The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 2015

@cdixon Indeed, the block size debate has morphed into a meta debate about the consensus of Bitcoin’s consensus. Fork & merge. Fork & merge.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to cdixon

New chart: “TX Accepted vs Received”
This may be helpful for identifying malicious behavior.

via Twitter Web Client

@vgr small typo on “Software as Subversion” - “crytocurrencies” should be “cryptocurrencies”

via Twitter Web Client

RT @Suitpossum: Money is not a store of value. It is a claim on value: Short little viewpoint I did in @Aeonmag

via Twitter Web Client

@kristovatlas Node operators can reconfigure relay rules to require higher fees to stop “dust” spam.” Or can implement Luke-Jr’s rules ;-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@kristovatlas Depends on if you’re trying to prevent txs from propagating or preventing them from confirming.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kristovatlas

@ollekullberg Ah, yes, because the size of the average tx in bytes has increased.

via Twitter Web Client

@ollekullberg Well we can easily AVERAGE 2 TPS and have full blocks if an attacker broadcasts 100 TPS for a short burst & fills the mempool.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ollekullberg

“…Bitcoin users might get increasingly tyrannical about limiting the size of the chain…” - Satoshi Nakamoto

via Twitter Web Client

@kristovatlas @pwuille If the trailing time period was on the order of hours, I could see it being gameable - but not w/a 97 day window

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kristovatlas

.@pwuille proposes a bandwidth-based block size increase algorithm:

via Twitter Web Client

@twobitidiot @maraoz I’m less worried about WMDs than I am about terrorist use of drone swarms ;-)

via Twitter Web Client

@maraoz @twobitidiot Overuse of the word “terrorist” may have incited more fear in the populace over the years than actual terrorist acts.

via Twitter Web Client

@ryanxcharles @abarisser Looks like you made the common mistake of spelling Gavin Andresen’s name like Marc Andreessen’s ;-)

via Twitter for Android in reply to ryanxcharles

@pierebel What do you hope to find? I have experimented with changing my node to connect to 500 peers and didn’t see anything interesting.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pierebel

@pierebel It’s technically doable but I abandoned the effort because I didn’t think it would provide much additional insight.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pierebel

Trailing 24 hour Bitcoin block size average: 828KB

via Twitter Web Client

When you neglect to set sane boundaries on your data before visualizing it.

via Twitter Web Client

.@Cryptolina is in 2 weeks: I’ll be a “Future of Bitcoin” panelist & will give a presentation entitled “@BitGo Engineering: Lessons Learned”

via Twitter Web Client

If you want to talk about fee markets then keep in mind that Bitcoin’s fee market isn’t the only one in existence.

via Twitter Web Client

@bitstein The problem from my view is that there is a lack of consensus on what the acceptable resource requirements are to run a node.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@bitstein Block size is not an economic policy like the block subsidy, it’s an anti-spam measure to limit resource usage.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bitstein

@bitstein RBF is the only solution I’m aware of, which won’t roll out for at least another 8 months.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bitstein

@ziggamon Sure; w/o contention for block space then users would get confirmed more predictably and merchants would fulfill their orders.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ziggamon

@bitstein You’re correct, but the fee feedback loop isn’t tight enough and users can’t update fees to meet sudden spikes in demand.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bitstein

@ziggamon just the users who are submitting support tickets :-|

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ziggamon

When you say “let a tx fee market develop” I hear “let enough users get frustrated to the point of abandoning Bitcoin so that demand drops.”

via Twitter Web Client

@flyosity William Drayton is super disappointed.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

@JamesGMorgan Right; some small block proponents seem to argue for targeting LCD but they won’t commit to hard baselines of what that is.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to JamesGMorgan

Disclosure by @pwuille: a Bitcoin consensus bug that was indirectly solved by BIP66

via Twitter Web Client

Just upgraded my home Internet connection speeds by 10X (300mb/s : 50mb/s) for an extra $10 per month. Your move, small block proponents!

via Twitter Web Client

RT @danwwang: Ireland repeals 6000 laws, incl. bans on criticizing Henry VIII’s marriage, eating oatmeal while rich.â…

via Twitter Web Client

@Jeremy_DeGroot You put the “try” in the wrong part of the sentence :-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Jeremy_DeGroot

@Jeremy_DeGroot There is no argument; it’s merely a statement. You can’t stop technology by “banning” it.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Jeremy_DeGroot

Be wary of the @MikeTyson Bitcoin ATMs; they might actually be Bitecoin ATMs in disguise.

via Twitter Web Client

@nvk Given Mike Tyson’s history of financial troubles, I don’t know why anyone would want to associate him with a financial service.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to nvk

@TuurDemeester You know rappers like to rock chains… I rock block chains! /cc @realytcracker

via Twitter Web Client

@Cryptolina when will the schedule be posted?

via Twitter Web Client

Journalists & editors take note: don’t embed user-modifiable content in your articles.

via Twitter for Android


via Twitter for Android in reply to mikestable

@twobitidiot @StartupLJackson I’m no quantum physicist but everything I’ve read on the matter leads me to believe that it’s not that simple.

via Twitter for Android in reply to twobitidiot

@zeBookie I think it’s mainly a demonstration of the new ideas being created for LN, whereas Bitcoin could refer to established concepts.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to zeBookie

TWC_Help @nicksergeant We ask that you don’t use profanity in your password, please. ^TL

via Lithium Social Web (retweeted on 11:15 PM, Jul 22nd, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

@Magnus919 @jefft @mikestable Supposedly @googlefiber only collects specific usage info with consent / legal req

via Twitter Web Client

@muneeb I thought the Bitcoin paper was great because I could “get it” after a few passes. Still working on wrapping my head around LN.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to muneeb

Bitcoin whitepaper: 9 pages
Bitcoin Lightning Network whitepaper: 59 pages (and growing!)

via Twitter Web Client

@CathyReisenwitz Highly customized recreational drugs would be cool, but I’m more intrigued by nootropics…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to CathyReisenwitz

@yaBTCn @alistairmilne is look for a dev to help with a Bitcoin wallet integration such as @BitGo; you’d have to talk to him for details.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to yaBTCn

@acityinohio Thanks; posts like yours are exactly why I created it!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to acityinohio

@acityinohio Grafana tip: if you want to isolate a single metric on a multi-metric chart, you can just click on the name at the bottom.

via Twitter Web Client

@alistairmilne Gotcha. Anyone interested in contract bitcoin work or know someone who is? @shannonNullCode @gigq @yaBTCn @orweinberger

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alistairmilne

@alistairmilne If you don’t have any developer resources, I’m not sure that we keep a list of contractors though I’d be happy to ask around.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@alistairmilne Our engineers are happy to help guide your developers through the integration process.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alistairmilne

“Bitcoin solved the Byzantine Generals problem, but it hasn’t solved the Byzantine Core Developers problem.” TouchÃ@BlockCypherher

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RT @BlockCypher: #Bitcoin attacked: Fees up 25X, TPS up to 200. Post-mortem analysis:

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@BillNBing @BitGo It would with my sword - definitely not LARP-friendly!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to BillNBing

@bitstein Karpeles’ mistake was not having the magical multi-sig @BitGo shield ;-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bitstein

Our top priority at @BitGo is defending your coins - even if our back’s against the wall.

via Twitter Web Client

.@jgarzik makes a great point that letting tx fee pressure build now will result in more economic tumult when block size increases in future

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@flyosity Law Enforcement Organizations often call dash cam / body cam videos “personnel records” when it suits them.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

@jfeldis @BitseedOrg @orionwl I think the Core Devs would need to incorporate it into their build system. IDK much about it.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jfeldis

@jfeldis @BitseedOrg Ah OK, I’ve built Bitcoin Core more times than I can count so that’s no problem personally. I bet it takes a while…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jfeldis

@jfeldis @BitseedOrg That would be great; would be nice if signed ARM binaries were available on /cc @orionwl

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jfeldis

@gavinandresen Currently struggling with how to deal with sudden changes in transaction demand, though; fee estimates can’t predict future.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to gavinandresen

@jfeldis @BitseedOrg Did you have to build the ARM binaries yourself?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jfeldis

RT @BitseedOrg: Instructions for upgrading Bitseed to Bitcoin Core 0.11.0

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It’s hard to have a healthy transaction fee market when bidders can’t update their bids. (This is not an argument for replace-by-fee.)

via Twitter Web Client

@hannahkuchler @bitonbit Just you wait; there’s still much work to be done in the drug and porn industries with regard to bitcoin ;-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to hannahkuchler

@CNBCnow @NTmoney So… basically, a slap on the wrist.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to CNBCnow

@kristovatlas I see a huge opportunity for “Mastering Emojis” by @aantonop

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kristovatlas

@jonmatonis There’s no clear timeline when or even if the block size changes will be merged into XT; I think people got tired of waiting.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jonmatonis

@SteveBellovin Author doesn’t seem to realize that weaponized drones already exist. Or they think it’s OK for government to use them…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to SteveBellovin

kristovatlas Your “permissioned blockchain” will be left in the dust technologically as it is censored and regulated back into the realm of legacy.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 9:11 AM, Jul 20th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

ziggamon Hey techies you need to watch Mr. Robot. It’s a fightclubesque tv show about hackers. There’s command lines and everything!

via Fenix for Android (retweeted on 3:30 PM, Jul 19th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

“How to Limit the Bandwidth of Bitcoin Core on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux” via @maxlaumeister

via Twitter Web Client

@Magnus919 @gigq Because wires and towers are too costly to use to blanket the Earth.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Magnus919

@gigq @Magnus919 Also, the premise that developing world won’t get ubiquitous internet & smartphones is questionable.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to gigq

@mikestable Hey bro, whatever floats your boat. Which, apparently for that guy, is an ocean of red wine.

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RT @mdudas: Apple patent application on 7/16/15 contemplating the use of payment and card balance data for ad targeting purposes: http://t.…

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@realDonaldTrump @pmarca Defending one’s land against aggressors is heroic. Invading other people’s land as an aggressor, not so much.

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“The brain is the best [dating] algorithm.” - Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and @Match advisor @azizansari

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@pierebel “Between 2005 and 2012 more than one third of U.S. couples getting married met via online dating.” @azizansari

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“[The Tenga] felt like I was masturbating with a thick, cold condom on, and I didn’t understand the appeal.” - @azizansari

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“Our research convinced me that people spend too much time doing the online part of online dating.” - @azizansari

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“If you respond to texts immediately, you are taken for granted and ultimately lower your value as a reward.” - @azizansari

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“Communication by text has no predetermined temporal sequencing and lots of room for ambiguity.” - @azizansari

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“Today, if you own a smartphone, you’re carrying a 24-7 singles bar in your pocket.” - @azizansari

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If you’re single or just happen to enjoy cultural anthropology, you should read @azizansari’s “Modern Romance”

via Twitter Web Client

@BitseedOrg do you have documentation for upgrading Bitcoin Core?

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@danroth @pmarca @reidhoffman If driverless cars are so amazing, the market will choose them voluntarily. No government mandate required.

via Twitter for Android in reply to danroth

RT @scottlincicome: Awful: NC farmers buy grain from Brazil bc #JonesAct makes moving Midwestern grain by water economically infeasible htt…

via Twitter for Android

@ramez @pmarca I can only imagine the increased stigma that will befall us motorcycle riders. We’re already considered lunatics by many…

via Twitter for Android in reply to ramez

@kristovatlas It’s a result of the kludginess of trying to graph extremely sparse data in a time series :-/

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kristovatlas

@bitonbit @RippleLabs @Ripple @coindesk “Sorry we lost all of your money, we hope you’ll give us more of your money.”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to bitonbit

Audio and slides from the presentation I gave about trustless computing at the annual Mensa conference:

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@cypherdoc2 @kristovatlas I’d think compound if not everyone is using it :-P

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@cypherdoc2 @kristovatlas Good question; looks like @blockchain shows 10K - I’d wonder if either filters out “spam”

via Twitter Web Client

@cypherdoc2 You’re likely one of the few power users :-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to cypherdoc2

@kristovatlas Thanks for your being a loyal customer! My Google analytics shows traffic directly correlates with tx storms / full blocks :-)

via Twitter for Android in reply to kristovatlas

@alansilbert I’m currently wondering how many hours I’ll have to waste explaining blockchain tech to legislators. :-|

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alansilbert

Downside to running a public operational dashboard: it’s only popular when the service it’s monitoring has issues.

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@pmccall777 I thought of raising the point that my digital signature is a scan of a penned signature, printed via ink jets, but opted not to

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

The size of Bitcoin’s UTXO set has been steadily decreasing all week - this may be a first.

via Twitter Web Client

Just had a stock payout delayed by over a month b/c escrow agent required a penned signature instead of digital, as if it’s more secure…

via Twitter Web Client

@mriou How can we encourage a greater diversity of Core devs?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mriou

@theseatoms Bitcoin Core is pretty messy, plus I’m not an experienced C++ dev, but I’d start at init.cpp and main.cpp - the high level code.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to theseatoms

RT @ArsLaw: Government IT official ran law enforcement data systems for years with faked degrees by @thepacketrat

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Suitpossum Philosoraptor ponders a small flaw in the standard ‘bank-lends-out-my-money-to-borrowers’ story

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:31 PM, Jul 16th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

@NewbergNate Well this is just getting weirder - #1 & #3 don’t display for me on the web or official Android @twitter app… /cc @Support

via Twitter Web Client in reply to NewbergNate

@NewbergNate It looks like #5 has re-appeared, but #1 and #3 are still missing. Can you see #1?

via Twitter Web Client

@drewmikb All of the transaction related stats are based upon realtime unconfirmed txs accepted by my node.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to drewmikb

@flyosity It can barely handle the recoil; should probably go with laser weapons instead on drones.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

Ummm 3 of the 5 tweets from my tweetstorm yesterday were deleted; what gives, @Support? Good thing I keep backups…

via Twitter Web Client

Autonomous shopping carts that follow you around and return themselves to the store from the parking lot. /cc @BoredElonMusk

via Twitter for Android

Bitcoin was specifically designed to route around the economic damage caused by foolish authoritarians such as @NCSenateDems & @MyNCSenate

via Twitter for Android

RT @jgarzik: Bummer!
#Bitcoin Firm Xapo Cuts North Carolina Access”
Not enough customers vs. regulation coming.

via Twitter for Android

@nvk legislators’ gonna legislate, with a complete understanding of the issues or otherwise

via Twitter for Android in reply to nvk

@mikeinspace Right; the end game is Distributed Autonomous Corporations that have no physical points of failure that can be targeted.

via Twitter for Android in reply to mikeinspace

@01101O10 I prefer “subversive” to “rebellious” but yeah, same general idea :)

via Twitter for Android in reply to 01101O10

@01101O10 unfortunately it’s difficult to ignore the government that rules the area in which you live :-/

via Twitter for Android in reply to 01101O10

@JVWVU1 What do you mean by USD is easier to stop?

via Twitter for Android in reply to JVWVU1

5) My only advice to digital currency startups is to strive to operate in a non-custodial manner. This prevents many headaches (for now!)

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

4) My favorite part is that the legislation levies fees on every transaction. Classic example of govt economic parasitism.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

3) And of course this bar effectively prices out many startups. Limiting fintech to the rich is anti-capitalism & anti-American.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

2) Requiring $250K in qualified assets & $100K+ surety bond is absurd when cryptographic Proof of Reserve is an option.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

1) NC Senate Bill 680 applies legacy MSB regulation to digital currency, is predictably ridiculous.

via Twitter for Android

@flyosity @kn0thing At this point I’m thinking the best thing the admins can do is STFU and stop digging the hole even deeper.

via Twitter for Android in reply to flyosity

We’re going to need a bigger voat. “Neither Alexis nor I [Steve] created Reddit as a bastion of free speech.”

via Twitter for Android

@ryanxcharles sounds like an opportunity for DecentReddit

via Twitter for Android in reply to ryanxcharles

@el33th4xor Agree; I never bought a Trezor but pre-ordered a Case as soon as I heard about it. Can’t wait to try it out.

via Twitter for Android

It seems like everywhere I look these days, I see government manipulation of markets…

via Twitter for Android

Long distance motorcycle rides are great for self introspection. I thought up dozens of winning tweets this week and promptly forgot them.

via Twitter for Android

If a law isn’t enforced 100% of the time, it isn’t a law - it’s a gamble with a risk:reward ratio. Be informed and act accordingly.

via Twitter for Android

RT @cinnamon_carter: Prices Rising So Fast In Argentina Supermarkets Using Digital Price Tags (via @NickSzabo4 ) htt…

via Twitter for Android

RT @pwuille: Bitcoin Core 0.11 with block pruning released:

via Twitter for Android

@DaisyLv2012 I’ve never even tried to build it, so I don’t know if it even works. It definitely doesn’t work in Grafana 2.0

via Twitter for Android in reply to DaisyLv2012

@TheOnion @mikestable There’s a reason they’re known as organ donation machines, and why I’m an organ donor.

via Twitter for Android in reply to TheOnion

mikebelshe looking for a bitcoin wallet with dynamic fee pricing so your transactions can go through? check out @BitGo !

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:43 PM, Jul 9th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

To gain appreciation for the beauty, diversity, and vastness of America, ride across it upon a steed of steel.

via Twitter for Android

@DaisyLv2012 @kandemir unfortunately I seriously doubt that is possible

via Twitter for Android

@ryanxcharles There had better be blackjack and hookers.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ryanxcharles

@Jeremy_DeGroot @pig_poetry @Magnus919 @RyanScudellari I suspect a transition period will have truckers using assisted driving functionality

via Twitter for Android in reply to Jeremy_DeGroot

@ddahlke The question to ask yourself is: at what point does a market cease to be a market?

via Twitter for Android in reply to ddahlke

@pig_poetry @Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Their employers will voluntarily elect to use safer and more efficient options :-P

via Twitter for Android in reply to pig_poetry

@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari I, for one, can’t wait for more self driving cars so that I’ll be safer while riding my motorcycle.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Self driving cars will be voluntarily adopted as prices drop & by people who value the time & safety benefits.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Magnus919

@Magnus919 @RyanScudellari Even a perfectly libertarian society will not be a utopia, and that has never been the goal…

via Twitter for Android in reply to Magnus919

@RyanScudellari Financial analysis could get messy. I see the solutions to texting while driving as 1) Darwinism and 2) self driving cars.

via Twitter for Android in reply to RyanScudellari

Greeks buying luxury goods to hedge against currency uncertainty - same tactic we see in countries w/high inflation.

via Twitter for Android

@RyanScudellari And if you do care, you don’t need a state sponsored stop to be safe. I tweeted that from a gas station. :)

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

@RyanScudellari My point is that many people don’t care about committing nonviolent crimes such as texting while driving, littering, etc.

via Twitter for Android in reply to lopp

@RyanScudellari Would be hard to prove even with crash data. Causation / correlation problems, hard to isolate variables…

via Twitter for Android in reply to RyanScudellari

@RyanScudellari Neither signs nor laws change human behavior. The problem is stupidity and it can’t be legislated away.

via Twitter for Android in reply to RyanScudellari

bencxr The transaction storm is increasing not only confirm times but also propagation time, impacting dependent txs and needing resends.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:19 PM, Jul 7th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

Vote with your money: a vote for alternative currency is a vote of no confidence in fiat.

via Twitter for Android


via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:36 PM, Jul 7th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

Just saw a sign: “lowest prices allowed by law!” *facepalm*

via Twitter for Android

AndrewDFish 13 crypto experts publish blistering critique of US/UK encryption backdoor plan, preempts testimony by FBI Dir Comey

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:26 PM, Jul 7th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

docbtc The network is getting flooded with transactions with a .0002 fee. Make sure you bump your fee if you want a clear path through.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:24 PM, Jul 6th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

Abracadabra, Bitcoin’s up like Viagra

via Twitter for Android

@mikestable one time I got a filet full of maggots from lowes and they gave me a refund plus a brand new set of Tupperware!

via Twitter for Android in reply to mikestable

“The only things @LinkedIn is good for are joke endorsements & learning about your former colleagues quitting / getting fired.” @tubafrenzy

via Twitter for Android

oocBlog FAQ: Bitcoin mining & luck
If you prefer to know if your panic is actually warranted, read on:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:20 PM, Jul 4th, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

RT @oleganza: Handling Bitcoin is not convenient today. Having your deposits raided is not convenient either.

via Twitter for Android

In most ethical dilemmas you know what you should do. The question is if you’re willing to do the right thing if the cost is painfully high.

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“If you’re my patient, I don’t care how many steps you take per day, nor do most other doctors.” - Dr. Rick Thompson, @TogetherClinic

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@prolitika @el33th4xor It’s not for me, it’s for the people who do enjoy that state of being so that they stay away from me.

via Twitter for Android

@el33th4xor Sounds like we need to build a non-profit self-sustaining censorship resistant cesspool.

via Twitter for Android

If Reddit is so terrible, let’s fork it. It is, after all, open source. We can make our own Reddit with blackjack and hookers!

via Twitter for Android

Satoshi_N_ r/buttcoin closes up shop. This is why you shouldn’t store your butts on Reddit. @ButtCoin

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:20 AM, Jul 3rd, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

I just stumbled upon the Buttcoiner secret hangout spot. It’s literally under a bridge.

via Twitter for Android

@NTmoney I heard Bitcoin went bankrupt and the CEO committed suicide in prison.

via Twitter for Android in reply to NTmoney

NTmoney Following media hype in late 2013, when I tell most non-tech people I work at a bitcoin company, the reaction is “that is still a thing?”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:04 PM, Jul 2nd, 2015 via Twitter for Android)

@factomproject It appears that your Project Gutenberg demo is currently unreachable.

via Twitter Web Client

@abbydactyl it’s really hard to retweet you when your account is private :(

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