republicwrless Republic Wireless reopens its unlimited $19 per month beta, starts offering Motorola Defy XT Android - via @engadget
I’m no UI/UX expert, but dayummmmmmmmm Linkedin’s latest UI redesign is terrible.
@mark_a_phelps Sometimes you gotta go yellow to go green.
Half of me is amazed by the “customize your own soft drink” machines while the other half is appalled.
The best documentaries about aspects of America are those made by foreigners.
@drewpotential Correct. The projectile must gain its velocity from an “explosive detonation” to fall under the NFA.
@drewpotential Seems like NFA requires there to be “fire” for it to be a “firearm” thus probably not any more than an air rifle would be.
@drewpotential Are they covered by the National Firearms Act of 1934? If so, they might be an AOW, in which case BATFE would want to chat.
@pmccall777 The best is when people flake on coming to take your FREE stuff
rundlesreposts I just went to Chick-Fil-A to shame the people eating there for supporting bigots and OH MY GOD that chicken sandwich is so good
flyosity Guns don’t kill people, Buckyballs toy magnets kill people.
@jbeardsley If you have one of those fancy microwaves, sure
A layman who needs to microwave something for a minute and a half hits 1-3-0-START. An engineer hits 9-0-START, or even better, 8-8-START.
@hoorayimhelping I found a new friend for you
ncpolicelogs Rodney Valentine was released from Rockingham County jail but wouldn’t leave. He was arrested & jailed for trespassing.
@IsCool I’m more interested in studies like this (which still admit no causal inference)
@IsCool Duh, and if you ban cars there will be fewer traffic related deaths.
I’m not slacking off, my code’s compiling / being reviewed / running unit tests / running a MapReduce job / AWS is down / network problems!
@emilepetrone @akulbe “shot/killed by/with/via a gun” makes sense to me… not “guns murdered” My take on gun control:
@emilepetrone Would you agree that Shaun was going for sensationalism since he said “GUNS murdered” rather than “PEOPLE murdered” people?
@emilepetrone @IsCool I’m saying that throwing out statistics without proper context is not a valid argument, it’s simply sensationalism.
@IsCool @emilepetrone Those numbers are meaningless without crime rate per capita statistics & stats of homicide via other weapons.
@MarcEnsign Such is life. Every decision we make carries risk, like driving to a movie. It only takes one idiot on the road and you’re dead.
@MarcEnsign I just like pointing out factual errors. Gun control is a nice idea but it’s impractical for a multitude of reasons.
@MarcEnsign @Salon An AR-15 can not fire further & more accurately than a hunting rifle, nor are the rounds more deadly. Quite the opposite.
Most people worry about their own bellies, and other people’s souls, when we ought to worry about our own souls and other people’s bellies.
rands If you own a software patent, you should feel bad:
@DurhamCounty FYI the Durham PD is accepting applications until August 14th for this year’s Citizens Police Academy.
TheBikingBrewer IKEA launches own beer label
Luxuries are often just burdens presented in pretty packages.
The funniest thing I’ve seen all day. “You’re getting the exact same bits our paying enterprise customers are getting.”
It’s an unfortunate fact that peace among all nations would be a disaster for the USA. Don’t expect us to pursue world peace any time soon.
@flyosity Love the tasteful sideboob in the background.
fratpat Fair Scheduler committed to Hadoop 2.0 (YARN)! Next step: multi-resource scheduling (w/ @adferguson). /cc @acmurthy, @tom_e_white
I’ve started replying to emails from headhunters with a counter-offer:
It’s (historically) un-American & anti-free-market to fight “illegal immigration.”
covati This whole Sandusky thing is just an indictment of colleges’ inappropriate focus on $$ making sports rather than students
“The problem with the world is that fools & fanatics are always so certain of themselves & wiser people so full of doubt.” -Bertrand Russell
@emilepetrone No frills, dirt cheap…
@emilepetrone outgrowing mailchimp, eh?
International geopolitics is much more interesting - and less depressing - to study than domestic politics.
neiltyson On the day we reserve to tell ourselves America is great - July 4 - Europe reminds us that we suck at science. #HiggsBoson
@emilepetrone You don’t have a staging environment?
Passed by the Butner Federal Penitentiary on my morning ride and it made me wonder… do inmates celebrate Independence Day?