Those Norwegian politicians clearly have not read The Sovereign Individual.
Recursos Bitcoin em Português
@Bitcoin Don’t dox me, bro!
@ErikVoorhees The virus is spreading.
@BryanJacoutot There are OK (minimalist) HOAs and there are tyrannical HOAs. It’s really a governance issue in…ht
HOAs are, in some ways, more tyrannical than federal, state, and local governments.
HOAs are microgovernments that…
“Every nation ridicules other nations, and all are right.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Are you looking for more Bitcoin-focused folks to follow on Twitter? Check out the variety of lists I maintain…oB

The art of “less is more.”
@evoskuil See you on nostr!
LibertyLockPod The worst part about Memorial Day is watching the war criminals who walk free tweeting out platitudes like “thank…4W
brian_trollz What if the spooks want you vehemently against any more changes to Bitcoin so that our only real scaling options…TE

lopp Filling your home with smart devices is a not so smart long term decision.
@URBAN4PE Centralized solutions are all more convenient. But it’s better to have an inconvenient solution than no solution.
@Arifai777 I consider myself an anarcho-capitalist. I don’t vote or attempt to change the system from within.
“Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others.”
- William Allen White
@URBAN4PE If they were bearer stocks then I could easily take them to any market I wanted to sell them, or simply…Fp
Want to make sure you don’t miss my in-depth articles? Subscribe to my newsletter at - you’…NS
Not your keys, not your coins. Not your certificates, not your stocks.…
@KingGronkeykong @ODELL Imagine being able to refine a thesis to the point that you can completely cover it in a single podcast.
Someone forwarded @ODELL’s Bitcoin Thesis to me to review. I must admit, it’s quite compelling and I found myself…N7
@satsie I use mailgun with self hosted ghost
Securing your bitcoin with time locks are great in theory, but difficult in practice.…
@elindinga 1. Casa only has 1 of your N keys.
2. Casa doesn’t KYC
A deep dive into how 10 lines of code resulted in far-reaching unintended consequences for the Bitcoin test network.…
@FractalEncrypt @Mandrik It gets better.
@BitPaine @Cocopoppyhead @saifedean Yes, a link that Lowery appears to have posted for the first time just today.…YK

My thesis is that folks get busy more often when it’s cold outside.
@jakesibley @BTCYN I will. I’ll note that several folks who have read it chimed in today saying that it doesn’t add…
@bchinella As explained in the essay, because he’s a good story teller and folks are falling for it.

@OrangePilledca @NeerajKA “higher”
@NeerajKA what % of your tweets are made while under the influence
@BitPaine @Cocopoppyhead Actually IIRC Bitcoin Standard is “free” in the sense that @saifedean encourages…TN
@JasonPLowery @gladstein Need I remind you that you had a habit of blocking folks who asked for the PDF?
I dare sa…
@BitPaine @Cocopoppyhead When did I ever say that my problem was with the thesis being “too long?”
My problem…mS
@JasonPLowery @gladstein * I didn’t (strawman)
* I don’t see how that’s relevant (appeal to pity)
* Conversations w…
@rettlerb @JasonPLowery @gladstein This is the first I’ve ever seen it. Believe me, I’ve searched.
@JasonPLowery @gladstein Are you saying that my statement that I couldn’t find a PDF of your thesis was “mud slingi…
@BitPaine I look forward to hearing your actual counterpoints to the problems I highlighted in my essay.
@BTCYN I just explained that it’s not about the money. Sorry if you can’t understand that.
@JasonPLowery @gladstein For what, your mischaracterization of my essay?
@JasonPLowery @gladstein See, that wasn’t so hard now was it?
I searched MIT, google scholar, and your own tweets…
lopp There is only one way to ensure that your money is safe in the bank: be the bank.
@evoskuil He probably doesn’t appreciate having fallacies called out by a professional logician.
@Spartanze4o It’s not a matter of money, but of principle.
@BTCYN I explain in my essay why I’m opposed to paying for the privilege of reading a thesis. Any ideas regarding B…
“DiD yOu ReAd tHe ThESiS?”
@JasonPLowery @gladstein Post a URL to the PDF.
@AsherHopp Recall I noted the mispronunciation was not an argument, but a flag of inexperience in the subject.
@camdoody So you didn’t actually learn any counterpoints from reading the thesis. Got it.
@JoelSoFar Thanks; fixed!
@allenf32 @gladstein It’s not always that simple. IIRC one of the analogies was placing weapons systems on new terr…
@LustigRalf This does not actually secure your data from being corrupted / stolen / tampered with / etc. You’re…yC
@gladstein I actually agree with the framing of Bitcoin as a weapon in terms of it being usable to secure aspects o…
@JasonPLowery Yes, the problem seems to be that you are unable to articulate your thesis concisely.
@JasonPLowery Note that my essay does not claim to be a critique of your thesis, but of concepts you’ve covered…9L
@SavegeorgeG The “volunteer militia” is not limited to miners. It’s EVERYONE who participates in building and maint…
@camdoody @JasonPLowery You read it? What points are in the book that counter the points in my essay? Please, be specific.
@JasonPLowery You owe me nothing. It’s quite possible for me to critique the points you’ve covered.
However, it’…qh
@PresidentVampir @JasonPLowery If and when Jason chooses to make his thesis publicly available, I commit to…H9
@JasonPLowery You are free to choose not to respond to my criticisms.
However, those who put forward a thesis…qt
@murchandamus @KeithMukai @satsie Proof of nostr profile:

@JasonPLowery Extremely disappointing response. In fact, this was so predictable that I preemptively addressed it.
@miketwenty1 You know it! It was surprisingly difficult for me to get it to render two knights engaged in a…WS
@BikesandBitcoin Any long-form posts? This type of nuanced discussion is not well-suited for constrained platforms like Twitter.
@BTCoinnoisseur From what I’ve seen, Saylor makes the same errors of omission as Lowery that I outlined in my…pB
@kyle_wunderli Read the next 2 paragraphs to discover why you fail to engage in rational discourse.
@thepowerfulHRV Here you go:…
By popular demand: my analysis of the arguments being made by Jason Lowery.…
@PolitBirojs Yes, if it has been in use recently. Though it also depends on the current market and if there are more buyers or sellers.
7 men arrested in Houston after stealing a truck and using it to ram a smoke shop to try to steal a Bitcoin ATM.…UU
Unfortunately I only see 2 options for FOSS devs to protect themselves from attacks.
1) Be anonymous from the…YY
Most FOSS developers just want to keep their heads down, build cool stuff, and be left alone.
Unfortunately, if…w2
@Buchiimaine @jimmysong It’s a privacy issue, not a money issue. I was one of the first Blue subscribers until…ve
@hubermanlab “Psychedelic drugs cause panic and temporary insanity in people who have not taken them.” - Timothy Leary
“Climb the mountain, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”
- David McCullough Jr
lopp L̶i̶b̶e̶r̶a̶l̶
@thepowerfulHRV Several folks have asked me that. I’ll let you know soon!
RT @DocumentingBTC: “Bitcoin Core isn’t like most open source projects. It’s mission critical software…it’s more akin to aerospace engine…
RT @LearnMoreWithC4: Ask the experts all your questions about hardware wallet security!
What is the debt ceiling limit? It’s similar to Ethereum ice ages from a game theory perspective.
That is, it’s…oR
Your “analysts” are so sharp that they screwed up both my company’s name and Nic’s profession.
@JimJones1913 @jimmysong You incorrectly assume that I consider advising Blockchain Capital to be a bad thing.
@jimmysong Is this your roundabout way of announcing that you’re no longer an advisor for Blockchain Capital?
@gudnewznow No reason, I’ll make a note to add it.
Are you an avid reader seeking Bitcoin focused books? These works go into great detail about the system or the…ah
BVBTC Pro tip: Follow more artists on your various social media feeds. Your doom scrolling will get interrupted by some beauty every now and then.
@PeterMcCormack @SpencerKSchiff Nonono, seeing @PeterSchiff shill BSV would be *chef’s kiss*
BitMEXResearch Lightning Payments – When Are They Too Small To Secure?
When making low value payments on the lightning network,…FsaC
Recent research has shown:
* 73% of America’s food supply is ultra processed.
* 66% of calories consumed by…Y2
lopp We can code harder and faster than the state can regulate.
RT @K4KCrypto: “Here’s the history of the U.S banking system” -@CaitlinLong_ @lopp
@c_hashreview There’s not much point any more. Since removing my verification, Twitter has stopped acting on my impersonation reports.
@77g0qF6g Yeah it got worse after Twitter removed my verification. They ignore imposter reports now.
Beware of authoritarians in Bitcoiner’s clothing.
“Riding the Lightning” is a review of the many operational and engineering challenges faced by the Casa team…BD

@mikebelshe Raise the roof!
@GhostofWhitman You’ve never heard of @coinmetrics, eh? Perhaps you should spend more time learning and less time LARPing as a pundit.
Selection of such a second factor is important - you want it to be something that is deeply etched in your long…i9
With the rise of AI generated audio and video, you can no longer believe what you see & hear via any electronic…Vj
@gckaloudis @SDWouters How else will I show the memes?
@theblej Come to nostr for good vibes.
@SDWouters I’ve fallen for it before and the conf ended up showing my old version of slides rather than the live…KR
@weedcoder Gotta have a medium for memes! An animated gif is worth a thousand words!
“Please submit your presentation slides 1 week before the conference.”…
Recursos Bitcoin em Português
@BITPAINTCLUB @wiz @awayslice iperf3 -R -c YOUR_VPS_IP_ADDRESS -P 10 -t 60
@matthew_d_green I’m pretty sure that people convinced themselves because it felt good to believe.
The fella who executed a governance attack against Tornado Cash goes by the nym “Mr. Tornadosaurus Hex”
If you’re tasked with investigating a ransomware incident at your company, it’s probably not a great idea to…Cc
lopp You know you’re a Bitcoin OG if you’ve heard every flavor of FUD before and are now immune to it.
@jimmysong I’ll send my recent keynote on the perils of premature protocol ossification once it’s published, then…3q
@NordahThors I think that would involve us having to partner with other key custodians based in jurisdictions…lE
@Exoduster_ @Ledger @CasaHODL @unchainedcom It’s extremely difficult if not impossible to provide multisig…bB
@NordahThors @aantonop @CasaHODL Two main ways:
* Casa only holds 1 of 3 or 1 of 5 keys. Never enough to spend…op
@WrongWilbur Can’t say I have.
Russian crypto scambot operator says Twitter’s improved captchas have put a dent in his revenue, but it’s still…s7
Bitcoin’s success isn’t inevitable.
No sirree.
Who’d love if we rest on our laurels?
The powers that be.
I am fragile.
You are fragile.
We are anti-fragile.
@jimmysong The one issue I have with anyone using the word “inevitable” when describing Bitcoin is that it could…hL
Long-form thought pieces go into far greater detail than you’ll find via other mediums. Quality blog posts expand…Kn
@matthew_d_green Morris’ Golden Rules of Computer Security:
1. Do not own a computer
2. Do not power it on
3. Do not use one
RT @JeremyRubin: i started @PlebFi in 2021 because i thought the agenda at the main conf was gonna be boring for me as a dev
i also starte…
“The natural flow of technology tends to move in the direction of making surveillance easier.”
- Zimmerman’s Law
lopp Bitcoin is not:
A crypto republic
Crypto democracy
Crypto socialism
Crypto communism
Bitcoin is crypto anarchy.
@Bquittem Looking forward to it!
c_hashreview Love to see @aantonop and @lopp tag teaming on the issue of Ledger…
In case you missed it live, here’s the panel I moderated with @CaitlinLong_ and @obi about The Art of Bitcoin Banki…
@udiWertheimer Is this the “babies are dying” of 2023?
@AriDavidPaul @brucefenton @CapitalSatoshi They’re (pretty much) all cowardly keyboard warriors.
Of course, if thi…
jamesob I may be looking for a Core “journeyman” to help me with assumeutxo integration work and bringing the project…mk
@GrapheneOS Aha, their phrasing of “achieving unlimited attempts on all Android and HarmonyOS (Huawei) devices”…Te
Biometrics are not a safe single factor of authentication. Android phones can be brute forced with $15 worth of…qw
@muzkmuzkmuzk My body does not react well to carbohydrates.
@SJHodler There’s a big difference between explaining why Bitcoin is amazing and telling people how they should manage their finances.
@Cipherhoodlum This is allowed because it’s her money too.
The more effort someone expends trying to convince you of what you should do with your money, the higher the…9C
On this day 13 years ago, Laszlo Hanyecz exchanged 10,000 BTC in return for 2 Papa John’s pizzas. But the story…zx
A decent number of US Congress members speak favorably about Bitcoin. But how many of them actually believe in it…ve
A step-by-step guide to building your own bitcoin-powered priority inbox.…
@acityinohio I was in a rideshare in Miami Beach and the driver was an uber creep who would comment on every…4u
@RustCityLabs @PlebFi @buildingonbtc @TheBitcoinConf That panel got rescheduled at the last minute. Check the main…
@HollandBrazier @verysmallclaims Pleased to report that I averaged a 79% hit rate out of 75 clays; best in our group!

Post-conference freedom exercise with the one and only Junseth
A look into the history of accepted and rejected pull requests to Bitcoin Core.…
BRB gonna go realize some losses out of spite.…
It was a busy week full of optimism, hopping from @PlebFi to @buildingonbtc to @TheBitcoinConf!
# of people who st…
A comprehensive post covering considerations to take when designing a multilayered home defense system.…
lopp You can’t bomb your way to peace.
You can’t vote your way to freedom.
You can’t spend your way to surplus.
You can’…bp
Luke’s Twitter account may be dead, but he’s very much alive and working on neat Bitcoin stuff. Free @LukeDashjr,…Vm
@fluffypony Just saw a HEX branded vehicle driving around the perimeter of Bitcoin ’23 in Miami.
aantonop Ledger Recover pubic livestream in ~15 min (12:00 EST)
If all goes well I’ll be joined by Jameson @lopp, we will…sc
RT @AaronvanW: Today I’m open sourcing my research project on the prehistory of Bitcoin.
Read, share, and make suggestions!
Considerations to take regarding firearm selection, training, and storage for home defense.…
@Bitcoin Logged into the wrong account again?
Ten tips from Saylor:
1. Focus your energy
2. Guard your time
3. Train your mind
4. Train your body
5. Think for…u2
RT @milessuter: Will you hold the line anon?

lopp The illusion of choice in a two party system.
I deeply disagree with using “democracy” as a synonym for “freedom” but hey, statist’s gonna state.
“Bitcoin embodies transparency and trust.”
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr
“The Constitution does not have a pandemic exception. It was written to protect our rights when times are bad,…td
@LydonJC Shutting people off from the financial system.
“A country that has the ability to starve its citizens when they are disobedient will turn into a nation of serfs.”…g4

Standing room only for @saylor
BowTiedMara People are starting to take out the metal of $2 peso coins, which is worth $12 in metals. Makes sense.…
@theflowalker It’s an overloaded word. You’re referring to the use of the term with regard to technology rather…wQ
@MeanHash No. Even if a majority of nodes and/or miners decide to change the rules in a certain way, they can not…za
@Taram_Caldar False. It is you who needs to do research. You can start here:…
@DismalDefi Anarchy literally means “without rulers.” It does not mean “without rules” - that’s government…dl
Bitcoin is NOT a democracy.
Bitcoin is anarchy.
Rules without rulers.
Podcasts are great way to keep up with current events in Bitcoin land. Quality podcasts provide high signal, low…u5

lopp Bitcoiners who managed to HODL through multiple market cycles:

@zachxbt Quite possibly!
Chief Financial Officer apes $35M of company’s money into unspecified crypto assets, loses everything.…
“Sowing the Seeds of Destruction” - in this presentation I cover the lessons learned from stress testing various…Vj
@CaitlinLong_ @withjohnprice AFAIK it was due to the famous logo created by bitboy. Not sure if bitboy explained wh…
10 years ago I gave my boss some bitcoin, but he didn’t believe it was real money.
I told him he could use it to…mN
lopp Crypto assets don’t take power away from banks and governments to print money. They empower /anyone/ to print…Us
CasaHODL Know what you need to do to keep your assets and data safe?
Check out our weekly Security Briefing newsletter…hI

Me presenting at the Bitcoin Builders conference:
RT @KenTheRogers: Key Takeaays from #BitcoinBuilders2023 Session 4: The Perils of Premature Protocol Ossification with @lopp
Two of the 16 men involved in this Vietnam robbery that was attempting to recover “invested” bitcoin have…Zz
Risorse Bitcoin in Italiano…