dickline.info pic.twitter.com/O2Uo7LrAEb
@flyosity Strap in, buckaroo.
Freedom is asserted, not granted.
Freedom is birthed from a state of mind.
Time to get the fuck out, 2020. And don’t come back!
@bitstein @pierre_rochard What if Bitcoin crashes up?
@JessieJamerso Common problem for folks faced with sudden windfalls.
@San_person I doubt it since that’s a non-default config.
@Cryptomian Financial freedom is a goal, not a purpose. Once you have financial freedom then you have more time to find a purpose.
2020 commits (excluding merges) & contributors:
bitcoin core: 2,978 & 172
c-lightning: 1,918 & 46
lnd: 1,587 & 64
r… https://t.co/MbzWfHcJBM
Normally next week is the worst week of the year for gym-goers as all the people who lack perseverance all show up… https://t.co/boU0nLXhnM
Controversial opinion: it is not financially prudent to sell ALL of your bitcoin to purchase a car / house / privat… https://t.co/OomW0XCQhN

Bitcoin’s network hashrate increased by 41% during 2020, from 113 to 159 exahash per second. bitcoin.sipa.be pic.twitter.com/wtXTt8pMQV
@nic__carter I’m at a dozen drafts myself. Need moar holidays so that I can work on them.
Bitcoin trade volume was flat throughout 2020 via Bisq and Localbitcoins, though Paxful saw a decent uptick in the… https://t.co/BtcZNgZpYI
The 3rd known bitcoin-related physical attack in Dubai just happened. Unique twist: using deodorant as a weapon. Fa… https://t.co/0wk45iB0fT
@MacurdyTrader I do this every year. Raw metrics at end of year, long article at beginning of next year.
💆 I love the fact that this tweetchain is 6 years deep.
Bitcoin’s thermodynamic security accelerated at an average rate of 1,458 GH/s^2 in 2020. https://t.co/7yXYzG8Vlz
Wealth without purpose is worthless.
@prettyboytizzy_ Jan 1 price * (x³â¶âµ)=Dec 31 price
Solve for X
Bitcoin average DAILY value change during:
2010: +0.82%
2011: +0.76%
2012: +0.26%
2013: +1.11%
2014: -0.25%
2015: +… https://t.co/ZyekXVrTt6
The human thing to do is to leave evidence of your flaws and failures on display. https://t.co/FhzuECSaBF
@diveej3 @muneeb @AriDavidPaul This is unrelated to USD. Bitcoin native units.
@diveej3 @muneeb @AriDavidPaul 100,000,000 * 10
@muneeb @AriDavidPaul 10 BTC makes a billionaire.
Always has.
It has been a jarring year when so many are suffering and yet those who sought shelter in Bitcoin are prospering.… https://t.co/iz1eMwJRoE

Buffett just got flipped by “rat poison.” assetdash.com pic.twitter.com/ZL7Vu3m5TP
@alexandermearle IIRC it’s from a crypto inspired game called Gods Unchained
@stronghandsbtc @nic__carter Sure, anyone who has the power to print money can manipulate markets.
@stronghandsbtc @nic__carter It’s neither falsifiable (by anyone other than Tether) nor relevant to Bitcoin’s ongoing operation and utility.
@stronghandsbtc No 10,000 world article needed there. It basically boils down to some people not believing that tet… https://t.co/fiSVGkxuwj
@alikcrypto Check the “why it matters” and “why it’s hard to understand” sections of https://t.co/3jdctovFvd
You c… https://t.co/ZN1mEQrFKp
Trust: “Please submit a bank or investment statement.”
Me: “LOL; I can submit a cryptographically signed at… https://t.co/p8Q8veMkGN
If your criticism of Bitcoin is worth rebutting then one of us has already written a 10,000 word essay doing just that.
@dj_bitwreck Unfortunately, @1BitcoinWarrior no longer exists and as such we are unable to laugh at him. RIP!
It’s not insane if you realize that an unending flood of shit is still just shit. https://t.co/Z6Rdkg1RbF
I was trying to figure out why Chainlink’s market cap is reported so much higher on @onchainfx than other sites and… https://t.co/qnLs9HDZpt
RT @CasaHODL: 🤩 We’re beyond excited about our stelllar lineup of speakers for #Keyfest2021!
Don’t miss @adam3us, @amizi and @lopp on Jan…
@danheld ThOugHt LeAdErs https://t.co/Mmvi36UHba
Distribution of bitcoin supply across addresses tends not to change much, but there was a bit of a dip in 2020 from… https://t.co/Gfd1rN4n7w
@CanteringClark @CasaHODL Welcome home!
RT @MayhemDayOne: End-of-the-year stats from @leak_ix. These are the most popular BTC addresses out of 43K+ Elasticsearch servers (some dup…
@shapesen Nope. https://t.co/Ama3GxGL5W

Bitcoin rose from 34th to 13th position in terms of (2017 reported) M1 money supply during 2020. pic.twitter.com/2FuIJRwMRq
@murchandamus Do you like this number better? 😋 https://t.co/4l8JVJw2o0
To show how heuristics can vary widely: @coinmetrics estimates (by removing likely change outputs) that $999B was t… https://t.co/VBU7fhP6rR
As number goes up in 2020, so do the number of bitcoin addresses storing various thresholds of value. 12M addresses… https://t.co/dWe891B60g
https://t.co/vFLd6EtIff estimates (by removing likely change outputs) that $616B was transferred via bitcoin in 202… https://t.co/WOGB7J8m97
While average on-chain bitcoin transaction value hovered around $5,000 in 2019, we’re zooming upward to $20,000 in… https://t.co/rIhaV1bkiZ

During 2020 the Bitcoin blockchain grew from 256GB to 319GB - an annual growth rate of 25%.
bitcoinvisuals.com/chain-size pic.twitter.com/dB8oasOWQG
@AriDavidPaul Makes sense. Time is the original NgU technology.
Ever wonder what the fuck happened in 1976? https://t.co/HA2N6pfP4P https://t.co/OorKGzYBxz
@bradybuzz You can’t stop information from flowing. Full stop.
@bettyvschmartz There’s a reason I sometimes use the handle “Statoshi” :-D
@drb6_15 @livecoin_net Looks like that was 120.57 BTC? Added.
@FreshXbt I’d say stolen is: one day you go to check your wallet and the funds aren’t there. I’d count viruses that… https://t.co/RBqbKHsyZT
@PhABCD Can’t say I do; I don’t have the timestamps and exchange rates at the time of the thefts in my spreadsheet.… https://t.co/kNfamOnVTL
@prettyboytizzy_ There’s no single best one, they all have trade-offs. https://t.co/mQxmh0dems
Bitcoin security appears to be improving! As far as I can tell, only 4,366 BTC was stolen in major publicly announc… https://t.co/PIeEt7FOFn
Add this epic Bitcoin Obituary to the list, @99BitcoinsHQ
Ray Dillinger has declared Bitcoin a failure. Ray was t… https://t.co/H6wVri2USH
DDoS the bureaucratic bastards with substance. Vires in numeris! https://t.co/7k7iHkIR5d
@copumpkin @ehartc None that I’m aware of. You’d have to ask @TheBlueMatt

The “Death to 2020” mockumentary on @netflix is simply pic.twitter.com/YUpTntfwMM
Bitcoin block propagation slowed down by about 50% this year (200 milliseconds.) The slowdown appears to coincide w… https://t.co/n0KwDlMgRh
@bettyvschmartz @INXLimited The whiskey is certainly scarcer 😂
No need to fret about all the exchange delistings, ripple bagholders. You’ll be able to trade all kinds of security… https://t.co/P1sR1byRYu
@nvk It’s not their fault; they don’t have any formal Twitter training.
Have Fun Staying Salty, Stolfi! https://t.co/aCZ7r38M0n
@nic__carter The “Cult of Bitcoin” is a paradox. It involves the veneration of ideals antithetical to cults like se… https://t.co/fNunjq1uJ2
He did it.
He really did it.
RT @CoinDesk: JUST IN: Half of two-time pro-bowler @RussellOkung’s contract with the @Panthers is getting paid out in #bitcoin via @JackMal…
Tether pumps BTC in the same way that dollars pump BTC. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. https://t.co/f6tmqYycm2
Bitcoin miners have earned over $21 billion in revenue throughout the 11 year operation of the network. This number… https://t.co/XEDmlucQZq
Number of bitcoin UTXOs that are worth less than the time at which they were created (when the value was last spent… https://t.co/xZ3541GTUu
A decade of FUD: “governments will ban Bitcoin and kill it.”
Reality: Governments attack weak crypto projects and e… https://t.co/PWvUTawB5G
@NeerajKA Is this the xpub engagement method
@Breedlove22 Or digitization of consciousness, or a private planet…

@nvk I don’t know what you’re referring to but I assume this is an appropriate response. pic.twitter.com/N96Yxje3Lh
Christmas dinner at the Schiff household https://t.co/13iBOfbqMc https://t.co/ODUZWY09MR
@masonic_tweets something something five cents
Bitcoin balances on exchanges (this is a difficult metric to pin down precisely) appear to have dropped precipitous… https://t.co/8m4l9RIGPt
@prettyboytizzy_ @wullon Twitter enterprise API

28 million tweets containing the word “bitcoin” were posted in 2020 - an increase of 29% over 2019.
H/T @wullon pic.twitter.com/uTC5QuGhid
You can see the market for bitcoin block space coming back to life from this year’s historical fee rate estimates.… https://t.co/NkvWf242Gm
@StopAndDecrypt Sure, updated.
@EconomicPilgrim @Decentralife_ @mskvsk @chicag000 No, this is a misinterpretation. Patoshi did not mine blocks at… https://t.co/BWq5Ug9l4U
@TerryWitterBTC Yes, if you just started right now with 100% of hashpower then you might never catch up. But there… https://t.co/7qtmjAmJ2w
Then we’re all idiots who deserve to get rekt. https://t.co/zdyM85Hk9p
Lightning Network density decreased throughout 2020 while cut channels increased from 32% to 42%. Seems like too sp… https://t.co/PobXY9iB48
@fluffypony When I asked this recently some folks said the solution was reinsurers. 😂 https://t.co/wR0jhM1ktA
@BrianLockhart Looks like premium dropped to 22%
@dancrypted I’m not aware of any off the top of my head; it would be speculative.
During 2020:
# advertised Lightning Network channels â¬†ï¸ 5% to 38,000.
Bitcoin in those channels â¬†ï¸ 22% to 1,060 BTC… https://t.co/5ZzdfjIByH
@BitcoinCurious Adjusted means using heuristics to try to determine which transaction outputs are “change” being re… https://t.co/QRAP92vHGc
Revenue collected via transaction fees by bitcoin miners has increased from under $100k / day to $2M+ per day in 20… https://t.co/JClMNMUwtR
Daily bitcoin transaction outputs trended up slightly throughout 2020. https://t.co/9f6shMikYh https://t.co/QacUkgjeN7
On-chain transfer volume in bitcoin terms remained even flatter in 2020 than in 2019; the notable exception being B… https://t.co/tXkPaUF6Jd
Bitcoin daily on-chain value transferred hit $20B, on par with the summer 2019 top.
Meanwhile daily adjusted on-ch… https://t.co/yPIXE0X5CX
@crypt0bloc Indeed; it should be obvious that they are not arguments. Rather, they tend to be the conclusion of an… https://t.co/WhBpSpiMUM
@KoroushAK Sure
The only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask.
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell A buggy pubkey sorter wouldn’t be the end of the world but it would probably necessi… https://t.co/MTj9hkVNdH
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell It’s a standard rather than a protocol requirement, yes.
@PeterMcCormack I counted recently. It was nearly one DeFi disaster per week in 2020.
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell Pubkeys should be lexigraphically ordered in redeem scripts. It would be insanity, otherwise.
These memes are not exclusionary. Rather, they are ways of noting that the recipient is voluntarily excluding their… https://t.co/vd63Ei499H
Imagine operating a market that doesn’t trade round the clock this day in age. https://t.co/ZlGQbibX3U
@_JustinMoon_ Debt jubilee!
@_JustinMoon_ Well they’re partially right. Folks would stop spend as much money on stupid shit.
@Puppetbet I’ve put over 50k miles on my motorcycles in the past decade. Hard to beat the freedom of going cageless!
I’ll sell my bitcoin if I can trade it for something that increases my freedom more than Bitcoin. https://t.co/TeC4Sx7PIe
RT @hashcloak: In order to grow our consulting practice, we starting to offer free 30 mins consulting sessions to our network.
If you have…
After a massive 62% surge in 2019, the @BitMEXdotcom insurance fund only grew 10.5% in 2020. It now holds 0.2% of a… https://t.co/WblAR6ykC0
@jiangji20 @TheBlock__ Here’s the multi-year chart. Feel free to argue with @lawmaster about legitimacy of reported… https://t.co/AAfg3O7Bp0
According to @TheBlock__’s annual report, trading volume on crypto exchanges is approaching levels not seen since t… https://t.co/GGzF34frCj

The number of deployed Bitcoin ATMs more than doubled during 2020 to over 13,500. pic.twitter.com/qhco2ZC7HZ
An attacker with 100% of the current hashrate would have to spend… https://t.co/EjclY3OAJZ
Usage of overt “version-rolling” AsicBoost by Bitcoin miners appears to have leveled off around 70% in 2020.… https://t.co/InoS1FFB6E
@TomZarebczan @LukeDashjr The value of running a node is too abstract for most folks and still requires some techni… https://t.co/GK7qGJhg0J
According to @LukeDashjr’s estimates of unreachable / non-listening node counts, the total number of Bitcoin nodes… https://t.co/giPM0rXagN
Reachable Bitcoin node count has remained fairly flat during 2020, in the 10k - 11k range. The volatility seen on… https://t.co/sL5F3whGZb
A greedy-for-fiat fool and his bitcoin are soon parted.
michael_saylor If you desire to avoid Fiat Tragedy, avail yourself of Bitcoin Strategy.com.
@1ceArchitect Oh the irony
Uh… sorry @dead_coins but I think I just killed your site by linking to it.
@AriDavidPaul @PeterMcCormack Sir are you clout shaming the King of Bedford
Nearly 2,000 dead cryptocurrency projects are cataloged at https://t.co/NqRsFh6Zmy
Hacks: 31
Scams: 780
Parodies:… https://t.co/7XRvIgdlk5
@laurashin Price is a lagging indicator to the real story.
@Excellion Nah, wasn’t that several decades ago?
The Number Go Up meme can confuse folks into thinking that the goal is to cash out for more fiat.
Those who try to… https://t.co/CD7vf0n3eE

*yawns* pic.twitter.com/ZagfubvNB0
@iLoveSpaceForce @chigrl Because early adopters all agree with each other and can change the rules against the wishes of other participants?
@melikmanukyan I think there is a threshold of skepticism after which that becomes acceptable.
Some folks will try to make you feel bad for being right about Bitcoin.
Block, mute, ignore, and move on.
@_JustinMoon_ MuH mAniPulAtiOn
Perspective: the Federal Reserve has injected the equivalent of 18 Bitcoin networks worth of dollars into the markets in the past 18 months.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s all-time highs all the way up.
87 crypto exchanges shut down in 2020.
Exit scam: 44
Graceful shutdown: 37
Hacked: 4
Govt shutdown: 2
Crypto exchange hacks:
2011: 2
2012: 4
2013: 4
2014: 7
2015: 5
2016: 5
2017: 7
2018: 13
2019: 23
2020: 16
The dollar has crashed below 4,000 sats. https://t.co/1PeEjX4ROd
During 2020 the amount of BTC pegged to the @Blockstream Liquid sidechain increased from 96 to 2,600.… https://t.co/j01VSouhiS
The Bitcoin hashpower that is merge mining the
@RSKsmart sidechain increased from 57% to 62% in 2020… https://t.co/zcVJintzsg
The CEO of Bitcoin is cowering in fear! 🤣 https://t.co/xLjAzQAFMX
Here you can see OP_RETURN outputs dropping throughout 2020 as @VeriBlock continued to scale back its usage. Two ye… https://t.co/6k7jVdBWJw
Bitcoin OP_RETURN (data anchor) outputs created in:
2014: 13,000
2015: 655,000
2016: 1,040,000
2017: 2,253,000
2018… https://t.co/I1pPBxqj0v
@btcmoneysupply Are you still maintaining your site? It has been down for a while.
@SmithsSats The whitepaper or any of the technical “how it works” links at https://t.co/3jdctovFvd

Bitcoin’s UTXO set rose from 64.5M to an all-time high of 69.1M in 2020, adding a net new UTXO every 8 seconds. pic.twitter.com/J23pSphXtW
@CalvinAyre You don’t get to define jack when it comes to Bitcoin. Have fun staying scammy!
@taha_zafar12 @planb4v I catalog and warn about centralized exchange hacks all the time; your snark is misplaced.

lopp HO HO HODL! pic.twitter.com/OtH9Lc7Xze
@findhiro @nvk I was think something like https://t.co/Sgx1yRE54k
@soonaorlater @jack How much does a DNA printer cost? Seems like they’re trying to keep it a secret.

Is this your first bitcoin bull run? pic.twitter.com/VD4wwQTbCJ
@nvk I feel like defidisasters.com would be another good domain to scoop up for a project.

The sweet sweet smell of scammer season. pic.twitter.com/X2FnQDFZ3W
@ecurrencyhodler Yeah it makes sense if you believe the estimates that half of all transactions are to/from exchanges.
One out of three ain’t bad, I guess. 🙃 https://t.co/z050nYPjQf
Bitcoin address reuse, which is a poor privacy practice, continued its downward trend in 2020. However, 43% of addr… https://t.co/dpsnHpFffL

SegWit adoption continues to grind forward; two thirds of all bitcoin transactions now are SegWit spends. pic.twitter.com/k9qw2V1plR
@planb4v Yeah those are only the largest hacks. I want all the hacks and also the bugs / flash loans / rug pulls.
@theta124 Whoops, good catch. Fixed.
Bitcoin market cap dominance (a highly manipulable metric of questionable value) never dipped below 55% in 2020 . T… https://t.co/qprAp8uItK
How many DeFi disasters happened in 2020?
Bonus points for breaking them down by:
* Smart contract exploits
* Fla… https://t.co/D6fl7axOGn
Over $3B worth of BTC was tokenized on ethereum this year. Worth noting that practically all of this bitcoin is hel… https://t.co/YhF75s47tc

2020 was a bad year to be a forkcoiner.
🔉 $BCH 🔉 $pic.twitter.com/E2VOzedAsC2VOzedAsC
With the exception of the Black Thursday crash, Bitcoin’s exchange rate volatility stayed relatively low throughout… https://t.co/yWsuLUX4HE
@jcenturino rekt
Funds raised via ICOs:
2014: $30M
2015: $9M
2016: $257M
2017: $6,558M
2018: $21,621M
2019: $3,255M
2020: $95M
(Alm… https://t.co/QWVp5bchDj

HO HO HODL! pic.twitter.com/OtH9Lc7Xze
@jimmysong @adam3us @real_vijay @bitstein Mmmm Bitcoin Pizza https://t.co/vKqAz7i5I4
Real HODLers know how to have fun (acting like they are) staying poor.
@maxdruthers Thanks for the heads up
RT @jdoliner: Nothing I’ve written on the internet has come back to haunt me like my dismissive comment in the first ever Bitcoin thread on…
@jaketarnow @CasaHODL No, I’d go with @getumbrel or @mynodebtc for something that’s actively maintained
BitcoinTalk total registered users:
2009: 19
2010: 3,127
2011: 48,827
2012: 76,680
2013: 207,357
2014: 406,833
201… https://t.co/eAr1cDh5oM

Subscribers to /r/bitcoin increased 49% during 2020 to a total of 1,840,000. pic.twitter.com/SRp8S7jR4c
Ignoramus: “Bitcoin stopped innovating; development is stalled!”
Me: “@bitcoinoptech’s annual high level review of… https://t.co/WekhsZ1c1B
@NeerajKA Ugh I hate when folks say the exchange rate proves anything; the detractors will just use that to claim t… https://t.co/Dg2i9DTfXo
@PeterMcCormack sir what is the secret to having fun while staying poor

270 average daily visitors viewed bitcoin.page this year, only 10% higher than 2019. pic.twitter.com/nCUl1n1Rz7
Cryptology ePrint Archive papers mentioning Bitcoin:
2011: 1
2012: 3
2013: 8
2014: 18
2015: 20
2016: 26
2017: 24
2018: 26
2019: 20
2020: 24
Google Scholar articles published mentioning Bitcoin:
2009: 83
2010: 136
2011: 218
2012: 424
2013: 868
2014: 2,070… https://t.co/KMgGuVSX90
It’s that time of year when I have to move money through the legacy banking system and I get to marvel at how slow and clunky it still is.
@jamesob Yeah, come to think of it, this will be confusing to laymen.

‘Member this? pic.twitter.com/lfhpmMY4K6
RT @aantonop: Victims of the #ledgerhack are scared because many of their home addresses are part of the leak. In this video we discuss wha…
This isn’t a crash, it’s the shitcoin toilet being flushed.
Happy HODLdays!
@nic__carter From The Block’s annual report. I suspect you know where I stand. https://t.co/f7Iy89gJYw