The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 2013

nathanmarz More important than establishing rules and processes is determining how those rules will be removed when they become irrelevant

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@danlowe Yes, I made this yesterday. Also, check out /r/slowcooking.

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@ameir I have no iPhone so I’m going to get all my news from

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Crowdsourcing Gone Wrong: Rise of the Dyslexics.

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@drewpotential You’re confusing Anarchism w/ Libertarianism; they do overlap a bit but have fundamental differences.

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@hoorayimhelping bro, nut up and learn to appreciate a good fight. You’re posting whiny complaints without any juicy details.

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“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” - Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome

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@alexwcarl @kacyf It is already illegal to imbible alcohol while carrying a concealed firearm. The proposed legislation doesn’t change that.

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@BigM5678 @Dawn_Kopecki @TheStalwart Bitcoin is an evolving protocol; these issues are being addressed as the network & economy matures.

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Woman driving in front of me during my commute home was so into her music that she was clapping gospel style. ಠ_ಠ

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RT @ErikVoorhees: PayPal president is fascinated by Bitcoin, says company is ‘thinking about’ including the virtual currency…

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The more hindsight we gain, the more the “great Bitcoin crash” of 2013 looks like a mere correction.

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@danlowe Keep describing your dinner. I’m salivating.

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ncpolicelogs West coast guest post: Santa Cruz police confiscate 2.5 lb, 4 ft long joint at 4/20 celebration. #CaliforniaProblems

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.@MarsOneProject opened their application process & they want a $38 registration fee. After the failed Reddit AMA my scam sense is tingling.

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@pig_poetry Is this some kind of metaphor for a food baby you’re preparing to have?

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@SenRandPaul You don’t believe anyone from primarily Islamic countries should be allowed to immigrate to the US? That’s shameful.

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@durhammag FYI, the Bayou Festival was shameful and most attendees are demanding a refund. Organizers bungled every aspect of the festival.

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I’ve never attended a shitty food / drink festival. Well, before @BayouFestivalTo yesterday in Durham.

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evanbooth Don’t care for full-body scanners in airports? The TSA is now soliciting your thoughts on the subject:

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@flyosity @hoorayimhelping @JuddLegum I got my FFL in the mail this week; suck it, background checks!

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@publiceyestl @julien There are a number of reasons; IMO it’s primarily because we’ve seen that they’re ineffective.

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BigDataBorat Unicorn, Data Scientist and Santa Claus walk in bar. Bartender turn at Santa Claus and say “I must be hallucinate!”

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Just bought my first album in a looooooong time - “Indicud” by Kid Cudi. Pretty sweet that he offers vinyl.

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@takeadrank What’s your point? That he shouldn’t have been able to bring a firearm to the infield? That it would have prevented his suicide?

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The fundamentals of Bitcoin are still sound. The community is rallying; the free market shall prevail.

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Just found a banana I stuffed in my backpack a month ago. Though since my backpack is my gym bag, it actually improved the smell.

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Bitcoin is not for the weak of heart.

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@danlowe Writing a post-death letter to your loved ones is tough. Writing a snarky auto-responder is easy.

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Also, we walked everywhere because taxis are a $5 initial fee plus $4 per mile in Boston. WAT

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Despite all the walking, I gained a pound a day in Boston. Doubt it had anything to do with all the shellfish, fried seafood, or beer.

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@MichaelCasp Repeat until success or death.

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If you have to wear an ID badge for your job, your job is likely either terrible or awesome. Probably terrible.

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@jefft Probably not, since libraries are a pre-Internet age knowledge store.

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MIT’s campus may very well surpass NCSU’s for architectural dreariness.

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jonmatonis Bitcoin donations returned by the EFF would now be ~equal to their total corporate and individual donations for 2010

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If you give an hour long tech talk and there are no questions asked at the end, you were either terrible or awesome. Probably terrible.

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Thanks @ddahlke for drinking the $5 bottle of water in our hotel room that got charged to my tab.

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lornahermin According to @posco Justin Bieber is responsible for skewing map/reduce functions at Twitter :) #BigDataTechCon

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 5:31 PM, Apr 9th, 2013 via twicca)

#BigDataTechCon has the best catered lunches of any conference I’ve attended. Four star quality eats!

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jonmatonis Every 10 min, approx. $3-5 million worth of private #bitcoin transactions are processed by the free market. Thanks for the data, @blockchain

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@hoorayimhelping @flyosity Kind of - the sheer number of gun owners makes events such as these inevitable because humans make mistakes.

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Kudos to Mike Stonebraker for giving a keynote about how Hadoop is destined to fail because it’s only good at embarrassingly parallel probs.

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BigDataTechCon “Column stores are going to win” - Dr. Michael Stonebraker at #BigDataTechCon. #bigdata

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:08 AM, Apr 9th, 2013 via web)

@pmccall777 Without getting too graphic, this Dude was not a friend and he was pretty gross.

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Turns out Dude had the right idea. Mass exodus from that talk while the speaker fiddled with Eclipse settings trying to get demo working.

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Dude sitting next to us at this tech conference nodded off and started snoring so loudly the whole room could hear. #awkward

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8 days after reaching the $100 mark, the exchange rate for 1 Bitcoin has surpassed $200. It could be a bubble, but it could be a snowball…

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“You can tell it’s handmade because the quality is shit.”- @ddahlke

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@whosthedoss Nice! Now what’s the TL;DR of your summary in 140 characters or less?

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@johnjoseph Um, it’s saying that Marijuana is decriminalized in NC. That leads me to question the article as a whole…

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@hoorayimhelping I guess you could say it’s a Big Mac

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TIL most of my Reddit karma is from /r/JusticePorn while I have negative karma in /r/programming -

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First adult web site has announced that they now accept Bitcoin. Trifecta of drugs, gambling, and porn is complete - legitimacy confirmed.

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Million dollar idea: an alcoholic aloe vera drink.

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The Internet continues to be an unstoppable force in the quest for truth.

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@flyosity @ameir Twitter needs a “mute this live-tweeting session” button

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@hoorayimhelping Did you do your due diligence researching your neighbors this time?

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@pmccall777 @flyosity “Neither proms are financed by or allowed to take place at Wilcox County High School.” I’m going to say it’s legal.

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@drewpotential Who doesn’t love automagic?!?!

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American Tobacco touts their cross-contamination-proof touchless soap & towel dispensers, neglected to install touchless faucets & doors…

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Reddit: where an 18-year-old exotic dancer / aspiring mathematician can get sound personal finance advice for free.

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@Jeremy_DeGroot Moving is cowardly; I posit that we can come up with some more effective alternatives.

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@nicholascordell This has the potential to be an excellent livetweeting session. Keep it up!

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@flyosity Subscriber to /r/bitcoin and you’ll learn a thing or two. Just ignore the circlejerk threads.

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@flyosity Does this mean that you care?

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@mark_a_phelps Here you go: it dropped back to $130 but is rising again.

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@mark_a_phelps Disregard everyone, acquire Bitcoins.

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@hortonworks My pleasure; ever since someone pointed one out to me years ago I can’t help but do a mental doublecheck each time I see them!

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If you use imagery of gears for an engineering blog, make sure it’s not mechanically impossible for them to turn.

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I used to be proud of the code I wrote, but now I know that future me is going to see it someday and think that current me is a n00b.

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@flyosity Spent most of last week in the 90s with a pullback to 80 that only lasted a matter of hours.

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The Bitcoin exchange rate has busted through the psychological barrier of $100 per coin. No joke. :-)

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@knucklesandwich How will we enjoy the best day to be on the Internet if we can’t share the hilarity?!?!?

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