dread Pirate Roberts can be killed. But the Dread Pirate Roberts cannot be stopped.
NewYorkFBI Operator of Silk Road 2.0, Blake Benthall, arrested yesterday by FBI agents in San Francisco, CA
@Shadesh @el33th4xor @edouardb_ It’s not a data center by any stretch of the imagination - it’s a cobbled-together mining farm.
@el33th4xor Bitcoin user unaffected :-)
@mark_a_phelps Awwwwwwwwyeah, @ElevatorQueen in da house, y’all.
Proof of Burn https://t.co/KdPIx6gx4B http://t.co/uaXmMjTr5h
RT @realytcracker: AMA is live do the thing http://t.co/ni6CwtFWb5
macrowoman Built on @chain’s awesome API for @money2020 #hackathon filepub.io pic.twitter.com/AMNiqP47gL
RT @My3DPrinting: Engineer Creates Special, Safer Bullets For 3D Printed Guns, Including Semi-automatics http://t.co/2rF66OHBIh http://t.c…
And now for something completely different: a Bitcoin “traffic” visualization. http://t.co/dt4xPZNcjr
RT @realytcracker: Help make it happen for Introducing Neals http://t.co/gz6keYZTiE #indiegogo via @indiegogo
Heads up, #nerdcore fans - @realytcracker’s epic album just dropped. ytcracker.bandcamp.com
Radomysisky I’d like to announce my candidacy for a board seat at the Bitcoin Foundation.
@SandrineAy @oleganza You forgot to put quotation marks around “unbiased.”
@Jeremy_DeGroot @mikestable I can avoid those. I can’t avoid the spam in my mailbox, voicemail, email inbox, and front door.
@mikestable My favorite part is seeing all the people in line with their propaganda cards telling them how to vote b/c research is hard.
The more I research @GAWMiners, the more alarm bells go off. Caveat emptor, folks.
RT @torproject: Thoughts on Facebook’s Tor hidden service, https://t.co/kbDou9wD4S #tor #hiddenservices #facebook
An EMP of sufficient magnitude to disrupt Bitcoin would also wreak havoc on existing infrastructure & throw the entire world into chaos.
I’d like to see an @IFTTT recipe that automates sending a @ChangeTip to a @twitter user when I favorite their tweet.
@matthew_d_green Indirect incentive is to increase the utility of Bitcoin. Direct incentive could be built in via demurrage / tx skimming.