RT @usecriptobr: Bitcoin não tem:
lÃder carismático
fundação financiada
token de governança
cronograma de aquisição
conselho diretor
@jasonffl drat, I should have taken the ruler out
Bitcoin has…
no charismatic leader
no funded foundation
no governance token
no vesting schedule
no steering counc… https://t.co/REXKSF71P8
Few things are as satisfying as routing around gatekeepers.
You can’t bomb your way to peace.
You can’t vote your way to freedom.
You can’t spend your way to surplus.
You can’… https://t.co/eunW8QusEB
RT @bitrefill: Pt 1. Jameson Lopp @lopp CTO of @CasaHODL on El Salvador, Crime & crypto, and getting swatted - To the Moon ep. 16
In 2 days the Bitcoin network will automatically retarget a new mining difficulty just like it has hundreds of time… https://t.co/crfHScMiFP
@danheld Hell is when your digitized consciousness is reanimated as a nonperson cyberslave.
@danheld It’s a better-than-nothing backup plan but I’d rather not have to go that route.
Twitter Spaces is working flawlessly in the web app. RIP Clubhouse
Today @RepBillFoster stated that “there’s a significant sentiment, increasing sentiment, in Congress that if you’re… https://t.co/ntspbE8sVO
The best support tickets are the one where the user is totally pissed that their account doesn’t work and it takes… https://t.co/2o7ITAxkKH
@acityinohio … SAM?
@acityinohio I pretended it was Hal
@acityinohio for the sexy voice playing off the contrasting uber nerdy voice *chef’s kiss*
@CoinDesk @coinbase @compass_mining @cryptocom You’re gonna confuse people by tagging the company when it’s referri… https://t.co/hlzbD93VIJ
This is why your phone number AND ANYTHING YOU TIE TO IT is not safe. https://t.co/l2DT64eCX9
@AriDavidPaul Well hurry up already; writing robust and maintainable code is a PITA. Can’t believe I’m still coding… https://t.co/XSKN26NNrg
Of course, a “natural Ponzi scheme” that has no schemer and no actual payments to earlier investors with funds from… https://t.co/InyBwphc76
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or even an economist to understand that inflation is theft on a mass scale. https://t.co/iGeIspi257
Fire your financial advisor if they aren’t taking advances in longevity biotech into consideration for your retirement planning.
Bitcoin has already been declared dead twice as many times in 2021 as in all of 2020.ðŸ˜
A larger block reward market, a greater share of hashrate within the US, & emergence of US foundries foster a more… https://t.co/NFi6CctLCb
@emilepetrone FYI one unexpected side effect from my weight loss journey was that I stopped snoring.
congrats this might be an even worse idea than @AMLBitcoin https://t.co/8wrB8AlPkw
@DocumentingBTC @adam3us They’re catching on. https://t.co/C8ARpMhg4T
Bitcoin price charts are just noise.
The signal is in the central bank charts.
@brian_armstrong wen lightning
@BtcBlackthorne I regularly check in on how various networks are doing in terms of full validation sync performance… https://t.co/L9LOXOPbeZ
“Verifying a string of 30 random characters is onerous and nerve-wracking!” exclaimed the person who clearly doesn’… https://t.co/KeOEASnMYb
I don’t have a LinkedIn account. If you have an account and you’d like to crush a scammer, please report this impos… https://t.co/pFtk39Dydn
@danielwingen Imposter. All my real accounts have attestations on keybase.
Everything in moderation.
Including tolerance.
Lest it be weaponized against you.
@jimmyjames198 @JeremyRubin @cyber_hokie @antiprosynth 🤷 https://t.co/gxjApc1Vp9 https://t.co/jwfygtJuXr
@1Blockchaintech There are many possible ways. Casa has an inheritance setup built around our multisig service. https://t.co/1MjNC8ZVue
@D34D81 I’m testing all the clients listed on the documentation at https://t.co/gxjApbKkxB
@cburgdorf I saw the note that it’s not production ready, but it’s on the list of clients in the docs thus I tested… https://t.co/RlUzKvOHfo
@LefterisJP @ErigonEth Yes I’m making a note of that; I’m testing the clients listed on the ethereum.org docs list
@orweinberger Yep there was that error and a bunch of others about unpickling / referencing variable ‘field’ before… https://t.co/tuuxpXyb0L
@StopAndDecrypt yup
Full validation sync of Ethereum Trinity 0.1.0a37 node got to block 51,000 on my benchmark machine in 10 minutes an… https://t.co/NMzFRQZ0zY
@matthew_d_green really makes ya think
“I strongly believe that Bitcoin’s value is driven by overzealous investors, coming from a very small tech communit… https://t.co/VOrQt0zzZL
Conservative extrapolation (based upon 20% sync) for completion of EOS 2.1.0 full validation sync on my benchmark m… https://t.co/8uN9AYNJ24
@Mariandipietra Sure, if your network is small / highly centralized.
@TusharJain_ Technically yes, anyone is free to fork for any reason. Doing so becomes less and less tenable as the… https://t.co/80eHKY1zlx
@AlmostSureMath I don’t believe Satoshi ever explained the decision around that constant before disappearing. https://t.co/PGvFhflGAN
If a nation state seizes all of the mining equipment within its borders, people in other nations can build new equi… https://t.co/HT9louvV5u
@AlmostSureMath Because you can not know the true hashrate of the network due to block time variance. Hashrate is /… https://t.co/1QoUeUQUZT
Q: Why doesn’t Bitcoin’s mining difficulty adjust itself more quickly?
A: Bitcoin does not have the same perspecti… https://t.co/MJvHHW8Mct
Bitcoin’s exchange rate is still so low because few understand that the network has become robust enough to withsta… https://t.co/JIbpIuKVsc
@jer979 When you have sanity+clarity+conviction and no one else does, you find yourself out of consensus with every… https://t.co/mf2XRN6GV9
@balajis Funky things happen when you try to make difficulty adjustments to be “more responsive.”
See: BCH
@gersonmartinez In the case of children who are too young, I’d suggest that you set up a trust to take ownership an… https://t.co/1KMHKHgQZm
If you set up inheritance to ensure your heirs can recover bitcoin, the plan shouldn’t stop at the recovery step.… https://t.co/CDumLjGBYH
“The value of SafeDollar has dropped to $0” 🙄
We’re building better money.
We’re not asking for permission.
We will not be stopped by trolls or threats.
@KimDotcom @0xpraetorian meaningless drivel
meaningless drivel
if you choose, sure
show us said patents
it’s a diff… https://t.co/JalQCi3zwN
@SamHarrisOrg Who’s this Sam Harris guy?
@JeremyRubin @pete_rizzo_ @fluffypony @The_EzraG @MisterBitty_ Now and then, though Pete showed me recently that he… https://t.co/YO0VCEHZhz
@prestonjbyrne MP was based AF
Insanity is basically a prerequisite to be an extremely early Bitcoin adopter.
On the other hand, sanity is relative.
@brucefenton Ah yes, you’re a non-person if you don’t have a GPG identity on the web of trust, right?
RT @pete_rizzo_: RIP Mircea Popescu (1980 — 2021)
Called “The Father of Bitcoin Toxicity” by some, Mircea will endure as one of #Bitcoin’s…
@astrojoe001 IIRC his twitter account was suspended many years ago for a threat he made against Andreas Antonopolous
You don’t know jack about toxic Bitcoin maximalism if you don’t know the tale of Mircea Popescu. https://t.co/DfYOUKzCwz
Traders love the thrill of buying dips.
I buy block space market dips.
â¤ï¸ 1 sat/b lightning channels.
@danclarkie 60 minute block times aren’t particularly rare. You may find this interesting: https://t.co/E2E2wUAvRi
How many charismatic billionaires does it take to screw millions in pump & dump shitcoinery?
@claudio_btc All the Bitcoin FUD debunking one needs is at https://t.co/MsEEjiqQ1B
@AlistairZ80Aftw @jeetsidhu_ It’s a 3X magnifier for the holographic sight, not a scope. Bayonet is suboptimal beca… https://t.co/2TCLDbTwYr
@sbj175 @CoinDesk @PrimeTrustCo @CelsiusNetwork @IanAllison123 As far as I’m aware they don’t offer a yield generat… https://t.co/pvpmRUaS08
@CoinDesk @PrimeTrustCo @CelsiusNetwork @IanAllison123 Red flags, you say? Yeah, I hit a few of those myself. https://t.co/36QpL5Qy81
How many countries are going to have Bitcoin ETFs trading before the United States?
RT @stephanlivera: SLP286 @hectorr159 of @CasaHODL #Bitcoin & Inheritance
Hector and I chat:
- self custody vs custodial
- how early it i…
@RickV3D @satsie F-15s spend most of their time defenseless on the ground and can be captured with common AR-15s
But there’s this thing called the NY DFS… https://t.co/fjuJ3EZ5Xa
@JeremyRubin For simple static sites, sure why not.
@Bitcoin_Win It’s about fundamental freedoms, not about the specific example.
@onchainlyrics Biden is the revisionist, lying about history in order to make it seem like “it’s always been this w… https://t.co/SKL2O7a7dP
@nlw @officialmcafee I’m probably clear to talk about it since we never went further than brainstorming
@jonsyu @nlw @officialmcafee Kriss Vector in .45
@nlw @officialmcafee I spent an entire day brainstorming with him & his entourage at a hotel in Atlanta.
Biden recently repeated his revisionist history about citizens not being allowed to own cannons so I’m just gonna l… https://t.co/69HKWMOPhf
“Disobedience is the vehicle of progress.”
- @officialmcafee, Rest in Peace
@danheld @jack Just gotta keep trying; I think it took me 5 or 6 applications before being accepted.
RT @labitconf: #HodlersToMars
Get ready for incredible news from LABITCONF; since 2013 the #1 Bitcoin Conference in Latin America.
We ar…
@JosephPitluck @PeterSchiff Yeah @cryptowat_ch makes it really easy - just paste the tweet URL while viewing the chart.

UNCANNY TIMING @PeterSchiff pic.twitter.com/6S3RKF7bJ4
The hits keep on coming. https://t.co/BdXFClVcV5
ETH2 isn’t even usable for anything and folks are already getting rekt. Impressive! https://t.co/4Lk7EXtPl0
Full validation sync of Litecoin Core v0.18.1 to block 2,074,000 on my benchmark machine took 3 hours 10 min.
RAM:… https://t.co/oq5mKPFlWw
Full validation sync of Binance Chain 0.8.2 to block 8,520,000 on my benchmark machine took 13 days, 1 hour, 15 min… https://t.co/XxzoqoOT7c
If you thought you were rich in January but today you’re poor, that’s just your monkey brain playing tricks on you.
@RyanWatkins_ @twobitidiot So? Is something forcing them to sell?
@PeterSchiff bottom must be in kgr8thx
@YoshiHODL 🤫
Anybody have a billion bucks I can borrow for a few years? Willing to post my bitclout as collateral.
Normally in order for an internet service to relocate major infrastructure without downtime requires massive amount… https://t.co/54A85f0nqI
RT @BitcoinMagazine: This oil well in Montana contains a #Bitcoin mine powered by excess natural gas. “Relative to continuing to flare, thi…
@_benkaufman Lightning
RT @CasaHODL: 🛡Think you know the best way to protect your bitcoin from thieves?🛡
Join our Twitter Space tomorrow @ 2:30pm PST!
Remember that time the bitcoin exchange rate crashed (to $800) because China banned it?
You can’t ban Bitcoin, you can only ban yourself from Bitcoin.
Bitcoin will benefit the countries that offer the g… https://t.co/dXTIjOEQR1
@PeterMcCormack It’s not quite Peter-friendly https://t.co/UaZM2tdhoB
@PeterMcCormack My death threats went down substantially when I made folks pay to message me!

“Fear makes a good business partner.”
- 25th Ferengi Rule of Acquisition pic.twitter.com/agB8DAa3ZO
If you’re bearish on freedom then you have my sympathy; it must be depressing to be pessimistic.
If China’s Bitcoin bans were actually effective then they wouldn’t have to keep loudly reiterating them.
“China’s mining dominance is unlikely to last; I expect that this theoretical attack will become less and less like… https://t.co/BAVby9YSPE
RT @SeverinAlexB: Major graph update 🗺ï¸
- 8 new filters
- Complete UI overhaul, fullscreen
- Tons of mobile🔱and performance🚴â€â™€ï¸optimisation…
The Chinese central bank FUD will continue until everyone learns this lesson. https://t.co/wWH8PPwKsz
@USympathizer Politicians write the base layer; lawyers write apps on top of that.
Going to court is like debugging in prod.
@_prestwich - Sovereign Man
@eric_lombrozo Nah, it’s good job security.
I wouldn’t have to pay $500 an hour for this shit if the legal system had better tooling.
Lawyers are just old-school coders who run their code on a really clunky meatspace machine.
If you don’t learn to code you will be at the mercy of those who can. https://t.co/NYhp9uilFg
@TruelevelSa Either it works perfectly or it ends catastrophically.
You’re either a fool or a genius if you roll your own crypto.
You’re either a fool or a genius if you roll your own smart contracts.
@orweinberger 💆this fella WYSIWYGs💆
20 years in and WYSIWYG editors still suck at creating clean code.

The *chef’s kiss* is the prop65 cancer & reproductive health warning on the back. pic.twitter.com/KHMchSi8yC
Very considerate of China to compel miners to shut down during a weekend when demand for block space is low!

Poloniex rushing to take advantage of low fee UTXO consolidation yesterday. pic.twitter.com/pNLJELMkBC
@gr0kch8n GrapheneOS does not run Google services. https://t.co/vauQFnGlIq
Regular reminder that phones are surveillance devices. Android users in Massachusetts are getting a nasty surprise,… https://t.co/hEzZJV0Nws
@BaldBitcoin It could be a mistake.
It could be someone just in a rush.
Or it could be a hack; hackers don’t mind… https://t.co/OsiIQy8mX7
@masonic_tweets Overpaying by about 100X for consolidation if you ask me.
Someone just dumped 4 blocks worth of high fee transactions into the mempool. Very low number of transactions spend… https://t.co/YVF31rhwEV
LND node operators should take note that in order to make use of anchor output channels (which are safer in certain… https://t.co/yl0ZyBMYl9
@IntelTechniques Magic Earth works well on GrapheneOS for navigation
@Trezor How is this not a footgun?
On one hand, seeking lightning liquidity flows in order to serve demand and capture fees is quite challenging.
On… https://t.co/CmAc87j3sC
When it comes to mission critical systems in which a single failure can be catastrophic, a slower pace of advancement is ultimately faster.
@NeerajKA You’re alright in my book, Neeraj. Your eyes may be weak, but your tongue is sharp.
The latest lnd release includes a “cluster mode” which is a huge step forward for folks who want to run enterprise… https://t.co/VbAvGPzgAs
@valegalteam @LudiMagistR Good opportunity to update your perspective. https://t.co/dh05aZWIIV
@LudiMagistR The point is not Peter, but rather that Bitcoin Ambassadors take their own initiative. Anyone who cont… https://t.co/ZTkWUIBTty
@LitecoinPatrick @jratcliff People might read my tweet as critical because they have been conditioned by authoritar… https://t.co/mzctSmqIFf
@jratcliff Exactly
Résumé of a self-appointed Bitcoin Ambassador
RT @mykeysmycoins: The best list to follow for #Bitcoin experts
Thanks @lopp
@elonmusk @BitcoinMagazine @jespow Annnnnnnnnnnny day now https://t.co/DjZGQlg4vd
“Official; adjective: authorized by a proper authority; authoritative.”
There is no authority who can proclaim any… https://t.co/xOngT9Q2q9
Now that the Bitcoin adoption game is being played at the nation state level, vigilance is even more crucial in ord… https://t.co/IXCY04j2t0
There is no such thing as an “Official Bitcoin _______” except for scams stretching for claims of legitimacy.
If you receive key management hardware in the mail that you weren’t expecting, don’t plug it into ANYTHING.
RT @BleepinComputer: Scammers mail fake Ledger devices to steal your cryptocurrency - @LawrenceAbrams
💎🙌 > 💩🙌
RT @CasaHODL: Bitcoin is forever—even when it’s lost!
So how do you secure it as generational wealth for your family?
Just in time for F…
RT @TIP_Network: This week, @PrestonPysh sits down with @Nneuman and they talk about #Bitcoin security and self custody. They also discuss…
If only there was some sort of censorship resistant option that makes BitPay obsolete… https://t.co/5TrLsDTF8Q
5) Overly conservative / slowly adjusting fee estimate algorithm
6) Naive wallet with hard coded static fees
7) Unc… https://t.co/7KcBxrLgXP
Q: Why are some folks paying 10X the txn fee required to get confirmed in the next block?
A: Could be:
1. A custod… https://t.co/NrijNcZCGG
If Bitcoiners don’t spend their precious time investigating other crypto projects, we’re “closed minded.”
If we do… https://t.co/EXNeKoGh7J
@nic__carter turn in your pleb badge and gun
@KyleSamani This is an odd form of bar-lowering in which you’re engaged. I thought we were trying to IMPROVE upon legacy trust models.
Fourth robbery this year perpetrated against bitcoin traders in Hong Kong. H/T @richardbensberg
When you say “you don’t need to verify the integrity of the system yourself as long as others are verifying it” I h… https://t.co/vMgxq4bkCx
@KyleSamani I don’t know how to quantify this “decentralized enough” to which you refer.
I know that if I can veri… https://t.co/AcWPLLNTh5
@sanumbitcuniam Yes, nuance is hard. I just want to make it clear that these networks do NOT all operate the same way.
@MewnSurfer @dfinity I’m sure they are comfortable with the model they have built.
What I’m more interested in is… https://t.co/eQvxzMcNmB
I’ve yet to discover a high throughput blockchain-based network that doesn’t make some sort of trade-offs regarding… https://t.co/LpNoRmoEWU
@danostrovsky But it’s not possible to just run a read-only node that doesn’t participate in consensus on the production network?
@Melt_Dem is that sushi or yam
@danostrovsky Are you saying that if I connect a “slow” machine to the production network in order to read data fro… https://t.co/vHBrU4ae8J
@michael_saylor A bitcoin in cold storage is worth 10 in a third party’s custody.
@danostrovsky I want to run a node on my benchmark machine and sync to the production network. Not sure why it’s so… https://t.co/bkcsnHzE3j
@twobitidiot Can’t believe those ethernet maximalists weren’t more open-minded about token ring technology!
@field_conor @Cryptdorian @frk0196 Search my blog for “node” https://t.co/EDEpEgp4ho
@thousandbtc That’s what I’m trying to verify. The Dfinity folks are being coy/evasive. I’m wondering who is actually running nodes now.
@Cryptdorian @frk0196 I assure you that my annual node report will reflect more poorly on a project if I can’t even… https://t.co/5t5oi3sj7H
If anyone out there has been able to successfully build and run an “Internet Computer” node on their own, please reach out to me.
@brian_armstrong wen dump, ser
@dominic_w There are no built releases available on this repository and when I follow the instructions to build it… https://t.co/xoVFLELBHl
@dominic_w Why can’t I check out the code and run it on my own machine to see how it fares?
@JosephPitluck Not that I can find.

Gonna tell my kids this is @michael_saylor pic.twitter.com/IxQx9iTpAa
@PeterSchiff @michael_saylor If I had a bitcoin for every time someone said I was insane…
ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜â€¦ https://t.co/WmTaNaa29Q
@michael_saylor I don’t know what this means but it sounds like your thirst for bitcoin is far from quenched.
@brucefenton “SEC 2021” sounds like a pretty boring conference
@LoneCeltic This is whatever the defaults are for running the node, so I assume only the relay chain.