The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 2014

RT @oleganza: Crypto-anarchy marches on. Facebook announced a nicely bruteforced facebookcorewwwi.onion hostname.

via Twitter Web Client

@saifedean @ryanxcharles Well… the term “computer” is meant for general purpose devices that can perform wide ranges of computations.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to saifedean

Being able to withstand computational attack by all of the world’s supercomputers is not the same as being a supercomputer.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

I cringe every time I see someone refer to the Bitcoin network as “the world’s most powerful supercomputer.”

via Twitter Web Client

@BitcoinAverage Do you need any help running / maintaining your Twitter bot?

via Twitter Web Client

@Jeremy_DeGroot In the eyes of a defensive developer, the user is the enemy.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Jeremy_DeGroot

In my experience, well-written software is actually mostly sanity checks. Code defensively. Code as if lives depend upon it.

via Twitter Web Client

@el33th4xor Such entrepreneurship. Very quenching.

via Twitter Web Client

@Coinometrics I recommend using a service like to check bitcoind port every few min & alert if it stops responding.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Coinometrics

@Coinometrics looks like your bitcoind instance is down…

via Twitter Web Client

@orweinberger Yep, I’m sure they are - we just hit a wall with our needs. Here’s a good comparison:

via Twitter Web Client

@orweinberger It depends upon your use case. Also, we were stuck on an old version due to incompatible changes made to Cassandra client.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to orweinberger

@danielpbarron @Pierre_Rochard @aantonop If I’m understanding this correctly, anyone outside the WoT is a “derp” rather than a “person?”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to danielpbarron

@roasbeef Though the CPU spikes are a direct result of a cron job that calls getUTXOSet via bitcoin-cli in order to update certain metrics.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to roasbeef

@roasbeef I have system metrics @ - it’s a close approx to Bitcoin Core usage. Could be more accurate if I use psutil

via Twitter Web Client

@roasbeef Totally. I haven’t played around with btcd yet but I’d like a better understanding of node performance across implementations.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to roasbeef

RT @roasbeef: .@lopp I have a similar project of my own, but for btcd: Repo located at:

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@grafana Any recommendation for visualizing min/median/max when max can be order of magnitude greater than median?

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Are you one of the few dozen people who is both a @grafana and a expert? I’m looking to brainstorm ideas for

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@Pierre_Rochard @aantonop Gotcha; are there any efforts under way to make WoT easier to use? Wouldn’t the value of WoT grow w/more users?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Pierre_Rochard

@Pierre_Rochard @aantonop Is there a manifesto / summary of your views? I keep seeing “spend months on -assets to understand”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Pierre_Rochard

@Pierre_Rochard @aantonop Seems WoT users believe no one outside of the WoT can be trusted, but my understanding is that WoTs can be gamed.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Pierre_Rochard

@aantonop I’m interested in the WoT fixation myself; I can understand the other things but have yet to grasp the first.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to aantonop

Creator of the plug & play node hardware project is making good progress; I suspect it will be ready in time for Bitcoin Core 0.10 release.

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@M_Gauche @deepakshenoy @balajis False. If holding a volatile asset that suddenly increases in value, investors diversify & lock in gains.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to M_Gauche

New Statoshi dashboard for function timings:

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TechCrunch Solid Concepts announced their second 3D-printed metal gun

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 3:54 PM, Oct 27th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@OverstockCEO How much did @MerrillLynch profit from it? If it was more than $6M, they’ve been incentivized to continue breaking law.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to OverstockCEO

Seems like it should be possible for a sidechain to impose additional scarcity constraints such that only X BTC could be pegged to it.

via Twitter Web Client

Common misconception: cryptocurrency mining power is not directly related to tx volume. We don’t need more power to process more txs.

via Twitter Web Client

Upgraded to a custom @grafana build from master, added a meta “Stats Stats” dashboard.

via Twitter Web Client

@ryanxcharles “some” sounds like an insufficient quantity for handing over that level of information.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ryanxcharles

RT @gendal: A simple explanation of Bitcoin “Sidechains”

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“Seeking Superior Subscriber Segmentation System Scalability” - my latest @bronto Engineering blog post.

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@FortuneMagazine Pawning off digital cryptographically backed assets as “pretend” commodities is proof of Jeffrey’s ignorance.

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@covati If you still wanted to support pull mechanism, imagine being able to create a unique CC # that only allowed payee X to pull.

via Twitter Web Client

@covati There have been CC providers that supported one time use numbers but they didn’t focus on ease-of-use.

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@covati CC systems could be revamped to use pub/priv key tech, or they could have deterministically generated one time use numbers.

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@covati Payment systems based upon push models rather than pull models.

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Multiple companies this month requested I send my CC info via cleartext email. Including the company licensing @BitcoinDoc screenings. ಠ_ಠ

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@balajis said he was looking for the Red Hat of Bitcoin; is @TheBlockstream going to fill that void?

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RT @TheBlockstream: The AMA on Bitcoin sidechains is underway with authors and @TheBlockstream co-founders:

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@el33th4xor Myself, not at all, I just think it’s a neat concept. Looks like some big names are invested, though.

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@el33th4xor Not supported by physics? Somebody should tell the various companies planning on mining asteroids…

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@el33th4xor I don’t see them claiming it will happen soon…

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adam3us re-centering innovation around bitcoin core: side-chains paper.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:54 PM, Oct 22nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

This is what happens when a cryptocurrency service doesn’t upgrade after a hard fork. 350,000,000 DOGE missing.

via Twitter Web Client

balajis Different mental models.
Pass a law: force someone else to do something.
Write some code: I will do something.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:31 AM, Oct 22nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@TriangleTodd @pmccall777 @Magnus919 Correct; demand is exceeding supply at the moment. Re-ups get priority, though.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to TriangleTodd

ziggamon I built a site: @bitrefill. Lets you top up prepaid phones with Bitcoin. 115 countries. Beta. Plz test and feedback!

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:54 AM, Oct 22nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@pmccall777 @Magnus919 If you need sustenance that tastes great, @soylent is not for you.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

EFF We oppose NY’s BitLicense proposal to regulate virtual currency. Our joint comments with Internet Archive, reddit:

via Thingie (retweeted on 6:03 PM, Oct 21st, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@danlowe It’s gonna be tough to get headshots with those specs.

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“I never understood autographs. Seems like a really bad idea to give anybody who asks a sample of your signature….” - @gavinandresen

via Twitter Web Client

@oleganza This is certainly possible given that the economics of mining drive miners to operate on the brink of profitability.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to oleganza

@realytcracker Looks like BandCamp doesn’t support bitcoin; will there be a BTC option to buy Introducing Neals?

via Twitter Web Client

@flyosity I have yet to hear of any that accept any form of payment other than cash. If Apple Pay supports chargebacks, it won’t work.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

@twitter Android Version 5.32.0-alpha.177 is horribly broken and the Alpha program feedback site won’t let me authenticate…

via Twitter Web Client

RT @ncpolicelogs: Charlotte PD has been collecting info from phones & wireless devices belonging to innocent citizens for past 8 years. htt…

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The Goxxings shall continue until everyone figures out the point of trustless irrevocable money.

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Abhaxas go home twitter, you’re drunk. i’ll accept my bugbounty via bitcoin thx

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:08 PM, Oct 19th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@VentureBeat @emilepetrone @wadhwa A ban is a ridiculous proposition; humans will be incentivized not to drive via time & money savings.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to VentureBeat

Supposedly the first Bitcoin ATM in NC just came online today on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.

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@MichaelCasp You pointed the camera the wrong way - it’s supposed to be pointed at the food.

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Pretty cool adaptive robot demo; apparently the hardware only costs $25,000

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Today I got to use my first @oculus_rift and I saw this USB stick malware demo.

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Apparently student interest in computer science has exploded past few years. UNC-CH reports 3X-4X increase in CS undergrads since 2008.

via Twitter for Android

At my alma mater, UNC-CH, celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Computer Science dept founded by Dr. Fred Brooks.

via Twitter for Android from Chapel Hill, NC

@pmccall777 I thought about leading you, but then decided otherwise.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

@el33th4xor Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, Satoshi Nakamoto?

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@el33th4xor You hate Bitcoin? Could have fooled me…

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.@FEhrsam “As one of the largest merchant payment processors, I don’t think new merchants accepting BTC puts selling pressure on market.”

via Twitter Web Client

I seriously doubt legal systems can keep pace with innovation unless software dev practices are incorporated into the legislative process.

via Twitter for Android from Durham, NC

@orweinberger You know what a scammer says when confronted about their history? “My identity is irrelevant.”

via Twitter for Android in reply to orweinberger from Durham, NC

RT @ryanxcharles: If you commit the crime of not identifying yourself, the government will take your money.

via Twitter for Android

RT @soroushjp: Deploying Your Own Toshi API Bitcoin Node Using CoreOS + Docker + AWS @FEhrsam @brian_armstrong @coin…

via Twitter for Android

BTCFoundation Blocksize Economics by @gavinandresen, Chief Scientist

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 10:14 AM, Oct 16th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

@ollekullberg I’ve been parked in cash all year, still holding out for a bigger correction…

via Twitter for Android in reply to ollekullberg from Durham, NC

It’s been a popcorn-filled week in the world of cryptocurrencies with the @robocoin & @moolah_io scandals. Reputation is key!

via Twitter for Android from Durham, NC

@flyosity @awilkinson moolah had a history of scandals & a mediocre reputation much like Gox. It wasn’t a surprise to me for them to close.

via Twitter for Android in reply to flyosity from Durham, NC

@flyosity @awilkinson On a related note, Dogecoin just got Goxxed by

via Twitter for Android in reply to flyosity from Durham, NC

@flyosity @awilkinson yup, it’s at the top of /r/bitcoin - don’t send money to businesses without an established reputation!

via Twitter for Android in reply to flyosity from Durham, NC

TriangleBitcoin Screening of “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin” this Monday, 6:30 at @AmerUnderground ! RSVP here @BitcoinDoc

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:51 AM, Oct 14th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

felixsalmon Dorian Nakamoto is launching a Legal Defense Fund, which is really more of an Attack Fund. He wants to sue Newsweek:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:22 PM, Oct 13th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

How to compile Bitcoin Core on Raspberry Pi:

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balajis As each of these apps comes online, is polished, and succeeds the non-Bitcoin alternative, floor on BTC demand (and price) keeps moving up.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:05 AM, Oct 13th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

balajis Worth reiterating: Many Bitcoin apps don’t depend on price at all, like Many more only need price > 0, like payments

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:05 AM, Oct 13th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

@emilepetrone @cdixon @yishan Last I heard, @ryanxcharles wasn’t particularly keen on forking Bitcoin.

via Twitter for Android in reply to emilepetrone from Durham, NC

Headers-first blockchain syncing test:

6 min to height 100,000
22 min to height 200,000
144 min to height 300,000
Fully synced in 248 min.

via Twitter Web Client

Testing @pwuille’s headers-first Bitcoin node w/parallel syncing from multiple peers. It not only works, it’s achieving bootstrap speeds.

via Twitter Web Client

The Tragedy of the Commons does not apply to p2p networks like Bittorrent or Bitcoin because using them does not deplete a finite resource.

via Twitter Web Client

csoghoian The FBI argues they can hack into any foreign computer without a warrant, but it is the Chinese government who are cyber criminals. Got it?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:30 AM, Oct 11th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

After suffering defeat to the tyranny of the majority in 2012, I’m happy to see NC’s ban on gay marriage struck down.

via Twitter Web Client

RT @OswaldoRoneel: SOBRE ALMACENAMIENTO SEGURO DE BITCOINS “Thoughts on Secure Storage of Bitcoins and other Crypto Assets” by @lopp https…

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Currently trending on @netflix - Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem

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T-minus 60 minutes until the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission begins their discussion of Bitcoin derivatives

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Talked last night with a fellow who is designing a plug & play Bitcoin node on the Odroid U3 platform. Hope to see it on @tindie soon!

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Highly recommend watching @aantonop’s testimony to the Canadian Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce.

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CA Senator: “Banks won’t allow BTC to make them obsolete.”
@aantonop: “That’s what people said about telecoms & the Internet. They adapted.”

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@cryptotraveler My favorite part was when @aantonop told the committee that centralized systems are regulated by corruptible committees. ;-)

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Please join @TriangleBitcoin Meetup on October 20th for our screening of “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin”

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.@aantonop “Whether you agree with Bitcoin’s monetary policy or not, it is well defined and predictable. If you disagree, create your own.”

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Q: How do we know terrorists aren’t using Bitcoin?
@aantonop: Empowerment of economic inclusion outweighs illicit use by tiny minority.

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67-year-old Canadian Senator: “We’re on our 11th meeting about Bitcoin and I still don’t understand it.” Observes generation gap w/new tech.

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@oleganza @ollekullberg @pete_dushenski @nycbtcpros @bitocracy And operational costs to run nodes are trivial in comparison to mining.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to oleganza

@kneath @pmccall777 “Sociopaths gonna sociopath” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kneath

.@aantonop will be addressing Canada’s Senate at 4:15PM EDT today; this should be interesting.

via Twitter Web Client

@thumperward @ameir @flyosity You think rape threats are the same as pointing out publicly unprofessional behavior to someone’s boss?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to thumperward

@ameir @flyosity Also, I operate under the premise that whoever loses their temper in an argument first, loses.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@ameir @flyosity Bro, I’m a Bitcoin enthusiast. I’ve been subjected to far worse. ;-)

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ameir

@mach2600 @polybore @flyosity @Spacekatgal Gotcha; I figured that there was more to it than that single screenshot.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mach2600

@polybore @flyosity @Spacekatgal @kevinmitnick @freebsdgirl That appears to be a possible interpretation but hard to tell w/o rest of convo.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to polybore

@Spacekatgal @flyosity @freebsdgirl Yes, I’m skeptical about everything. And I’m being asked to believe something without sufficient context

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Spacekatgal

@flyosity @Spacekatgal @kevinmitnick @freebsdgirl If you say so. Not enough context provided here for me to make such a judgement.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to flyosity

@davidgraeber Have you written any pieces about cryptocurrency?

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@pmccall777 @ATCDurham It’s OK, they’re all-natural AND local.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

MyceliumCom Mycelium Wallet 2.0 (HD) is out!!!

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 11:01 AM, Oct 7th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@pmccall777 Ah, yep. He actually lost 2.5% of his total retirement assets. “The bitcoin investment is less than 5% of my overall portfolio.”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

blockio V2 with Multisig + Green Addresses (instant transactions) is live! Give us some upvote love on

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:22 AM, Oct 7th, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@mikestable Business opportunity: retrofit jumbo jets for persons of greater girth, charge a premium, offer complimentary insulin shots.

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@gigastacey @emilepetrone Sounds like a higher rate than Bitcoin ASIC miners ;-)

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RT @WarTard: The West v ISIS: Air strikes just mean endless war minus victory.:    So there’s a US led war party in the des……

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@pmccall777 @gigq Looks like you lucked out with your timing given that it was sub $300 for a whole 4 hours.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

Long overdue dashboard of system level metrics now added. CPU spikes every 10 min are my cron job querying UTXO set.

via Twitter Web Client

@pmccall777 @gigq Sure; as soon as you start holding coins you become a speculator. But thanks to @circlebits & @coinbase you don’t have to.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

My Thoughts on Secure Storage of Bitcoins and Other Crypto Backed Assets:

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@pmccall777 @gigq OK, just realize that you can do the same things with Bitcoin when it’s $3,000 as you can when it’s $300…

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

@pmccall777 @gigq Ah, that seems rather… arbitrary. I guess that means you’re investing rather than using?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

@jefft Nope, though coming up with automated alerts for deviant behavior is certainly on the to-do list.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to jefft

Anomaly seen today. 22 peers connected, sent sustained 1000+ tx inv messages per sec for 20 min, then disconnected.

via Twitter Web Client

@pmccall777 Yes, there are very few pure ‘unit’ tests in this codebase.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

If you add a unit test that sets an entire service to a mocked object and don’t set it back in a teardown… ಠ_ಠ

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I highly recommend watching Print The Legend, a documentary featuring @Radomysisky

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RT @SDLerner: Are you mirroring the block-chain in a relational database? But are you doing it right? check –>

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ryanxcharles Bitcoin research.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:53 PM, Oct 2nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

soylent Excited to announce Soylent 1.1 GA. Includes changes to formula and packaging. Release notes:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:02 PM, Oct 2nd, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)

@Jeremy_DeGroot Silk Road was resurrected within a month of its demise. Dread Pirate Roberts can not be stopped.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Jeremy_DeGroot

1 year ago today, the FBI shut down Silk Road. Long live Silk Road :-)

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@KoKyuBBQ Since you’re struggling for a space downtown, you should really talk to @StayandPlayCafe about their space’s availability.

via Twitter Web Client

@pmccall777 Psh, speak for yourself - I love that game! Extra points if you can identify the caliber.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to pmccall777

@ilan @orweinberger Good advice for everyone IMO, entrepreneur or otherwise.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ilan

@fnxTX Yep, my main problem is folks who claim a cryptocurrency with 1min confs and a fraction of the hashpower of BTC is somehow better.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to fnxTX

@ddahlke There was far too much good news in Q3; need moar strife.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ddahlke

A cryptocurrency with a shorter confirmation time makes it neither more useful nor more secure. In fact, the opposite tends to be true.

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@orweinberger @reddit Why would they lay people off after raising $50M?

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@ollekullberg Yeah, I’m not panicking. I’m starting to believe that there is a cycle between consumer adoption & merchant adoption periods.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ollekullberg

Lopp Holdings LLC Q3 report: -41.5% YTD return, average cost basis $657.5 / BTC. Down 41% since Q2 report!

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@RoyceMCutcheon @jgarzik The point is to greatly lower the barrier to entry w/regard to skills and tools. I’d say it accomplishes that.

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Radomysisky Ghost Gunner: via @YouTube

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 8:52 AM, Oct 1st, 2014 via Twitter Web Client)