The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 2017

@Melt_Dem @BraytonKey If a banker looked at my checking account they’d think I’m living paycheck to paycheck.

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Are we witnessing the crypto-economy pulling itself up by its own bootstraps?

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@alex $GBTC is @GrayscaleInvest’s OTC product for the @BitcoinTrust; only (easy) way to get BTC exposure inside retirement accounts.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alex

@josephjpeters @CharlieShrem Assuming the PoS fork doesn’t result in another chain split, thus doubling the supply again 🙃

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The @AttentionToken ICO sold out in ~30s but investors haven’t gotten the memo & are still sending to the contract.

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Could ICOs leverage @civickey’s ICO tokens in order to more fairly distribute ICO tokens at rates capped per uniquely identified investor? 🤔

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@jebus911 BAT was pre-FOMO’d via custom smart contracts, from what I hear…

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Idea: “beer goggles” plugins for crypto wallets. ICO will be for tokens to vote for the next wallet to support. A la

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naval Good tokens coordinate distributed actors to provide and allocate scarce network resources. The rest are just equity by another name.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:56 PM, May 31st, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@theinstagibbs Sure they can but I suspect they don’t immediately liquidate everything. Wouldn’t we see significant price drops post-ICOs?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to theinstagibbs

$GBTC currently sitting at ~125% premium over BTC - pretty sure that’s an all time high premium. Doubtful this will…

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How much money has been invested in ICOs? It it sufficient that it could be greatly reducing circulation of ETH, further driving up price?

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ICO FOMO shows:
1. If nothing else, Ethereum is a successful fundraising platform.
2. The crypto-rich are desperate to ride the next bubble.

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Raising $35M in 24 seconds is 🔥, but we can’t know the size of the ICO bubble unless folks remove these safety caps!

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Indeed; even Ethereum users experience hours-long backlogs if the network becomes very popular.

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ICO FOMO has been causing massive transaction surges on the Ethereum network.

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@brianchoffman Privacy & fungibility. But still scalability.

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@AnonOnAMoose @AriDavidPaul @ARKblockchain Devices w/o screens are potentially vulnerable to MITM attacks if initia…

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Good news, everyone! In case SegWit2x doesn’t work out, I finally found the correct caliber of silver scaling bitco…

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@rogerkver I think perhaps some more tactfulness is in order with these tweets.

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@theinstagibbs Oh boy, another “miners vs users” conundrum. Sacrificing a few block rewards seems like a small pric…

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Still waiting to hear a sound technical reason why SegWit2x shouldn’t implement BIP91 & make it compatible with existing BIP141 deployment.

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@gavinandresen Nakamoto (machine) consensus != meatspace consensus.

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@AriDavidPaul @ARKblockchain Trezor / Ledger are the easiest high security one can achieve. Make sure to only recom…

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@el33th4xor But it’s such a trustworthy face!

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@bendavenport If it’s heavier, you just get that extra energy usage back during regenerative braking, right?

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@bendavenport Cutting edge armor can be acquired for a mere 1,000 pound weight gain… 20% gain on the high end model S.

via Twitter for Android in reply to bendavenport

Is it also odd that the ticket purchase was conducted in BTC rather than ETH?

via Medium

Bitcoin Barons shouldn’t drive Lambos / Ferraris. They should be autopiloted by Teslas w/ level IV armor & hardened circuitry. Cyberpunk AF.

via Twitter Web Client

lopp Truth be TODL
Many Bitcoiners SODL
Or didn’t store CODL
You should break the MODL
And straight up HODL

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:07 PM, May 29th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@thijstriemstra @ErikVoorhees Indeed, organized aggression is immoral. Organized defense, on the other hand, is key…

via Twitter for Android

@hrdng @mwilcox OK, are you saying Core doesn’t skip sig checks for blocks after the last checkpoint but before the minChainWork threshold?

via Twitter for Android in reply to hrdng

@BitcoinsSG @hrdng @mwilcox I believe that was in reference to current chain tip rather than checkpoints.

via Twitter for Android in reply to BitcoinsSG

@hrdng @mwilcox OK, this is news to me. I had several people review my security model article and no one has disput…

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@hrdng @mwilcox You lost me - are you disputing the soundness of skipping sig checks up to a given min chain work?

via Twitter for Android in reply to hrdng

@hrdng @mwilcox Both statements are correct - the former and ensures the latter. Core is moving away from checkpoin…

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@haq4good @mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala You mean a contract external to the blockchain’s operation? If so, you can s…

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@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala Don’t believe me? Check the code yourself.

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@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala That’s not the argument. FYI, every Bitcoin implementation does this - it’s built in to the security model.

via Twitter for Android in reply to mwilcox

@coinut_exchange @juscamarena @TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg It’s cheaper to use your own database to track funds th…

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@TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg @coinut_exchange Yes, if you want to purchase 2.5% of a Bitcoin block it will cost about that much.

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@dgenr818 Right; the point being that Bitcoin’s security model need not necessitate transactions commit to signatures.

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@guruvan I do have good news for you, though. If you run Core you can disable signature skipping during initial blo…

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@guruvan Ah right, I had forgotten about that. Well, I have bad news for you. Line 936:

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@guruvan You claim that this is “a bug.” I wish to know which software you suggest running that doesn’t contain this “bug.”

via Twitter Web Client in reply to guruvan

@guruvan Do tell, which full node software are you suggesting one use instead?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to guruvan

@deadalnix @ssoeborg @JihanWu @kristovatlas It’s not “central planning” per se unless the planners can force their…

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@cdelargy The (expensive) collusion would have to occur in conjuction w/a 100% sybil attack upon a freshly syncing…

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@mwilcox Yes, but it’s only needed at time of transaction creation / for recent blocks. Historical syncing of blockchain need not check.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to mwilcox

RT @lopp: @mwilcox Once sufficient PoW protects a block, there’s little point in checking signatures. Bitcoin Core already skips it. https:…

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@mwilcox Once sufficient PoW protects a block, there’s little point in checking signatures. Bitcoin Core already sk…

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Bitcoin’s blockchain is currently 60% larger than it needs to be; it’s full of unnecessary historical data. This data is called signatures.

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Those who scoffed at the thought of $1,000 BTC are scoffing at $10,000 BTC and will scoff at $100,000 BTC.

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@JihanWu @deadalnix @kristovatlas As a miner, don’t you prefer the UTXO set to be smaller so that it’s easier for you to keep in memory?

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@deadalnix @kristovatlas I’ve heard these claims made in the past; are there any in-depth explanations to which you could link?

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@lightcoin Yep, there are pros and cons to each. Good reading material:

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@kristovatlas You think SegWit makes it harder to hard fork in the future?
You think SegWit makes non-SegWit transactions more expensive?

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@dykstranet @TaylorGerring I’m not sure offhand, though @murchandamus probably does from the research he did for his master’s thesis.

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@TaylorGerring More wallets need defragging built in

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@kyuupichan If anything, SegWit users will leave more space for your non-SegWit sends, staving off some of the fee market spikes.

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@A_Hannan_Ismail @MrChrisEllis “We are all Satoshi” is a meme that preaches tolerance. “Bitcoin shrugs” similarly s…

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For those who are anti-SegWit: how would other people’s use of SegWit negatively impact your usage of non-SegWit transactions?

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If you want to reach people who radically disagree with you, your only hope is to put yourself in their shoes & avoid tribalistic language.

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In the beginning Satoshi said “let there be Bitcoin” and there was Bitcoin. Today many Satoshis say “let’s change Bitcoin” & Bitcoin shrugs.

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RT @ponli137: @ARKblockchain Yes #Bitcoin is a new life form, #antifragile, feeds on energy, has metabolism, increases entropy, lets live i…

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Bitcoin wallets should implement dynamic dust limits for output values. At current fee rates, no one should create outputs < 0.0005 BTC.

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@prestonjbyrne Some of us can’t be bothered to even get out of bed for less than 100% daily gains.

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Riding a 30% drop in your portfolio ain’t no thing after previously experiencing 90% drops.

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@jimmysong @TuurDemeester Maybe what he means is that the /exchanges/ actually own his bitcoins 🤣

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I’ll be giving a presentation entitled “The Benefits of Coopetition in Adversarial Environments” at @thefutureofbtc

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Because they excel at following the rules and aren’t disruptors. #SavedYouAClick

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🔈If you don’t like the price of Bitcoin, just count to 10 and hit F5.🔉

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RT @nopara73: I just published “Understanding TumbleBit Part 4: Not Even The Tumbler Can Steal Your Coins”

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Business is booming at @BitGo, but it would be even better if we had more engineers. Message me if the following de…

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Each bull run mints a fresh round of Bitcoin Barons; congrats to HODLers who survived the trough of disillusionment.

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@srinitude Some rudimentary programming skills are required, such as familiarization with C++ and github.

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Are you a developer who wants to learn the Bitcoin Core codebase? Consider contributing to Statoshi as a start🙂

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Bitcoin obituaries are probably good signals for when to buy the dip. 🙃

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Bitcoin miner revenue has broken out to all-time highs.

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@brianchoffman @brucefenton Paymentcoin vs cypherpunkcoin - let’s find out which one is more valuable!

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RT @Datavetaren: @barrysilbert @adam3us One of the more important things with consensus is not to get angry. That simplifies at least. Thin…

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I’d like to thank @barrysilbert, @GrayscaleInvest, & @BitcoinTrust for creating $GBTC & accelerating my 401K retirement goals by decades.

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@VinnyLingham The starve the miners idea? I’m not sure how well it would work since some may have sufficient reserv…

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Given recent gains, I’d gladly sacrifice half of my BTC in return for activating SegWit & moving past current scaling drama/deadlock.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

Wishful thinking - definitely not investment advice. What I’ve found most striking about this bull run is the numbn…

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RT @malgorithms: NEWS! Official Keybase extension for Chrome — End-to-end encrypted chat from Twitter, Reddit, HN, etc. profiles. https://…

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I was just shown a YouTube advertisement for this ICO when trying to watch a Bitcoin video. Peak ICO confirmed?

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@kristovatlas We should crowdfund a desalination machine for you 😬

via Twitter for Android

@ziggamon One can speak without being hateful, though I believe the vast majority of users don’t even care to speak.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ziggamon

I witnessed hugs & handshakes between many supposed “enemies” during Consensus 2017. I reject the vitriol perpetuated by a vocal minority.

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Professor @camharvey’s cryptofinance class is so popular at @DukeFuqua that 1/3 of MBA students end up taking it before graduating.

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“Academia often only teaches students the past. It’s my responsibility to ensure my students are disruptors, not disruptees.” - @camharvey

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@juscamarena Current proposal is to use bit 4 while existing activation uses bit 1. Would be preferable if the proposal supports both.

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A huge effort has been made this week to achieve consensus. Personally, I’d prefer a BIP9 compatible activation:

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@JaEsf @TaylorGerring My feeling is that it’s very unlikely at this point in time.

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.@BitGo is pleased to announce our cold storage vault software!

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Bitcoin monetary supply has surpassed Qatar and New Zealand’s M1 supply. 56 nation state currencies to go.

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“Bitcoin obituaries are fake news.” - @OneMorePeter

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“Royal Mint Gold will bring more transparency to the market and reduce the friction for trading gold.” - @srolondon

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“We must face the reality of blockchain scalability and store as much data / perform as much computing off the chain as possible.” - @muneeb

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“I can imagine a future in which all currency exchange rates are quoted in terms of bitcoin.” - @wences

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The dessert at the @coincenter dinner is entitled “The ICO”

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coindesk .@lopp on “failure” to solve scaling at : “Bitcoin scaling will solve itself.”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:03 PM, May 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

Can Bitcoin Scale? Featuring @eric_lombrozo, @2drewlee, @bobbyclee, @PeterRizun & @spair. Moderated by yours truly.

via Twitter Web Client

RT @coindesk: “We have a pretty strong consensus that bitcoin is booming. It may change, it may be frustrating but it won’t die.” — @lopp €¦

via Twitter for Android

RT @YourBTCC: #Consensus2017 kicks off today with a panel on scaling #bitcoin that includes industry leaders and Core and BU representative…

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@TaylorGerring UASF is about economically incentivizing miners to form a consensus that aligns with what their employers (the users) want.

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🎵It’s my node, and I’ll fork if I want to🎵
🎵Fork if I want to, fork if I want to🎵
🎵You would fork too if it happened to you…🎵

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@TaylorGerring It’s not possible for UASF changes to be “allowed.” Users choose to enforce those rules or not.

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Disregard nation states, acquire sovereignty.

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@prestonjbyrne Why should I care if other people want to do risky things that don’t impact me?

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58 to go after recently surpassing Bangladesh, Romania, Kuwait, Peru, & Nigeria. Next up: Qatar.

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@kristovatlas In my experience the trolls definitely “go away” when you forward all their messages to /dev/null 😀

via Twitter for Android

@kristovatlas I’m basically saying “don’t feed the trolls / don’t engage with toxic people.” Isn’t ostracization an…

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Become a duck in the storm of vitriol. Allow it to roll off your back and float on top of the rising tide.

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When developing for adversarial environments you can have trial by fire while prototyping or in production. Poor ideas preferably die young.

via Twitter for Android

@kristovatlas Those are Cypherpricks, thus my follow-up tweet:

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Cypherpunks should disregard attacks upon their character: such attacks contain no relevant information to aid in strengthening their ideas.

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Cypherpunks attack peers’ ideas in order to strengthen them and/or save peers from wasting resources cultivating fatally flawed concepts.

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Even if you’re sharing a holy grail of knowledge it will be rejected if you trigger a firewall. Presentation is key.

via Twitter for Android

@ViaBTC @JihanWu Good. If you help people get low fee txns confirmed, you’re disincentivizing them from correcting their Bitcoin usage.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ViaBTC

This is why you can’t push knowledge into the brains of your peers. It must be pulled in voluntarily.

via Twitter for Android

The human brain has multiple firewalls to protect it against false / corrupt info: skepticism, boredom, incomprehension, distrust, and more.

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It’s always an order of magnitude more to get to the moon. If bitcoiners work together then we’ll get there soon!

via Twitter for Android

naval Blockchains have high internal coordination costs for security and stability and lower external coordination costs for social scalability.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:14 AM, May 20th, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

@WayneVaughan @Tierion @chainpnt @jcp @tdryja @ChristopherA If the only thing I get out of Consensus is a hug from @jcp, I’ll be satisfied.

via Twitter for Android in reply to WayneVaughan

@BlueDavid @BitGo Yes, kind of. I’m not entirely sure what the options are to activate it for a send at this point.…

via Twitter Web Client

@arbedout @warrensmyth Tons of companies have been working hard on products & services to announce at Consensus and other conferences.

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I suspect that next week is going to be cray cray in cryptoland. Even more so than the past few weeks….

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@ajwest “Be your own bank” means preparing better than bank-level security if you have the need for it.

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No one is to blame for Bitcoin’s scaling deadlock.
Everyone is to blame for Bitcoin’s scaling deadlock.
The blame game is non-zero-sum.

via Twitter Web Client

@TuurDemeester @brucefenton @theonevortex @rogerkver This thread smells a bit too much like a witch hunt. I humbly…

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mikeinspace On the next Bitcoin Car Talk…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:06 PM, May 18th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@Excellion Should we achieve digitization of conciousness before my physical body dies, I won’t need to exit. I’ll…

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@kiranvaidya @ErikVoorhees Are you saying that you view bitcoin more as a store of value than as a payment system?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to kiranvaidya

@motionerror @LaurentMT It’s just looking at the ratio of bitcoin transaction fees per block versus the block reward of newly created BTC.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to motionerror

@mcyabelo The only historically sound investment strategy for BTC is to buy and hold for a long period of time.

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Alternative chart title: “Bitcoin Security Sustainability Index”
H/T @LaurentMT

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@jonmatonis It would be cheaper to stockpile hard drives for backups…

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This piece is entitled “Memory Pool Migraine”

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@vipul982 And hashrate and plenty of other metrics. Pretty hard to define / measure centralization since it can encompass many factors.

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@JamesGMorgan IMO the Bitcoin “community” is far more cohesive than meets the eye.

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Vires in Numeris.
Bitcoin’s strength derives from numbers.
Not merely from the math behind the crypto, but also from community cohesiveness.

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@zooko @z Should have paid more hashcash.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to zooko

My Bitcoin exit strategy is death.

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@bitcom21 That’s tricky too… you’re trying to guess which outputs are change. Same issue applies though; folks co…

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@bitcom21 It’s pretty much impossible to try to classify transactions as “real” versus “spam” or “gaming metrics”

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@ErikVoorhees If you’re referring to SPV, I covered the differences in detail here:

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@ErikVoorhees Wouldn’t it be great if Indians could achieve trustless financial sovereignty at a cost they could afford?

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If you try to control the Bitcoin honey badger it will mercilessly gnaw upon your reputation until your humility is exposed or none remains.

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@hcarpach There’s your problem - thinking that Core dictates the protocol.

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What’s that, you say? You’re frustrated with the changing nature of Bitcoin?

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@hcarpach Bitcoin wallets can only control their own behavior, not the nature of Bitcoin itself.

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@CharlieShrem @morcosa There’s a good summary at the top of the linked github issues. A variety of improvements for…

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💏🏼💏🏼@morcosa’s fee estimate overhaul is merged into Bitcoin Core! I’ve been testing for past month; great work! 💏🏼💏🏼

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Bitcoin wallets with hard coded min/max fee sanity checks should replace them with dynamically calculated values.

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@dotglum @Adam_S9 Certainly. Mainly if the wallet has an imbalance in received transactions versus sent transactions.

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When you’re proficient in a variety of high level programming languages and somehow keep finding yourself writing b…

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@bit_novosti @BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion If most of the mining machines stay in China and the Chinese courts don’t…

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@bit_novosti @BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion I’m asking if these laws tend to actually get enforced or if they’re just…

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@BitcoinErrorLog @Excellion IANAL… do Chinese courts care about American patents?

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@WhalePanda I’ve been told that the 0.00888888 and 0.00444444-esque value outputs are tied to the GladiaCoin pyrami…

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@jgarzik @el33th4xor BitGo’s fee estimates ramp down quickly as of our latest overhaul. Can you spot the change?😉

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@el33th4xor Dust should be donated to miners. 🙃

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@ziggamon @desantis @khannib Given that no algorithm can actually predict the future, it very well be that the best…

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@ziggamon @desantis @khannib Shouldn’t trust any of them. I’d think the /best/ thing to do would be backtesting the…

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@ziggamon @khannib Is their algorithm open source? Doesn’t seem like it - ours certainly isn’t.

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@brucefenton I suspect 10X demand would increase fees more than 10X, but I’m no economist. 🙃

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