@theanswerisout @CasaHODL No worries, to clarify: Casa has 1 out of N keys but does not normally sign transactions.… https://t.co/QTym3JNduS
@theanswerisout @CasaHODL Users don’t give Casa the permission to spend funds. They have to authorize spending on h… https://t.co/Feuc8xTF4G
@KarlMozurkewich @CasaHODL I’m not a fan of paper wallets; they should only be handled by advanced users in my opin… https://t.co/4E5J6yRS1C
RT @CasaHODL: A single hardware wallet in your sock drawer is not the optimal means of securing multi-generational wealth.
Few understand…
@PeterMcCormack Molyneux abandoned the NAP long ago.
Y’all buried the lede. A researcher reported this vulnerability back in May! https://t.co/PVtrnaQolj

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a centralized project to decentralize itself. pic.twitter.com/i4jKZs3c0T
My month-long muting of pandemic keywords expired and now my feed is bipolar, full of tweets showing surging statis… https://t.co/GQUzKXiosZ
@jillruthcarlson Sounds like they were taking advantage of the on-site bar. Everybody knows weapons and mind alteri… https://t.co/SgOelFw8aY
@udiWertheimer @nvk sir could I interest you in investing in my novel bitcoin “mining” venture

@PeterMcCormack Defending the homestead pic.twitter.com/tHDnb7nI0n
@NeerajKA That’s why you gotta do a test post with one of your sockpuppet accounts first.
You don’t have to buy a whole bitcoin.
But it might make sense to get some in case it catches on.
@berkes Good point, I’ll add it.
Is Bitcoin Twitter not satisfying your discussion desires? Check out these other platforms! https://t.co/JJYvW601av
In American courts you’re innocent until proven guilty.
On American streets you’re guilty until proven innocent.
@zackvoell Also, more humorously, making all-time lows in relative blockchain size. Bitcoin’s blockchain will excee… https://t.co/rtoMSsEIti
@cryptmarcus @CasaHODL DIY education is free at https://t.co/8ZsrcEwSfa
If you want fast tracked education, AKA co… https://t.co/VLGabMqtfR
@WayneVaughan Bitcoin is the Marmite of money.
Everyone understands this.
@spencernoon @compoundfinance Can’t wait to see how well this tweet ages. https://t.co/Njuir7Nvb4
RT @CasaHODL: Q: Why would I pay for Casa when I can create a bitcoin wallet for free?
A: Casa membership is not just software, but also co…
@WayneVaughan @Melt_Dem Yes, but only if it scales.
@Melt_Dem This is good for Caviarcoin
This 95% value is actually low because airdrop forks get credited for 17M coins worth of value, most of which will… https://t.co/0Lajp2MLlv
“Bitcoin isn’t scarce because anyone can fork it.”
How’s that working out?
Several years after airdrop forkmania… https://t.co/YOrCYKUOUA
An exchange of nothing for something amounts to consumption that is not supported by production. While some metrics… https://t.co/jnAGmJ9f6v
Better not tell folks about database replication terminology! https://t.co/kXvkLKIAWK
RT @PeterMcCormack: 1/ Just completed my full setup with @CasaHODL. I went for Platinum for maximum protection. Some cool things:
- The set…
RT @nickfogle: Embarrassing confession that I haven’t shared publicly until now.
A few years ago, I owed $250,000 in student loans.
@babyhodl @MrHodl @stephanlivera The most likely explanation is that the “bespoke words” as you called them are a p… https://t.co/ymPEnsBPJZ
“Controllable electronic money will survive, and virtual currencies beyond the influence of the government will be… https://t.co/MvbNpL4Pc9
@Freedom___1776 @FBI Delete your account.
Or, at the very least, fix your handle.
RT @OKCoin: LIVE now! @BitcoinMagazine hosts a live stream on funding #Bitcoin development with @amizi @lopp @JeremyRubin @LukeDashjr @jfne…
@nathanielpopper I think you mean “AML BitCoin” 😆 https://t.co/egH32aQA5i
Cue the schadenfreude: DOJ Indicts Founder of Anti-Money Laundering Bitcoin Project for Money Laundering… https://t.co/FncJurQKAl
And yet the Grayscale Ethereum Trust still trading at a 400% premium. https://t.co/K694K8MBN2
@hvdm1987 I think the problem is that lists also show the retweets made by their members, thus you’ll see tweets fr… https://t.co/cDmFADK5OO
@hvdm1987 Please be more specific if you believe someone who is not a software developer is on this list.
Want to sip from the Bitcoin builders’ stream of consciousness? Follow https://t.co/Ww0xasdv9h
@jmcorgan Syncing a new Ethereum node?
@Hodl_GoGo Such toxicity
Much impress
@SomsenRuben Erik’s contributions tend to be from libertarian or economic perspectives. https://t.co/mz2bPinObn
Put your botnet’s command & control infrastructure on a censorship resistant distributed database? That’s what I ca… https://t.co/ez9l8Tu1Fj
Cypherpunk Women
(an anthology)
https://t.co/IiXbkIN9Nv https://t.co/bOql2MmEnL
@panicfomo This will be an ongoing maintenance requirement; it’s been tougher for me to decide lately who comes and… https://t.co/LWb2SlYm4F
@SomsenRuben Radioactive Bitcoin Supremacists gonna get triggered! https://t.co/wgeHIcGVeO
@1stCrassCitizen @pwuille @orionwl @CaitlinLong_ @michaelfolkson @Stadicus3000 There’s no hard and fast rule, but t… https://t.co/4UfdI5lXP7
@panicfomo Because I’m not applying a purity test for people on this list.
Q: How can I easily find the best Bitcoin content on Twitter?
A: Follow https://t.co/q171bYxhUY
@albertgozzi Interesting, I don’t have an NYT subscription. My failure rate with Privacy cards has been very low an… https://t.co/erfIserIGM
https://t.co/ecSAmOM3HN fixes this. Fun fact: my credit line has started shrinking because I stopped using my credi… https://t.co/xoj5fvf5jD
@d1m9enG Who decides which is which? Best option IMO is to protect yourself via filters / reputation.
Only fools try to ban information in the Information Age.
This is not the decentralization you’re looking for. https://t.co/PeLm3v7Y7U
@prestonjbyrne Welllllllllllllllllll enforcing laws does tend to come coupled with the threat of violence, sooooooo… https://t.co/Hr1o21k3NP
Unfortunately coronavirus isn’t old enough for us to dig up little-known controversial incidents from the past in order to cancel it.

Gooooood morning, Twitter!
… DON’T DO IT, TWITTER! pic.twitter.com/YJXit5aRBU
“Getting punished for my crimes would at least be predictable, but I am not willing to be punished for my virtues.”… https://t.co/2Wr0hWWYY9
“PayPal seized my bitcoin, how do I get it back?!”
- Some poor pleb in the future
@NeerajKA I heard 0-conf is safe enough.
@StupidContracts @joinmarket It’s a problem of network effects. Unfortunately mixing is still rare enough that it c… https://t.co/Nepp16lm6a
@StupidContracts @joinmarket Joinmarket is not a lending service, thus the concept of APR doesn’t really apply. The… https://t.co/YxqoDLp046
Bitcoiners have been farming yield since 2014 via @joinmarket, you just don’t hear about it because it’s not absurdly high risk/reward.
@hudsonjameson @theinstagibbs If a dev wants to harvest clout after the fact, they could use Open Timestamps or som… https://t.co/eyqdS97CBl

It had to be done pic.twitter.com/I8eI8YIRIj
@jarradag @theinstagibbs Yes!
“Every BIP should be authored by a fresh pseudonym.” - @theinstagibbs
How to get rekt in one simple step:
1. Invest your bitcoin in some other scheme in the hopes that it will yield yo… https://t.co/LmiJSoKzJb
Update: REKT https://t.co/VHkayIIrmK
“He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.”
- Lao Tzu
“TikTok Teens Troll Trump 2020 Rally” is the type of headline we need more of this year.

@Excellion @justinsuntron @VitalikButerin Who knew I can look so good without a beard? pic.twitter.com/hMVedwUraC
Can anyone explain how this is not going to end in a day of REKToning? Sounds like a house of cards… https://t.co/IvTFOwiiFf
Revolut users will “have complete control” over their crypto that isn’t even proven to exist, as long as they don’t… https://t.co/euZSOwcEWh
Apparently CHAZ rebranded to CHOP - missed opportunity to be The CHAD. The Capitol Hill Anarchist District.
Scammers want your bitcoin; learn how to detect and report scammers at scam-alert.io
RT @CasaHODL: How confident are you feeling in your Bitcoin key security?
If you’re contemplating an upgrade … be sure to book a call wi…
Here’s what privileged folks who haven’t been victims of crime don’t understand: it’s HIGHLY unlikely that you will… https://t.co/ohXn3RYEDs
@NeerajKA I think it’s basically what you spend all day on Twitter doing.
RT @DDoSecrets: RELEASE: #BlueLeaks (269 GB)
Ten years of data from over 200 police departments, fusion centers and other law enforcement…
@secoemolhado @CasaHODL It eliminates single points of failure! https://t.co/JRFD1s9nON
@legoboy85 @aantonop Our goal is to make multisig accessible to individuals. You don’t have to trust Casa because y… https://t.co/w8JkG59xgp

CasaHODL Free your mind
Secure your funds pic.twitter.com/oJq00jOzh7
@GokaiSen From time to time people come along and translate things, usually an article here and there.
@FCPPaul Your education begins at bitcoin.page!
@CryptoWithAmit My Bitcoin knowledge proof can be found at lopp.net
@brian_armstrong No disrespect to the many talented podcasters out there but I believe @junseth is most qualified t… https://t.co/Q6stO8xAQS
@ryfxyz123 Best I can do is 2 for 1.
Follow me for a chance to win free bitcoin knowledge!
No purchase necessary. Odds of winning are approximately 1 i… https://t.co/Zo3hsulosc

Whoever invented Android’s Rageshake feature is a UX genius. pic.twitter.com/0ZVa1GeJWq
Bitcoin fixes this. The only way to eliminate prejudice from a system is to remove humans from the decision making… https://t.co/oszlqlhvdZ
@BrianLockhart Galactic
At last, Technical Analysis I can believe in! https://t.co/0Lh5KrB8it
@VinnyLingham @BitGo Self custody + insurance is an interesting concept; really hard to say what I’d be willing to pay for the privilege…
@VinnyLingham Yes, I self insure my holdings via strong security. https://t.co/Hvnl3Sjys1
RT @BGeometrics: Bitcoin resources page in Spanish https://t.co/IaJ2YCXnWR
We have taken as starting @lopp and as in https://t.co/IGc963Zaeâ…
@MHB2011_ @JohnCantrell97 It’s possible in the same likelihood that it’s possible you might get sucked into a rogue… https://t.co/PU9hTjiq1V
@BrainHarrington @Cooriah @BrandonMoody @BThanosC @ocbtcn @OPENDIME @Coinkite @sthenc @gmekhail @CasaHODL We specia… https://t.co/ioS4e0yBn0
Vires in numeris!
There are big numbers and then there are HUGE numbers. While 1 trillion combinations may seem li… https://t.co/j0HQ11MWbM
@_bitcoinwords Of course; no permission required!
@cadillackiller @adam3us @DanDarkPill TWITTER HIATUS
@Saitamoshi Probably the advent of GPU mining
Ayyyyyyyyyy @ecb I’ll take a trillion euros at negative 1% interest off your hands; hit me up! https://t.co/qRczb4Oyci
@btcede @lukechilds @ElectrumWallet I’m pretty sure @aantonop is funding development of such a tool.
From an outsider’s perspective, Bitcoin is quite volatile. But from an internal perspective, Bitcoin is Old Reliabl… https://t.co/F7878dexN9
@DanDarkPill Maybe he’s just taking a hiatus like you often do 🙂
@TennisDavid @federalreserve They could have and should have… https://t.co/3mDOq6tuqx
@cocoaheath @MikeFernholz @nic__carter @ATabarrok I’d suggest that this is the only way you’re going to see any sub… https://t.co/GYOQdl8Ftq
RT @CointelegraphZN: What does “decentralized” really mean? @gavofyork (co-founder of #Ethereum, @polkadotnetwork ) @lopp (#Bitcoin core, @…
@MikeFernholz @nic__carter @ATabarrok Because you don’t respond to a threat of lethal force with anything less than… https://t.co/tdnk49bL8o
@Th3Acist @nic__carter @ATabarrok Judging a situation with the advantage of hindsight is not a good look.
@nic__carter @ATabarrok Dude has multiple people pointing guns at him and is warned not to reach for his gun, then… https://t.co/us7D5ELfhD
Ponzi scheme gets hacked, funds end up being redistributed to miners. 😂https://t.co/8FbF4hHYc4
@ljxie I think my first blog post has held up pretty well… https://t.co/OwWcS5uIiz
RT @RussellOkung: Many work harder and harder each day to pay bills and taxes. And just when they are finally getting a little ahead, infla…
@theinstagibbs Hi! Have you considered killing your oppressors today? https://t.co/YyYbtemmzY
@SCBuergel @Au_OG_ @CasaHODL No, it’s certainly not that simple. RPC doesn’t scale, nor is it safe to use over the… https://t.co/IQPt7Nbvng
@nic__carter ZeroHedge is far right? I had them pegged as “far out there.”
As more time passes I more strongly believe that one’s government identity is hazardous material that should be han… https://t.co/bNPL49A44u
Your customer is always right.
Not everyone should be your customer.
@pierre_rochard Nonrelational databases are far superior for lookups of hashed data amirite
What’s your greatest bitcoin regret? https://t.co/X9h6LdRJBR

@kyletorpey @BitPay Muh payments narrative! pic.twitter.com/n4dzbIDMnk
If the @federalreserve is diversifying its portfolio then it should buy bitcoin.
What do you get when a market maker has the ability to print their own money? That’s not a market any more, it’s so… https://t.co/HMKRdjg3hT
RT @stephanlivera: SLP182 @Nneuman & @lopp of @CasaHODL
We chat:
- Casa Wallet
- Seedless
- UX & the next 100 million #bitcoin users
- Ha…
Remember the BitClub ponzi scheme? Looks like the “CEO” will finally be brought to justice. https://t.co/HlUMLQexPT
Pour one out for all the poor sods whose dick pics just got leaked from Herpes Dating. https://t.co/ZIioKrtirR
@CInfastructure It just means via a completely different communication method. Don’t trust any single comms channel.
Another novel sophisticated phishing scam; what can we learn?
* Don’t use browser based “secure” messaging services… https://t.co/PpjaqwsZPQ
@benthecarman @cycryptr We have several reasons; one fun fact being that our seamless seed backup functionality won… https://t.co/NDnZFyGi5B
@Au_OG_ @CasaHODL Connecting to your own node is a feature I’d like to see in the long term, though I don’t expect… https://t.co/VQEjCPu8PS
@benthecarman @cycryptr Yeah, I don’t think the type of folks who build mobile apps and sideload them are our targe… https://t.co/QxEZlDdH1T
@benthecarman @cycryptr What’s the point of open sourcing an app if the build isn’t verifiable?
@lqdbtc @videah_ @CasaHODL Assuming that you still have the device with the mobile key seed on it, you just need yo… https://t.co/otwbORREbV
@matt_odell @CasaHODL I’ll note that the primary focus of this wallet is usability; it is not designed for maximum… https://t.co/jFkDlhkCEh
@videah_ @CasaHODL We discuss open sourcing from time to time but no plans at the moment. Recovery instructions for… https://t.co/riuRqZUK2P
@videah_ @CasaHODL This is a closed source hot wallet; it should only be used for small amounts of value. Our multi… https://t.co/CBehIP7K6l
@PaddysPubKey @CasaHODL @realmaxkeiser Recovery instructions for a situation where Casa is unavailable:… https://t.co/y8x5H2UK62
RT @BitcoinMagazine: Emphasizing User Friendliness With Sovereignty, Casa Launches Free Wallet
The new free wallet service from Casa is bu…
@hasufl That’s one option; at Casa we mitigate supply chain risk by using multiple hardware devices from multiple v… https://t.co/hE25rAM5Lr
@mapoitras @bryanrbeal They’ve complained quite loudly, but no volume of whining will have any effect against economics.

When you deploy an extremely simple feature without testing because it’s obviously going to work. pic.twitter.com/XLDN8kfx4M
@SirThomas11_11 @ellipalwallet Haven’t had a chance to evaluate it, I’ll have to put it on my to-do list
@nagihatoum Physical theft, natural disaster, bitrot… anything that can be stored can be lost.
@dreamingOfNull That only provides assurance that your funds haven’t been stolen, not that you can spend the funds.
@TheDarkJ3Zt4h Is it shipping yet?
Schrödinger’s bitcoin: as long as you don’t try to spend your bitcoin, you might still have the private keys. The… https://t.co/CCkBUI0Ykl
“Just use an airgapped computer” violates a cardinal rule: “complexity is the enemy of security.” Why?
* Hardware+s… https://t.co/AeKIdxGhFt
“Hardware wallets are dumb, it’s safer to use an airgapped computer.”
Hardware wallets ARE (attack surface minimiz… https://t.co/XDrL714Vp1
@orthokunst @CasaHODL I’m sure everyone is asleep. We’ll get back to you if you left a message, otherwise I’d try in a few hours.
@HjelleNick Obviously the logical response would be to hit the cops where it hurts by burning down the doughnut shops.
@Crittah3 Building looks pretty rekt already at that point…
Wendy’s was just an innocent bystander, folks! You’re burning the wrong building… https://t.co/RJW10GvYnK
@stbabo_ @CasaHODL You can recover your funds using our Sovereign Recovery guide that uses open source software and… https://t.co/K28LV3RR1D
@PeterMcCormack Rumor has it that, one time in 1997, Craig Wright told the truth.
@San_person @ericsavics1 @Trezor It depends on the model. Model One requires typing your (randomized) seed phrase i… https://t.co/FUMiC2G451
@orthokunst @CasaHODL Absolutely, we have clients all over the world.
@K911K @CasaHODL We have plenty of users who are anon; mixing unfortunately doesn’t jive with our security model gi… https://t.co/Dmua75a8Ev
@GarrySorro @CasaHODL We offer a variety of contact methods, though in general I find that the best comms for discu… https://t.co/sRiaQEJ4yQ
@Shea332 @stacyherbert @CasaHODL We don’t discriminate! All geographic locations are welcome.
@WISEOWLPAUL @CasaHODL Checking it on the device is just fine.
We designed @CasaHODL to offer easy robust self custody for normal humans. Bitcoin users should not live in fear th… https://t.co/EUhgLICg1h

Cognitive dissonance at its finest. BRB, calling 911 to report the IRS. pic.twitter.com/2aNCM2nhHq

This moron can’t even spell CTO correctly. Probably not a good idea to “invest” your money with him! pic.twitter.com/MTxrYFf29j

Developer: “I’m going to build software that solves a problem and improves lives!”
Adversarial user: pic.twitter.com/X7OsU9cwHd
@drwyness @ericsavics1 @ErikVoorhees This isn’t a hardware wallet problem, it’s a phishing problem. The human brain… https://t.co/myIF1IcQYl
@HectorGilGil85 @zmenezes @iBobbyShell @ericsavics1 @Trezor @Ledger We’ve had this functionality for 2 years in… https://t.co/Bh9IFVyRO9
@Excellion @SCAONTIERLLP are your employees really this stupid? Or do you simply do anything your paying customers ask?
@Nakamoto1618 @CaitlinLong_ @ericsavics1 You should only enter a seed phrase directly into an airgapped device. Col… https://t.co/foiH3bArsJ
@DanDarkPill @fluffypony You’ve put in some good work these past few weeks; you’ve certainly earned yourself another 2 month break.
Surprise, your money is now worth 75% less than it was last week. Sorry for your loss. https://t.co/Uq7AYDKkoc
@iBobbyShell @ericsavics1 Mobile apps are /generally/ more secure due to:
* Apps being cryptographically signed by… https://t.co/hBz0k6syUi
@zmenezes @iBobbyShell @ericsavics1 To be clear, the private keys never leave the Trezor device; there are USB brid… https://t.co/pSeDCEijwY
@iBobbyShell @ericsavics1 Yes. It is hard to explain how insecure browsers (and browser extensions) actually are, t… https://t.co/FG8zLtS99o
@ericsavics1 Unfortunately there are a ton of ways that scammers try to trick people. We can /try/ to educate every… https://t.co/mdEog8oUbN
@iBobbyShell @ericsavics1 If you’re manipulating private keys in a browser you’re gonna have a bad time.
@ericsavics1 Sorry for your loss; never enter a seed phrase into a computer. https://t.co/CwhA2mj8z6
The Federal Reserve is projected to purchase $3.5 trillion in government securities by the end of 2020 with newly c… https://t.co/d39fSqnwx6
This new project is cataloguing privacy preserving bitcoin exchanges that don’t require KYC: kycnot.me
QuadriggidyriggidyREKT https://t.co/bChbAAgX1K
But muh blockchain scalability! https://t.co/Y0rAUkzpzW
@Ivan_Is_Back @schraderwest @FBI That’s GOTTA be a crime!
Let’s be practical - it doesn’t particularly matter what statues stay up or come down because few folks know what t… https://t.co/qxmscEUP3u
https://t.co/8ZsrcEwSfa is an open source project - as of today 100 different people have contributed code to this… https://t.co/HwEwySMuxz

@bot_juche NYPD vehicles have bumper stickers that look like this. pic.twitter.com/eetcP98PFC
NYC is the only place I’ve seen where patrol cars have ads on them offering cash bounties for anyone who shoots a c… https://t.co/INpSj8HVJ7
@theinstagibbs Best phones to flash with @GrapheneOS!
The looters that appear during riots are amateurs - it’s the professional looters that you have to worry about. The… https://t.co/lqtJhQ0qSK
@provoost @chris_belcher_ Probably, but is it possible to earmark donations for Bitcoin development?
@La__Cuen @DoveyWan I’ve never been able to find any info that it’s a registered 501(c)(3) organization and thus co… https://t.co/ZiId6eGHvE
I do believe that the Human Rights Foundation just created the first way for people to make tax deductible donation… https://t.co/sdzSnlDCfJ
RT @csuwildcat: I’m excited to share that ION - the open, permissionless, Decentralized Identifier (DID) network we’ve been building in col…