peas in a pod: http://i.imgur.com/9zAOF…
@akuaa these are insane computer time’s we live in
if you ask me, cold steel’s videos are infinitely more entertaining than blendtec’s http://idek.net/1Qln
overconditionalization != awesome dynamicization && overconditionalization == fustercluck
next week @guntherjh and myself will be vying for the title of Downtown Durham Cornhole Champs as team ‘The Back Door Hookers’ - it’s legit!
Bookmarked! http://www.whatthefucksh…
FYI: apple’s response to credit card fraud blows in comparison to valve’s. valve had already initiated a refund before i even called them!
@mattmeis probably “my sofa pulls out but i don’t”
i’m amazed by people’s need to walk side-by-side, even if it results in a dangerous situation such as walking in the middle of a road.
i’m amazed by the human need to walk side-by-side even if it results in a dangerous situation such as walking in the middle of a road.
won my first poker game w00t

success! today’s haul included sea bass, snapper, and perch. http://imgur.com/luG6E.j…
i’m on a boat
last minute change of charters for gulfstream fishing tomorrow b/c we met the captain today and he was a douche. he just lost out on $500!
just ordered red steel 2 - consensus is that this is going to be awesome
when you ask me to fit a square peg into a round hole don’t be surprised when the peg comes back with the corners sheared off

great / terrible news! recently released video footage suggests that i DID hit my @bronto assassin opponent http://i.imgur.com/dGrHq…
obama nailed it - we are not a christian nation. i also appreciate his inclusion of nonbelievers in speeches. http://idek.net/1MT7

it can truthfully be said that @bronto assassin finale was decided by a matter of inches (my first miss) http://imgur.com/V8Rsw.j…
73M people are playing Farmville: a boring, repetitive, potentially dangerous activity that barely qualifies as a game. http://idek.net/1LyO

remi just spent an hour playing with scout, who quite likely will become his new brother http://imgur.com/RQDVQ.j…
@seanmcnichol i’m doing all my searching online - animal shelter won’t let me bring remi to meet dogs; i have to bring them home. it’s dumb.
searching for dogs to adopt is fucking depressing

i am extremely trustworthy http://i.imgur.com/PHmF5…
slayed within the kill zone quadrangle, i died a noble klingon death - at least i did not run from the battlefield as did my sly opponent!

i felt that my @bronto assassin nemesis (@darrenpierce) needed a handicap today, so i had a double down for lunch http://imgur.com/gW4ck.j…
i’m enjoying ubuntu 10.04 beta but want to bitch slap whomever decided to move the window mgmt buttons to the left http://idek.net/1KoL
only 2 @bronto assassins remain and I am fortunate to be 1 of them! here’s my favorite photo I took while setting up: http://idek.net/1KQk
why does facebook keep suggesting scandinavians as friends to me? i’m sure they’re friendly and all… but no.
why has no one told me to watch ‘the big bang theory?’ as far as nerd-centric shows go, i think it has the IT crowd beat…
there’s a difference between ‘doing nothing’ and ‘waiting’
it began with 55 @bronto assassins. 10 remain - only 2 will survive to the final showdown on thursday. cue ‘still alive’ http://idek.net/45u
$@*& construction - lost power today and now the water is out
my @bronto assassin is clearly desperate. he scaled my 6’ fence and tested my back door, but ‘twas locked. also, remi is a good guard dog.
real men get their nostrils waxed http://www.sltrib.com/ne…
if you can follow 14 simple rules, @pageoneresults JUST MIGHT let you follow him. right, eddie? http://twuna.com/TOS
“Ink” is one of the best movies of 2009 that you’ll never see
when you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
@covati there’s always time for twatter watching, as @goddamndave would say
@ElizabethBunner i was thinking of having a desiccant dessert
been ‘holding it’ for 7 hours because i refuse to be killed coming out of a bathroom. can i hold out for 4 more?
sometimes you’ve got to let your finger do the walking and your bullets do the talking
dear wanna-be assassin: i saw temper trap tonight at cat’s cradle. it was amazing. you should have been there.
R.I.P. @Bronto colleagues. You are already dead; just accept it.
“Fortune favors the bold.” Planning some epic ways to take out my target for @Bronto Assassin 2010.
the annual week-long @bronto assassin game starts… now.
season 14 of south park is amazing - last night’s commentary on facebook is spot-on
how many centuries will it be until nationalism finally evolves into globalism?
RT @gigq: 2.5 year old uses an iPad http://idek.net/1HQd /me: and after 20 seconds asks WHERE IS THE CAMERA?!?!?
missed an airborne canada goose by 3 feet this morning
@akuaa nooooooo my balmy 75 degree house

Star Trek - 3x03 - Kirk just knocked up this Pocahontas broad who thinks he’s a god. Picard has penis envy. http://imgur.com/aEz4t.j…
@flyosity I’m sure the iPad is in desperate need of more woody apps
i am concerned that the remainder of a bowl of ice cream from yesterday has not melted, but instead hardened. quite. concerned.
do i trust my $200 GPS to a $10 motorcycle mount?
love is in the air… dirty, dirty plant love.
i’m quite confused by facebook’s friend suggestions now - people who have nothing in common w/me and i could have never crossed paths
how do you see YOUR colleagues? http://idek.net/1Fzc
perfect: The Law Abiding Engineer http://www.youtube.com/w…
If Moore’s Law has taught us anything, it’s that fast ain’t fast enough.