@pmccall777 The ‘best practice’ for using sites like this is to load them onto an offline computer when you want to generate keys.
@pmccall777 It appears that they are using client-side JS to generate the keys. Should be safe, though could merit further investigation.
It should be noted that consensus seems to be that anyone using cryptocurrency at this point in time is still an “early adopter.”
Early adopters bore much more risk than people adopting at this point in time. Their reward for providing legitimacy is increased value.
Many people complain that Bitcoin unfairly benefits early adopters, completely missing that this is true for any publicly traded asset.
@CathyReisenwitz @mark_dow Where? Link please.
@NTmoney Stewart made an astute observation that the problems in the Bitcoin world are localized rather than systemic.
A visualization of the Bitcoin economy from early 2013. My, how things change. Source: http://t.co/ygZ17fHIhF http://t.co/sxgXWyW7FO
@paulbuitink @twobitidiot Here you go again, citing anonymous sources. Pathetic.
@RichardPPhilbin Nice; though note that Gox still has yet to admit that any coins were stolen, just that they were “lost.” Makes me wonder.
@DClark2014 I have no idea, but probably hundreds of thousands of dollars…
@polemitis I’m already holding BTC in my Roth IRA… so I’m quite interested in seeing what conclusions you draw.
torrentfreak Bitcoin Donations Now Integrated into BitTorrent Client torr.fr/528SvZ
@MichaelCasp This is so true, it’s not even funny. :-)
@MegaCoinTrader @Mtgoxsucks @twobitidiot @cryptotraveler Definitely not.
@Mtgoxsucks @jvanek1 @cryptotraveler @twobitidiot I can only speak for myself: in either case, Bitcoin is still working as intended.
@Mtgoxsucks @cryptotraveler @twobitidiot Will the deflationary aspect of crypto win out over the loss of confidence? Impossible to say.
@Mtgoxsucks @cryptotraveler @twobitidiot Will be interesting to see reaction if hundreds of thousands of coins are permanently lost.
@Mtgoxsucks @cryptotraveler @twobitidiot Well, this appears to be “proof” that the BTC are in those addresses. Not proof they can access.
@mikestable NSA LOLs http://t.co/2HdaA1NGn5
@flyosity That’s already been priced in, yo.
Are you a highly technical person who wants a deeper understanding of the Bitcoin protocol? Read @michael_nielsen’s http://t.co/2EvSV4JuW0
RT @ErikVoorhees: Government should let Bitcoin users—all of whom got involved of their own free will—absorb the growing pains http://t.co/…
If rumors are true, MTGOX may go down in history as a shining example of how cryptocurrency makes it difficult to run a fractional reserve.
@bobbyong @cryptotraveler My current speculation is that Karpeles is so stupid he created a cold storage scheme from which he can’t retrieve
I had the pleasure of chiming in on a news piece about our first local merchant’s acceptance of Bitcoin. http://t.co/tYEkmuiwkX
@cryptotraveler Bitcoin is not actually a honey badger. It is a phoenix.
@polemitis Occam’s Razor: this is probably what happened.
@emilepetrone If you’re talking about for marketing purposes, remember that Facebook screws over your “reach” - doubt that Google+ does.
@emilepetrone Hate to say it, but I check Facebook 100x more than Google+
@averyj Money talks; m’fuckers eavesdroppin’
Quick! Somebody call that guy on Reddit who performs wallet recovery services! :-P
The exchange rate of a given cryptocurrency is only interesting as a general sentiment indicator. Don’t try to read too much into it.

@twobitidiot @Mircea_Popescu @reypoullard Ballsy Bitcoin Baron trolling. i.imgur.com/WZjv3kp.gif
@brianshrader Great; thanks!
@ChrisPacia @nikolay Hey @Sen_JoeManchin, we’re busy building a new financial system here. Mind your own business.
@giac_man Bitcoin’s attributes make it incredibly resilient. Every time people say it’s dead, it comes back even stronger.
@cryptotraveler Nope, everything is unsubstantiated, citing anonymous sources. Pretty sad.
@PynchonInPublic That’s OK. Bitcoin is not yet at the point where it’s ready for the average person. It has a high learning curve & risk.
@jinyoungenglund Ahhhhh OK, my eyes skipped right over those images to the form.

I theorize that Bitcoin users who survive their first “crash” stop caring about volatility & begin to enjoy the ride. i.imgur.com/3yGgoPh.gif
@socrates1024 @jgarzik @dakami Making a bet against a core developer about what will happen to the protocol… ballsy.
@dineshah Instructions for how to command the @tipdoge bot are at tipdoge.info
@dineshah @tipdoge You can tip them to others or withdraw them to a wallet. Good resources: howtodoge.com & reddit.com/r/dogecoin
@Mikee510 I’ve put together educational resources on my site here: https://t.co/rTLmGSTCFe As for buying, I recommend using @coinbase
@aidje I’d actually recommend reddit.com/r/economics and themisescircle.org - learn differences between Keynesian & Austrian theory.
@BTCFoundation Um, are you not accepting bitcoins as payment?
@paulbuitink @tuurdemeester @twobitidiot @MtGox So basically, you have more hearsay for us. Thanks.
In all seriousness, the resiliency of cryptocurrency continues to impress me. My hopes are higher than ever.
Past 2 months have been a sustained onslaught of bad news, yet Bitcoin still trades at $500. Honey Badger can’t be bothered to give a shit.
@HappyOwlCEO @chamath That’s not a transaction for 783458 BTC. It’s an address that’s processed that much & currently holds 0. Meaningless.
@chamath Do you have actual confirmation of 700k being stolen? All I’ve seen is hearsay.
@binarybits Definitely maybe.
@kyledrake Anarchism, on the other hand…
@NTmoney I also don’t approve of @twobitidiot suggesting people dump their coins due to a theft. Theft does not make Bitcoin less valuable.
@PerianneDC Can you link to proof that they are insolvent?
@kyledrake Yeah, because regulations have prevented wealthy insiders in the incumbent financial world from profiting at expense of laymen.
@Falkvinge Has gox actually claimed that, though? I’ve only seen rumors based upon hearsay.
Bitcoin users are not being robbed to bail out an incompetent company. The losers are Gox and those who trusted them despite warning signs.
@jefft @mikestable Yes, the problem is that a ton of people were lazy and actually stored large quantities of bitcoins on Gox.
@mikestable I’ll say that the average person shouldn’t be investing in cryptocurrency, so it’s probably good that they’re spooked.
@mikestable Completely agree. And that’s OK. :-)
@mikestable Some will see it that way. Others will see it as a new world of finance where “too big to fail” does not exist.
@mikestable If that is so, it is because the people who aren’t involved don’t understand how cryptocurrency works. They need education.
@mikestable Eh? Not sure what you’re trying to say.
@cryptotraveler More of the same, IMO. We can only hope that Gox has Goxed itself for the last time.
@aantonop @blockchain @coinbase I’m interested to know why your “joint posts” don’t say “insolvency” while other exchanges’ posts do.
@jbeardsley I agree. This is just another reason why crypto is not yet ready for mainstream use. But the freedom to store yourself is great.
@jbeardsley Crypto will see similar storage services pop up (at least one already exists) for those who prefer to pay for convenience.
@jbeardsley Safely storing physical money is quite difficult, thus paying banks for their security is worth the expense.
Gox’s failure will be capitalized upon by players who are better positioned to run such businesses. It’s already happening.
barrysilbert SecondMarket to launch first U.S.-based Bitcoin exchange wp.me/pRvqL-h5T via @FortuneMagazine @danprimack
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you alone don’t hold the private keys to your cryptocurrency, you don’t actually own it.
Lots of FUD spreading about Gox’s status; few people seem to care about needing proof. Rumors may be true, but I refuse to propagate rumors.
@elflo @twobitidiot I find it interesting that @coinbase’s post does not say “insolvency.” It appears that they don’t have proof.
@Bits_of_Eight @twobitidiot How is requesting proof equivalent to shooting the messenger?
@elflo @twobitidiot The joint statement is about Gox’s incompetence. We can all agree upon that. Their statement doesn’t prove insolvency.
@elflo @twobitidiot I see a statement that has been altered by some exchanges to not say “insolvent.” Seems that even they don’t agree.
@twobitidiot Nothing personal; I can count the people I trust on one hand. I trust you as much as I trust Mark Karpeles. Still need proof.
@matthew_d_green I hear that @barrysilbert of @SecondMarket is feeling up to the task.
@cryptotraveler So many fishy aspects; explanation is bogus, doc looks fake, Gox has said nothing, other exchanges can’t agree if insolvent.
@twobitidiot I’m not saying that you’re right or wrong, but I have yet to see actual proof of theft from Gox. All I see is that they’re down
@cryptotraveler Have you seen any actual PROOF of a 750k BTC theft? I’ve only seen rumors that people are treating as fact.
@RichardPPhilbin All we know is Gox is down. I have yet to see any proof supporting the rumors of theft.
I’d like to say R.I.P. MTGOX, but it has this pesky history of coming back from the dead…
@pmccall777 Some of them are probably just naive, though some of them may be hopeful because exchange bailouts have happened before.
@binarybits Seems to be a simple press releast about trust.
@binarybits They actually removed the word “insolvent.” But sure, people have been speculating that for some time.
@pmccall777 Ha, you mean… Gox? A single exchange?
@twobitidiot how about this: never post again until you come to us with proof.
@BenDoernberg @twobitidiot “A leak in the hot wallet” makes no sense as an explanation.
@twobitidiot Oh come on, now. You’re seriously telling people to dump their coins based upon an unverified report?
@PierreCPA @Bitstein @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz Ahhhhhh. Well, I think you can tell from my profile background that we won’t get along.
@PierreCPA @Bitstein @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz Wow, you must not hang out on the Internet very much. It’s Internet slang.
@Bitstein @PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz You guys sure enjoy circlejerking each other. I have plenty of skin in this game.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein You: Bitcoin is best thing ever and forever. Me: Bitcoin is best thing ever… for now.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein Yes, you can make predictions. I’m saying that you’re stating predictions as fact.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein I hope that you are correct, but the fact remains that no one can predict the future.
@PierreCPA @DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein You can’t possibly account for unknown unknowns.
@DrRoyMurphy You lost me. Are the contributors who mine pre-public release mining a test blockchain?
@aantonop So they say, but I haven’t seen any chatter or progress made on floating fees in months…
@aantonop @RedditBitcoin Bah. I thought this was going to be floating fees finally making it in. This is but a bandaid centralized solution.
@DrRoyMurphy And trust me, you don’t want to be known as a premine coin because that’s the quickest way to get shunned by the community.
@DrRoyMurphy Looked at your kickstarter and it worries me that you’re selling slots for mining. This will get you labeled as a premine coin.
@LittleShibe Yep, “unintended consequences” == “problems”
1) Solve a problem with regulations / laws
2) Discover unintended consequences
3) GOTO 1
@DanielKrawisz @CathyReisenwitz @Bitstein Could be tomorrow, could be decades from now. All it takes is some nerd hacking away in a basement
@CathyReisenwitz @DanielKrawisz @Bitstein Current alt-coins not being innovative enough to gain adoption is not proof that Bitcoin is safe.
@CathyReisenwitz @DanielKrawisz @Bitstein’s linked article is correct but for aspects of current alt-coins. Can’t predict future innovation.
@etploshay @CathyReisenwitz @BitcoinMagazine But we need innovation. Successful alt-coin innovation will be merged into Bitcoin if possible.
@etploshay @CathyReisenwitz @BitcoinMagazine I see them as competition, but most altcoins are insubstantially innovative. Most will die.
@mikestable NSA LOLs http://t.co/mHKZflsRdY
@emilepetrone @lukejduncan Likely, but that’s a huge oversimplification since BTC miners also secure the integrity of the entire network.
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone Interesting that Bitcoin’s energy usage is never compared to that of the existing financial system, no? :-P
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone It’s not an algorithm that promotes “inefficiency,” it’s an algorithm that promotes “computational strength.” :-)
@binarybits It may simply be to the influx of non-gox traders buying goxcoins because they’re willing to make that bet.
@twobitidiot You’d think that The Economist would understand that market cap != all the value put into the system.
RT @aantonop: My second article on bitcoin trust and security is published
Bitcoin: An Anti-Fragile Network
@emilepetrone Gets even more complex b/c the network self-adjusts the mining difficulty as more computational power comes online.
@emilepetrone Though note that # of people mining / machines mining is not = N. Pooled mining makes N a much lower number.
@emilepetrone N = number of miners? Yes, because they are all starting a massive new parallelized race every block (~10 min)
@emilepetrone @lukejduncan I recommend that you read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashcash
@lukejduncan @emilepetrone I hold great hopes for @ZerocoinProject
@DaangMel I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@AbbeyGaboriault I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@curtofranklin I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6QJvBF
@sriportfolio The exchange rate of Bitcoin is determined by the free market on various exchange services that operate 24/7.
@billbren I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@RichardPPhilbin Mt Gox is not a real exchange at the moment because it does not allow withdrawals. Steer clear of Mt Gox.
@DrRoyMurphy Whoa. 10 second blocks? Doesn’t that cause issues due to tx propagation time?
@mysizelindsey1 ermegerd this show is starting to piss me off. People who survived a zombie apocalypse wouldn’t be making noob mistakes.
@xor @BenDoernberg If it fails, we will learn from the failure, regroup, and try again.
@xor @BenDoernberg “deserves” = matter of opinion. Don’t get hung up on semantics. If a single exchange is a critical weakness, it will fail
@xor @BenDoernberg If Bitcoin fails due to a single exchange failing… then it deserves to fail.
@xor @BenDoernberg The demise of poorly run institutions will have a negative short term effect, but Darwinism is good for us long term.
RT @jonmatonis: Mt. Gox Resigns From Bitcoin Foundation http://t.co/Q1fb6ZEBCH
pmarca Large incumbents in any industry are well aware of this, so they play 2-sided game: simultaneously complaining about & embracing regulation.
pmarca Because government regulation establishes high stickiness for incumbents, vs new entrants that are unequipped to handle regulatory load.
pmarca Government regulation that purports to protect ordinary consumers generally ends up protecting large incumbents.
@YouKnowMissy If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Cryptocurrency is a very complex beast.
@HailJustin_ I’ve been studying cryptocurrency for years; it’s very difficult to distill into a few minutes of material. Happy to help!
@TheDanWells @flyosity I don’t see how this is a problem. Except that existing regs make it difficult for us to build competing providers.
@cooploops13 I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@crayongela I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@BaileyWeddings I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@rdkurnianto I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@hashtagmagswag I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@lkent_ww I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@kitandfrank I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@rsavaiano I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6QJvBF
@YouKnowMissy I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@denverish I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6QJvBF
@jebarham I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@HailJustin_ I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMoh6DK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@DjShakit I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMoh6DK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@AlexTaylorBeal I would start here: https://t.co/X2nxMo03BK - I have more resources listed on my site at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@AceRedBand1t @BrothaKuf I invested b/c it is a revolutionary platform for proof of ownership and transfer of ownership of digital assets.
@BeighMANNNN I would start here: medium.com/p/73b4257ac833 - let me know if you want more educational resources.
@top_iq1503 Welcome to the future. :-)
@LittleShibe Completely agree that “economics = psychology of money / value”
@aidje Or even better, shouldn’t the people own the Internet infrastructure? My understanding is that regulations are preventing that.
@aidje I’m all for democracy. Then shouldn’t the people choose not to use providers who impose rules against their interests?
The more I learn about economics, the more strongly I believe that nobody actually understands economics.
@AddisonTodd I’m interested to see if there will be a great outcry for network neutrality as we enter this new age of network prioritization
I’m unconvinced that government regulation to force network neutrality is desirable. Anyone want to try to change my mind?
@JamesGMorgan @kambash @JonnyBitcoin Hardcore crypto enthusiasts run full nodes :-)
@mikestable NSA LOLs http://t.co/Pth03XKfO8
@coinmaker321 The @tipdoge bot should be holding your coins - go to tipdoge.info to learn how to withdraw to your wallet.
@PeercoinPPC @emilepetrone Miners are concerned w/personal efficiency w/regard to their competition. Unconcerned w/efficiency of network.
@PeercoinPPC @emilepetrone Sure; Bitcoin miners are worried about efficiency, so they continually design more efficient ASICs.
@emilepetrone There are alt coins with other mining schemes that try to be “useful” though - such as Primecoin. Not much adoption either.
@emilepetrone Seems to me that if mining efficiency was of concern to the community, we’d see more Peercoin adoption.
@emilepetrone This is an area of debate because “wasted work” is subjective. Mining system is designed to operate on brink of profitability.
@emilepetrone You mean the proof-of-work mining algorithm? It’s designed to be inefficient. Want efficiency? Use proof of stake (Peercoin)
@kambash @JamesGMorgan @JonnyBitcoin My recommendations are listed at https://t.co/V34A6R1EPN
@carpedurham Don’t just leave money lying on the table, now!
@Dasterdizzle Yeah, “withdraw” is for taking funds out of the bot and put them in your local Doge wallet.
To new shibes who received a tip from me via @tipdoge: instructions for using the bot are on its Twitter profile & at tipdoge.info
@Dasterdizzle You’re not alone - I’ll go ahead and post an explanation.
@tipdoge tip @Syngeneer 1000 doge - whoops, I accidentally skipped over you due to the deluge of RTs.
I’m indebted to the crypto community for renewing my faith in humanity. Together we shall overcome bad actors of all shapes & sizes.
mark_a_howard @lopp A fundamental optimism reified in the code of the Bitcoin protocol. Honey badger mocks cynicism daily!
While weasels will always be afoot, cryptocurrency is based upon consensus mechanisms that work because there are more good actors than bad.
@tipdoge tip @bitcoinbegger 1000 doge
@tipdoge tip @Paul_Da_SkyGawd 1000 doge
@Dasterdizzle You were one of the 100 who RT’d my water bowl tweet :-)
@tipdoge tip @sandpiled 5000 doge - I can’t undo tips to bad shibes, but I can give you more than they got! Take that, @tipdoqe!
@tipdoge tip @attackonrachel 1000 doge