@kyletorpey Gold’s just too dang heavy. And yet, shiny…
Great @AmazonKindle feature for grammar nazis: you can highlight a word/phrase & report errors. This was much harder with paper books!
Beast mode: @KrisJordan has more TAs for @UNC’s Intro to Programming class than all other Comp Sci classes combined! https://t.co/lcDWryKLox
@EdgarAllenPurr Suppose a spork is the solution to our strife?
“Hard forks are an attack that can split the network!”
“Soft forks are an attack on users’ consent & security!” pic.twitter.com/VPCQP1KGPO
@prestonjbyrne I guess that means you aren’t interested in investing in my high yield marmot program… pic.twitter.com/a1RTAzBGc7
@prestonjbyrne That’s why I only buy free range black market marmots.
The best part about Segregated Witness is that it finally fixes trasnacktion malluabikity.
Unclear how TumbleBit facilitates anonymous off-chain micropayments; presumably payers & payees must communicate out-of-band to use hub {X}.
TumbleBit promises the ultimate bitcoin mixer; hopefully the software will be ready soon! github.com/BUSEC/TumbleBit pic.twitter.com/VdLzmdjg6v
bradheath Police in New York City can search (or arrest) anyone who crosses the street outside of a crosswalk, fed. court says pic.twitter.com/vnOpvA9dvv
Running a Tor hidden bitcoin service on a Raspberry Pi may be a bad idea. Connectivity same machine, tor on right: pic.twitter.com/aqbpSi7dLl
@coindesk Um, my scammer sense is tingling…
@JamesCPoole @jgarzik Correct. I expect that @OnChainScaling will post the video soon.
A case for publishing such whitepapers under a pseudonym. https://t.co/mR5diNrpeG
@alansilbert DAO dump https://t.co/1RTWI2z5A2
“At @Cornell we are building a mini copy of Bitcoin’s node network for testing purposes.” - @el33th4xor https://t.co/2T7IFsCak1
“Soft forks are not risk-free, nor are they opt-in from a user’s point of view.” - @jgarzik pic.twitter.com/COt2E7rjOC
As long as human imagination exceeds human capability, we won’t have enough computational power. https://t.co/WSJbKhoxuA
Tomorrow: @OnChainScaling conference featuring @jgarzik, @el33th4xor, & @propelforward https://t.co/p5tvrD25Ps
Former @maidsafe engineer outlines what appear to be several serious issues with the platform. https://t.co/leb0I9FFGp
@CommanderMLA Are you assuming that the tunnel is a vacuum? I’m pretty sure that wind resistance would prevent you from reaching other side.
Suitable wisdom for any employer. pic.twitter.com/5ZnjyqKJqQ
@mraz_sic Thermite is messy. Digital thermite is safer.
An open source tamper-proof fully encrypted PC? @Orwlr sounds well thought-out. https://t.co/5dvVjTgjIk
The Federal Reserve has launched a Facebook page at facebook.com/federalreserve - here’s what you can do about it. pic.twitter.com/QS0Ni5tW2X
@Steven_McKie @ziggamon Need an updated version with a mimblewimble mumble.
RT @Bitcoin: Bitcoin Privacy Tool ’CoinShuffle’ Sees First Transaction https://t.co/5Lt900Akn9
@bhec39 No, though I’m not sure what block version Unlimited would produce (or even if it’s a unique version) https://t.co/v3PI4Z5tzJ
@flyosity I think you mean “fuck the government for giving them a monopoly over the technology”
NinjaEconomics Central Bank Balance Sheet as % of GDP h/t @chigrl pic.twitter.com/psxnDWWLwc
RT @mac_devine: Looking forward to speaking at NC Triangle #bitcoin Meet-up about our BlueHorizon project https://t.co/NLju0nHbmv https:/…
@advogato4 It couldn’t hurt, though you probably won’t notice much difference.
@alfiedotwtf @BitseedOrg No trouble other than the fact that last time I compiled on ARM, it took hours to finish.
Good news for @BitseedOrg & Raspberry Pi node operators: Bitcoin Core now offers ARM builds. https://t.co/olz3ervKRn https://t.co/RnpK8G06Vg
@ziggamon I don’t think it’s possible to know for sure.
With the right scraping tools you can transform any web site into a terrible API.
@maraoz Hand insurance: it’s not just for surgeons any more! https://t.co/UmEbkynh9y
Seeing my Statoshi node sending and receiving the occasional compact block as peers upgrade to Bitcoin Core 0.13 pic.twitter.com/0M4K1xJp5i
RT @orionwl: Bitcoin Core version 0.13.0 was just released! See https://t.co/DgLLkOZtfb
@masonic_tweets DDoSCoin? github.com/ewust/DDoSCoin
… but who will build the roads if there’s no government around to suppress free trade? https://t.co/aNSq376jE9
@ziggamon It sounds like you’re asking for https://t.co/v3PI4Z5tzJ though I’m not sure that 0.13 correlates to a new block version
Recent @BitGo Service Improvements https://t.co/lsxQ2ETo6D
@desantis SegWit code exists in this release but is inactive. It will be activated in the 0.13.1 release.
Q: Will asserting my rights via X get me on a govt watch list?
A: Probably, but if you’re not on govt watch lists, you aren’t really living.
Given sufficient followers, every tweet one makes will be subjected to (even willful malicious) misinterpretation. https://t.co/t4m1AzKnUp
@taariqlewis Sure, though from a security standpoint it seems they would prefer to hand out read-only tokens as opposed to user/pw pairs.
OAuth is 9 years old, yet it seems all financial services integrate with banks by requiring your user/pass for full read/write access.
@QuickenLoans myQL - connecting my NCSECU account w/30 char pw failed multiple times. Shortened it to 10 chars & integration worked.
Once again I’ve had to shorten my bank p/w to get a financial service’s integration to work w/my bank. /cc @FormFree @Fidelity @QuickenLoans
Because “security reasons.” (┛◉Дâ-pic.twitter.com/87dMRhwLFFs://t.co/87dMRhwLFF
@el33th4xor I agree; I’ve taken issue with a number of Cobra’s actions but at the end of the day, I guess it’s their site to administer.
@el33th4xor Can’t we judge them upon the merit of their contributions as opposed to their lack of government registered identity?
Looks like @civickey works as promised! pic.twitter.com/uGkYkzCAZN
@AegisFS Not really; using Bitcoin over Tor is something you’d want to do for sending transactions as opposed to receiving them.
@mraz_sic However, while it’s possible to configure a node to only receive & relay blocks, I’m not aware of a way to only relay txns.
@mraz_sic Sure, but in order for that to be possible, someone has to be running Bitcoin hidden services that will accept & relay txns.
@petertoddbtc You’re implying that cybersquatting is an attack?
It’s a little tricky to set up, so here’s a guide for How to Run Bitcoin as a Tor Hidden Service on Ubuntu: https://t.co/NoqeLJ81CV
After gagging down @soylent 1.X & tolerating Soylent 2.0, I’m pleased to report that Soylent Coffiest tastes great! https://t.co/sUTPco4ftn
c-lightning 0.4 release: “Wright’s Cryptographic Proof.” Good progress! https://t.co/0qs6Ngtvzq https://t.co/X5LzXLxl1F
Humans who dedicate their lives to success shouldn’t be punished for achieving it. https://t.co/V7vnseMAKV https://t.co/iL1r0sYeuG
bitcoinmi The #bitcoin milano community with @lopp. See you soon! #blockchain #cryptocurrencies pic.twitter.com/ziwmYO9iWU
Honored to be hosted by @blockchainlabit for tonight’s @bitcoinmi meetup! pic.twitter.com/cgDKDoqYej
Apple won’t repatriate money to US “until there’s a fair rate.” Maybe it’s time that the IRS learns to negotiate. https://t.co/5Cm6hfnJ1z
@ferenstein @santisiri @balajis Currently for rich people: spaceships, self driving cars, legal & financial sovereignty… 😊
Excellent news: an audit of VeraCrypt is being funded by @duckduckgo and @VikingVPN! https://t.co/NcAsCskeVZ
@Truthcoin @bitstein Yeah, I’m receiving multiple responses that ETC will be following their own distinct development road map.
Adversarial food for thought: can cryptocurrency X add code that doesn’t execute in X, but performs malicious actions in target code fork Y?
@avtarsehra Alright; I’m just going by what’s posted on ethereumclassic.github.io pic.twitter.com/jqsrAMoQr0
@masonic_tweets *shrugs* I’m looking at github.com/ethereumproject pic.twitter.com/jRPKcaXTV0
@bitstein Dev team certainly matters. Hypothetical example: a new flaw is discovered - ETC devs will need to be able to address such issues.
@desantis I’m not assuming anything, I’m specifically responding to a claim I’ve seen posted quite often.
6) Can Ethereum Classic easily adopt new features from Ethereum? Sure, if it abstains from ever developing innovative features of its own.
5) Statoshi is only ~300 lines of code on top of Core. More changes introduced into a fork => more complex to merge upstream changes.
4) Even after fixing any merge conflicts so that the code compiles, I often encounter runtime errors that were accidentally introduced.
3) As maintainer of the Statoshi fork, I merge upstream changes from Core for each release. This usually takes a couple hours and is a PITA.
2) Commits behind upstream code fork:
Statoshi: 99
Dogecoin: 322
Litecoin: 3,762
Dash: 3,762
Peercoin: 9,128
Novacoin: 9,128
1) “It’s trivial for Ethereum Classic to copy code changes from Ethereum.†Historical evidence and my personal experience suggest otherwise.
@jefft Italian Pug is not amused by touristi pic.twitter.com/pqXVVWCQ28
Bitcoin Core no longer supports Windows XP b/c running a wallet on an end-of-life OS is irresponsible. https://t.co/GcRdU0pgym
@pmccall777 @gsingers My preference would be a swarm of microdrones (for 3D selfies) that could be deployed & recalled on command.
PatrickWStanley While you’re sleeping during the day, rent out your gaming rig for video processing w/ @21 & @e16co’s TranscodeE16 pic.twitter.com/CVHypOkf1g
I look forward to the day in the not-so-distant future when selfie sticks are viewed as a primitive and obsolete technology.
If only there was a way to securely send money without physically transporting it… 🤔 https://t.co/AqdJiBRnuS
Librevault: open source zero-knowledge peer-to-peer file syncing software. librevault.com
RT @ryanjreilly: “Then make something up.†— a Baltimore sergeant to an officer, DURING A DOJ RIDE-ALONG https://t.co/0qQy8iZOcA https://t.…
@reverendstooks If you aren’t on the watch lists, you aren’t really living!
@reverendstooks To start, I’d recommend reading this: https://t.co/Gz30eXz7QK
RT @desantis: New California digital currency bill requires $5k license (w/ $25k fine) to run full node.
https://t.co/RnpC6klabl https://…
Good points @reverendstooks, though there is a way forward that doesn’t require govt cooperation: darknet markets. https://t.co/Da6fHM8zb4
bradheath ATF drug stings always involve just enough imaginary cocaine to trigger a 20-year mandatory minimum, judge says. pic.twitter.com/esx1KI3b61
@el33th4xor @dailydot Sounds like an opportunity to sell adult themed Faraday cages.
Asteroid mining will be the Pokemon Go of billionaire rocket owners. Gotta catch ‘em all!
If you have photos you want to put to good use, try @localguides - photos I post there get orders of magnitude more views than @instagram.
Lack of native repost functionality on @instagram is baffling. Users should be able to opt-in to virality benefits. pic.twitter.com/Mh06pukRwm
Old world meets new: Italian artisanal smart phone VR headset made of real wood! pic.twitter.com/lcThIBANGC
Hardcore Pokemon players are easily recognizable cyberpunks: look for umbilical cords sprouting from their hands, extending into pockets.
@realytcracker Is it a wise idea to accept “cash” from people at Defcon?
@DoctorLex @MrChrisEllis @el33th4xor It sounds like you’re asking for 2FA,which we also support. Some wallet configs make it problematic.
@alistairmilne @MrChrisEllis @el33th4xor @BitGo We do support setting spending limit wallet policies that require a human to intervene.
@MrChrisEllis @el33th4xor Last I heard, @BitGo facilitates over $1B in txns per month. I don’t see how injecting human middlemen can scale.
@MrChrisEllis @el33th4xor I think you misunderstand how @BitGo operates. Our service enforces the security rules dictated by the user.
Privacy asserts power. Power confers privacy. Cypherpunks enhance our privacy, empowering individuals and flattening distribution of power.
@ciscoguru Well, everyone has a natural right not to be aggressed upon, which covers theft. Both exchanges & their users have it.
bradheath School strip searched a 12 year-old in front of other students, looking for pot (found none).
11th CIr.: He can sue. pic.twitter.com/ueqAhjg53D
RT @bradheath: FBI told the gunman to “Tear up Texas” before the ISIS-inspired attack in Garland.
More: https://t.co/tOXg8w4Auq https://t.…
Unfortunately, general public happily sacrifices privacy in return for convenience. If we want to preserve privacy, it must be the default.
Privacy is a highly contested right - first US court case dates to 1880 re: a non-doctor allowed into the room of a woman giving birth.
While privacy is a natural right, it is a litmus test of a society’s will to resist authoritarianism. Privacy also fuels further resistance.
The right to privacy rests upon the premise that each individual is important enough to be entitled to an inviolable sphere of self interest
@evanbooth They’re a bit too tough for my taste… almost as if they have a bone!
RT @BitGo: An update on the @bitfinex breach. https://t.co/mZ3j6D6o9N
@coingecko @kyletorpey Wallets aren’t supposed to make money; that’s the miners’ job.
CathyReisenwitz One of the best personal changes I’ve made is I’ve (mostly) stopped arguing w people who I don’t think can teach me anything.
@jpmi1 Plenty of thoughts, but I’m not at liberty to divulge any at this time.
Liberty, justice, and privacy for all. Without privacy, justice turns to totalitarianism and liberty gives the right to pry and exploit.
@pmarca @tikhon M&A is booming. My former employer, @Bronto, was acquired by @NetSuite 1 year ago. Now swallowed again by @Oracle…
@LaurentMT That’s when I upgraded Statoshi to pull in changes from Core - I think it included changes to sigops counting.
@Tone_LLT @bmiles84 @MadBitcoins @theonevortex @WorldCryptoNet But can you actually spend it?
RT @zcashco: BOLT: Blind Off-chain Lightweight Transactions: https://t.co/0AViV38ExY via @secparam
Complaining relatively few people vote for political leaders == implying tyranny of majority is preferable to tyranny of a smaller majority.
bradheath Federal court finds the FBI “filed a false warrant application” before deploying its Tor exploit. Still OK, though. pic.twitter.com/XIYRHcTMPB
@TuurDemeester @Datavetaren
1) Trustless pegs don’t exist (yet?)
2) 1MB bitcoin blockchain becomes bottleneck
@kristovatlas I heard that the Hong Kong Agreement was bupkis and the participants were well meaning dipshits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Even if 100% of Americans were voting to dictate how their peers must live, it would not make it more legitimate. https://t.co/s927NQ436v