2014 prediction: same shit, different year.
RT @cdixon: Why I’m interested in Bitcoin http://t.co/ibJjYdzebR
@mark_a_phelps It’s “brony,” like “pony.” Give them the respect that they deserve!
Bitcoin projects on Github are growing 4 times as fast as Paypal projects and 3 times as fast as Stripe projects. http://t.co/A3ygRp31lm
Well… it looks like the cat’s out of the bag. ;-) http://t.co/JXmWPnp0Vc
@pig_poetry Not yet; going to dig into it more when I’m sober.
Twister: a fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging both the Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols. twister.net.co
RT @zerohedge: The NSA’s 50-Page Catalog Of Back Door Penetration Techniques Revealed http://t.co/wk5nHEeqJe
zerohedge The NSA has backdoors for firmware in hard drives manufactured by Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor and Samsung
“A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.†- Baltasar Gracian
@barrysilbert Perhaps 2014 will be the year for Bitcoin capitalists?
@johnjoseph Clicked in search of price for 8 milkmaids, left disappointed.
@rjurney best tech purchase I ever made… for my parents.
@gloddy You hope that we keeping having to deal with the TSA? :-|
@sweetlydrifting Yeah? Like this? I haven’t seen any in America, but I don’t shop at Kohls either. http://t.co/HkZHNlv3A5
Another innovation you won’t find in America: stores with digital price tags.
The Danes are so crazy about New Year’s that they’re already shooting off fireworks.
Was browsing in Bilka, Denmark’s Walmart, and they had an associate at a table giving out free liquor samples. :-)
What if Dogecoins became some sort of global, distributed Internet karma system? http://t.co/lX79Ayk0F2
elendirx My first blogpost. To all the entrepreneurs out there: bitcont.net/blog
Chicago has made computer science part of their high school core curriculum. http://t.co/fGjPP7gnjI
Epic Mealtime presents: Dishwasher Lasagna. http://t.co/o2uKcooIxY
The day is coming when services that ask you to trust them to accept/handle/store your cryptocurrency will no longer be competitive.
@mark_a_phelps save some for me!
@matthewmascioni @flyosity Why says it’s can’t be a worthwhile joke?
@carlhancock @flyosity If you store cryptocurrency in an online wallet, it’s not your wallet. It’s someone else’s & they let you use it.
@flyosity the more things change, the more they stay the same…
In 17 days /r/dogecoin has amassed more subscribers than /r/litecoin has in 2 years. wow. such community. much generosity. many shibes.
@drewpotential And they could pay you in digital pennies with cryptocurrency via your local wi-fi hotspot.

He likes his rides hot & his bodies cold. pic.twitter.com/ie0UedkwJj
averyj Merry Dogemas!! Send me your address and I will send you free dogecoin.
Got some new winter gloves that work with touchscreen devices. Might be the first time I’ve actually been impressed with a clothing gift.
Hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas; I’m still holding out for peace on Earth and good will toward men.
@EUGeneFreeman @UkAlpha Mining any cryptocurrency these days is a huge risk due to surges in interest / difficulty. Less risky to buy coins.
@EUGeneFreeman Note that the mining calculations I made there assume NO DIFFICULTY increase, which is stupidly optimistic.

@EUGeneFreeman A very risky gamble. @UkAlpha doesn’t want you to know that they’re selling unprofitable equipment. pic.twitter.com/DnqkAND253
@EUGeneFreeman @UkAlpha Don’t trust these folks with your hard earned money.
@UkAlpha LOL you noobs really inspire confidence selling your overpriced and underpowered “ASICs.”
@maxkeiser I think it’s time for you to weigh in on Dogecoin - it is a phenomenon unto itself. Most upbeat crypto community I’ve seen.
@johnjoseph Shoulda started off with a Dogecoin pitch.
There’s a category on Jeopardy tonight called “Athletic Cups” TROLOL
I laughed when I initially heard about Dogecoin, but the Dogecoin community has done more in a month than Litecoin has in years. Impressive.
RT @ddahlke: Cue up the Gunther Christmas Song. I forgot about the midget dance party in there. http://t.co/1HOdjxvVD1

Dragged to Christmas Eve church service. At least I have a great view. Lulz. pic.twitter.com/6pf1yq50g4
@emilepetrone Nope. My research has shown that my LLC is not subject to quarterly taxes because it is only being used to manage a Roth IRA.
@mikestable A checking account will suffice for my purposes, for now…
Pleased to report that I have just filed an SS-4 to form Lopp Holdings, LLC. More news to come in early 2014 :-)
@matthew_d_green Apparently there’s no activity on the Zerocoin dev lists? How can I best stay informed? Any ETA on alt-coin release?
@mikestable @jefft DID SOMEBODY SAY “RUM HAM?!?!?” http://t.co/UIdgvRyckA
How to Minimize Investment Returns, by @WarrenBuffett http://t.co/6UD671sv2X
@ameir Tomato, potato, brah.
@ameir Yo dawg, is Wikipedia wrong or did you really name your kid a letter of the alphabet?

@UkAlpha This is a joke, right? Even if LTC mining difficulty doesn’t go up at all, it won’t be profitable for months pic.twitter.com/DnqkAND253
@matthew_d_green I’m glad he was pardoned, but reading the wording of the pardon sickens me.
Mom really underestimates the power of garbage disposals; she won’t even put egg shells down hers.
@graulund I figured it out; was completely my fault. Had somehow upgraded all the files except the maintenance scripts; was using old API.
@mysizelindsey1 More twatting, less bookfacing. #KeepingItReal #NoFamilyOnHere #LessPrivacyInvasion #OctothorpesFTW
@graulund Oh don’t you worry, we can work through this. Check it again; I’ve added debug output. Does that help? If you want more, just ask.
@graulund Upgrade to latest Tweetnest, set up Oauth, but loadtweets says I have no tweets! Any ideas? http://t.co/t3jTVMPFpQ
R.I.P. Mikhail Kalashnikov http://t.co/1VIoQJseEo
@averyj So I looked into Dogecoin and FYI, you shouldn’t buy /any/ ASICs for mining it. Dogecoin is Scrypt-based, Bitcoin ASICs won’t work.
@jefft I’ve noticed both upstream & downstream quite diminished on my Bitcoin node, though bandwidth tests max out. Something stinks, @TWC
@emilepetrone nah, I just wanna shoot stuff and make it prettier rather than uglier for a change.
All I want for Christmas is a new garden. flowershell.com
@averyj LOL don’t be that guy. Even the Jalapeños are overpriced at this point.
@drewpotential Good. Now you are ready for Dogecoin. dogecoin.com
That awkward moment when someone near you says “excuse me” and you have no idea why…
@averyj Holy carp there’s already gambling games. I swear, the time to set up a new crypto economy is exponentially decreasing.
@averyj Throw a doge a bone, will ya?
@averyj Laugh all you want; the funniest part is that if enough people actually use it then it is legitimized.
@flyosity Only $50,000 per day, eh? I wonder if we’ll truly enter into a dystopia where the rich first worlders live forever.
YES. “Transcendence” featuring Johnny Depp & Morgan Freeman. The Singularity is coming… https://t.co/rHk7zeyFA7
@JoelSutherland Since you never disclosed your source, here’s what I was referring to RE: mining energy consumption. http://t.co/cYRqmECLCM
Imagine a world in which the at-home audience of TV game shows can not only participate, but also win. http://t.co/sSPAK12Uou
@gigq Wow. Much currency. Very delicious.
@drewpotential under worst case conditions right now, the blockchain could grow by 288MB per day. BTC Foundation needs to update the site.
@drewpotential Only power users should run heavyweight wallets. Moderate users should run lightweight wallets. You should run no wallet.
The BTC/USD exchange rate is 40x higher today than 1 year ago. However, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty is 350x higher today than 1 year ago.
TIL about “shaft jacking.” https://t.co/zZwd6f6AD0
@christianrudder Why hasn’t there been an OKTrends blog post in 2.5 years? That was one of the coolest aspects of OKC :-/
Music software should come with a “car mode” that automatically filters out any song with sirens in it.
Bloomberg TV airs private key for a Bitcoin address; good guy Bitcoiner “steals” it to secure it for original owner. http://t.co/iPWaJD7bNu
First Instagram starts auto-playing videos, now Facebook is doing it. Fuck this shit; if I’m interested then I’ll make the choice to click.
Silk Road 2 is dead. Long live Silk Road. http://t.co/i7kmzYv41t
@flyosity I’ve found that talking about cool stuff on Facebook garners almost no discussion whatsoever on FB. Talking about myself does.
@MailChimp Yep, it would be nice though if you allowed editing on phones in a text-only manner. Obviously serious design on a phone is silly
Iron butt, brass balls, heart of stone, mind like a steel trap.
@jefft I’m not worried. Even if I’m dirt poor, I’d never get married again without a pre-nup.
You’re SOL if you need to create a @MailChimp campaign on a mobile device. Neither their web app nor Android app allows you to.
Met a wise man who told me that if you don’t get remarried within 5 years of a divorce, you likely won’t for decades. I’m inclined to agree.
jim_adler Time To Rethink Democracy In A Digital Age
shitmydadsays “1st amendment doesn’t protect assholes from criticism. The right to act like an asshole and be called an asshole’s the same fucking right.”
RT @matthew_d_green: If the NSA is manipulating financial accounts, say to fund operations, it could end them. http://t.co/EVyXdIKP8R
Congratulations to @alxwinter for the successful funding of @deepwebmovie !
@evanbooth in my expert opinion, you have the raw materials for a WMD
RT @rogerkver: Overstock CEO says ‘money is too important to leave in the hands of government officials’
Bitcoin to the rescue!
slashdot Scientists Extract RSA Key From GnuPG Using Sound of CPU bit.ly/1kj1Bv1
Word on the net has it that @Overstock is planning on accepting Bitcoin in the second half of 2014.
@flyosity ZOMG, they hacked credit cards! They’re not secure! Game over man, game over.
@jefft Thanks for the laugh, that’s just what I needed. A banker who thinks monetary systems can’t work without central banks.
I had a nightmare last night that there was a zombie outbreak and my group of survivors could only find .22 bolt action rifles.
@tqbf it is infinite, but more factors than simply supply must be taken into account to determine the value of a cryptocurrency
Apparently Florida is the last bastion of cigarette vending machines.
Just got slapped in the ass - twice - by a drunk woman my mother’s age. This trip should be called A Series of Bad Decisions.
@pmccall777 Heh, I care not about my follower count. I’m archiving this shit & using it to write my memoirs.
@mikestable it was an epic battle of e-peens
@DSCEO Probably never. Though, on Reddit nobody knows you’re a refrigerator.
The exchange rate is the least interesting facet of Bitcoin.
I was forced to remind them that it’s still up several thousand percent just this year.
So many Bitcoin haters on Reddit. No joke, I had people today dredge up months old comments to jeer that the “bubble burst.”
@JoelSutherland I’d like to see those calculations because I bet they make some terrible assumptions.
An excellent selection of bitcoinquotations.com

TROLOLOL what a load of bullshit. pic.twitter.com/aYkU8QFjyQ
Snowden: “I would rather be without a state than without a voice.” https://t.co/dNSC3Ur8YG
OH: “I’m not paying $30 a pill just to fuck my wife.”

Current status: in the VIP room at the local cigar bar. The waitresses are dressed like strippers. pic.twitter.com/aSL25uWkgc
Bar hopping with the socialites, while getting into my buddy’s truck, socialite asks if we have a step stool to help her get in. :-D
Current status: listening to rich people complain about their valet service.
An alcohol-fueled excursion has led me to a rich socialite club party where everyone is wearing a suit and I’m wearing a t-shirt.
RT @flyosity: “What bitcoin miners actually do could be better described as competitive bookkeeping.” http://t.co/cfKZmMHESH
Crime scene near my house yesterday was a double homicide; hope they catch the murderer soon :-/ http://t.co/euSgG8ypzW
I highly recommend that you watch “Burn,” a documentary about the Detroit Fire Department. rottentomatoes.com/m/burn_2012/
A dozen police units, 2 news vans, and a privacy barricade erected in somebody’s front yard? Somebody just got killed a mile from my house.

Heineken Our vision of the future? Drink real beer, pay with virtual money. bitcoin.org/en/ #Bitcoin #OpenYourWorld pic.twitter.com/SOXL9IShdN
I’m disturbed by the trend of companies like @onlycoin and Bitcoin ASIC producers selling hardware that doesn’t exist http://t.co/ofljsqLtTJ
@barrysilbert Yeah, no. Sounds like somebody at @SFGate didn’t do their research… http://t.co/J5MyL4nvLp
The next person who invites me to play Candy Crush Saga gets a free Internet enema!
Watching a documentary about modern-day gold miners who are $100Ks in debt and I see many parallels to post-ASIC period Bitcoin miners.
@jefft only interesting new info being that we both like sriracha bacon lollipops :-D
Just as we have separation of church and state, we must have separation of money and state.
@EugeneMirman @ericboggs Just last week I received an email from a guy in Australia thanking me for insightful comments I left on a NYT post
@EugeneMirman @ericboggs If you view the Internet as a new form of human conciousness, this is quite true.
@pig_poetry @pmccall777 A photo would not have sufficed, as it was somewhat discreet. The dude kept looking around, which made it obvious.
@pmccall777 Nope, I don’t find “public indecency” to be a crime. He wasn’t exposing himself, anyway - he had a huge trench coat.
Just saw a woman giving a guy a blowjob at the bus stop in front of the courthouse on Main Street. #KeepDurhamDirty

ncpolicelogs Roger Raynor, 53, of Goldsboro, tried to hide his identity during a break-in by placing a cardboard box over his head pic.twitter.com/uyrzQybhs8
@mikestable Ugh, you need to clean up your posts img.fae.ro/a4f824.gif
@gigq Yup, you going?
torrentfreak BitTorrent Client Devs Work on Bitcoin Integration dlvr.it/4VmR0r
@mark_a_phelps My understanding is that he’s just the Lord of War.
@mark_a_phelps Make it so.

KimDotcom Hey @BarackObama, you just killed 15 civilians on the way to a wedding? Must feel terrible. This might cheer you up. pic.twitter.com/voGZEAZLGq
After my latest acquisition, the average age of the firearms in my collection has exceeded my own age. Curios & relics FTW!
@flyosity You can’t spell “Nobel Peace Prize” without “mass murder!”
@chamath Well then… I guess you’re the exception to the rule. http://t.co/J5MyL4nvLp
RT @bradleychambers: Gmail blows up e-mail marketing by caching all images on Google servers http://t.co/QDzQE4UAlo
Interested in buying your first bitcoins? Sign up and buy $100+ on @coinbase via https://t.co/Cf96xSTEjO and they’ll throw in an extra $5!
@mikestable You jelly, bro? You’ve got nothing but trees!
How long will it be before the job title of “Social Media Director” will go back to being called “Public Relations Director”?
165,537 files on the network share, 165,537 files on the network share. Take one down, pass it around, 165,536 files on the network share…
@mikestable It would be more convenient if you could just twatpic your image dumps kgr8thxbai
RT @ncpolicelogs: It appears that Ghost Town, a Wild West theme park in Maggie Valley, was issuing real firearms to its actors. ಠ_ಠhttp://…
“UEFI Secure Boot” my ass. More like “U NO RUN WINDOZE? NO OS 4 U!”
RT @cdixon: Coinbase http://t.co/easeXyGTGB
RT @coindesk: Coinbase Raises $25m in Bitcoin’s Biggest Ever Funding Deal http://t.co/IsVVcA5Igd
@barrysilbert Correction: Fidelity allows extremely wealthy clients to put bitcoins in IRAs.
@flyosity “if [Bitcoin] reaches 100k, I will fly to where you live and give you an apology blowjob.” http://t.co/oAjJtc6g6U
@MarcHochstein @jgarzik And the “c” is NEVER capitalized. Get it right or pay the price!
I hope we can agree that it’s no longer crazy to tape a piece of paper over your computer’s built-in camera.
@flyosity Yeah, teacher was basically saying “you’re just a kid, you should be ignorant about such matters. Leave that to the adults.”
@mikestable There has been a severe shortage of finewithmes around here lately.
@flyosity Yeah, to be expected. Just another result of willful ignorance.
@ggreenwald @emilepetrone It has nothing to do with cowardice and everything to do with money. The Pope on the cover will sell more issues.
@flyosity Guardian > Times
@kurtybot @maxkeiser Because he pulls numbers out of his ass based upon whatever best suits his current holdings.
Claiming Bitcoin will never be widely used b/c it’s hard to understand? Internet will never be widely used b/c TCP/IP is hard to understand.
Good thing I didn’t ride the motorcycle to work today. Sheets of ice on the roundabouts in my neighborhood!
@emilepetrone You should look at Freicoin, which has built-in demurrage. :-p
@USVconversation @emilepetrone It’s almost as if the market rewards those who take the most risk in supporting new ideas.
The polarization of American politics: http://t.co/KyM05C1VLM
@pmccall777 @flyosity I got in-school suspension in 8th grade for “talking” during a school-wide “silent lunch.” I only pointed at someone.
@pmccall777 Don’t forget the kid who was suspending for shooting an imaginary bow & arrow.
@drewpotential (I never told it where I live or work, or what my schedule is like)
@drewpotential Yeah, Google Now is interesting. It tells me when I’m leaving from work how long it will take me to get home…
@drewpotential Yep, I want to say they brought that feature online about 6 months ago.
KimDotcom Obama: “We will never see the likes of Nelson #Mandela again.”
I see Edward #Snowden. US enemy today. US hero tomorrow.
@mikestable Derp; that’s what living wills are for…
Some n00b proposes a ‘Central Bank / Monetary Authority’ on the Bitcoin dev mailing list, gets laughed off the list. http://t.co/zuGTcvAiBo
pig_poetry Settlers of Catan Official Game Boards can now be bought with #bitcoin. mycatanboards.com
@pig_poetry Hope they add the Bitcoin logo at the bottom right next to the credit card logos.
My full Bitcoin node has relayed 1 TB of transaction data over the past month. notbad.jpg.to
Word on the net says @SnoopDogg isn’t the only rapper who’s keen on Bitcoin. I’m looking at you, @DonaldGlover :-P
2checkout “In 2017, 2.5 billion unbanked people will be going online.” - Stan Stalnaker @futureofmoney
sub_noir Serious offer: Anyone willing to donate a copy of Contra for the NES to the brewery gets their tab picked up by me.
@pmccall777 The beatings shall continue until morale improves!
OK, this is pretty sweet. Vanity QR code image generator that can be used for generating Bitcoin addresses. http://t.co/H5OGAtTXMr
Bitcoin-Qt version 0.8.6 final is now available at http://t.co/G6Q2h5pnNz - Bugfix release; all users encouraged to upgrade.
jonmatonis .@HindeCapital Exante Adds Share Trading To Global Bitcoin Fund onforb.es/14oDpNK via @Forbes
It turns out I’m extremely allergic to human flakes.
DonaldGlover learn to code. god codes.
@jefft He was also wearing shorts and had what appeared to be military tats, further confirming my suspicions of badassery.