@kristovatlas IIRC, @rusty_twit, @btcdrak, @kanzure

Satoshi is on @Hyperledger’s technical steering committee! pic.twitter.com/v9FB2ZtGXR
Audio from the first @21 Meetup panel, “A Machine Payable World,” with @masonic_tweets and @desantis https://t.co/XKNK7oBy0D
It’s time to update Wikipedia’s HTTP 402 response entry. The future is now. https://t.co/yJajr0Msck /cc @21 @bencxr https://t.co/jj1bwZExEZ
BotBouncer detects bots/scrapers and bans them from your web site until they pay you bitcoin. HTTP 402 error FTW! https://t.co/nXNzfjsD9F
RT @BitcoinMagazine: Does the Lightning Network Threaten #Bitcoin’s Censorship Resistance? https://t.co/YBd7dSrEqh https://t.co/cFIVq8p6Lw

Looks like my insurance company has decided that credit cards are too risky / expensive for their business. pic.twitter.com/8e7onDBmxk

drwasho I put this handy guide together @openbazaar #Bitcoin pic.twitter.com/Wtmyb3gzf3
Send this to anyone who claims that Bitcoin is weak and untrustworthy because it’s not backed by a government. bloom.bg/1ryY2ZK
RT @SDLerner: Uncle Mining, an Ethereum Consensus Protocol Flaw. Check my latest post! -> https://t.co/YnnkzROp02
@oleganza Have you been reading The Sovereign Individual? :-D

eholtzclaw Nice to meet @lopp of @BitGo in person at @DIG_SOUTH. #Bitcoin #DIG2016 pic.twitter.com/8A9dYDfXkp

DIG_SOUTH #FinTech startups disrupt incumbent financial systems…@lopp says ‘I am here to disrupt!” #DIG2016 #DIGPower pic.twitter.com/aqjVutjil0
Permissioned distributed ledgers offer trust reduction but don’t have the same potential for disruption as permissionless ledgers.
Good morning, Charleston! I’m at @DIG_SOUTH today, on the 2 PM panel for “New Adventures in Fintech and Blockchain” https://t.co/D83RwDhOzz
@BitcoinBelle @kristovatlas You mean @obpp_org? I’m just trying to find a chart that denotes which wallets only have static fees.
Are there any popular Bitcoin wallets / services that still have not implemented dynamic transaction fees?
@jgarzik You asked for help - you got it!
@MagNetDevOps @jeremyeder @Hyperledger I usually go by “statoshi” ;-)
@drwasho Sure, it’s not like they’re creating blocks. Sounds doable: https://t.co/9xa24aRTcw
@martindale Yep, it’s interesting to see the perspectives of people at the hyperledger meetup about why permissioned is superior for biz.
Hyperledger is reporting that they have improved their practical byzantine fault tolerance algorithm to 10ms latency. AKA 10ms “confirms.”
@mikestable Embedded images are much more convenient!
@knilsen_ @ponli137 Maybe @steam_games isn’t accepting bitcoin in Sweden? :-|
@knilsen_ @ponli137 @steam_games I was looking on the web site checkout

Looks like @steam_games has enabled bitcoin payments! pic.twitter.com/spkIy44boy
@ndrchvzz @roasbeef @tdryja See here: https://t.co/PJSjNT2YIv
@markcross @tdryja The slide is from this presentation: https://t.co/icphe1uzBa

“Bitcoin hasn’t supported USD micropayments since the exchange rate broke $100, but Lightning Network can!” -@tdryja pic.twitter.com/jB8QmsUgsF
More disincentives to running large LN hubs: if you match channel funds, it’s a DoS attack vector. If you don’t, you can’t route payments.
Great presentation by @tdryja at @SFBitcoinDevs about how to build the Lightning Network’s topology. https://t.co/icphe1uzBa
Bitcoin doesn’t have built-in consumer protection and neither does fiat. Both require service layers to be built on top of them.
Bad: Java Virtual Machine crashes due to running out of memory.
Worse: heap analyzer crashes due to OOM while loading heap dump from JVM.
Just paid for a year of server time for https://t.co/HN6b9OKPvS thanks to user donations! https://t.co/Cnl3x9FJUy https://t.co/JB6q3RLRx1
@a3456gf @aantonop I’ve responded with further clarification at https://t.co/OMl2wkCr7M
The world will never know how many bitcoin breaches have been prevented by @BitGo.
@aantonop I’m on the verge of quitting /r/btc since you can’t mention SegWit or LN in a positive light without being shoveled FUD.
@alansilbert SODL!
@TradeBlock Not sure what changed, but some time in the past few weeks the Bitcoin live dashboard started eating up my CPU in Chrome on OS X
@martindale @shannonNullCode @TriangleBitcoin Submitted my “trustless computing” talk that talks about the problems blockchains solve.
@shannonNullCode @TriangleBitcoin @AllThingsOpen Two Weeksâ„¢
@TriangleBitcoin @shannonNullCode @AllThingsOpen Couldn’t hurt to submit a proposal…
@Cryptolina Raleigh conference is seeking speakers for their blockchain track: https://t.co/OUCkpuQm22
@NinaKilbride Conference in Raleigh is seeking speakers for their blockchain track: https://t.co/OUCkpuQm22
@TriangleBitcoin @shannonNullCode All Things Open is seeking speakers for their blockchain track: https://t.co/OUCkpuQm22
@MagNetDevOps I heard that they were thinking of doing a blockchain track; glad to see it made it. I’ll give them a pitch!
@polemitis 2017: Bitcoin
I don’t play many games these days, but I pledge to buy Half Life 3 with bitcoin from @steam_games ;-)

SteamDB Bitcoin payments are coming soon to Steam, they will use the local currency prices and convert during checkout. pic.twitter.com/zSZ3ueVIEU
RT @paxful: Paxful is now Secured by BitGo https://t.co/4TvAeJFUWM https://t.co/dcP0eMJCEE
@LaurentMT @kristovatlas Gotcha; I didn’t view the slides. Still, most of the use cases outlined are actually for anonymous systems…
@kristovatlas Well, after reading Peter’s post and then reading the actual whitepaper, I thought he was taking some creative liberties.
@Jeremy_DeGroot Thankfully there’s the @LastPass mobile app
Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes - this is a great primer to send to non-technical people. https://t.co/uv04RbanFP
RT @adam3us: my thoughts & audience discussion on tradeoffs of main fork types for #Bitcoin scaling at @Paralelni_polis in Prague https://t…
@aantonop Humans are remarkably adaptable; should be interesting to see if technological progress manages to outpace adaptability.

Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States. His reasoning was that: pic.twitter.com/TrspkPrR8v
Of course Hamilton is staying on the $10 bill; he /created/ the National Bank & the US Mint. On the other hand, Jackson hated central banks!
If you take a crappy financial product and put it on a blockchain, you end up with… a crappy financial product. Garbage in, garbage out.
@jiceman @el33th4xor @SDLerner @petertoddbtc Indeed; it hasn’t been helpful. https://t.co/eHOfqK6H7E
@el33th4xor @SDLerner @petertoddbtc Apparently it’s on Azure? I’m having trouble finding a git repo for it. https://t.co/jgG8fh53el
@nvk @kristovatlas I suspect we’re just getting started!
@SDLerner @el33th4xor @petertoddbtc Have you or anyone you know evaluated IOTA? https://t.co/rGnctDcrFX
@Itsjoeco @ISDM27 @DCGco ATHs are great for bitcoin because they inevitably end in yet another death, further strengthening the system.
@aantonop Gracefully failing to success!
Deaths of Bitcoin proclaimed per year:
2010: 1
2011: 6
2012: 1
2013: 14
2014: 26
2015: 39
2016: 14 (run rate of 45)
@kristovatlas @ryanxcharles The converging oscillations of the triangles support an 8x movement before retracement.
@victoriavaneyk I wonder if it has anything to do with https://t.co/35Cz3a12QW
@naval Next time you can just send them this: https://t.co/vJEpCnqNcz
@kyletorpey @99BitcoinsHQ @ofirbeigel “And we don’t know what problem it solves.” Well then, that explains why he thinks it’s dead…
@pig_poetry @openbazaar “of a small custom object” - let your imagination go wild.

Some pretty neat services popping up on @openbazaar pic.twitter.com/iizoHXIGpK
@NickatFP @pmarca We’ll finally be able to build a meshnet for Internet access - we just have to hold hands.
Imagine how much we could reduce taxes & simplify tax code if we stopped spending so many resources on “defense.” https://t.co/66XckVxFl9
@Vindicia @CathyReisenwitz @hoffmang If only there was someone @brave enough to build a revolutionary micropayments solution…
@pmarca Huge if true.
@victoriavaneyk @M_Marsollier There’s also a large opportunity in the noncompliance sector O:-)
@dEnergy_dTime That’s a substantially different attack vector but no, it doesn’t if the bitcoin user has backed up their wallet.
Bitcoin users unaffected. https://t.co/nG1yuzb8Ew
A fascinating perspective on the history of timestamping by @factomproject Chief Scientist Brian Deery: https://t.co/z6zsoijPk8
Great postmortem by @weareledger on the @ShapeShift_io breaches. https://t.co/szHh1XdS7N
@martindale @masonic_tweets There are security considerations and you still have “on-chain” scaling issues; @jgarzik seems keen on it though
@masonic_tweets @ajtowns has good LN simulations & I hear @jratcliff is also working on some. I’d ask @Blockstream about sidechains.
On the other hand, if atomic cross-chain swaps via Lightning Network become a reality, all bets are off regarding scalability :-)
Thus, an important scaling question is: in which system will users hold their money the longest before transferring back to bitcoin?
There are pros & cons to scaling Bitcoin via Lightning Network or via sidechains. But both share a bottleneck: on-chain transactions.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal nailed the backdoored encryption issue. https://t.co/gL9vszhFR3
@mikestable To be fair, I had that happen once and it was a neighbor fleeing a domestic violence situation…
@ryanxcharles Income tax is punishment for finding the path to wealth. Property tax is punishment for succeeding in spite of income tax.
@masonic_tweets @OPENDIME I only tweet truth!
@1cyrilblanc1 some day… unfortunately I’m already in the midst of my next coindesk article + an analytics project + a speaking engagement
8) My request to Bitcoin enthusiasts discussing proposals to improve the system is that you first ask yourself: “What would Hal do?”
7) I mention all of this today because I’m observing more Bitcoin community members acting like the first respondents to Satoshi.
6) Years later, Hal reflected back upon the early days of Bitcoin: https://t.co/LNii00Til6
5) Hal went on to become the second miner after Satoshi, received the first bitcoin transaction, & reported several bugs that Satoshi fixed.
4) Eventually, along comes Hal Finney, who takes an optimistic view. https://t.co/7h4y3k4TIs https://t.co/mtaFJof5EN

3) Second response: “honest nodes won’t control the network. Bad guys with zombie farms will take it over.” pic.twitter.com/RnN0mRNhuq

2) Analyze the tone and viewpoints of the respondents. The very first response: “your system doesn’t scale.” pic.twitter.com/BdM1uMAfYV
1) I recommend that every Bitcoin enthusiast reads Satoshi’s original announcement email thread in its entirety: goo.gl/z3HkoK
@fredbenenson @pmarca Rise of the anarcho-capitalists :-)
@JustusRanvier @LaurentMT @kristovatlas There is a value threshold at which it’s economically impractical to write to 20,000 hard drives.
@LaurentMT @JustusRanvier @kristovatlas “high” is subjective. LN enables new use cases such as sending amounts below dust limit.
The formation of Hyperledger RTP makes it the third blockchain meetup group in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC :-) https://t.co/PoUuydaq7B
PexPeppers Try out our @openbazaar #store! ob://5ce431594dfce3bed0126c77d29454ae26eca610/store
You can now buy the entire season of Louis CK’s self produced “Horace and Pete” - bitcoin accepted! https://t.co/z8nPBytss8

Good job @WhatsApp pic.twitter.com/9VQiO5pY84
A watched blockchain doesn’t lengthen.
@a3456gf @kristovatlas @kyletorpey @el33th4xor Skepticism is good; it enables us to find flaws and fix them. FUD & conspiracy theories don’t
@kristovatlas @kyletorpey @el33th4xor I think it’s called “concern trolling.”
Bitcoin’s case of the Mondays. https://t.co/EffAjmyxOX https://t.co/cNVigq726h
matthew_d_green Literally the least interesting thing about crypto is whether it should be legal. We’re on the cusp of really amazing advances.
We still haven’t heard a peep from anyone at @ChangeTip, not even @gorillamania. https://t.co/W7yI9BAplT
@pierre_rochard @TuurDemeester @peterthiel I’m hopeful that it’s more that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.
“If there is a bubble, it’s in 0% interest rates, QE, and money printing.” -@peterthiel
The bubble is in fiat! https://t.co/3toKXxrHYD
@TuurDemeester @getLittleBird Funny to see @Snowden on there - last I heard he’s not a huge fan of Bitcoin
Another large P2SH inflow (33,000 BTC) - over 12% of all bitcoins are now encumbered by P2SH outputs. https://t.co/ojk6ucTDll
@kristovatlas Put it in a faraday cage ;-)
@DigiEconomist Private key security issues disincentivize creation of large hubs on Lightning Network; we’ll see how it plays out.
RIP @ChangeTip; should be interesting to see what comes out of @Airbnb https://t.co/jGqaEjcyqm

flyosity The original patent from 1891 for a toilet paper roll shows the correct rolling direction, in case you ever doubted. pic.twitter.com/fRI2ni1zGr
Big fan of Garry teaching gamers life isn’t fair. Before this, players complained about random avatar penis sizing. https://t.co/7jJZaQuKP3
@TuurDemeester Does it appear that BTC is going up because ETH traders are fleeing back?
A common Lightning Network misconception is that fewer routing hops == lower fees. This ignores liquidity issues that will affect fees.
Should be fun to watch Bitcoin and Ethereum’s scalability & privacy evolve in the coming years since they will likely take different paths.
Great technical post about the challenges of creating privacy on blockchains by @VitalikButerin https://t.co/wIVfM7LDjW

coindesk From @adam3us to @zooko, we review the cypherpunk movement’s influence on bitcoin bit.ly/1qlAlmK pic.twitter.com/KHbZzkG0Xx

Trailing year of data shows the 2/29 spam attack paled in comparison to 2015 attacks; average TPS keeps creeping up. pic.twitter.com/yrJDzRHrQJ

btcArtGallery $100 bills loaded with $100 worth of #bitcoin #ThugLife by Maxfieldo @KialaraCoin pic.twitter.com/0MN1jRSl1D
@pmccall777 They shoulda just defaulted all nonexistent mappings to 0, 0 in the middle of the ocean :-)

BitcoinMagazine How #Bitcoin Revived the Cypherpunk Revolution with @zooko btcm.ag/cypher pic.twitter.com/gowy5i4NGk
Underhanded Solidity for fun and profit. Now the scams are literally /in/ the blockchain! H/T @VitalikButerin https://t.co/7ebBLPDGAT
dieguito Wow what a great article! Bitcoin and the Rise of the Cypherpunks bit.ly/23kqsYm via @coindesk
RT @jgarzik: Another nice feature from @github, GPG signature verification: https://t.co/mh03GJuZAi #infosec #FLOSS
@ryanxcharles @masonic_tweets Glad to be in good company!
@mempko This is a common retort that I can’t say I understand, because computing & Internet didn’t take off until private sector took over.
@pro2rat @Bitcoin The final section, “Putting the Punk in Cypherpunk” contains excerpts from the Crypto Anarchist manifesto.
@pro2rat Oh my, you’re angry. The list of cypherpunks is from Wikipedia. You seem to have missed my crypto anarchist manifesto references.
The beauty of capitalism is that it has enabled people to effortlessly broadcast #ResistCapitalism across the globe for our amusement.
Bitcoin Bitcoin and the Rise of the Cypherpunks ow.ly/3dmGUm
Rise of the Cypherpunks https://t.co/P9WBejbNkk @ioerror @JulianAssange_ @adam3us @mattblaze @moxie @NickSzabo4 @petertoddbtc @zooko

SpaceX Landing from the chase plane pic.twitter.com/2Q5qCaPq9P
@ConservaTibbs @ryanxcharles If legislators actually had to get their hands dirty enforcing the laws they pass, they might think differently
The Internet is a sovereignty outside of your control, @SenatorBurr & @SenFeinstein. You’re repeating past mistakes. https://t.co/VhdsMy3Dwk
The @SenatorBurr-@SenFeinstein bill would make cybersecurity illegal. Good luck stopping us all. https://t.co/YHRAPNpQip
@alansilbert Word on the street says if $BTCUSD == $420 at block 420,000 (halving) then it’s a secret warp entrance to level $9,000
It appears @aantonop agrees - we will never stop arguing about scaling. https://t.co/42u5nn9eOl https://t.co/tFFwRZ0w91
Over 40% of borrowers aren’t making payments on federal student loans. Is this the latest wave of predatory lending? https://t.co/JD36sQRM7u

@TradeBlock I think you have an orphan handling bug pic.twitter.com/RBwi1fG7GE
In the Cypherpunk-driven future, there won’t be Panama Papers. Superior financial privacy will be available to users at any level of wealth.
YoursNetwork Yours v0.2.0 Secret Preview youtu.be/o-VwZqpXYXY
Cool; setting my sell orders at $9,000. Now we just need everyone else to do the same. https://t.co/vx7jNsgM1O
Here’s an IoT + blockchain demo by @IBM over a year ago. Expect to hear updates on their progress in coming months. https://t.co/91ueJv3E6l
In an IoT future, property will detect malfunctions, check blockchain for service contracts, negotiate rates, & ping you w/available dates.
I’ll be speaking about bitcoin security models and @BitGo’s business philosophy next month in Research Triangle Park https://t.co/NAOuQxsCOE
RT @masonic_tweets: BitGo announces new mobile wallet https://t.co/Hmq931JT0V
RT @moxie: WhatsApp has finished integrating the Signal Protocol into their app. End to end encryption for everyone by default: https://t.c…
Kudos to @bloqinc for stepping up and sponsoring @schildbach’s BitcoinJ and Bitcoin Wallet development work! https://t.co/r2xXaqvAeu
@ThinkNuclear @kristovatlas Current implementation is not particularly strong in terms of privacy.

Looks like we already have one brave soul on @openbazaar who’s going to test their opsec! pic.twitter.com/aAeGY7X99o
@adam3us Sure, I just can’t help but be reminded of @VitalikButerin’s soft fork thought exercise. https://t.co/2lFGWhA7cZ
@adam3us Sounds like a slippery slope to me - why stop at 50% when you can get more coins even faster?
It’s an @openbazaar - it’s a marketplace for star dot star! https://t.co/UKGXEI3A4C
If you like it then you shoulda put a ring signature on it.
@jgarzik @ForbesTech How long before citizens are compelled to submit to brain scans?
@alfiedotwtf It creates an opaque market which makes the determination of fees on the open market even more difficult.
RT @sysmannet: Pool’s trx/avg blk/empty - table by months
2016 Apr 1, Bitcoin 6 months analysis
https://t.co/XUAhRXlCGZ https://t.co/6wGe…
Hedging my career bets via @_CFour_ in case Bitcoin goes bust. https://t.co/BQ8T20k48c
@victoriavaneyk @petertoddbtc I’m just observing if they meet the expectations that they voluntarily set… https://t.co/HkTtBexv9F
Community sentiment mixed on SegWit release this month; @petertoddbtc also sounds skeptical. https://t.co/e2OmM74OUD https://t.co/TfBeVH9RgE
@desantis @tylev @JayCoDon @masonic_tweets meh. “Bitcoinland” was not “abuzz with speculation” about Wright until Isabella wrote the article
RT @Info_Activism: Artist Using Museums to Amplify Tor’s Anonymity Network @trevorpaglen @ioerror @wiretapped https://t.co/FbmLhqYgvz https…
SDLerner @lopp Bitcoin PoW is not approximation-free nor optimization-free. I proved the first, and Dr. Timo Hanke is proving the second.
AsicBoost promises a 20% mining speedup and seems far too elaborate to be an April Fools joke. https://t.co/wUL0LAOO4v

coindesk Breaking: CoinDesk Struck By Blockchain Meltdown As Hard Fork Hits Website coinde.sk/1X2AK87 pic.twitter.com/czfgxWGSbK