ReutersTech Former Secret Service agent pleads guilty in Bitcoin theft
@JustusRanvier @kristovatlas We can only hope that they will bankrupt themselves while trying to do so.
Claiming that new code must undergo a single group’s review process before being offered to the world: not permissionless innovation.
Permissionless innovation: any developer can write code and offer it to the participants in the Bitcoin ecosystem, who adopt or ignore it.
“The governance of Bitcoin is whatever code that people are willing to run.” - @gavinandresen
@cypherdoc2 That logic could be extended to any of the consensus code. In the end, no one controls it because everyone controls it.
Governance need not necessitate government.
Step back and marvel at the resources being expended to achieve consensus about changing this single line of code:
They’ll never find my bitcoins, as they are simultaneously everywhere and nowhere.
* Spend all day hunting down a bug in FOSS.
* Rejoice in finding bug and prepare to submit patch.
* Discover patch was submitted yesterday.
@desantis It’s only been a minor annoyance; not a big deal.
@desantis It’s more of an intermittent rather than ongoing thing. Was slightly annoying last night flooding my home connection.
Tell me I can’t discuss alternate implementions? I set up a new forum.
Attack my alternate implementation nodes? I spool up a few more.
Get busy learning or get busy dying.
@masonic_tweets Not yet; was recently legalized in North Dakota.
Currently taking bets on how long it will be before hackers take control of armed police drones and turn them against the operators.
@kristovatlas @alansilbert Sir, do you have a license to operate that computer?
@jgarzik It would be quite helpful to update the BIP with the logic behind the 20th percentile choice and its implications.
@kristovatlas @alansilbert @MrHodl Maybe if we just give guns to our enemies, they’ll kill each other for us ;-)
@kristovatlas @alansilbert There also a “freedom vs safety” debate floating around here somewhere…
@alansilbert Perhaps we should be asking why Switzerland, which has extremely high gun ownership rates, doesn’t have same problems.
@alansilbert Very hard to compare US to other countries when there are so many variables; can’t really have a control group to isolate them.
@alansilbert I think such debates should differentiate between rational and irrational actors, though.
@alansilbert It was meant to be ridiculous; IMO the root problems are psychological and sociological.
@alansilbert If the problem is ease of mass destruction, I guess we should have stricter regulation on pressure cookers too…
@alansilbert Firearm vs bladed weapons vs blunt weapons. You might be surprised by how many people are murdered with hammers.
@alansilbert Of course more guns == more events happen w/guns. I wish such reports would do side-by-side with other weapons.
Still scratching my head over why @jgarzik chose to use the 20th percentile of block size votes in BIP100 rather than median or mean.
@nanok How does @kncminer view block size hard caps? As more of a DoS protection feature or as a fee market enabler or something else?
@el33th4xor Taste the cryptorainbow.
@flyosity How many years did that take?
@el33th4xor halvening == price doubling, obviously! lemme draw you some supply and demand curves…
Bitcoin Core contributors who feel that they have had pull requests unfairly rejected from Core should rebase and submit to XT.
Contributor to many Bitcoin FOSS projects, master of none.
✔ Bitcoin Core
✔ Bitcoin XT
✔ BitcoinJ
✔ Bitcoin-Box
✔ BitGoJS
✔ Copay
✔ Statoshi
RT @elidourado: Mike Hearn replies to XT critics
“Future of Blockchain Tech” panel w/ @martindale, @shannonNullCode, @ajbeal, myself now available via @TheProtocolTV
@flyosity Let’s ban killing people while we’re at it!
@Satoshi_N_ Sick rhymes & references - I want to hear you and @realytcracker collaborate to rock blockchains together.
RT @Satoshi_N_: “Through the Wire” rough demo by @Satoshi_N_ Download it before it’s taken down!
@romansnitko @oleganza The incentive is trustlessness, which the average Joe doesn’t care about. This is OK; I think enough do care.
BitGo BitGo responds to customer demands by supporting increased block sizes. #BIP101 #Bitcoin
@DigiEconomist Still waiting on @dattnetwork
/r/Bitcoin moderators have implemented CSS to conceal their censorship and completely alter the meaning of comments.
@badslinky Nope, waiting to see actual code.
RT @DanSpuller: NC Bitcoin Enthusiasts Rally for Better Cryptocurrency Legislation | @ExitEvent @rcsherwo @Bill_Warn…
@mikestable I don’t think that’s what pugs were designed for. RTFM!
@Satoshi_N_ Last I checked, @ButtCoin doesn’t even /have/ an exchange rate. Come back when you create something valuable.
@pierebel It’s unlikely because the median of miner votes would have to be to double the hard cap every 3 months.
“Multisig on steroids using tree signatures” via @pwuille
I got to demo this on @MyceliumCom at @Cryptolina. Great stuff.
@pierebel Updating p2p code won’t cause a hard fork, though not updating your node would cause you to reject blocks > 32 MB.
@pierebel I believe further modifications would be required; BIP101 would give us 4 years to make the mods & test them.
BIP101: miners create fee market by setting individual soft caps and competing against other miners as hard cap grows to 8GB by 2036.
BIP100: miners create fee market by voting on adjustable system-wide hard cap that maxes out at 32MB. Unlikely, but could reach 32MB in 1yr.
@01101O10 is back and better than ever. Don’t forget; good luck taking them all down.
@cinnamon_carter They were signing their Bitcoin Core blocks in support of 8MB; now they’ll switch to BIP101 blocks.
@maraoz @FaradamTimer Keep up the great work, Manuel!
RT @maraoz: Announcing - charge per minute for your on-demand services @FaradamTimer
itBit itBit stands with our #Bitcoin peers in endorsing #BIP101 & Larger Block Sizes is uncensored. Our AutoMod approves shadowbanned users like @GamerAndy of @LetsTalkBitcoin
Dogecoin devs planning a testnet stress test (1 MB block every minute) and will use a doge Statoshi node to monitor:
@OneMorePeter @blockchain The PDF doesn’t seem to be loading
@CoinSlumIt Implementation codebase is irrelevant:
@jgarzik “…we will run code that supports this.” Which codebase is not so important.
Kudos to @BitGo @BitnetTech @BitPay @blockchain @circlebits @kncminer @xapo for participating in meatspace consensus of BIP101.
RT @masonic_tweets: Major #Bitcoin companies sign pledge in support of BIP101
.@Stanford joins @DukeU and @nyuniversity in offering Bitcoin course:
Attackers have taken down via DDoS, but can’t censor the data:
@ziggamon @girevikcap @1cyrilblanc1 @jonmatonis @qntra XT is, yes. Though personally I’m focused on block size.
@ziggamon @girevikcap @1cyrilblanc1 @jonmatonis @qntra I think you’ll find that XT will be the home of “controversial in core” PRs.
@girevikcap @1cyrilblanc1 @jonmatonis @qntra Github. The code doesn’t lie.
RT @kristovatlas: The one and only @jeffreyatucker was kidnapped for a day for not having his papers in order. His account:…
@Tone_LLT @kristovatlas I follow no man. I follow code.
@jm111t @1cyrilblanc1 @jonmatonis @qntra The code is open source; sorry, but I don’t have time to walk you through it.
@1cyrilblanc1 @jonmatonis I don’t have enough respect for @qntra to dignify it with a formal response.
@datacreep No… BIP101 triggers off of block counts, not node counts.
2 weeks ago I made the first post on Today we passed 10,000 subscribers.
@1cyrilblanc1 @jm111t @jonmatonis @qntra “list could be served by malicious actors” - like the bitcoin node DNS seed lists? ;-)
@1cyrilblanc1 @jm111t @jonmatonis @qntra “list could be served by malicious actors” not unless they compromise the SSL cert
@1cyrilblanc1 @jm111t @jonmatonis @qntra False: “code prioritizes IP addresses of nodes known to behave correctly according to Mike Hearn”
@1cyrilblanc1 @jm111t @jonmatonis @qntra Nor is there any “deanonymization” of XT nodes that run on Tor.
@1cyrilblanc1 @jm111t @jonmatonis @qntra XT uses the same peer misbehavior logic as Core, just with additional Tor deprioritization.
@datacreep Nor do we know how many real Core nodes are running. It works both ways.
@jonmatonis Hateful rhetoric filled with inaccuracies and speculation. Standard @qntra post.
@dgenr818 Running a fleet of pseudonodes is neither good nor bad - makes no difference. People can spin it however they want; I report facts
Looks like the XT node count surge is a Pseudonode operation:
@zmanian It’s suspicious to say the least.
/Bitcoin XT:0.11.0/ is now the second most popular Bitcoin node useragent after today’s surge.
RT @maddenw: Let’s merge BIP101 into core.
@NickSzabo4 Looks like your site is down
@mikestable Oh snap, it’s reproducing!
@digitsu @ziggamon @Tone_LLT Right, it has great properties for a safe store of possibly valuable records, but protocol is value agnostic.
@ziggamon @Tone_LLT @digitsu I’d go so far as saying Bitcoin aims to provide a store of ownership records, but the value is all market-based
@ziggamon @Tone_LLT @digitsu Sure, safety from arbitrary govt devaluation is good, but does not in and of itself make a store of value.
@Tone_LLT @ziggamon @digitsu Can you show me where the Bitcoin protocol (and its development) has had “store of value” as one of its goals?
Livestream from @GenesisMining data center (switch to camera 2 for audio):
Brainstorming ways to bust out of Reddit’s hierarchical moderator dictatorship system:
@LaurentMT meh; I doubt any of those commenters will be at @ScalingBitcoin ;-)
@aantonop @comcast My @TWC connection is getting 10X faster next month just because @googlefiber is about to arrive :-)
Many people are fearful for the future of Bitcoin, but I’m quite confident that @ScalingBitcoin consensus will be achieved in meatspace.
bendavenport Just booked my tickets to attend @ScalingBitcoin in Montreal Sep 12-13 on behalf of @BitGo.
“We are currently in the process of testing… we will most likely switch to BitcoinXT.” @GenesisMining
@cypherdoc2 This? Pretty sure he was referring to regtest networks, not testnet. Testnet would reject large blocks.
Currently seeing about 10 transactions per second on testnet with a mempool size of 35,000 transactions. Is that you,
Whoa; someone is running a transaction stress test on testnet and filling all the blocks:
BitGo Developing multi-sig wallets now made easy with #bitgo SDK release. #bitcoin
@ziggamon Sure, plenty of people are opposed to a “benevolent dictator” model. But the “final call” is made by the rest of the ecosystem…
@ziggamon Guess I misunderstood your position. So you don’t think XT could acquire governance of the protocol itself?
@ziggamon If we agree that there is no governance then why do we disagree that XT could somehow acquire governance?
@DigiEconomist If your neighbor has an improvement proposal that the ecosystem agrees with, it should be implemented.
@DigiEconomist Yes; the free market is not about stability.
@DigiEconomist “Trusted control” :-( Sorry, but I thought that’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid with Bitcoin.
To be clear, the Bitcoin protocol is “governed” by the entire ecosystem of participants. If they choose Core to centrally manage, so be it.
Disappointing to see people label Bitcoin XT a “coup.” That’s a centralized way of thinking that implies Core == governance of protocol.
@jefft Thanks for the pen; it matches my shirt
@mikestable The highly endangered native Durham straightened weave.
@mikestable Found some roadkill today in my neighborhood
@EdmundCMoy Agreed: “Bitcoin will still exist no matter what happens”
@MortuusBestia @sneakdotberlin @jonmatonis @robustus @oleganza Hear him out, maybe he knows how to fix that problem in humans.
@jonmatonis @sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza *shrugs* you say “coup,” I say “competition in the marketplace of ideas.”
@jonmatonis @sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza IMO HODLing is the safest action in the event of a fork since your coins are on both chains.
@sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza It may very well fail to trigger. Though I seriously doubt it will be the last attempt at a fork, ever.
@sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza Seems like a “freedom vs safety” trade-off to me. You can’t stop people from trying in a free market.
@sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza I don’t see how that can be the case when anyone can fork the code and propose their own improvements.
@sneakdotberlin @robustus @oleganza No one holds a monopoly on development of the Bitcoin protocol; at best one can BDFL an implementation.
@robustus @sneakdotberlin @oleganza Yes, there’s even a config switch for it that requires no code changes: “disableippro”
@muneeb It’s tricky because Bitcoin at its core is ideology - we’re just trying to represent it with computer code.
One interesting facet of the block size / fork debate is the revealing of which well respected developers resort to character assassination.
@oleganza To be clear, this doesn’t actually track both chains yet, right?
@oleganza If you’re vehemently against the resource prioritization code, you can disable it with the “disableippro” switch.
@sneakdotberlin @oleganza If you want to be accurate, link to the full code. It only executes if node is attacked.
@btcdrak Yes, thank you for contributing to proving my statement. Slush miners get to choose which block version to mine.
The power to arbitrarily regulate is also the power to sell exemptions from the harm resulting from said regulations.
Someone needs a better fact checker. Slush is operating 2 pools; second BIP101 block is
RT @spair: We support the adoption of BIP 101 for increasing #bitcoin’s #blocksize limit @BitPay
@Datavetaren *waves magic wand* LIGHTNING NETWORK - ALAKAZAAM!
…wonderfully wrong.
I lack a description.
I have no homepage.
I can’t hardly see you.
Yet somehow, i exist.
LetsTalkBitcoin Confessions of an /r/bitcoin moderator
Datavetaren “Let’s talk about block size” #bitcoin
@jasonCwaite @rogerkver I have control; that’s how Reddit works. I choose not to abuse it.
@rogerkver You’re welcome to join us at /r/bitcoinxt
ABC11_WTVD New poll shows Trump is still leading the GOP in NC, but surprise candidate ‘Deez Nuts’ is gaining momentum —>
WIRED The Bitcoin schism shows the genius of open source
@kristovatlas No.
It looks like /r/bitcoin added 5 new mods in past 2 days; censorship takes a lot of manpower!
@mdotfallon Maybe; my understanding is that slush is currently operating two pools (one core & one XT) and hashers can switch between them.
@Satoshi_N_ @PerianneDC I thought this was a @playatodd post at first.
BIP101 miner voting dashboard:
@btcdrak @NickSzabo4 It was @gavinandresen who dumped all his coins on @bitfinex? Legendary!
@el33th4xor GAWSOME!
@a_ferron @slush_pool @OctSkyward My own data only goes back two months, shows an average block size of 528KB
@a_ferron @slush_pool @OctSkyward You’re making an argument off of one data point?
It appears we have the first mined block with XT support via @slush_pool
Version: 536870919(10) = 0x20000007 (hex)
@rubensayshi Fee markets are good b/c confirming & storing txs has real-world costs. But no need to artificially constrain market.
Bring it on, CoinWallet. @BitGo is ready and waiting.
@Datavetaren @jonmatonis @adam3us @fredwilson @cdixon LN and big blocks is not an either/or situation - we need both.
@Conspirosphere @cypherdoc2 Good news; your bitcoins will remain untouched.
@notbitcoinxt @adam3us There is no certainty of adoption at the protocol level; it must first be determined in meatspace.
@notbitcoinxt @adam3us Well then, since the conclusion is already foregone, we can all go back to normal!
@Conspirosphere @cypherdoc2 Um, do you believe in liberty or do you believe in treason?
@adam3us Large miners who do so are only increasing the risk of a fork; they do so at their own peril.
@adam3us Unlike running pseudonodes, miners who pretend to support XT-compatible large blocks but then reject them will be identifiable.
Bitcointalk & /r/bitcoin dictator-for-life Theymos apparently even considers BIP101 support to be “alt-coin support.”
BitseedOrg Now available due to popular demand: Bitseed Bitcoin XT Edition #bitcoin #BitcoinXT
At last! An initiative to prioritize improving Bitcoin’s privacy: /cc @obpp_org
My hardware #bitcoin vault.
@edmundedgar @el33th4xor Indeed, as usual the options are Voice or Exit.
@el33th4xor Meanwhile…
@el33th4xor It sounds like they’re either jacked up automod or set all submissions to require approval.
@alansilbert Expect neither cleanliness nor efficiency; human consensus will never be as well oiled as machine consensus.
@TonySwish @victoriavaneyk Where can we learn about the “Live-Action†token distribution?
@alansilbert Trying to get a decentralized infrastructure to upgrade takes a long time, thus the long lead time from release to fork trigger
@alansilbert Isn’t 5 months sufficient time to decide?
@rmhrisk From a compatibility standpoint, sure:
brian_armstrong 3/ the longest chain is by def bitcoin, with a few months warning for when the election happens, users would not experience disruption
brian_armstrong 2/ the reality is more like an election, there is one clear winner, decided likely within a few hours, in bitcoin you vote on upgrades
brian_armstrong 1/ A lot of people might misunderstand a bitcoin “fork” as meaning two versions of bitcoin would exist indefinitely, which would be bad.
“Getting Started with BitGoD” by @Melvillius
@ciscoguru @tylerwinklevoss @OctSkyward Nope; perceived XT node count doesn’t affect the fork, only miners. And miners aren’t anonymous.
@Jeremy_DeGroot @pig_poetry @Bronto I think it should be obvious that the set of stickers with motorcycle & firearm companies were mine :-)
Miners that have already switched to XT:
The honest thing to do would be to rename /r/bitcoin to /r/bitcoincore - mods seem to be confusing protocol with implementation of protocol.
@codedlogic @jonmatonis From a technical standpoint it certainly can happen. Every aspect of the protocol is up for debate.
@enjoybitcoins Sorry to hear that; you’re welcome to join us on /r/bitcoinxt
enjoybitcoins @lopp We got banned today. Haven’t broke a rule, and bust our ass to promote Bitcoin. Too bad.
@kristovatlas He’s protecting us from our wrong ideas.
“If 90% of /r/Bitcoin users find these policies to be intolerable, then I want these 90% of /r/Bitcoin users to leave.” Theymos
The banhammer is now out in full force on /r/bitcoin - /r/bitcoinxt subscribers have doubled in past 24 hours.
@1cyrilblanc1 Sure, though professional developers judge each proposal by its merits, not by the history of the person making it.
@1cyrilblanc1 *shrugs* the cost is the effort of convincing everyone of the merit of your proposal and, if successful, the risk of forking.
@1cyrilblanc1 @MrHodl That’s up to each individual. As for myself, I’ll continue my work as a Bitcoin software engineer. Status quo.
How to build & run BitcoinXT on:
@BitseedOrg Bitseed:
@port8333 Bitnode:
@MrHodl Whatever you want. I run a fork of Bitcoin Core I call “Statoshi.” But guess what - it’s actually Bitcoin!