Musk says he expects to get an alpha Neuralink device implanted in a human in around 6 months.
neuralink Livestream link for today’s event:
See you at 6 pm PT
jimmysong You are unhappy because you care too much what other people think. This is unfortunately a learned behavior from…iB

story of my life
@bitstanks @GhostofWhitman @BitcoinIsSaving If I had a satoshi for every time I heard that one…
@GhostofWhitman @BitcoinIsSaving Reading comprehension is hard amirite?
Jameson Lopp: “what makes you think I care…
@ljxie It’s nice to have a consistent backlog of research and blog posts that I know are always there for me to…Kr
@KevinR4v @notsofast It’s good to get killed every few months. Really helps put things in perspective, in my opinion.
@TO Shhhhhhhhhhhhh the 13% might hear you.
Transactions made over Lightning Network have far better privacy characteristics than those made on Bitcoin’s…3M
@PrbablityBroach @notsofast Of course, you just described one of the greatest challenges of steering a startup!…Lp
@solanobahn @mad_bitcoin @notsofast @CasaHODL Oh it’s an impossible standard; I get cancelled about twice a year…BV
@PrbablityBroach @notsofast This is a valid concern, but we definitely want to avoid that, which is why we hired…lc
@notsofast I’m mad that my favorite safe company lets people put action figures in their safes when clearly they…Vn
@DanDarkPill Sounds like something an OG NFT scammer would say
@thesovereignbu1 I have no audited it, though the project has been around for 9 years so it would be impressive if no one has!
This is actually a significant milestone for a relatively unknown project: Gocoin has reached sync performance…Mu
@boop_39 @PeoplesBread @nic__carter @Breedlove22 @JasonPLowery_ I will continue to do what I have been doing for…TF
@Chris_Stewart_5 @boyacaxa @CasaHODL My personal stance on Ethereum hasn’t changed at all. But neither am I going…IY
@skretcode Same one since I started doing performance tests in 2018! Blog post coming soon.
Full validation sync of Gocoin 1.10.3 (prerelease) took my benchmark machine 7 hours 15 minutes to get to block 760,000.
@SGBarbour I’m OK with being the main character on Bitcoin Twitter several times a year; I’ve gotten accustomed to it.
@BitcoinDuh @utxo_one I’ve written about Ethereum a fair amount, including 5 years ago when I also worked on a mult…
@lightcoin They’ll have to find me and kill me if they want to cancel me.
@BitsBeTrippin @CasaHODL We’re making progress! If you’re interested to hear more you can sign up here:
@alansilbert @INX_Group Good luck!
@WakeToBitcoin @unchainedcap @SparrowWallet There’s no need for you to lie in order to convey your disappointment
@mcshane_writes @CasaHODL Yes, self custody is crucial for the health of the entire ecosystem!
@trvlr4life Nah, you just haven’t been paying attention. I’ve built Ethereum self custody services before and…iu
@WayneVaughan @CasaHODL It’s cute how many angry folks on Twitter think they know our client base better than we do.
4) I’m sure this will raise plenty of questions about Casa’s future roadmap.
No, we’re not ceasing our work on…sk
3) Our vision at Casa is to help build a world in which individuals are empowered by cryptography. To take this…Po
2) Why is Casa adding #ethereum support and why now? Due to demand from current and prospective clients. There is…gS
1) Today @CasaHODL is excited to announce an expansion in our self-sovereignty as a service offering. We’re…1f
@c_hashreview @Bcoin @umbrel @mynodebtc Just bookmark this and send it to any folks spreading FUD.…
@c_hashreview @Bcoin @umbrel @mynodebtc Indeed, anyone is free to write their own software that conforms to the rules of the protocol.
@LynAldenContact mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpi…
@c_hashreview @Bcoin @umbrel @mynodebtc Yes, BTCD has had a few validation issues exposed recently. It’s not as well maintained as Core.
@VSSENTHILKUMA13 About 3 hours just for the ECDSA operations. Syncing nodes takes longer than that due to…fY
@c_hashreview @Bcoin @umbrel @mynodebtc Yes, there are a variety of Bitcoin node implementations:…
@Bcoin Full validation sync of @Bcoin v2.2.0 to block 760,000 completed in 1 day, 8 hours, 8 min on my benchmark machine.
موارد البيتكوين بالعربية
Bitcoin’s blockchain contains over 784 million transactions. In order to validate all of their cryptographic…fp
@eiokyo Not in a way that I’d recommend. IOS is not designed to run server-like apps.
lopp If your criticism of Bitcoin is worth rebutting then one of us has already written a 10,000 word essay doing just that.
@GrapheneOS @wrongval @novogratz @elonmusk SOLOLOLOLOL
@TomZarebczan @novogratz @elonmusk And yet Android does not prohibit competing app stores, nor even the installatio…
@DrunkOnCrypto Of course
@wrongval @novogratz @elonmusk @GrapheneOS Graphene is Android, just a superior flavor. FOSS FTW!
IIRC Pixel…vO
@nvk steady lads
@novogratz @elonmusk There’s this thing called Android. Some of us have been trying to tell folks about why open…JK
@flyosity @midjourney I recall from my computer graphics class 20 years ago that raytracing + multiple reflective…1r

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more in imagination than in reality.” –

lopp Anyone can generate a bitcoin private key.
No one can generate your bitcoin private key.
@KlausLovgreen It looks like they keep changing the date; they pushed it back to January but forgot to update the y…
@dario0n Well to be clear, even with 1:1 holding you can hit operational issues with needing to refill hot…sg
@ebbie_roy Roger’s busy getting sued by Jack for his latest shitcoin scheme.…

“fully decentralized”
@OdessaDadmo Bitcoin software is constantly changing. The RULES of the Bitcoin protocol very rarely change. This is…
@OdessaDadmo I’m not quite clear what you’re asking. Software is never finished. If you don’t continually improve a…
A man in Dubai was the victim of a home invasion robbery and had ~$50,000 taken after attempting to broker a…nk
@romsat21 Umbrella supports running electrs, right?
Easiest option is probably using Electrum wallet with your led…
Running a full node is how you attain the strongest security model available to Bitcoin users and also…Ng
lopp My Bitcoin exit strategy is death.
@Douglas_Horn @bitcoingardener Bald eagle bodybuilder lifting weights
@bitcoingardener Midjourney
@dudel666 DVD screengrab of a steamy bodybuilding scene from a fantasy sci-fi movie 1979 with Yoda and Mark Hamill

Imagine if Yoda took Luke’s training too far…
@kelseyhightower @jillrgunter nostr

Think like a capitalist.
@forwardsecrecy @greg16676935420 ENHANCE
@MysthLS Heh I think it would be pretty tough because the AI seems to only pick a few random words to render.

wrong word galaxy detect buyer congress fossil alien buffalo engage move wine
@wtogami For reals; the Android app has had a bug for over a year where if I’m deep in my notifications and tap…kZ
@NoodleNakamoto I generally stick to @midjourney

lopp Entropy is your friend.
“saddle lunch jealous tortoise wheat wrap annual trend unknown need price regular”
(My new hobby is creating…3L
@NeerajKA Probably because they’re crappy cooks.
@FasterForward99 @elonmusk That’s how you get trapped inside of a beautiful walled garden.
@FasterForward99 @elonmusk Sure, it’s just one more reason why Android is a superior platform.
@elonmusk Oh trust me, we know.
And until they lost a lawsuit recently, they would ban your app if you offered…QG
“Patience is not passive, on the contrary, it is concentrated strength.”
- Bruce Lee
@J9Roem IIRC it’s because bankruptcy filings just give you a series of checkboxes to tick; each box is for a range of values.
@elonmusk Apple simply prefers their gardens to be walled.
Apparently the SEC is BlockFi’s 4th largest creditor because they still have $30M left to pay on the $100M fine……6l
@Poppz69 @theinstagibbs @bitcoincoreorg If you attempt initial block download over tor you’re gonna have a bad time.
@theinstagibbs @bitcoincoreorg Full validation sync of Bitcoin Core 24.0 to block 760,000 took my benchmark machine 430 minutes.
Proof of Conviction…
@testnam96016709 You’ll have to follow @Arthur_van_Pelt for coverage of his more recent shenanigans; I haven’t the…
Want to make sure you don’t miss my in-depth articles? Subscribe to my newsletter at - you’…u4
lopp Q: “Is now a good time to buy bitcoin?”
A: As always, if you have to ask, the answer is “no.”
Your regular reminder that Craig Wright is a proven plagiarist, serial con artist, and all-around fraud.…
Don’t accept health advice from folks who believe the world is overpopulated.
lopp You can’t truly own real estate without a standing army.
@robustus @cobie To be fair it had a sprinkle of truth to it, right? Like, they didn’t account for malleability…v0
Lessons learned from spending 3 years writing and maintaining blockchain indexing services.…

@GoingParabolic “an art reference sheet for how to draw human hands with 5 fingers”
In January 2020 a teenage crypto trader was lured to an apartment in Preston, Lancashire and kidnapped by a gang,…Ss
@AlexisGauba Potential office decoration?…
@Arthur_van_Pelt The fascinating thing these days is you really can’t tell the difference between:
* someone who i…

Prompt: “an art reference sheet for how to draw hands”
lopp It’s a bad idea to buy bitcoin without knowing what you’re buying.
It’s an even worse idea to sell bitcoin without knowing what you bought.
Bitcoin did not appear out of thin air overnight. A rich history of efforts (and failures) by cypherpunks helped…YR
zachxbt 1/ Let’s review all the direct scams Bitboy has worked with in the past. Just in case you forgot here is the…9s
@_Crypt0Jack I’ll allow it.…
lopp Builders can stay engaged with writing code longer than traders can remain entertained by drawing shapes on price charts.
lopp Q: Why did Satoshi choose an upper limit of 21,000,000 BTC?
A: The limiting factor is the max value of a 64 bit…1X
This time next year, are you going to be sharing a year’s worth of excuses or showcasing a year’s worth of progress? The choice is yours!
Are you seeking a fitting Christmas gift for that special someone who’s really into crypto? Consider this!…Np
The FUDsters and the moon boys are just different sides of the same grift: they spread misinformation in order to…ih
@KodyRayz Yes. Ledger Live does have an experimental feature to connect to your own node, though I haven’t tried it out.
@theomoplatapus_ False. I could NOT care less, because it’s not fundamentally changing.
@KodyRayz The Ledger hardware only manages keys. You’d want to set up a different wallet such as Specter that…V5
Why should you run a full node? How can you maximize the value of doing so?…
The code changes from the Bitcoin Core 24.0 release have been merged downstream into my Statoshi fork.
@matthew_d_green To prevent financial fuckery one must disempower folks from manipulating markets via IOUs.…
It’s best to treat crypto exchanges like public restrooms.
Your goal is to get in and out without lingering.
@BitcoinErrorLog @TomZarebczan To be clear, I couldn’t care less. Relay policies make for extremely weak game theor…
lopp Learning to code is overrated. If you want to be able to engineer scalable, maintainable complex systems then you…5S
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is lethal.”
- Paulo Coelho
lopp When you’re writing safety critical code, every arithmetic operation is potentially catastrophic. Smart contract…0R
@Excellion I bet they’re quite popular with Chinese tourists.
@tayvano_ @gladstein @ashzilla @DylanLeClair_ If you have found someone who represents Bitcoin, please point them o…
RT @anna_tutova:
@rebornBitcoiner I’m ambivalent.
The Bitcoin Core Config Generator is now compatible with the 24.0 release.…

Times are tough, so we’re slashing prices!
@piramida @TomZarebczan You’re replying to a BSV moron. Don’t waste your time attempting to get them to use logic.
Day trading is a great way to lose money. Don’t invest in or trade more BTC than you can afford to lose.…ID

lopp Whale patiently waiting for you to panic sell your bitcoin.
@WSJmarkets Delete your account.
@SGBarbour @midjourney The prompts are at the bottom of the image. Only difference for the right side is adding “—…Ds
@flyosity Proof of Work!

Happy Thanksgiving!
@CryptoHulkemist Any day now!
RT @lopp: Bruh it’s like 5 lines of code.
@coolcoolcoocoo @jack LOL
@TomZarebczan Unconfirmed transactions are IOUs. Pretending otherwise is laughable.
Bitcoin Core 24.0 is now available at…
@CryptoHulkemist @midjourney To date I think you’re limited to discord, but Midjourney has plans to expand beyond that.

5 months of @midjourney evolution:

Thankful for Satoshi Nakamoto

Neat way of visualizing Bitcoin’s history.
@pete_rizzo_ He won’t be old enough LOL

Not your keys, not your coins!
@MerrynSW If you haven’t figured it out after a decade, I doubt you will. If you care to try, the answers are at
lopp Any decent financial advisor should be able to explain the risks of owning bitcoin.
A great financial advisor…tm

The amount of MSM shenanigans in recent weeks
@brucefenton add “—v 4” to use the latest model if you haven’t tried that already
@boshen1011 Oh no. Bo, please seek help with your wallet security. Feel free to give us a call at @CasaHODL so…no
No one could have predicted this!
Never forget the stories of the corrupt government agents behind the Silk Road takedown. Today they walk free…Yd
Self custody protects you from ponzi schemes.
@nic__carter In my experience most folks who demand to debate do so from a position of weakness .
lopp It’s odd that we still have to explain why Bitcoin isn’t a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes guarantee profits to early…5Q
@ShellenbergerMD You expect people to pay you for the privilege of explaining why your perspective is flawed?…Hd
Recursos Bitcoin en Español…
lopp It’s not that Bitcoiners want the world to burn.
It’s that they looked at history and chose to learn.
Those in…yZ
@LPrimordium @hodlonaut Memorization is unacceptable for long term storage. But you should avoid other single point…
@lightcoin I imagine you’d have to run the referenced heuristics and cross reference with bitnodes data.
@ShellenbergerMD As long as a tool facilitates crime, it’s far worse than the worst fraud!
Turn in your tools…eh

lopp bitcoin vs “the next bitcoin”

LND continues to maintain ~90% dominance across lightning network node implementations.
@thinkmassive Can’t say I’m familiar…

@cstross Here sir, you’ve earned this:
@hodlonaut The safety harness is self custody, of course.
@gabrielhaines Bro did you lose your shirt in the crash?

a veteran bitcoin hodler in its natural habitat

@TheStalwart Ah yes, the ol’ “bitcoin is only useful for speculation” narrative.
@DanDarkPill I only do it when the AI engine improves.
Today innumerable merchants accept bitcoin in return for goods and services. Many tools are available for…bQ
lopp Imagine warning fellow passengers that the ship is on a collision course with an iceberg but being told you’re a…vO
Gotta say it’s pretty refreshing to see a member of Congress promoting self custody.…
lopp Why do so many otherwise intelligent folks hold and propagate misconceptions about Bitcoin? Because they haven’t…4y
“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
- Marcus Aurelius
It’s rude to evangelize Bitcoin at Thanksgiving dinner unless a related topic comes up such as…
Welcome to Bitcoin! Here’s your FAQ:
Q: Who should I trust?
A: Nobody.
Q: When should I sell?
A: Never.
Q: Is…FH
lopp nine pages
3,641 words
21,443 characters
to reimagine finance
Fake bitcoin has a dangerous effect on the real #bitcoin market. Here’s an explanation of how the supply of…fk