RT @janpaul_f: Ich habe “Nobody Understands Bitcoin (And That’s OK) von Jameson Lopp @lopp übersetzt: https://t.co/GwREhebWDG
German trans…

Found this gem while performing maintenance on my @BtcpayServer ðŸpic.twitter.com/z0pMIZBLsULsU
RT @CasaHODL: 🔈 🚀 Looking to lock in your gains?
It takes a lifetime to build your #Bitcoin war chest, and ten minutes to lose it …
💇 C…
RT @PeterMcCormack: Part 12 - Bitcoin Privacy & OpSec with @lopp
https://t.co/EyHBLB1hjr https://t.co/tOivTEsduc
@itmilkyway I’m here for the memes. https://t.co/LGOgiFicgR
@murchandamus Brevity is the soul of twits.
@pierre_rochard OK but will it save babies?

Hello Vegeta, my old friend
I’ve come to tweet you out again pic.twitter.com/ADBxZGi4Za
RT @BVBTC: Whoa what a trip!
Just seeing this article from @loppðŸ’
Fantastic #Bitcoin history lesson told through memes, and includes li…

“And then I told them:
It’s OK, we won’t run out of money!” pic.twitter.com/LL9jPpxmDl

“Push through the pain. Giving up hurts more.” - Vegeta pic.twitter.com/3v7b3rqhgG
@g_hodl @Melt_Dem Privacy conscious users should create a unique email for their Casa account; I’d go with Protonmail.

@krakenfx @pierre_rochard I see what you did there. pic.twitter.com/THYMdO9532
@nicolasburtey @Nneuman @unchainedcap @CasaHODL @COLDCARDwallet @willcole @dhruvbansal @Coinkite You’re asking a qu… https://t.co/QwI1gFsLpY
@fuadviking @BlockchainBlvd @CasaHODL We support Coldcard, Ledger, and Trezor at the moment. Focused on bitcoin for the forseeable future.
RT @Melt_Dem: bitcoin cannot be a systematic hedge if HODLers are beholden to large financial institutions
give your bitcoin a safe home w…
@MattiPori Sounds like a bug report, @GLiquidity!
@MattiPori Click the “-” button on the left side.
In case you’re one of those folks who likes watching exchange rates, you can watch the walls come down in style at… https://t.co/FsanTqOI8h
@MalteHolz @CasaHODL It would be “allowed” via apathy and not providing viable alternatives for user-friendly self… https://t.co/Jev6MpzwV3
@ubeenfranked @CasaHODL Sooner than you probably imagined. https://t.co/9l37TcNczr
RT @CasaHODL: 🎉 Casa Gold is now FREE to try! 🎉
Looking to upgrade your #Bitcoin security?
No upfront cost. No KYC. Cancel anytime for 30…
@al3xh3r0 @CasaHODL The level of security you need will always be relative to value protected. No one should store… https://t.co/QWvLU45yvn
@BlockchainBlvd @CasaHODL We built a more robust security model upon a foundation of Trezor / Ledger / Coldcard + m… https://t.co/AdaJHOy0iP
A million new reasons every second should suffice. https://t.co/p0y3p3T3mQ
“If Bitcoin goes mainstream then most people will leave their keys with custodians since it’s convenient.”
This ca… https://t.co/Tp3KnMguFS
@SallyMayweather @Ivan_Is_Back Here’s hoping there’s a real gun safely stored inside that stock.
@ryaneshea Prepping good. Doomsday prepping bad. https://t.co/QiMQ7mOVi3
@muneeb All your patents are belong to us?
How ‘bout a couple more years of peace and quiet? Mania is overrated amirite. https://t.co/J3jdQBQ240
@danheld Ask if he gets Bitcoin yet.
@toocryptotoquit @HockeyDingo @SatoshiLite @coinmetrics Folks are free to see it as an opportunity to print money a… https://t.co/YVyoId7cSh
@tinotatum Exactly, plus space is neat!
If you’re gonna use technical analysis you might as well go all-out astrological technical analysis. 💫☄ï¸ðŸªðŸš€ðŸŒœ https://t.co/q2CImcIBns
@SpeedoAbido @coinmetrics Impossible to know for sure, but likely several million lost BTC. We agree that inheritan… https://t.co/MXc2JH5eVT
@HockeyDingo @SatoshiLite @coinmetrics I believe it’s important to remind folks what the consequences are of forking off from consensus.
4.1M BTC have not moved in over 5 years
6.4M BCH have not moved since it forked
8.5M BSV have not moved since it forked
H/T @coinmetrics
@udiWertheimer If you own 10 BTC you own a billion acres. Few understand this.

“I can’t afford bitcoin; the price is too high!”
onchainfx.com/calc/usd/sats pic.twitter.com/q83EsxWiF1
@nixops I can’t find anyone discussing it on twitter in 2010…
RT @CasaHODL: “One of the most forward-thinking companies in this world is Casa…Casa has thought this through at the highest levels.”

The v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶ vaccine is spread#bitcointpic.twitter.com/ZDtdRKNzdVKNzdV
What are the most iconic moments in Bitcoin twitter history? Other than the obvious first post, of course. https://t.co/WXtC2QckFp
@herzmeisterderw @l33tguy That’s a good one; I myself prefer Vires in Numeris
For my 100th blog post we dive into Memetic Theory and how it relates to Bitcoin! https://t.co/LGOgiFicgR

No need to feel like Charlie; send your friends and family to bitcoin.page! pic.twitter.com/q2vwmruueg
Quick tours of Bitcoin themed virtual reality worlds under construction by @Stonekrypt and @TiKawamoto https://t.co/I0xFWFPp4B
One does not simply understand Bitcoin. https://t.co/xL6r2OQAQb
Can’t get subjected to negative interest rates when you’re being your own bank… https://t.co/KEWIWUpath
Premiering now! I’m in the chat for Q&A https://t.co/r8GDE1d6Kj
@gabhubert Impossible to know exactly because there are many variables, though you can work backwards from the hash… https://t.co/AHFgo4JxxM
Just checking in; is Bitcoin using as much electricity as the United States yet? https://t.co/mKSOzPcNes

Life comes at you fast. pic.twitter.com/F7rG7PtkNI
Hey full stack devs, are you ready to graduate from “Bitcoin Enthusiast” to “Bitcoin Professional?” Here’s your cha… https://t.co/YhlW0MVKco
RT @_CFour_: Join us for the Live Premiere of “Building an Enterprise Grade #Bitcoin Wallet” with #BTC2019 teacher @lopp tomorrow!
@whitemansaywhat Completely understand that it can be intimidating. I think the key thing to do is take baby steps.… https://t.co/2oUI7RS0m4
@tinfoilmask @ScottAdamsSays @brucefenton @realDonaldTrump Let’s be clear: Trump didn’t say Americans should do tha… https://t.co/kDdAy54VJD
@ScottAdamsSays @brucefenton @realDonaldTrump Words don’t have meaning any more? You can say whatever you want & al… https://t.co/0LG6IjiZmg
@ScottAdamsSays @brucefenton @realDonaldTrump “I see the disinfectant knocks it out in a minute. Is there a way we… https://t.co/P0WFq6dnzA
If you’re buying bitcoin IOUs on an exchange, the only way to ensure that those bitcoin actually exist is to withdr… https://t.co/puSloZDx8h
“Using a can of Lysol, spray liberally into the COVID-infected subject’s face so that they inhale the disinfectant… https://t.co/vgEh6kukoj
@ubeenfranked @CasaHODL The free tier doesn’t include multisig, so no. Basic multisig is the $10 / month tier.
RT @CasaHODL: Wondering how Casa works to secure your bitcoin? 🤔
Check out our latest video! We show you how the app works and explain why…
No, Bill Gates / Elon Musk / Jack Dorsey / your favorite celebrity are not running a bitcoin giveaway. If you send… https://t.co/s4fQ56IMX4
@BashCo_ I think he got demoted to Executive Chairman
If the government doesn’t bail out companies that collapse due to unanticipated circumstances then nobody will take… https://t.co/zg6f8hPway

FUCKING LAG pic.twitter.com/FdJfROCTds
The Proof is in the Work https://t.co/O44Ekntn82
@DickbuttDr After 10 years and half a dozen attempts to build a better Bitcoin, I’m not so sure about that.
If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry. But I do have time to poi… https://t.co/CcsiU2u31o
What’s your favorite educational Bitcoin meme? For example: “not your keys, not your coins!”
@chrishobcroft I haven’t had time to evaluate anything yet; it’ll be a weekend project some day.
@FecklessFeinbe1 You are the exact type of person for whom I’ve built @CasaHODL. We take many years of Bitcoin secu… https://t.co/fUJtJ7Da4N
@answrguy Correct; unfortunately we won’t be able to defend ourselves against nation state attacks until we figure… https://t.co/ZK2euwcI1Y
@notsofast @dahifi @stephendpalley In technical terms a “covenant” generally refers to a setup by which you can “cl… https://t.co/GgWZIB1ZK8
Bitcoin may be the first asset that can be stored in such a way that it has no single physical footprint. As such,… https://t.co/aghz4v0afU
@notsofast @dahifi @stephendpalley Yeah, “covenants” or “vaults” with various logical branches are also interesting… https://t.co/ezk6NR9aoC
@notsofast @dahifi @stephendpalley It’s certainly possible to design key storage setups that protect against this r… https://t.co/FwRoT2jzzK
@deepfayk A “soft target” is a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable to attack. A well defen… https://t.co/LjisGgLYVj
@JohnBostick @CasaHODL Yes, the knowledge of the specific balance doesn’t affect the actual security of your keys.… https://t.co/DBmXeXG4Bq
@JohnBostick @CasaHODL That’s one possible scenario, though I don’t recommend biometrics for a phone lock - I use a… https://t.co/tjhMGDEynX

Help contribute to the antifragility of Bitcoin: make yourself a hard target! pic.twitter.com/aFrPwg39Yq
@notgrubles Nah it’s cool we’ll just call it Staking as a Service.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive… those wh… https://t.co/SCPJwzXt9v
@MarioLemieux99 @pierre_rochard Nice; the cap should say UASF

This is how you know a credentials leak is legit. pic.twitter.com/2IYWJUs03B
T-minus 20 days to #Bitcoin halving.
H/T @GrayscaleInvest
“It’s OK for government to enact restrictions - it’s just temporary!”
The USA has 34 active “national emergency” d… https://t.co/SR707gY77R
@btchodl2020 The concept of time is meaningless to bureaucracies. Remember these “temporary measures?” https://t.co/gkiogwPVVj
@nickmccarty Ooooo that’s fishy; try doing a hard refresh because my blog’s current SSL cert doesn’t expire until S… https://t.co/rcuSalS8vD
Immigration is what allows America to siphon top talent away from other countries. You’d think that a “successful b… https://t.co/1QpQPQyqzF
RT @CasaHODL: .@lopp puts on his adversarial thinking cap in this guide to securing private keys against physical attackers. https://t.co/a…
@Pete_Winn @stephanlivera @michaelfolkson Key distribution is up to the user; my understanding is that only a small… https://t.co/yCFaMQh7jb
@theinstagibbs You gotta work on your narrative game, bro.
@RMac18 Are you referring to the company he sold for $100,000,000?
@BashCo_ Short it!

Live shot of traders reacting to the historic events occurring today in oil markets. pic.twitter.com/5CZqzzcMGE

Good time to stock up your Citadel’s emergency reserves. pic.twitter.com/bhFv5Tvd02
While trying to grasp the magnitude of ETH contract bugs I found this (old) repo of 4,000+ buggy contracts.
“a majo… https://t.co/8xsVj1tph7
RT @arbedout: T̶w̶o̶ three kinds of bitcoiners https://t.co/xat0ZVvziU
How long can you run an Antminer S9 with 1 barrel of crude oil?
@Bitcoin_Lobby @hodl_american @COLDCARDwallet @Trezor @Ledger No, they use flash memory which is not magnetized media.
@digitaldavide I guess that would be “De(mocracy)Fi”
It’s not DeFi if your smart contract has functionality that enables someone with an admin key to alter how the cont… https://t.co/2drTEKRo4Z
“My bitcoin is safe with custodian ____ because it’s insured.”
Insurance is just another trusted third party & pot… https://t.co/Nph7WdSeeI
Feast upon a smörgåsbord of Bitcoin eye candy at https://t.co/tKqfznJGPU
@cryptocomicon Supply auditability is a valuable property. Unfortunately, many forms of privacy enhancing functiona… https://t.co/f6vJmVL2tX
Wait, the protocol is called https://t.co/8K6P1GXO1P? Most accurate DeFi name yet? https://t.co/muzgJVXvqU

me before quarantine haircut / me after pic.twitter.com/FFZH1Lo8QZ
Today the Bitcoin VR Meetup received a presentation from @roasbeef, @gugol, and @joostjgr about the features coming… https://t.co/aQtcr6u958
@defrost94 Can’t say I do, I’ve never found them particularly interesting.
@passantino @flyosity It appears both statements can be true. https://t.co/zdsJzxPMXo
@FruitScientist You can generally trade freely within a 401K, but cashing out the proceeds and sending them to your… https://t.co/aNeHQ1O6ms
Bitcoin is robust because of its transparency; the result is that many people can watch for adversarial behavior. Y… https://t.co/2qrcHqBhth
@manzanas4pablo Because the number of shares in the Grayscale Bitcoin Investment trust don’t change when people buy… https://t.co/MVSmWNFirE
@MASTERBTCLTC This is what I did for self directed IRA. https://t.co/OwWcS5uIiz
Time to reveal another of my epic misadventures in bitcoinland. https://t.co/EeqFqR4sdT
@AndreaButeer The seed phrase is all you need in order to recreate your wallet with any other wallet software. Thou… https://t.co/NugshUznS8
@AndreaButeer I recommend against paper wallets; there are far too many things that can go wrong and result in catastrophic loss.
Q: When is the right time to buy bitcoin?
A: When you no longer have to ask for validation that it’s the right time.
@blokchainreport YouTube has admins that can kick abusive users off their network. Bitcoin does not.
@MetaRealms @CasaHODL @GrapheneOS Yeah I run it on GrapheneOS myself. We’re discussing alternative backup options.
@Zectro1 @xtraelv I feel like I was really close with my “note from mom” theory. https://t.co/3nhe0fpTXe
It’s estimated that 140 million Americans will receive the full $1,200 stimulus check. If they each used that to bu… https://t.co/44jS4uUrza
@jas_cryptodev Sent!
@DreaminCrypto @CasaHODL Some day, though it’s not at the top of the priority list at the moment. Pretty sure we’ll… https://t.co/PaUm66VPK9
@StrictlyBidnazz @CasaHODL The bridge is just a comms layer, yes? Thus isn’t the real question “how do I know the p… https://t.co/ePILveAlFK
@DreaminCrypto @nvk @CasaHODL @walletsrecovery In order to reconstruct a Casa multisig setup using non-Casa softwar… https://t.co/kyyQeCKGGt
@Andrewstotle @nvk @CasaHODL @walletsrecovery The most common action Apple / Google take is to reject new app updat… https://t.co/9BbuM7Vbj3
@SidneyVollmer Trying to make sense of price movements (or lack thereof) is a waste of time IMO. We see narratives… https://t.co/SuY6pxxcWQ
Bitcoin doesn’t scale by altering its infrastructure to accept higher work loads. That methodology only works for c… https://t.co/LFqQYRvVOt
Bitcoin is an incredibly complex system. And yet it’s:
* Robust
* Predictable
* Easily audited
* Fully transparent… https://t.co/uSrJPn0Z7q

@CalvinAyre …for everyone to die of old age? pic.twitter.com/WUKe6h6oCg
@AriDavidPaul I’m not aware of him suing anyone in the US, only being the defendant in a US lawsuit (Kleiman.)
If only there was a way for employees to collectively renegotiate the terms of their employment… https://t.co/pdNLYy2YEQ
@pksbitcoin @CasaHODL Keep an eye out for a blog post about this soon.
@shot256bit As I was working on publishing my lengthy article about him last year, I learned a lot about the legal… https://t.co/6hRZL5FD4c
Craig’s defense in the Kleiman lawsuit is approaching the “I have a note from my mom” level, though he can’t do tha… https://t.co/zL3yXNhL4T
RT @CasaHODL: “Lost coins only make everyone else’s coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone.” - Satoshi
Avoid uni…
@midmagic It seems like simply hosting static files will probably have other complications; I think YouTube has a f… https://t.co/HM04nXq5On
What’s the best self-hosted / distributed hosted video streaming service from which one can not be deplatformed?
@nic__carter There’s no premium to compress. Last I checked it’s below 5% which is historically extremely low.
In Q1 of 2020, inflows to Grayscale Bitcoin Trust hit $388.9 million, an all-time record. 88% of inflows this quart… https://t.co/UmvNnR0F2C
For #ThrowbackThursday we ‘member this fuckin’ guy.
2013: Calls Bitcoin “a fad, or a scam, or a ponzi scheme, or w… https://t.co/HNlxEkx6Vw
RT @AaronvanW: The Honey Badger Diaries Ep. 24, with @lopp.
Is going out in times of coronavirus a breach of the NAP? Is society breaking…
@bitcoinpasada @saifedean @rubenfaer I’m not referring to adoption, but to allowing a child to die via neglect. https://t.co/3pgSBjWTWN
@saifedean @rubenfaer Isn’t that the one in which it’s claimed to be ethical to abandon your children before they a… https://t.co/4rZUEIMsha
@jleophodl If hacking your computer by sending it malformed data is a violation of the NAP, is it not also a violat… https://t.co/NY2VEc6HbF
@jleophodl I don’t think anyone would disagree with the responsibility issue, though it also seems that this line o… https://t.co/VvCNRekfS6
@AlanFreestone As is the case with any such knowledge, it would require rough consensus of those whose expertise li… https://t.co/T9ApE5Sual
@jleophodl So if I hack you and steal your bitcoin, that’s a violation of the NAP.
If I intentionally give you fla… https://t.co/t5eBg7M2Nz
@evankaloudis That spawns an interesting debate: are dumb / brainwashed people thus less subject to morality if the… https://t.co/rdO77uUwIv
Does propagating medical misinformation during a pandemic constitute a violation of the non aggression principle?
RT @DavidJNage: New @BaseLayerPod w/@Nneuman & @lopp
Discussion on key management (institutional custody vs self custody), multilayered se…
Did you know that we send out a weekly Security Briefing at @CasaHODL? You can read today’s issue here; if you like… https://t.co/UDiM9Gcoz8
@infinitedendri1 The only FOSS one I’m aware of is rotki.com
Today is normally tax day in the US; here are a ton of resources to help you figure out how to appease the tax man! https://t.co/xGLkBrKfjo
Getting ratioed is also a non-essential activity, but here we are. https://t.co/XCy1KpoHjj
@AMANINBLACK_ It’s a meta tag you can add to your HTML:
<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”https://t.co/mNVLgDDhUs” />
@kristapsk Fair enough; I’ll update it.
Bitcoin is pseudonymous rather than anonymous; understanding the privacy risks can help you mitigate them via priva… https://t.co/WIoh0N7DO6
One way the halving could be “not priced in” is due to my aforementioned narrative reinforcement. The halving even… https://t.co/nEkNj2bi1d
@lightcoin GrapheneOS dev response to questions about said tracing tool: https://t.co/IWviMWQTPr
RT @CasaHODL: #Bitcoin is shmuck insurance, but not if some other shmuck is holding your private keys. Protect yourself against shmucks wit…
I don’t consider Bitcoin halving events to be some sort of magical economic inflection point. Rather, they reinforc… https://t.co/GFF8inXd2T
12 of 50 US states have declared religious gatherings to be “essential activities” exempt from quarantine orders. I… https://t.co/3ugpwa0rl5
Bitcoin correlation with the 5-Year Forward Inflation Expectation Rate. H/T @coinmetrics https://t.co/8kqvZW2Vyh https://t.co/o6invqky0x
Sorry Ellen, you made a procedural error. This motion should have been filed with the Internet Court of Opinion. https://t.co/yCcIJ7WuvT
@prestonjbyrne I thought the firearm laws suck pretty hard until you get to New Hampshire.
@NCAGO @JoshStein_ You have already lost, you just haven’t realized it yet.
@thechaz @dvharry2020 @Mario_Gibney @mynodebtc @CasaHODL Two very different systems; I’m starting to suspect a bug… https://t.co/JCoGmtoVRI
@dvharry2020 @thechaz @Mario_Gibney @mynodebtc @CasaHODL Yup! Our support staff doesn’t stop responding to tickets;… https://t.co/58t6Su3evm
@LukeDashjr You’d have to ask @lrvick what the criteria are for the “anonymous” column
@LN_Master_Hub The way you make it so that you don’t have an employer that can fire you is to employ yourself.
@LN_Master_Hub 1. Many governments do not respect claims of said right.
2. Thus you need to be your own platform to… https://t.co/uZvWmm6vfw
@pierre_rochard At what point (time / price) would S2F proponents agree that the model has been broken?
Bro we already found the legal loophole for this issue decades ago.
Today @CasaHODL sent bitcoin to 550 users, on-chain, for a total transaction fee of $1.23 ($0.002 per recipient.) I… https://t.co/AeRH6gqNfM
Freedom of speech tiers:
1) You can say what you want without the government imprisoning you.
2) You can say what y… https://t.co/MkoVKdMDTr
Bitcoin didn’t simply appear out of thin air - it was built upon decades of work and came after many failed digital… https://t.co/EAiergJiyk
Imagine if there was a law that made it illegal for any service other than AOL to deliver personal emails. https://t.co/bfz1pMuurk
The BCH halving has not been kind to its block production; it appears that its custom difficulty adjustment algorit… https://t.co/eEXg1NmsjV
At today’s Bitcoin VR Meetup @nvk spoke about security issues inherent to using USB as a transport layer. youtu.be/p69ACzYQQys
We’ve developed into a society in which it’s radical to:
* protect your privacy
* distrust institutions
* question… https://t.co/fX4Y0hUBGX
Curl up with a good book this weekend!
You like history? Economics? Programming? Finance? Need something for the ki… https://t.co/wKekLaCPPV
@pete_rizzo_ @twobitidiot Can’t wait ‘til McNukes are on the menu.
Broke: Too Big to not Fail
Joke: Too Big to Fail
Woke: Too Distributed to Fail
Imagine buying bitcoin but never actually owning it.
Should you invest in bitcoin? Here are many theses in which investors explain their rationale for doing so: https://t.co/r8u48YdYPn
*starts digging into couch cushions for spare change*
All that matters is numbrrrrrrrrrrrr go up. https://t.co/dvTxosfBgL
We now live in a world where surveillance is to be expected, but privacy is not, even though privacy enhancing tech… https://t.co/qLQzELn7Ku
@alohacrypto75 @Cams_Tweeting @hodl_american @FriarHass @CasaHODL @HectorRosekrans @rhizo_michael Good feedback, th… https://t.co/LmUFOeFtKS
@hodl_american @alohacrypto75 @Cams_Tweeting @FriarHass @CasaHODL @HectorRosekrans @rhizo_michael For sure, it’s on… https://t.co/j6Np130FnH