Financial Sovereignty is great, but we should also strive for:
Data Sovereignty
Energy Sovereignty
Food Sovereignt…
“There are no gods in the universe, no nations, no money, no human rights, no laws, and no justice outside the comm…
@FlyWhisperer @EdgeWallet @CasaHODL Well most protocols have address checksums to prevent that.
When uninvited guests invade your home it’s time to start shooting.
@Bad__Ape If I had a bitcoin for every time I left a kindle in the seat pocket of a flight…
@mbrochh You Were Never Really Here is good if you aren’t squeamish. Annihilation is also kinda trippy.
@FlyWhisperer It depends on what you mean by lost. There are some unique recovery solutions out there such as…
You know you have been traveling too much when you have exhausted the selection of in-flight movies.
@Daniel_Plante Who do you think I am? Craig “Billionaire Mode” Wright? I fly economy. 😜

“Sir, you have been randomly selected for secondary security screening.”
Every. International. Flight.
Privacy only extends so far as the cooperation of one’s fellows in society.
@WhalePanda I can’t wait for the Coinbase Pro Lightning add pump!
@WhalePanda I’m sure he can solve this problem if he can just raise $50 billion.

Hello Seoul, what have we here?
The ticker wall says “Extreme Fear!”
AP Good urban planning or total surveillance state? @ekinetz reports on China’s electric vehicle monitoring centers.
RT @Blockstream: Announcing the public code repository for Simplicity! The Simplicity programming language aims to provide flexibility & ex…
@SDLerner @WhalePanda @RSKsmart So…. 600% the thermodynamic security of BCH?
@danheld Yes, when you crash all of the nodes on the network, no one can analyze the transaction data. Ultimate privacy!
RT @bendavenport: Money quote: “If you have something that can potentially 50x, you must have 98% conviction that it’s not going to happen…
US Treasury Dept sanctions two bitcoin addresses - everyone update your blacklists! 😉
RT @delitzer: Best news in the crypto today: @googlefi is expanding and now supports iPhones!
No customer support # means no social engine…
@WhalePanda The sad thing is that nobody even cares enough to attack it.
@TraceMayer @pierre_rochard @aantonop @adam3us @NickSzabo4 @bitstein @saifedean @nvk @francispouliot_ @jimmysong…
CasaHODL Check out our first big update to Casa Node and a surprise…
the new Casa Lightning Explorer!
RT @canadian_crypto: We recently setup a @CasaHODL #bitcoin #lightning node, and it was incredibly easy! Find out just how easy …
Finding consensus amongst a diverse group of people is an impossible task due to conflicting incentives but decisio…
“The most exciting breakthroughs of the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of a…
@alansilbert I’m not sure that is sufficient for full billionaire mode.
The cool thing about science is that it doesn’t care whether or not you believe in it. We may or may not be able to…
The npm “event-stream” repository has been compromised; if you are using it in a project along with “copay-dash” th…
If you listen to what CSW is currently saying, you’re doing it wrong.
To understand Craig…
RT @spudowiar: Report on (now fixed) vulnerabilities I found in the @ShiftCryptoHQ BitBox (formerly known as the Digital Bitbox) https://t.…
RT @spyros_dovas: @lopp @ElkimXOC My presentation is now online :) (there are some bonus slides after the Q&A!)
According to the Casascius Tracker 47,647 BTC are still stored on physical Casascius coins while 43,617 BTC have be…
RT @CasaHODL: We’re teaming up with @Trezor for an awesome Cyber Monday deal.
Buy a Casa Node,
get a Trezor One free!…
@prestonjbyrne IMO the best solution will be self moderation. Obviously that doesn’t scale very well, which is why…
Ukrainian authorities arrested two men who kidnapped and extorted a miner in Kiev for $50,000 back in March.…
@thibtoo @APompliano Added
@matthew_d_green Well, that’s a remarkably effective way to prevent network splits.
@JimmyRis I believe that it is run automatically on a regular basis by the Travis continuous integration system.

2017: TO THE MOON!
2018: TO THE PAIN!
@jimmysong The early bull gets the bitcoin.
When humans change the way we think about the world we are able to invent more powerful types of organizations. Bit…
RT @paulvigna: Exclusive: Ohio to accept #bitcoin for taxes, appears to be a first for a U.S. state. Starting w/business filers, plans to e…

@danheld “Trolly McTrollface”
“Anybody breaking out of the mold and venturing into the new is likely to meet resistance, to be called an idealist…
@HypocriticOAF Here’s an imperfect explanation. Also, it’s not at all important that the average Bitcoin user under…
@HypocriticOAF I’m telling you that I’m a perfectionist and my blog posts undergo peer review.
@IMFonzie It gives you additional assurance that no code has been inserted into the repository without going throug…
@HypocriticOAF You’ll have to read my long blog post in a few weeks for the plain English explanation. It doesn’t fit into a tweet.
Did you know that anyone can run this script to audit the PGP signatures along the entire history of 9,000+ Bitcoin…
My latest blog post: “Bitcoin Seed Security Analysis”
@FabianLGB Ultimately the only way I see a scalable voluntary society working well is if every individual has auton…
@FabianLGB Tyranny of the majority by another name. No one can represent my interests as well as I can; it’s simply…
@FabianLGB @zackvoell @twobitidiot That sounds great! Where do I get to vote against my money being spent murdering…
@zackvoell @twobitidiot If you want to be pedantic, taxation is extortion.
@udiWertheimer Yeah well Faketoshi blocked me so he’s doing it wrong - I can’t spread his rage marketing message any more!
@overtorment I can’t be there physically because I’m also speaking at TabConf in Atlanta, but I do intend to give a presentation remotely.
Oh my, the “disclaimer” at the bottom of Coingeek blog posts has somehow become even more nonsensical. If this leve…
@DependentSink @RyanSherry92 @starkness @CNBC False. You just don’t understand gold. Neither gold nor bitcoin provi…
@wclimenhaga Discount is applied when added to shopping cart.
Has the drop in your bitcoin purchasing power got you down? Head over to for some sick gain…
@santisiri That’s pretty crazy - it’s hard to believe that any government has the resources to do so. Or maybe it’s…
@santisiri Alternatively, you’re simply arguing that mining operations tend to be detectable because they are too c…
RT @jeremyrwelch: On building 10x better products:
1/ The 10x better product isn’t about the product itself. It’s about a 10x better soluti…
I’m thankful for the opportunity to be one of many in a sea of Satoshis.
@santisiri Not sure how accurate this is but looks like all other SHA256 coins are less profitable.
@nic__carter @peterktodd I can’t wait to read Edward’s whitepaper for this new and improved consensus mechanism!
@martindale @TonyGallippi Risk.
RT @TheCryptoconomy: 🔺 New Video!
For all those @CasaHODL Node operators (or any #Bitcoin or #Lightning Node operators) I’ve just released…
RT @fernandoulrich: If a stablecoin is a token backed by dollars deposited at a bank and bank deposits are IOU for paper-dollars
A s…
RT @PeterMcCormack: WBD049 - my interview with Peter Van Valkenburgh, @valkenburgh, Director of Research at Coin Center is now available, w…
@bradmillscan Submerging those devices in water should protect them against such attacks.

It makes sense that HODLers who survive multiple market cycles are referred to as “crypto veterans.” H/T @JimBTC
@LuxoCrypto Yeah, sometimes privacy seems to be an impossibility because you can never be completely confident with…
@dgb_chilling @ummjackson I’ll be publishing the detailed results this weekend.
@gavinandresen @aantonop They’re well-connected until they aren’t. This is wishful thinking rather than adversarial thinking.
@murchandamus So BitGo already upgraded AMIRITE?
@KingWmKW @honeyba06350856 It’s complicated but this type of logic actually introduces other, permanent forking ris…
I smell fear.
@cyphernomics @ummjackson Yes, it looks like others have already pointed Jackson to the fact that maxing out your d…
@BennettTomlin @ummjackson It is /slower/ to use the bootstrap method ever since headers-first syncing was introduc…
@jronkain @cryptoqrk @nic__carter @karbonbased Poor troll can only dish it out but can’t take it.
@nic__carter @karbonbased I was going give you some advice but it turns out @karbonbased has already been handing o…
RT @TuurDemeester: âš¡ï¸ â€œUplifting stories from the Bitcoin communityâ€
Ragequits are a sign of crypto capitulation, but it’s not full-on despair until lots of folks are posting suicide hotline information.
@Excellion option_i_wumbo_you_wumbo
@Excellion @SatoshiLite @LTCFoundation @smartbrain @johnkim77 @mir_btc @Gabridome Wen wumbo hat?
@yorktronic @CoinFlipperDude @crypto_works Yes, I added the thermal wrap so that it’s an option.
@CoinFlipperDude @CryptoParadyme @Ragnarly @crypto_works It’s a SilencerCo Hybrid 46 suppressor.
@Mandrik @Ragnarly @CoinFlipperDude @crypto_works It takes a little getting used to, but it’s my favorite. Also ext…
@CoinFlipperDude @crypto_works As long as you feed it decent quality ammo it runs like a dream. It’s my primary hom…

@CoinFlipperDude @crypto_works Real Gs move in silence like lasagna.
@msantoriESQ What does your technical analysis predict?
@ElkimXOC @spyros_dovas Yes Spyros recorded it so I assume he’ll post it eventually.
In the cyberpunk future cryogenic companies will take out loans collateralized by the frozen bitcoiner brains they…
@dmpsim @spyros_dovas Exactly; you should assume that a civilization with the technology to revive a frozen body ca…
I watched @spyros_dovas give a fascinating presentation about cryo + crypto in Athens recently. There’s an interest…
@theinstagibbs The Men Who Stare at Blocks
@dickerson_des I retweeted a tweet today because it was the 1 year anniversary of said tweet, which also happens to…
@udiWertheimer I wumbo. You wumbo?
The most #RECKLESS of Lightning Network developers are now studying the wumbological sciences so that some day many…
@nvk I’m holding out for the camouflage Nano S.
@ummjackson I suspect that if you ask Lightning developers they’d mostly agree that it’s not quite ready for averag…
@TuurDemeester I don’t believe that it’s a deciding factor but I could see how it might have a dampening effect of…

No, Bitcoin isn’t dying - it’s just preparing for this year’s Black Friday sale.
@khaledealy My general answer for folks who ask for investment advice is “if you have to ask, you shouldn’t buy.” A…
While the various Bitcoin fork wars over the years have expended a lot of people’s time, on the bright side there h…
@khaledealy Yes, I think it’s a smart hedge and makes sense to be a small part of one’s portfolio.
RT @lopp: Welcome to Bitcoin, newcomers! Here’s your FAQ:
Q: Who should I trust?
A: Nobody.
Q: When should I sell?
A: Never.
Q: Is Bitco…
@zooko It’s a little known opsec term: Hold On the Down Low
@WayneVaughan Still cheaper than conventional warfare!
Privacy has unfortunately become a luxury good.
@StevieZollo @giacomozucco If a prediction doesn’t put the predictor’s dick on the line, is it even worth paying attention to?
@pierre_rochard Doesn’t sound socially scalable though.
The more reliant a system is upon local laws, language, or culture, the less socially scalable it is.
Sydney resident seeks help explaining why their electricity bill jumped from $200 to $700 per month. After some inv…
@giacomozucco Oh boy.
@adhik_Joshi Satoshi’s holdings are speculation based on
Who controls the Core repository…
@satoshi Proof or piss off.
@ercwl @kallerosenbaum @mikeinspace @LukeDashjr @BitMEXResearch It’s also iffy because you seem to be operating und…
@brenorb My guess is that their logic went like this:
Bitcoin: 1st generation
Bitshares: 2nd generation
Steemit: 3r…
@thakopia @TheBlueMatt It’s theoretically possible but highly unlikely for several reasons, especially because Bitc…
@fiebsy The narrative has changed, but it started out that way.

@ercwl @kallerosenbaum @mikeinspace @LukeDashjr @BitMEXResearch Bitcoin is a set of rules, but the only way you can…
@LukeDashjr @ercwl @BitMEXResearch This discussion was somewhat tangential to the differentiation between a fork th…
@Cryptotyrion Trust may not be the best word. But it’s certainly less reliable in the sense that you have to keep a…
When you change the rules to the game, it increases the cognitive load on the participants and causes them to expen…
My first act as @CasaHODL’s Chief Trolling Officer is to announce our support for the real Bitcoin Cash - Satoshi V…
@khannib wumbo me back, bro!
ZmnSCPxj explains “wumbo” - an accepted addition to the Lightning protocol specification that enables the removal o…
“Cryptography is a Darwinian process. It takes decades for cryptographic functions to mature as they are attacked.…
“I had to send money to my accountant while I was out of the country and the fastest option was to call my mother a…
@prestonjbyrne “Right now” lul

Them: “We’re a dog friendly hotel, if your dog is under 10 pounds.”
The fact that it’s even possible for pool operators to redirect hashpower without end users knowing is concerning.…
@pete_rizzo_ @coindesk Yeah it might be nice if you could animate a single asset where the future metrics are compa…
@pete_rizzo_ @coindesk I was only surprised by the social score for BCH but then I compared its history & it sounds…
Bitcoin compared along several axes with its Cash and Gold forks, according to @coindesk’s Crypto-Economics Explore…
RT @coindesk: JUST IN: Casa has boosted Jameson Lopp to CTO eight months after he joined the crypto custody solutions startup as an infrast…
FYI the TSA is not a fan of bags that are full of wires, circuit boards, and high capacity batteries.
@UniumInc @bramcohen Because users who don’t opt into SegWit remain on the same network as those who do.
@bramcohen If your network is born via a contentious fork, is that a birth defect you have to deal with in perpetuity? 🤔
RT @pierre_rochard: I just published Understanding the Technical Side of Bitcoin
If Satoshi’s coins ever move, it probably means that Bitcoin’s privacy has increased sufficiently to make it safe to do so.

@mechanikalk @gridplus Keep trying.
@gakonst Looks right. You’d be able to grab D/E from a previous spend /if/ addresses were being reused. If not, you’re out of luck.
@gakonst It gets complicated. You also have to know the public keys of the other two key sets in order to spend from the 3 of 5.
@pray4crypto Well there are over 2048^100 possible combinations…
It’s fascinating to see how fake news happens. Journalist reads 6 replies into thread but doesn’t read 7th reply (m…
@jdsmithies @Topperfalkon @charlesarthur It was not a mistake. I knew exactly what I was doing - others assumed I d…
@charlesarthur You (and others) made the incorrect assumption that all of the data was on that piece of paper.
RT @PeterMcCormack: WBD047 - my interview with Adam Back, @adam3us is now available. Cited in the Bitcoin whitepaper, Adam’s credentials ar…
@moredillon Because this piece of paper only contained 10% of the data required to access said wallet. Of course, s…
@mechanikalk That card is one half of one seed to a 3 of 5 multisig wallet. You can find all 12 words and still have nothing.
@IMineBlocks_com @CasaHODL @crypto_bobby That’s the aezeed for a lightning wallet. I’m referring to our multisig vault product.
@IMineBlocks_com Not if you’re using @CasaHODL 😉
Future Marvel movies should continue the cameo tradition, albeit via CGI. RIP @TheRealStanLee
@djspinhideaway @WhalePanda Well it depends on your setup, but done correctly it shouldn’t pose a security threat.
@WhalePanda Didn’t you learn anything from Mark Karpeles? Every time you check your cold storage, it gets less cold!

How to store your crypto wallet recovery seed in a safe place.
@josh1__ Currently adding about 150MB a day to 200 GB
BCH adds about 10 MB per day to its 165 GB blockchain. Ripple, on the other hand, adds 12 GB of data per day to its…
@tayvano_ @matthew_d_green Perhaps; I had grand aspirations to build an autoamated system that would spool up machi…
@matthew_d_green I have a draft blog post I’ll publish soon.
Recompiled Parity Bitcoin with the SegWit bug fix.
Full validation sync with 24GB dbcache and “verification edge” s…
@adam3us @WhalePanda You’ve gone and ruined the joke with your rational explanation.

@WhalePanda To be fair, Roger got this one right. Bcash does have a longer chain than Bitcoin!
One miner’s 51% attack is another’s Nakamoto Consensus.
@________leo___ If you’re suggesting that I’m being paid to promote it, then you’re wrong. I decided to integrate i…
@IlyoushaM The whole situation was terrible, but my grandfather voluntarily joined the army as early as he was allo…
@michaeltcop Nation state on nation state violence is a bitch.
@CryptoHughGlass It’s less bad than SMS. But anything that uses Google Authenticator you can use @Yubico Authentica…
@xese_mas I wish
@CryptoHughGlass Gotcha; in that case I’d just recommend running some flavor of linux with a fully encrypted hard d…
My grandfather dropped bombs on Nazis
He saw most of his colleagues get shot out of the sky
He survived and sailed…
@CryptoHughGlass Depends on what you mean by “dedicated to crypto” - if you mean managing private keys then I would…
@OrphanBlocks @fluffypony @ProfFaustus Guys, please give Craig a break. He doesn’t have his PhD in English… yet.
@PeterSvitz @coinhive_com Every form submission will require sufficient proof of work.
@9ballz @coinhive_com They’ll see the alt text / get an error message. If they really want to message me they can m…
@ryscar13 @coinhive_com I’d say this still applies. Human just has to click a button; machine has to perform a lot…
@jelbazi @coinhive_com You can customize the hashes for your form. I wouldn’t trust customizing based on useragent…
While trying to originally publish the prior tweet, @Twitter’s algorithms tried to block it for being spammy. How a…
It took me literally 15 minutes to add @coinhive_com’s Proof of Work CAPTCHA to my web site’s contact form. Using p…

“Our business bootstrapping model is to create tokens, give them away, and hope they transform into money.”

No one has found the bottom of the Bitcoin rabbit hole.
@stephendpalley Yeah but it’s… uh… decentralized?