If you find yourself worrying about whether or not your favorite crypto asset might be classified as a security, you’ve already lost.
@AlenaSatoshi @gaborgurbacs @mcuban Orange coin good
Brown banana bad
@GabrielDVine @itsminawhile Both are correct. Next block expected 10 minutes from now; expected time between blocks is 20 minutes.
@AriannaSimpson Sir bitcoin fixes this… if you require them to pay before messaging you.
The next bitcoin block is always expected to arrive 10 minutes from now. Don’t let your monkey brain fool you into… https://t.co/0xFTEjo3fh
“The thing that Bitcoin is trying to achieve will only, and can only, be achieved by Bitcoin.” - @pete_rizzo_ https://t.co/u2ciDmYgKJ
@kyletorpey @alexbosworth Haha I bought backup power cords myself :-D
@alexbosworth When I was a kid my parents would take away the power cords to the computer to force me to go play outside.
RT @mikebelshe: @lrvick With SSL, we thought we were building encryption for safe e-commerce. The major breaches in SSL (via the CA’s) ins…
@LaurentMT Any evidence that they might be exploiting BCH’s difficulty adjustment algorithm to produce more blocks than intended?
RT @lrvick: The WhatsApp backdoor is now public and official. I have said this many times: there is no future for privacy or security tools…
The Kent State shootings were National Guard members who murdered unarmed students. I look forward to your proposal… https://t.co/qGUn9dDFUq
@ShitMyTeenDoes No, that would be pretty hard to implement since you shouldn’t trust what another node gives you as… https://t.co/xxFIZOeROb
Lightning Network vulnerability disclosure:
Update your nodes if you h… https://t.co/r8zztZxndN
@cryptorebel_SV Here you go; enjoy! https://t.co/tR0pI9ZRyq
@SamSamskies @CasaHODL Static channel backups get stored to the SD card and are automatically used if a reset occur… https://t.co/t5Qj9c7x1s
@shaftab @CasaHODL Open source projects are unlikely to disappear, as the code from those repositories exists on thousands of machines.
@tabali_tigi @MisterInsight @CasaHODL @nodl_it Running a full node buys you the strongest privacy and security mode… https://t.co/ATeIvYhVKP
@APompliano … created by seizing equipment from citizens?
I’d urge anyone else who hosts Bitcoin hashrate charts to follow my lead and clarify that the hashrate number is an… https://t.co/btshah91TU
@awayslice @nvk @COLDCARDwallet @wasabiwallet @btcCITADEL Getting your seed phrase engraved on the inside of your t… https://t.co/rChuJxVnhM
Which American political party do you support if you’re a gay Muslim immigrant who favors firearms and free markets?
Anybody know where I can find the form to request a tax refund due to failure of government employees to provide me with service?
@shaftab @CasaHODL The Casa Keymaster software only has access to one set of private keys - the mobile key. Private… https://t.co/JnPDDzeFQA
@IruwenEvillan Thanks, I figured out what the problem was. It was a formatting issue due to the bitcoin address bei… https://t.co/K1GWSGznh3
This #ThrowbackThursday is dedicated to our favorite Faketoshi. Here are the results of my investigation into Craig… https://t.co/DUxadZ58ig
@Cardanians_io Yeah, the sensible explanation is that people who don’t understand statistics wrote the headlines. https://t.co/80Uoxz9h0N
Down but not out. #NeverGetsOld pic.twitter.com/gawKI3SQF6
RT @CasaHODL: 1/ 🔥 Special offer 🔥:
@xapo clients can now protect their Bitcoin against against improper seizure and third-party risk wit…
@EatCookCryptos @zhusu Not over such a short time period, as it can easily be caused by the randomness inherent to finding blocks.
@ravenlynx70 It appears not, it was just regular random fluctuations in block times. The longer time period over wh… https://t.co/I7DD8LHBK5
@alohacrypto75 This is taken directly from my Bitcoin node https://t.co/YeAzO2IoeF
The need for journalists to be the first to report “news” puts them in direct conflict against patiently verifying… https://t.co/8bsIK6o6gC
@Excellion Vegeta memes are too good to shelve so soon.
Don’t buy bitcoin, it’s practically guaranteed to crash. https://t.co/x2NYq1itzT
@WhalePanda Silver linings… pic.twitter.com/HITiluKYZB
Yes but it’s a slow news day and we need Bitcoin to be dying from something. https://t.co/HDvUmGNyRM
Only 0.7% of Stellar airdrop recipients on https://t.co/ajMqbUDmV2 ended up increasing their balance of XLM. The va… https://t.co/u5dHM91nxI
“If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
Problem: not enough time to do everything yourself.
Solution: p… https://t.co/SD84lr9AQ2
One more reason to shop online under a pseudonym. https://t.co/CpRmeQ9hPD
RT @jeremyrwelch: Are you a Bitcoin fan?!
Want more Bitcoin?!
As a thank you to Casa clients, I’m giving 2.1mil Bitcoin satoshis to 21 lu…
Ass me about freedom of speech. #TrueAmericanHero https://t.co/zLMBnMSuyt
@wmougayar @ethereum @Dashpay @zilliqa @Algorand @etclabs @bitcoincoreorg @monero Hard to know which counting sites… https://t.co/uiReym5UGh
@wmougayar @ethereum @Dashpay @zilliqa @Algorand @etclabs @bitcoincoreorg @monero Ethernodes is currently reporting… https://t.co/HS6hKjlo7l
@ofnumbers Oh noes, Bitcoin must also be “centralized” because nearly all of the major businesses send people to Co… https://t.co/iFZtSjgE0x
@PeterMcCormack Well, you see, most folks think that it’s OK to impose their world view upon others if it’s “for their own good…”
@PeterMcCormack I’m afraid that the issue of freedom lies on a completely different axis than the conservative<->liberal continuum.
Ignore the timid trolls. pic.twitter.com/somSQBNYAO
@BradyDale For sure, she was unpredictable and thus actually interesting.
I watched “Crypto” so that you don’t have to. The Bitcoin references were pretty accurate. There was a seed phrase… https://t.co/UN9pJInb8J
@BitcoinMagazine We made it another week without getting rekt by the universe. https://t.co/8HRPJ2Zr1z
@Coinsurfer2000 The Bitcoin Core repository has about 168,000 lines of C++ code in the main source, but if you coun… https://t.co/OFh3wGd6zZ
When Satoshi released Bitcoin v0.1.0 it was comprised of slightly under 32,000 lines of code, over half of which wa… https://t.co/1EF7K8YPCo
Competition in the bitcoin security hardware market looks like it’s going to be heating up soon, as I’ve come acros… https://t.co/hf5WSwLqyq
If you truly believe that you have nothing to hide, you have my sympathies for living such a boring life.
Legislators in Bali propose a bill that criminalizes:
* Cohabitation outside of marriage
* Sex outside of marriage… https://t.co/8xiXusqoX4
“Offers to fund @ln_zap have come with bogus demands, borderline malicious agreements, and hidden agendas. We haven… https://t.co/6g7YHpDF7d
@flyosity There are at least a couple dozen other companies that manufacture AR-15s; sounds like they don’t want to… https://t.co/mpBQGLi3Xn
RT @PeterMcCormack: WBD148 - Guns N’ Bitcoin with Ragnar Lifthrasir, @Ragnarly. We discuss:
- Gun ownership as a human right
- Mental healt…
@sr_gi @badcryptobitch @paddypisa @CasaHODL No pruning, the terabyte hard drive has enough storage to last a decade… https://t.co/VXTdjZu4hl
@PeterMcCormack I seem to recall that WBD revenue is hockey sticking, surely now is the time to securitize it! When… https://t.co/zbnKenIKLo
They thought that a constitution and formal governance would solve the problems inherent to coordinating a distribu… https://t.co/ZSuQdbTvg7
RT @stephanlivera: SLP107 @jeremyrwelch & @lopp of @CasaHODL - Casa Wealth Security Protocol
We talk:
- Design principles and decisions
Which do you think offers the best risk-adjusted rate of return on BTC?
Snowden in conclusion this is good for bitcoin
Hey @Snowden now might be a good time to spool up @BtcpayServer and @openbazaar instances to start selling your boo… https://t.co/kxD1WGGCTu
@shatzakis Nah, great minds think alike. I gave a keynote speech in Tel Aviv a week ago entitled “DeFi for Defiance… https://t.co/sI2i2vRkgg
“Decentralized Finance” is a hand-wavy marketing term; the true value of DeFi lies in building platforms that opera… https://t.co/everbrApf3
Such flippenings; very wow! https://t.co/0ZB8ZbbajJ https://t.co/b37zRmkXKl
RT @gabro27: So this just happened:
- a bot found a vulnerability in a dependency
- a bot sent a PR to fix it
- the CI verified the PR
- a…
@SahilC0 @CasaHODL Any spv wallet that supports being pointed at a trusted full node can be pointed at your Casa no… https://t.co/ibGO8rrz7Q
I wish they sold lottery tickets at Charles de Gaulle Airport given how lucky I am when I’m there. I get the random… https://t.co/GKIFv46CGA
We are all @hodlonaut https://t.co/LyaJREOvnY
RT @Snowden: Everywhere your phone travels becomes a part of your #PermanentRecord. https://t.co/EymsndbBym
@Socal_crypto Looks like it requires removing a filter from the phone screen. https://t.co/NH2rZ4nXw6
Until we get contact lenses / cybernetic implants that project displays directly into our eyes, polarized filters s… https://t.co/PnO5GPu4Cu
3 traders on this panel say that you shouldn’t trade, just dollar cost average. 1 recommends trading because he nee… https://t.co/6Imp6Hpyr1
Bitcoin is the benchmark. - @MLescrauwaet pic.twitter.com/hwlUDHwuIO
RT @jemharris11: Excellent breakdown by @jeremyrwelch of the security risks that people and institutions face when storing their digital as…
“I’m sorry for my toxic maximalism at last year’s conference. I will try to be less hurtful and trigger fewer peopl… https://t.co/BYfrymWmO5
Baltic Honeybadger 2019, Day 2 stream is now live youtu.be/ns_I2LpeAbQ
@PilotDaveCrypto @edwilli @TheBTCBatman @nkajmas79 You’re thinking of an “assault weapon” which is fairly loosely d… https://t.co/tTbybOERvu
@pourteaux Naive folks tend to claim that citizens clinging to their rifles don’t stand a chance against heavy weap… https://t.co/ofz8CqPnt6
@tomato_crypto It appears you haven’t been studying history very well either.
We are “afraid” of the effects of concentrated power. Why? We refuse to forget the atrocities committed by “authori… https://t.co/AJb5bQ5WHU
@csuwildcat @BrianLockhart When it’s a misteak?
Try not to get triggered by my gun puns. https://t.co/F1RUthKrR4
What does money have in common with steak? They’re both best when rare.
@ChipHooWah But law enforcers can murder me if the law changes and I refuse to comply? Here’s your interesting pers… https://t.co/SCMyKfVp0y
@steve_schlomo Nah I have redundant backups.
@solotradinginc @MrMichaelNye AR-15 is a platform, it can be chambered for many rounds but the standard is .223 / 5.56NATO
Excellent drink selection as usual @hodlhodl Baltic Honeybadger 2019 pic.twitter.com/Kkni2ZEo2E
RT @udiWertheimer: This is a fantastic document. It thoroughly details the various threats one might face when managing keys, explains the…
@nkajmas79 Agreed, having something higher powered like a .50 is optimal but outside the price range for most folks.
@MrMichaelNye It’s funny because it’s also technically correct.
My AR-15 identifies as a pistol.
@novogratz μολὼν λαβÎ
Bitcoin doesn’t arbitrarily block your transactions just because you are in the “wrong” country.
As of today, ~80% of countries have mandatory SIM registration laws, effectively requiring realtime surveillance of… https://t.co/giYimd300Q
hodlhodl Baltic Honeybadger 2019 #bh2019 Livestream day 1:
@MennoPP μολὼν λαβÎ
@MennoPP Because any legal enforcement action is backed by violence - that is the very essence of law enforcement.… https://t.co/clkZpPO1HI
Aspiring tyrant threatens millions of peaceful gun owners with violence, plays the victim card when informed that s… https://t.co/gED8dS5jkF
@fluffypony Massages from future friends sounds fun!
RT @paddypisa: The role of watch towers will be to take on financial liability for users who want to go offline.
What can a watch tower D…
@sosojni Common misconception by those who don’t pay attention to the ongoing struggles of the American military in… https://t.co/yQkAr9pRkt
@thebdaman All freedoms have costs; it should be pretty clear by now that Americans generally find these costs to be acceptable.
@brucefenton Sounds like a desperate ploy to regain relevance to me.
@davidhogg111 If anyone, presidential candidate or otherwise, makes veiled threats of violence then it is perfectly… https://t.co/u2aMZkSvpQ
@mj4m1n @BashCo_ I highly recommend talking to law enforcement officers to get their perspective on the feasibility… https://t.co/9XODce8duU
@GabrielNergaard No, because this is not an “ends justify the means” issue. There is not an optimal amount of freed… https://t.co/93wW1Prz3i
@DraggingEnergy @FlannelHandler I also won’t deny that if we put everyone in a cage by themselves, they’d be much safer.
@thebdaman Over half of those are suicides, and in the context of over 100,000,000 gun owners it’s relatively small.
@GabrielNergaard Exactly! I’d pose to you that the legalization of such weapons is not what prevents people who rea… https://t.co/Un0RPHBsd0
@FlannelHandler Clearly all alcohol should be banned because it can only result in harm!
More seriously though, I’m… https://t.co/Im2xNSRYFC
“In a country like _____, <freedom> is rare and not everyone has the maturity to handle <freedom>”
Sure, not everyo… https://t.co/Yx6cleXBJF
@BHSbratsche @BetoORourke Your words are irrelevant, as are mine, as are Beto’s. This issue is ultimately decided b… https://t.co/LufrNBHHki
@BetoORourke Thank you for finally being honest and for the lengthy advance notice so that we can prepare. pic.twitter.com/J8Yt3Fs87w
“The most effective way to become more influential in the Bitcoin community is to piss off Craig Wright.” -… https://t.co/So9SYHmrSY
@NeerajKA Do you promise to dump them for bitcoin?
Don’t worry folks, Bitcoin will never block you from buying firearms, ammunition, parts, 3D printers, or CNC machin… https://t.co/er7Fokb8Fk
@muellerberndt Does that include any functionality other than the beacon chain?
@lucas_lclc @_jonasschnelli_ @KeybaseIO @torproject You need to leave your account open if you want to donate the f… https://t.co/d5jbzWVHA5
Casual observers are fooled into believing Bitcoin is the former because as demand increases for the latter, the ne… https://t.co/LX45u5t9rz
@TTrevethan Probably simply because not many exchanges support using tokens on those networks.
@TTrevethan Given that tether is an asset backed by funds held by a trusted third party, I don’t think the security… https://t.co/W5br8KSabt
Now we’re cooking with gas! Can Ethereum scale to handle the demand for Tether? https://t.co/tGuuyPl35g https://t.co/MZj0tDtQPQ
@CharlieShrem @jimmysong Angus
Bitcoin isn’t a get rich quick scheme, it’s a don’t get poor slowly scheme.
RT @CasaHODL: Today we are releasing Casa Wealth Security Protocol — outlining our design process for Casa Keymaster.
Co-written by one of…
@gatuingt @tomatodread Yes, it will announce to 7 peers and then depending on if those peers already have the tx yo… https://t.co/xvXt49wHJo
“A Bitcoin node that doesn’t accept incoming connections will use ~18 GB of bandwidth per month just to relay trans… https://t.co/RFlpjKmSCe
Last year @sr_gi figured out how to map the topology of the reachable nodes on the Bitcoin network by exploiting be… https://t.co/AIfTDjNyPW
Live streams of @ScalingBitcoin 2019 are available here: https://t.co/gtFYbkIsed
@giacomozucco Challenging problems require creative solutions. https://t.co/osMYFasvI2
RT @CasaHODL: Is your child texting about Bitcoin?🤳
What their codes really mean:
BYOB - be your own bank
STFU - sats transaction fired u…
@TRONbirdApp I seem to recall the results of the 2014 MIT bitcoin airdrop were not stellar. https://t.co/uQLH9o9vFu
Why are crypto airdrops still a thing? Has there been any research or evidence that giving people free tokens actua… https://t.co/8KNfP3yrRk
@Decentralizd What happened to you? Was there any media coverage?
Bitcoin entrepreneur escapes armed home invader in Oslo by jumping from second floor balcony. tv2.no/a/10828524/
RT @zackkanter: This isn’t confusing. Politicians largely don’t care about impact and don’t make reasoned, principled decisions; they pick…
When altcoins crash back to reality. pic.twitter.com/ZNFoMQCIbj
RT @nic__carter: My latest: Bitcoin as a nonviolent rebellion
If knowledge is power, data leaks are weakness.
Those with knowledge of you hold some power over you.
Privacy is th… https://t.co/kFiCoWnN0H
Extended magazine bans are hereby canceled. pic.twitter.com/2bXSkKoNbk
@SamuelBridge666 There are a variety of “virtual number” services you can use to create burner numbers such as mysudo.com
You can’t get SIM swapped if no one knows your phone number… pic.twitter.com/dLSfyqGgiN
RT @CasaHODL: Now anyone can use @SatsApp, even without a Casa Node!
🔒 Bitcoin Key direct in app
✨ Easy BTC transfers W/ SatsTags
🚀 Avail…
@matthew_d_green “Need” would depend upon your threat model…
Bitcoin’s thermodynamic security is now hovering around 100 exahashes per second! https://t.co/QcF8k9h8iO https://t.co/kSnGknFJWp
@mikeindustries @openbazaar @BtcpayServer There are a few services where you could sell a gift card or prepaid debi… https://t.co/PLz2GqAVUS
@chrisjdavis @mikeindustries @openbazaar @BtcpayServer @coinbase @exodus_io Using Coinbase is the least covert, par… https://t.co/zu5cV2jFC6
RT @8bitgomes: “Bitcoin is centralized because a select group of people have commit access to the repository” 🤔
It’s more nuanced than tha…
@mikeindustries What level of effort are you willing to expend? Mining it yourself is pretty good for privacy, but… https://t.co/dZFS1hrxQf
@NTmoney @antiprosynth @TuurDemeester @fredwilson “Bitcoin Is Worse Is Better” - @gwern
@cryptowilson @fredwilson @TuurDemeester We all have different perspectives; I’m an engineer so I approach evaluati… https://t.co/T2FGk09M9s
@PeterMcCormack All the more reason to not feed the trolls…
@NTmoney @TuurDemeester @fredwilson Does that mean Bitcoin can maintain dominance by out-meming Ethereum rather than out-innovating it?
@TuurDemeester @fredwilson Sounds like Fred was learning the hard way that crypto networks are not companies. There… https://t.co/lCRU6e3P6O
@TuurDemeester @fredwilson 2017 @fredwilson: “I think that the market cap of ethereum will bypass the market cap of… https://t.co/NLFY3MLzYj
A Chinese student allegedly kidnapped in Sydney nearly two weeks ago and held for a $1.27 million bitcoin ransom ha… https://t.co/dAaoKUSJG0
Give a cyberspace citizen an app and they can compute for a day. Teach a cyberspace citizen to run a server and the… https://t.co/EnGlm6YlIx
@BitcoinMagazine @OKCoin Isn’t it Bcash SV? Hard to keep track, though their subreddit seems to be /r/bitcoincashsv…
. 🖕 🖕
🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
🖕 🖕 🖕 🖕
🖕… https://t.co/jKg7f2DG4Q
If you have an @OKCoin account, be sure to click the BTC button at https://t.co/0C7iesHAJE in order to have 0.02 BT… https://t.co/5gI8NyX8ow
@jayrmotta Recommended privacy resources are linked at the bottom of https://t.co/7o1C0vmpZA
Libra tech talk and speculation with @peterktodd https://t.co/qTldeCJRw1
@earndotcom Looks like bitnodes.earn.com is down
Adversarial thinkers are often seen as paranoid assholes by “normal” folks. There is no need to get upset by our re… https://t.co/4nF9EB14cG
@BenjiBoxing @realDonaldTrump I’m not worried about gun confiscation; this post is just to make liberals and conser… https://t.co/vRpInGxMYH
“Take the guns first, go through due process second.” - @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/mRWozTYfbj
@LauraCrypto They need no encouragement - as long as they don’t have the same capabilities as their enemies, they a… https://t.co/l0Vdps9N4z
@LauraCrypto It has everything to do with what I said. Those who are capable of wielding a given technology shall d… https://t.co/KGrPsrrvv9
@baswillems Exactly - I do not respect any tyranny, even the tyranny of the majority. “You can always leave” isn’t… https://t.co/rS0jboriar
@bubersson @garrethmcdaid @matshenricson I suppose you could say we have a low tolerance for bullies. Which is kind… https://t.co/hifSuW8k0S
@BertBoeiend @matshenricson The fundamental right is to be secure against those who aggress upon your person or pro… https://t.co/FCxyZ6VH6b
@JBaczuk Aw shucks, can’t believe I forgot to ask her!
@KenshiroDark Don’t be ridiculous - a flamethrower just creates zombie torches that will set everything around you… https://t.co/1KRmB1TxAo
@BenjiBoxing Amongst other things, you create an equalization of force between humans with different physical characteristics.
@ScotchMicks A pressure cooker
@jasonmsteele You’re making far too many assumptions about the possible variables in a civilian-vs-government scena… https://t.co/MN4XhzdIhv
@CryptoNinjaco That’s a shame, though ultimately if someone wants to harm themselves badly enough, it’s going to ha… https://t.co/EwDIyLN5oY
@garrethmcdaid @matshenricson The right to own property is one of the most fundamental, but for the purposes of th… https://t.co/clVoCnj3Gp
@boromirtrades @Socal_crypto I don’t just think it, I’ve been reading news about it playing out for the past couple decades.
If anything more than a tiny minority of the population were not rational and moral it would be impossible for your… https://t.co/71UGl2Nwgl
@matshenricson Am I prepared to risk my life in order to defend what I consider to be fundamental human rights? Of course!
@CryptoMakayla @Socal_crypto We already do? It’s called “felon in possession of a firearm.”
@Badbitcoinorg @verretor Of course fewer guns means fewer crimes will be committed with guns. But you can’t put the… https://t.co/0QECt9zIeD
@Badbitcoinorg @verretor Er, government-backed genocide is far from a one-time event, unfortunately.