The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 2013

@brentnelson Byrd’s is only a few miles from Johnson’s. They’ve been around for decades, have great food & owners.

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@pmccall777 I was more impressed by the Battletoads reference.

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@ameir @flyosity No, that’s the note. “Application Error.”

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@carpedurham Oh, they weren’t mean to me, but it was certainly an amateur operation. Their “little exp in food industry” quip rings true.

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@carpedurham I visited them a few weeks ago and none of the comments surprise me at all. I’ll continue to be a loyal Byrd’s BBQ customer!

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@whosthedoss Oh, you mean outdoor drinking?

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@ddahlke They could probably use a good internal flushing.

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@whosthedoss …but isn’t it obviously chocolate?

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@whosthedoss Oops, @ncpolicelogs account couldn’t see your reply because it doesn’t follow you and your twitters are locked down.

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wikileaks Todate, WikiLeaks has received over $80k in bitcoins thanks to bitcoiners (fraction of budget, but rapidly increasing) #bitcoin #wikileaks

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@mark_a_phelps Because you’re not supposed to be looking… creep.

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carpedurham Anyone know anything? @SamsQuikShop

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Bitcoin client v0.8 was released last week; uses 1/2 the HDD space, syncs blockchain 10x faster. The Fed can’t even deprecate the penny.

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If you’re comfortable with your life, you’re probably not taking enough risks.

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@drewpotential @pmccall777 Yep; I’m a fighter, not a flighter.

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ncpolicelogs Did you know that @NCSHP Trooper Michael Potts is a former pitcher for the @DurhamBulls and the Milwaukee @Brewers?

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@gigq One might say the same thing about the folks who spend millions of dollars on Superbowl ads.

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@jefft @pmccall777 We’re talking about depth of knowledge; hardware discussion is just surface knowledge.

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Amateurs discuss gear. Pros discuss technique.

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Someone updated the “tale of two cows” joke and did a damn fine job of it.

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@elcaltrider I can understand the latter items, but why pay for water when you could buy malt liquor?!?

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A guy checking out @ grocery store bought: bottled water, off-brand Twinkies, and a pack of Phillies blunts. Sounds like a fun afternoon.

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@mark_a_phelps More cocky than ballsy, I’d say.

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@pmccall777 Are you sure you don’t accidentally have YouTube captions enabled? I didn’t see any.

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Harlem residents react to the “Harlem Shake” meme.

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@pmccall777 IDK, I’m feeling much more secure now!

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Homeland Security has seized TechCrunch founder’s boat because he wouldn’t lie about the purchase price.

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TuckerMax Someone just asked me to be in a Harlem Shake video. Whats the best way to hide a dead body?

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@pmccall777 Ditto. I don’t get it.

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@drewpotential But hey, you have a beer keg in the office!

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@ameir @_FloridaMan Glock magazine in the oven; genius. They’ll never look in there!

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@flyosity An immediate reply of “OK GLASS EYE BLEACH!!!”

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@flyosity Definitely not; maybe they should sue!

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The new ParkIntuit gate access system in the @ATCDurham parking deck has so many design & security flaws that it’s a colossal joke.

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“We were only able to get that to work by calling private methods via reflection.” Always a good sign.

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@flyosity Thanks for exploding my inbox! :-P

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If you redirect mobile devices from desktop to your mobile site, you should do the reverse for non-mobile devices visiting your mobile site.

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@mattmeis I’m more of a “goat says what” kinda guy.

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Just saw a news segment titled “Could a meteor strike North Carolina?” ಠ_ಠ

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Ai WeiWei: Never Sorry is now available on Netflix. It’s a must-see.

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I’m backing Cyanide & Happiness for the lols.

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The Bill of Rights is merely a restatement of natural rights that exist regardless of whether or not they are written in a constitution.

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Today I had 100 problems.

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@TheBikingBrewer Don’t you need some kind of permit to brew that much?

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@Gabriel_Whaley Boy do salespeople suck at counting lol

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RT @jonmatonis: France Plans To Prohibit Cash Payments Over €1,000 - Forbes #payments #waroncash #euro

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@hoorayimhelping Don’t be lonely Bucky; we’re all right here in your pocket!

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Obama literally just said that “immigrants should get to the back of the line.” Wow.

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Today’s Krav class: “Climb this 15ft wall! BTW, don’t put weight on the top row of blocks b/c they aren’t cemented & you’ll fall and die!”

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Facebook email validation blocks “!#$%&’+-/=.?^`{|}~@[IPv6:0123:4567:89AB:CDEF:0123:4567:89AB:CDEF]” so I guess it’s safe to ignore RFC2822.

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@carolinewv I heard he just wanted to get married and settle down with a few children.

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The downside to working at an office with a kegerator is the potential to be stuck in an office that reeks of stale beer.

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@flyosity The AK-47 can be attributed with freedom fighters against foreign occupation, imperialism, or colonialism.

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@pmccall777 @hoorayimhelping @pig_poetry Telling people on the Internet to shut up; Bucky’s descent into madness continues.

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@emilepetrone Damn, shooting a handcuffed prisoner in the leg? That’s some fucked up LAPD-style shit.

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I bought my mom a Chromebook so that I could easily give her remote assistance but they don’t support it. >:-|

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juliussharpe I highly recommend taking up racquetball as a couple so you can hit racquetballs into each other’s backs.

via Echofon (retweeted on 2:10 PM, Feb 9th, 2013 via web)

stevewerby Credit card company: What’s your mother’s maiden name? Me: Donkey Kong Bumper Boat. Them: Uh, yes. What? Me: I’m in security.

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RT @pmccall777: “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain

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@elcaltrider USPS is mandated to remain “revenue neutral” thus if their margins are squeezed, they simply raise rates.

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@elcaltrider Yes, because that’s not how it works. USPS does not operate at a loss; you’re only increasing their revenue.

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Banksy canvas prints on sale. When asked to comment, Banksy said “I can’t believe you morons actually buy this shit.”

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ncpolicelogs A Graham man sold an undercover officer a bag of “marijuana.” Instead, the bag contained a half-eaten chicken sandwich.

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It’s trash day and I haven’t generated a single bag in the past week to put out for pick-up.

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ameir The US uses the no-fly list to exile citizens without due process

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Obama’s rules for assassinating American citizens have been leaked.

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Just received a “hearing benefits newsletter” from the NRA. First headline: “What is that ringing in my ears?” Can’t make this stuff up.

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Boy, I sure have had some excellent food tonight. Even learned a thing or two about hand egg!

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Fun fact: on my first day at college I got locked out while on the roof of a 9 story building with some friends.

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Excellent; so now the government will return our privacy, right?

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@SirPatStew I don’t expect you to be pro-firearm, but I sure hope you know how to wield a sword, Sir Stewart!

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One of the best possible endings to investigating a bug is when you finally find the offending code and there’s a // FIXME

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“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; if you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.” -Raylan Givens

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